Thursday, March 14, 2019

Your Brain Is God =)

 Yes, you heard. Your brain is God and it contains you, all your thoughts, memories, energy, ideas, inspiration, purpose, dreams, intentions, basically all about you and your soul in it. Your brain is the biggest phenomenon in the universe by far. You are your brain, your brain is you. We have the creative force that God presents in our brains. Nothing can come close to this ultimate fact in life. Our brain needs most of the energy the body consumes daily, it consists of billions of neurons that fire in every direction to create new universes and multiverses. Our brain operates like the universe and there are probably other universes nearby existing in parallel realities. Our brains never stop thinking, it also contains a subconscious mind that we aren't fully aware of and it accommodates tons of information and memories in it. Our brains have so much power that we aren't aware of yet although it's related to our conscious minds and personalities densely. The brain is still active during sleep and dream state, we just forget all of our dreams but it loads them into your subconscious mind subtly. People still don't know much about their brains because it's located in a skull hidden from them. You need to observe your brain and mind intimately to elicit more information about yourself.

 We never stop thinking and learning, all the knowledge depends on what you give your attention and focus on. The brain needs other organs like your eyes, ears and other senses to receive information for it to become more complex and intelligent. Your brain is basically God in a physical body that can alter and change any matter in this worldly realm called Earth. This may be how God the ultimate creator of the universe operate in planets by gifting supreme brains to a few species for them to extend God's creativity. Our creative skills are limitless if you take the limitless pill. Well, that was a joke. You don't need a pill to be smarter, faster, better. You need the essential resources for your brain to thrive like natural nutrition, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, water etc. Your brain is constantly in search of more for it to survive so it can create and live longer as the supreme lord of the world. It will never stop. Humans never stop making things and searching for more answers throughout their lives that may be caused by their brains' thrust to expand their knowledge as wide as possible. What's the limit of our brains since everything is actually done by it? It may embody infinite possibilities of creation because it's the product of God the prime creator of all that exists. Your brain is the most amazing tool you can ever have so take care of it with all you can, it will only grant you the advancements that you desire in your life.
 The universe and our brains resemble each other in most characteristics of physical and non-physical presence. It's like our brains are the copy of God's brain existing in a human body that live on a planet somewhere in the universe. That gives you the idea of what and who God can be. What if he is just a colossal brain comprising all matter and brains in it. Technically we're our own Gods with superior brains than other species of our planet so we are able to manifest more than others. Your brain will indicate to you what you need to do in almost every minute of your life. In fact, it needs the resources, the tools, the material to achieve your and his plans continuously. Listen to your brain and it will tell you what needs to be done in most cases like reading, finding things, working, studying, relaxing, sleeping, eating, making things etc. Your brain is the throne in your skull and all about you exist there because you sit on that throne. You aren't just a body, your brain needs that body to operate in physical form. Yours isn't completely physical since it consists of so many neurons that work with electrical impulses. In a sense, your brain is made of electrical charge and that may be your soul's energy moving around your neurons developing the practices for you to become more creative.
 Isn't that wonderful? You aren't actually a physical body cause of how your brain is created. God gave you the supreme power as an electrical charge to make up your brain's activity and your soul's existence embedded into each other. We're all Gods acting in human form. Look where we've come in our realm of magnificence. We have limitless capabilities that we've forgotten because the human race hasn't evolved to realize their own power that's enclosed in their supreme brains. We will get there after finding the right ways to become more creative like God has endowed us with his spark. A new human race is coming soon, it will be unstoppable. It won't be about money, work or meaningless intentions anymore. Humans will take their powers back through the magnificent power and knowledge of themselves and their brains. Creativity will never be kept secret by a few elite. Our brains will thrive with the clean resources and devotion to the things that will save us from misery. We never meant to be weak, dumb beings that work so hard to make a few elites rich and more powerful. Our brains will unite and form a new human race that will initiate a new society of wonders and colors all around the world even other planets. The brain is evolving every second, it will become limitless one day and the things that you see in the movies and read in books will be the norm for any human being to illustrate with ease. God is your brain and your brain contains your essence called your spirit-soul self. Reclaim your magnificence and take your power back. Being a worker for useless junk isn't a way of life. Build your Garden of Eden now to turn the world into God's impressive realm of supreme souls and brains =)

Life Isn't About Technology or How Much You Have It !! =)

 Life isn't about technology or how much technology you have. There is more to life than that. You never need that much technology to live or use for daily life. Technology is just useful, innovative products for us to communicate with and learn from. You don't need the best tech to slide through on the screen or take a little more detailed pictures. I never care about technology that much. Tech is just a fun aspect of life. People are so into tech now that they believe those tech products will make them and their lives better, bigger and smarter. It's usually the opposite unless you're using tech for work and learning from it.
 You are what you think. Tech is using you to get richer, bigger and better by brainwashing you to think it's great or good for you. There are so many tech products out there waiting to be sold to individuals for them to slide their screen with their thumbs so they can be better, smarter, gossip more online =D  We need to grow up. Technology is fun if it's used and consumed in the right amount. Who cares about those new tech products being advertised everywhere. Tech companies should invest in other things in life like green energy, environment, healthier lifestyles etc.  Some glass cases with chips in them for you to take pictures and finger around online and on social media is childish. Why would you work so hard to pay for those products anyway? They're just products. I have my phone and a tablet-computer so I can read, learn, study, share the things I like with others. Although we all finger around on our phones because it became very addictive. Humans should focus on other subjects other than technology. You never really needed much of it. We've been brainwashed that it's so amazing and will make us better which is never true. It's just some plastic junk for people to mess around with. If you aren't using it to work or to study etc., you may not need any of those new tech products at all. People became like little babies desiring the things whining for new plastics with glasses to look at. Breathe and think for a moment. We must start thinking again. People absolutely stopped thinking and breathing. All products are for sale to brainwash, take your money and use you by all means possible.

