Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Super-Green and Vegan Economy Will Transcend All Alien Races - Reseed The Earth To Become Most Advanced, United and Sustainable In The Universe =D

A Super-Green and Vegan Economy Will Transcend All Alien Races - Reseed The Earth To Become Most Advanced, United and Sustainable In The Universe =D

 Greetings, it seems like there is so much manipulation all over the world. The roots can be tracked to beings from space with a little research and study. Most of the events have been preplanned as a part of an alien agenda to take over and control the world. Everyone can feel the effects of this now. Nothing is like the past. Humanity is awakening but also being subjugated more than ever. The alien invasion has been encircling the world for decades. It’s the most classified happening of our time. A lot of people know and think that something is not right but nobody knew why all of this is transpiring. The human race has been destructive for the planet they live on also to all living beings. It’s not just the meat and dairy industry to blame. All industries are destructive in some way or another. Now there is climate change, global turmoil, and resource depletion that can impair many nations severely. People thought that making more, having more, using more was the best thing to do in life. Nobody thought about the detrimental effects on the environment, climate, forests, oceans, and biodiversity. We’re amid another mass extinction event and this can harm and deprive the human race globally. Scientists and researchers warn the public that there are less than two decades to shift towards a sustainable civilization. All of the resources that industries, businesses, cities, and people use every day are diminishing extremely fast. Nations, companies, corporations, and all others have been in competition for market share, profits, and more but now we need a bigger goal to restore and preserve the planet and its fragile environment. The industrial and technological economy has been wasting the limited and fragile natural resources of the world that are needed for the well-being of human civilization for thousands of years to come. Nobody should be allowed to deplete ecosystems, deposits, forests for more profits, and gain. The natural environment of the world is perfectly renewable and sustainable if it’s managed right. Industrialization should be regulated and mandated to adapt to environmental needs and climate change before things get irrevocable. There were talks about new green deals to remodel the economic system and prevent deforestation, natural degradation plus global warming. If the planet keeps warming up, the food production will be destroyed and freshwater reserves will dry out. No nation no matter how developed, wealthy or technological they are won’t be able to perpetuate with the coming cataclysms. For this reason, the shift to a global super-green, vegan, and plant-based economy is critical to prevent any catastrophes in advance. Some think that there is no way, it’s too late to hinder climate change, pollution, and other negative events. There are certain ways to reforest the world and live sustainably without harming the environment, killing living beings. Industrial growth and expansion may be renounced to give way to a super-green, sustainable civilization that will endure into the future. The Amazon is still being burned down to clear lands for cattle ranching. This type of industry is the most destructive. The planet cannot sustain the largest forests to be burnt down for any kind of industrial devastation and slaughter of billions of animals. Car, power generation, transportation, meat industries emit the most greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. In the past, humans had zero carbon emissions and they still survived until now. Nature provides everything that people need to survive perpetually. When you go to grocery stores, you see all of those organic foods and items. Who produces them and how? Although, most farming is done with the monoculture method and it’s still destructive for soils. Organic farming is supposed to be permaculture for it to be beneficial for the soil and the ecosystems. Plant-based, vegan, and green products, services, and businesses have been thriving in global markets faster and more than any others. Nobody knew veganism was the best movement ever and you can save more animals by not eating them also gardening, reseeding the Earth, and the soil. Seeds are abundant for anyone to start seeding their backyards, lands, and their surroundings. Even fruit seeds from the fruits you eat can germinate and sprout in about a month or so. To build the most sustainable, green economy, each person should contribute and adopt a complete plant-based, ecological, cruelty, and pollution-free lifestyle. When someone invents a really good product made from plants or builds a new green technology, this will eventually spread apart the world and more people will learn from this. We have to discover more sustainable ways to farm, produce, and live. Everything that we know of has been made and invented by somebody in the past. Green, plant-based innovation is the most futuristic concept ever existed, it can propel human civilization as an advanced, united, and renewable society in the universe. We live in an alien universe filled with intelligent societies, some are already here on Earth operating secretly because humans have been misusing a planet wanted by others. Unfortunately, the first ones that approach a newly developing civilization are the pirate-like organizations and they’re establishing themselves all across the world. Humanity is required to unite and repudiate all conflicts, competition, contentions to be able to surpass malevolent alien races and restore their planet before it’s actually impossible. Time is running out, there may be less than a few decades to build the most sustainable and green civilization ever existed. Scientists proclaimed that there are around 36 intelligent alien civilizations nearby our solar system and some have come to Earth to take advantage of a weak and divided society called humans. Eventually, all life may go extinct on Earth cause of human greed, hatred, and misuse of the planet. Electric cars with zero emissions are becoming more popular every day, they’ll have their hydrogen fuel cell competitors to hit the roads soon. More and more companies are going green also vegan. The world’s biggest cities are emerging as vegan paradises embellished with green buildings, gardens, biophilic designs, and organic restaurants. Seeds are the source of life, every kind of plants and trees have sprouted from seeds in some way or another. They can grow from their cuttings and branches as well but seeds are a great resource to reseed and regreen the Earth. Almost anything can be made from plants easily. When a business, person, and industry make use of plants, more plants will be cultivated to absorb CO2 and enrich large fields. Agroforestry is one of the best methods to revitalize dying, deserted landscapes with no fertilizers. It’s not too difficult to live self-sufficiently. Some nations are becoming more self-sufficient, pollution-free, carbon-negative by banning plastics, deforestation, and any other harmful practices. Industries that manufacture and administer countless products can switch to plant-based and eco-friendly productions smoothly. Green movements have been gaining strength and wisdom faster than any other abstraction and field of business. Some startups have dedicated themselves to change the world, plant billions of trees, remove CO2 out of the atmosphere, and much more. Humanity has never been this knowledgeable and powerful before and it’s supposed to protect the planet, probably try to cool it down by going carbon-negative plus eco-friendly in every sector and region of the world. Plastics pollution is another calamity of our time. Plastic patch in oceans has swollen bigger than a few states combined and it’s very pernicious to marine life and marine ecosystems. There are plant-based and biodegradable alternatives to oil-based plastics that never decompose. 


