Wednesday, July 29, 2020



 Everything is changing fast. The civilization has hit a threshold of either recover the Earth or consequences will be irreversible. Environmental degradation and climate change are already cataclysmic. People feel that they must do something to stop the madness before things get out of hand. Pandemic and lockdown have shown people all around the world that humans have been driven the planet’s life-balance into a pit of no return. Planting trees may not save the world so we must invent new ways to recover the Earth and somehow retrograde global warming and its effects to an early stage then obliterate them. A lot of people that everything will be fine and the Earth will heal and repair itself but that’s not true. Industrial effects of greenhouse gases, pollution, contamination, and so forth are pushing the planet and human society into an abyss. Scientists have announced that there are less than two decades to clean up the planet that’s in danger otherwise things will get worse. There aren’t many jobs for the growing population and unemployment is very high after the lockdown so people of the world are being called to unite to do the things that will clean and restore Planet Earth for a new start of civilization. Doing the things that will save the only planet that humans can live on would create millions of jobs and initiate a new job market that will progress quickly. There are movements around the world revamping the economy, environment, and the health of society positively. Veganism has encompassed the planet as the most popular and powerful movement in decades. Going vegan saves so many animals that are trapped in factory farms and pastures waiting to be slaughtered. Codes run the world and all affairs of human society. The new code altering the society was vegan for a while. There are more codes and will be more codes that modify human civilization for the betterment of the planet and the future. The planet is in danger at this time, resources are squandered, the environment is changing, the climate is warming up, pollution is increasing. Lockdown and the pandemic have given the planet and nature a sigh of relief for a short period but all industries and factories have continued pumping greenhouse gases and release toxic materials back again. Most of the industries exhaust, contaminate, and change the environment and contribute to climate change. Therefore all industries are required to adapt to coming changes and readjusted to become carbon-neutral, completely green, and sustainable. It seems like there are many technologies that have been kept hidden from the public and these new breakthroughs can be implemented to human society so it can stop being so destructive as well.

 The economic growth used to be the main goal for any nation. After this pandemic and lockdown, nations realized that economic growth and expansion only devastates the environment, warms up the planet and exhaust natural resources that are very limited and fragile. Humans are being called to change in this new era of instability. There will be more viruses and pandemics that can compromise the lives of billions. Natural disasters will intensify because of climate change, deforestation, and other adversities. Each person is being called to take action to contribute to the restoration and recovery of Planet Earth since there are people in almost every place of the world and their actions can make a significant difference. Nothing will be like the past, times have changed. Humans have entered a new age in development, evolution, and universal awareness. Some fresh code systems are being transferred to Earth from higher powers and intelligence, probably even from the Prime Creator. A lot of people are having a-ha moments and starting new companies, finding new ways to revitalize nature, develop renewable energies, technologies that can help replenish the ecosystems also absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Humans can have the greatest future possible if they cooperate to create the most sustainable, green, and imperishable civilization ever existed. Planet Earth may be one of the most magnificent worlds in the universe and it’s in grave danger at this moment. Collective action is necessary to protect and preserve all of its natural, mineral, biological wealth, and diversity including humans. It’s clear that veganism is the best for the environment, animals and humans are both parts of a larger ecosystem working to enrich the whole living system. Humans have lost their connection to nature. Natives used to be more in tune with nature but they were primitive. The modern human that created the industrial age has become the most advanced and dominant species but they started being too destructive for the only planet they live on. Now we need a new type of human species and this new human can come into existence with veganism, natural growth, advancements, productions that rely on nature’s most renewable resources and components without wreaking havoc. It seems like homo sapiens have overpopulated the planet as a locust swarm contending each other over meaningless differences, disputes, competitions, misunderstanding, and so forth. The more overpopulated a city, the more polluted, more loud, more traffic-stricken, more expensive, more competition over jobs, housing, careers, business, money, the more uncomfortable and stressful it gets. Humans should begin building green, plant-based communities powered by renewable energies that people will live peacefully and concur with one another. There are some projects about designing ecological communities already in place. People of the world may have less than two decades to fully convert to a most sustainable method of way of life and production. The education system is outdated for this new age. Children of the world are supposed to learn the systems, plans that will progress the civilization into the next stage of sustainability and renewability. Feeding an economy and job market tends to be very detrimental is an old way of living. Once the businesses and the economy itself upgrade its mechanisms of running the society, the education will conform to this new structure. What people need is renewable and revival of every aspect of society in order to mutate as the greenest, most carbon-free, imperishable, and even biodegradable ever. The onset of this is vegan and plant-based. Plants are the main component of all life on Earth, anything can be made plant-based easily. There are plant-based alternatives to plastics that pollute the oceans and waters more than anything. For instance, wood is one of the most useful materials that people make use of. There are tons of stuff made with it, it’s environmental-friendly if the trees cut are planted back again. Unfortunately, the cattle ranching is causing deforestation more than the logging of forests, especially in the Amazon region. 

 These are the times of change, everything is being altered profoundly since there are new codes flowing into human civilization and there are beings from space who are trying to seize the planet for their own benefits and purposes. Vegan codes are alien in origin, there is some civilization who discovered that going vegan and developing new technologies, productions, industries derived from nature, and complete renewable, plant-based sources is the best way to proceed. What is happening around the world has happened to many worlds in the universe. If a society is obsessed with technological advancements and industrial expansion and expenditures, it’s doomed to overuse and deplete their world’s limited and fragile resources derived from mineral, biological and natural resources, deposits. The devastation of the environment and the significant resources will only intensify with climate change, pollution, depletion, and other adversities. Humans have entered a new era in their evolution, now there are many alien species and groups trying to take advantage of a weak and divided human race. They’ll do all they can to turn humans into mindless workers with the brain, body implants, oppression, and coming alien orders. In the near future, there will be mass food, water shortages, and diminishing supplies. The world economy already suffered the biggest hit in history caused by the recent pandemic and mandatory lockdowns. Aliens have genetically engineered a human-alien hybrid race and placed millions of them all around the world to gain control of the human population in the forthcoming. The planet and human society are called for a big mission to protect and shield the civilization before it’s too late. The alien invasion has been underway for decades and they’re secretly invading from inside the society and human affairs. The only way out of this phenomenon that happened to many native societies in the universe is through unification and consolidation of the entire world population to reverse the calamities destroying the biosphere to a greater extent. There won’t be any basic necessities in the future if climate change, pollution, and depletion outstrip the planet’s natural resources that feed the entire population and all industries. The end times have definitely started, the planet has entered the biggest mass extinction event, unlike the past. As most people believe, dinosaurs haven’t been extinct, they evolved as new species living on the planet as birds, reptiles, mammals, and other creatures. This current mass extinction event may wipe out most of the human population and make it powerless against alien invasions that started decades ago. They’ve established hidden bases all around the world in remote locations monitoring human society and carrying out their own agendas. New green deals may not save the planet but it would help move the economy in the right direction, everything has to be carbon-neural or negative and completely renewable mimicking nature and its life-generating systems. The path to technological and industrial growth and expansion is the most destructive outlook for any society in the universe. Many alien civilizations have completely drained their planet’s natural environment and deposits for them to seek basic requirements elsewhere in space. This is one of the reasons they’re here. There is a rumor that there are around 36 extraterrestrial divergent groups and collectives competing with each other over territory, coveted resources and domination around Planet Earth at this time. It’s apparent that the scenario in the Independence Day has been occurring behind the scenes for quite a while. People suppose aliens will come here to help humankind and bring technological and scientific gifts but the reality is totally the opposite. The most developed nations have been exhausting the planet’s most important deposits and natural wealth faster than a locust swarm. Unfortunately, the industrial era until now has turned the human population into the biggest locust swarm ever existed in human history and everything has to be regulated and corrected as soon as possible before more catastrophes and scarcity hit the world population back to back relentlessly. The planet’s environment is transforming into a totally different setting where there won’t be enough production nor abundance for an ever-growing population and people will suffer the consequences severely. Droughts of the last decade have been worsening every year. If there are more drastic droughts upon many regions and continents, there won’t be any fresh water for industries to use nor to drink. Planting trees as natively suitable to temperate zones and regions of every nation may form forests to absorb the increasing CO2 levels but it’s obvious planting trees alone won’t save the planet nor reverse climate change and other negative events. Biblical end times are here, there is an alien invasion organized by many extraterrestrial species and their hybrids integrated into society. Calamitic events and natural disasters will only get more aggravating. Some territories have experienced the worst hurricanes and tornadoes ever in history and they warn that there will be worse hurricane and tornado seasons each year. People need to know what’s really going on and prepare as a united society of the world otherwise it will be impossible to get through the apocalypse. 

