Tuesday, November 26, 2019


The Year 2020 - Vegans Are Taking Over The World To Save The Animals, The World and Stop The Alien Take Over  =D

 This is the year 2020 and there is a lot of activity going on around the world that people don't know about. There is an alien presence that was kept a secret from the public although people are slowly realizing what the real alien agenda is. Aliens literally want this world as their own and humanity as their servants. It must be stopped as soon as possible because it's very dangerous for the future of our society. People have been destroying the world and all life on a large scale and aliens have been watching Earth for quite some time. There are aliens everywhere now and they don't care about humanity at all. People must wake up and change their behavior and reverse the damage they've caused to the environment also stop animal cruelty and other reckless habits. A lot of people have been abducted in every place of the globe and forced to breed a new alien species called hybrids that look like humans but alien in mind to put forward the alien agenda. Alien agenda isn't for the good of humanity in every way possible, they aren't going to save the world. People must do all they can to save their own world from environmental degradation, climate change, and other problems. Luckily, the awareness about the real problems is arising and more people are taking action and changing their eating habits and behavior to save animals, the environment and the world. This is a time unlike anything in the past on planet Earth, the alien beings are everywhere and the hybrids look exactly like humans to help aliens take over the world. In this new alien world, people are the workers, servants that will lose all their rights and freedom for them to extract all resources and control the society cruelly that's similar to what humans have done to animals.  This is extremely dangerous for any real human being no matter how rich or powerful they are and for their future. This is probably the biggest event and probably threat ever and it's kept secret for decades.

 It came to a point that either vegans or aliens are going to take over the world so everyone must invest in a vegan future as much as possible to build a better, more sustainable and free world for everyone to live in. Otherwise, it may be too late, human beings may fall under alien order that's more cruel and manipulative than anything ever occurred in history. Now is the best time to gather all the information about what's going on and take action to do whatever it takes to save the world that's given to us by God. Everything will change after 2020, humanity has entered a new age in the universe and there are many alien races and agendas included this time. There are also other issues about climate, animal cruelty worldwide, deforestation, inequality. Some psychics and channelers are informed about a coming apocalypse that's both alien and environmental-related affecting all of our reality. It seems like only vegans with their clear minds, healthy lifestyles and impact on rescuing animals and nature can defend and protect human society and freedom here.  The inspiration to go vegan and change the planet might be sent by God or some higher beings in the recent past. Lately, it's taken off and more people are realizing that consuming animal products, destroying and polluting the planet isn't the way of life for anyone. Hopefully, somehow someway mighty vegans with their higher awareness and compassion will find new ways to safeguard all life here. This will help to stop the alien beings that are already here and come here to take over planet Earth to extract all the rare resources and establish dominion here.

 One thing, people don't know about is that the alien life near our solar system is very diverse, there are so many different alien societies and groups in some star systems also in and near-Earth for a long time. Humanity has been a young and developing species but they've started behaving reckless towards all life in their system and this attracted so much attention from outer space. Luckily, there are vegan, environmental movements to free the animals from the never-ending cycle of consumption and find new ways to stop the degradation that will only cause depletion of significant, life-giving resources. There is no better time now to go vegan and do whatever to save the planet and stop aliens from taking over because there is evidence that aliens have been cruel to humans by abducting them and using them with no consent. We live in a universe filled with alien life almost everywhere and we live in a populated area already. Most of the civilizations nearby are very old and technologically advanced. Technology isn't the most important aspect in the universe so wasting your time and hard work on technology will only turn people into mindless workers and technological addicts. Technology isn't everything, there are definitely more important things in life than alien or human-made technology. At first, it seems like all of the technology that can reach light speed or be useful in enhancing our lives is the best thing but it's not. Running the path to gather more and more technology will only deplete the planet's rare resources that are hard to find elsewhere. Going vegan worldwide and investing in renewable energies also reforesting, greening the planet will stop most of the problems in the world and probably unite humanity for a unique cause instead of wasting time on unnecessary conflicts. Life depends on supply and demand everywhere. When people need and demand more green, plant-based, vegan products that help to revitalize the planet's life cycles, we will build a more sustainable, free and compassionate civilization unlike anything in the past.