 Everything will be green and environmentally-safe to reach the net-zero carbon goals. Nothing has been sustainable in the modern industrial era that all of the technologies and high-tech products have been concocted with evolving intelligence and application. To engineer a new future, humans must protect nature and mimic their renewable life cycle to supply their needs. Nature is always the most intelligent and self-sustaining biological system enveloping the entire planet. A new bio-economy is in development to turn civilization into an eco-rich recycling utopia without warming or destroying nature or biodiversity. Biodiversity is essential to nature’s life cycles so all species must be upheld. Burning down the largest rainforest to replace with cattle ranches is barbaric and infeasible for all lifeforms including humans. Plundering resources, slaughtering animals in billions, polluting the environment, air, and oceans will eventually force the human species to go extinct or deprive them of basic necessities. Aliens won’t help or save humanity nor the world. They’re only here to subjugate a destructive society over a beautiful and rich planet coveted by other races in space. They established many hidden bases in remote locations underground, underwater, and in mountains to farm and exploit the human race like how they treat farm animals. If human society doesn’t protect and preserve its self-sufficiency and natural resources, disasters, droughts, famines, plagues will impoverish each and every one. Everyone will fall under cruel alien order in a world with no resources and basic supplies. Since nature is the most evolved organism on Earth, it includes all of the regenerative mechanisms for humans to make use of. Mimicking nature and its creatures has produced many inventions in the past and it can conceive even more. All of the information is at people’s fingerprints and it’s not difficult to find out how to save and restore the world to become a very sustainable and green civilization. The largest ancient empires have gone extinct cause they were destructive to their environment. Droughts, famines, plagues, floods, weather hazards have extinguished the largest, most powerful empires and it can happen again. No nation is immune to forthcoming cataclysms. The only way to save the planet and human society is going completely green, renewable, and even plant-based in every field of business and consumer mindset. Humans are biological beings. They will never be like robots. AI is trying to turn humans into robotic beings with the use of brain and body implants. This is very dangerous to human freedom and creativity. Smartphones and computers are reasonably sufficient to do pretty much anything. They will get better and faster over the course of time. AI may be helpful if it’s not controlling people with implants. Most of these technologies seem very treacherous. They may have been granted by aliens to mind-control human beings and exploit them as a workforce in order to farm the Earth. The Earth is a very rich biological sphere, unlike most barren worlds that are detected by space telescopes. It may very rare and unique that tons of alien races and syndicates would want this as their newest resource hub. If the planet depletes as a result of climate change, industrialization, pollution, environmental deterioration, and other issues, aliens will be in charge of human society quickly. This may be the end of mankind, perhaps the spooky scenarios in movies have been occurring behind the scenes. Planet Earth is definitely in grave danger. Most industrial and developed nations emit the most greenhouse gases also exhaust the existing natural wealth. The smartest people should leave everything behind and focus on the real problems of our time threatening all living beings. The alien threat and environmental devastation are probably the biggest perils now and in the future. Both of them are related to each other. Aliens are physical beings like humans. They just operate in a very uniform, systematic manner. Some of them have gained control of several worlds in the past so they undertake the same procedures that have worked before. Human society is required to protect its planet also surpass all alien races in order to emerge as a free, cooperative, self-sustaining civilization in the universe. Nothing will ever be the same again. The universe is a very competitive environment that would be overwhelming to any human being from the Earth. A renewable super-green bio-economic system can regreen the Earth and resolve resource depletion, global warming plus ensure a new feasible future filled with green technologies, sustainable improvements, and biophilic eco-cities. People will always need products, food, and many other things plus services in the future as well. Implanting yourself with chips to pitch yourself into a robotic being isn’t a good idea. Human beings will evolve biologically and mentally as time goes by. A super-green eco-friendly economy will provide all the things for people to prosper and evolve as an advanced civilization that can transcend parasitic alien groups entering Earth’s atmosphere. Parasitic space beings are common in the universe, they depleted their world’s ecology and started searching for provisions elsewhere in space. The Earth is abundant and can produce everything that humans need and want if it’s treated the right way. Raiding it all to make profits and hoard stuff that will not even benefit you after you pass away is a terrible intention. Living in tune with nature to supply the needs of yourself and others is the best thing anyone can practice. A lot of people are looking for answers to how to live comfortably without overworking at ordinary jobs. The answer is always in nature. Look at nature and discover new ways to utilize it without harming its eco-cycle. The pandemic lockdown has incited many people to at least start gardening, generating less waste and rubbish. People were asleep and aliens were taking over the world. Now people are awakening and noticing that their future and their planet are in jeopardy. Each person is liable for their environmental impact. No company or administration can fully erase anyone’s carbon emissions nor their impact on the planet’s natural environment. Almost everything can be made and manufactured with plant-based materials without impairing the planetary ambiance. Fossil fuel-based energy generation emits the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere but it’s slowly evolving into renewable power creations. Nothing is every limitless and people have been consuming and wasting the planet like it was inexhaustible. This is a very dangerous path taken for any civilization in the universe. Aliens have completely depleted their homeworlds for the sake of technological advancements. Nobody needs too much technology to continue their lives. There isn’t much to do or see in space, it’s being monitored and governed by powerful forces that humanity wouldn’t be able to contend with. The Earth contains life-generating assets that can eventually terraform other planets orbiting habitable zones. The first attempt will be Mars and there are so many planets similar to Mars in the cosmos. A new, vegan, and green intelligence are being transmitted to humankind and this will revamp the civilization for it to emanate ultimate green growth and expansion. Green growth is the key to remodel the global society as a self-generative, eco-lush, carbon-negative biodome and this will reach other planets and the stars sooner or later. Carbon feeds the soils, flora, and forests but fossil fuels have been producing more carbon than nature can absorb. Carbon should be sequestered back in the ground and in plant life before it warms up the planet furthermore. A new bioeconomic green growth will be the best framework for nations to employ in the years to come. Carbon is critical for all life and it shouldn’t be pumped out. Deforestation must be completely banned. Pollution should be halted with regulations and adjustments. 

