Sunday, October 27, 2019


 The deforestation is spreading to all parts of the world exponentially. Forests are one of the most important ecosystems that emit a high percentage of the oxygen into the atmosphere also absorb the ever-increasing CO2 emissions. It's obvious that our world and our society need forests to survive, probably even plant more forests in deforested and desolate regions with new methods of reforestation. Humanity cannot survive in a world with no forests or fewer trees. All kinds of trees and forests are crucial for the survival of our society also for other living species that share the world with us. Most of the people were farmers a few hundred and even thousands of years ago. This means that people were always planting trees and growing all kinds of crops to feed the population and make products. What has happened? People's lifestyles have changed drastically in the last few decades making them more dependent on processed and manufactured products that destroy and pollute the environment and add to the already high CO2 levels. The industrial revolution was a big benefit at first but then it became such a burden for the environment and the atmosphere. It's clear that the modern society of our time that encompasses most of the planet must change its way of survival as soon as possible before it's too late. Many scientists are warning the public that climate change is worsening every year and deforestation and increasing Co2 emissions making the conditions worse by day. This modern, industrial and capitalist society isn't sustainable for long-term growth. This madness must be stopped with the right regulations immediately otherwise the damage will be irreversible for each living being and the ecosystems. Now is the time to take action about saving the world, nothing else matters anymore. The numerical numbers each person works so hard to add to their electronic accounts won't make much sense in the near future if the world becomes an unlivable wasteland. More and more people are starting to think about finding solutions to real problems of the world instead of buying and working for the stuff they don't really need for short-term happiness. Fancy products are nice to have for a while but it gets meaningless after a long time. Having more money in your account is the best feeling ever but you can't really worry about all that when the world came to a point of saving now or never. Humanity is supposed to focus on the most important issues of our time right about now like climate change, pollution, broken societal systems, unsustainable food production, deforestation, etc. The more riches an individual gathers over time doesn't prove they're successful in any field. Money is just a product value, the minimalist lifestyles are proved to give more happiness and fulfillment to many individuals. Why would a modern society destroy the world and all of the resources just to acquire more product value at hand? This is probably a very dumb idea to look after for any person or a corporation. There are way more important things in life to go after and to live for. Saving the world is the number 1 phenomenon at this moment and in the coming years, possibly forever. This type of civilization with a low level of values and mindset is destructive to all life and to their planet at every outcome.

 Let's think about what can be done to reverse all the damage and fix all the problems worldwide in the shortest time. It seems like going back to our roots is the best way to live. Humans have a brain, hands, eyes and hopefully enough neurons for them to do the right things that will produce the needed results for sustainability and productive action. Going Vegan helps saving many animals, the environment and the health of many people. A plant-based human being can be the problem solver of our time if he/she starts planting numerous trees and does the right things to reverse climate change, reduce the Co2 levels and to build a cleaner and productive community in the region. Planting more and more trees can solve so many of the problems worldwide, there is a permaculture gardening method for a sustainable lifestyle as well. Trees are the main organisms that provide the most beneficial components for all life to continue. Without trees, we'd go extinct in less than a few minutes. Trees and forests generate natural habitats for most of the living species on Earth including humans. The reason the capitalist and industrial civilization that exist for some time is destroying and polluting the planet increasingly might be that people aren't planting any trees nor plants to give us what we need. Most of the production is done with chemical reactions but the real production always depends on plants and produce gathered from trees and forests. People have to go back to their roots as the forest people, not some workers that live off chemically manufactured junk that kill all life on planet Earth.

