Tuesday, January 28, 2020


 The situation is extremely serious around the world. There are certain alien races trying to turn entire humanity into farm animals and override our society secretly. United Vegan Take Over can save the world and protect humanity from these deceitful alien beings. Environmental degradation is increasing each day because of destructive industries, greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and global instability. Going fully plant-based and vegan in all of humanity's production and consumption can solve many problems. Since the human race has been reckless to their precious world and started destroying in it for decades, alien races are doing whatever it takes to overrule the human population with covert operations quite a while. Planet Earth contains such biodiversity and rich resources that are wanted by extraterrestrial beings for their own benefit. They will do all they can to gain control over our planet and human beings. Luckily, there are movements and projects to save animals and the planet as soon as possible. If we don't act now, it may be too late. Aliens created hybrid beings that look human but alien in mind and placed them in many places of the world to manipulate human minds and turn them into subspecies and almost like our farm animals. No alien groups that are here on Earth now care about humanity in any way nor will it save the world in any means. If aliens establish dominions here on Earth over mankind, they will treat all of humanity like farm animals and eliminate all their rights and freedom. United Vegans are destined to protect and preserve all living organisms, the environment, forests and other nations from alien order and manipulation.

 Eventually, new green, fully vegan and plant-based cities will be developed when more people go vegan and create vegan businesses, factories, and farms, etc. Some nations are already becoming almost completely plant-based and investing more into renewable energies, reforestation projects and the ideas that can save the world in a short time. Humanity is at a threshold living on a planet wanted by some alien beings and associations, these beings are absolutely fixated on turning entire humanity into subspecies that only work for them. The human race is still young and has the potential to become one of the best civilizations in the universe. The planet Earth is extremely rich and beautiful filled with an abundance of biodiversity in a universe of barren planetary systems. Mankind is supposed to do whatever it takes to stop the aliens from overriding the human population also begin protection of all forests, coral reefs, most significant resources, and natural reserves. The largest forests are on fire cause of human habits and greed. They contain the highest amount of unique tree, plant and animal species, unlike other places. One of the things to do is to shoot the entire world with trillions of trees and plant seeds to recover dying and deforested lands into productive forests and gardens where even vegans and others can live peacefully. There are prophecies that the sea levels will rise up to 100 feet worldwide submerging all of the coastal cities in this century. So most of the developments and human habitation will have to move inland into safer zones. United Vegan Force will have the power and knowledge to save the planet and build very modern, fully vegan, plant-based and green cities all around the world since most of the cities are near the water and won't be suitable in the future. Aliens will always try to take advantage of humanity in every possible so they must be removed from our solar system as soon as possible. The human race is evolving faster than any other time right now and vegans and all of humanity will surpass all alien races in a short time. Just technology by itself doesn't classify a civilization as very advanced or even advanced at all. They're mostly less advanced and miserable than other civilizations in the universe. There is a great possibility that plant-based, united and very sustainable civilizations are way more advanced than technological ones or organizations that conquer some planetary systems for their own benefit. It's obvious that the alien beings here on Earth at this time are malevolent against humankind and they already mutated some races from other planets into slave species similar to how we farm animals for a while. There are going to be many cataclysms hitting our planet back to back hereafter because Earth's stability has already been altered severely.

 We live in a world that must be recovered and preserved as soon as possible before the alien rule over and coming cataclysms. The alien threat may be the biggest phenomenon ever occurring in human history and we must take it very seriously. There are already millions of hybrids living in many places in disguise. Hybrids look exactly like a human but they're actually aliens in disguise to begin ruling nations all around the world. This type of manipulation will never aid or advance Earth's native inhabitants although aliens and hybrids will lie and persuade the public into believing it the other way. All of their operations have been kept secret for a long time. Luckily, some people found out what's going on and revealed the real alien agenda online, during interviews and conferences about aliens. Vegans and people with world-saving projects and ideas have the ability to lead the human population in a positive direction. Of course, there is a lot to be done, the non-renewable resources, nature's rare deposits and balance are diminishing each day. Planet Earth may be one of the richest and most amazing bodies in the universe, this may be why many alien races are so focused on obtaining for themselves. Changing your diet, habits, and mindset for the benefit of animals and the environment may be the best thing to do at first but that's not enough. Planting millions of trees may not save the world either. So what do we have to do to overcome all the catastrophes and problems of our time? Is the answer going vegan-only? People must unite worldwide to take action to reverse climate change, deforestation, plastic pollution, animal cruelty, overfishing in oceans, dying coral reefs and many other issues threatening our society and all living organisms that share nature with us. Our generation shall be the only ones with the opportunity to actually make a difference and reclaim Earth at the moment.

 There is much evidence that some alien races abducted millions of people to do experiments and create a hybrid race that's almost indistinguishable from random people to carry out their secret agenda. All of this has been performed as stealth as possible because aliens don't want people to know what they're up to. There are a few researchers who hypnotized many abductees for them to regress their alien encounters. Aliens erase abductees' minds after each abduction and experiment. The hybrid race is already living and operating among the human population around the world. Nobody knows what they're here for. The researchers concluded that hybrids and aliens are here only for world acquisition after many regression therapies. There are two very serious phenomena threatening our civilization at this time. One is the malevolent aliens, the other is climate change and environmental degradation. Our time is already up. Alien agenda is well underway for many decades, hybrids are implemented everywhere. Aliens can't stay here on Earth much time cause of microbial contamination, they have to remain in sterile environments. The only way for them to overrule planet Earth and our society is through hybrids that work for them. You can tell the few alien races aren't our friends nor here to help in any means. The entire world is required to unite under one name called United Vegan Force to overthrow the alien presence and build a very sustainable, green and cooperative civilization rapidly before it all becomes irreversible. Reforestation of the entire world must begin immediately, people need orchards, farms, and greenhouses that grow clean and healthy foods for the growing population. The Planet Earth is an extremely rich and special place containing a tremendous amount of biodiversity in its unique habitats so the aliens want all of these for their own benefit. Going vegan and investing in projects and businesses that can protect the world is one of the best things to do at first.