 The greenest world shall be built as soon as possible before time runs out and climate change intensifies to completely ravage all continents and trigger global instability, scarcity, and havoc. A lot of countries are trying to reverse their impact on the environment, reduce their carbon emissions and pollution to be able to oppose the cataclysmic age of survival. The beings from space will never help during this time. They granted various technologies to eventually benefit them, to control and exploit the masses easily. The age of cataclysms may have already begun right before the 2000s. 2020 was just more aggravated than previous years but hurricanes, floods, droughts were pretty bad in previous years. Humans are very divided and in conflict worldwide. People are mostly the same except for languages, beliefs, and customs. There is no reason to separate people furthermore. Everyone will have to work together and cooperate to overcome environmental changes and disastrous events. Supplies will dwindle each year if climate change and other natural events spoil global productions and freshwater reserves. Paper products have been hoarded during the pandemic and they cause deforestation in many large forests of the world. Forested lands can be turned into green production hubs with permaculture designs but most of the forests must be protected and preserved. Cyanobacteria and types of algae in the oceans produce more oxygen than the largest forests on the land. Warming in oceans has been bleaching coral reefs that feed and house many marine species. It’s obvious that global warming is one of the worst things that can happen to all life on Planet Earth. The planet is supposed to be cooled down with great effort collectively. Reseeding of the Earth can be done by everyone. It’s not too difficult to protect nature, plant trees, grow gardens, save species that are in danger. Some people have cultivated very green and productive gardens and forests in only a few years. This is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves and the environment. More people have been leaving large cities to start survival homesteads for their families. Although it’s not easy to survive, nature can provide everything that people need and more. For this reason, environmentally-friendly, ecological businesses, and startups will always thrive more than others. People are tired of industrial, chemical products that are harmful to the planet in general. Plant-based is a great term to label and produce the right products that can be environment and climate-safe. Plants can do anything, they’ve been evolving for millions of years. They make up most of nature and feed all species with photosynthetic energy generation. Everything is energy, that’s why the people who had out of the body and after death experiences observed a very lush and vivid environment similar to the Earth’s lavish habitats. The blueprint exists in higher realms. The physical realm is tough and it takes a longer time for it to regenerate. Therefore, industrial devastation, overpopulation can totally devastate and exhaust life-generating sources of the world. We’re trying to find solutions to the real problems of our time. Making money, having things won’t matter on a toxic, uninhabitable planet. Perhaps it’ll happen sooner than estimated. Some people assumed that it would take a hundred or two hundred years for the civilization to collapse cause of environmental devastation. What if it’s a lot closer than most people believe…  We certainly need to remodel civilization and all productions as plant-based, carbon-negative and eco-friendly from here on out. Planet Earth may be one of the most beautiful, rich worlds in this galaxy. It has to be safeguarded from desolation and shielded from alien encroachment. There is a terrific possibility that a super-green and plant-based economic system increasing its renewability and sustainability each year can surpass all alien races and reseed the Earth to become the most advanced, united, and eco-abundant in the universe. We need more nature all over the world. Each large city can be renovated as forest cities powered by clean energies and sustainable productions. Carbon-neutrality should be the norm and it has to be enacted in all nations. Carbon-negative is better than neutral because there is a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere warming up the planet each year. Going green begins with individuals. Everything is made to dispense the products and services for the population to survive and live comfortably. Mimicking nature which is a very intelligent, robust design can improve all industries and boost their carbon, waste clean-up plans. Every nation should work together to restore the planet, make it greener, more sustainable without quarreling with each other. There are people all over the world so everyone can do the right things to become eco-friendly, green, and reseed the Earth. There are different kinds of plants, trees that can be seeded depending on the temperate zone and soil type of every region. Nature consists of mostly plants, trees, and greenery. Plants and algae in oceans absorb more carbon dioxide than the largest forests. Everyone can somehow reseed the Earth in every place they live in since plant life will always absorb CO2 and produce energy through photosynthesis. The global economic structure has to switch to completely green and even plant-based to reverse most of the damage done to nature and climate change. Plastics can be manufactured with plant-based materials with a few tweaks. No company, no nation will lose anything by embracing a green economy that will benefit the whole. Every part of the world is interconnected to each other and they can always support each other in more ways than one. 


Wednesday, October 21, 2020



 Salutations to all the people living on Earth. Times have changed. Nothing will ever be the same again. The Earth is in grave danger so the entire world population has to do something about the cataclysms hitting back to back. Is this the age of cataclysms or we’re in the midst of something a lot greater? It all depends on the human race to act upon the real problems of the world. Nothing will resolve itself without human dedication and awareness. There is a totally new awakening in the human mind-body-soul trinity that can reshape the entire universe. Of course, it will begin with the Earth and all living beings abiding here. Seeds are the origin of all life here on Earth and in other planetary systems. Mars was like a livable Earth in its ancient past, it can be revived again with the seeds of Earth. Humans will reproduce the most productive sources of life and transport them to deserted worlds to revive and terraform them eventually. Since the Earth needs help, it has to be re-terraformed first. It’s the only planet that contains a great diversity of plants, trees, animals, intelligent humanoids, insects, and so forth. The differences between nations and ethnicities aren’t too disparate. Languages and customs are divergent but people mostly talk and do the same things all over the world. In order to save the planet that’s in serious jeopardy, we must unite as one super-green force to be able to reverse the damage and devastation we’ve caused. We live in an alien universe with countless intelligent societies and organizations and some of them are already here. The competition with them will be ruthless. Many alien races and groups have been establishing themselves on Earth secretly because human society has been destroying each other and the natural resources wanted by many other intelligent and technological alien collectives. The human civilization will have to protect its freedom and self-sustenance to be able to oppose any type of alien invasion and influence from now on. Climate change is altering the environment rapidly and natural resources are at serious risk. Without enough water, food, and essential productions, all nations would fall under alien order or go extinct. Climate change, pollution, and industrial depletion can despoil all the things that people need to survive in less than a hundred years. This isn’t too long of a time. Many extraterrestrial groups have been building underground and underwater