Sunday, December 22, 2019


 Vegan is the most amazing thing ever occurred on Earth. Becoming plant-based and fully vegan is evolving our DNA to be the new human species after Homo Sapiens on our planet. This is the biggest movement that will change the world molecularly to turn it into a more sustainable place for all living beings. Vegan is out and it's taking over the world faster than anything. More and more people are going Vegan, investing in vegan businesses, planting the seeds of the future. Humanity has so much potential to become more advanced than other species in the universe because we have a special planet containing extremely abundant diversity of biological life. This gives our society the ability to build a highly sustainable and advanced civilization by protecting and preserving the resources and biodiversity of our homeworld that we're part of. We live in the future because Vegan is definitely the future of humanity that will be so magnificent and wonderful for all living species. United Vegan TakeOver is the key to saving planet Earth as soon as possible since humans have caused so much damage and forced the climate to get warmer at an alarming level. Building an extremely sustainable society here and elsewhere in the future starts with going vegan and investing in this ultimate outlook. Everyone knows that vegan and even plant-based products, businesses are thriving in world markets.  All life and sustainability of civilization depend on plants that they grow and cultivate to make the products they need to survive. Living recklessly towards nature and ecosystems will move society backward instead of going forward in development. Unfortunately, the human society of Earth has caused a severe amount of damage and exploitation to their resources and to the stability of a rare jewel called Earth in the universe. This attracted attention from outer space because planets like this are extremely rare in the universe with such unique biodiversity and resources, unlike other exoplanets. Now is the time to protect the planet Earth at all costs. Making more money, collecting riches and living recklessly by exploiting sentient beings and finite resources are things of the past. We live in a totally new world at this moment. There are many beings in and around the world doing whatever it takes to gain control of the human race secretly. This is immensely dangerous for a developing civilization living on a very rare and unique world gifted them by the Prime Creator. Prime Creator seeded certain planets like the Earth with an extreme abundance of genetic material, diversity of plant and biological lifeforms so that these lifeforms including humans would be able to revive uninhabited and suitable planets similar to Mars by terraforming them over time. Human civilization has hit the mark to make contact with alien lifeforms also the competent development to begin terraforming biocompatible planets like Mars. This is the dynamic plan that will progress humanity as more advanced than aliens because most technologically advanced civilizations in the universe deplete their rare resources after a long time.

 United Vegan Society can establish a very peaceful and sustainable civilization in a short time. This means that we can save the world, all animals and all people by creating a very livable, productive environment and sufficient system. Everything and all products can be made vegan. This will create a striking effect to improve the biosphere to a very efficient level of productivity. Our world will become extremely green by time and even climate change will be obsolete. Deserted regions of the world can be converted into green fields and forests with the right procedures. Some nations already started afforesting the expanding deserts in their borders and it works. Even vast deserts can be converted into productive and fertile lands with effective and proven methods. Research suggests that most aliens with great technology aren't that advanced because their planets and significant sources are mostly depleted forcing them to search for them elsewhere in space. Humanity has the potential to become more advanced than any other technologically advanced civilizations. We still have a planet with the ability to generate an abundance and diversity of life that can terraform and revive other dying or dead systems. Of course, our planet is first. There are still billions of animals are being exploited to make products that will worsen climate change and cause extreme suffering. All types of cruel and unfeasible productions must be converted into plant-based or halted worldwide. That way, we can produce an ecological relief effect for the ecosystems. It seems like the new plant people can succeed in saving the world and all life. Plants and trees are definitely the main sources of all living organisms. There is evidence that even Mars has trees in some places. So trees and plants can grow in other places other than Earth. There are vast mycelium networks under the soil that connect all trees and plant life to each other to transport the needed materials and molecules. This well-established network is older than most other organisms of the world and it's extremely intelligent. It wants to literally spread to wherever it can to maintain all life also expand to other spheres eventually. Probably humans are fungi beings evolved after millions of years. Fungi is basically a very intelligent organism and it's in all places where you see any type of living thing. Fungi networks support all forests, gardens wherever there is any type of greenery.