 Veganism was actually inspired by some alien societies monitoring the Earth from afar so humans can eventually establish a more sustainable system for them to overcome the environmental issues, free the animals and even thwart alien organizations as one powerful, natural force. This is why veganism became so popular and world-changing in such short time. It has the power to take human civilization to the next level, save the planet and all species faster than any other effort. This era is definitely the most significant time for humanity to make the leap as a united, free and powerful force that can surpass all alien races in the future because this is what planet Earth is destined to be. Prime Creator seeded certain worlds with such rare resources and biodiversity for them to become more advanced and probably terraform dead and dying systems into livable heavenly bodies. The Earth is one of the most magnificent and exotic places in the universe and it must be protected from malevolent alien races that are here already. Environmental change may be inevitable because life and everything change over time but humans have the potential and intelligence to create the best civilization and reverse environmental threats if they act now. Saving the world and preventing alien syndicates from taking over our commonwealth may be profitable and creative for each person as well. These types of joint operations can create millions perhaps billions of jobs and new fields. Vegans are evolving each day and night, vegan startups and businesses will never stop thriving. United Vegan Force will encompass the blue marble as soon as possible and become one of the most advanced civilizations because we live on a wonderful sphere chosen by the Prime Creator to be the best.


 Planet Earth and humankind may have a magnificent future once more people gain awareness and knowledge about the serious matters warning each individual in this era of environmental degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and alien presence. Our evolution in the cosmos and on our sphere entered a threshold of existence and dangerous events. It seems like it's everyone's assignment to answer the calling of saving the world before it all turns out to be irreversible. The globe we live on is our only, most precious homeworld that should be protected and preserved from any alien and environmental hazards. Hopefully, all of these extreme problems can be resolved if all of humanity join forces to make the change as soon as possible. There are a few different alien groups and organizations operating secretly to somehow take over the world. One of the reasons for this extraordinary event is the devastation of the environment and resources caused by the human population and industries. The malevolent alien presence, diminishing resources, and environmental deterioration are the biggest and most dangerous threats to the human race and their future. Aliens have been on Earth to carry out their secret agendas for quite some time. They want to turn the human population into mindless workers with no rights and freedom. They believe humans have been extremely reckless and conflicted for too long and they started intruding into our system with covert operations. The human race can become a marvelous species that save and safeguard their homeworld, build a more sustainable, advanced and harmonious civilization faster than all alien races in this galaxy. The alien universe isn't what people dream of, it's not the heavens and gardens of Eden at all. Most of the alien organizations are utterly treacherous and competitive for the newly evolving races like the humankind from planet Earth. Time is up already for some decades. Each individual can make a difference in the world towards creating a more sustainable, green and homogeneous existence to stop serious environmental changes also prevent alien rule over. No alien races are here to help humanity in any way nor save the world. They'll only take advantage of human conflicts, ecological change, and increasing catastrophic events.

 There are already millions of alien hybrids located in many places around the world. This is how alien races conquer young and naive societies in the universe. Hybrids are only here to fulfill the alien agenda that's intended to overrule all nations and enslave mankind. We live in a time where all kinds of extraordinary events are happening worldwide to a greater extent than the past. There were alien interactions with ancient tribes thousands of years ago but they were never able to accomplish their secret plans. It looks like they're actually achieving their global dominion with the help of hybrids, subjugation, and deception over the human population waiting to be saved. We must do whatever it takes to save ourselves and our planet as soon as possible before coming cataclysms and extremely cruel alien dominance. Hybrids are no superior to any human being. Humans have incredible potential and spiritual force to overcome all problems and establish a very sustainable, peaceful and progressive civilization in a short time. Going vegan is a great beginning for any human being. Veganism is thriving all around the world, breaking the mechanisms designed by the aliens to control humanity. The human race will not be forced to become some farm animals for aliens and their associates to use and harvest for ages. These procedures have been imposed over many newly developing societies in the universe for them to lose all their rights, freedom and all of their planet's resources. We can constitute a united vegan force to protect all nations and take action about environmental issues. United Vegans are already saving animals and the planet before it's too late. The colonization of Mars and some other places may be vulnerable to alien invaders as well. Veganism is spreading over the world rapidly and the boost in green produce, vegetables, fruits, and other vegan products will seed in more and more farms, greenhouses and other industries that green the planet and reduce carbon emissions. We definitely must design and construct a very sustainable, carbon-neutral, peaceful and plant-based civilization to reverse environmental and alien threats of our time.

 Planet Earth recently winded up as a place to be rescued and recovered. The ever-growing population and demand for certain products have devastated large forests, oceans, coral reefs and raise the climate's temperatures by a few degrees. It's the best that each product in the market gets checked for sustainability standards before they're on sale. A lot of people know that meat, dairy, single-use plastics, leather, and other animal products are absolutely harmful to the animals and the environment but they still play a big part in the global economy. Now is the time to change for all of human habits and behavior so we can evolve as one powerful force to safeguard our civilization and homeworld from any clandestine alien invasion and climate, ecology-related catastrophes. There is a great possibility that there are alien structures and covert operations on the dark side of the moon, in remote islands around the world, underwater, in underground bases, and in many other hidden places unknown. Alien hybrids are already walking among us, integrated into cities and communities. You can tell some look weird and alien-like, some look exactly like humans indistinguishably. Aliens will never stop attempting to gain control, access to resources and manipulate the conflicted and confused human race weakening each day. Now their undercover operations can be thwarted with human unity and cooperation but there will be always more alien invaders in the future trying to take advantage of people over many circumstances. If people continue destroying their world, deplete their non-renewable resources, damage the environmental sustainability and balance, this will give the opportunity for aliens to deceive human beings in need of help for their own benefit. This planet is all you have and all you will ever have forever. Terraforming other systems will never turn them into complete new Earths with such biodiversity and abundance. Some celestial bodies may become inhabitable with some self-sustaining colonies but that's all they will ever be. Even these new colonies on different planets will be very vulnerable to alien organizations so what you create and grow off-planet should be always secured from extraterrestrial collectives. The human race is evolving into a hive mind with the expansion of the internet, technology, computers, satellites, etc. You must understand that technology alone isn't the most important thing in life. It shouldn't the main concern of any developing civilization, following the path to only technological advancements will deplete all of the resources in such a short time making you weak and vulnerable to deceitful alien organizations. Aliens will consistently jeopardize human civilization no matter when and where. One of the only ways to overthrow the evil alien presence that's here also save the world is to join forces to devise and forge the most sustainable, peaceful, green, plant-based and ecological civilization ever lived on the Planet Earth rapidly. This will provide the most power and efficiency for the future also secure the ever-diminishing and non-renewable sources for the entire world's safety and peace. Plant-based and the most sustainable, unified civilizations are way more advanced than technological and collective associations wandering around the space in search of resources and dominion.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