 Now we can build the most advanced, plant-based, green civilization on Earth or let some malevolent alien beings control and farm us harshly. Aliens are literally trying to punish the human race because of how our society turned sentient beings into products by killing and using them in billions. Animal products don't supply the protein or other nutrients in a healthy human diet. The real protein and needed nutrients are in plants like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc. We as the most intelligent species on Earth have to build a new world to solve all of our problems ourselves because other beings won't help us, they will take advantage of the situation at every chance. Aliens aren't vegans by any means. They used many people in experiments ruthlessly to create a hybrid race to begin overruling our society. This new type of control won't benefit the human race anytime in the future, this is a very dark agenda for everyone. It seems like the vegan movement will eventually take over the world to create an advanced, vegan civilization that can terraform planets like Mars. Plants and trees are the most essential, life-generating organisms on Earth and they will reach other planets to create more life there with the help of humans. This is the outlook of our civilization, we have a planet that can revive barren worlds like Mars that contained life and intelligent species in the ancient past. Of course, there are a lot of things to be done first, our planet is going through a mass extinction and it must be halted immediately before it's too late. Don't think that some highly intelligent beings will come and save humanity and the world. Unfortunately, this is not how things work in the universe. The resources the Earth contains are extremely rare in the universe and many alien races want to gain access to them. They need human compliance to gather what they want in an ever occurring plan.

 The year 2020 is the beginning of a new age that must be taken seriously. All life is connected to each other, nature encompasses it all. Humans are designed to be plant people to spread the seeds and expand the plant life for a sustainable and sufficient community. The distinct languages, traditions, beliefs between many nations spawn unnecessary conflicts that make the human population vulnerable to alien interference that's planned intelligently. Everyone has problems but they can be overcome once you follow a higher calling to save all life on this magnificent planet called Earth. There may not be any sphere for humans to colonize because most of the Earth-like planets are inhabited and protected by other alien civilizations. This is an alien universe, humans are the native species here and they're supposed to find solutions, do research and act upon saving our society and the planet. Aliens can't, they only come here for their own agendas since they're some beings with needs like humans. Everyone in the cosmos needs things to continue their life and development. Developing more advanced technology will never solve this problem, it will ignite more over time. Living and following a vegan, plant-based mindset to produce more sustainable, green communities energized by renewable energy sources and food forests is the best way to proceed as a society. Vegans and other activists are uniting to build a better world with the help of social media, the internet, and other devices. Anyone can plant trees and invest in projects that will save the planet instead of technological junk. We're all biological organisms sharing one planet with diminishing forests, foods and resources. Planting new forests that can feed most of humanity and produce more oxygen also forms livable habitats for all animals and human beings can change the world positively.

 You wouldn't want to live on a planet controlled and overruled by wicked alien races. All of humanity's freedom and culture would perish in a minute giving away all to the new alien lords. Animals have been farmed to turn into products for human consumption for quite a while. They've been treated cruelly, all of their freedom to live was taken away from them by more intelligent species. The same thing will happen to the human race because they've been behaving recklessly, destroying all life and polluting a rare and magnificent planet containing so much biodiversity and unique resources. Most of the alien worlds are either desolate or depleted with little or no resources so they have to find these elsewhere and the Earth has lots of them unlike most other planets in the universe. The rich and resourceful planets are well protected so the planet Earth must be safeguarded as soon as possible before the catastrophes become irreversible. Planets like Mars can be terraformed by human colonies and there are countless barren planets like Mars. Humanity can become terraform Gods of the universe, revitalizing the cosmos with newly generated Earth-like worlds for humans to inhabit even sell to other alien civilizations. It's almost impossible to even for advanced alien races to terraform new worlds because they have little or no resources that can generate livable habitats and plant life. Luckily, humans still live on a planet with extreme biodiversity that's very unique to its own. For these reasons, now is the time to save the world with a new plan designed to build a sustainable, vegan and united civilization that will only get better by time. Reforestation of Earth must begin immediately, food forests can provide most of the basic necessities and even more. We can create Heaven on Earth and Garden of Eden here, in fact this is the garden of Eden already. Going Vegan and investing in a sustainable, vegan and joyful future is the new beginning. Everyone will evolve and thrive in this new society forming a united vegan world that's free from alien control.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Writing Vegan Code As The Key To The Universe =)