  Let's talk about planting trees to save the world. Planting trees is the best thing you can do to stabilize the ecosystems and stop the desertification. It also has many other benefits like forming new habitats for all animal species, oxygen generation, absorbing the excess Co2, food productions and many more. Plants and trees basically give life to our planet and to all living species that cohabit with humans. Plantlife is unique to our planet, unlike any other planet we know of yet. All of the foods and products derived from plants and trees that use photosynthesis. More plants that perform photosynthesis can save the planet if humanity actually starts planting more trees and the most beneficial plants to establish new forests all around the world. There are new methods in certain countries to convert deserted lands into fertile and productive places to farm and produce food. Our planet is a special place filled with great amount of biodiversity and a multitude of species of plants and trees that make life go on. Unfortunately, humans became too industrialized over the recent decades and this type of civilization isn't suitable for our planet's ecosystems. The Co2 levels are extremely high at this moment but many companies don't want to change their productions because they believe profits are more important than the environment or the future of our planet. The mindset must change as soon as possible. Renewable energies are thriving, there are many electric cars on the roads. Humanity can make the shift to a sustainable, plant-based society and mostly fulfill their energy needs from renewable energies. Humanity must understand that all life including humans is connected to nature, forests and other species biologically as one. Nothing is separated from each other at an energetical level. Living a plant-based lifestyle is one of the best things you can do. Fancy products and the latest tech aren't necessary for a normal human being. There are many other ways to live a happy and fulfilling life. Going Vegan luckily made so many people find some meaning in their lives by saving animals and their environment around them. Of course, only eating plants won't save the world because there is a lot to be done to actually save the planet. More people must awaken to what's going on and realize that our society is extremely brainwashed with advertisements and a manipulative system to farm each animal and human being. Some people worship profits and control of society more than anything else. The profits mostly stay in electronic accounts, most people never get to enjoy millions or billions that they saved with the profits they've accumulated with greed. This isn't the way of life that should be embraced by any person. Greed will never make anybody powerful, rich nor intelligent because all of your profits will still stay in an account. No money will ever be yours now or in the future. People must start saving their world and unite for a more meaningful cause like planting trees, freedom of animals and society, climate change reversal, healthy lifestyles, and other serious issues that destroy the planet, countless animal life and our collective society exponentially.

 Planting fruit and nut trees can bear pounds of tasty fruits and nuts every year. All of this produce can be sold in markets, juiced, canned, saved for later. There are many kinds of trees that bear tons of produce in a short time after their full growth. Trees form forests, emit the most oxygen than any other plant, produce all kinds of foods and resources that can be turned into other products and materials. Trees are extremely significant for our society and people have to begin planting more of them also start reforestation in many dying regions of Earth. The only reason our planet going through a mass extinction event is the people's destructive habits and productions. All of these can be changed and converted into more sustainable systems in a short time if everyone understands that time is running out and we still have only one planet. Killing billions of animals, polluting the oceans, the air, and the environment, basically killing the planet and all life including humans to make more and more profits or money is a dumb idea. It must change, be the change and spread the word now.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


 Hello there. This is a message from afar that's being transmitted to humanity from another star system. We've been watching your planet and society for quite some time. You aren't aware of many things occurring in your world and around your solar system. We came to warn you about the secret agendas that are imposed upon humanity. Luckily, you have the opportunity to change all of this. There is great chance for the human race to evolve and become creators in the universe because you've been gifted with diverse, life-giving properties. You must be aware that there are many beings want to take away all you have from you secretly. The human race can become a remarkable society in the universe if they start doing the right things that will save the world from now on. You can't trust any alien beings that come here, there are many of them here. Some have been here for a while to carry out their own secret agendas. Your planet is a magnificent planet filled with life and biodiversity. No alien worlds are equal to Earth, most alien planets are barren and deserted. You have to protect your planet and your society with full power before it's too late. Aliens have been working on many projects to take over your society and gain access to your planet's rare resources that don't exist elsewhere. Earth is changing so fast and people are responsible for the degradation of forests and resources that have been granted to your society. Your planet has the sources that can terraform other planets if the right mindset has been adopted by all of you. Nobody knew about this before. The colonization of your solar system is just starting now but you must protect and preserve your world first. Alien beings aren't here to help or save humanity and they're doing all they can to take advantage here. You can't allow this to happen because you may lose your freedom to some alien races that only come here to acquire resources. They never care about humanity nor your problems. They will use your problems against you to manipulate your society for their own benefit. Luckily, you have a great chance to overcome the planetary changes and overthrow the alien presence if you unite and act now.