 I try to have fewer tech products as possible. I loved them at first and wanted more tablets, better laptops, more games, better, faster smartphones but I finally realized it's useless for me. I was just being brainwashed by the media and ads to think that we need more tech. We actually need less of it, plastics and all the products are polluting the environment also enslaving you. Those companies can care less about people and I believe they need to care about people more. Tech is nothing without people. Nobody has to overwork to pay for a little better tech products every year. I will never buy any more smartphones, laptops, tablets etc. until they're broken and I really need them to study, learn, work and stuff. Get a life. We're human beings, we aren't meant to become cyborgs so they can use us and suck all our energies through tech and other products. There is so much thinking to do for yourself. Reading a new book can take you to new realms or even teach you to do something useful for yourself and others. Delete all the social media, use your phone only for emergency. Most apps in the app stores are a bunch of junk that can ever do anything to improve you or life anyway. Yes, last year's camera is still good enough to take pictures and record videos =D
 I'm just trying to explain to people that tech isn't everything in life. You don't need a bigger, faster car or more junk in your phone for you to finger around with. Use your fingers to read, write, make healthy foods like salads, vegan dishes, drawing and more. You can do a lot with your hands and fingers if you stop using all those tech junk one day. Humans are amazing beings with so much potential, look at what we've become. We must change or nobody will help us. Throw away all the tech you have already, say no to new stuff. The economy will even get better if we invest in things that matter. Big companies will follow and change their investments and products lines when people start focusing and asking for more green and useful products that aren't the same as last year's cost more. You know who that is =D
 Start breathing and imagine what's more important in your life than tech or junk. You need better health, you need more things to do, you need more fun, joy, workout, traveling, experiences, books, becoming smarter. Tech has been making us dumber and dumber because we could only slide on screens and couldn't move anymore. Tv is useless as well, I never really watched tv in my life except for a few movies. You look at a big screen and every 5-10 mins, there is commercial to brainwash you then 5mins of meaningless shows and stuff. Don't look at the news either. Who cares what happens out there if it isn't your life? Let's grow up and become better, smarter human beings by learning, being green, healthier. We can be unstoppable if we start behaving other ways. Technology won't make you smarter or better. Please understand. I had to write all these sentences to explain the people who slide the screens with their fingers. Get rid of all the meaningless stuff out of your place and life so you can be born a new person =)  Only think and focus on the things that will give you joy. Tech will make you dumber and sadder every day because it will suck all the energy out of your body and brain. Our brains are magnificent already. It can operate faster, more complex than any products out there. Use your brain more instead. Your brain is sick and tired of looking at some screens that show you the most meaningless stuff on social media and apps. Reclaim yourself.
 The less I have, the happier I am. Every time I buy something, I get upset now. It's like the least amount of stuff I have makes me feel a lot better because I am to think more and do what I want to do in my free time. Why would you need that much food, groceries, clothes, shoes, unnecessary junk in your life? It will never make you happy. All the food you buy at the stores is full of chemicals, additives and it contains a little of natural nutrition that's derived from vegetables and fruits. All the products and tech are fake, they're the most useless things ever. I believe a lot of the tech companies will fall eventually once people won't buy their trinkets again. Companies have to think about people in general, not profits. People want to be smarter, healthier, happier, fit, green. They want to have experiences in life other than looking at screens. Search the things to do online for you to attend or go out more, just walk, find the best books and material that you can read. Life is never meant to be about technology or some new tech products that are coming out soon. I can care less of them honestly. I will never worry about anything tech related in the future, tech is dumb. There are trillions of aspects of life that can be worked on like your body, brain, health, fitness. Everyone would love to have more experiences in life. Make a list of all the things you wanted to do, leave your phone and computers or other stuff home and do all that you can. We all have one life to live. Be your own master to overcome all the brainwashing that's projected on people. Be yourself and do what gives you joy. That's what I wanted to tell you today =)  Smile and leave the tech alone =D

Build Your Garden To Save Yourself =)