 The cities where most of the population resides aren't sustainable and they cause more damage and pollution to the atmosphere and the environment each day. Human habitation must change in order to halt the devastation of the planet and climate change. People can live sustainable lives that will enrich the nature around them. Green communities can be designed by vegans and people who follow plant-based lifestyles. You can't expect companies and corporations to do all for the population. If people unite to make a change, anything can be made with cooperation. Permaculture gardening is a very efficient way of farming and growing foods that reduce the emission of greenhouse gases of an individual. Instead of building bigger cities and taller buildings, we can design green, permaculture style, vegan communities for anyone to live and work comfortably. Of course, planting trees is extremely important but just planting tons of trees won't save the world. People must change and start doing the right things that will save the planet and this mindset will encompass all of society over time. Where you live, what you buy and make are extremely significant for the environment you live in. It's a fact that permaculture designs are immensely sufficient for human beings. They include a variety of trees, plants, vegetable gardens, flowers, herbs and even animals coexisting with each other in a nice setting. Renewable energies like solar panels, wind turbines and collecting rainwater are implemented in these green communities that grow their own foods and live ecologically.

 Trees are one of the most resourceful species in the world that emit oxygen, bear fruits, and nuts, shed leaves for composting, clean the waters, enrich the soil, create a habitat for most of the organisms and animals, form rivers, absorb Co2, attract rain, supply seeds and more. So everyone should try to plant as many trees as they can in their lifetimes, it's actually very easy to plant trees. Choosing the right trees for suitable areas in temperate zones for them to grow and reproduce is essential otherwise most of the plants may not survive. Cities aren't an efficient way for the growing population to live and prosper. Cities especially the biggest cities in the world and industrial buildings around them emanate an extreme amount of greenhouse gases also lead the growing pollution worldwide. Humans must find a new way to survive by designing and building the newest green, vegan and environmental-friendly communities and cities that will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and provide renewable energies and vegan foods for the people that live and work there. We see so many vegan products and startups in markets now, they've been thriving with great support. What we need are new vegan and greenest cities and places for people to relocate and live with increasing awareness and responsibility.

It's clear that permaculture gardening is very beneficial for the environment and for people. People who started gardening and planting permaculture designs around them became very successful and self-sufficient. Going vegan is one of the best things you can do for the sentient animals, your health and the environment so building new vegan and permaculture communities and cities powered by renewable energies and solar panels can be effective. The human population is ever-growing and we all need to ponder about solving the world's problems and invest in them. Vegan businesses are thriving also saving millions of animals each year so why not design and construct vegan cities and communities for people to live. The world is changing faster than before with new information and events. There is a rumor that plant-based societies are more advanced than other technological alien groups and organizations. Veganism may be destined to create a better, more sustainable system for all living organisms. One person can plant entire forests in their lifetime so united vegans can accomplish anything in the near future with creative planning and ideas. Large forests that stabilize the planet and provide housing for many species are on fire and being burned down. It seems like humanity is being tested about their existence at this time, we must all do whatever it takes to create a new system that can recover Earth as soon as possible. Reforestation helps to recover dying forests and ecosystems but we need to change the human population as well. Any city around the world can be remodeled as a fully plant-based and green working structure powered by renewable energies to become the most sustainable metropolitan area. Sea levels may rise in the near future cause of climate change and melting glaciers so it's better to build new cities more inland than before. Most of the human population lives near the water and they may have to move once sea levels rise and start flooding coastal cities. People will need new places to live and work, fully plant-based, green and new vegan cities can accommodate everyone also absorb excess carbon out of the atmosphere. Trees and plants will always help the human race evolve and thrive into eternity, all animals are friends sharing the planet with us.


 The future of humanity is here now, you have two choices at hand. Your homeworld is on fire. Climate is warming each day. Planet Earth is an extremely beautiful, resourceful planet that's rich in biodiversity, unlike most other planets in the cosmos. Planets like this are very well protected and preserved by their civilizations inhabiting them. Humanity has been immensely reckless to the environment, animals and the entire planet in general. Going Vegan greatly reduces your impact on climate and the environment also saves thousands of animals by your decision alone. Humanity must change their habits as soon as possible, the planet is on fire. Forests are being cut and burned faster than the past affecting planetary balance. Forests and the coral reefs are the lungs of your living system. They absorb the excess Co2 turning into oxygen for all living organisms to breathe also stabilizes the climate, oceans and natural habitats. This is a very crucial time for the entire humanity, you must do all it takes to save the world as soon as possible. Time is working against you each day. Everyone's side or main job can be doing the things that will halt climate change, solve all problems and recover Earth. All productions even meat and dairy follows demand and supply method. What you eat and consume fiercely affects the planet in every way. The best thing you can do right now is to go vegan and promote it worldwide for more people to make the choice for a better world, environment and free billions of animals.

 There is a high number of alien visitors to our planet with secret agendas that most people don't know about. This may be very risky to our species still newly developing and growing compared to other civilizations and groups in the universe. The universe is extremely boundless containing countless probable races and intelligent living beings, some may not be far from our solar system. Planet Earth may be in grave danger at this point on so all of humanity must take action before it's too late. There is enough evidence that there are some alien beings with malevolent plans for our species. The human race has been mostly reckless and destructive towards their system and to each other. If people continue the same way, the conditions will worsen making most of the planet even uninhabitable and chaotic. It seems like aliens are trying to take advantage of this situation for their own benefit. The colonization of other continents and places didn't go well for the natives so the same thing is happening to entire humanity for some time and secretly. The best thing people can do is to unite and do whatever it takes to save the world instead of doing the same tasks over and over again to pay the same bills and expenses. Saving the planet before the alien domination and coming cataclysms devastating all nations around the world should be the most logical plan for each individual. The economy and business will only get better if all productions, companies, and nations are headed in the direction of saving the planet in advance of any irrepressible event that's probably already occurring. Some say planting millions, billions or trillions of trees can recover forests and halt climate change but only planting trees and gardening may not be the ultimate solution. Perhaps, we are supposed to start terraforming our own planet into a very sustainable and green paradise. Of course, energy productions must be converted to renewables so the very high Co2 and other greenhouse gas emissions can be completely scaled down. You can't save the world once it's too late to do anything about it and the catastrophes are hitting back to back. It seems like now is the perfect time for everyone around the world to take action as their full-time or part-time job. Everything is a job and business-related in life so anyone can perform the most crucial tasks and projects even make money from it. Promoting the best new plans and mindset for people to change the world and society positively can be very creative and compelling. You can't wait for someone else to do all of the most important things. It's mostly random individuals with passion and awareness who produce the best results. One person can plant large forests so one person can accomplish a lot alone even with no help and much money.