 I've been inspired to write God's code recently. God's code is the key to the universe that a lot of people don't know about. God wants a new world with more aware and proactive humanity that's plant-based. People believe protein is the main nutrient for them to be stronger and agile but that's not true. The plants are an extremely important part of our lives. They contain more protein as well. Our lives depend on plants and the products we make with them. Plants are organisms that belong to the vegetable kingdom, trees are larger plants enclosed in bark and shedding leaves. They're very similar in nature. Human beings are naturally designed to be plant people that live in tune with nature in every way. Unfortunately, people lost this connection, especially after the industrial revolution. People started using materials that aren't extracted from plants. This new age slowly began destroying the planet and its stable resources worldwide. God's code is still embedded in humans' DNA and it's calling us to come back to nature and natural way of life. There are people who realized using, making and consuming things and products that aren't made of plants because it's immensely destructive to all living organisms including animals, humans, ecosystems, forests and else. Vegan is probably sent by some wise beings or God, the creator of the universe to change the world entirely by asking people to go back to their roots. Why would you make, use and consume things that destroy the world, cause massive suffering for animals and worsen your health? All production must be plant-based for the least cruelty and damage to the environment and sentient beings. Nature is calling humans back to convert to living more natural since all beings are part of nature. One person can plant a vast forest in his life when he feels the calling sent out by Gaia. Mother Earth has started to warn humanity with disasters, fires, hurricanes that if people don't change their way of reckless living, things will only get worse. Luckily, there are some people like vegans who heard the call from suffering animals, dying lands. If more people change their habits and take action about environmental issues, we can create a better world for us to live. Vegan is the new beginning of humanity, writing and living the vegan code can be the key to the universe. The go vegan slogans, vegan recipes, sharing awareness about animal cruelty, finding solutions about environmental issues are all part of the new vegan awareness ignited worldwide at this time. Perhaps an archangel sent the vegan code into the Earth to begin the movement that can save the world. There are higher realms that watch over Earth continuously but they aren't allowed to fix it all because it's against free will and growth of living beings in this realm. It seems like the vegan code can fire up the awareness and knowledge of other phenomena of our time. Living and producing all that we need to survive in plant-based will generate a more stable and sustainable ecosystem for humans and other beings. There are many angels watch our society and the world we live in from a higher perspective. They can't save the world but humans can if they unite for a unique cause of saving the world as their main assignment. The vegan, plant-based, environmental movement will boost the economy increasingly because that's the most sustainable way for people to live, work and consume. Everything depends on people in this world and the wise know that so they sent the vegan code to save all sentient beings and enhance the planet as one of the most fertile, productive and harmonious planets.

 This may be the biggest invention ever on Earth that can create a new world eventually.  There are other beings that want this world and this must be stopped. A lot of people don't know what's going on. To have a grasp of the real situation at hand, one must read, search and be more curious about the reality that's being hidden from the public. People assume that if some beings from outer space approach our world, they will come here to help and give gifts like friendly guests. Unfortunately, that's not how it works for alien life forms anywhere in the universe. Things are totally different than what the movies show or people's assumptions. Humanity's reckless and destructive behavior must change as soon as possible because the planet isn't a playground for their native inhabitants to break and waste things all over. There is a grave danger that all nations are accounted for. Most nations in the world don't have good communication nor cooperation with each other. Many of them can be easily persuaded by beings that come from elsewhere and can fall under alien order in a short time. In order to be strong enough to repel deceitful activity, people must learn the real situation and share awareness and information with others. This will ignite a unified consciousness in people's minds and everyone will be able to act upon the real problems because life isn't just about working, shopping and going home or travel, hobbies, etc. There are really important issues that must be solved by people everywhere that are aware and knowledgeable about them. The new movements like going vegan, saving animals, the world, environmental action, climate change can spread to other issues like alien encounters, alien agenda, equality, deforestation, desertification likewise. The ability to act upon real problems depends on how much information a person or a group people possess. Being knowledgeable takes time because no one can learn everything during the time between responsibilities. There is a new world on the horizon that can be bright or dimmed for the humans living here natively. This is a world unlike anything in history, everything is different now for each person. One person cannot save the world but one person can find the way or ways to save the world and people do those things anywhere in the world. Life isn't that difficult like most people believe. Life can be easy and joyful for everyone if the entire world unites to do the right things each day to save the world instead. And this begins with the vegan code that so inspiring and informative. Vegan code will totally transform to world into a new realm of lush and fertile landscapes. More and more people are being inspired by this unique and universal code of life all around the world and this is creating a better, more livable planet for all living beings. You wouldn't want to fall under alien order and become their farmed animals like what people have done to farmed animals for many years. The stronger and smarter takes advantage of the weaker and consumes them, uses them as a resource. This is the reality of nature but going vegan can resolve this. Plants and trees are more powerful than any other organism on Earth and elsewhere in space. All life depends on them to survive even the strongest and smartest. The path to becoming a more advanced society isn't through technology, it's the ability to engineer a more sustainable, productive and equal environment for each living being. The key to the universe is definitely vegan and plant-based. There are so many uninhabited planets like Mars that can be terraformed over time but the security and protection of Earth is the most important task. There are plentiful, vegan recipes online and in cookbooks for anyone to become a great chef or cook without harming any sentient beings that share the world with us. We're all part of an ecosystem altogether and there are numerous beings that want this abundance for themselves. The universe is trying to merge with lifeforms of planet Earth for their own benefit.