 Earth itself wasn't always a livable place in space. It's taken billions of years for our world to be terraformed by organisms and evolution. Fungi played a big role during this process. They were some of the first and most prevalent organisms. There are many types of species on Earth that are able to perform the most crucial tasks during terraforming other planets. There is a possibility that Mars-like systems are bountiful in the universe. Following the path to saving the native inhabitants' homeworld then terraforming other empty and compatible planets nearby is more effective than only developing more technology that will deplete all of the rare and abundant resources over time. There is evidence that there are quite many alien species that want the Earth's unique and rare resources for their own benefit and they'll do whatever it takes to acquire all of these by conducting secret control agendas over newly emerging societies like the human civilization of Earth. This is gravely treacherous to the freedom and future of any native inhabitants that are the ultimate saviors of their homeworlds. Don't fall for deceitful alien agendas and do whatever it takes to restore your own planet and society to a more sustainable and cooperative condition before it's too late. Most species coming from outer space are scavengers that search for biological beings to feed off and utilize for their own benefit. This is the true reality of the alien universe that most didn't know much about. Luckily, the Earth is still a very vital system that's booming with life and growth all over. Although, there has been increasing devastation towards the stability of ecosystems and sentient beings. All can evolve in a short time once most and hopefully all of the population switches to living green and plant-based to protect the entire planet and all its biodiversity. Anyone can contribute to a more livable and ecological community if they change their habits, mindset, and purpose. Starting diverse and colorful gardens and planting millions of various trees are influential to create a more advanced society because plants, forests, and all animals are extremely important to build sustainable habitats. Terraforming can begin with your projects in this world. Transformation of any deserted and empty landscapes into productive and fruitful fields is actually terraforming your own backyard. The new evolutionary species after homo sapiens will be plants people. All kinds of plant life are genetically designed for constant expansion as long as they have the opportunity. United Vegan Worlds can become a vast supreme civilization operating in a multi-planetary network to support all life and cultivate life-generating forests and self-sustaining habitats for the revival of many new systems as the main goal. Plants and trees are part of an intelligent mycelium network with the ability to think and act for its own expansion and survival. This network has evolved to a stage of extreme diversity and resource production over the entire globe after billions of years. Basically, this fungi and plant macrocosm is very perceptive but it still depends on walking fungi beings like humans. If only people cherish the mindset to grow and plant more of nature that will return the investment, even more, a greatly sustainable society can be established here and in other places. When people colonize other planets like Mars or some moons, souls will start incarnating in new environments other than Earth and there will be more souls wanting to explore and assist these newly created places.

 Earth civilization can become more advanced and sustainable if more people do the right things that will save and enrich the world and all of creation. Cruelty-free and plant-based productions are definitely the new center of becoming more intelligent and sufficient in the environment that we share with all living organisms. The global economy will only get better because the new environment-friendly and ecological products will cause less damage and pollution each day. God may want a vegan universe and that takes a lot of terraforming and geoengineering that will develop the technologies with practice. Space telescopes already found many planets that may be convenient for terraforming and colonization. Plants people can accomplish all of the extraordinary missions in the near future altering the space around them. Earth-like planets may be extremely rare and unique containing the diversity and resources able to recover biocompatible exoplanets inside habitable zones. The future may be intensely bright for the human race living and thriving by protecting the biodiversity around them. All life is connected to each other at all levels. A united and vegan system can establish a more evolved and productive society also build futuristic and sustainable cities around the world then probably in other places in the solar system. Everything you do affects the whole so your diet and habits are ways to either destroy or support the growth of living nature. Following a plant-based lifestyle is the most efficient for any being possibly even in other worlds. Life may not be much different because you're in a different sphere. Technology won't give you everything for you to survive nor maintain your daily needs. Everyone knows that more technology require more money, investment, and resources that are actually rare and not renewable. Investing in the growth of plant-based and vegan products will be more advantageous. Most of the technological achievements can be produced plant-based as well since all of the productions somehow depend on natural resources. The world is changing at a faster rate than before and it's going through mass extinctions but it can be reversed if the right action is taken now. There is going to be competition with many alien races in the future because we live on a planet with the extreme diversity of living species and genetic material. There may be some or many groups of beings that want to acquire all of these materials and substances for themselves. The technologically advanced groups anywhere in the universe would travel long distances in space to find and gather the elements they need since technology always demands more to build bigger, faster and better. Becoming more in tune with the plant and animal life will progress societal development increasingly. In order to engineer a more advanced and sustainable civilization on Earth and afar, most of the population must rely on plants to halt the diminishing natural resources that aren't renewable. There are people who planted entire forests in their lifetimes turning deserted areas into dynamic and resourceful places that grow renewable products. Once most of the society becomes at least plant-based, this will create a greenhouse effect encompassing the entire planet and parts of the solar system hatching the most self-sustaining communities.