 Yes, the vegan movement and climate change campaigns are expanding but will they really save the world or stop the aliens? The meat and dairy industries are very destructive to animals and the environment. Although, they aren't the only contributors to climate change. It seems like to reverse the climate change, we as species are required to change and evolve completely, we can evolve as new superhero species with super awareness and productivity to solve the ever-increasing problems threatening our society and all life seriously. Terraforming other planets is definitely one of the hardest procedures mankind can ever experiment with. Terraforming the homeworld to halt catastrophic events shouldn't be too difficult. For example, there is still empty space to build new sustainable and green colonies, communities around the world designed for the growing population that's carbon neutral also plant-based and self-sufficient. Everyone knows that big cities are a thing of the past, they emit more Co2 than any other mechanism, housing prices are always rising, bigger and taller buildings aren't that captivating anymore. There is a movement towards plants, greenery, nature, sustainability and protection of sentient beings. People want to merge with nature once and for all and that can be attained with green communities fueled only by renewable energies, greenhouses, and food forests. Aliens will always try to gain influence over a weakening human race so we must start building the future we want to live in and save the planet and our civilization now.


Friday, January 24, 2020


 It's clear that plant-based movements are spreading apart more than ever right now. This may be the sign that human beings are evolving at a more rapid rate than before. There is evidence that there are so many various alien civilizations, associates and groups in our galaxy and in the zone that our solar system is located. Intelligent life is abundant around us but this doesn't mean they care about the human race nor will come here to help and give presents. There is even proof of some pirate-like scavenger groups with hidden agendas intruding on our world to gain access to resources and control mechanisms. This is a very special time to observe and behave cautiously for the future of human species. There may be countless Earth-like planets and worlds that contain intelligent life around the solar system. Even the galaxy is extremely enormous to comprehend consisting of billions of stars and planets so anything is possible. We live in a world thriving with biodiversity and life that most of the other systems may not contain as much. Technology requires a tremendous amount of rare and unique resources that will be depleted over the course of time. So following the path to only more technological productions and development isn't the best way for any society to progress.

 Plants, orchards, and forests will supply all the essentials for the growing population around the world. There are countless civilizations near our solar system and in the galaxy that we reside in. Our planet is still a very new nation in a vast and complex cosmos filled with a multitude of advanced civilizations. Encountering alien life forms the first time may be very precarious for our kind taking baby steps into the future slowly. We recently moved forward into the industrial and technological age. Technology may not be the best thing ever as most people assume. It depletes resources faster than any other industry. Investing in sustainable and renewable sources to supply the increasing demand is probably the best way to progress for any civilization so everything must be reevaluated for a better outcome. Once you sow seeds for a farm, it will return the investment more and more each year. If you invest in some technological product, it will cost more and become useless after a while. There are too many gadgets being designed and most end up in landfills after little use. Plastic pollution is another cause of inefficient industrial methods that are threatening our planet and all its life at this time. There will be more plastics than fish in the oceans in due time. There are so many threats against humanity and the planet we live in right now and our civilization apparently requires a reset, not more of the polluting and non-renewable products that are used once or twice. Products are extremely important for a stable economy and it's obvious that plant-based, vegan and plastic-free productions are superior for people and the environment also the animals. You can create the future as you like but you'll need all kinds of products and manufacturing to supply the ever-increasing demand. This is the threshold of the human race and it will be tested in every field even by other alien races now and henceforth. The more technology a type of species managed to produce, the greater the requirement for limited materials and elements will be. The transformation of civilization is necessary after certain limits have been reached that didn't exist in the past. Plants, trees and other green chemical compounds that are continuous and viable can feed everyone and all organisms also yield the materials needed for all productions.

 There is more than enough evidence that groups of intelligent life with different agendas exist around our planet and in the space, our solar system is located. From now on, everything matters more. No damage and devastation should be allowed around the world to any sentient beings and forested areas. Reforestation is very crucial to restore planet Earth into its perfect condition to sustain our civilization hereafter. If we want to progress in universal evolution, people must behave differently than before. Each action makes a difference in the environment and community you live in. Investing in sustainable and plant-based productions that can reverse climate change and build a more advanced civilization here is the best thing to do at this time. Alien life forms will always compete with the human race to acquire the Earth's unique capital of genetic material. The key to the universe may be geoengineer your homeworld with forests, vegan productions and farms then terraform other planets like Mars. We still have a long way to reduce the catastrophes hitting the ecosystems back to back devastating the largest forests supporting the planetary stability.

Monday, January 20, 2020



 Humanity is raising its awareness and knowledge with the beginning of an age of veganism and terraformation. This is a time unlike anything in the past. Humanity has magnificent potential to become the most advanced civilization in the entire universe. Plants, trees, forests and living organisms that generate life and growth will always help during this process. Going Vegan is the dawn of a new era in the universe. Humans have been designed to be plants people to grow and propagate more of nature to build the most amazing habitats ever existed. Planet Earth is an extremely rare and unique place that contains a tremendous amount of biodiversity and species unlike most other barren planets in the cosmos. So it has to be protected and safeguarded by all costs. There are so many beings coming from outer space trying to interfere and invade human society secretly. Earth has great resources and biological compounds wanted by many alien races and groups that approach developing cultures and worlds to extract organic elements, establish domination to benefit themselves. Earth civilization has been observed by many different scavenger organizations by some time. Some have been here to carry out their own secret agendas to manipulate human beings. Although all of these can be halted once more people become aware of what's going on and take action to save the world. There is nothing else more important than saving the planet and all of the life it encloses at this time. Much to be done but the growing movements to save animals, forests, the environment, and the planet, in general, are taking humanity in the right direction.

