Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Permaculture Gardening Can Save Humanity =)

 The actual term permaculture is derived from two other phrases, permanent and agriculture. The idea of being a system set up that maintains itself and does not require annual inputs to the degree we would think of in a normal agricultural system. Permaculture is design science. It provides a framework to meet our needs by following natural patterns in decision making and planning.

 If you think of a forest and you go for a walk there, in the fall, it’s an oak forest. If you go for a walk in the woods, it’s a huge acorn mass. Acorns everywhere on the ground. You can barely walk without walking on just tons of them. And nobody maintains that. Nobody planted those acorns. It’s a natural system. And it works very, very well. It works perfectly. We can mimic those patterns that we see in nature to meet our needs. By using natural patterns, we are consciously designing and maintaining productive systems that have the versatility and the stability and the resilience of natural ecosystems. The oak forest is going to continue to grow and continue to produce tons of acorns every year without inputs.

If we use that type of patterns for growing things ourselves, then we can have that same resilience. We can mimic that. Then, if you think in a system, a piece of property, a homestead, or someone has some sort of vacation property. Or perhaps they are looking at it as a retreat property. And so, typically, people don’t eat acorns. So that example may not fit. But they might eat pecans or they might eat chestnuts.
If you look at how an acorn, an oak forest grows up, when an acorn shoots down a shoot into the ground, when it sprouts, the young acorn sprout is surrounded by other vegetation. Ground vegetation like poison ivy and different weeds. And as it gets taller it gets protected from the wind.
In mountain ranges, it gradually gets stronger and stronger and higher and higher to where it’s still being protected by things like redbud or dogwood or smaller maples. But eventually, it gets big enough where it’s able to get to the light in the upper canopy and it becomes a huge tree that’s producing its own acorns.

 We can mimic that by planting your apple tree or pecan tree, or whatever tree you are interested in as far as food production, and you plant things around it that will mimic what we see in nature.

You might plant around it something like black locust or autumn olive, which are both nitrogen fixers. They pull nitrogen from the air and accumulate it in their leaves. And when they shed their leaves, the ground around your tree becomes very fertile. And each year, you might go out and chop back those nurse plants and the tree that you are trying to grow, let’s say it’s an apple, it becomes very strong. It’s loving the nutrient-rich soil that you are producing for it with these other trees around it. And eventually gets big enough that, and if you continue to chop back the other trees, they die off. And the tree that you have planted is very successful because of that. It’s a natural pattern.
You might plant things around the base of it like comfrey, or strawberries or things that will continue to put nutrients into the soil and keep the grass from robbing the nutrients from the soil or moisture from rain.

Permaculture Design
  1. Take into consideration the solar aspect, the way that the sun crosses a property.
  2. The way that water moves through the property and the wind and things. Take into consideration all these inputs, then design systems in a way that are mimicking what we see in nature. That way it’s more successful.
  3. There’s also an emphasis on perennials. Anyone likes a good tomato as well as anyone, but if you focus more on perennial crops and perennial plantings, you do less work and eventually, you don’t have to do anything but harvest if the system is sustainable.
Focus on the permanent and perpetual type of design, rather than an annual. Plant corn, and it’s going to turn the energy from the sun into food over a 4 month period. And then, it’s going to die. And then the next year you're going to have to plant it again and nurture it or whatever. Whereas if you plant something like a chestnut, which can produce the same type of carbohydrate and chestnut flour can make flatbreads and things like that, once it’s up and growing, you don’t have to do anything.
There’s a chestnut growing on Mount Etna in Italy. It’s actually growing on a volcano. Its 4000 years old. It’s been producing bushels of chestnuts for 4000 years. And you compare that with broccoli or something that you plant and grows, and of course when it dies off, you have to go to Lowes the next year and buy seeds and plant them all out again. We try to focus on more perennial production and more sustainable production that require less work and fewer inputs. The forest as an example is great. In the Pacific Northwest and Washington State in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, there are lots of evergreen forests. Not so many oaks, but there are chestnuts that grow here filbert and hazelnut. Talking about the trees, there are so many orchards that people cultivated all around the US with blueberries and raspberries and all of that. They bear fruits every year with minimal work, just prune so that you get a larger crop from most of the fruit-bearing bushes and trees.

If you are doing annual planning, it's very popular with permaculture practitioners is sheet mulching. You can sheet mulch an area that perhaps needs to be rejuvenated with various kinds of mulch. It might be wood mulch and leaves and layers of cardboard and straw and things like that, to create new soil. And then plant down through that and allow the plant to come up through the mulch. We’re still following natural patterns. The trees mulch the ground themselves so we basically copy what the trees do in our gardens and food forests. If you use those natural systems and you have an annual garden, and you mulch it heavily every year, your soil will become more and more rich because of that mulch. And that’s a natural system.