 Each person is required to change most of their habits, diet, lifestyles to relinquish their carbon emissions, plastic residue, product choices, and addictions that exhaust the environment and contribute to deforestation and global warming. It all starts with individuals then the corporations will follow because it only depends on supply and demand to run the economy that became too destructive prospectively. The internet, smart gadgets, computers, social media connect the world so any information circles around the world briskly. People receive new information and even products that can contribute to the global restoration of the ecosystems human beings are actually part of, not only as a consumer. Human beings are supposed to enrich and enhance nature and all its products without overuse and contamination. Humans were never meant to be the top of the food chain like most people assume. Going vegan and living green can cease most of the detrimental outcome of humans, it’s the best mindset for the environment and sentient beings. Reforestation projects native to temperate zones and ecosystems can restore dying habitats as pristine in a short time. Some nations’ air, water pollution levels overly cataclysmic and it’s only getting worse because people want more of the products and services that are too industrial made with toxic methods and ingredients. Hydrogen fuel cell cars will hit the global market soon and their emissions are carbon-free. Electric cars are emission-free but they’re still made of materials and metals that deplete the mineral deposits that must be conserved for future use. Most of the technological products are never recycled and the metals they’re made of are finite. Plastic pollution isn’t only caused by single-use plastics. Tech pollution and other discarded plastics were never recycled adding up to tech junkyards and plastic patch in oceans. People are buying more and more tech gadgets, devices each year immersing themselves into screens, artificial realities then discarding the old and used gear when the new ones come out. There is an enormous amount of pollution generated by used tech products and devices. Any type of product especially technological ones are supposed to be for long-term use but people buy up the new ones released with little improvements. No matter how many technological devices you possess, your life will pretty much be the same as before. It’s like human beings are brainwashed to work and pay for new gadgets that are designed to track, profit off, utilize, condition people for unknown schemes and control. It may be that the alien beings who’ve come to Earth have granted well-designed technologies to exploit and control the masses for their secret plans. Technology by itself won’t make any human being better, smarter, or more advanced. The only to become smarter and advance is through the accumulation of knowledge, not technological developments that will eventually use up mineral, metal deposits and turn the planet into uninhabitable. Planets like Mars that orbit the solar system have signs of advanced and technological civilizations in its ancient past. Mars might be like the Earth billions of years ago but something happened and all life has gone extinct there. Human beings are possibly doing the same thing to Earth at this time and the final outcome shall be like the Earth or even other planets containing intelligent lifeforms like humans. The conversion to extreme sustainability in every field and nation of the world should be mandatory because everything affects the whole living system and all nations’ destiny. For instance, if one nation falls under alien invasion, this would affect the entire world drastically. This extraordinary event may be happening with subtle means of persuasion, operations, and intelligent planning. Any technologically and neurologically advanced syndicate of space beings wouldn’t attempt to start wars, invade barbarically, or land anywhere public. They would utilize secrecy, intelligently designed schemes, mind control, power of influence, and technological dominance to carry out their strategical dominance. Humans have evolved as a destructive force upon Planet Earth and it’s coming to a point of no return. If humans don’t protect and safeguard their only homeworld, some other civilizations will snatch a planet wanted by many others. 

 How can human civilization become very sustainable, green, renewable, and even biodegradable to secure their future? Humans are obliged to modify and revise all that they do and make to survive and live for the sake of the planet and all living beings. This new era can be the new beginning of sustainability or more catastrophic events that will weaken and divide humanity furthermore. A lot of nations are starting to cooperate to find new ways to restore the planet and reverse climate change. Pollution levels of the world have winded up cataclysmic to grow and expand the economy designed to exhaust the planet into extinction. The Earth embodies the codes and mechanisms to be the greenest, the most sustainable planet that humans can live on if the entire world makes the shift towards ultimate sustainability and sacrifice the destructive productions. Most of the monoculture agriculture methods are consuming the soil for it to become unfarmable. There won’t be enough land to farm in the future to feed the growing population. The Amazon which is the largest and most diverse forest in the world is being burned down to clear more land for cattle ranching because the demand for meat has been increasing relative to population growth. You can tell human species has started devouring the planet alive and there will be nothing left if collective action isn’t taken to stop it. Since humans are the most intelligent species originating on Earth, they must invent new systems, methods, projects to upgrade the productions, businesses, consumers, and products that overuse the planet, the environment, and finite resources. Nothing will ever be completely renewable or sustainable but a great level of green sustainability and renewability can be achieved with great effort and resolution. There are many alien groups and species operating secretly around the world, they’re gaining more power and influence each and every day. They’ve established many bases to monitor and carry out their agendas for world acquisition. They’re waiting for the planet to deplete and get into mass food, water, resource shortages for them to offer solutions and gain control of this feeble and conflicted society easily. The planet has entered a mass extinction event that will weaken and confuse the world population with acceleration. The large forests like the Amazon had to be protected and preserved but nobody and no nation is able to do anything about it. This is proof that humanity is a foolish race that can’t take care of their environment nor their homeworld and many alien collective associations have been implementing world take over procedures that worked in other planets. This and climate and environmental decline plus all other downfalls caused by the human race and their industrial needs and destruction are the biggest threats to humankind. Nobody coming from space cares about human achievements, pleasure, comfort, talents, and so on. Each person is liable to act upon real issues of the world threatening their future from now on. 