 There is a great possibility that plant-based and vegan societies are way more advanced than technological and scavenger groups and associations wandering around in space to gain access to resources elsewhere. Planet Earth has the properties and the ability to terraform many desolate planetary systems into existence with the effort of the magnificent human race. The path to becoming the most advanced in the universe is through saving and protecting your homeworld then terraforming many planets. There are already many vegan alien societies in correlation with each other that have been monitoring planet Earth and the human civilization for a long time. Once the entire world unites to recover the planet, reforests their beautiful homeworld, demonstrates an advanced and excessively sustainable civilization that's green, vegan and fully plant-based, the vegan alien societies will come to Earth to join forces and unify. Human civilization from Planet Earth will only associate with one of the most advanced groups in the universe that's extremely sustainable, free and diverse. They already terraformed many planets and formed an alliance with each other discreetly. Earth has some unique and rare resources also species that can be traded to be utilized in other planets as well. The universal vegan terraform will begin hereafter, God wants a green, colorful, fertile and prosperous universe and he needs other beings to perform this extraordinary mission. God always assigns powerful archangels, marvelous higher beings, supreme Vegan commanders and some selected civilization like humans from Planet Earth to create new Earth-like planets and systems able to accommodate very diverse life forms. This will expand spiritual realms into other planetary systems for them to incarnate and evolve in new environments. The universe is definitely calling for plentiful and freshly new Earth-like heavenly spheres into creation. Planet Earth wasn't always Earth-like billions of years ago so anything can be made by beings with a creative mindset. In fact, so many angels and otherworldly beings labored and transported the organic compounds to seed life into this planet in the ancient past. Vegan alien societies obtain a rich library of genetic material and organic compounds that can be traded with humans to transplant into your environment in the future.

 Don't underestimate the power of plants and trees. They're the most resourceful living entity that can actually redeem the diminishing ecosystems. There is evidence that Mars was a livable planet in the ancient but it became a deserted sphere under some circumstances. You cannot let the same thing happen to you. Now is the best time to go Vegan, take over and restore your entire globe into its most abundant and lush condition ever existed and this will draw the attention of advanced vegan civilizations watching your world. You cannot trust alien presence that's already here since they're here with their own agendas to siphon your world's rich resources and turn humanity into subspecies to benefit them. The friendly ones will come in the future once you evolve with the cooperation and establish a very sustainable, united and fully vegan social order here. You must start reforestation of the entire planet, stop the desertification, halt climate change, regulate the overuse of limited deposits, design a completely self-sufficient system and unite to save your world and terraform other planets. The cosmos is filled with dead and barren solar systems waiting to be revived like Mars. There is a prophecy informed us by the oracles of our institution that the humankind from Earth will become the most advanced civilization in the entire universe and multiverses in the forthcoming millenniums. Millions of desolate planets will be revived and terraformed as acutely rich, prosperous and green gardens by United Vegan Gods after they merge with the vegan alien societies hopefully in due time. The Prime Creator has chosen the human race to be the seeders of the cosmos transmitting the Earth's biodiversity into eternity. Your planet is in extreme danger, everything must be coordinated to overcome the coming cataclysms before it's too late. There are many alien races in and around the solar system waiting to take advantage of a destructive and naive population. The human race will absolutely surpass all alien races as in renewable energies, green technologies, terraformation, plant-based growth, and development also in additional infinite fields. Don't fall under alien order and reclaim your planet and freedom. The human spirit is God's ultimate multi-dimensional spark that can create a new vegan universe of abundance and prosperity. Humanity is becoming the most advanced civilization in the entire universe. This is inevitable =D

Monday, January 13, 2020


 Hello there, these are such magnificent times on Earth that everyone should experience. Everything has completely changed. We live in a totally different world now and we have an amazing opportunity for humanity and vegans to become most advanced in the universe in a shorter time than any other alien civilization ever accomplished. There are aliens everywhere and alien life will always compete with humans and try to take advantage of the catastrophes and naivety here. Although there are friendly alien societies that are mostly vegan to approach the Earth in the near future once humanity proves to be more progressive about saving their planet, creating a sustainable and cooperative society here. The future may be immensely bright for all of humankind unlike anything ever imagined. There is still a lot to be done but humanity has great potential after they build a vegan, plant-based, sustainable and unified civilization living and functioning pacifically. A lot of things have been kept secret but they're unraveling slowly to inform humanity and elicit knowledge out of each human being for them to become more evolved and advanced hereafter. Aliens will always try to control humanity and to turn them into subspecies so they can farm and dominate this planet as much as they can. This is extremely dangerous for your freedom and the future of your beautiful planet thriving with life. The aliens that are here are pirate groups who intend to lurk and prowl off newly emerging societies with resourceful planets. If humans gain more awareness and knowledge about important subjects and the alien presence, this type of incident can be prevented.

 Earth is in such danger at the moment. Rare resources are diminishing faster than before, forests that provide habitats, food, and oxygen are on fire all around the world. This is the best time to take action about saving the world and our society. Vegans can become the most advanced society and civilization in the entire universe if they start saving their planet and turn it into a very green and extremely sustainable vegan paradise. Veganism and plant life will eventually extend to other planets and systems in the near future after more technologies developed for space travel and terraformation. Although terraformation isn't an easy task, it can be done when most of the population invests in it. Trillions of dollars funding can be collected to terraform other planets in a few months or so. There is rocket technology to reach other planets in the solar system right now and space travel will only improve over time. Saving the planet is immensely crucial because the changes and catastrophes are only getting worse each day. A new vegan and plant-based society that's united and self-sufficient is one of the best ways to save the world and solve most of the problems of Earth. The English language is becoming widespread for the universal language of the world. So more people will be able to communicate easily to reduce the conflicts and prejudice that are useless and unnecessary for any nation. There are extremely important subjects waiting to be managed instead of worthless disputes and negativity. Plants and forests have the ability to generate life wherever they are. All life is connected to each other in every way possible. There are going to be some vegans coming to Earth from outer space to associate with the vegans and humans here and make agreements beneficial for both sides. Humanity is already about to shift as a multi-planetary civilization if Mars can be colonized and terraformed in a period of time. There are countless barren worlds similar to Mars in the universe that may be biocompatible. Some vegan or other civilizations already terraformed some of these and they can make agreements with vegans and humans for exchange and trade in order to utilize resources to terraform more planets and acquire more diversity for their homeworlds. Vegan and plant-based societies are more advanced and sustainable than other technological or robotic organizations. The path to more technological development will only deplete rare and non-renewable resources by time. Becoming plant-based and vegan is the best way for any society to achieve success and growth. What if there are trillions of vegan aliens out there and some even look like humans? They may find this planet with extreme biodiversity and make contact in the future because the universe is enormous and it probably contains so many different alien societies. Don't get confused with the alien presence already in and around the world. The ones that come and operate here secretly only want control and domination of our population in order to gain access to Earth's rare and unique resources. We live in a world that needs to be saved and protected in every aspect at this time. Humanity is awakening and it will become a very advanced civilization if they cultivate the right mindset and unity to overcome all the problems and prevent any alien overruling upon Earth and humanity. No matter what happens, plants, forests, vegans, diverse habitats, greenhouses, plant-based productions will win. Life will always find a way but humans must stop destroying their homeworld that's very rare and unique with the ability to terraform millions of planets into existence.