 In the course of time,  the forests, plant life, humans and other life forms of our nature will disperse to other planets and regions of the universe because the biodiversity of our world is extreme unlike many other places in cosmos. This will establish homogeneous and cooperative worlds that expand to new regions to bring sustainability and productivity for new domains. Basically, the universe wants more Earth-like worlds no matter how they come to life. Earth wasn't always a livable sphere for humans or other beings, it became like this over millions of years. Time doesn't make sense in a universe that's exceptionally vaster than anything imaginable so there is always time for new ideas. Of course, the biodiversity will be very useful to create more life elsewhere. The life will adapt to new climates and settings with engineering and adjustment so deserted places can eventually become lavish territories for humans to occupy. Some nations already began converting desert into productive farmlands so terraform procedures are in development already. Converting deserts into green and fertile lands is the beginning of terraforming other worlds and the greenery will emit oxygen, provide foods and livable space for people and animals. If more people adopt a plant-based diet and take action about the real problems by changing their habits, the Earth will become the life-generating source designated as the universal genetic library. People started feeling the connection to nature encompassing our world that must be protected and preserved at all costs as the number 1 objective. Living plant-based opens up neurological senses to perceive how we're all part of the interwoven creation of living organisms. Trees talk to each other through underground networks and humans might be a type of walking, operating fungi in nature.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Future Year 2050 - United Vegan Worlds - Take Over =D

 The future will be amazing for all human beings and other living beings on Earth and elsewhere. Humanity has a gigantic fate that they didn't know about. Now is the time to make it happen. Earth civilization has reached the level of technology and structure to create life elsewhere in the cosmos. The future is very bright but there is much to be done. Going Vegan is great, probably the best beginning for any person on Earth at this time. Of course, going vegan isn't enough to make the biggest leap to save the world and all living species. There are still many events threatening society at all stages of existence. If everyone joins this movement of saving the world and all living species with a dietary change and a compassionate mindset, many big things can be accomplished in a short time. Humanity has the opportunity to achieve magnificent development here and in space eventually. More and more people are going vegan all around the world with the arising awareness about animal cruelty, environment, deforestation, climate change, etc. A new movement has been ignited that can change the world unlike anything in the past. People realized they can save all animals, all life and even the entire world if they adopt a plant-based diet also do the things that can produce a more stable and intelligent society.

                                                         -Image of Terraformed Mars-

 There is a new plan for the future year of 2050. Our civilization is going towards building a united, vegan world progressively. This means that humanity can become a multi-planetary species forming united and vegan worlds by colonizing planets like Mars and some orbital moons. There are big projects already in the process of colonizing space and Mars soon. Being vegan is the most sustainable way for any person so the colonization will be exerted as terraforming new Earth-like vegan worlds for the human race. Terraforming many barren worlds like Mars to fertile, livable environments is the future of humanity. If you think about it, even Earth wasn't always a livable place millions of years ago. Life always emerges from other organisms and during a long process of evolution. Most of the water came to Earth from space so water and other essential elements can be transported to barren worlds like Mars during the course of terraforming. There is much evidence that many different alien races altered humans to become the Homo Sapiens as the most intelligent species ever lived on Earth. Many of them probably seeded the needed elements for our planet to thrive with its biodiversity, perhaps they genetically engineered many living species that exist all around the world. This proves that there was always a great amount of alien interaction from outer space to create more life and terraform this planet so humans can do the same to other worlds in the near future. There are photos showing remnants of a dead civilization on Mars even many pyramids. It seems like there is a connection between Earth and Mars in the ancient past. Mars was probably livable with oceans, rivers, a robust atmosphere, it may be easier to colonize and revive the entire planet.

 There is scientific research that the universe containing countless barren worlds also some Earth-like planets but the Earth-like ones may be well protected by other races and advanced civilizations. Our planet definitely has the means of resources and biodiversity that can transform other desolate places into livable, Earth-like with breathable atmospheres, greenhouses, human colonies and bioengineered forests that emit oxygen and provide all kinds of foods. Bioengineering trees, plants, and greenhouses to survive the climates and hazards of new environments are extremely important to accomplish these missions near our solar system. The ever-rising amount of vegans and people who invest in green farms, forests, and businesses worldwide will terraform our planet in a short time first then the mission to terraform other planets will begin to create new vegan worlds. Trees and plants are definitely the life-giving sources of our world, anything can be made vegan and plant-based instead of using animals, oil or other destructive methods of production. There are photos taken with space telescopes that clearly display forests, greenery, and water on Mars so it's not totally an infertile landscape. There were probably vast oceans and forests on Mars in the past and some either human or alien civilization living there with technology.