 Evaluate the space for your space for permaculture design. One of the first things to do is find the highest point on the property, and see how water moves across the property. What to do is try to get water to stay on the property as long as possible. Because anything that you plant that you are going to produce for your needs is going to require water. And water hits the ground and it moves at right angles to slope. Which is just a fancy way of saying if you have a drop of water and it lands on a plate, and you tilt the plate, it’s going to move directly away from the slope. It’s going to move down. And water moves across your property that way.
What you want to do is take advantage of the way that water moves across the property. But the simple thing to do is for people to actually go out and spend some time walking around their property. And looking at how things grow. And looking how, in the natural setting, what does well there? From there on, look at the property and mimic what nature does by planting the right plants and trees in the right places.
You don't need much work for permaculture design, the nature of the forest will feed the plants for them to grow. They may need some compost and water from time to time. Turn what's left over to compost and use it again in your gardens and food forests. Plants and trees love compost that is made from other plants and leaves.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


 Hello there, my motto used to be 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' back in the day but times have changed recently. Everything is changing so fast and humans came to a point on Earth that we must do all to save the world. It all depends on us and how we behave on Earth =)      We can't keep doing the same things we are accustomed to doing in the past. Old habits must be converted into productive, world-saving actions and mindset now. Anyone can transform themselves with study and information. It's not too difficult to become a new human being that can start saving the world instead of trying to get rich. You'll never be rich anyway. Your riches won't matter if you die or you may lose all your money and stuff in a short time. The more you own and make adds up to your expenses. There is no need to overwork so you become a product for a corporation to feed off you. They need people to make money, work, sell and make profits off.
 The human race wasn't created by God to become workers for bills and products. We can be spectacular and wise enough to change our world and our society into a more advanced system by saving the world. Stop wasting your life to pay for products and stuff you don't really need. Invest in a sustainable future for all of us to live and thrive. We need to change the mechanics of our society now or else we may deplete all the resources of our world. Humans can't just work and consume all, you must sow back what you reap. Deforestation is a serious issue of our time. Eventually, entire forests may die off. We're cutting and burning them faster than the forests expand themselves. The thing is we must save the world now or die struggling now. You want a livable world with fresh air, fresh, healthy food, cool climate, beautiful landscapes for all of humanity to live on then start the movement now. Otherwise, there won't be any way to turn it around once the time is up and irreversible.

 Any job is able to shift to doing the right things about saving the world. Luckily any job can be and do this =)   We still have hope although time is working against us. The human race will become a remarkable race once they fully unite as one race and save their amazing, biodiverse and beautiful planet. Nothing or no alien beings will be able to stop us if we protect our superb planet that's full of life and greenery all around it. We must start planting and sowing to turn the world into the greenest paradise in the universe. Green, vegan jobs will always help to change the world also to save the animals and the environment. Big cities aren't the best places to live and work anymore except for short visits. A lot of work must be done in big cities all around the world since they are the biggest polluters and CO2 emitters of our time. Cities must be adjusted with green buildings, forestation, vegan businesses, and more green city plans so they can stop polluting the air and the environment more than anything else on Earth. Basically, the world's big cities are killing the world with consumerism, pollution, greenhouse gases, consumption and productions of meat, dairy, plastics, and other destructive products. It may not be the humans that destroy the world, it's actually the cities, the big cities that we all live in. There are more cars, more consumption, more people, more stress, more restaurants and all kinds of businesses of destruction in big cities all around the world. Life isn't all about business and working to multiply. Humanity is starting to wake up with the new information they receive. The human race is evolving now, we won't be all about work, consume, eat, sleep and do all the useless things to survive over and over again at an increasing rate. We can actually begin the movement of saving the world now. Going Vegan always helps, you get healthier, smarter, lighter, happier after this transition =)

 You don't need to 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' no more. You better 'Save The World and All Living Beings or Die and Go Extinct Now' How about that?  =)    Studying and researching about this important subject can be life-saving since it takes a lot of study and research so the proper action can be put into effect. Money won't give us back all the forests, all the amazing species that ever lived, the fresh air, clean foods, clean water, oceans back. This is the job now. You can always make money if you do the right things that will clean and save the planet. Just change the scripts and the recipes of the production, business, education and whatever are out there for the society to go on. You and your businesses will always thrive and get better when you focus on saving the world and all living beings also to stop the pollution and destruction of the environment and oceans. Humanity is uniting with all they've got. We're unstoppable by every means possible. You don't want to live a miserable life of doing the same things over and over again to pay paper that feeds the corporations and destroy all that exists.

 There are some plant and tree products like Bamboo that can be cultivated and used instead of cutting trees. Bamboo can replace most of the wood, other furniture, and housing materials. Bamboo grows so fast and is suitable to make many useful products. I know because I have some bamboo bowls and they're the best. I used some bamboo before, it was lighter, more durable than wooden material. Do you understand? There are always other options in nature for us that we can grow and use easily without harming any of the forests or animals. Bamboo can even replace a lot of the plastics and it decomposes over time. Yes, single-use plastics are very harmful to the landfills and oceans. They never really decompose. Glass, bamboo, metal can be used to produce many containers, straws that cause plastics pollution. We can build a green world if we use plants to manufacture all the things we ever need. Some countries started taking action about this topic and more jobs will be created with the help of new laws and regulations. We all want a clean and green world. Who doesn't like going to a garden? Our planet meant to be a prosperous garden for all the diverse, living beings. Get familiar with these subjects and information, that'll kick off new projects that will develop new products, technologies, forests, and plans. Everything you do changes you and the society molecularly at every moment. What you sow now will turn into vast forests of production and life in the near future. Even one person is capable of transforming deserts into lush lands. One by one, anyone can change the world. We all have limitless power of thought and creativity. Humanity is becoming an amazing race after they direct themselves to the path of seeding the Planet Earth of amazing biodiversity. We may be living in one of the most wonderful planets in the universe. Reclaim your world now and save the world before the coming cataclysms. Once it's broken apart, it may be impossible to overcome all the coming catastrophes. There are so many ways of creating new forests, cleaning the oceans and environment, saving all species. Let's begin now. Save the world is your new job now =)