bases all over the world, millions of people have been taken against their will. Now is the only time to restore the planet and reclaim the freedom bestowed upon humanity. There isn’t much time. Scientists already warned the public that we have only two or three decades to halt climate crises before it’s irrevocable. Aliens want to take advantage of this situation and gain control of human society secretly for their own purposes and gains. This is one of the most dangerous events ever occurred on Planet Earth. Many large empires have been wiped out by plagues, natural disasters, wars, famine, droughts in the past. We’re amidst of 6th mass extinction event and alien intervention has been enforced by several alien races and collective syndicates. They aren’t here to help humanity or save the world by any means. Mankind is at the greatest threshold in the alien universe, this will be a totally different age henceforward. Tons of alien races want this planet as their newest resource hub because their worlds have been depleted through technological progression. They started looking for materials elsewhere in space. The only way to save, restore, and protect the planet as a sustainable, green paradise is the life-generating seeds, plants, and trees. All types of plants, trees, fruits, vegetables, etc. contain the seeds for them to reproduce and revitalize the soil. The monoculture method of farming is destructive to soils and biodiversity. Permaculture methods are the best way to exhilarate lands for maximum productivity and biodiversity. Each person can collect the seeds to become extremely self-sufficient throughout their lifetimes wherever they live as well as fortify their surroundings. Some people who live in rural areas know that it takes so many seeds to restart their farmlands. Without seeds and plants, there is no life. Rural farmers know this very well. They probably pursue the most natural, carbon-negative, and waste-free lifestyles. The thing people didn’t know about is any city or industry can be redesigned with the biophilic, green city, plant-based designs easily. It would be a win-win situation for all living beings. A lot of people are building permaculture homesteads to return their mind-body-soul to nature. Many people who have experienced the after death observed a very lush and vivid realm that seems like the blueprint of the Earth if it’s treated right. I watched a very wise and experienced rural farmers video and he admitted that the only way to the easiest, most natural, and happy life is through seeds. Most of the plant-based and vegan foods that people consume are actually seeds themselves. They can germinate and sprout with a little water and potting mix. Plantlife nourishes the ground they’re in, fertilize themselves and expand if they’re in a permaculture setting like a tropical rainforest. People who live in or near the Amazon rainforest cultivated amazing gardens, farms, food forests by collecting the exotic seeds from the Amazon or growing them out of cuttings. Another technique to grow many plants and trees is to snip cuttings of them and plant them in the ground. A man has erected a very large forest just from cutting from trees and plants he selected. We see industrial devastation and climate change caused by industrial expansion and pollution during this time. Humans have been misusing natural resources and deposits to feed industrial destruction at an increasing rate. The Earth is a very special planet that’s seeded with the life-generating sources and organisms in a universe filled with barren worlds. It may have the power and capability to rejuvenate dying, depleted or deserted planets like Mars with some effort. Imagine a dome filled with theme parks, gardens, and forests on another planet like Mars. A lot of people would want to live and garden there. It will start as a dome structure for a colony then it will begin terraforming. The Earth has so much water that can be transported for terraformation. Seeds are so powerful that they can actually re-terraform the Earth then the universe if they’re put to use by everybody. All animals do assist in pollination and natural growth. That’s why biodiversity is significant for nature. All we need is green growth and expansion to supply all industries rather than overusing the limited deposits to pump tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Eventually, all products will be plant-based, all nations will become carbon-negative and eco-friendly. Deserts will be green again. Industrial will convert to organic productions and manufacturing that will support nature’s renewable resources without harming them. Think about a dome building on Mars, it has to be extremely sustainable otherwise it would wind up uninhabitable there. The Earth is a large biosphere that’s designed by the creators. Humans have been granted with all they need to enrich the environment to sustain themselves into eternity. A lot of nations are going green, trying to curb climate change but nobody knows how to do it. I’m sure there are a plant, tree species, and seeds for everything even to make biofuels. Hydrogen cars are in development and they’re emission-free. Green technologies can refresh the planet going through mass extinctions and global havoc. Bioreactors powered by algae and seaweed can absorb CO2 equivalent to 40 forests and it will be mass-manufactured soon. A lot of people would want to purchase a bioreactor, install it in their backyards to help resolve climate crises. Absorbing the excess CO2 from the atmosphere won’t stop climate change. Everything that people make, consume, do, and buy should become environmentally-friendly and carbon-negative before it’s overdue. The environment that people are part of recycles everything, everything decomposes in a short time except the things people make. Is this normal? No, it’s not. Human beings are genetically designed to be the saviors of Planet Earth. Destructive behaviors, productions, and consumption must be renounced to allow green innovation and green economic growth to take over. Not one place of the world is safe from coming cataclysms. Some scientists and researchers alert the public that there are less than two decades or it’s impossible to revert the disruption anymore. It’s obvious that hurricanes are getting larger, wildfires are more common, floods are more severe than before. All continent’s coasts can be submerged once the sea levels rise by up to 100 feet. Each person is required to do whatever it takes to save the only planet they can live on. Other planets even if they’re colonized or partially terraformed will never be like the Earth. Earth is the most special, most beautiful sphere in the universe at least for humans. Seeds can be the key to the new age. People should start adopting complete plant-based, vegan mindsets, and lifestyles for them to make use of nature’s regenerative seeds into work. All products can be made as plant-based with a few tweaks. Destructive industries must be abandoned or revamped as soon as possible and it’s up to consumers and innovators to make this happen. Invest in the greenest future now or you may not have a future. Seeds are easy to find. All of the foods people eat yield free seeds in large quantities so consumers can become self-sufficient if they sow them. Terraformation starts with your surroundings. You don’t need much land to work on. You must share your innovative ideas and goods with others as much as you can. Some people handed out their unused plants and seeds to others and witness a very large forest outgrowth in their neighborhood. They didn’t know how to exert the green force granted to them freely by nature itself. The creator has perfectly designed natural cycles, people should go back to their roots and start planting instead of plundering and destroying for the sake of economic and technological growth. Technology will never save the world, aliens won’t save the world nor humanity. They’re already all upon the Earth to take advantage of a weak and divided society. They collected all of the life-generating resources including all types of seeds, plants, animals, and so on. This world is a biological library that must be safeguarded by humans themselves before the alien enthrallment.  