 If God wanted more Earth-like, green and productive worlds thriving with biodiversity, he'd probably hire humans because we already live on a planet with such biodiversity and resources. Most of the alien civilizations that developed an advanced technological society in their homeworlds may deplete these resources over time and may not be able to terraform other worlds into livable environments. It seems like now is the time for humans to save their own homeworld, stop destroying and depleting all the significant resources and causing instability that can devastate most of life here on Earth. Humanity must begin reforesting the ever-expanding deserted regions to stop the desertification worldwide. The new forested areas that emit oxygen and absorb the already too high Co2 from the atmosphere may mitigate the worsening climate change. Plants and trees are life and all animals are friends in this new world. Meat, dairy productions discharge the highest amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. When more and more people become vegan and follow a plant-based lifestyle, growing demand for plant-based products from green farms will reduce CO2 levels eventually. In theory, this process might generate a terraform effect around the world, converting many places into sustainable, green farms, orchards and food forests that can free millions of animals from cruelty. Terraforming of space and other worlds starts with planet Earth and Mars. What we can do to deserts and desolate regions here can be performed elsewhere.

The human society that can terraform new Earth-like worlds can trade these small spheres with other alien races and civilizations. This new Vegan Terraform Gods can become the most advanced in the universe because following the path of technological development like most alien civilizations do will deplete all rare and non-renewable resources and energies over time. Perhaps, even God, the Prime Creator employed countless angelic beings and humanoid life forms to create life on many planets in the universe so humanity can take an example from the creator and copy this idea to boost their development and evolution into eternity. This may be why the Earth contains such a diversity of living species and organisms in its ecosystem. God probably seeded some Earth-like planets as the living library of genetic material that can give life to other places around it. Shooting an asteroid with a zoo attached to it may not achieve this plan...   During the process of colonizing other planets like Mars, humanity can find new methods that can be beneficial to our civilization inhabiting the Earth. Eventually, an extremely advanced society will emerge that can turn any rock or desert in space to Earth-like, fertile lands. The united vegan worlds have the chance to reach a level that's more advanced than alien races because technology isn't everything, producing life and sustainable environments are the most essential.

 Terraforming Mars would entail two major interlaced changes: building the atmosphere and heating it. A thicker atmosphere of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide would trap incoming solar radiation. Because the raised temperature would add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, the two processes would augment each other. Carbon dioxide alone would not suffice to sustain a temperature above the freezing point of water, so a mixture of specialized greenhouse molecules might be manufactured. In order to successfully convert Mars into a livable place, it must be warmed with greenhouse gases and other procedures. Colonies and cities that are established on Mars will vent out Co2 to the thin Mars atmosphere to warm the entire planet over time. Scientists refer to Mars as a biocompatible planet for successful terraforming because Mars was a livable planet with existing civilizations in the ancient past. Of course, the colonies and Mars inhabitants will hopefully follow a plant-based diet and lifestyle and won't transfer animal cruelty to other planets in space. Although the Earth contains a wide variety of animal species, they were never meant to be consumed by humans at such an extraordinary scale. The space colonies will desire animal companionship and help for certain conditions because life is bland without loving and living animals in a stable ecosystem. Going Vegan, plant-based productions and mindset will eventually encompass the Earth and reach to other planetary systems to create new livable and fertile ecosystems for all human beings and animals. This is an exciting future for everyone to join and put forward with their choice of following a vegan, plant-based lifestyle that won't cause harm to any sentient beings and environment. There is rumor in social media that the future will be vegan and that may be true if more people join the movement of saving animals and the world. Humanity is still a young and emerging society in the universe and there is much to learn. The wise know that technology or other advanced machinery won't save the world nor humanity. Creating a sustainable and healthy future with the help of plants, trees and cruelty-free products will. Now is the time to do whatever it takes to create this wonderful concept of united vegan worlds that may become one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe. Don't fall under alien order. The research reveals that aliens aren't here to save the world or humanity, they're here to take over. Beware of the alien presence. Humans are phenomenal species with so much potential living on one of the most beautiful planets in the cosmos.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

God's Order - Go Vegan - Terraform The Alien Universe with Unlimited Seeds to Make It Vegan Paradise =D