Link To Video

Monday, July 22, 2019


 We live in a different world now. There are positive and negative things going on all around the world but it seems like we're winning. We can actually build a new world that is more compassionate, more prosperous for everyone. Let's say we can actually save the world and entire humanity now. Humanity has knowledge that's presented in them. More people are going Vegan, we're planting many vegan forests in return. This is a worldwide phenomenon. Eventually, the entire world can become a vegan food forest to feed us all also save us and the world from all the problems that have been going on in the past. The future may be very bright. We must follow this future and share all our knowledge with others. The dream is here =)

  In a few years, humanity can save the world by going Vegan, investing in green, sustainable products for our daily use. There are so man vegan businesses starting in cities and other places. Most of them are thriving. People love the food and treats that are cruelty-free with health benefit and nutrition. It seems like veganism and plant-based products are the way to live and work. Most of the cities are becoming vegan because of the high startup rate of vegan businesses. I've been to many vegan cafes, bakeries, and restaurants and I loved all of them. They all serve amazing food and pastries, treats. Vegan isn't just food, it's the way of life. It's the biggest movement ever =)   Eventually, it will take over the world. It hit the social media recently and more and more people are becoming aware of the cruelty so they choose to go vegan. You can't just go vegan after the transition, you basically become a new human being. You work, live, research, read, talk and share vegan and plant-based. Some plant-based recipes and products aren't fully vegan so beware. There are hidden ingredients. Our oceans are dying, environmental pollution is at the highest rate but veganism and vegan businesses help the world and animals a lot. Animals are sentient beings that are smart, friendly and loving. There are always ways to make any products vegan and plant-based. There is no need for cruelty in the world anymore. We have internet, knowledge, more information out there in books, online and even on social media that can be used to make any type of products and foods. With a little investment, you can start an amazing vegan business that will thrive forever. This is the time to cash out now. I've never seen a vegan business that's not doing good yet. All of them are going for money because people are supporting the best thing ever !!

  When it comes to forests, yes they're taking over as well. Vegan food forestation is another big movement that anyone can start as a business, hobby or plant the barren lands. Animals will help fertilize the soil and eat the weeds out. That's one of the tasks that can be given to most animals, they fix the soil so you don't need to do any digging, tilling, etc. The soil will be fertile with the help of animals for us to turn them into amazing gardens and food forests anywhere in the world. Most of the deserted lands and areas can eventually turn green with some work and research. Some countries with vast deserted regions are investing in greening the landscape with new technologies and research. Any land can become a forest and a vegan food forest to feed entire humanity also reverse climate change and transform the world for the better. This is the future that we must invest and follow. Other ways of survival aren't as efficient as these ideas and mindsets. We can save the world with food forests, vegan businesses and gardens for all of us to work, get healthier, smarter, live a sustainable lifestyle. Let's start now and take over the world with vegan forests and businesses. It's not difficult to accomplish this spectacular mission that's laying in front of us to lead. World is changing but any degradation can be reversed and become positive if people put their minds into it. Yes, life takes work but what is work anyway? Work is doing the right things to save the world and people all around us. It's not about money, jobs or bills anymore. Times have changed. Do your work for the study and research of saving the world with vegan forestation and startups. There are tons of jobs are being created by the new minds of our generation. You don't need schooling anymore. Just give all you got and try harder to become successful in this subject.

 There is a limitless universe out there that's full of life. Life in the universe may be competitive like it is on Earth. That doesn't mean it can't be changed or transformed. Anything changes over time with the right mindset, study, and research. Humanity is talking about terraforming other planets now. Yes, we can turn many worlds and planets into vegan paradises. This unique future of Earth and humanity is inevitable for the next generation. Stop focusing on old things that keeps you powerless. You'll only gain power once you work and invest for vegan, plant-based and green ideas and dreams. Trees and all plants are connected to each other. They have one mind that's also connected to God. This is why God put humans on Earth and gave them all the plants, seeds, trees and other species. So we could seed them everywhere and terraform other planets that contain little resources and life. Some planets in the universe, although they're overtaken by alien beings, are still able to become green abundant planets. This is the extraordinary mission that's been given to entire humanity to go after. Let's start now. We reached a point on Earth that we're emerging as a new race in the universe but we have knowledge and power to overcome any situation in our world also in the universe. It'll take a little time but we must begin this mission now. Unite as one human race to save the world with green forests and businesses and do whatever it takes to fix the universe =)