 What if movie scenarios manifesting the end times and alien invasions were about to be real slowly? How could human society prevent such extraordinary events without losing their sustenance and freedom? One person has changed the world many times in history and let’s think about what the entire world or billions could do to save the world. A lot of nations are trying to plant millions, billions of trees but would that actually save the world or reverse climate change? In the era of endeavor to colonize Mars and space, people still do all they can to destroy their only homeworld that’s more livable and beautiful than any other out there. Most people are so conditioned to want more and more but having less and living minimalist is more fulfilling in reality. People who switch to minimalist lifestyles have become happier, lighter, and began pursuing higher purpose for themselves and for all. There are people who grow all they eat, wear, and use and their lives are still satisfying. People buy more tech products than ever and the old ones are discarded to extend the mountains of tech junkyards. This is the worst type of society ever existed. All products especially technological ones are supposed to last longer because they’re made of precious metals and materials that are limited in quantity. Most productions and industries including technological and advanced manufacturing are doomed to convert to preferably plant-based and biodegradable designs and development. Possibly the most advanced societies in the universe, not the pirate-like cartels that come to Earth are completely plant-based, driven by renewable resources derived from the natural environment they live on. Nature already displays how to live, survive even thrive with a viable cycle of life expanding and regenerating constantly without human interference. Humans should start mimicking nature in all fields of business, mass manufacturing plus industrial systems, biomimicry may solve most of the problems of this type of inefficient civilization innately endowed with higher potential. Most of the conventional farming methods that have been practiced throughout the years are monoculture that’s proven to deplete the soil of necessary minerals and nutrients after a period of time. This leaves an infertile land that adds to desertification over the years. Farming needs to be completely permaculture enriching the soil and farmable lands for them to sustain biodiversity and increasing demand for food and other products. Largest rainforests are the best examples of thriving monoculture, they feed and house the most extreme biodiversity that humans can make use of as well. Some natives can live off forests by collecting seeds, fruits and other nutrition-rich products also utilize the things they find in the forest to make new things and build stuff. This is probably the most efficient and sustainable way for people to live. Grow more permaculture forests that can sustain human habitation rather than logging and destroying them for meat, wood, and paper productions. Many of the human species around the world are essentially forest people. The richest, largest forests will provide the foods and necessities for the growing population if they help to cultivate newer, larger, richer forested habitation for their needs. Perhaps, the most sustainable and advanced societies tend to be the most natural and forested compared to the technological ones depleting their planet until nothing left for them to seek resources and necessary supplies elsewhere in space. All of the natural resources derived from forests are essentially renewable if people plant and grow more of the species existing in these habitats. That’s why veganism is the most sustainable and cruelty-free diet and mindset for the animals, forests, and the planet in general so veganism will always thrive into eternity. New vegan intelligence is emerging in human mind-body-soul trinity and nothing will ever be the same again. By the time, all products will convert to plant-based made of renewable materials. It’s obvious that the aliens that come here don’t know much about nature and how to live sustainably because they started seeking life-generating components in space because they’ve depleted their homeworlds by focusing only on technological advancements and achievements. Tech junkpiles, plastics in landfills and plastic patch in the ocean are still swelling because people still buy more tech devices to discard old ones often and buy products packaged in plastics every day. The race to an absolutely clean and green planet begins in the minds of individuals, not corporations or companies that make most of the products. People can change the planet that’s in danger. Green innovations will be the norm from now on and vegan even plant-based and ecological business, investments, developments and startups will always thrive because they do what’s critical for the planet and all life. Biomimicry, mimicking nature and forests in all industries, productions, manufacturing will upgrade the civilization into its next stage in intelligence and evolution as of now. Human beings have the greatest potential to surpass the alien races that come here trying to take advantage of a weakening bewildered human society. This is the most dangerous phenomenon but human society’s destructive behavior endangered a planet wanted by others also authorize these space beings to intrude into human affairs for their own benefit and purposes. Human civilization will evolve and progress into eternity if they start doing the right to restore Planet Earth and secure their future by resisting alien invasions before it’s too late. This planet is one of the most beautiful and lively living systems in the universe and it can grant all the fundamentals to the human population who’s awakening with new codes and intelligence flowing into Earth that’s mostly vegan and imperishable in nature. New information streaming around the world for people to gain wisdom and intellect about the real issues jeopardizing all life around the world. Now is the only time to wake up and do whatever it takes to reclaim the Earth so it could be recovered and rejuvenated with new vegan, green intelligence codes boosting human minds as the super force protecting and augmenting the living globe otherwise the planet will turn into Mars and humans will fall under alien enthrallment. 

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Vegan Earth Is Becoming A Very Sustainable, Green, Plant-Based, Pollution-Free Spaceship Powered By Renewables =D

The Vegan Earth Is Becoming A Very Sustainable, Green, Plant-Based, Pollution-Free Spaceship Powered By Renewables Upgrading The Civilization and Start Terraforming Multitudes of Alien Worlds =D

 Here it is, the word is out now. People found the way to recover the Earth and proceed into a very futuristic and enhanced prospect like never before. Nothing will ever be the same again. Although the world is being jeopardized by a pandemic, climate change, pollution, and instability, there is great opportunity ahead of humanity. If the human world can pull this off, outstanding technologies, plant-based innovations, complete sustainability will be unriddled gradually. A lot of people are scared of what’s going to happen while the world is going through changes but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Vegans and veganism are changing the planet faster than any other movement and venture. This is the best way to recover the Earth, its living habitats also invert global warming and its effects. The Earth is a living, green-blue spaceship wandering in the cosmos expecting to breathe new life into dying and depleting planetary systems. For this reason, it must be protected and preserved at all costs. The economy and industrialization have been extremely destructive, generated mass pollution and climate change itself that threaten the future of the planet frantically. People realized all that they do affects the environment and the planet in general. A lot of people started switching to fully plant-based lifestyles and vegan diets to save the animals and protect the environment. Vegans have little impact on the environment and produce a lot less carbon and waste. Plant-based and vegan movements, productions and companies are the most futuristic approach for the civilization to follow at this time since catastrophic events have been hitting back to back fiercely. This new green civilization may salvage Planet Earth and become a very advanced society in the universe flying on a dynamic spaceship to even start terraforming new worlds. Planet Earth still has an abundance of natural, organic, and mineral resources but they’re required to be safeguarded hereafter because humans will live here for thousands and thousands of years. Don’t await divine powers, extraterrestrials, or certain elites to save the world. It’s up to people of the world to stand up and create new plans, new ideas, new startups, projects that are able to clean up the entire planet and make it very sustainable. The planet’s resources that give life to all businesses, companies, and entire humanity are depleting very fast each day because of climate change, deforestation, degradation, and overuse. Some developed nations are exhausting the world’s limited and fragile resources to produce countless junk products and pumping a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases contributing to climate change increasingly. All of the productions and manufacturing are doomed to convert to plant-based, renewable, carbon-neutral, and plastics-free before it’s too late. Lockdown granted relief for a short period but factories are back in full operation emitting gases, contaminating and depleting the environment back again. Pandemic has displayed the effects of contamination radiated by certain industries. Meat, dairy industries have been the cruelest and most infective out of all slaughtering billions of sentient animals, emitting methane and producing viruses spread apart the world. Everything people eat, consume, and produce is altering the planet each day and it’s overly cataclysmic at this time. Pollution levels around the globe are becoming incredible just to supply an economy destined to destroy everything on its path. Environmentalists and animal rights activists are doing all they can to raise awareness about what’s going on but the economy itself has been the most destructive force over the globe. Luckily, people found a way out of this madness and more people are joining great movements bound for rescuing all animals, restoring the environment, and saving the civilization from extinction. There will be more viruses and plagues imperiling human society taking so many lives. Universal karma is punishing society for what people have done to animals and the only planet they can live on.