 The prophecy is here on Earth inside humanity's hands. There are a new reality and purpose for mankind that have never been thought or heard before. Possibly, God created the human race for a unique purpose unlike any other alien race in the universe. The planet Earth is a very special world brimming with seeds of life engineered by the Prime Creator. Planets that are full of life and diversity are extremely rare in the universe and there are many races who want them for themselves. People must be aware of the secret agendas being imposed on them by other intelligent races that come to Earth. Unfortunately, humankind is in the middle of a mass extinction event caused by their industrial and survival expansion over their world. The society you developed is unsustainable for the resources and living species existing with you. Your planet must be protected and preserved carefully before it's too late. Otherwise, you may fall under alien order or lose the crucial resources that all species need to survive. Reseeding of planet Earth must begin as soon as possible and there are some programs to plant millions of trees already. But this isn't enough, people must awaken as much as possible. No human being is born to be just workers or individuals without a grand principle. The universe isn't what you think and this is the reason God wants a new universe similar to Planet Earth thriving with life and greenery to produce the significant resources that can help many diverse species either alien or original to this world. There were more farmers than any other profession in the past and this established a more peaceful and sustainable society before the industrialization era of your species. You have all the seeds and plant plus tree species around you to grow and cultivate all-around your home and vicinity. Alternately, people choose to be workers for big corporations and live an unhealthy lifestyle that's not beneficial for the human body nor the soul.

 Nobody has the courage to do things that can change the world instead. Even the ape family is more sustainable than the human race. When any kind of ape that inhabit the forests eat fruit, they drop the seeds onto the ground, these seeds become seedlings then large trees bearing fruits. This is how the life-giving forests expand with the help of numerous species living there. The more intelligent species called 'the humans' destroy forests, pollute the world and oceans, fight meaningless conflicts and judge each other for differences and force mass extinctions and destruction on their home planet that's a rare jewel in the universe. It seems like intelligence has shifted to destructive behavior to gain numerical profits and paper notes. People must understand that all life is connected to each other and no species has the right to kill all others for food and any kind of production. There are people waking up worldwide in millions and they want to change the world because it's meaningless at this point. People have to unite as one race to think about how to solve the real problems of this time like extinction events, forest fires, animal cruelty, climate change, pollutions, etc. Profit margins won't make sense in a world going through an apocalypse that's being watched by other races that want to take advantage and take over. Stop being a farmed animal for other beings and the system to take advantage of you and farm you for profits and their own benefit. What you eat and consume is absolutely critical for the future of your society also the planet's vitality. Animals eat other animals and each other in nature. Humans don't have the digestive system to consume meat and no animal products. They're designed to be planters, growers of vegetables, fruits and all kinds of beneficial plants. All plants and species have unique properties that are useful for health, ecosystem and all life. The system is designed to farm people and all kinds of animals to make profits and control. This type of societal structure is awfully destructive to people and other coexisting species. Living a plant-based lifestyle is the best way to maintain a healthy society and planet for all of humanity and animals to continue evolving harmoniously. Life isn't supposed to be difficult or harsh for any living organism especially on Earth because this planet has a great amount of diversity and resources for its species to exist peacefully.

 There is a vast universe out there, probably packed with barren planetary systems for the human race to colonize over time. Although this isn't an easy task for any alien or human being, it can be accomplished with the right mindset and investment. Of course, there are many alien races in the universe even not far from the solar system where Earth resides. Aliens and humans are not much different when it comes to their desires. All beings want to survive and expand their civilization in space but all of this requires a great number of resources and workforce. Colonizing other empty planets without any alien inhabitants for the sake of terraforming new Earth-like worlds might be the best duty our society to strive on. It seems like the universe needs help because Earth-like worlds with such biodiversity and living organisms are pretty rare. Life needs more diversity, biological compounds, and plant life to continue no matter where it exists in the cosmos. Creating new Earth-like planets sounds like God's work but why did God create or let many different beings like humans to evolve in certain places around macrocosm? Perhaps, God is so big that he needs other beings like angels, humanoids, spirits, souls and many other creations to complete many tasks around the universe and one of those may be to terraform other uninhabited planetary systems. Earth is definitely precious so all of its resources and vitality must be protected as the number one goal of humanity. Undoubtedly, there are going to be many beings and alien life forms approach our society and planet now and in the future so they can gain access to rare and needed resources and biological, life-giving sources that our globe contains. This is a time of awakening for all of humanity before any destructive events hit our civilization to force it into devastation. Everyone must spread awareness as much as possible so all regions of our societies and system we live on can be preserved to follow the path to sustainability and peace.