Thursday, July 18, 2019


It seems like everything is going downhill and we're riding the rollercoaster to an apocalyptic world. I believe there are many ways to save the world and humanity although time is running out. Scientists stated that we have only 12 years left to reverse climate change which is one of the worst phenomenons of our time. There are other important things that we need to take action about like pollution, poverty, education, environment, animals, Earth's conditions, climate and many more. We as humanity can save ourselves and the world if we all put our minds into this unique cause. It shouldn't be too difficult. We must stop being brainwashed with unnecessary advertisements, news, media, etc.  Humanity has been struggling for so long about so many issues. In reality, anything can be fixed and reversed if people put their minds into finding the right solutions. I will try to write about the right and real ways of saving the world and entire humanity so people can read and implement these into their daily lives to begin. Just a reminder, time is running out. Our Earth and all living beings need the human race to change all that's been occurring during our time. Life is about survival but survival wasn't meant to be about living in misery nor destroying all until nothing left.
1) Gardening and Planting Trees =)
This is essential in life for any person to grow their own foods and build beautiful, sustainable lifestyles. Anybody can garden anywhere in the world. You don't need extremely good soil or lands to be successful in growing trees and plants that will give you the food you need in return. You can also sell the produce in markets near you to have a very sustainable and clean lifestyle. Just a little work and investment can get you the most beautiful gardens and food forests that will feed you and your family year-round.

2) Going Vegan =)
A lot of people became Vegan and decided it was the best thing they did in their lives. Going Vegan is very popular now. A lot of people are going Vegan during this time. Social media and the internet are full of vegan posts and videos. You never really end up vitamin deficient. Vegan diet and lifestyle are actually better for health for everyone. You can always take multivitamin pills to raise your vitamin intake. Vegans save so many animals by not eating them. Animals products actually cause more health problems than anything else. Going Vegan is one of the best things you can do in your life. Humans meant to eat and consume plants and plant-based products =)

3) Planting Trillions Of Trees
Planting all kinds of trees is one of the best ways to reverse climate change also fix most of the problems of our society. Trees give life, food, and oxygen to all living beings. They attract rain, fix the landscapes, enrich the soil, form livable habitats for all animals and bird species. Fruit and nut trees of all kinds can feed entire humanity if they're planted all around the world. Trees mean real life on Earth. Life doesn't exist without trees and forests. Anyone can grow trees from seed or find the saplings to plant in their backyards, lands, lawns or anywhere that they could for them to grow easily with the help of some compost, fertilizers, etc. Planting trillions of trees can reverse climate change in a few years also feed entire humanity with tasty and healthy foods of all kinds. We're gifted with a wide variety of tree species. Fruit and nut trees grow the most of foods year-round. This might be the best way to save the world. We must do research and consider the right species that can be planted in parts of the world that can adapt to certain climates, regions and soil types.

4) Uniting As One Human Race
Humanity must unite as a race to fix all the issues and problems of the world right now. Time is ticking. Nothing else makes sense anymore. The entire world must be saved, all the problems are getting worse every day. Saving the world and humanity can create billions of jobs for everyone on Earth because they're the right things to do to survive. Survival never meant to be so primitive and destructive on this planet nor elsewhere. It can be easy for everyone. Religions, borders, languages, customs, beliefs all divide one human race that's supposed to unite as one. Uniting can change a lot of things all around the world. You never need to be divided and in conflict with each other. Protecting the world and all living beings are more important now. Only a united human race can overcome the difficult times on Planet Earth. It can be easy if people unite and start doing the right things instead.

5) Animals Are Friends - Save Them
Animals aren't food for us humans. Humans don't need to hunt for food in these modern times to survive. Old habits must change. We live in modern times where we have computers, cars, technology but humans still eat and consume animal products. There are billions of animals that are trapped in cages waiting to be slaughtered to be turned into products. Animals are part of nature also friends for us humans since we're some type of animals as well. We aren't lions either. There are a lot of old habits of us that must change because they're very primitive and destructive to ourselves and other beings also to the environment. Animals live together with us in harmony and they can help fertilize the plants and land. Animals are equal to us. Most animals are very smart and live in harmony with other beings. Killing millions and billions of animals is never the way of survival as human beings although it became a big business. We must invest in plant-based products so animals can be saved and do other things that will green the world.

6) Do Research About Saving The World
It seems like nobody really cares about this urgent situation everyone is in. Yes, you need to work, you need to pay bills, you need things but everyone must think and do research about how to save the world as well. Most of the ways of our lives literally destroy the planet by every means. We must change our habits and do more research, educate ourselves about this important subject. We need more people to study, research about this urgent topic of our times. We all need to share our knowledge with others so everyone can be aware of what's going on and what has to be done. Saving the world isn't supposed to be impossible, difficult nor complicated. It can be easy if we do the research and share the solutions to inform society. This is a very significant case.

I asked people online how we can save the world and someone suggested that I save myself first. I was like really, is that how it works? =D   I will publish this now and get back to it to add more.