 Forests especially the rainforests are the most diverse and fertile areas in the world. Instead of cutting down large forests to make destructive products, humanity can engineer the most beneficial forests for all species including humans to live off also support the climate and natural reserves. Going vegan and plant-based affects your microbiome and environment altering your genetics and the stability of the ecosystem you live in. People need products to survive even in the future. The making of all products can be reformed as the most renewable and least harmful to any organism and habitat. It all starts with individuals and what they consume and make to continue their lives. The human race is designed to be gardeners and planters genetically. There are always more places to transform into the most beautiful, vibrant green and foresty cities and communities where people and animals live as friends supporting the natural environment they live in. Hopefully, vegan and plant-based products can save the world and form a highly advanced and efficient civilization on Earth and other planets hereafter.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


 There are aliens everywhere. This is a fact. Even on Earth, there are many aliens from different planets, groups, races. Alien life is pretty diverse in the universe, there are all kinds of aliens everywhere. Humans didn't reach the perception or comprehension of this yet. The universe is alien, not human. Human desires, habits don't make sense there, it's totally distinguished than human motives. There are probably millions of alien races in the observable universe that's so vast to even think of. There are probably so many alien groups and various races that are not too far from our solar system by interstellar travel systems. People believe aliens didn't make contact yet, we never met the aliens but that may not be true. The aliens that come here didn't want people to know their presence because they have secret agendas. Earth may be a very rare planet with such biodiversity that alien beings don't have in their planets. There are also some alien groups and societies that don't come here to this world but watch and observe from afar. There is even evidence that some beings from other planets incarnate as humans on Earth to carry out certain tasks and missions. Some of them are from friendly societies not too far from the solar system but they don't want their homeworlds to be located by other alien groups. Most alien presence is dangerous to native inhabitants because even aliens have their own agendas and things they want that are against human welfare.

 Luckily, there are some friendly and benevolent alien races, some look human and some were born here on Earth to find new ways that can change the world in a positive direction. They will approach humanity in the near future once people mature enough to take action about the real problems of the planet they live on. Alien presence is one of them, it may cause extreme consequences for the forthcoming. There are also many other problems like environmental degradation, climate change, inequality, deforestation, desertification, etc. The human population is growing faster than before and the demand for food is ever-increasing but there are so many people who don't have access to enough food and water. The world still has extensive landscapes that are empty, deserted or bushy waiting to be converted into productive and green farmlands. Going completely Vegan progressed many alien societies in the past and made their civilizations more advanced and sustainable than before. Some united and vegan groups of alien civilizations exist not remote from the location of planet Earth and they've been monitoring all the activity around this planet either alien or human for quite a while. This type of union will try to make contact after humanity reverts the malevolent alien races and establishes a more sustainable and plant-based beginning in their homeworld. There is not much time, you gotta act now. Technology isn't everything in the universe. The path to technological advancements will only deplete the planets' rare reserves able to generate more life and enrich biodiversity. Humanity must only associate with the united vegan worlds in the future, not with deceitful beings come here to take advantage of naive and reckless world citizens. Building a more sustainable civilization each day is the main objective of the secret alien group consisting of vegan, fully plant-based, cooperative, fully sustainable cultures powered with renewable energies.

 In a more green and independent perspective, it's best to only associate with these magnificent united races that will guide everyone and show the way to becoming more progressive as native species with potential. Any being or race needs certain properties that they don't carry in their home planetary systems. This means there is always an opportunity for new trade agreements that will benefit both sides and this isn't an only exchange of technology. Going after a sustainable future would require you to abate most of the unnecessary developments of technology and productions. Making more and having more aren't the best ways to move forward in the cosmos. Living minimalist with proper necessities is the most fulfilling lifestyle that will give you more freedom to focus on what you like to do and enjoy your time more than before. Growing your own garden in your backyard is also extremely enjoyable and one of the most satisfying practices. Growing your own clean vegan food supply to eat throughout the year will cut your grocery bills in half. Some people put the effort to plant the seeds seasonally to harvest all their kitchen needs each year. Living a vegan and plant-based lifestyle also means that you are able to sow the seeds to create gardens and forests around you. Consumption produces the demand for more growth so consuming more plants and their products will generate a more sustainable, green environment for the next generations. Each product you buy funds the next level of production either destructive, polluting or renewable and organic. The choices humans make towards the products they purchase are extremely important for the important. All of the companies can only make the products that people request. The products people are less interested in usually fade out of the markets. It's clear that the sustainability and the cleanliness of the environment and cities where most people live depend on the products and services the society makes use of. The higher demand for meat and animal products can destroy many forested areas that balance the crucial oxygen levels in the atmosphere. If more and more of the population embrace plant-based, vegan lifestyles, and cruelty-free, environmentally friendly products and services, this progress will create an economical society more powerful and healthy powered with reforestation of the world that they live on.