 There are great movements and awareness arising here on Earth, many people are awakening now. People realized that it came to a point that the world must be saved as soon as possible. Climate change is worsening every year and deforestation is happening worldwide. Forests are extremely significant for the stability of ecosystems around the world and you must begin the reforestation in every acre of land hereafter. Now is the time to do whatever it takes to save the world and build a more advanced and united human civilization on Earth that will reforest the entire world, save the animals then terraform many other planets in the future. This is a magnificent prospect you've been granted in a greater plan for the universal creation. The universe is packed with barren worlds even aliens exist and come from desolate lands. Technology isn't able to transform dead planets and systems into green, fertile paradises. Technology isn't what you think, it's never the main goal in the universe. The more you focus on technology only, you waste the most resources and time for something that won't give you much in the long run. Nature's ecosystems, the planet's stability, sustainability, and vitality are the most important aspects of all life even in other places in the cosmos. This is why you must focus on things that actually matter instead of technology, consumption or the belief that some aliens will come and save you from yourselves. This is the beginning of a new age for humanity, you have to grow up and start giving your attention to fixing the problems you had for some time instead of blaming each other. Everyone's involved in this so you must unite as one human race and build a more sustainable, free, aware and green civilization here in a short time. Going Vegan is a good beginning for everyone but it won't solve all of the problems or save the world in a moment. There is a lot to be done. You must change your society altogether and understand that time is ticking. You can become Gods of the universe if you can restore your planet to a better condition then begin terraforming other planets like Mars or some moons suitable for terraforming. Aliens will never leave you alone, they'll try to contact, gain access, take advantage of every situation so you're the ones that must overcome all the difficulties. One thing you can do is to plant trillions of trees to turn deserts and deforested lands into vast, sustainable forests. Forests are the most important sources you have in your world. Forests, trees, and plants can feed entire humanity also provide all you need now and in the future. You can reverse the climate change if the majority of the population adopts a plant-based diet, plants trees, save the animals and invest in restoring Earth's ecosystem.

 After the colonization of some planets in your solar system, you can reach other uninhabited planets near your solar system to colonize and terraform. Many worlds can become Earth-like with terraforming technologies, renewable energies and proper farming. Humanity has been created for a greater blueprint of the universe. That's one reason Earth incorporates so much biodiversity and life in its system. The human race and Earth have been planned by the Prime Creator to bring life to other planets and places in the universe since most of the universe is either barren or dying. Planets like your world are destined to revitalize certain regions in the creation but you must be careful about other alien species once you're out of your solar system. Aliens only tend to use and enslave the human race to fulfill their plans to benefit themselves. This is a grave danger that's lying ahead of you from now on. More people must awaken and unite to find new ways to restore the planet and establish a better society beneficial to each individual and living being. Don't fall under alien order or lose your beautiful planet's resources for the sake of greed and overconsumption. Go Vegan, become Gods of the universe, terraform the Earth with forests and green communities. Reclaim your society and your planet. Get together to save the world and build a more sustainable, free and green civilization that will progress the creation into the macrocosm.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


 Everything is changing so fast during modern times. There is a great opportunity ahead of humanity that many aren't aware of. Anyone can invest in this magnificent future so it can happen faster and benefit everyone. Nature is calling everyone to contribute to a better world for all human beings to live harmoniously at this time. Although time is running out fast, more people are waking up and taking action. We must save and restore the world as soon as possible. Environmental degradation is happening faster than ever. Climate change is the real and the only way to stop it is to adopt a plant-based diet also start planting the world with all you can. Each acre of the planet can become a beautiful, thriving garden and forest in less than a decade. More nations are taking action about real problems like deforestation, pollution, climate change, and the environment. The entire humanity is connected to all living beings at every level so we're the ones that must protect the planet with all our power and intelligence. Doing and paying for the same things over and over again just to live isn't the way of life. Now is the time to save the world and transform it into a green paradise that will benefit all humans, animals, and ecosystems all around the world. Mother Earth is warning us with more catastrophes that if we don't take care of our planet and reverse the damage now, it will get worse than before. Don't turn the world into an unhabitable dead zone because you wanted certain products to fulfill your short-term desires. There is more to life than greed or appetite. The products must be made plant-based to reduce the pollution and damage they cause. Single-use plastics aren't good for production because they pollute the environment and oceans more than anything else causing irreversible destruction for many living species. If you change your mind and habits, you can accomplish anything in a short time. Life isn't difficult like most people believe. Everything can be made easily with the right information and mindset. There is an awakening worldwide about the environment and other issues.