 Hello there !! I will try to explain how you can save yourself and become a better, healthier, happier you in a short time. Making money will be easy as well. We all need products, food and all that to survive. Money equals products and services that we need in our daily lives. Think about how much stuff you need to live every day. Life without those things would be miserable although you actually don't need that much. Human beings love to consume and use all they can but there is a better way to live that we don't know about. And that's building your gardens everywhere =)  You can build a garden in and around your home, where you live, at your parent's place, your friend's, relatives' homes or anywhere that you can have access to.
 It's not even difficult like people assume it is. We are all programmed to think certain ways at school, at work and in society after the day we were born. People are told to do and behave some ways and other things that you want to do are against the rules. You can still do the beautiful things you want to do like building a garden with your own mind and hands =)   Plants are very powerful, they only need a little to thrive unlike humans. They can give you food, air, beauty, companionship, scents and a lot more if you grow and take care of them nicely like you take care of your children and pets. People have so many pets and children but they never think about having their own garden or plant life and trees. You aren't supposed to be a farmer to grow few veggies, herbs even fruit trees. It's actually very easy because plants absorb what they need from the soil and sunlight to turn it into nutrition and oxygen comfortably. It's in their nature. People meant to be planters, growers, farmers all around the world, look what we've done to our world =D
 Some believe the tech products are so useful and amazing that we can't even live without them and we have to have the new tech gadgets every few months and work harder to pay them and the bills. This is a ridiculous lifestyle. Why don't you grow your own garden instead? Your children and pets would love it a lot as well. Everyone would like to live in a garden eventually, that's absolutely what being human means in reality. People have brains, eyes and hands so we're actually created to grow beautiful plants, trees and gardens all around the world no matter where you are. You can even do it in cities, there are people who turned their entire homes and apartments into beautiful gardens with so many plants and trees that are placed neatly. This is what we are. Nobody likes driving to a place where you have to work so hard for someone else to make more profits and get richer so you can have few bucks to pay some bills, rent and have some food. You can easily build your own gardens anywhere you can and even make money from it. You can sell the plants online, you can sell the produce in farmers markets, you can juice them, make jams, smoothies, teas and so many other products with little effort to live a better life. All you've grown will be yours and it can be done cheaply if you try to and do some research.
 I've grown few tomatoes, lettuce and herbs before and I couldn't believe how amazing the plants are. They're very powerful and grow fast if they receive enough sunlight and some nutrition off the soil. They need a little care and perhaps some pesticides or some natural sprays to keep the bugs off. That's mostly about it. Doing research is great to learn how to grow and build your own gardens everywhere you live and go. There are people who have created astounding permaculture gardens and farms on their lands that they acquired at a low cost. There is enough land and little houses everywhere. In fact, you can even grow indoors with plant lights and hydroponic practices with little investment. You only need a room and the equipment to invest in. There are certain products that are very valuable if you can find the right plants to grow, it can become very profitable for anyone. We can live healthier, happier lives when we survive with the gardens that we sow all around. Life isn't that difficult. It only takes a garden to feed you, your family and make you the profits that you need =)

Saturday, March 9, 2019

I Saw An Angel Last Night =) This Is A Warning !!

 This is the real story that I experienced the other night. I want to share it online so people know that we aren't alone or helpless. I believe there are a lot of angels and spirits out there helping and watching humanity and other living beings of our world, therefore it seems like we're on our own in our lifetimes. We do get a lot of guidance and help even healings from many angelic beings that protect us from all kinds of accidents and happenings. In fact, we're all spiritual beings that live in a body to be on Earth so we can experience, learn and grow by being here physically. Physical and spiritual may seem like they're separated from each other but that's not true after all the experiences I had. We're still spiritual during our lifetimes, all of us are spiritual no matter who you are, animals included. Animals do have spirits just like humans but humans contain more individualized and evolved compared to animal spirits. We all come from somewhere like another realm and go back there after we die. Death is just a transition, it's never the end of any life no matter who you are. Your soul exists forever in other realms and in the physical realm called Earth which is a school for souls to incarnate and learn, create, experience all they can during the time they're here.