 Seeds are the sources of life. All organisms are born out of seeds of plants or animals. Eggs are types of embryos that beget insect, lizard, and bird life-forms. They aren’t much different than seeds. This is the confirmation that there is no life without seeds and they play a big part in self-sustainability on any planet. Technological and industrial productions exploit the natural environment and its self-support systems. After some time, the environment becomes uninhabitable and infertile. You can see the effects of this phenomenon now, the planet is being ravaged by natural disasters also industrial desolation. The largest forests of the world are still burning down to clear land for the meat industry which is one of the most destructive and cruel out of all. In less than a decade, the ranches will turn to dry soil and all of the cattle ranches are moved to other places. This method of farming destroys the most forested regions exponentially. It’s almost unstoppable unless most of the population switches to a vegan, complete plant-based diet and consumption. Plant-based productions and consumption will eventually reforest most of the planet and produce more seeds than anybody can use. All types of seeds can be sprouted to revive even the driest territories going through droughts. Wildfires are provoked by climate change but people can transform burned forests into green eco-villages and permaculture farms collectively. If one person can grow a very large forest in a decade or two, think about what the entire world population can do by employing multitudinous species of seeds, plants, and tree species suitable to temperate zones. Researchers discovered that Amazon was a manmade food forest, native people of the past knew how to cultivate nature to cater to their needs. They constantly collected seeds from trees, vegetables, nuts inside the forest and sowed them all over South America. The Amazon was larger before the Spanish and Portuguese colonization. Colonists didn’t know how to regrow forests to supply the colonies, they cut and transported wood and other materials rather than utilizing the renewability of nature. Although natives weren’t advanced, they were much more sustainable and in tune with nature. Modern men have been destroying the planet to a greater extent. Now climate change and natural disasters can wipe out and scourge most of the population even the strongest nations. Nature will always be the most powerful force upon the Earth, people should protect and enrich this magnificent resource with seeds and diversity of flora. Animals also fertilize, pollinate, and augment nature’s self-sustenance. The only problem is humans but anything can be revised as eco-friendly, carbon-negative, and biodegradable with the power of seeds. If seeds make up most of the foods people eat, plant-based diets are healthier, best for the animals and the environment then people need to produce more seeds to regreen the Earth. A lot of researchers and scientists are trying to find solutions to climate, environment changes, and instability but nobody could figure out how to. The answer is seeds. Nature has emerged from seeds and it feeds all life that exists here on Earth including humans. In the near future, all cities, buildings, productions will be the greenest and most sustainable because people are awakening. More and more people are going vegan, saving the animals, starting gardening, planting trees, companies are finding renewable resources that are the best for the environment. Paper products are destroying very large forests all over the world. Paper can be made from plants and papyrus without harming the environment and forests. A lot of people have been hoarding bath tissues pointlessly and paper that’s made from cut trees isn’t sustainable. Trees take a while to grow full size, fruit trees take at least 3 years or more to start bearing their fruits covering their seeds. You don’t need much space or land to start reseeding for a healthier and self-reliant standard of living. Bees help pollination, animals fertilize the soil. The cycle of life will continue sustainably when people start living naturally rather than industrially and technologically. Though mass-manufacturing of products will always be necessary, productions can switch to plant-based and environmentally-friendly easily. Nature is everywhere and it constantly grows. Industrial mass-manufacturing is one of the hardest businesses that most nations are tired of. So many people live in small spaces day and night to mass-manufacture unsustainable products for the global market. These workers, the animals in factory farms, and all people can be free again when they go fully vegan, plant-based in everything they do and make. Many types of seeds can be collected from the Amazon to grow them elsewhere. Most of the equator provinces and nearby zones are suitable for growing new tropical food forests. Some people grow many tropical plants and trees originated from the Amazon and other tropical rainforests. If you can’t find the seeds, cuttings from native plants work well. Earth’s nature is possibly one of the most biodiverse in the universe, terraforming other planets will require tons of seeds and plants. Scientists are presumably working on bioengineering of plant species for them to survive in new planets and soils like Mars. Seeds can germinate if there are enough moisture and warmth. Anyone can redesign their lawns and backyard as a productive garden instead of spending so much money on green grasses. There are permaculture designers and gardeners who have grown prolific plantations right by deserts efficiently. Plantlife wherever they are cultivated can boost the soils from dry to fertile when they’re put to use with some help. Then the floral biodiversity recycles and fertilizes itself without any assistance. Greenhouses can be more convenient for farming and growing plants from seeds because temperature fluctuation, storms, insects, wind can harm them. Vegans are emerging as a united super-green force saving many animals and reducing the global impact over the environment. A lot of people who’ve gone vegan started farming, building permaculture homesteads, animal sanctuaries, opening vegan businesses, seed farming, and gardening plus much more. The opportunities are endless once humans realize how to life-generating sources of nature encompassing the globe. A lot of products and constructions can be made with renewable, sustainable plant-based materials. Mushrooms and fungi can be grown as furniture, building, construction materials. Instead of seeds, they contain spores for them to reproduce and spread. Perhaps, seeds can solve the climate calamities and stabilize the environment for all life to subsist into eternity. Natural resources are fragile and limited and over industrialization has been depleting the natural environment and mineral deposits at an increasing rate. Nobody really needs too many products to survive, yet greed has been publicized as being successful. A new invention called the seed ball to contain the tree seeds for reforestation projects and it can be tossed from planes over the bare terrains. It can be very difficult for people to finish reforestation projects across vast regions so seed balls can be very practical. 

 Agroforestry is one of the most sustainable approaches to farming and self-reliance. The economic system has been destroying the planet for decades. Industrial revolutions have granted many technologies, products, services, and much comfort to human society, they also removed humans from nature. Human beings have been perfectly designed to enhance nature everywhere they exist. Though we’ve been doing the opposite, people have been shaken by recent pandemics and disasters for them to take the necessary steps for planetary protection and resilience. All of the empires of the past have gone extinct because they exhausted the natural environment severely until nothing’s left. Exhaustion of resources has triggered many catastrophes to eradicate the largest empires of the ancient history. It’s happening to modern society worldwide. No region or nation will be shielded from coming cataclysms. Food, water shortages, intensifying devastative events can impair any parts of the world. Anybody can do the rights things to protect nature, all sentient beings, mitigate their impact on climate and ecosystems. A lot of people want a greener, more livable planet in peace. The Earth is a magnificent planet rich with resources to supply humankind for thousands of years to come if it’s treated gently. Agroforestry designs have been extremely successful in many places, rainforests are the paradigms of biodiverse, lush existence similar to the heavens, and higher realms. We can transform the entire planet into its most reproductive, green, and immaculate phase of evolution by seeding and mimicking nature in all industrial designs and productions. All of the materials used to make products are still harvested mostly from forests and farms. The monoculture farming method isn’t sustainable, it’s very detrimental to soil and living habitats. Permaculture agroforestry is probably the best system to rejuvenate any type of landscape. Monoculture farming of coffee, cocoa, etc. is harmful to forests and the environment as well. A lot of farmers aren’t being paid or treated right. Fairtrade and equal exchange are better for farmers. It’s not just the environment, all living beings including humans share the planet. People can change the world and make it very perpetual once they go back to their roots by mimicking nature. The Earth is warning human beings about their impact and its effects. It’s a biological, universal entity, and people have to stop destroying it as soon as possible, it will only hurt themselves in return. You never need technology to restore and protect the Earth. Anything