 After all these successful attempts to build a more creative, united and eco-friendly society on Earth, the advanced group of exotic civilizations that work and associate with only each other through secret and collective agreements will make friendly contact. Of course, all civilizations in the universe require certain things through beneficial trade arrangements with each other. The Earth contains an extreme amount of plant life and tree species that most other planets even in tune with their nature don't have. Most of the significant species that are very productive can be bioengineered to survive new climates and soils. There will be continuous bioengineering to be able to terraform planets like Mars. This new type of research and examination will design many biological species with the ability to generate viable habitats for many different life forms like humans and animals. This must be kept secret because there are many alien races and organizations that come here to utilize all of this for their own benefit. In order for this event to exclusively put in use for humans and other friendly vegan outsiders, all must kept secret especially from alien beings that come here to take advantage of a reckless human race. All of Earth's diverse habitats and species are extremely significant for the future of humanity also for its universal prospect. Now is the best time to take action about creating a more advanced, plant-based probably fully vegan civilization able to overcome all its problems in a short time and begin terraforming biocompatible planets in and near the solar system. The secret group of friendly societies will come soon after humanity starts fulfilling its real purpose. There is much to learn but still some time. Working on meaningless stuff to make money won't take you too far. Researching and working on the biggest, critical projects will make more progress. Humanity has the potential to restore deserted regions of their homeworld and revive dead or dying planetary systems and nobody knew about this until now. You can't let deceitful alien races to get a hand at this because this is one of the thing they're after as well. Their generative sources are very scarce and planet Earth still has lots of them. Human civilization native to Planet Earth will make the biggest leap once they build a bond with the united vegan worlds of excellence in this part of the galactic domain.

Monday, December 9, 2019


 A lot of people realized that becoming vegan and plant-based is more beneficial for all life on Earth including humans, animals, and other organisms. This is a great beginning for the human race that will only expand over time. Vegan companies are thriving in Wall Street and in every market out there. This is the indication that this new mindset about ethical, compassionate consumption and production can change the shape of the world. Although there are still many things to be done to improve society in general. A great number of individuals share posts stating the future is vegan and will be vegan eventually because that's the best way for any person to live peacefully with less damage to the environment and ecosystems. So many companies are switching to plant-based and vegan productions to save the animals and find new ways to halt climate change. As you know, meat and dairy productions disperse some of the highest amounts of greenhouse gases also pollution in many regions of the world. It's literally obvious that people are designed to be plant-beings that cultivate a wide variety of plants and produce to feed themselves and make useful products. Killing all life on planet Earth to make unsustainable animal products isn't the best method to survive.

 If more people understand what's going on and take action, new vegan laws take can completely progress the society to the next level can be introduced in every nation. There are many candidates that would like to enact new laws about making the planet and all productions more sustainable and green in the near future. This will grow the world's economies around the world because sustainable and green product lines are more beneficial and sustainable for the environment and ecosystems without harming any sentient beings. Humanity can become a more advanced, united and green civilization on Earth with the help of this type of action that can eventually reverse climate change and put an end to animal cruelty worldwide. Our civilization has the potential to progress into an exceptional society with the assistance of plants, green farms, sustainable production, renewable energies, and vegan laws that will change the world unlike anything in the past. This may be the path to creating the Garden of Heavens here on Earth to solve most of the problems of our time and overcome the catastrophes that can affect us in the future.

