Friday, May 24, 2019


 Source of Information:  READ NOW !!
A lot of things are going on all around the world. Nothing is 'Top Secret' Anymore =)  They say 'The World Is On Fire'  One thing people don't know about is the aliens. They're everywhere now. They created Alien-Hybrids that look human but telepathic and mentally connected to aliens in spaceships and in underground bases. They're basically trying to take over the world every day all day and they've been fulfilling their agenda for decades. No alien beings don't care about humanity at all. They're here only to take over the world and its resources. We as human beings must stop this. Things are going out of hand. We've been destroying, polluting our world in such a higher rate every year. We've been killing so many land and marine animals for food. This isn't the way of life. You can't expect other people or the governments to do all the work for you. They are people just like you and I. Entire humanity must Unite to reverse the Alien-Hybrids Take Over of the worlds now. They did this to many other worlds. A lot of planets have been enslaved by alien beings by genetically engineering hybrids that look like the planet's native species. The people weren't able to tell what they were up to until it was too late. We can reverse this agenda by initiating United Vegan Take Over to save our world and all its diverse species in a short time. We still have time, anything can be changed and reversed with the right action and mindset. Working ordinary jobs, shopping, trying to make more money, college, traveling, consuming meat and dairy, polluting the environment with single-use plastics don't make sense anymore. Humanity is evolving. A lot of people are going Vegan and doing whatever it takes to reverse the climate change and destruction of our beautiful world called 'Earth'  Humans are an emerging race with an amazing, beautiful, diverse, resourceful world. Study shows most of the worlds in the universe are barren and wastelands. Worlds like this are extremely rare. We must do whatever it takes to protect and preserve this planet. Anything can be changed and reversed. Most countries started banning single-use plastics because they only cause pollution. Meat, dairy and eggs industries cause pain and suffering to sentient beings and emit the most greenhouse gases. Going Vegan is just the beginning, we have a world to save and protect now. Things have changed over the years.

  The future can be amazing for all of us. Humans have been a dumb and reckless race although, with the development of information technologies like the internet, smartphones, computers, and Veganism, people started evolving at a faster rate than before. Information that you receive can make you smarter and better. The entire world will become English speaking Vegans in the future. This is where the world is headed. There are too many languages in the world that cause unnecessary miscommunication and conflict between races. English became a universal language over the years and people all around the world are learning it more than before. It will become Earth language in the future and everyone will be Vegan eventually. We can have an amazing future. We can unite to reverse the destruction and pollution of the planet also reverse the Alien-Hybrids Take Over. Humanity can be an amazing, beautiful, extremely intelligent, green, happy race on Earth in a short time with the right information, communication and co-creation. Our world contains an extreme amount of diverse life that doesn't exist in other planets.

 People of Earth can terraform other planets like Mars even the Moon also many other barren worlds. Study shows most alien life that emerged from other planets either depleted or evolved from barren worlds. So think about how precious this world is for alien life that comes from elsewhere. And most of them want this world for their own, they'll do everything to accomplish their agenda unless we save and protect our world with the United Mindset. Everything and everyone is connected to each other. No race, religion, status, language doesn't matter. We're the native species of our world with the right to reclaim our planet like our own to live as a free race in the universe. Vegans can accomplish anything because plants can give us all the resources to build and maintain the tools we need to survive. United Vegan Take Over is here to save the world, nothing else matters. This is our mission to be on Earth. We all need to focus on the things that will save the world except being a worker or consumer for corporations. All the production and corporations will have to go Vegan, plant-based also Green in the future because it's all supply and demand. No business can operate without humans. We are the resource and we can change our habits with study, research and the right mindset.

 Study indicates that most of the barren worlds in the universe can be terraformed with the help of Earth that contains the diversity of biological and plant life. This is big business. This is what aliens are trying to do. They want to take over the world for them to survive and grow because of any race no matter how technologically advanced need resources. The universe is very competitive. Humans can become the Gods of The Universe by terraforming those alien barren worlds to turn them into Earth-life planets in the future. In a sense, God gave us all the tools to save the universe and turn it into a Green Paradise =)   This is the mission that's been given to humanity. Save your world first so you can go ahead and save many other worlds in the universe. Aliens would give you anything in return for humans to turn their worlds into amazing Earth-like worlds since most of the universe is full of barren and wasted planets. Earth has a unique mission to terraform the universe over time. Everyone can become a God and Goddess by joining this unique mission of saving the world and the universe, unfortunately, the universe isn't what people dreamed. It's extremely competitive and the resources are diminishing but our Earth has the means to create renewable bio-diversity in the universe. Humanity has many allies, unlike the Aliens that come here to claim the world as their own. The allies are a group of free and advanced races that will approach humanity in the future when Humans become more mature and connected to solve their problems. Humanity will have a universal family and will have trade, social and other bonds and agreements with these amazing races. We must reject intervening Alien-Hybrid races first and do the right things that will save the world. We're becoming a Global Vegan Advanced Intelligent Family with the help of technology, information, plants, English language, green tech. This is not the time to compete or race over meaningless stuff like money, jobs, acquiring more, conflicts, miscommunication. Focus on the right things to do. If what you're doing isn't saving the world and all life on Earth, that indicates it's unnecessary. Humanity is changing, we have the tools in ourselves and on Earth to become the most advanced race in the universe because we're able to create Earth-like planets all around the universe. Study shows this is one of the best planets in the entire universe that people didn't realize yet. No other world will be like Earth. Why don't we save it and protect it now? Stop killing !! Start Planting The Future Now !!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Vegan Take Over Is Worldwide and Unstoppable =D