 There is a lot of work to colonize Mars and probably the Moon in the near future. There are even rumors that there are colonies on Mars already living in tubular systems and underground facilities. Although Mars is still a harsh environment for anyone to live comfortably, this may change if people can find a way to fully convert its atmosphere and soil into something more suitable for humans. People are definitely want to become multi-planetary species because that's one of the best things to do for any emerging civilizations. Our solar system doesn't include any planets that contain life except Earth but this might change in a thousand years or so. The idea is to transform planets like Mars into an Earth-like atmosphere and environment for any humans to live comfortably. The scientific researches show that there are clearly so many uninhabited planets but most of them are desolate and deserted for any intelligent life form to develop. If Earth is extremely rare with its biodiversity, it might help to give life to some other worlds near its system. Some nations like China already work on converting deserts into lush lands to grow crops and forests in a short time. These methods used here on Earth or even Mars to grow crops and fertile lands can be attempted in other places. In a thousand years or so, some parts of arid lands will start blossoming and even become self-supporting colonies or facilities. Earth is possibly the genetic library of this part of the cosmos where there is a diversity of life forms inhabiting other planets but Earth-like worlds are pretty much hard to find or well hidden from others. Mars is the new beginning for humanity to colonize with the help of bioengineered plants, trees, domed structures, and indestructible greenhouses. Underground caverns may have more suitable and calm conditions for habitation in other planetary systems. These areas can be used as greenhouses to grow and bioengineer the plant life that can be propagated in outer areas where climates are a little harsher.  Growing your own foods and planting productive trees are always the best ways to a sustainable lifestyle anywhere. Animal life is always helpful for fertilization of any lands as long as they are able to breathe and survive in those new places.

 Earth is definitely created to expand its renewable and creative biological resources anywhere it can reach. There is evidence that many life forms from outer space used Earth to gather many types of organisms that don't exist elsewhere. These materials probably utilized to generate new life forms that can live and multiply in other homeworlds. Humanity may do the same even more because we're the saviors of this world rich in growth. The protection of the climate, forests, and oceans is immensely significant at this time since many animals are going extinct cause of human greed. Plants are able to provide all for human beings now and in the future. Going Vegan is one of the best things to do for the animals and the environment but there is a lot more to be done to reverse all the damage our civilization has caused in the last few decades. Killing all other life-forms that add to the ecosystem is awfully destructive to our planet's future. We have an extraordinary planet thriving with life and it needs our help at this time. Technology isn't the only objective because more technology will only require more money and rare resources that are being depleted by time. The stability and sustainability of civilization are more important than technology, money or trinkets. Plants and trees emit oxygen, provide foods and other products, clean the waters, form a livable ecosystem for all animals all around the world. Permaculture gardening is very efficient to grow a variety of food with less energy and fertilizer. Greenhouses are the 2nd efficient way to grow many plants and trees in any climate. These methods can be moved to other parts of our solar system to feed the colonies. The most essential plants can be bioengineered to survive different climates and temperatures as well so these new alien lands can be terraformed with the help of finely engineered plants and forests that will turn any soil fertile and emit the oxygen all living beings need also yield food supply.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


 Veganism is spreading around the world faster than anything ever occurred in the past. We live in great times but there are turmoil and forest fires in addition to animal cruelty that exists everywhere. All of the cruelty and pain can be solved in some time if more and more people go vegan and start taking action about the real problems of the world. All animals are our friends and they add to a stable and fertile ecosystem encompassing the Earth. We cannot live without animals nor by eating and turning them into products. This is extremely dangerous for the balance of life. Killing animals for food and production is intensely primitive in a modern time with such technological advancements and access to plant-based foods. Luckily, the vegan movement is heating up and more people are adopting a vegan lifestyle than ever before. Social media and all kinds of communication devices that connect us to the internet are great tools to spread the message and raise the awareness of humanity about what's going on behind the scenes. We've been killing the planet for quite some time, humanity should have planted more forests, build green cities and technologies instead. Going vegan is the best thing that a lot of people agree on. It's the healthiest and least destructive lifestyle and mindset anyone can follow.