 The vegan movement definitely developed a united and extremely advanced breakthrough towards the light. This is the right path to follow for all of humankind into eternity. We may be living in remarkable times and there are many beings that want to take what we have here. As an outlook, vegan products and businesses will only grow to spread apart to new markets and cities so this is the best time to invest in this new cutting-edge economy now. Getting healthier, smarter, better and less-destructive to biodiversity existing around us is only plants reach. Changing to a vegan diet to save all animals and the world is evolving the human race as the next evolutionary species of our age that will only get smarter and better. Homo sapiens may be the thing of the past, meat isn't supposed to be a part of any meal or diet around the world. There is a rumor that vegans will take over the world in such a short time and become superheroes that can actually save the planet with emerging super abilities earned from plants. Plants are intelligent organisms that provide life-giving nutrients and resources for all living organisms and creatures to evolve peacefully. The human race must do whatever it takes to save the planet and evolve into the age of universal vegan civilization that has the potential to become more advanced than alien races come here or exist near our solar system.

 The reforestation of the deserts must begin as soon as possible in order to absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Some nations already begin the process and deserts can revert to productive landscapes with effort. If people consume no products derived from animals, this will generate exponential growth in green farming that will form new forests, orchards even permaculture gardens to feed the increasing demand. What you eat affects the planet profoundly. The new vegan human race can establish a highly advanced, completely united, cooperative and green, fully sustainable civilization to surpass all alien races in the universe because our planet is extremely unique in its nature with abundant life-giving sources and properties in its habitats. Our mission is to change ourselves and our habits and do the right things to protect our amazing world and all its species. Permaculture gardening and farming is a proven method to convert any self-owned land into productive and profitable places that provides plentiful vegetables, fruits and form livable space for any person and pets. A new agenda is out and it will only take over the world peacefully because this is the best thing the human society has invented, it's called veganism. Now people understand how each person and their choice relate to all of nature and animal kingdom. Only plant-based products are the healthiest and cruelty-free selection that we have and they're more varied than any other product line. Plants and their products can do anything. They're intelligent beings. Mycorrhizal networks connect their roots, transport the nutrients and glucose between underground systems of fungi. Plants and trees talk to each other. Forests know you're there when you walk in them. This is all part of a very intelligently designed and developed natural system over millions, billions of years. Humans are fungi beings. We feed off other organisms and we must take account of the effect we evoke in our biosphere. We are supposed to improve the existing perfect natural system and do the essential things to enrich and restore the entire planet. Now is the time to go vegan and take over the world before it's too late. This may be the only way to save the world and overcome all the problems of this time and nearing.

 Humanity is becoming multi-planetary someday since there are many projects and companies that want to colonize planets like Mars and some moons. We will start with our solar system then try to terraform spheres similar to Mars if the colonization and terraforming are mostly successful. Of course, there will be many difficulties and errors during this process. A united, self-sustaining, advanced society will reach and expand its plant species to generate new atmospheres and biospheres in outer space that are extremely productive, beneficial for all of humankind and even some friendly alien races. You can't trust all of them, some have hidden agendas. The real friends and partners of Earth human civilization will introduce themselves in the future when humanity becomes more progressive, eco-protective and unified. This requires no unnecessary conflicts and destruction in their unique homeworld. This will be the biggest leap of the human race after becoming a multi-planetary, fully vegan and cooperative society and the possibilities are endless after this event. There are many races in the universe that want to take advantage of this human population to acquire the rare and special resources of their world. Luckily, people are starting to take action to stop the damage they cause and protect all life Earth contains. Doing the essential research and finding new ways to save the world is the best thing to do at this time instead of working on meaningless jobs and affairs. Nature is broadcasting a calling to be rescued as soon as possible, in fact, all life is connected to each other interlacing through underground mycorrhizal networks and high vibrational energy grids.

 There are many people who had near-death experiences that observed lush, green, colorful and abundant landscapes look like endless gardens then came back to their bodies comparing the two realms. Earth definitely has the capability of heavenly transformation if the majority of the society invests their time and resources in creating a more green, productive and fruitful planet to benefit the entire human population. Going vegan is one of the first things to do in order to follow a more sustainable and creative lifestyle so most of the empty lands can be turned into forested areas. Food forest designs are great projects for humans and all living beings since all kinds of forests and farms can produce ecological and vegan communities powered by solar and other renewable energies. Humanity must go back to nature, focus on new projects to enrich the living habitats also build natural, green communities and cities that will cause the least damage to the environment. Some big cities around the world are becoming more vegan, carbon-neutral and environment-friendly each day by the growing demand for healthy, green, plastic-free, vegan and other ecological products and businesses. There are new projects to plant millions of trees in and around the cities where most of the population lives and more greenhouse gases are emanated. Some architects have designed green buildings filled with trees and plant life on each floor to absorb the CO2 of the city air and look more fresh and foresty. More buildings will be designed and constructed with greenery to convert cities into forested places for people to live near more plantlife and breathe fresh air.