you do, make, learn, consume, and share can change the world for the better or spoil it. Seeds will always produce life and feed all organisms. Nature’s way of life will never change, it will only evolve. Reseeding of Planet Earth is an urgent requirement. When everybody does the best things to achieve the best outcome for the environment, it will have the most beneficial aftermath for the biosphere. Some reforestation and regreening programs have engendered greener, more eco-rich states visible from space. Thousands of people can plant millions of trees, millions can plant billions. The thing is people should work on environmental projects that can enrich biodiversity also to supply global society’s needs. Planting the same trees as a monoculture for reforestation will not contribute to the biological needs of the natural world. Rainforest designs for agroforestry and forestation proposals are superior. Seeds are critical for all life but plant life can be regrown from cuttings and prunings. Plant cells comprise all of the information for them to flourish as fresh sprouts. Rooting hormone and powder can be used for better results from cuttings. Animals should live harmoniously in nature, they fertilize the ground also help pollination if they wander freely. There is a great variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains that can be planted in the ground for them to grow as new plants and trees. Nature is extremely renewable and replenishable when it’s left alone. The Terraformation of the universe starts with the Earth, it has all the properties to breathe life back to dying, depleted and barren spheres. One seed can create vast lush, vibrant forests producing food, housing many animals, and diversity much like the blueprint of heavenly realms. This is the direction of human society to reach its net zero carbon goals. Some people have created very productive food forests with flowing water by using the agroforestry approach to growing food and gardening. That means this technique and permaculture homesteading work pretty well. Anyone can revitalize the environment and become self-sufficient easily. You don’t need much land to plunge into this endeavor. The farmer who’s undertaken agroforestry expressed that the more you prune trees and plants, the better. Excess tree branches can be pruned for them to produce more and mulch themselves. There is no need for any fertilizers in agroforestry. Mulching, pruning, and composted materials are adequate for fertilizing. Most of the plants can be grown to full size from cuttings. Cuttings grow to full maturity faster than seeds but growing from seeds is still splendid. If the entire world population starts planting part-time to reduce their environmental impact, all of the world’s cities can be transformed into greenest paradises. All types of plants do photosynthesis to absorb CO2, exhale oxygen, and sequester carbon in the soil. There is an underground network of mycorrhiza that connect vast forests and transport nutrients between all plant life. Nature is the most intelligent living structure that humans are a component of. Humans were never the top of the food chain, they’re genetically designed to be gardeners and saviors of Planet Earth. A lot of mistakes have been made worldwide. The environment and natural resources have been plundered and misused for decades. Human society will suffer the consequences. The planet has to cool down, it’s overheating each year. Prophecies warn mankind about coming cataclysms and alien intrusions. There is more than enough evidence that aliens aren’t here to help humanity nor save the world. Several alien races have come to Earth to take advantage of a society that’s destroying their only homeworld wanted by others. Seeds of life can rejuvenate and clean-up the planet to secure the future of human civilization. Over industrialization isn’t good business, people should go back to more sustainable ways of living. Anything can be made plant-based with little emissions and no waste. Scientists are searching for new ways to halt climate change and cool down the planet that’s in grave danger. Climate change, pollution, resource depletion, environmental devastation can transfigure the world into an unlivable condition in less than 50 years. All coastal cities will get flooded and submerge underwater. Collective action is imperative to reverse climate change, environmental problems, and to compete with deceitful alien races all over the world operating secretly. Aliens are just different looking beings coming from barren worlds in space. That’s because they have technology that doesn’t mean they’re advanced or benevolent. They’re wolves in sheep disguise trying to persuade many individuals in high positions of commerce, leadership, and religion to carry out their world acquisition agendas. Everything will be promised but all will benefit them, not the human race. Humans have to protect their planet’s self-sustaining lifecycle before they fall under foreign control. Otherwise, each human being will be exploited brutally as a resource. Being rich or powerful won’t matter in a depleted planet going through chaos and turmoil. Seeds and plants will always be the greatest resource to transform critical regions of the world into prolific, eco-rich farmland. If planetary imbalance destroys the food productions and water reservoirs, there will be mass food, water shortages, and scarcity worldwide. People will have to devour each other, endless conflicts will arise. Now is the only time to save the planet and humanity, aliens have established their secret bases in many places of the world tracking every movement. They want this world as their own and humans as their labor force. You wouldn’t want to live in that world. Plant seeds now. 



Friday, October 9, 2020



                                       REVIVAL OF THE UNIVERSE HAS BEGUN !!

 We live in such magnificent and precarious times on Earth. Everything is getting weird, it looks like the world is collapsing. If the world and its financial system collapse, it can bear new opportunities for the human race that’s confused and divided. There is hope for the greatest revival of a new universe on the horizon beginning from the Earth. The Earth is by far the most amazing planet in the entire cosmic creation. There are trillions of alien worlds that contain intelligent lifeforms but only a very few of them are green and abundant like the Earth. Humans sit on a prize unlike nothing else that ever existed. No societies have ever terraformed many new worlds into Earth-like eco-rich celestial bodies. The planets that are colonized by technological associations are still infertile compared to this world. The Earth comprises glorious biodiversity and natural resources in its ecosystems. Unfortunately, the industrial era has driven the planet into mass extinctions and utmost cataclysms. The largest tropical rainforest the Amazon is being burned down for the sake of animal agriculture. Forests are the most diverse and productive biomes and humans must protect and augment them in every region of the world. Coral reefs are the forests of the oceans and they’ve been bleaching as a result of warming waters. The Earth community has reached a point in history where they have to save the planet with all that they got in less than a decade or two or experience the terrible ramifications. Nothing will ever be like the good old days, people have been damaging the life-balance of the planet for industrial expenditures. There is a covert alien presence upon Planet Earth that’s been studying and observing every aspect of human society for decades. People have been waiting for aliens and e.t’s to show up with gifts but they initiated their own secret agendas. Humans are living in a totally different world than the past, there are many alien races that established themselves here on Earth. They don’t want people to know what’s going on so everything has been kept classified and clandestine in manner. Planet Earth is definitely one of the most dazzling jewels in the universe, planets like this are extremely rare. There is going to be a great level of competition between humans and the alien races for the resources of the world that are endangered. They need humans as a working-class so they can farm the whole world exponentially. Humans must awaken and unify as a global society to stop the destruction of the Earth and protect all life and natural wealth that exists here. Time is running out, scientists declared that there may be less than two decades to reverse climate change and other disastrous events before they’re permanent. The alien universe is already here upon Planet Earth trying to take advantage of a weakening human population. Aliens will never help or save the world by any means. It’s up to people to make the shift towards sustainability and planetary protection. If people of Earth don’t reclaim their planet and do whatever it takes to stop the destruction, pollution, degradation, and depletion, alien beings will overtake humanity and turn them into subspecies to be exploited rigidly. The hierarchical system they abide in would be immensely overwhelming to any human being. This is the era of Independence Day, humans must redeem their freedom and restore their planet as soon as possible. People are waking up to what’s going on, you must see everything clearly. Living in fear, confusion, and anxiety won’t help during these tough times. Most developed nations have been polluting the biosphere and overusing limited resources more than other nations. Being overly developed or having advanced technology won’t save the world nor humanity. Human beings are supposed to be the gardeners and saviors of Planet Earth also the universe because this planet consists of life-generating sources unlike most other barren planetary systems in the universe. 