 Even though there are forest fires and some of the largest forests are being burned, all of these can be halted and vast lands can be reforested as the productive farms, orchards and permaculture gardens in a short time. There is a rising awareness all around the world to change the world in a positive direction. More people will understand what's going on and invest in mindful and green productions. Renewable energies, plant-based products, vegan manufacturing are best for the economy and the environment. No animals are meant to be harmed to make any products. Rising awareness and knowledge can solve all of the issues occurring in parts of the world. People can learn most of the basics online to have a better and healthier life in this age of information and technology. Age of Aquarius that we're in right now may make it out in books as the age of vegans and animal rights movements. Yes, new tech products are exciting but you can't accumulate all of them and it gets difficult to keep up with all the new tech gadgets. Plants, vegetables, gardening, veganism, fruits, planting trees are way cheaper than technology and they're great for the environment and your health. Food is real medicine, everyone needs food to survive. People are supposed to begin planting and building more green farms, orchards, gardens to feed the growing population. Let's plant trillions of trees, sow seeds for the greenest and most productive society ever existed to build the most advanced civilization in the universe also terraform millions of planets on the way. Vegans are becoming the most advanced and sustainable of the cosmic creation and merging with other vegan societies in the future =D

Saturday, January 11, 2020


 There are forest fires all around the world. Our planet is going through a mass extinction event at this time. All of the devastation and climate change are the cause of the human population doing the things that aren't efficient for the environment and the ecosystems of our beautiful planet. Times have changed, we live in a totally different world now and we must start doing the right things that can save the world and establish a united, sustainable and more advanced society here. 2020 can be the new beginning for the entire humanity, veganism is arising each day. More products and companies are being in development for the growing demand. Plants and trees can supply all our needs and even some of the technologies without harming any animals or the environment. People have the potential to become extremely conscious and aware beings that will do whatever it takes to save their own homeworld that's very rare and unique even wanted by other beings from outer space at this time. Humanity is evolving each day with new ideas and aspirations. Veganism will eventually take over the world because it's the most sustainable mindset and lifestyle that anyone can adopt towards a positive change. Although there is competition, some conflicts and forest fires worldwide, we still have the opportunity to change the planet and progress into the future. Going Vegan can be a new beginning for each person and a plant-based diet with no animal products can alter your genes positively. Now is the time to establish a very advanced, sustainable and united society on Earth that's able to halt climate change, disregard all the differences between nations and build an extremely green and self-sufficient civilization. We need to focus on the important issues threatening the human population, the animals and the stability of ecosystems around the world before it's too late. There is a rumor that there is an extra-terrestrial presence that has been watching nations and studying them for quite a while. They aren't here to help nor save the world. Our planet contains very rare and unique biological and other significant resources unlike many systems in the universe and humanity has been damaging and devastating them harshly. We must unite and take action as soon as possible otherwise they may gain control of our institutions. Going Vegan and living vegan can unite humanity for the right cause towards saving the world and building a very advanced civilization with the ability to terraform other planets eventually. A vegan and plant-based diet can evolve your genetics to become a superior human being in a short time as well. What you make and consume will deliver a terraform effect around you and in the environment, you live in converting even places you've never known or seen into fertile, productive lands.

 Vegans are taking over the world. Vegan products and companies are thriving in markets surpassing all others even in wall street. This is definitely the future of humanity. Every product can be made plant-based with the proper recipes. Now we have the change to become more advanced and productive than alien races as a prospect. There are plans and projects to terraform planets like Mars and who knows how many Mars-like planets are out there near our solar system. Humanity is evolving to become one of the most magnificent societies in the universe that can terraform barren, desolate systems into Earth-like in a short time. Although Mars doesn't have a magnetic field, domed structures can contain Earth-like biospheres for people to live and produce. Going underground is always an option as well, that way colonies are protected from very cold temperatures and dust storms common in desert worlds. Technology isn't the answer to all the problems of our time. Humanity must study and research the means of geoengineering their habitat into a green and livable setting for the growing population that will be affected by climate change and other phenomena occurring worldwide. This is one of the most exciting times on Earth right now, everyone can join amazing movements and produce new ideas to change the world and make it a better place. A lot of people are promoting a change of diet and living green to stop animal cruelty, deforestation and somehow find new ways to end climate change that can cause the rise of sea levels and other catastrophes. Plants and trees will always help humanity in every way possible so more people should plant new forests, orchards, gardens as well as the use of permaculture horticulture that's very advantageous for the ambiance also people. United Vegans will change the world in every way possible, this is inevitable. More and more people are adopting plant-based lifestyles also inventing a green future with vegan, plant-based productions. Humanity will eventually exceed all alien civilizations because most of them aren't even able to terraform their own environment nor other planets. Technologically advanced alien civilizations usually deplete the rare and all resources of their homeworlds searching for them elsewhere, trying to scavenge other new civilizations living in fertile planets. We still live in one of the most abundant systems so many of them desire this for their own purposes. There are many threats against humanity at this time, alien presence is one of them. Vegans must unite to take over the world as soon as possible to recover Earth and establish a new society encompassing the entire planet that protects all nations by uniting them as one. If one nation falls under alien order, this will affect the entire world very negatively.