 Let’s talk about the positive aspects of the vegan earth that many people are creating with their mindsets, effort, change of habits. It’s possible that humans can envision and invent a new civilization that will evolve as very sustainable, green, plant-based, and pollution-free also powered completely by renewables. Renewable energies and technologies are easy to develop and manufacture. Electric cars with zero emissions are becoming more popular each day. Solar power is literally expanding faster than any other continual venture. The sun is the most powerful energy source that can power the entire world easily, it also fuels plant life for them to conduct photosynthesis producing food and chemical energy. Solar will power more technologies, cities, and businesses in the near future. In life, nothing is completely renewable but some origins of energy can be more imperishable and continual than others. Human civilization has to change its way of life as soon as possible to unify itself with nature and stop being destructive upon the planet. Almost all of the industries and productions are requisite to adjust and modify their methods of business and manufacturing to upend the negative effects despoiling natural resources and ecosystems. Ocean plastic patch is still enlarging in Atlantic and it’s already cataclysmic for the marine life. Overfishing of oceans is annihilating marine ecosystems and there will be less fish than plastics in the forthcoming. People should be mandated to reevaluate all the things they do that devastate the environment and contribute to climate change otherwise the consequences will be irremediable. Luckily, vegan, plant-based, and green movements and the new green deals can reshape the human society and economy unlike anything in the past. These are very positive events in a world going through mass extinctions, deforestation, instability, and a pandemic. Unfortunately, masks add up to already catastrophic plastics pollution, they’re not biodegradable. Hopefully, they’ll invent biodegradable masks that will decompose in a short time. It’s like wearing masks is going to be mandatory for a while but there wouldn’t be any viruses, pandemics originating from the meat industry in a vegan world. For this reason, going vegan is definitely one of the best things anybody can do during these hard times. Vegan companies, startups, businesses are still thriving in an economy threatened by lockdowns and viruses. More and more people are switching to a greener and ultimately vegan lifestyle to save the animals and the environment also raising awareness on social media and other platforms. It seems like veganism can unite the world and lead humanity into enlightenment that will arise from each soul through knowledge, compassion, and awareness. Of course, going vegan or planting trees alone won’t completely restore the entire planet but it’s the beginning of a mindset prompting in the right direction. Another thing is that there are so many people who are devoted to plant millions of trees, save the animals, recover the ecosystems, clean up the planet and their numbers are rising each day. New movements planned to change the world and somehow salvage the planet and all life that exists here will be the biggest business and adventure now and in the future. We have only one planet. There are people and space agencies that want to colonize Mars and terraform eventually but Mars will never like the Earth even if it can be terraformed. The Earth is a very special planet in the universe. Space telescopes have detected many Earth-like worlds but most of them are or may be barren and lifeless celestial bodies wandering in space. 

 The Earth is the most perfect and prolific spaceship that’s thriving with life and natural, mineral wealth. All of its assets are in imperil as a result of human interference. Humans are naturally gardener and protector species that placed upon the world to enrich the living system here. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out well and humans have appeared as a locust swarm. Mother nature is chastising the growing population and will scourge with disasters even more if human species wouldn’t adjust and regulate their destructive behavior and industrial consumption. Time has run out and there will be any more time to revert the damage inflicted over the global setting. Planet Earth inherently contains the mechanisms to regenerate and clean up in a short period of time but it’s up to humans to save themselves and their civilization. There are many ufos and spaceships witnessed in the sky and there are probably many alien races monitoring human civilization since this is a very beautiful and lively cosmic creation comprising astounding biological diversity and multitudinous species. What if they want this world as their own? What could humans do about it? 

From all the evidence, it’s apparent that aliens are already here and they intervene in human affairs with their own plans. Humans have been very reckless, warlike, destructive species for the planet and all life. It may be that they’re here to carry out their scheme to take over the world as their newest base. Humans have done this to each other, colonization has occurred in many places in the course of history. The problem is could the human race defend their planet that’s wanted by aliens. Nobody knows who they are and what they want yet. People are trying to colonize Mars and it seems like some alien races are here to colonize the Earth secretly. What if the Earth is the most beautiful and rich planet in the universe? Would humans start doing the things to recover the Earth and reverse all of the catastrophic debacles? People may lose their world and their freedom if aliens succeed with their plans for planetary acquisition. There is proof about millions vanishing instantaneously with abductions and a very large amount of data about ufo sightings over the course of decades. The Earth is our living spaceship, it’s our only home. Everyone loves their cars, they do all to keep it clean and running but nobody is doing much about a globular green-blue spacecraft designed as a flourishing biological storehouse and resource hub, unlike any other planet that we know of. The planet won’t save or clean itself. It’s discernible that aliens won’t save the world or humanity from all the data gathered. Humans should stand up now and restart the civilization that’s getting more destructive and contaminating than ever. There are several rockets and spaceships in development to reach Mars, other star systems and probably begin terraforming other spheres. Some may or may not alien life and intelligent lifeforms. If aliens depleted their planet into deserted landscapes, the Earth and humans can rejuvenate these systems and terraform them as freshly burgeoning structures. This may grant human civilization to emerge as one of the most advanced in the universe since aliens didn’t display good intentions towards human society as of yet. A vegan Earth will reshape the civilization and the universe as the greenest and most sustainable globe breathing new life into dying and drained alien worlds. There is a great amount of data and evidence that aliens utilize Earth’s biological resources and want to gain control of human civilization for their own purposes. They probably don’t care much about humanity and their motives since humans have been the most destructive force upon Planet Earth that’s gifted with life-generating organisms and assets unlike most other planets even the ones including alien and intelligent lifeforms. Life is natural and following the path to technological and industrial advancements and expansion will eventually deplete any world’s limited and fragile natural systems. Humans are seeing the effects of this now, industrialization and consumption by the ever-growing population have driven the planet’s ecosphere into an unstable and cataclysmic state. By building a new Earth and civilization called the United Vegan World can propel human society in a viable and reasonable outlook. The Earth is changing extremely fast at this time, the pandemic has hindered industrial pollution and greenhouse gas emission for a short period of time. 

 There are many threats to human society at this time and there are some threats that are so subtle and invisible like the alien threat. Several alien races and groups are already among the society to carry out their own alien agendas. They integrated alien-human hybrids into many places of the world to secretly gain control of the population. Aliens have greater mind control and mental abilities that humans don’t have yet. From all data about alien abductions, it’s evident extraterrestrials aren’t here for any good. They want to take over a rich planet being destroyed by its native inhabitants called humans. This is a very dangerous phenomenon that’s not understood by most of the world population but aliens are gaining more power and influence to complete their world acquisition plan every day. Literally, aliens are very concerned about this planet that’s being ruined and devastated by a growing human population becoming more of a locust swarm with their actions. Therefore, environmental, climate threats, and alien threats are parallel realities to each other. Aliens come from other planets so they’re physical beings. They aren’t some spiritually advanced or amazing entities coming to Earth to teach, guide, and fulfill futuristic prophecies. The facts are contrary to what people believe and assume around the world. People want some otherworldly powers or et’s come and rescue humanity and the world but they’re only here to take over and exploit for their own purposes and benefit. The same thing has happened in the world’s history many times. Colonization has wiped out native inhabitants of certain regions. They see humanity as a useful resource so they don’t want to wipe out or start wars of any kind. Their approach is totally secretive, subtle, and deceitful. People wanted aliens to come here for so long and they’re here now, there are several races and alien groups are competing with each other for the coveted resources, territories, and power of influence overall. Luckily, some people have been inspired by positive, world-changing movements like veganism, animal rights, reforestation, green and renewable technologies, energies, and so on. There is still hope for mankind, human species are a newly developing society in the universe and they have the greatest potential to become an advanced, united, sustainable, and free civilization without falling under alien orders. The situation at hand is very critical and things will get worse. Humans have been competing with each other for thousands of years but there are new competitors in their homeworld now. Most of them look exactly like humans because aliens have genetically engineered an alien-human hybrid race indistinguishable from normal humans you see on the street. You can’t tell who’s hybrid or who’s not anymore. They work for the aliens to somehow take over the planet and subjugate mankind as the working class to farm and exploit Planet Earth. Aliens have many spaceships traveling in and out of hidden bases in remote locations around the world. They want to save this rich environment for their own benefit by turning humans into subspecies to perform necessary tasks. This agenda would lose a promising global community of humans all their freedom and rights. They would fall under alien order that will only use people for everything brutally. This era is definitely the beginning of Independence Day like in the movies but the reality will be very competitive, rough, and turbulent if the entire world doesn’t coalesce to take action and cleanse the planet as well. A new age in the alien universe has begun and nothing will ever be the same again. There will be aliens everywhere operating stealthily to take advantage of weak and divided humanity. During all the alien abductions, all of the human rights have been violated and abductees have been used for cruel experimentations. Luckily, the Vegan Earth can be the way out of the alien invasion and clean up the planet imperiled by cataclysmic pollution, warming, imbalance. Natural disasters are intensifying because of climate change, a virus can spread apart the world in such a short time to destroy the economy, jeopardize so many lives and all nations. Good things can arise during the hardest times and it’s happened in the past. So many bright individuals and people merging to make a difference after grasping the planet and all life are doomed at the hand of the human swarm. Human civilization can regenerate barren worlds with terraformation since the Earth contains a tremendous amount of biological, natural resources plus great biodiversity that can revive suitable alien worlds nearby the solar system. 