 I was in deep sleep at night and something poked me to wake me up. I opened my eyes with no fear and suddenly noticed a transparent looking female angel hovering over the side of my bed =)  I was like what is this... Although I wasn't terrified because she looked very peaceful. I think she wanted to let me know that I was fine and they were helping me all they can in my life. Everyone has many dreams, aspirations that are flowing in their minds day by day. It seems like we can't ever have all we want. The hunger for more is ever existing for us to work and do more hopelessly. Perhaps having minimal desires and the thirst for more objects that we may not need much is a better way to continue our lives. We're all spiritual beings in human bodies, we aren't here just to work and have so many things. Things won't add much to our spirits since spiritual beings love experiencing, learning and following other dreams more than having things that will get old after a short time. Angels are literally spirits that are created by God to guide, heal, help, protect humanity and our beautiful world with all their power. They can only do much, we need to grow up and fix ourselves so we can build a better, cleaner world and society to reverse all the damage, pollution, instabilities we've caused with ignorance and selfishness.
 Angels are real and helpful but they can't do all the work for us or completely fix all the problems of our society. Humans must act as soon as possible. It's like people all around the world have been in a rage to destroy the environment and resources of our magnificent world so they could have more meaningless stuff that perishes after some time. I felt that this angel wanted to poke me to wake up so I could give out a message to humanity through the internet so people could realize what's going on. Our society and our world are in danger. We've been brainwashed and farmed by all means. Making money isn't going to fix all your problems, people are ignorant, going after all kinds of things that don't make sense. Media is made to distract you to lose your focus on the real problems that matter. Having a job to pay bills isn't a way of life. Look at what people have been eating every day. People all around the world have been producing and consuming toxic processed foods that only cause diseases and cancer at ever-increasing amounts. The foods that you eat should be made for people to be healthier by replacing the energy of the cells. Going Vegan is the best diet for you, the animals and the planet. People need to understand what's going on. Doing all to make money and consume all kinds of toxicity and polluting the environment in every way possible isn't the right way to live.
 Angels are everywhere watching humanity, they've been helping us with full force even though we're like reckless babies that fight, destroy everything on our paths. Why would an angel show up and poke you in the middle of the night? They want to warn humanity so we can start changing the ways we behave. We only have one world, consumption will never decrease especially at capitalist nations. That will produce more toxic foods and trash to fill the landfills and kill more animals to turn into meat products. Meat and dairy products cause cancer and all kinds of diseases, they aren't food. Processed junk isn't food for you to eat and digest, it's only making you sicker, dumber and worse every time you chew in your mouth. We must go Vegan and green so we can start fixing the problems of the world. There may not be a tomorrow if you don't wake up to what's going on. Hopefully, more angels will warn humanity so more people can share their messages with more people online and other prompts.
 We are spiritual beings meant to protect our Earth and evolve with our actions. We aren't meant to be reckless creatures that deplete all the resources that aren't renewable, pollute our oceans with plastics,  consume all we can and never plant the seeds in return. All humans are spiritual whether you're aware of it or not. Everyone has a soul in them, we're magnificent, immortal sparks who have incredible creative forces. We need to change our perception of reality. Everyone needs and wants things but you must plant the seeds and help the Earth become greener, cleaner with your actions and awareness. Angels can't clean and plant because they only exist in the ether. We humans as individuals must take action to build a new society that's more green, clean, peaceful, Vegan, aware, smarter, caring, helpful.
 Technology won't help either, the smartphones or computers you own can only do much. They're just products for us to communicate and use for our work. The new smartphone coming out won't save you or save the world. It won't make you better with a new camera or new apps. They're products made to sell so companies can make more profits. All those companies and corporations that work so hard to make more profits and money with all the technology and products they put in the market don't realize the money they make just stays in accounts. The money they've been making doesn't make much difference, it doesn't even make them better or improve their lives. They still work so hard to keep that job so the corporations can use them more to make better products for profits. It's all survival when it comes to business and tech products. Nobody thinks about life, people, the things that really matter. You never need that much technology in your life, the less tech you have, the more you can actually enjoy using them. I never bought the next smartphone that does the same thing with a little better camera and chip. Come on man !! Are you kidding me? Angels are laughing at you, they can't believe what humanity became. They're working so hard every day to make more paper so they can run and buy more junk or newer tech that's the same =D  Get a life, nobody cares about all those tech products. Spiritual beings never needed much technology, they were after more important things in life like better health, happiness, experiences, family, friends, clean environment, helping animals and people in need, learning, growing, making things that matter more than newer tech junk. It's all plastic, why would you buy more plastic with chips and screens. Go get some chips and hummus instead =D I love that combination. Hummus is made of plants and Vegan.
 I love Vegan foods, they're what humans should eat and make at every corner of Earth. Dead animals aren't protein, most legumes, vegetables, and nuts contain more protein than meat. Meat is a dead carcass of a sentient being that wanted to live and enjoy life. Animals are similar to humans, they have feelings, they want to live. They were never supposed to be eating by some humanoid creatures that assumed eating them was the best thing or gave them protein to survive. You never need that much protein in the first place and a Vegan plant-based diet will give you more protein to make you stronger, healthier, slimmer, fitter than ever before with no animals harmed. Please wake up to what's going on. I can't write about random stuff anymore. I only about what's so important for people to know about. Angels are watching everyone all around the world every second. Stop being miserable, we must change. We must evolve to become the smarter species that inhabit this amazing planet called Earth in order to save ourselves and save our world from this misery that's named 'Humans'  I don't blame you but I had to share this post because an angel poked me at night and she knew what I was thinking and writing about. I had to write something that can inspire people and lead them in the right direction to change. It all depends on people and how they perceive their reality. Being brainwashed with advertisements and products won't help you direct you to the right way of life. Go Vegan, plant and save your world. Angels will help us on this path but they can't do it on their own. People as individuals all around the world can change themselves to repair our future. Future may not be bright if we keep doing all the wrong things that destroy us and the world also all the sentient beings.
 A new world is arising and our mission is to manifest it with our minds. This new world is so magnificent that it can only be told in fairytales... Entire society and the world will be completely green and prosperous to build this astonishing future that humanity projected through their spiritual and powerful minds. Your mind is the seat of your soul.
 Don't underestimate yourselves. One person can change the world if knowledge is fully established in his/her brain. Do more research every day and share your findings with others as much as you can so people can wake up to the reality of the situations. Nikola Tesla lit up the world with his work about electromagnetism and electrical engineering. If one person can light up the world around 100 years ago, one person can change the world by starting with him/herself. Once you're completely aware and gain the ability to alter the matter around you without being affected by the distractions, you develop the powers of an amazing spiritual mind of vast knowledge and creativity. Start with yourselves first, all change is within your minds. Once you teach your mind how to be better and stronger, you can lead others with the new abilities that you gained by searching the information yourself. All information and work are to be shared with others, nothing is ever kept secret. The more you give others, the more you can actually receive to enhance the work you've done on yourself. The work is within your mind, it may take time but anything can be made with the right mindset. You can grow forests, regenerate the vast lands by your mindset that you cultivated with your soul's purpose of being here as a human being. Anything can be reversed and altered if few human beings put their hearts and souls into saving all the living beings with marvelous spirits.
 Life isn't all work and shop. There is a lot more to life than what we perceive. Raise your awareness onto a level of mastery to see the problems and inequalities of the world within you so you can share that knowledge with others to be superior to fix it all. Let's build a new world =)  We're all God's spark with the capabilities of creating a green, clean and prosperous planet with so much life that's thriving all around it.
Be Green, Plant Green =)

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Cultivate A Monk Mindset =)

Your Soul Lives In Your Brain =)