 What if entire cities are enhanced as fully vegan, plant-based and carbon-neutral to evolve into forest cities one day? This idea may be radical for the growing population because our foods are sourced from farms. The grocery stores or other companies that display the products to the public are retailers, not the actual producers. Most farms are located in rural areas to produce all the food ingredients and crops in big areas somehow owned by big corporations. Food factories make and package the groceries in the building but they still receive all ingredients and harvest from farms. So the growing demand for plant-based, vegan products and foods will supply the funding to bigger, better farms and orchards. Vast, empty fields and grasslands will be transformed into greatly productive forests and farms by people who adopt plants as the only food source in their diets. Everything on Earth literally depends on people, what they consume and buy. We can create an extremely advanced, self-sustaining, united and abundant civilization in our biosphere that's gifted to us by the Prime Creator. The biodiversity of our planet will reach other barren worlds and star systems in the future because the blue dot can revitalize even the most desolate star systems and spheres that are somehow biocompatible to terraforming with the help of plant-human colonization.


Wednesday, December 4, 2019


 Forests form many of the ecosystems in our world, they also provide so many resources for humans and creatures residing in them. Forests are one of the most essential and crucial habitats for the stability of the planet. Without forests, all life would go extinct in a few moments. Forests and trees clean the waters that run through, emit oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, bear fruits, nuts and seeds, house many animals and insect species and much more. Humanity has been cutting and destroying forests for many years and forested areas have been diminishing off the face of the planet. This is very dangerous for humans and all other species and it must be stopped or it will cause even more instability and worsen climate change increasingly. Deforestation is one of the biggest threats to the future of our society now and we must do whatever it takes to halt deforestation or start foresting many dying regions. There are some companies and charities that work on many afforestation and reforestation projects around the places that lost its forests and trees over time cause of the industrial effect. Meat, dairy, and soy production cause the highest level of deforestation worldwide around many large forests like the Amazon rainforest. The growing demand for meat and dairy also soy that feeds the cattle urges more people to burn the trees to clear land for these destructive and unsustainable productions. Unfortunately, the carnivore diet is devastating to forests and to climate because meat and soy productions need large lands for the cattle to be fed. Luckily, veganism is spreading all over the world with the help of social media and raising awareness. The vegan diet produces no animal cruelty nor damage to any forests and ecosystems. So this might be the best way for humans to feed themselves to put an end to the death of billions of animals and deterioration of the planet and forests. Humanity must plant more forests in order to supply the foods, resources, and oxygen to the ever-increasing population. There are people in some places of the world who planted entire forests and converted deserts into lush, green forests that bear a variety of fruits, nuts and seeds also emit a high amount of oxygen.

 Forests generate clean water rivers by attracting rain and forcing it to run through the forest in a channel. This process formed many of the rivers that provide clean water to our population and feed the crops and greenery. Planting all kinds of trees suitable for certain regions and climates may be the best task a human being performs since we're all part of nature and we must do all we can to protect and preserve it. Forests are the most vital parts of nature and they actually bring a wide variety of ecosystems and habitats into existence. Forests can be designed to be beneficial for entire humanity instead of planting the same type of trees everywhere. People consume foods like fruits, nuts, seeds that come from varying tree species. These tree species can be planted in the right places to build food-producing and resourceful forests and green farms to feed all of humanity and all living species peacefully. Designing forests for the needs of the increasing population may be life-saving for each individual and the future of planet Earth. There is a higher demand for vegetables, fruits, and other products than the past because a lot of people are withdrawing from diets containing meat, dairy, and eggs, realizing the destructive effect of food consumption on the planet and to sentient beings. The changing pattern about the food's impact even on climate change will make more and more people adopt plant-based, vegan diets and mindset. It seems like plants and trees want to take over the world once and for all to stop most of the problems of our society and create a more sustainable future for our planet and all its living beings. Of course, they need humans' help because plants and trees can't sow their own seeds other than the natural reproduction methods they use around them. The growing demand for fresh produce, vegan, plant-based products and foods will force more people and farmers to switch to investing in green farms and food forests consisting of all the varieties of the diverse fruit-nut trees, vegetables, legumes, edible plants. This event will eventually develop an advanced, sustainable and green planet that can terraform other worlds like Mars with the cultivation of all kinds of plants and trees. The new outlook of the human race can be very bright and uplifting if more people understand the effect of foods and consumption on the environment and ecosystem. Vegan products, businesses, and companies are thriving on Wall Street and in world markets. People started realizing that we're the ones who can create a better world for the animals, the environment and all people no matter where they reside.