 There are projects to go to Mars and start colonies there in a few years. Eventually, a planet like Mars can be terraformed to become an Earth-like environment containing an atmosphere suitable for humans to go out and breathe. Colonization of space will bring more technologies and engineering to be discovered in order the begin the terraforming process in other planets in and around our solar system. Everyone wants to make something big but people don't realize all life depends on plants and trees living in fertile lands and soils. That's one thing Earth includes that probably most or all other planets won't but we have all the resources and biodiversity here. It seems like we can become Terraform Gods of the universe since we are granted a planet filled with all kinds of plants, trees and other living organisms that can help bring life to certain places in outer space near us. Isn't this a fascination prospect for all of humanity to put a hand on? There are a lot of wealthy and smart people in the world who'd like to invest in the terraforming of many other planets that are suitable to become Earth-like. It's clear that the universe is full of barren worlds that are waiting to be transformed into green landscapes.

 Our planet is always the first so we must begin the process of greening here. Deforestation is real and desertification is transpiring faster than the past. We must start the reforestation and afforestation here as soon as possible. Many plants and trees can be bioengineered to survive the harsh climate and environment of a planet like Mars and elsewhere. Bioengineering is a way to change the key aspects of plants on a cellular level for them to adapt to other climates and habitats. Mars is too cold, Venus is too hot for life to exist other than microorganisms. Although Mars can develop a warmer climate and a more suitable atmosphere with oxygen for the plants to survive and emit oxygen for us to breathe by implementing the right technologies. Earth already has desolate lands resembling fields on Mars, probably some others. Planting trees and cultivating the most plant life is crucial to all life here and elsewhere in outer space. Plants and trees emit oxygen, enrich the soil, develop habitats for other organisms to live also provide all kinds of foods for any species. If we can convert Earth's deserts into green forests with biodiversity, this can be produced anywhere in the world, hopefully in other planets. Humans will become more advanced than ever before if they can save their planet first then colonize other places in the universe to build more Earth-like worlds. Saving the world can be easy if all of us join forces to plant forests, clean the environment and form a united society. Life should have a meaning for all of humanity to pursue passionately. Now is the best time to go after the most important ideas and projects that will change the world and make it a better place. You want something to happen, go ahead and do it. Don't wait for anyone else to do it for you then it will never happen. We definitely need more forests, orchards, gardens, and technologies to terraform our lands that are dying. Always think about what you can do more and different instead of doing the same things over and over again. Think different, be the change.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


 Hi, Vegans are taking off with new innovations worldwide. The voice of animals, plants, and nature has been heard by so many people all around the world so jillions of people started the biggest movement and development of modern society ever. This is a great time for humanity since somebody discovered how to change the world at an extremely rapid rate. Once more and more people go vegan, start doing the right things that can save the planet, animals and the environment, our society will become a more advanced development mind-body-spirit that's more unified than ever before. This will eventually spread out to other planets and more Earth-like planets will be created in a short time. Vegans and innovators are able to create a new universe that's filled with gardens, greenery, forests, peace, and sustainability. A lot of bright individuals already launched projects to build colonies on Mars, Moon and elsewhere. There is evidence that there are some uninhabited Earth-like planets out there in space as well, some of these may be suitable for colonization and may include only primitive life forms. As you know, Earth has a vast range of plant and animal species that can adjust to new climates and terrains with some work and probably bioengineering. The entire universe contains a variety of worlds with diversified temperatures, atmosphere, soils, and gravity. Some regions of these newly discovered planetoids can be engineered to become convenient for human habitation especially underground and in big glass domes to protect colonies from radiation, storms, high and low temperatures, etc.  It seems like the universe is calling for more Earth-like worlds to be engineered and terraformed by human beings because Earth is probably the best planet with the resources to expand life elsewhere. Going Vegan is the beginning of the newest Homo Galacticas species native to planet Earth. Everyone would invest in this magnificent future and the technology and advancements will follow up for the colonization of space. Plants, trees, and nature provide humanity with all the opportunities to become limitless mind-body-spirits with super intelligence and super abilities evolving as the new Terraform Gods of the Universe.