 You think all the time. Everything you do, all your organs, your body, and life rely upon your brain. It's such a magnificent organ that projects your reality in your head. We live in a physical world although it's not completely physical. We just perceive the world as in blocks of objects that are in motion. Our brains give us the opportunity to be in this world so we can interact with it in every way possible. You can't be just your body and brain creating all these ideas, thoughts and even products out of nowhere. If your brain was just an advanced organic computer that lays in your head waiting for more food to survive, it wouldn't be able to manufacture all these advancements that you use and live around every day. We live in the age of technology and the computers are catching up with our brains. It's like our smartphones, tablets, and computers are attached to our brains so we can receive more information and share posts on social media. There is a lot more that what you see and conceive with your lizard brain.
 The brain is the gateway that connects physical to spiritual reality. Our brains can't do everything by itself then computers and your smartphone would become transformers by now, taking over the world with their agendas. Just having a brain can't have all the creative force humans own. All of the inventions and technology are fabricated with our brains. The human brain is capable of achieving a lot more if people knew what it really is. It's the internal organ that contains our souls. Our soul-spirit whatever you call it actually lives in our brain. That's the only place it can operate because it's multidimensional, it's so fluid that it can only be contained in a place that processes electrical thoughts and signals between so many neurons. Some of your thoughts and insights may be coming from your soul because we all have dreams, aspirations, desires, expectations, insights that we don't know where they come from. They're the real elements that form our souls and ourselves that live in this human body. There is no scientific explanation or experiment proving our real essence is contained in our brain that we constantly use and do all with the help of it. They may not want us to know this pure truth of our spiritual and physical reality. Everyone has a soul, even animals do. Once you look at someone's eyes, you can have a glimpse to their souls through the nerves that connect eyes to the brain. We all live in our brains because that's where our souls are.
 All of us have so many dreams, desires, imaginations, ideas popping out every minute of our lifetimes. Nobody really thought about this amazing theory or fact of where our soul is after we were born. Where do all these images, self-talks, opinions come from? The only brain by itself can't generate all that you think throughout your entire lifetime. We're all spiritual beings that gain a body to be on Earth so we can experience and learn more also create. The creative force is rendered in our brains with the lead of our spirit. Our spirit wants to learn more, create more, experience more all the time. It's not meant to just work and pay bills to feed the system. It's here for a lot more. Your spirit is always talking to you and giving you sparks of imaginations so you can find a way to make them happen out in the world. Your spirit lives in your brain, that's the only it can be and operate here because its frequency is too high to touch the matter. It's made of electric just like the signals that are moving around the neurons in your brain. Your brain is powered by your soul. Once you die, the soul leaves the body through your head to go back to the spiritual realm only to plan a comeback or move to other dimensions. We are advanced spiritual beings who are here on Earth to create Heaven on Earth with our cooperative actions also to live, experience and learn all we can. Your soul never stops learning by using your brain and your other senses that are firing electrical signals to your brain with neurological paths in your body.
 The brain is so astonishing that we still don't know what it is. Nobody, not even the most famous scientists ever thought about the theory of where the soul is placed in our body. Our bodies and brains cannot perform the most complex tasks that we're able to produce every day. Scientists study the past in college and assume they know it all. Your soul leads you in every second of your life because all your actions come from your brain. Your body is your temple. Take care of it with all you have. Your brain is this futuristic computer of your soul unlike anything ever created by God. God designed the most amazing substance ever existed and that was the brain that sits in our bodies that we still don't know everything about it yet. Once the science starts thinking about the brain as a spiritual computer that merges both spiritual and physical realms into one realm of creative thought exhibition of the universe. We will be able to push science and technology to new levels of levels of advancements. We can create Heaven on Earth just by thinking about it because that's what our spirits desire and here for. Why would a spiritual being with an advanced computer and body with extraordinary capabilities of creativity want to live in a world of turmoil and madness? We can fix all of the problems if we put our souls and brains into new ideas with full capacity. Just working or money won't help to fix all the problems we all have. Not even the richest or most successful people are problem-free.
 We can build a new world since we know where our souls are. People lost their souls because they didn't know where it went after they were born as a baby. They were missing something in their lives, the feeling of being home never left them. They didn't realize our souls were in our brains and our thought at every moment. They became sad, felt like they lost their true identity. Nobody taught them anything about spirituality or what a spirit is at school or in college. We're 8 billions of souls living on Earth, we aren't here just to survive or make printed papers to have more junk in our lives. That only feeds the system. If we combine our brains into establishing a new society of magnificent advancements and a green, clean Earth. We can initiate Heaven on Earth by merging spiritual with physical as one with the help of our incredible brains that house our beautiful souls. Nobody will help us to begin this unique generation of Human Beings. We will spark new neurons to form new neurological paths that will unite of all of us as one Angelic Race of magnificent Humanity to overcome all the problems and constitute a higher vibrational green, lush realm of love, experience, innovation, advancement and so much more as we dream of.