 The Terraformation and colonization of Mars are beginning with the emergence of the alien universe where the aliens are establishing themselves, gaining more power and influence here. Mars is an akin sphere to extraterrestrial worlds and terraforming Mars successfully will open the gates to universal terraforming of many new celestial bodies. Humans have been created in God’s from but they’ve been the most destructive force upon a magnificent planet wanted by others. Green, vegan, environmental, reforestation, permaculture, sustainable movements have been expanding faster than any other campaign around the world. People are realizing that everything they eat, consume, and buy affect the environment and contribute to climate change and contamination. It starts with individuals to make the change so corporations and nations can follow. It’s not about making money, having a career, having more and bigger things anymore. Things have changed, people are being called to act upon real problems of the world. Mother Nature will punish the growing population if they don’t do the right things that will protect and enrich the ecosystems rather than harming them. Veganism does reduce people’s environmental impact and carbon discharge. It’s one of the best things anybody can do for the environment and the animals for a start. Most of the brightest and smartest people of the past were vegans and promote veganism periodically. A lot of people noticed that single-use plastics are harmful to animals, oceans, and their surroundings so they bring their own bags to grocery stores and stay away from products packaged in plastics. There are many alternatives to single-use plastics, some nations are banning them. Animal agriculture is one of the worst polluters and it kills billions of animals per year. More and more people are adapting to sustainable and cruelty-free diets and habits. Reforestation projects are critical since people have been hoarding toilet paper and other paper products that contribute to deforestation around the world. There are many alternatives as in plant-based, hemp, bamboo to paper products that are beneficial for the environment and large forests. Shortly, the entire human population and all productions will be compelled to readjust and replace all of the destructive systems and tendencies into an eco-friendly mechanism to halt the increasing ecological issues. New green deals should be mandated in a short time for the planet to recover from ecological disasters and global warming before it winds up impossible. Humans have new competitors all over the world, millions of people have been abducted to be used as a resource or to genetically engineer an alien-human hybrid race to overrule mankind. Humans haven’t been the saviors of one of the most beautiful and resourceful planets entitled as the biological paradise in this region of the cosmos. People don’t know how the universe works as of yet but they will find out soon and things will get tougher and more strenuous. People of the world should conserve their self-sufficiency and improve their renewable, sustainable productions and energy generation. Otherwise, the deceptive forces will topple the world’s governing infrastructure to begin farming the Earth by converting the human population into mindless working-class. It’s almost impossible to break free from extraterrestrial domination, many indigenous societies have overshadowed this way. Anybody can start a very self-sufficient and ecological lifestyle to exemplify the masses that are bewildered during the pandemic. Lockdowns have been a relief for the planet, air pollution levels have dropped significantly during the worldwide lockdown. There may be more strict procedures if viruses and other natural disasters that are caused by animal agriculture, factory farming, pollution, etc. intensify. Many viruses spreading apart as an epidemic and pandemic have emerged from meat shops, factory farms, and places where animals kept in congested cages. Going vegan alone would be one of the best things a person can do for all life and the ecosphere people are embodied in. Perhaps, a united vegan command can lead the world community in the right direction, save the animals, preserve forests and protect ecosystems instead of destroying and devouring it all in a few decades. 

 People used to be forest people in the past. Amazon is a manmade tropical food forest seeded and cultivated natively by people to feed themselves and reside in. People are needed to revert to their native ways of living to stop harming the planet they live on. The carbon economy is obviously detrimental for the planet in every way possible, for that, the globe has been heating. Pandemic has demonstrated a great lesson for humankind to act upon the destruction of the planet. It’s obvious the aliens and ufo’s that people have encountered in the last decades aren’t using oil or animals as fuel. They developed technologies and systems to travel in space that are completely carbon-free and more advanced than what people wield today. People are supposed to learn from these beings that come here and work on new ways to sustain themselves and employ transportation methods plus energy generation via renewable resources. It’s apparent that human beings are still primitive in most conditions but they have the utmost potential to save and preserve their homeworld and even terraform new worlds in the future. This may conceive a very advanced and glorious civilization unlike anything ever been detected. There are rumors that some nations have developed ufo-like, high-speed spacecraft that can travel to other planets rapidly. Some countries had secretive black projects to colonize space, Mars, moon, and forge technologies for interplanetary travel and many other schemes. There is a possibility that the moon and Mars already have space stations and personnel in underground facilities. Building a space station shouldn’t be too difficult with an extraordinary budget but terraforming new planets require a collective effort and competent procedures. Some of the UFOs visible in the sky can be manmade so humans can reach other worlds and star systems easily. Planet Earth contains a tremendous amount of biological and organic resources that can be utilized to rejuvenate depleted and dying planetary systems similar to Mars, some may include intelligent lifeforms. I’m sure that aliens would love their deserted homeworlds to be terraformed as Earth-like and they’d offer whatever in return. Encountering beings more intelligent and technological than humans may be dangerous since they have their own agendas and some are here for planetary acquisition. Humans beings are perfectly designed to overcome the problems and any alien threat by refreshing their homeworld as one of the most sustainable and green in the universe. Losing most of the natural wealth and productions would be the end of mankind, humans would end up dependent on space groups for basic necessities and materials to survive. The planet’s sustainable productions must be cultivated to restore the environment also upgrade the human population’s self-reliance and support. Climate change may be halted by geoengineering the Earth’s ecosystems as carbon-absorbent and oxygen-producing structures. Most of the oxygen about 70% is produced by algae and cyanobacteria in marine environments, the rest is provided by terrestrial plants. Water is crucial for terraforming any planet like Mars, there is evidence that Mars has a lot of water in its poles and underground reserves. More water can be transported with large rockets. Hopefully, spacecraft technology will progress so larger vessels can be utilized to begin terraformation of other wandering spheres in space. One of the most viable life-generating concepts is the diversity of seeds that the Earth embraces in its habitats and forests. The Amazon contains so many tree and plant species that can adapt to other temperate zones and soils through bioengineering and evolution. We can somehow transform the Earth into a global rainforest producing food and materials needed for all industries and manufacturing. We definitely live in a paradise but it’s in grave danger at this time. Humans must change all of their concepts of life and business to become greener beings in tune with nature. Once more and more people switch to vegan and green lifestyles with little carbon offset and toxicity, this will evoke a terraform effect around the world with ultimate vegan-green growth because people will plant more of essential seeds. The Earth is a blueprint of the heavenly realm in physical form but it’s up to humans to maintain it. The Earth has the mechanisms to regenerate itself without human interference. Forests and biodiverse habitats always expand if they aren’t dismantled. A complete green economy would only evolve and thrive into eternity because it would be fueled by most renewable and sustainable assets derived from encompassing nature. 