 Planting trees can't be too difficult if they research the tree species proper for certain climates, soils, and zones. Each place is different for the kinds of trees that can grow there. The world has subtropical, tropical and temperate regions varying of convenience for numerous tree and plant species. Not all species of animals, plants or other organisms can survive all around the planet so categorization must be done wisely. Permaculture gardening and reforestation is one of the best ways to design efficient farmlands and food forests for the growing demand for fresh produce also to build sustainable environments. There are landowners who experimented with the permaculture method of gardening and farming that achieved great results and abundant production. Anyone who has a backyard or land can appraise this design in their properties or turn it into a business for others. Nourishing food sources are extremely important to become a more advanced and sustainable society in our world. Food production affects all aspects of human lives. They sell food everywhere but most of these foods sadly aren't healthy or nutritious for any person that wants to follow a happy and disease-free lifestyle. Going Vegan and planning food-producing forests, farms and greenhouses will start emanating more oxygen into atmosphere and absorb more of the excess greenhouse gases. Animals will set free, climate change will reduce over time and a more advanced, intelligent and healthy civilization that can overcome all problems now and in the future will be introduced. It seems like a lot of cities around the world will become vibrant hubs for vegan markets, green farming, other sustainable methods, and renewable technologies in short order. If people determine to take action about saving the world instead of living recklessly against nature, we can evolve as a united, resourceful and peaceful population with a higher purpose. Sow seeds now to harvest this amazing prospect from now on. Water levels may rise cause of melting polar ice and other natural phenomena so investing inland may be a better choice to build green cities, farms and production. Now is the best time to save the world by changing yourself and raising awareness. Going Vegan is the new beginning but there is still a lot to be done. Humanity can plant beautiful, colorful forests highly beneficial for the entire world. You can always find the right seeds, saplings, and seedlings in garden centers and tree nurseries so planting your backyard, your land or even growing forests isn't too difficult. Becoming vegan, plants people in harmony with nature and animal kingdom is the best way to live on planet Earth gifted with magnificent level of biodiversity. All deserts can be converted to vivid forested lands that provide all kinds of foods and resources for the entire humanity to establish the most advanced civilization on Earth. Stop destroying the planet and killing animals, change your habits and develop yourself with the new methods of forest production.

Monday, December 2, 2019


 We have great news for you today. There is still hope to save the world and solve all the problems in a short time to make the biggest leap ever. Becoming plant-people may be the answer to deal with all the issues and difficulties in life. Vegans are basically the new human species as the new version of Homo Sapiens evolving into the future to create the best world ever imagined in the universe. Of course, there are also plans to colonize other planets like Mars in the near future so the future is very exciting for everyone. Living off plants and cultivating a plant-based system for anyone to adopt as the best way to live may be the best invention of our time. This new lifestyle will eventually create a greener and more sustainable planet for everyone to share joyfully. The vegan movement is uniting new people from all around the world to build a united, vegan and green society. Plants and trees already cover most of the lands of Earth and vegans will cover the entire world soon. The people who try the vegan and plant-based diet discard all the turmoil, diseases and unnecessary drama out of their lives. It's clear that this is the new version of humanity for the most peaceful and advanced civilization ever occurred on Earth or elsewhere. Our beautiful planet is gifted to humans and all other species to live and thrive here. Animals manage the environment and landscapes for green and sustainable ecosystems. Why can't humans do the same?