Alien Message - Vegan TakeOver Has Begun !!

hello there. this is a message from the group of beings that have been watching Earth for a long time. we've seen you go through so much over the years. it seems like nothing is going well but things can change if you put the effort. humanity must evolve in the coming age of big changes. this is the age of information and communication. you have the power to fix all the problems and issues of your society. vegan take over has begun. it's mainstream all around the world now and growing faster than anything in the past. technology isn't everything. stop focusing and wasting your energy on tech products and innovations too much. the best way of life is vegan and living peacefully by being kind and gentle to other living that you share your world with. this world isn't all yours, you share it with so many species. going vegan is a great beginning for all of you. go vegan and take over now. this is the time to save the world by all means. the whole world must go vegan soon to overcome the problems of your society. this is unstoppable. you got to the right things that can save the animals, your environment and yourselves. by doing the things that save your world, you actually save yourselves so why wouldn't you want to stop all the destruction and pollution you've been causing? it's not about money, jobs, finances, career anymore. life is meant to be a lot more. you must unite for this unique cause of saving the world. big corporations can't do this, they're stuck on their profit margins that they can't even think of anything else. normal people can change the world if they change themselves and start doing the things to save the world instead of consuming meat and dairy, trying to pursue a career that won't fulfill you. you are all here for a higher purpose in life, your world and all living beings must be saved and protected. animals are your friends, they aren't food for anyone. all kinds of plants, vegetables, fruits, nuts have been given to you as food. you need to start planting and do whatever it takes to stop the environmental damage you caused on Earth. Earth is a rare jewel. you won't find any other world like this to live on. you must unite to create a United Veeggan World to protect your world and evolve into a more advanced society. you can do this if you put your mind into it. study, do research, communicate, share your knowledge with others so they can learn and start doing the right things that can change the world. we have to inform you about something. a lot of alien beings intervened into your society because they noticed that people were fighting with each other and destroying their world. this world is very valuable, it has so many resources and beauty. aliens aren't here to help you. they want the world and its resources for themselves. you can't trust them. nobody will come to save you from yourselves. you must change to create a more advanced society that's united, intelligent, evolved, vegan, compassionate. this is the way to save your world. time is running out. all others who didn't participate in this movement may go extinct after the coming catastrophes and even big cataclysms. climate change is real. you got to act as individuals, you can't wait for someone in high rank to fix all the issues you have. they only care about their profits and their survival. don't let survival instincts lead you. they aren't real. you don't need meat, dairy, medicine, cars, big houses, tech products, news or other unnecessary stuff to survive. those are just products that are advertised to make profits of you. you gotta be smart now. tech won't save you nor your world. you can. people are capable of doing anything possible. you can create heaven on Earth if you keep it in your mind. people who've been to heaven and spiritual realms and back explained how it was. it's a green, lush, vegan realm with beautiful spirits, vibrant colors, wide landscapes, a variety of plant life. your world has the potential to become heaven like planet if people unite to initiate this aspiration. let's create a united vegan world to establish heaven on Earth that anyone can live, experience and thrive peacefully. money is printed paper to control you and all your actions. money won't save the world. you don't need that much stuff, most of them are unnecessary. research more and share your knowledge for everyone to participate in this movement to save your beautiful society and your world. we'll talk later. we're always watching you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Words Of GOD

This is a direct message from me to you. God is here and everywhere now and always has been. Anybody can have a connection with God. You need to open yourself up and do the right things that will save you and your world. Everything is actually easy in life. Nothing ever meant to be difficult for any living being. Humans with their thoughts and actions created unnecessary turmoil on Earth. It can all be fixed in a short time. I will tell you how you can overcome the problems in the world today and the future. God never creates then leaves his creation alone for them to mess it all up. You need to reconnect to God just like you connect to your internet, plug your electronics, your charger etc. It’s easy as that because God is always everywhere every time.
Photo by Johnny McClung on Unsplash
People just lost their connection to God by forgetting that he lives in them and all living beings. You’re here for a purpose. This beautiful world has been giving to you to protect and preserve. It’s never intended to be about money, stuff, jobs or meaningless things. Nobody ever likes their job. Why? Because you are all meant to be more. You must create a new world now. It is the time. I gave you this amazing world full of thriving life. You need to stop killing all animals, polluting your world, fighting with each other. None of this makes sense. There is no world for you other than this. If you build colonies on Mars or Moon, it won’t be like Earth. Earth is a rare jewel.
There are so many people in the world that have so many issues. Some think God could fix it all but he isn’t doing his job. What if I tell you that you or anyone could fix all of their issues even more? Only thing you need to do is to reconnect with God. People of Earth lost their connections to God. God is actually in everyone. Every thought, every word, every desire, every action reflect God on Earth. We can choose our actions wisely. What if everything and everyone are God? We just forgot it. Humans are living soul beings who are the parts of God. God gave everyone the power to create and do anything.
God gave us this magnificent world for us to live and manifest on. This is our platform to thrive upon. God isn’t that mean man somewhere in the universe judging you by your actions or how you are. God is actually within you. How could you forget this? You need to do your research. God is the code of life that forms your DNA, all your cells and your beautiful soul. People never meant to disconnect from God. Everything is God’s creation by being the spark of God connected to each other in so many aspects. When you were born, you gained a new physical body to be in this world. During that process, you forgot it all because you gained a physical body and brain as a baby formed from one cell to a whole human being. That process required your soul to not be able to remember until you realize that you came from God. Not one living soul are apart from the Prime Creator. God is everywhere. There have been many people in the past who wrote books given by God. Not everyone’s mission is to write book or try to be holy. Everyone has different purposes and missions in life. You must find your purpose. It may not be a job, money, stuff or anything physical at all. You must find your real purpose of being in this world. You can create anything, you can be anything. Nobody has to tell you what to do. Everyone is doing their own thing. You aren’t in this world just to work and pay bills, everyone has their life’s purpose that’s distinctive from each other.
Photo by NASA on Unsplash
Everyone must have a purpose in life. Life isn’t just working or paying for things. You better have some futuristic desires that you can modify yourself. Life is about creating new things. Otherwise it would become meaningless for anyone. Having the most or biggest material objects isn’t going to make much difference in anyone’s life. That’s a survival instinct that’s imposing you to believe in things that may let you live longer but they necessarily won’t. Stop listening to your brain for few seconds and just focus on your soul to find your soul’s real purpose to be here on Earth at this particular time and place. You planned to be here so you could manifest your intentions of being here as a human being. You can alter the physical realm with your thoughts and actions. Anyone can do that. It’s not just big companies. Everyone has power to initiate certain building blocks that are capable of creating something new and useful. That’s what makes you survive: creativity of self. Not some printed paper that you earn off doing the same thing for someone or a company to make more profits. That’s not creativity. All of those businesses are still created by someone. Even the biggest and baddest companies, corporations are built by some people. How did they construct all that out of nothing? It always takes time and study also research. Only having money won’t make it all happen. You must have imagination to follow your dreams. It all starts with a dream. If you don’t dream and imagine what you want to make with your own hands, you cannot generate it out of the minerals in soil. You gotta go for what you believe in every action you produce so your plan can be established by time
Don’t get bored, be fun, make people have fun, in the meantime you have fun, smile. Life isn’t too difficult.
Do all to be happy, live however you’re happy. Relax, be calm, don’t get too excited.
Focus on what you want to accomplish.
Don’t be upset. You wanted all the things that happened to you, you learned a lot from them.
Don’t ever forget but don’t let them get stuck in your head.
Manage your thoughts as how you want to live happily. Only think that way.
You’re capable of doing anything anytime.
What you want will become a reality in your life, even if you believe it doesn’t work that way.
Think higher during few minutes every day.
Don’t blame people. When you blame people, you actually blame yourself.
Don’t ever be scared. Nothing can hurt you. Fear is a life.
The master is who sees the perfection in everything and everywhere.
Your life isn’t you. What you lived is gone. Let it all go and be your real self. Now is the time to let go.
What you think, what you focus, believe will become real.
If you want to make money, trust yourself, know your worth, believe that you’re worthy of making money. Go make your money.