 Photosynthesis will help a lot in the future because that's how life goes on Earth and it will be implemented to other worlds exponentially. Wouldn't you want to live in a universe filled with so many Earths inhabited by human beings forming an extensive empire? The problem is the sustainability of these new colonies. Generating efficient atmospheres and food sources are essential in order to establish a long-term space colonization plan. More people will evolve into a limitless mindset and become innovators, inventors of the future. The future may be Earth-like or more terraformed planets that will eventually turn into Earths. Of course, this isn't an easy task but it's very exciting to go after this amazing prospect. To save the planet and its balance of life must be the first thing to do before following a colonization agenda in space. Earth has come to a point where it needs a great deal of change from society to keep its original, life-giving balance. This can be achieved if more forests and gardens are planted to feed the population and absorb the excessive Co2 from the atmosphere. Going Vegan definitely saves lives and it's the best way of living on planet Earth. Change of diet isn't enough to reverse climate change and other problems that are occurring worldwide. More people must cultivate fresh new forests and even food forests that will feed people also absorb the high level of Co2 around the world's biggest cities considering big cities pollute more than other places in the world. Any big or smaller city can become a green city if forests are planted all over and renewable energy sources are installed by everyone living there. Living in green cities with various vegan food choices in addition to forests and parks to walk and do activities might be the best plan for our society. Investing in green and plant-based futures for humanity can be more profitable also life-saving for the planet. Even the richest and most powerful corporations can change into this direction that will be more advantageous for each person and market in the outlook. Living the greenest lifestyles will create more sustainable markets, jobs, and opportunities for every company and nation in the world. There are still so many places around the world that need more trees, forests, and reforestation so green and plant-based communities can be based there. Luckily, there is a rising awareness about the animals, environment, health and the planet's condition so people are accumulating more information to start the best projects around this topic. Any passion like building a better, more sustainable world for all living beings can be adopted by anyone as their new or side job. Vegan products are growing faster than any other type of product, hitting the markets back to back. Starting a business that contributes to saving the planet also making the society more sustainable, healthy and plant-based is the best new thing of our time.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

God's Wisdom Is In Plants, Trees and Nature - Restore Earth, Protect Society From Secret Alien Agenda

 Hi folks, another day in paradise. There is wisdom here on Earth. In fact, books are written and printed on paper that's made of plants or trees. God's intelligence is included in all of nature, plants, trees and their fruits, seeds, etc. All of nature is connected to each other interwoven in every aspect you can imagine. Not even a molecule is apart from the whole. Humans are part of this nature, connected in every possible. Trees have underground networks through vast mycelium connections so all of nature is aware of the whole at every moment. Trees and plants don't only absorb Co2 and emit oxygen into the atmosphere, they have a kind of telepathic consciousness to communicate through in the atmosphere. The Earth is a fully aware sphere of life at every second unlike how people believe it is. Not a bit of this life-generating network of nature should be destroyed or broken apart. People are only a part of this amazing macrocosm filled with diverse growth of existence. This legacy has been given to humanity for them to protect and propagate because it has the power to terraform dead planets into life by time. Destroying all of Earth's rare and significant resources to gain profits or power isn't the way of life. Survival can be easy for everyone if the right mindset is adopted by each person that's living on Planet Earth. Earth has been gifted with so much biodiversity as the living genetic library of this part of the universe so it has to be protected and preserved at all costs by everyone that shares this magnificent creation. There is still some time but it's ticking faster than before. Humanity may have less than two decades to reverse all the damage they've caused in the environment. This isn't the age to run after more profits and power anymore. Each person has a responsibility to take action about saving their homeworld before it's too late. This is new age humanity lives right now, there are many alien races on and around Earth pursuing their own agendas. Humanity must wake up and find out what must be done to save the planet before the coming cataclysms that will destabilize the globe even more. Unfortunately, no alien race is here on and around Earth to help and save humanity nor the world. Don't fall for this misconception. Aliens don't care about humanity, your values or culture. They're here to take advantage of a childish, destructive race so they can gain access to all of the rare resources that don't exist beyond. Aliens have been working on a hybridization program for a while and they had success with alien hybrids that look human but alien in mind. Hybrids have higher intuition and abilities that most people don't embody in them. They want them to look like they're the newest, more advanced version of the human race which is not true. Don't fall under this deceitful alien agenda hoping that it will be great for the world or humanity. Hybrids have been created through genetic engineering of humans and alien DNA forming a new species to control and manipulate the human race. The next evolutionary species of humans is the vegans and people who take action about saving the planet by reforestation, raising awareness, uniting humanity for a unique cause.