 Clean up and protection of the Earth is crucial at this time because ecological imbalance has been devastating large forests, making the planet warmer and go through mass extinction events. This may be the worst extinction event in the world’s history if people don’t take action to reverse it now. Each person is liable for the planet they live on, all products can be made plant-based easily without harming the environment and nature. Planets like Mars may not be terraformed completely except a few colonies in dome structures. The Earth will always be homeworld for humans and it’s probably the best planet to ever live that aliens want it for themselves. Ufo sightings are increasing and some researchers ascertained what the aliens are up to, they’re here to take over the world. The ones that are friendly and concerned about the plant and the human race are only watching from afar and they don’t intervene in human affairs. Going vegan and investing in projects and companies to save the planet and humanity will be the new beginning of humanity. Vegan is the best for the environment that humans are a part of so it’s feasible to begin by making the switch to a very green lifestyle, start planting trees, gardens, save the animals. There are many other things that need to be done to completely become carbon-neutral, waste, plastics free for every person. Single-use plastics and plastic pollution in general are one of the biggest threats to ocean life and marine ecosystems. The Earth has all the mechanisms to regenerate itself in a short time if humans become more aware and change their destructive, polluting habits and productions. There is a rumor that the Earth civilization free from subtle alien invasions may emerge as one of the most advanced in the universe because the Earth is a very special planet thriving with life and resources for humans to progress into eternity. There are messages that were sent by friendly alien societies nearing the solar system to warn humanity about the alien interventions around the world. Aliens entered the Earth to take possession of biological and mineral resources including human society to utilize them for trade, genetics, and other uses. They’re very uniform in their approach and methods of conduct compared to humans, they have mind control abilities to manipulate the masses under absolute alien command. The Earth is a magnificent farm for these beings and the hybrids are already integrated to complete this malevolent strategy. From now on, humans will always have competitors from outer space and their hybrids operating secretly in the world. This is how the reality of the universe is, all races and civilizations necessitate resources and the Earth contains very rare and unique of them. Considering the fact that humans have been the most destructive force upon the planet, this granted the approval for certain alien groups to come and play out their own programs. Hopefully, more bright individuals, more people, and companies will ponder upon new ways to restore the planet to its most sustainable, green, pollution-free state so humans can live on this world for thousands of years to come. Excess carbon in the atmosphere is warming about the planet very fast, the largest forests that absorb most of the carbon have been burning down. The car and power generation industries that emit the most carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere must be regulated and adjusted to reverse climate change and convert nations to carbon-neutral. If humans won’t protect their beautiful world, aliens and hybrids will be in charge and they will exploit and use humankind mercilessly to a greater extent. The products and industries that pollute the environment, deplete the world’s resources, and contribute to global warming must be banned and shut down to yield to new green deals, plant-based, carbon-neutral, renewable, and most sustainable products, productions and industries from now on. Mars or other worlds can be colonized or terraformed but they will never be the new Earth, the Earth is one of the most magnificent worlds in the universe. Let’s do whatever it takes to secure and shield all life and the human civilization that exists here, expel the malevolent alien presence and shift as the most sustainable, green, renewable in the universe by far. Time is running out…


Tuesday, July 14, 2020



 This is it !! Planet Earth is changing extremely fast. There are glorious movements that can transform the world like never before. There will be a magnificent future for all humankind beginning now. Despite the fact that the Earth is struggling through mass extinction events, forest fires, pandemic, and climate change, there is still a great opportunity for humans to switch as a very green, sustainable, and ecological society. There is an immense need for most of the population to adjust their habits, diets, and consumption that are exhausting the beautiful planet and its living habitats. The change can be easy when more people learn about the things that can save the world and adopt these into their lifestyles to rescue billions of animals, the environment, and climate that is in crisis. Human civilization has entered a new era in evolution, it’s supposed to adapt to changes and modify to backtrack the high levels of contamination and damage. This new era can be very opportunistic for the whole or disastrous. Humans have altered the environment they’re part of to make products and fuel the economy rapidly without anticipating the consequences. Each person is being punished with a pandemic, lockdowns, and mandatory regulations because each person is liable for their impact over the ambiance they’re embedded into physically and biologically. Human society has evolved industrially and commercially during the recent decades but they ignored the impact on climate and ecosystems. Perhaps, the ever-growing economy, commerce, technological products, industrial productions aren’t the only way for a civilization to progress into the prospects. There are many other courses to evolve, develop, and even prosper as a global society without overusing and devastating the planet and its natural environment that humans rely on to survive. Making more and having more of the same things that are improved bits by bits each year has catastrophic effects over natural resources and the ecosphere that’s supposed to be clean for the years to come. There is a new future for humankind up ahead if the entire world adopts a new mindset of restoring the planet with their habits, choices, and effort. It’s actually not too difficult to reshape the society and all products as environmentally-friendly, green and biodegradable. There are a lot of companies and startups inventing many products, services plus finding new ways to contribute to the green and plant-based prospect. People are realizing their impact and making the shift towards a more clean, green, and carbon-free prospect with their trash, plastics, carbon output. Civilization can mature as completely carbon-neutral, plastics and carbon pollution-free, regenerative, restorative if more and more people learn how to change their way of life for the betterment of the whole instead of consuming and trashing all that is produced. So many companies and businesses are understanding that everything they do affects the whole living system that people are only part of, not superior. The economy as the greenest, most sustainable and renewable will always improve and generate better lives that aren’t only about exhausting natural resources and generating pollution.