7) Invest in green companies and products
People need companies that provide the products and services in the future as well. We can invest in green companies and products that will make a difference for the world and everyone. People buy and consume a wide variety of products that are in the market. Most products and companies pollute the environment, the air, waters, use the animals as a resource that eventually kill the planet. If people become aware and invest in green, vegan and sustainable products, and services, that will help save the world a lot. All companies will become green, vegan and clean in the future for us to work and use their products-services. This is the key to a more sustainable and green future.

8) Share Your Knowledge With Others And Online
You can learn and research about this subject every day or in your free time. You'll eventually have some knowledge and awareness. It's best to share your knowledge and awareness with others and online so more people see and understand what's going on. There are a lot of people on social media post important issues to inform others. Social media and the internet are great tools to share knowledge and make people more aware. I believe that's why they were invented in the first place. You can't keep all you know for yourself. The more you share what you have and what you know, it will grow and spread out. More people will do the right things that will save themselves, all the people and the world.

9) Start A Business That Can Help People Get Better And Save The World =)
Anybody can start a good business with the right knowledge and mindset. Don't rush it. Always do your research and studies first before starting businesses. You don't want to lose money trying to start something fast. It takes time for businesses to reach success. There are people who created businesses that changed the world. They studied and did research very hard every day all day to get to that level. You can do anything if you put your mind into it. We need more Vegan and green businesses and technologies that will help the people, all living beings, the environment, clean-up the world. We need a green world with green business and people. Gather all the information that can change people, products and spread around the world.

10) Find More Ways To Save Entire Humanity, All Living Beings, and The Planet
Of course, there are more ways to save it all. Everyone has different and unique ideas that pop up in their heads or some people can find efficient ways to fix the issues of our society. Life never stops and it always changes. You can't expect the norms that worked in the past to continue forever. The best thing in life can be change. I've written these out of my mind only in a couple of days. There are so many people who think hard to solve many problems daily. Be the change so others can follow. We can save the world although time is running out. This is our planet and we're connected to it and to all life in every way possible. Humans aren't better than other life forms. We're just different. No intelligent species would destroy the only planet they live on. We gotta do whatever it takes to save it now because this is where it came to. Open your mind to all the possibilities and take action. Unite with all others, form a bond and do the right things that will save the world now =)

Does God Need Humans To Save And Protect The World?

Hi fellow humans, is everyone okay today or you have problems like so many people? We need to find ways to save ourselves and our planet and work towards the solutions instead. Don't you think? Making profits to fill up some banks and imaginary accounts never make sense. The money won't save the world or any human beings. We need something totally different to save ourselves. Our planet needs help at this time, things have changed in recent years. The entire humanity is riding the rollercoaster to a dead planet. Everyone must act now. Time is running out every day, every second. I had to start writing about this because it seems like no one cares. People need to wake up to what's going on all around the world. We've driven the planet to a point of no return in so short time during human existence. Technology or consumption is never the answer to all the problems of the world. We must focus on what needs to be done now to save the world and the entire humanity.

 It seems like there is still hope. Gladly, God gave us all the tools that we need for us to save the planet and ourselves. It's related to plant life. We're all connected to all living beings also to plant life of our nature. We have to stop destroying the planet and start the cleanup process now. It's not difficult to plant trees, cultivate forests and gardens. Anything can be done with little effort and investment. If everyone joins this movement of saving the world, it will succeed only in a few years. Humanity has the power and knowledge to follow God's plan. God created the human race to plant and protect all life on this globe. It was never about consuming all and trying to make money by working some jobs that will eventually feed the banks and corporations. You don't need that job if it's not helping everyone with green products and green benefits.

How To Plant Fruit Trees Like A Pro !!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


 Hi Earth Humans, things have changed recently around the world. We live in a totally different world now. The human race has damaged their planet extremely and it's only getting worse every day. We must stop and reverse this otherwise we will be living in a post-apocalyptic scenario that will deteriorate the environment and all nature that we live in a short period. Veganism isn't about animals or else anymore. Vegans are plant-based people with higher awareness that is based on many important subjects. Our planet can't take all this pollution, damage and destruction anymore. We as human beings are liable for the planet that we live on. We must change and start doing the right things that will save the world in a short time.

  Going Vegan is just the beginning to a path or renewal and rejuvenation for us humans, animals, and all other living beings. We can make it all greener again like in the past, plant-based diets support green farmers and seeders but it's not enough. Everyone must join this movement to rescue all the animals, nature or else some unique force coming from the sky will take over our society and the planet that's been given to us to live. This is a very serious discussion that everyone must be aware of. All the events on Earth drove us to Independence Day like a scheme that is probably incomprehensible by most people. Being a human being has to have more meaning than survival. Our survival also depends on the habitat that we dwell upon. We're all connected with nature and all living beings in every way possible. We can't just take and destroy all for us to survive and break the ecosystem apart for money and business. Everything counts in life, every living being is part of this biodiverse ecosystem living in harmony.