Vegan Future

 Our world is changing every day. A lot of people are waking up to what's going on behind the curtain. We're being used and brainwashed in every way possible through advertisements, tv, videos, products, schools etc. Life isn't what you think it is. This isn't the real selves of humanity. Stop believing everything you see and hear. We must change and we're changing with every information we receive with our senses. Some people control it all to keep us in the matrix they've created to gain profit and domination over our society. The movie Matrix was very close to the reality of our situation. Although people are waking up now which is a great thing. Humanity isn't here to work and feed a few corporations and people with all their energy, time and actions. This is a ridiculous idea to live your life. Life is actually the acts of surviving on Earth as individuals forming a bigger pact to make life more efficient for our needs and the environment we live in.

 We've been polluting and ripping apart our world for decades. U.S became a meat and junk world for profits and they make them off people that work jobs and buy stuff they never really needed =D We can have a new future if we change our minds and realize that this isn't the right way to be. Veganism is growing all around the world and it's unstoppable. Don't overreact to what's happening in factory farms because all of that would change if we all stopped consuming animals products. It depends on every individual that works and buys those products assuming they're good for them, they provide essential protein and vitamins etc. This isn't true at all. Being brainwashed will only turn you into a dumb worker so corporations can feed off you more and more in order for them to gain more profits and control by sucking your energy. Is this how you want to live? We have a new future now and it's Vegan. Everyone will have to become Vegan and do the right things for themselves, animals, environment and all living beings. It all starts on your plate. Stop working and trying for a second and think more. See the madness with clear eyes. You are what you eat. Your body renews all the cell with the food that you consume. You turned your body and brain into a disease ridden meaty animal who doesn't know what the right way is. The world will only get destroyed and people will become sicker, dumber robots that work for the system to continue. Vegan is the right way. Our world is meant to be plant-based through the actions and information our brains process.
 Our future is Vegan. Every product, every person, every inch of Earth will become Green, Vegan and plant-based in the future. It already began. Plant-based is the best way of life to be healthy, happy and intelligent people who are capable of accomplishing so much because their bodies and brains will be more efficient and evolved than before. This new society will be able to terra-form other planets and moons like our Moon, Mars and many others. Future is your skill to learn by processing the information you perceive in your brain. Brain is a magnificent organ that's gifted to humanity. By brainstorming with our brains, we can overcome any problems we all have and plants will only help us. The variety of plants, fruits, seeds, nuts is incredible in our world. By planting more of them, we can be greater and save ourselves and the world in a short time. Even climate change can be reversed if everyone stops consuming animal products and drives less. Future is our mentality that will be projected into our actions.
 You can actually save money and be healthy even more intelligent by going Vegan, promoting Veganism and green renewable energy sources. Even the corporations that make the most profits with animal products and products derived from oil, can convert to vegan, green, plant-based products easily. Never stop changing. Change is the way to create a better yourself and future for the entire humanity. Future is made of plants. You can buy cheap land and start farming to build your own green world with little effort because it's one of the easiest things to do. Going Vegan and planting are easier than working hard, dealing with so many people, being a slave to the system that's been feeding off you to grow bigger. Just deal with plants instead. They're the best friends and Vegans are the coolest people on Earth. They're healthier, smarter, good looking, fit, skilled, simply the best androids ever lived =D  You want to save yourself or you want to be a sick, miserable person. Always choose plants to be the best you can.
 Your eyes change color once your body is fully Vegan with all the nutrients that are in your blood flowing to every inch of your body. Your organs will renew itself, your eyes will change color, get sharper, you'll lose weight, you'll be more fit without even working out. The protein, vitamins, antioxidants will circle around your body to turn you into an amazing human being who's here to fix humanity and save the world. Everything you think and do will save the world. You'll be superhero with plant powers to stop the madness happening all around the world. The Vegan Future is Here !! =D  2019 and the future years will only make us stronger and smarter. Even if you don't have too much money, you'll still be great because some amount of Vegan foods, veggies and fruits will give you the power of thinking and brainstorming magnificent ideas to save yourself and the humanity. Money won't make much matter anymore. Humans will turn into flying eagles to go anywhere in the world to initiate their unique ideas that will eventually take over the world to reverse any possible catastrophes. Humanity is becoming universal by going Vegan and promoting new concepts about Vegan technologies that developed with renewable energy sources and plants. Entire world will be Vegan soon because that's the right way for us to live as one human society. Plants and trees are always greeting you and doing whatever it takes to clean the air and feed humans by offering them abundance of nutritious, tasty foods.
 Single use plastics are polluting the environment and killing the marine life. We can replace the single use plastic consumption by not buying and using them. There are so many options like glass, wood, cotton or other natural fabric, stainless steel, hemp, jute, rubber, and so on. Please use them instead to reduce the plastic pollution in the oceans, landfills and everywhere. We're creating a new world that will evolve us into brilliant beings of compassion, health, prosper, intelligence, communication, knowledge, research vice versa. Our Vegan Future is here !!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Brainstorming Is The Best Thing You Can Do !!