 More research has to be done about how the world can be restored and a more efficient societal structure can be designed. At this time, it seems like building a united vegan world can be the great beginning also planting new forests worldwide. Entire humanity can unite and become vegans gods in the near future with the power of plants and excellent nutrition that will give each individual many superpowers and terrific cognitive abilities. The new superheroes are united vegan gods to save all living beings on Earth, the planet and the society from falling under alien order. Commander Vegan from outer space will approach united vegans in the future once the world is fully stabilized and rejuvenated with forests and greenery. There are certain alien races observing the planet and your society that will come to form a bond with humans through many beneficial and friendly agreements benefiting both sides once humanity forms a fully sustainable and united society here. Many people are having an awakening with the vegan movement and the force they obtain from plant-based diets. Luckily, there is still hope to redeem the balance of life and develop a more advanced and sustainable society. Technological advancements aren't the way of the future. There is more to life than technology, alien societies and races don't care much about the technology they possess. There are more important aspects like sustainability, freedom, stability, and overcoming the looming challenges. Humanity has so much potential and Earth can provide all the tools and resources if proper action is taken with the right mindset. There is a rising awareness about going vegan, reforesting certain regions, saving animals, reversing the climate change. This proves that people are waking up and searching for new ways to move society in the right direction. Everything depends on people and individuals so even one person can change the world. You don't necessarily be super talented or work too hard to produce the right results for everyone to benefit from. Life is actually pretty easy. Plants, trees and even forests can provide everything for people to live and prosper. The economy would only get better when each person follows a plant-based lifestyle with no damage to the environment and living beings. Cultivating plants and forests and consuming them will activate God's DNA that will flourish and expand with new strands. This is the path to becoming Gods of the universe to reclaim Planet Earth and begin terraforming other planets in a short time. United Vegan Gods are coming, the force is within each plant, tree and living species =)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


 There is a secret presence here on Earth that billions of people aren't aware of. This alien presence isn't here to help or save humanity nor the world although they lie and deceive people about it. Most people are waiting for aliens or someone to come and rescue them and their subsistence but that's just a false assumption. There are many alien forces here on Earth that operate secretly and try to gain influence by manipulating many people for their own selfish interests. Nothing good will ever come from the alien races that come to Earth with clandestine and dark agendas. They've been taking over the world undercover because they didn't want people to know what they've been up to. Some of them have been here quite a while and there are many hybrids that integrated into our society so they can gain more influence over people here. This is a ridiculous agenda. Luckily, people all around the world are waking up and researching for more answers and solutions to real-world problems. This is not the day to waste resources and time for unnecessary things and short-term pleasure. Aliens are getting closer to taking over the world each day. They work day and night and created numerous hybrids (aliens that look human but alien in mind) that live in many places in the world. They believe hybrids are superior and smarter than humans but that's not true. Humans have so much potential and we possess God's spark in ourselves. God's spark will in the near future and everyone will become United Vegan Gods to take over the world and kick all alien forces out of the solar system. Unfortunately, the aliens that come here are a bunch of pirates with some technology and spaceships for them to travel around space. They aren't advanced or spiritual beings at all. They lie and trick people in power and others to get what they want and exert their clandestine plans. Now is the time to go vegan and do whatever it takes to reclaim our planet and our society so no secret force can take our freedom and our power from us for their own benefit. Don't fall under this false program designed to humanity by repression. The alien beings here are the trashiest kinds of aliens that go to planets to gain control in order to acquire the resources because the native inhabitants are still at a primitive stage of development. Nobody cares about these forces that wander around space, they kick them out from everywhere so they're in constant search for new places and resources to farm. 