 There is a rumor that the new, united, vegan society can become more advanced than alien races because aliens don't have the resources nor a biologically rich world for them to depend on. Following the path to technological advancements can be destructive to any society in the cosmos depleting the natural resources of their homeworlds. Our world has extreme biodiversity and rich resources for our civilization to rely on for thousands of years even more if we stop overusing and damaging the planet's life-generating sources. Now is the time to do all we can to save the world before it's too late because there are complications that must be corrected. The globe is warming up at an increasing rate cause of the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Planting new forests that are beneficial to the growing population can reduce this problem if more and more people take this seriously. Becoming vegan and plant-people intend to build a more peaceful, cruelty-free, green and sustainable society on Earth unlike anything in the past. This aims to work with plants and trees as well, not just consume a vegan diet to stop animal cruelty occurring during meat and dairy productions. All of the living species depend on plants and trees to feed and survive, they're the most essential organisms of our planet. So everyone must cultivate the best gardens, green farms and food forests that build a more stable and balanced ecosystem also provide the foods and resources for healthy people. Riding the road vigorously to develop more technology that's not totally useful or uplifting for the growing population may deplete Earth's rare and non-renewable resources over time. This is extremely dangerous for developing societies and it will only cause instability around the globe. There is literally more to life to technology, you never need more than you rely on for survival. Newer, fancier technological gadgets will make people lose their freedom and control to the companies that make them. Of course, a life without any technology can be boring and irrational as well. The extra funds of individuals can be invested in more important ventures like reforestation projects, animal freedom, vegan products, renewable energies, equality, sustainability. This new mindset will trigger a more advanced and united society that can be active about saving the world, animals and even reverse climate change, etc.

 There are many companies and individuals who'd like to colonize Mars and hopefully build a plant-based society there by time. There are obstacles like no atmosphere, radiation, harsh climate for any colony to withstand but all of these can be overcome by building radiation-proof greenhouses that can emit oxygen and greenhouse gases both to outset a thickening new atmosphere and provide a livable system for people on Mars. Fortunately, our planet still offers sources that can generate new ecosystems if people put the effort and invest in this type of project. Perhaps, God the Prime Creator wants humans to produce new Earth-like planets in certain places in cosmos where there are biocompatible planets. This amazing vision can become reality in the not distant future of our newly emerging civilization to sow seeds of an advanced civilization that can terraform worlds. Of course, this isn't an easy task and it will take years to accomplish this project but there are many companies and individuals willing to take the risk and invest in the colonization of space. The human race is the native inhabitants of a biologically rich planet called Earth and the properties that can reforest and geoengineer the deserted areas in our world can be useful for projects in outer space. There is a great outlook for the vegan society to become amazingly advanced in the future to establish one of the most advanced and sustainable civilizations in the universe. There is a rumor that most of the alien races aren't too advanced like humans believe or assume. They mostly have a level of technology that can reach far distances in some time and the ability to do magical things for human beings. But this doesn't state that the alien races that developed a certain level of technology are advanced in every field. In fact, only technology doesn't make a society advanced in the universe, there are more important aspects of progress like building sustainable environments, the ability to create livable habitats for living organisms, spiritual growth, cooperation with other nations and inhabitants, etc. Seeking the route to technological development only is probably dangerous and destructive to any species in the universe because more technology requires more of the rare and non-renewable resources and will eventually drain the natural reserves of any planet. So this type of civilization won't go much further to be labeled as an advanced group. Any species must follow a different path other than technological achievements. Overall, building and designing more sustainable environments and societies can be more beneficial to our new civilization taking baby steps into the unknown.

 As you know, meat and dairy productions are destructive to animals also the environment. They emit the most greenhouse gases out of all industries. In order to progress into the future to build a more sustainable and advanced civilization, most of these destructive industries must be discarded. All productions depend on demand to supply the products. If people start consuming more plant-based, vegan products and foods, harmful industries will convert to producing these new products and invest in them to survive. This can generate a greener, more livable, cruelty-free planet for all species to live peacefully. There is always a possibility to outrank other alien races and civilizations hereafter by reconstructing a fully vegan, green and united world with renewable energies and plant-based productions. Humanity has definitely so much potential and a world filled with biodiversity and life so we have a chance to progress immensely because most alien races may not be too advanced like we assume nor care about humanity. We have a new mission arising for everyone to support as one of their main goals in life. This is to create a more equal, sustainable, cooperative civilization that will spread its seeds in other worlds from here on by terraforming these barren systems as the revival of Earth-like planets. We can forge new Earth-like planets instead of searching for them in space because the already existing Earth-like planets may be very well protected by other races. Vegans are getting healthier, smarter, more active, unified and cooperative to begin the creation of a new world that will become more livable, advanced and abundant than the cosmic club sooner or later. We're the plant-people of Earth, we must stop all the destruction and protect our world and all life as soon as possible. There are many beings watch over many worlds and they want to take advantage of the situation occurring here. Being destructive to all living species and natural habitats for the sake of wealth acquisition isn't the most intelligent way to prosper. We are supposed to protect and preserve all of nature's life-giving properties before it's too late otherwise humanity may lose everything in a short time.