 Humanity must stop devastating their environment and invest in new methods and productions that are sustainable and efficient unlike anything in the past. Trillions of trees of a high variety must be planted. Millions of orchards, greenhouses, vegan gardens and permaculture farms are ought to be cultivated and designed by the growing vegan population and the environmentalists to feed the ever-rising populace. This is an amazing time to be on planet Earth to experience the biggest movements arising to save the world and safeguard it as much as possible before the time runs out. Anyone can contribute to a better future for all of humankind with their dietary choices, awareness and the things they do for the environment and the animals. Trees and forests are extremely significant for the ecosystem and they can be planted to benefit everyone, all animals and the stability of the planet that's been shaken by catastrophes recently. Each plant and tree you sow seeds for and grow will change the biosphere we're all part of positively. What you buy and consume is extremely decisive to improve the habitat all organisms share. Companies and corporations will always make the products to supply the demand, it's not difficult for them to manufacture the products in need with the right ingredients that will benefit your health, your future, and ecospheres. People cannot produce all the things they need to live so they rely on companies and businesses to provide the essential products even vegan or plant-based. We can create an exceptional world that's more sustainable, cruelty-free, progressive that will terraform itself into a resourceful garden for all species to live and thrive harmoniously. There are trillions of beings in the cosmos that want all of these for themselves so we must operate cooperatively to solve the problems threatening our society. Some vegan aliens coming from advanced societies may approach humanity for certain agreements and partnership soon once humanity proves to conduct fundamentally about saving their own planet to reverse catastrophic events =)

Friday, January 3, 2020


 We live in incredible times with a magnificent outlook for futuristic ideas and projects fueled by vegans, plants, and greenery. As you know, climate change is worsening each year and our globe is warming up killing coral reef systems, forests and degrading the environment and natural resources. We must all unite and take action at this time before it's too late. What you buy and consume makes a tremendous difference for climate change and the farmed animals that go through so much pain each day. Humans have herbivore teeth structure and they were not meant to consume meat, dairy or any animal products. This causes health problems, instability in the environment and killings of billions of animals. The human race is genetically a herbivore and fruitarian species. The productions and consumption that provoke grave danger to our planet and all living species must be halted as soon as possible. We can create a more sustainable and united civilization where all of humanity and animals live freely and harmoniously.

 Humanity has a natural assignment embedded in their genes to exert into their existence. Worlds like the Earth may be extremely rare in the universe but some compatible systems around our solar systems can be terraformed over time by the human race. You don't even need much technology to begin terraforming of other planets. Our planet is first, it's been treated harshly in the last few decades. We can terraform the deserted and deforested areas of our world, then other systems in our solar systems. Every time someone plants some trees, grows plants and does the natural work to enrich the nature, this is a type of terraforming in your environment that will eventually spread to other regions. Terraforming starts with your diet and the things to do where you live. Humanity has the potential to become immensely advanced probably more advanced than most of the races in the universe because the Earth contains the elements of generating life and creating sustainable habitats for all living organisms. This is an extraordinary ability that only very rare and unique planets are blessed with. Luckily, humanity is part of this superb system and sits right over it but we must start being more cautious towards the animals and environment that we're all part of. Anything can be done if people can make it happen. The world is going through a mass extinction at this moment but we can revert this catastrophe and start doing the right things that will save the world.

 Humanity's future is united vegan terraform and take over =D  Terraforming isn't an easy task, it's activated with the products you consume, make and grow like plant-based, vegan products, vegetables, plants, etc.  Greenhouses and permaculture farms, gardens are some of the most sustainable and efficient methods of farming of our era. Plants and trees produce mycelium networks underneath the soil to transport the resources and elements like glucose for them to grow. Growing demand for vegan foods and products in markets and cities will drive more farmers to raise production. This will affect the environment in every way since everything depends on supply and demand for the population. Climate change can be reduced by 50% and building more farms to supply the vegan productions will absorb the excess CO2 levels of the atmosphere when more people choose plant-based lifestyles. Going vegan, planting trees, green farming methods, reforestation, saving the animals and the environment can save the world once more people join the movement of this new arising awareness. People need to understand what kind of prize they live on. The biodiversity of our planet is very rare and it's wanted by other beings that are here already. Deep research discloses the fact that most of the alien races deplete their worlds' resources or they never had much biodiversity in the first place. This indicates that they aren't able to terraform other systems like our planet Earth can eventually perform with the help of plants people and engineering. All life depends on plants in some way so protecting the natural forests like Amazon that contain the most biodiversity must be embraced by everyone. Even a change of diet like going vegan can help the planet, animals and the nature more than anything else. There are people who planted entire forests single-handedly so anything can be achieved with the right mindset. There are some projects to plants millions of trees in certain regions to thwart climate change and reforest new habitats into life. There is an effort to protect coral reefs which are the forests of oceans that feed many marine animals.

 All life and saving the planet depend on people and what they consume, make, buy, grow and plant, etc. We're the saviors of Planet Earth, one of the most beautiful and amazing planets in the cosmos gifted to us by God. A lot of people don't know that their diet, their lifestyles, the products they buy affect the environment and the balance of ecosystems more than anything. Corporations will keep supplying the products as long as people buy so the population decides what products are made. Each individual has the power to change the world and take action about creating a sustainable, free and healthy society. The productions will evolve into ecological, environmentally friendly and green in the near future because there is an arising awareness at the moment that won't stop any time soon. Don't ever quit following your life's purpose, anyone can make a big difference. What you invest in is intensely important. Invest in the future you want to live and the future can be vegan, green and prosperous for everyone living the best and fulfilling life they can imagine. Humanity is becoming multi-planetary in the near future. There will be dome structures enclosing the human colonies in the beginning then entire planets will be terraformed into a productive, livable setting. Greenhouses can be constructed even in space. If some astronauts can live in space for a year, living on another planet won't be that difficult once the colonies establish the structures and cities there. The same technologies used for terraforming and space colonization can be utilized in deserted regions of our world to geoengineer habitable communities. There is a rumor that if humankind can save their homeworld then terraform other planets, this will initiate a starting point for an extremely advanced civilization capable of reviving dead or dying systems into thriving Earth-like networks of unity and freedom. We may have the best future in the cosmos if we invest in these projects and make it happen.

 It seems like the vegan movement and the success of vegan businesses and products will reach the stars and other spheres inventing a universal network of trade and prosperity for all of humanity and all living organisms. What you feed on and grow will conceive a terraform reaction around you no matter where you are. Humans are a type of fungi beings feeding off the natural resources around them and they have the capacity to either destroy and deplete or cultivate and propagate the renewable, viable resources like plants, water, air, forests, produce, greenery, etc. Vegans are definitely the next evolutionary species after the homo sapiens capable of turning their homeworld into a resourceful, fertile paradise. Let's restore our globe into its best possible outcome able to sustain all life into eternity by becoming greener and more productive each day. The human race tends to become multi-planetary because plants and nature are genetically able to expand to other places in space as well. Vegan movement, products, and businesses are taking over the world in less time than any other phenomenon of the past. All animals and organisms meant to be free and exist peacefully. United Vegans can accomplish anything either save the world or terraform any place in and around the world. The key to the universe is going vegan, plant the future, restore your environment, unite as one society.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