 The longest living people in history always had a plant-based diet and a lifestyle. They were people who live in peaceful environments, planting, growing their own food, playing with animals, walking and living a less stressful life. Growing your own food is probably the best thing you can do other than developing your skills and doing the things that you really love. It's a fact that most of the longest living individuals were either vegans or vegetarians and some lived over a hundred years. So you can consider that eating plants, vegetables, fruits, etc. will make you live longer. Growing your food, planting trees, seeding your backyard will make your life more fulfilling and peaceful unlike anything else. Working many hours to feed the corporations and big companies to chase paper isn't the best way to live and it will take away your happiness and add more stress to your mind and body. The more you work to make more money that will only stay in a bank account isn't the smartest way to be successful nor to obtain wealth. The money that you work so hard and deposit to your accounts will never be yours because you'll be working more to keep all you have and all your money. That means you'll never be happy or have a fulfilling life by working longer and harder than yesterday. Unfortunately, society has been built on wrong values and a system that harvests humans and all their energy from them. You may have to work and do things to survive but working harder or more every day may not be the solution. Perhaps you should start making your own things that are useful also find a way to grow your own food to feed yourself, family, and sell the rest in markets. Planting the right kind of trees will give you a lot of food in return and trees are extremely beneficial for all types of terrain. Planting trees will make you immortal because they will never die since most plants and trees spread their seeds in certain ways to repopulate their vicinity. A few trees can become a forest eventually with no human interaction.

 Building the right forests to feed humanity is probably life-saving for everyone but nobody really knows how to do it. People keep planting pine and oak trees that won't bear any edibles. The U.S was mostly covered with nut forests that died off cause of some diseases that came here from other parts of the world. The trees weren't able to defend themselves to new bacteria and microorganisms that attacked them. Now there aren't many nut trees in forests anymore. Nut forests are able to bear seeds and nuts for the animals and other species that inhabit nearby regions. The fallen seeds are picked by many animals and transported to other places to become new trees and forests so it's an automatic system for reforestation. All kinds of trees and plants work the same but they don't produce as many foods for the ecosystems. Humanity definitely needs food-producing forests and farms to feed ecosystems and the growing population worldwide. Forests are extremely beneficial for the land, air and other aspects of our world. Food producing forests can generate many sustainable communities with full self-sufficiency and renewable energies independently. Going Vegan is good for animals and all life on Earth but it won't create a fully sustainable society, we must work on other problems as well. There are billions of animals that kept in small places to be slaughtered to become food products. All animals deserve to be free and walk around freely to help grow new forests and farms because animals can generate fertile land in a short time, unlike any other fertilization system. If humanity can create a sustainable, vegan and free society worldwide, we'll all be able to live longer and peacefully. All animals and people will live happily by taking care of each other instead of trying to take advantage of each other primitively. All productions can be converted into plant-based if more people understand that using animals is extremely destructive and cruel to all life and ecosystems around the world. Humanity must stop killing all on their path to make products that grant them short-term survival and taste. In the long run, the damage and destruction will be irreversible. The forests are diminishing and water levels are rising already. Adopting a plant-based lifestyle and implementing it into all productions are the best things to do at this time.

 If you'd like to live longer and be remembered forever, you must save all life that exists on Earth including humans and other organisms. All living organisms depend on each other to survive. One type of organism cannot feed on others constantly and expect to live longer and greater. Eventually, this type of relationship with other living beings will generate an unstable environment for all of them to go extinct especially the one that feeds on others. For example, cancer won't be able to survive once the host dies of the disease spreading all over the body. Cancer by itself isn't a fully operating cell. Humans are in the same situation right now. They must be more gentle and protective against other living beings and ecosystems in the world coexisting with them. Overall, the real food and production must always depend on plants because that's the most sustainable way of feeding society and animals. The fact that people who live with a plant-based diet in regions where communities or nations that endorse plants and produce as the real foods and products formed a longer living, more sustainable and green society than others. The proof is out there, technology or other advancements won't cause civilization to be more sustainable nor advanced in any way. The technological nations that depend on animals for food and production are more destructive than anything else ever existed in the world. Technology means resources that deplete the world slowly. Meat, dairy, leather and other products derived from animals kill animals, the lands and cause more pollution than millions of cars on the road. Killing all kinds of animals and even other different looking tribes won't solve the problems nor declare peace around the world. The vegan movement is a great beginning but people are supposed to begin creating plant-based products and communities to stop all kinds of cruelty especially against animals and even people.

 The answer may be yes, vegans may and can live forever because all the things you do in your lifetime will have an impact and your thoughts, actions and the positive things you've created will exist forever through eternity. Now is the perfect time to do whatever it takes to save all living beings and the world. There are always many ways to reverse the damage the civilization has incited during their existence. Anyone can live forever if they become plant-based and make the world greener, peaceful and livable for all life that connected with each other in every measure possible. Vegans and people who plant trees are forming a green, free and sustainable world for new generations to continue making it better than before. There are always many ways to improve the society towards a compassionate, fully sustainable and united civilization that will live forever.