 Humans aren't smartest if we ruin the entire ecosystem and destroy the nature that will eventually force us to go extinct. This isn't about money or business anymore. We live in a situation that's very urgent right now. Time is working against us. If everyone wouldn't take action to save the world, it may not happen. You can't expect someone else to fix it all for you, we're all responsible for the place we're granted. Research shows there are tons of aliens on Earth and nearby and they don't care about humanity. They see us as primitive beings that ravage everything in rage. They actually intervened a long time ago and they will do whatever it takes to take over the world so humans can't eradicate entirely. There have been countless encounters and sightings in the past of otherworldly beings. Nobody knew what their intention was until some people started doing the research to find out what their plot was. Their agenda isn't what we believed it was. They weren't here to enlighten humanity, fix their problems, give out free technologies. It was a secretive plan to acquire the world from inside out. They believed humanity didn't deserve this amazingly rich and beautiful world. Worlds like this are extremely rare in the universe and Earth has been gifted to humanity for them to protect and preserve but humans chose the destructive path. Their power is growing every day, we must take action to stop the alien take over of the worlds and reclaim our planet to secure all its resources and nature. They are so many hybrids that live and walk among us that will eventually try to lead our society to turn us into worthless workers. Awareness is growing all around the world with research and messages received from beings that try to inform us of what's going on. Humanity must withdraw itself from all the primitive, detrimental behavior as soon as possible.

 Everything is now, you can't expect the future to change or become better if you can't do it now. Now will be your future subsequently. Do whatever it takes to save the world now so your future will be that amazing world that you dreamt of during your past nows =)

 We must plant trillions of trees to reverse the climate change and fix all the damage that we've caused in the past. Research shows there is enough space on Earth to plant trillions of trees in every possible landscape even deserted areas. There are all kinds of tree and plant species that can thrive and grow in any region. Humans are supposed to go back to their roots to be the planters of nature. If we plant trillions of trees, that will form new habitats for all animals and humans to live harmoniously, it will clean up most of the pollution and air, trillions of cubic feet of oxygen will be emitted back into the atmosphere. Let's plant a new world now, a greener, cleaner world in peace =)

 You get the idea of what's going on and what needs to be done. Eating habits can damage your health and all sentient beings. Humans have been created by God to be the planters of gardens and forests on Earth also on other planets like Mars, moons like our moon, etc.  The scientific study indicated that most of the planets in the universe are barren and deserted. Earth-like planets are extremely rare but some of the barren planets can be fixed by terraforming them with plants, trees, and other means. We can turn the universe into a green paradise over time. This is our destiny of being on this beautiful, rare Earth filled with so many species of life. Let's begin now since our time is running out. Go Vegan !! Plant Trillions Of Trees !!  Throw Away, Hostile Aliens !!  Save Planet Earth  =)

Sunday, July 7, 2019


 Unfortunately, we have a world to save during this time. Time has been ticking faster especially nearing the latest years. The industrial age has driven our planet into a catastrophic condition. The need for consuming so manmade, chemically altered and manufactured products have ripped the nature apart in an unstoppable rate. Now, it came to a point that humanity must do whatever it takes to save the world otherwise we will force ourselves and our planet into extinction. Natural resources have been diminishing. Trees and forests that give us the oxygen and resources that we need will vanish in a short time that we won't have the time or enough saplings to replace them. This may be the end of us and the world !!

 What can we do to fix all of this? Well, we must act now, everyone is in this all together. We all need to find the right things to do that will save the world before it becomes irreversible. Scientists stated that we still have around 12 years to reverse climate change, environmental destruction, animal extinctions, diminishing forests, ocean pollution, etc.  Time is now. Everyone must do research about finding the solution that can make a difference to our planet and all its biodiverse life. One of the first and best things to do is Going Vegan =)   Vegan movement became very popular in the last few years with the help of social media and the internet. People are becoming aware of what has been going on for so many years. Meat, dairy and eggs production, and consumption kill millions of animals every day also kills the nature, environment, pollute the water sources and makes us sick. Going Vegan is just the beginning to save the planet, there is a lot more to do to accomplish this unique task that's in our hands at this particular time in our history.

 The human race has never caused this much damage to the planet that they live anytime in the history of our Earth. There won't be anything to harvest in the future to turn into consumer products. Consumerism is meaningless and destructive to our lives and all other living beings. We must evolve into the new generation of human beings that have set their minds to fixing all the problems of our society. Life doesn't have a price tag. Killing millions of animals and consuming everything on our path must change now. We have an extremely beautiful and biodiverse jewel that's been gifted to the entire human race but we must become the protectors of this prize. No life has been existed on Earth for humans to kill and consume. That only accounts damage, suffering and more to all life.


 Research states trillions of trees and plant life can be planted and cultivated all around the world on empty lands. This would help the world reverse climate change. Fruits and nuts trees and feed the world if they were planted in every acre of the world to emit oxygen, build natural landscapes and reduce the poverty and hunger in many areas. Permaculture gardening and food forests can be cultivated by anyone in their backyards or in cheap lands that exist around rural areas. They create food, oxygen, attract rain, build beautiful, healthy landscapes for animals and birds to live.