 Brainstorming is by far the best thing ever. It may not be something everyone can do because it's usually not something you can do with intent. It mostly happens naturally to people when they're asked to do something very complex or when they're trying to make something big. Nobody ever brainstorms ideas or get things done by brainstorming intentionally. You can arrange yourself to brainstorm more so you can get more things done that you were never able to before. Brainstorming isn't doing a lot of things in a short time. It's something extraordinary because most of the completed tasks were done in time. It might have taken a lot of brainstorming to get there like making movies, writing a book, creating something great, your creative job or basically anything you are successful at.
 Most of the extraordinary products are created by tons of brainstorming. Your brain is always there thinking of what to do next to solve the problems of your life. Why do people have so many problems in life? They didn't brainstorm and do much research. You need to study also do the right things in life to be successful. Nobody can save you other than yourself. Everyone has a brain that's given to them as a gift, we're supposed to take care of our body and brain the best we can. So we can brainstorm more to be as creative as possible. Nobody would like to be a vegetable that never thinks, therefore vegetables and fruits are good for your brain. What you put in your body affects your entire body and brain. There are brain foods that you can find at stores now. I've heard that goji berries, walnuts etc. are good for your brain. Any food that looks like a brain may be beneficial to your brain health =)
 Your cognitive abilities rely upon many aspects of life. People who have lived a difficult life during their childhood tend to be smarter than people with easy lives. Survival conditions give you the opportunity to use your brain more in different consequences. You gotta fast, solve problems quickly, act right, evade trouble basically survive through the obstacles in your life. That actually stimulates your brain certain ways so you can overcome the blockage. Being smart doesn't happen in one day, it continues throughout your life until you're old. Older brains aren't able to learn nor brainstorm like before because neurons start to diminish over time. Brainstorm all you can while you're still young, time is running fast. Only do the things that will make you think more and harder like solving problems, being creative, achieving your life's goals, building new things. Just going to work and coming home to watch tv and eat isn't productive. We need more Stormers to fix the issues of our society. Do all you can, don't think about money, time, responsibilities etc. They mostly never make much sense anyway.
 Most famous and successful people ever lived like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla were amazing brainstormers. Nothing was actually given to them freely. They all had to go through a lot possibly more than most people in order for them to develop the brain power to process in the most efficient way. The brain is a plastic organ, it constantly changes. Your brain now won't be the same in a few years. I look at my old pictures and I see a totally different person with a different brain. I'm not like that anymore. My brain and my body all have changed almost completely. I don't even look the same. We're all changing with the information we process with our brains. Our brains are able to alter our body, mind and our life profoundly. Nothing is ever the same twice, no brain transmission is ever the same. Use your brain while you can, you only have a body and brain if you think about it =)  We're all bodies and brains, other stuff are objects. An object won't give you a better brain and body but you can by planning more assignments for yourself that you can brainstorm about. It may take time at first but you'll get better at it. The brain is the most amazing instrument we're all gifted with. It connects our spirits to our bodies and physical reality we live in. I've read some books about the brain and I was astonished by its design and capabilities. There are people who lost a part of their brains and they still rewired the other part of their brains to perform what the other side was doing. This is pure magnificence. Don't underestimate yourselves nor your brains. As long as you have a brain, you can do anything. We're all supreme beings that must evolve to operate exceedingly to fix the problems we all have. Nobody ever has no issues. Brain powers are developed by working on different projects daily. Even the biggest and most successful corporations had the worst of all, still do. They found a way to fix it by accrediting many others to adjust and develop the work they are aspired to. Most people miss the fact that the bigger you are, the more problems you have. Always believe that you're the one who can do and fix it all only by brainstorming. You still need to do research, try hard, repair, study, work and a lot more to get things done. Don't think that you'll look at something for a few minutes and it will come into existence because you brainstormed about the idea. That's not how it works. You gotta do all you can. Never stop learning so your brain can be more complex than before. It will start overclocking when it needs to without your effort =)