 The vegan, plant-based, green startups and entrepreneurship are growing faster than any other field and venture. Some people think reforestation projects may revive dying forests, drying ecosystems but it’s not enough to mitigate the effect of global warming and contamination. Planting trees is still one of the best things anyone can do, it connects human beings back to nature where they originate from. People have detached from nature and the living habitats around them and immersed in tech gadgets, internet, commodities, junk food, tv, shopping, and things that give them short time happiness. They’re slowly appreciating the life-giving and relaxing sources of nature and green regeneration. For this reason, the best way to be happy and fulfilled is through cultivating nature’s renewable resources to feed and enhance your life and your surroundings. Planet Earth may be one of the greenest worlds in the universe since most of the planets detected resemble lifeless, deserted spheres wandering in space. Therefore, all of the life existing here must be protected from extinction before it’s too late. Humans have been forcing many species to go extinct and they’re in another mass extinction event at this time. The reason may be overpopulation because more people require more products, more resources, and supplies made from nature’s limited and fragile organisms and deposits. After the industrial revolution until now, the exhaustion over the forests, natural supplies have driven the planet into an unstable state. Most of the industries that people rely on like the car industry, power, coal plants, animal agriculture, and many others pump tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each and every day. It’s like Planet Earth is becoming more like Mars and many venturers want to colonize and terraform Mars. There won’t be any terraforming nor much undertaking if the Earth is completely devastated and drained in a few decades. For this reason, protection of the environment and reversal of climate change, all kinds of pollution and depletion must be the first endeavor that most of the population goes after. If one person can change the world, think about what billions of people can do by making the green switch towards the future. Veganism is the best mindset for the environment and living beings. A person can reduce their carbon output remarkably by going vegan alone. It’s best to drive an electric car to generate less carbon individually as well. Eventually, the entire world will be obliged to change their carbon-producing habits, drive electric or nitrogen cars or bike, walk everywhere, eat and make foods that are cruelty-free and vegan for the environment and ecosystems, abandon plastics and other pollutants. The evolution in people’s minds is occurring at this time because people realized the world is in grave danger after the pandemic and lockdown procedures. A lot of people started gardening and growing their vegetables and food during the lockdown. Tree planting projects and companies are spreading apart the world faster than before. The Amazon is still burning down to clear land for cattle ranching and soy farming to feed livestock. Rainforests are the lungs of the world and they must be preserved at all costs. There won’t be anything to sequester the excess carbon in the atmosphere and the planet is heating increasingly. Billions of cars on the roads produce relative amounts of greenhouse gases to animal agriculture and factory farms. These two industries and some others like oil and gas are the most destructive and most polluters in history. It depends on citizens of the world to make the change, no company would like to use its profits and influence over the populace. People with their radical choices, dietary changes, awareness, and efforts can solve the biggest problems of the world since everything depends on people, what they make, consume and buy. Hence, electric cars will be more common, there are other totally green, emission-free car designs are in development that will hit the roads. People love green, vegan, and plant-based products and technologies and will invest in them more and more. The prices in renewable energies, electric cars will drop while mass-manufacturing of them is augmenting to supply the demand. The industrialization has been very destructive and emitted very high levels of carbon creating global warming and other catastrophic events but industrial production will convert to absolutely green, renewable, and carbon-neutral or negative sooner or later. All businesses and companies are making products to supply the needs of an ever-growing population and people have the power to change the economy to a sustainable model for their own future and planet’s health. 

 There is an estimate suggesting to plant trillions of trees in less than two decades to absorb all of the excess carbon and store it in forests. Many people are pondering on how to reverse climate change in the first place besides other types of pollution like the plastics in oceans must be cleaned up with global exertion. New electric cars and renewable energy companies are being developed as world-changing startups that many people will love to invest and work for. There is a possibility that the Earth can emerge as a very advanced, green, and sustainable civilization by adopting a united vegan and renewable future. This will prompt the economy and human society in the right direction. Nature provides a tremendous amount of renewable resources for human society to make all kinds of products, generate energy, and supply all needs of human beings. For this reason, unsustainable industries that despoil and devour natural resources leaving desolate lands must be abandoned, shut down or regulated as soon as possible. The future will be absolutely green and renewable also emission-free. More people are buying electric cars than ever before. Solar companies are thriving in every market around the world. Anyone can turn their homes and backyards into green gardens that grow food and at least reduce their carbon emissions. Permaculture gardening, farming, and homesteading are some of the best ways to become self-sufficient in a world threatened with pandemics, an unstable economy, and unemployment. No matter what it is, green, vegan, and renewable will always win and project a new vision for humanity that’s destined to become a great, cooperative, free civilization. A lot of people believe that humans are primitive, cruel, and futile beings to become an advanced civilization but that’s not true. The Earth is a remarkable planet containing an abundance of biodiversity and natural resources. If all of these are utilized feasibly without overuse and depletion, human society will have all of the things it needs and more to progress into the future. For instance, trees are very productive large plant species, they can absorb carbon dioxide, exhale oxygen, produce food, wood, habitats for many creatures, stabilize the climate, clean the water, provide shade and so much more. This is only one class of species that the Earth contains a great diversity of. There are people who planted vast forests transforming barren landscapes into lively paradises that they can live in and even make money from. A green world economy will finally ripen human civilization as an advanced and sustainable living system, unlike the past. Destroying the planet and pumping oodles of gases into the biosphere was never the way to mature as a global community. People are the same all around the world, there are significant differences in languages, customs, values, and habits but people live mostly the same and want, need the same things to survive. From all the fast-food chains and junk food in stores, you can tell this is a primitive but hopefully promising society living on a very beautiful and abundant world that must be protected and preserved at all costs. Once the green economy, new green deals are in full effect, all food stores will have to switch to green and plant-based for the environment and animals also to reduce their carbon and plastics output. Humanity should target to emerge as one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe and discard all of the destructive behaviors, tendencies, wars, and polluting industries in the shortest time possible to relieve the Earth. There are billions of animals entrapped to be slaughtered to be packaged as food items and feed the growing population whereas there is an abundance of plants, veggies, nuts that can deliver all of the nutrients including protein for human health and survival. The green world begins in the mindset of individuals and their way of life. If people can’t make the switch, the climate change and coming natural disasters may wipe out most of the population or trigger mass food, water shortages, and more viruses and pandemics. Veganism is definitely the beginning of a new age also a very green, sustainable economy for the entire world. Everyone will benefit from any innovative ideas that will drive the changing business world to a greener and less contaminated tomorrow. Everyone is working for the future, the bills and expenses and how you pay for them are your future but we must think about the transformation globally. You can become self-sufficient if you invest in the green transition day by day. Money is a product value so think about if you can make all of the products that you ever need. Wouldn’t that be amazing for you and others that can learn from it? You may still need money for certain expenses however living as green and vegan as possible will make you more self-reliant, aware, healthy also reduce your expenditures. There are people who cut their power bill in half or less by installing solar panels on their roofs, some harvest and store rainwater for later use. Going green is about extreme efficiency in every field of life, business, innovation, education. Veganism may ignite your mind to start living the best way possible that nobody knew about before. We live on such a magnificent planet that’s getting excited about colonizing and terraforming other planets like Mars. The journey to space may begin with terraformation ventures because the Earth is still a very abundant planet that can revive new worlds turning them into Earth-like. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Commander Vegan Is Coming From Outer Space To Extricate Humanity, Restore The Planet That’s In Grave Danger & Outmatch All Alien Races =D

Commander Vegan Is Coming From Outer Space To Extricate Humanity, Restore The Planet That’s In Grave Danger & Outmatch All Alien Races =D

 Greetings. This is an alien message transmitted from outer space. Human civilization is in grave danger and there is not much time. There are many things kept secret from the public that most people don’t know about. That’s why we sent you this message with critical information to inform the human population since humans are the prevalent intelligent race of Planet Earth. There are coming changes that can be either devastating or opportunistic for humans. There are aliens in disguise all around the planet, they look human but aliens in mind to carry out the covert alien operations and agendas. There are many alien races and groups upon the Earth engaging in human affairs to gain control of the population in a short time. You must understand that most of the aliens that come here aren’t here for the good of humanity or the planet. This beautiful planet called the Earth has been wanted by many alien races and groups for quite a while. They were never fully successful to take over human civilization because they can’t live here nor breathe the atmosphere. The microbial and bacterial lifeforms are a big threat for the aliens that come here, their immune systems aren’t able to prevent infection or disease caused by these microorganisms. There were many attempts to farm and own this planet but they couldn’t fully achieve their missions. This time, some other alien groups approached the world and some have been here for decades. They abducted so many people to experiment on creating a human-alien hybrid race to overrule the masses in the near future. The next stage of hybrids that can live on Earth without any problem are already among the society to complete the world acquisition plan once and for all. A lot of people believe aliens will come here to save the world and humanity but the reality is contradictory. All alien races no matter how advanced or technological they are need resources like your world contains abundantly. This is the reason they have been observing and studying the human race and all the activity here for a long time. They were finally granted permission by the overseers supervising the space trade and many planetary systems in this region of space. The reason for this, humans have been extremely destructive and became a threat to each other and to the planet that’s wanted by many alien races. A lot of people have been ufos in the skies or claimed that they were abducted for experimentation that’s mostly for reproductive purposes. Aliens eventually created a new breed of human beings that can work with aliens and perform tasks in the world’s environment and atmosphere.