 God is watching one of his magnificent creations called the Earth. It's a blue, green planet filled with life. Where is God? What does he want? If he was so powerful and creative, why is life difficult? Life is a manifestation of creativity in every aspect. God is the most creative power of the multiverses and all life. Is there life in the universe? Of course, there is. There is a very high possibility that there are aliens and intelligent life everywhere. Although most people aren't aware of this yet and make assumptions about how alone we are. We definitely live in a sphere thriving with living organisms including humans. Humans aren't top of the food chain. We're only part of a great natural system that's evolved into its current condition after billions of years. The Earth is a special place at least for us humans and other creatures inhabiting here. We haven't found a place like the Earth yet but there are many planets in an incomprehensibly vast universe. Theoretically, the Earth-like planets near our solar system are presumably already inhabited and protected by alien societies because Earth-like planets are able to contain significant resources and organisms that generate living habitats. The universe and other Earth-like planetary systems shall be fundamentally older than our solar system and world since the human race developed some advanced technologies recently. We're basically a new race in extremely ancient cosmological events. We look at other planets in our solar system and see no sign of life at all. There is a hypothesis about Mars containing intelligent civilizations a long time ago but something wiped out all of the activity there. That may classify it as a naturally compatible venue that can be terraformed considering it has a thin atmosphere and biological activity in the past. The Earth is simply a genetical library unique to its own. Why would God create such an animated sphere with multitudinous species and diversity in every corner? Is it because the most intelligent species of the world has an extraordinary mission? It takes some deep thinking to find out why we exist as the intelligent and prevalent kind of our natural system. Although humanity has caused some damage to its environment, there is still great potential to manifest a more symbolic picture. Of course, planet Earth must be protected from natural phenomena and environmental devastation. Going Vegan reduces your impact on the environment for at least 90%. Plastic pollution became a major hazard worldwide. Hopefully, we'll see compostable bags and plastics made from biodegradable ingredients sometime soon.

 Earth is the only planet embodying life that we know of but there may be so many alien worlds and intelligent civilizations out there. This doesn't mean they'll come here to help us or save the world. That's our responsibility considering the fact that we're the native inhabitants here. Humans must adopt a mindset that will preserve their diminishing resources and even restore their planet into a high level of productivity for all living species. Going Vegan is a great beginning to achieve a level of high awareness about the environment and the impact humans produce with their habits and consumption. What if other alien races would want our beautiful and resourceful world for themselves? We'd have a chance to fall under an alien order of manipulation. There is much evidence that some alien races that come here aren't friendly after all. A tremendous amount of abductions and experiments have been forced upon many people all around the world. This is proof that intelligent beings aren't here to help our kind, they have their own agenda kept secret from the human race. Now is apparently remarkable times for our civilization going through mass extinction events and the first encounters of intelligent beings coming from outer space. What if there were alien beings everywhere probably observing us for so long and we didn't know about it? It seems like this is the best time to take action even individually for the real problems that affect all of humanity and other sentient beings. If we don't save our own world, no one will and this will open the door for other beings to interfere. It seems like God created some planets with such genetic material and biodiversity that can eventually terraform other planets in and around their system. This labels our nature of existence as very unique and valuable in a universe consisting of countless barren worlds. What we have should be what aliens are after and we must reclaim what we're gifted by God before it's too late. Our civilization entered a new era in an alien universe. We can reach and colonize other planets like Mars now and the aliens are here already.

 Going Vegan will generate a greening effect around you that you'll notice in a short time. All life depends on renewable resources like plants, forests, freshwater, crops, etc. Some people turned their backyards and lands to productive gardens and forests proving the fact that humans can alter their environment into its most dynamic phase. Vegans can terraform their own planet first then other planets in and near the solar system. All living habitats are fueled by the renewable and life-generating plants and resources around them. Of course, this isn't an easy task but it can be done if more people invest in these projects and develop the technologies needed to accomplish terraforming. Even parts of the Earth still needs terraforming and reforestation to be converted into productive, green communities. There are a lot of companies that want to colonize the space but this can only be done with the effort and cooperation of so many people. The universe is calling for more Earth-like planets with the help of the human race and the biological organisms of our system. The Prime Creator always assigns other organisms and beings to do certain tasks in the universe. Now humanity is chosen to create more Earth-like worlds. Of course, the Earth is extremely important and all of its environments must be protected in order to supply the means of terraforming other planetary systems. Going Vegan, planting trees, growing vegetables, foods spawn terraforming effect around you in the environment you live in. Eventually, this effect spreads to other places nearby and becomes more prevalent over time. There is a probability of this to reach other planetary systems and spheres as well since all races in the universe develop technologies to travel in space and try to colonize other spheres near them. Earth-like planets are developed over millions and billions of years naturally but some societies are able to terraform certain biocompatible planets into livable and productive systems in a short time compared to natural creations. God is everywhere and all being and life are connected to each other so emerging races have a chance to bring life to other systems with the endeavor and great effort. Humanity can become vegan terraform Gods in the universe because such a beautiful and resourceful planet has been gifted to them. There are extremely rich people and successful companies that have the funds to work on new projects about the reforestation of the entire planet and colonization of space. Dome structures are more suitable to build Earth-like habitats for people to live in the beginning since converting an entire sphere into a new Earth takes longer.

 Places like Dubai was a desert in the past but people built some of the most dynamic, booming cities in desolate lands. This is a type of terraforming that's done in our world. Vegan businesses are booming as well as turning their own space into more productive and green places for humans and animals to live with no cruelty. Nobody knew following a plant-based diet and making, consuming vegan products would start terraforming our homeworld into its best possible stage for all species. Humanity's future is united and vegan terraform and take over. We begin the new age of Aquarius as the newest evolving species after homo sapiens with so much potential, unlike other alien races that come from barren worlds wandering around the space in search of resources. If vast deserts on Earth can grow into amazing and thriving cities and communities, we can terraform other deserted planets and create new Earths sooner or later. Our planet is definitely a very special system given to humanity to preserve from any alien races that desire it all for themselves. We must stop destroying the planet and fighting against each other meaninglessly then focus on the important things that matter like climate change, deforestation, diminishing resources, alien presence, etc. Humanity will evolve as a remarkable race and produce a very advanced and sustainable civilization with the ability to terraform any dying and desolate place into productive and green-domed biospheres. Dome structures are great designs to begin terraforming any deserted landscapes at first. We may need to stop the growing desertification here and revert it into green communities to experiment with the methods of terraforming in our world. Vegans are uniting to save the world and all living organisms. This movement will never end and it will only grow and spread to create a new vegan universe.