 We can build a greener world in a short time if everyone joins this unique mission and start the process. It's not too difficult. Single-use plastics pollute the environment, landfills also the oceans. We must stop using and producing single-use plastics so we can actually clean the plastics pollution that's getting out of hand. It's one of the most important environmental disasters after climate change. Plastics take over hundreds of years to decompose. The plastics that were produced decades ago still exist in the ocean or in landfill areas. We're manifesting pure madness with our existence on Earth. Humanity must evolve and act now. A green world full of life and no pollution can solve most of our society's problems. Invest in green products and technology so we can have a better future. All animals are sentient beings and our friends. Animals help to nurture the gardens and forests that we can plant in every acre. Let's start now so we can have a clean world for all life to thrive and evolve. Our Earth is a precious jewel that needs some cleaning and sanitation now, every action and thought will help to build this amazing world =)

Friday, July 5, 2019


 Vegan went mainstream a few years ago in U.S, UK, Australia, social media and in other places. Veganism is spreading all around the world. A Vegan saves countless animals, cubic feet of water, trees and more just by living the vegan life. Meat and dairy industries emit the most greenhouse gases globally. This causes the climate change to escalate to an irreversible level. Millions of animals are being killed every day to become food and consumer products for people. After you do research about all of this subjects, a question pops up
'Can Vegans Save The World?'  I believe the world reached a position of 'save or die' Environmental changes have never been this disasterous in the past. Someone and some people must do something about this. We need to save the world now. There is nothing else to think or do at this moment. Most of the jobs are feeding the meat and dairy industries increasing the destruction of our habitat on residual scale.

 There are probably some ways to save the world, the animals and reverse the climate change. Do we know what they are? We're all supposed to do our homework and do more research about this global phenomenon. Human beings must change and evolve as soon as possible. In order to make that happen, we should immerse ourselves into nature and start doing the right things that will save us and other species also entire Earth. This isn't about riches, the economy, jobs, unnecessary spending anymore. Things have gone downhill over the years enrolled us in a situation that we have to take action right now. Time is ticking.
 Scientists stated that we only have about 12 years to reverse the climate change and other natural transitions. If we don't begin now, we may all go extinct in the near future perhaps leaving only a few humans and animals in a post Chernobyl like conditions.

 Can we plant the world with gardens, forests that can emit more oxygen than the CO2 we produce? The gardens and food forests that we cultivated will also give us the food and other products that we need to survive. Permaculture is one of the recent and most efficient system of farming. A lot of people had so much success through turning their backyards and lands into permaculture gardens and food forests. It doesn't take much effort nor resources to start a farm or a garden nowadays. It may even be more affordable than starting a new business. There is land in more rural areas all around the world that can be purchased with less money. Anyone can plant and garden in their backyards as well. You don't even need too much land to grow enough food and plants for your whole family.

 Permaculture is a great way to garden because this type of farming actually doesn't need much tilling, fertilizers and effort. It's best not to use chemically rich fertilizers. Tree leaves will fall during the fall months feeding the other plants and trees over the months. You can always add some mulch and compost in the beginning and subsequently. There is nothing better than planting your own food forests in your backyard or land. This is the way to a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle. All the trees and plants you grow will also emit oxygen, form shelter for animals, birds and other species. Humans meant to be planters, growers, farmers in this world, not destroying all on their path. Hopefully more people wake up so we can turn the world into a green paradise to feed ourselves and save the world. We're lucky that God gifted this planet
with multitude of plant life for us to grow and take care of. 

 This may be the course to salvage our entire planet and all its diverse species. Let's save the world now. Time is running out. Anyone can go Vegan and start planting trees and all other plant life to transform the Mother Earth into a green paradise. Going Vegan is just the beginning to a life of protecting and preserving instead of destruction and ripping apart. All animals are our friends, they are never meant to be products for us to consume daily. Most animals can help the gardens that you seed by eating the weeds and giving out the compost that your plants thrive off. We can have a new world in the near future or drive ourselves into extinction. Everything is now, there is no tomorrow. Be the change now =)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

What I Eat In A Day As Vegan =)

  Hello there. I will try to explain to you what I eat daily. Going Vegan isn't difficult at all. A lot of people are going Vegan all around the world and they love it. You save lots of animals, water, the environment and more by going Vegan. It's the best way for any human being to eat and live. Meat and dairy are never meant to be foods and products for people to consume. They cause tons of health problems in every individual, pollute the environment, emit the most greenhouse gases, kill and torture millions of animals every day. Meat and dairy industries are horrific when it comes to how they keep the animals in small places and kill them to turn them into food and other products. You can change this by going Vegan. All vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes are vegan. Any type of foods can be made with them easily. There are tons of Vegan recipe books in bookstores also you can find any vegan recipe online. I bought a few Vegan cookbooks and baking books even raw. They have the best recipes to try. Every time I made a vegan dish, it came out delicious and healthy. I suggest staying away from processed vegan foods also refined sugar. I've heard that refined sugars contain bone chars that make them very unhealthy also not vegan. Use other natural sugars or just stay away from sugar all together. Fruits are sweet enough for anyone who craves something sweet and they're abundant in variety. Stevia is a great plant-based sweetener that can be found in every grocery store. It makes anything sweet and delicious and that's what I use in coffee, tea, baking, etc. Let's find out what I make and eat daily =)


