Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Top Reasons To Go Vegan In 2019

Top Reasons To Go Vegan In 2019

Here I found the top reasons to go Vegan in 2018. This is veganuary month that we’re in now. Everyone must try going vegan. It’s the best thing and it’s becoming very popular now. Please click the link to watch the video. You’ll have some ideas on why you should try going vegan. Most reasons are easy to understand and eye opening. It’s been few years since I went vegan and it was really the best decision I made. There are always bunch of cheese and meat alternatives in stores now. You also make more of your food instead of eating fast food which is a lot of fun. You learn a lot by reading, finding new recipes to make at home. Food is very important in our society. If people knew what they’re actually consuming and how that’s killing them and the animals. Everyone would go Vegan as soon as possible. Nobody is forcing anyone though. It’s your choice 😊

Friday, January 5, 2018

Is The Reality Fake?

What if everything you see in this world was fake? What if the reality as you know as a human being living on Earth was completely fake? What would you think, do, how would you react? There are 8 billion people living in this world. All are trying to survive. What if some people or beings are already evolved over the survival state and they're just playing their game and running everything as they want and creating a reality for people to live? There are a lot of theories about this. You wake up early in the morning, you dress up, you go to your job, you work, eat, talk, sell, drive, breathe, do, buy, consume, have kids? For what? It's all to survive. What if we didn't need to survive? What if all of this was fake to keep us in a certain state to farm us, use us, enslave us? Perhaps we might wake up. Keep doing the same things to survive doesn't make sense anymore. Start searching, look inside. You are a soul, a substance that will never die, never diminish. What is the point of doing the same things just to survive so you can do the same things again again and again? It creates chaos. Who even needs kids? I don't even understand why somebody where there are 8 billion people would go and have them. Make a friend instead, talk to somebody, walk next to somebody. Why is it so fake? People lost their connection to each other and to the nature. The nature is one. We're part of our nature just like animals and squirrels. Yes we're a little smarter doesn't mean we must work, consume, multiply more than anyone and anything to create a chaotic world. Well maybe some people and beings are farming us. We must stop doing all so they cannot anymore. We must unite. We must work together for the good. Not so you can buy more crap that you won't need. It's like products are more valuable than people. Having a loving relationship or a nice friendship is useless... What happened to our society? I wonder how the native american society was. They were all connected to each other living in groups and big families. They were connected to their nature. They never destroyed not even a bit of it. We must go back to our roots. Things are gone out of hand. Bigger malls, bigger houses, taller buildings are useless and pointless. We don't need any of that. Only thing we need is to unite as a race to save the world. This reality is all fake. We must wake up. First thing you can do is going vegan. Vegans save the world and the nature. It's a fact. Research it. It's not all about survive... There's more to life than survive. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, go for a swim, don't buy anymore, don't eat all you see thinking it tastes good or it will be good for you. You don't need any of this. Be free, do what you want. They're farming us. Can't you see?