 One of the most efficient ways to produce food and other natural products is agroforestry. Agroforestry is a land-use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops. This diversification of the farming system initiates an agroecological succession, like that in natural ecosystems, and so starts a chain of events that enhance the functionality and sustainability of the farming system. Trees also produce a wide range of useful and marketable products from fruits/nuts, medicines, wood products, etc. This intentional combination of agriculture and forestry has multiple benefits, such as greatly enhanced yields from staple food crops, enhanced farmer livelihoods from income generation, increased biodiversity, improved soil structure and health, reduced erosion, and carbon sequestration. Agroforestry practices are highly beneficial in the tropics, especially in subsistence smallholdings in sub-Saharan Africa, and have been found to be beneficial in Europe and the United States. Agroforestry shares principles with intercropping but can also involve much more complex multi-strata agroforests containing hundreds of species. Agroforestry can also utilize nitrogen-fixing plants such as legumes to restore soil nitrogen fertility. The nitrogen-fixing plants can be planted either sequentially or simultaneously. More agroforestry methods can be applied in all nations to stop desertification, erosion, and sequester the excess carbon most nations emit through industrial means. Humans made use of agroforestry in the past to create large forests like the Amazon. Agroforestry is a great example that humans rely on forests and plants to survive. Even most industries still use materials and compounds originated from forests but logging and overusing forests isn’t going to make human society more advanced. We must utilize productive resources with efficient designs like the agroforestry and permaculture. In the future, the largest deserts will be converted to green, productive lands to feed the growing population. There were talks of covering entire deserts with solar panels to energize the cities nearby. Though, it would be better to apply reforestation, agroforestry, and green technologies to power and supply the population. Humans must remember that they were forest people in the past. The industrial revolution has occurred not long ago. Before that, it was always plants, trees and other types of plantation were producing all of the needs of the society. There is a great necessity to re-terraform the Earth to be able to terminate climate change and catastrophic pollution. Farming approaches like the agroforestry and permaculture will help tremendously during this time. There are still many parts of the world that are underdeveloped industrially and they can be transformed with renewable, sustainable technologies, power generation, and reforestation projects so the entire world can reverse cataclysmic events hereafter. Most developed nations alone won’t be able to stop the destruction of the Earth, they contribute to environmental degradation more than others. If people adopt sustainable, green lifestyles for them to live without harming the environment, overpopulation won’t be a major issue. The more ants an ant colony has, it’s easier for them to gather the food and necessary goods for the survival of the colony. It would be a lot easier to cleanse the oceans, polluted areas, and reforest the whole world with more people that live and work with ecological mindsets. A new age in the alien universe has already begun without human consent. Things will get tougher and more exciting as of now. Everyone will be involved in all of the action upon Planet Earth because everything affects the whole of the universe. Scientists and entrepreneurs are confident that planets like Mars can be terraformed. Mars is lacking a magnetic field but an artificial one can be assembled in a short time and there are water and rare metal deposits for colonies to obtain. There are many abductees around the world who’ve been transported to alien worlds for various procedures and they observed Mars-like environments. Unfortunately, most of the planets in the universe are barren and deserted like Mars but the Earth can rejuvenate them with effective operations. Even the Earth wasn’t always fertile as it is now. Although it’s depleting extremely fast cause of global warming, desertification, and extreme consumption. If the Earth community embraces a very sustainable and renewable growth and development instead of causing mass havoc and instability, it can emerge as one of the most advanced and progressive in the cosmic creation. From now on, everything counts more than the past, each idea, each activity will either refresh the planetary self-support system or harm it. Nothing will be like the past where it was better to have more, consume and use more to grow and expand economically and industrially. Plants, trees, and other organisms will always help no matter where anyone is in the world or in other planetary systems. There are signs that other habitable planets are divergent natural environments that have similarities to Earth. No planet detected to be as habitable as the Earth as of yet. Earth may be the selected and specially seeded to be the genetic resource hub in this part of the galaxy called Milky Way. Milky Way is vast and it may be thriving with intelligent life and some of them would want this living sphere as their own. The newest assignment of the entire human population is to protect and safeguard the planet, civilization, and all of the significant resources that are critical for humans to endure for thousands of years. No nation should be allowed to deplete the world’s fragile and limited resource pool. Photosynthesis is the key process for life to continue and extend. Humans should make use of photosynthesis more in the future and abandon all of the destructive and polluting manufacturing methods. We live in a time where there are plant-based, biodegradable alternatives to plastics and people still choose to pollute the world. If companies are imposed by the consumers on making the switch for environmentally-friendly packaging and productions, they will favor the newer substitutes and innovation. Ultimate green-grown must be enforced by each nation of the world to clean-up and refresh the economic and societal systems that are old and detrimental to all life and nature. Each person can bestow global vegan and green growth and innovation by choosing ecological and cruelty-free products and services. The markets are competitive so all companies will do all they can to strive in a green economy powered by most eco-friendly and perpetual outgrowth generated by mindful people.