I wake up and crave some coffee with almond or cashew milk. I pour some coffee in my cup that I brewed in my coffee machine and add some almond or any other plant-based milk. I also add some cinnamon, ginger, and stevia to make it sweeter and tasty. It comes out great every time and I love coffee to start the mornings =)
I make tofu scramble with chopped tofu cubes, vegan cheese, vegetables, herbs on a skillet with olive oil. It's very easy to make, just add all the ingredients like tofu, vegan cheese, your preferred vegetables and herbs on a skillet after pouring some olive oil. Mix them up with the spatula and flip them upside down like pancakes. It will be ready in like 10 mins. Tofu scramble is a great replacement for omelets and it tastes a lot better also healthier. You never need dairy, dairy isn't healthy and harmful to cows, chickens, and other animals.
I love vegan brownies. They're soo good. I made my own brownies from scratch before. It's difficult to find vegan brownies so you can bake your own from recipes that are vegan. Brownies are great for breakfast or to snack on during the day. Protein bars are nutty and vegan, you can find them in all grocery stores. Always check the ingredients before purchasing any products to make sure they're fully vegan. Brownies and bars go great with coffee and tea in the morning or afternoon.
There are vegan sausage brands in grocery stores that are delicious if you want some of that good sausage sometimes. Vegan sausage sandwiches are great for breakfast with chocolate almond milk or orange juice. You can bake your own vegan biscuits a day or two in advance or get some English muffins to toast. I love these Italian sausages in a toasted bun with tomatoes and green peppers also some vegan sliced cheese. You can't beat that.


I love rice for lunch and dinner. Rice is tasty, healthy and not fat. It gives you enough energy for the day with carbohydrates that aren't from sugar. White or brown rice are both delicious. I make rice with my rice cooker all the time to turn it into rice bowl with vegetables, tofu, tempeh, and other vegan foods. You can even make vegan buddha bowls with rice and veggies. Chickpeas, peas, okra, zucchini, beans go well with rice bowls on top or on the side.
Most people think Vegans only eat salads or grass. That's not true at all. Vegans eat the most variety of vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and all that. Of course, anyone and Vegans love a good salad made with fresh leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and some vegan sauce or dressing drizzled on top. Check the label for the dressings and sauces. Most look vegan but they have hidden ingredients that make them vegetarian only like butter, yogurt, milk, dairy, etc.  You can find vegan sauces and dressings on your own to pour on your salads and bowls also find some in stores.
Who doesn't like a good burger especially if it's vegan? Americans love their burgers, unfortunately, most burgers sold in fast food shops are made with real animal meat which kills millions of animals every day. There are many veggie burgers that are vegan but some do include non-vegan additives in them. You can still make vegan burgers with veggie burgers that are made with completely vegan ingredients. Be careful about the cheese and mayo added to veggie and vegan burgers. You can pick up vegan cheeses and mayo from stores nationwide now to complete your vegan burger at home.

You can enjoy most of the vegan lunch for dinner as well. Of course people like bigger portions for dinner but that's not really healthy. Dinner must be smaller in portion than lunch. I try not to have dinner after 8pm to reduce the fat and carbohydrate intake so I won't get fat. Even vegan foods can make you fat because they're mostly high in carbs and turn into fat if it's not burned with extra exercise and workout. The best way it to enjoy all you like to eat as vegan and exercise, workout daily. You can sign up to a gym or start jogging, exercising in your living room, backyard besides some yoga and stretching =)

This is an amazing Asian dish that you can make at home. Cook the noodles in a pot in advance. Add some olive oil to a pan, heat it up then add some onion, peppers, carrots, peas and all the veggies you like, cook them for 5-10 mins until brownish. Drop the noodles into the pan mixed with cooked vegetables, drizzle soy sauce. Soy sauces are high in sodium so watch it. I found some low sodium soy sauces but they still had a high amount. Stir fry is amazing and healthy.
I always loved some fried rice. I used to get it from Asian restaurants but they add eggs and other stuff in fried rice to label it not vegan. I make my own fried rice at home similar to stir fry with no eggs and dairy.
Cook the white rice in advance. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan, heat it, add carrots, peas, broccoli, etc. and cook for 5 mins then add the cooked rice and mixed all together. Finally, add the soy sauce and mix it well, cook a few more mins and voila. Your fried rice is ready. It's actually pretty simple to make most foods that restaurants serve. It takes a few tries to perfect the dishes cooked at home.
Pasta and spaghetti are pretty easy to make. You just boil them in water until they're done with a little salt and oil. Of course, you'll need some of that good pasta or tomato sauce to pour on top. I love pasta sauces, they turn any food into a bowl of heaven. I usually get the garden veggie pasta sauce to finalize my pasta dishes. You can decorate your pasta with basil, vegan sausages, other vegetables as well =)