 It's a scientific fact that consuming a plant-based, vegan diet provides more nutrients for your body and brain. There are many plant-based protein sources, you can also take multivitamins and plant-based protein supplements for higher vitamin and protein intake. A plant-based diet will boost your metabolism and add up to your evolution as a human being. Living a disease-free, clean and healthy lifestyle is the best way to follow your dreams and aspirations without worrying about negative things because you won't cause any cruelty or depravity around you. Any human being can focus on accomplishing a bigger goal by choosing a cruelty-free and plant-based lifestyle hence nature supplies humanity with an abundance of foods and resources derived from plants and trees. The biodiversity is massive on Planet Earth and people must stop destroying all of the significant resources that won't reappear after extinction. The best approach to create a sustainable and sublime society and the world is to invest in vegan businesses and products that will assist the society move into a better, more productive future. A united vegan world built and designed by united vegan gods will be exceptionally unstoppable and will have the opportunity to become more advanced than other alien societies that wander around looking for planets and resources to collect and utilize. United Vegan Gods will perform with the power of plants and self-sufficiency and the green technologies fueled with renewable energies will be more powerful and efficient than any other alien technology coming from outer space. It's clear that aliens that come to Earth don't have the life-giving sources in their supplies so they want our rare sources that can benefit all of humanity for themselves. This is a dangerous agenda against the human race that is inherent with the potential of becoming Gods of the Universe by completely disinfecting and cleansing their environment first then move on to other planets in and near the solar system to colonize. The future of humanity can be extremely bright even brighter than most alien races that come from dead planets and environments since the Planet Earth is still thriving with life and an abundance of green resources. Of course, it's clear that now is the time to protect and preserve all we have here and our critical freedom from any alien forces and destruction. Humanity is moving forward to become a multi-planetary species soon by colonizing Mars first. This can be the beginning of united vegan worlds and it can reward the human race as the new creators of the universe since all are made by humanoid beings in some ways or another. Anything can be achieved if we learn how to build more sustainable and green habitats for all species to live and prosper cooperatively. Vegan is the new gateway to God's new realm of creativity, prosperity, and freedom that will encompass many different, unique plants in the near future for the human race to grow. All technologies must be utilized to produce the best communities and structures for people to make and create more around them. The creativity of plants never ends because all kinds of plants and trees provide the tools and resources to make and create more even in other planets eventually. There are also animals who will support the newly established habitats and communities designed for plant-based and vegan lifestyles and production since they're the best friends to any individual. Nobody knew that the new evolutionary species after homo sapiens could be united vegan gods that are mighty, powerful and creative in every way possible.

 The universe contains countless barren worlds waiting to be terraformed by some races coming from biologically and diversely rich worlds like the Planet Earth but no alien races will help with this unique plan in the beginning. There are some friendly races that want to cooperate with our society after we establish a green, sustainable, clean and friendly civilization here. Unfortunately, the study suggests that most of the planets containing alien life may be depleted by their native inhabitants so the humanity must invest in terraform technologies as soon as possible to create new self-sufficient habitats and colonies in outer space without depleting or destroying their own planet or their unique resources and biodiversity. The reason planet Earth incorporates an extraordinary amount of biodiversity and life-creating sources in its biosphere could be that this library of sources and genetic material conceive new Earth-like worlds and even planetoids (small planets) around its locality than a vast expanse forming a colossal empire of green, sustainable, unified civilizations in discreet cohesion. A lot of people around the world don't have any idea what they sit on at this moment but people must be aware of what's going on and start investing in this extraordinary future as soon as possible. All jobs and production can be converted to fulfill this extensive global plan before it's too late. Many alien races are near-Earth trying to do whatever it takes to steal this prize for themselves without the consent of the human race. We can become united vegan creators aspired to build a new future for the universe instead of falling under some cruel and harsh alien order enforced on entire humanity. God's spark is within each individual gifted by the Prime Creator himself so this spark of creativity and enlightenment ignites to fire up the life into the world and the universe of miserable madness. Although this has been a big secret until now, luckily it's coming out now and will be unbelievably glorious for each person inherent with the creative vegan spirit. United Vegan Gods and United Vegan Worlds will definitely evolve and succeed as the most advanced in the universe terraforming a multitude of planets and creating the best habitats and technologies for all of us to benefit exponentially. The United Vegan Take Over agenda begins now and it will be unstoppable unlike anything in the past, the English language is useful to fulfill this plan. Creating the greenest, most sustainable, undivided civilization on Earth is the first task before moving to outer space since the colonization of other places in space is a challenging effort. The first-ever mission of humanity is to safeguard and preserve all the biodiversity and forested areas in their own biosphere and get rid of all the destructive consumption and productions quickly.