 The scenarios that you watch in movies have been occurring behind the scenes for decades and the human population must be warned about what’s going on and what’s coming. Most of the technologies that people use today have been acquired through exchange programs with aliens to track and utilize the human race for a world domination scheme. This is a very dangerous event for any race in the universe, many alien races have been overtaken deceptively and furtively for them to end up a workforce without any rights or freedom. The next target is the Earth and the human population, humans are required to reclaim their newly developing society and the planet that’s gifted to them by the creator. You must be very concerned about what’s been imposed upon masses and caution others to resist the alien invasion that’s gaining more power and influence each day. All of the positive things that were promised are all lies and deceit. You can’t trust any beings that come from space, they operate in a manner as space pirates seeking new worlds and resources to farm exploit. Most of the alien groups consist of several races that were captured from other systems as labor personnel. Their homeworlds have been outstripped of resources turning into deserted, arid globes under alien dominion. They lost their sovereignty over their society, they’ve been cloned many times as new breeds of a labor force serving their deceptive alien overlords. Both of these lineages of alien beings are already here to gain control of weak and divided humanity destroying their magnificent homeworld that’s desired by so many others. If one nation alone falls under alien order, it would be the beginning of the age of darkness. Aliens and their hybrids integrated into human society have mind control abilities that most people aren’t capable of preventing. So many people in positions of power, influence, commerce have been either persuaded or deluded with an absolute promise of world domination and great wealth. The harsh gravity of this situation is getting out of control and humans are losing their sovereignty also overusing the world’s limited and fragile natural resources and deposits each and every day. If human society loses its natural wealth endangered by climate change, pollution, depletion, it will be easy for aliens to take over the world and turn masses into their newest workforce to be exploited with no regard. There are plenty of bases established by these beings to complete world dominance in the shortest time possible before people completely destroy the planet and all its rare and unique resources and living organisms that don’t exist elsewhere. This planet is extremely special in a universe filled with countless barren worlds. Most alien species never had the environment similar to Earth or they completely drained the life out of their systems for them to seek the essential materials in space. In a sense, these alien groups are scavengers, pirate organizations attempting to farm new worlds by deceiving and beguiling their native inhabitants like humans. This is the most dangerous event that can happen to any civilization in the cosmos. If anybody has something wanted and needed by others, they’ll do all they can to take it away. This happened in the human world lots of times, it’s been transpiring in space in greater magnitude and they’ve come here with the same intention to seize all that exists here. 

 There are some neutral alien races that come to Earth to observe the activity or cull plantlife, organisms, other lifeforms special to this planet. Although there are friendly alien races that aren’t trying to take over the planet or subjugate the human race, the alien groups, and races with bad intentions about obtaining this living system for their own benefit are gaining more power and control each day. The next generation of hybrids indistinguishable from humans is already living among human society to carry out the critical tasks to control the masses and eventually employ the human population as the labor pool. They see humanity as a resource and they’ll do all to gain control and farm this planet because it’s such a unique and rare sphere comprising richness of life, biological resources, and various deposits that can’t be found elsewhere. The friendly or neutral alien races are very concerned about humanity and Planet Earth. They wouldn’t want the newly developing human species to be enslaved and exploited by collective forces that are here to domineer. Each person must be warned about what’s going on behind the scenes. Sci-fi movies aren’t depicting the reality of this extraordinary event. They display a warlike plot, indeed the cases have been very subtle and clandestine in manner. They don’t want people to know they’re here to take over the planet and utilize it for their own gain and expansion. Planet Earth orbits a very strategic position in space close to well-established trade routes and there are so many advanced societies in this region of space who want a piece of the Earth and its natural wealth. Alien worlds never had the biological abundance of Earth or they were depleted over the course of time. There are so many alien races and collective groups who are upon the Earth at this time to take the desired organisms including humans with stealth. Millions of people and animals have been abducted over decades and most never returned. The biological compounds of animals and humans are very valuable in space trades, they also experimented to create the hybrids race planned to rule over human civilization into eternity. This is the most dangerous phenomenon that can be encountered by any society especially the ones that are newly emerging like humans. Human development has been normal compared to others but it has been immensely destructive over a planet wanted by many alien organizations. Industrial growth and expansion have granted great comfort, richness, technology to the human population however it’s the main cause of climate change, environmental decay, mass extinctions, pollution, and many other catastrophes. There was always competition between companies, corporations, workers, nations, tribes, cultures, communities, yet there is a more intelligent, skillful, and insidious competition which is the aliens coming from space or integrated into the human world. Aliens and hybrids have mind control abilities that no human has or able to counter. They use their power in mental force to take advantage of humans. They believe they’re superior to human beings in every way but that’s not true. Humans have the utmost potential to evolve as a very cooperative, ecological, and advanced civilization that can be the model and help many civilizations rejuvenate their homeworlds for them to become sustainable and abundant Earth-like creations. The Earth contains life-generating organisms, resources, and biodiversity that can revive many alien worlds since most of them are barren, deserted, or depleting systems. 

 There is a superhero coming from space called Commander Vegan. He has been examining the alien and human activity upon Planet Earth. He has visited the Earth in the past and admired it more than many other celestial bodies. He’s the commander and mastermind of the United Vegan Federation in this galaxy constituted of a multitude of extraterrestrial vegan societies and organizations. Luckily, going vegan saved many planets and civilizations in the past, they inspired veganism and plant-based movements on this planet as well. Many planets containing intelligent, technological civilizations get drained of their natural and organic compounds, materials after a while. They start seeking essentials through trade or persuasion in space. This is a very dangerous path taken for any society in the universe. Providentially, some vegan civilizations warned others of coming catastrophes and depletion, suggested and inspired them to go vegan, invest in restoration and protection of natural wealth native to their systems. This is why green, plant-based also vegan movements have been very encouraging and promising for the environment, animals, and the future. This may actually save the world and unite humanity as one very sustainable and cooperative civilization to restore and safeguard their planet from alien invasions, climate change, environmental degradation, resource exhaustion. Some alien societies found out that going vegan, investing in plant-based development, advancements, and restoring the nature of the planet is crucial to prospective outlook otherwise they were about to end up like myriads of technological civilizations that depleted their resources and driven the planet into extinction, drought, infertility, and imbalance. This catastrophic outcome is happening on Earth at this time because the industrial growth and expansion have been polluting and overusing the world’s limited and fragile natural resources also pumping tons of carbon into the atmosphere. It seems like in the near future, the carbon-neutral and less developed nations will survive the cataclysms because they preserved their ecosystem and tend to be greener. Most developed nations that rely on economic growth, excessive consumption, expansive tech markets will either fall under alien order or get devastated when more natural disasters hit them all over as well as climate change convert most of the planet into an uninhabitable, parched landscape. Aliens identify humans and their technologies useful for them to complete their world dominance plan. Most of these have been granted to utilize and control the masses for the alien order. Extreme technological advancements will only exhaust the mineral deposits that must be preserved for future use. People will live on this planet for thousands of years whether they’re free, competent, or subdued by alien powers. Commander Vegan is the leader of the Vegan Federation and they were the ones who inspired veganism and other positive plant-based, green movements to human society. You must protect your planet, your people, and all of the natural wealth that exists here before it’s too late. Aliens will do all they can to seize upon this magnificent sphere containing an abundance of riches desired by so many others. All of the things that you do that are powered by the renewable resources given to your world by the creator will make your civilization more sustainable, efficient, competitive, skillful to progress into the future also compete with the deceptive forces that come here and already here in your world. Aliens look human because they’re a genetically engineered breed in between humans and several alien species. They’re the ones arranged to conquer you from inside. They all have the mental capabilities of aliens so they can manipulate the public. You must resist the secret alien invasion before you lose your precious freedom granted to you to pursue liberty, knowledge, progress. All that you value, love, and live for will be seized if alien dominion is established around the world. Vegans and people who adopt plant-based mindsets to save the environment, the animals, and reverse the damage caused upon Planet Earth. Vegan and green startups, businesses, products have been thriving in global markets and they’re definitely creating a better future for mankind. The new green deal must go into operation since climate change, deforestation and contamination have been intensifying. There are several alien races watching the world that humans have been ravaging. Pandemic has shown the world that devouring nature and killing billions of animals isn’t the way to live nor proceed as an advanced civilization. Humans are obliged to abandon all their destructive habits, productions, industries, products as soon as possible. The economy will refresh itself and improve if everything converts to complete sustainable, green, and renewable. Aliens are already here and numerous groups are competing with each other over resources, territories, organisms, individuals, corporations, assets they yearn for. 