The Vegan movement is growing so fast all around the world. This is the best thing ever. The more people become Vegan, the more companies are investing in vegan products and foods. Eventually, vegans will take over the world to build a newer, greener world for all of us to live kindly and happily. Our world needs help right now. Humanity has been destroying and polluting it for a while now. We aren't meant to be the parasites of this beautiful world with so much beauty and diversity. Humans are created to be the protectors of their world. We must protect all life no matter what it is. You can't love pets while you're eating all the animals and causing global destruction with the foods and products you consume. Things are changing. It seems like Veganism will take over the world soon, thanks to the internet and social media. All companies will have to adjust to this new mindset of living green with no cruelty.
 This is the best time to invest in vegan products and companies. So many vegan companies are going mainstream and their stocks are rising so fast. It will never stop because it's all about supply and demand. Tons of people are going Vegan all around the world and that will skyrocket the profits and success of vegan companies and products in the near future. Vegan is the best business to start and invest in and it will stay like that for a year to come. The entire product range will become fully vegan in the future. Anything can be made of plants because our nature provides us with a wide range of plant life that can be turned into any types of products either food or other. Vegans can be the next level of human species that are kinder, healthier, smarter, lighter, faster, more compassionate, intelligent, friendly and more.
 Humans can be the best race in the universe. It's not all about technology. Most tech companies started losing profits and sales because people don't care about the same thing with little more features every year. People started focusing on more important things like the environment, health, happiness, experiences, veganism, animals, study, research. Buying all the useless junk at the stores won't make you better. Most vegans are smart enough to be more creative and play their cards smart to push the world into the future. Technology isn't everything. It will eventually go down, swiping a screen with your finger isn't the way of life anymore. Think about your future, how you can become healthier, happier, smarter with your every move and thought.
 We The Vegans =)   We are in this world to be the future. We will save the world in every way possible to create an amazing world full of life and prosperity for every living being.  We can change the world with every action we take little by little. We will invest in a green future for all of us and we will evolve as more advanced human beings to create a better world for humanity. Everything counts from now on. Even if you post something important and meaningful online, a lot of people can see it and that will change the world by time. We're all connected to each other, we aren't meant to be ordinary workers. Everything will change. Earth will become an amazing planet with new opportunities and ideas. Plants, trees and all the people will help each other to build this new world. We're initiating United Vegan TakeOver  =)   This is the best time now. Each country in the world will turn into a Vegan State soon once we complete our mission about saving the world and all life. Nothing can stop this. Once supply and demand changes and moves into going fully Vegan. Climate will reverse back to normal in a short time. Time is running short but it can happen with awareness and some effort.

 There is a threat out there that people don't know about. And that is the Aliens that are coming here to take over the world and take all the resources for themselves. We must stop this. Humanity has been reckless towards the environment, animals and the resources, that attracted many alien races to intervene to acquire the world for themselves. They aren't better than the human race because they have technology, inventions, telepathy, etc. Humans are an evolving race. Entire humanity must unite to protect the Earth against the aliens. That can be done by creating a United Vegan World. Vegans must take over the world and stop all the threats now. There are tons of aliens everywhere that have been kept hidden to execute their agendas. We can't become a slave state to some alien races that came here to take over the world and its resources. This is our world. Once we built a Complete Vegan World, aliens will have to leave. They aren't here to help humanity by any means. They don't care about the human race. We as Vegans will do whatever to reclaim the planet as our own and maintain our freedom.
 This may be The Independence Day =)
 Listen up !! This is very important. Aliens are a big threat to the entire humanity. Most people aren't aware of this. Go Vegan, Take Over the world now or else many alien races will turn the human race into an enslaved race in our planet. Only Vegans can stop this by initiating United Vegan Take Over to rescue the human race, the planet, and all life. Aliens will never stop until they fully succeed. Kindness, Compassion, Plants, Research and mighty Vegans can save the world with this new awareness that's blanketing the entire planet. Worlds like this are very rare in the universe so alien races always try to find planets with such resources to acquire. They've been observing and intervening for too long that only if entire human race acts now, we can save our society from falling into their hands. They aren't that many or strong except some mental capabilities and technology.  Vegans can thrive as the best race in this galaxy if they can save and protect their planet from all the threats that are active at this moment. There is no time to waste, you can only work and invest in this amazing mission of planetary takeover. Language is the key. The more people talk about this, the new awareness will be everywhere going mainstream.
 Vegans are becoming smarter, healthier, faster, stronger, more aware every day. Plants and trees are giving us the power we need to protect and preserve all life on Earth. Unfortunately, aliens will never help. That's not how things work in the universe. The universe is a harsh and competitive environment for all races. It's not about work, money, shopping or careers anymore. Everyone must unite to regain the freedom that was given them by God. Jesus was a Mighty Vegan. He dreamed and lectured about a United and Vegan World many times in the past. He may come back to a Vegan and Green World with amazing human beings. This is our future. Future is now. Gotta act now =)

This Crazy Tree Grows 40 Kinds Of Fruits !!