 Commander Vegan and his vegan associates will oppose malevolent and insidious beings that are upon the world. Going vegan can save the planet and generate a very progressive, new civilization that will be better, more unified, and self-sustaining unlike any other. Don’t think the aliens are better, superior, and affluent because they exhibit a high level of technology and magical abilities. Technology is easy to acquire in the universe, they don’t have any magical powers. Humans have been perfectly conceived by the archangels and the creator overseeing Planet Earth in order to protect and enrich their environment and biodiversity. Going vegan alone will unlock human DNA and empower inherent abilities and powers given by the creator and archangels. Humans are destined to evolve as remarkable species and Planet Earth is a very rare, unique, and magnificent planet in the universe that’s designed to be the biological resource hub in this region of space. Aliens will always try to take advantage and secretly occupy Planet Earth and subjugate humankind for their own purposes and gain. This has been happening around the world, there are already human-looking hybrids trying to gain control of big corporations, administrations, trade and finally establish total domination upon human civilization. They don’t want to eradicate the human race, they rather turn into a mindless workforce that will obey the alien orders. People can already feel the effects of this subtle alien invasion all around the world. Something is occurring that nobody can fully comprehend. Only a united vegan resistance can rescue billions of animals, climate, and ecosystems that are in grave danger. The negative effects of climate catastrophes have started altering the planet exponentially and it’s only getting worse. Pandemic and lockdown have forced a short period of relief but the industries, factories, productions depleting the world, and contributing to climate change also global pollution are back in operation now. This may be the era of catastrophic events that will weaken and divide humanity more than ever for aliens to take advantage of all of these for their own benefit. Each person is liable for the planet as of now, you can’t expect higher powers or administrations to make the change. It depends on world citizens to protect and clean up their only homeworld also resist any oppressive agendas schemed by space beings and their associates working in the society. It’s obvious that the more people go vegan and invest in complete plant-based projects, productions, startups, the possibility of restoring the world,  mitigating climate change, contamination will be more likely. Now is the time to reclaim Planet Earth and do whatever it takes to transform it into a very sustainable, green, refreshing domain where people live peacefully, harmoniously and all productions are completely carbon-neutral or negative plus eco-friendly. The diversity of plant life, tree species provide most of the necessities for the human population but people still destroy large forests, overfish the oceans, kill animals, and pump greenhouse gases increasingly. Humans are required to relinquish their barbaric, primitive tendencies, obsessions as soon as possible. This is a totally new age of human history where there are many alien species competing to take over a world in jeopardy. The universe where the Earth orbits is an alien universe although there are some human-looking species. Going vegan and working on new projects, ventures intended to solve the problems of humans of the living world will be the best business and way to success now and in the future. Most sustainable, renewable, and ecological businesses and startups will always succeed no matter what age we’re in. It’s possible that some suitable worlds can be terraformed in the future as well. There are some great companies and enterprises in operation to terraform Mars, mine the moon, detect Earth-like worlds, find new planetary systems apt to terraformation. Planet Earth is still thriving with organisms and properties that can stimulate terraforming of many worlds even the ones that contain intelligent civilizations. Most of the planets are barren and deserted in space but Earth can revive these depleted or dead spheres and some may be suitable for terraforming projects. If human beings can protect their homeworld from coming cataclysms also somehow ward off alien procurement of our world, they can become a very advanced civilization probably more advanced and sustainable than most others in the universe. Planet Earth is a very special globe, unlike most other desolate celestial bodies. Everyone should quit what they do that’s consuming and altering the environment negatively then focus on the problems that matter like the Amazon on fire, global warming, destabilizing ecosystems, diminishing resources, and so on. If people don’t do anything against the real problems of the world, it will be the end times hereafter. 

 Each person of the world is being called to be the savior of Planet Earth and all life belonging here in this new age. Humans will emerge as the new species of the creator with a great outlook to recover their system, enrich all life and ecosystems, and start terraforming new Earth-like worlds. This will claim humanity as one of the most advanced in the universe because most alien civilizations even the ones that are technologically advanced don’t have the life-generating, resourceful organisms, diversity of life in their homeworlds. This is the reason they want to take possession of the Earth and human society for their own gain. Humans are required to progress technologically and scientifically in the shortest time possible to travel to certain alien worlds and rejuvenate or recreate them like new Earth-like living systems. A lot of alien civilizations would agree to terms to be able to revive their home planets and bases in various locations. Aliens aren’t great military forces but they’re capable of controlling humans mentally. This is how they achieve their plans and they gain power and influence in the background of human affairs. Each human being can be the commander vegan to begin innovating a new future with renewable products, energies, most sustainable sources of productions, industrial designs, biophilic planning for their revival, and reshape a civilization that’s destroying their world. Time is running out, there may be less than two decades to completely adjust and repair the broken system that’s industrial, commercial, administrative also mental. Luckily, the creator has given a magnificent, very regenerative globe for humans to thrive and evolve into eternity. It may get rid of the locust swarm and regenerate its habitats with natural disasters that are clearly exacerbating. This pandemic has shaken human being in many ways and a lot of people realized all they do affect the planet in general also their survival and future are both at risk. The Earth has wiped out many civilizations in ancient times that were harmful to humans, animals, and the environment with plagues, infestation, floods, earthquakes, other circumstances beyond control. It seems like if you want to survive the coming age in the alien universe, humans must change all that they know about themselves for the betterment of every aspect of civilization towards absolute sustainability, renewability, environmental protection, reforestation, animal and biodiversity rescue plus definitely a more green and plant-based lifestyle and mindset. The change begins with each person, everyone can change the world like some amazing vegan inventors, scientists, leaders did in the recent past. Aliens already walk among our world to take advantage and exploit every facet of the human world. Hybrids look exactly like humans, they can walk in the world’s cities without being noticed but they’re conceived to carry out the alien agendas designed for world acquisition. Fortunately, angels of the world transmitted the vegan world restoration movement into many people’s minds for them to start doing the right things to save living beings and the planet in grave danger. Finally, people know that the choices they make, the things they do can actually save billions of animals, largest forests, water sources, stabilize the climate, and literally save the planet henceforth.