Saturday, March 28, 2020



 These are the apocalyptic times on Earth, there were many hurricanes, disasters, and catastrophes in the past decade while they're all intensifying. Is this the age of pandemics? It's clear that some viruses can evolve so fast and spread apart the world in such a short time to cause global havoc. The Earth is turning into a horror house, it seems like Halloween will be a thing of every day from now on. Coronavirus has altered the shape of history and economics profoundly. Nobody knew much about viruses in the past, they never evoked this much fear and panic over the masses. The world is literally getting overpopulated and started depleting as a result of excess industrialization and consumption. Microbial organisms and viruses appear in places where the meat industry is engaged. Meat production is not a healthy or clean production where millions of animals are tortured and slaughtered viciously. So many epidemics and pandemics originated from slaughterhouses where diseases and contamination are extremely common. What you eat, buy and consume immensely affects billions of animals, the environment and the health of the planet you live in. There will be many more epidemics, diseases and pandemics like Coronavirus harming billions of people in the future so we must take action to save the planet by completely discarding meat and dairy industries. Most vegetables, legumes, beans, tofu, and seeds contain more protein than meat. There was never any need to hurt large numbers of sentient beings for the sake of protein or food production. Now we live in a time where all kinds of fresh produce and foods are abundant in stores also more affordable than any meat products. Going vegan is the best thing to do and it may halt many cataclysmic pandemics hereafter if the whole world at least adopts a plant-based diet to stop the slaughter and cruelty to animals that are our friends.

 Unfortunately, another thing that the public doesn't know about is the alien invasion that's occurring behind the scenes. There are many alien races who came to Earth decades ago secretly, established hidden bases in many remote places of the world. No aliens races are here to save people or the world by any means, they're all working for the same agenda which is to take over the human race as their newest menial species. A multitude of alien races has done this to countless developing societies in the universe, newly rising planetary populations were naive and helpless against technologically advanced and mind-controlling alien organizations. Now the same thing is happening to the human population worldwide and it's extremely dangerous for everyone no matter how rich or powerful they are. Of course, these aliens target the rich and powerful at first to carry out their secret programs by making agreements with these people and establishments of the world. Aliens tend to use each individual and institution for their own benefit and this may be the end of the human race with great potential forever. All of the things that people enjoy in their daily lives like music, games, entertainment, arts and all would be utterly abolished by the alien order. Nobody knows they've been here for decades because they didn't want the public to know what they're after so they could convince individuals in power to smoothly carry out their plans. There are about 35 different alien races around the world at this time, all of them here for the same purpose, take over and exploit the human population deceptively. They will make it look like they're here to help, save the people from themselves and the planet that's in danger but it's the total opposite. These beings are the ultimate impostors in disguise and they have extreme mind control abilities that no human being is able to hinder. Human mind capabilities are developing freshly compared to many alien races who've been using and mastering mind power and influence for thousands of years. No alien being is superior to any human being in any way. Humans have more potential to be the greatest saviors of this magnificent Planet and its brilliant civilization. The aliens are the biggest threat to humankind now and in the future, this is way more severe than intensifying environmental, climate changes and instability. It looks like there is only one way to prevent alien beings that are here and that's for the entire world to unite as one super force with a higher purpose. There are certainly many different alien organizations hiding in their secret underground, underwater, inside the mountain bases and in many other invisible places. Aliens look different, have great technology, advancements, very fast ships, vice versa but these things aren't anything special in the universe that people don't know anything about yet.

 There is a great amount of evidence to prove that no alien beings are here for mercy. Millions of people abducted worldwide to be used in genetic programs to create an alien hybrid race to overrule mankind. The new generation of alien hybrids look exactly like humans and are placed in many places and nations around the world integrated into society privately. They will be utilized to overrule the human population that's weakening each day and catastrophic events are just starting. Aliens are establishing themselves into the world each passing day so the human race must fully unite as one super green force as soon as possible. The world's resources and environments are depleting and degrading as a consequence of expanded industrialization and exhaustion so most of the destructive industries must be shut down to stop the pollution and depletion of the world. Humans will live on this planet for thousands of years therefore polluting and depleting the only planet they have in a few decades isn't intelligent. Humans must evolve with plants, trees and green growth as the brilliant superpower of the world and shield it from all alien races on a global scale. Aliens will attempt to persuade or mind control each individual in power and influence either rich, religion-based or administrative. A lot of people believe that aliens are coming to help save the world and humanity from themselves but in fact, it's totally the other way round. They've been observing and studying the human population for so many years and some of them have been here for many years even had agreements to carry out their agendas secretly. Human beings aren't in a state to thwart the alien presence that's malevolent and deceptive for the human future. Only a fully united and collective action can overthrow these alien races that are all over the world operating on the sly. Alien hybrids must be captured to be kept in one place, that way they won't be able to work for the alien overlords. They can rejoin the human population in the future after the alien invasion is absolutely prevented and the world is in a shield. Aliens aren't much different than humans when it comes to their desires and aspirations. They want to somehow dominate the world and turn the human race into their newest sub servants like they did to some other races in many developing planetary civilizations. Some look like bugs, praying mantises, greys, reptilians and many other natural forms you can see in nature. In fact, all alien races no matter how advanced they are still driven by nature and natural inclination. One thing humans do is destroy nature and plunder all of the resources and this will devastate this beautiful planet called Earth. For this reason, a lot of alien races have come to Earth for covert operations and many alien groups are in competition against each other to take over the human race as their newest workforce and the resources they wish to have. The biodiversity of the planet is in danger at this time, the Earth is going through mass extinction events worldwide because of climate change, environmental degradation, deforestation, and industrial growth. Humans definitely need to invent a new economic and social system in order to overcome the increasing catastrophes and the alien races that are here.

 Now is the time to unite and evolve as one super green force that can outmatch all alien races and expel them with pathogens also restore the planet's endangered ecosystems. Aliens are gaining power and influence each day, more of them are coming from space establishing new hidden bases underwater, underground, in mountains and more alien hybrids are being integrated into cities and society. There is really an alien invasion occurring behind the scenes, some of the world affairs are made to cover this up, nobody knows how to prevent this extraordinary phenomenon. Humans are a newly developing civilization and this is the first time some alien races are here to take over their civilization for their own interests. During this time, the entire human race would be exploited and used as a resource brutally by the imposed alien orders. Millions of people have been abducted, some have never returned, all human rights have been spoiled, abductees have been through very scary experiments to engineer a new breed of aliens called hybrids that look human but alien in mind. They don't have the human spirit nor the qualities that make us humans. They're just some cloned personnel to fulfill the alien agenda worldwide. Matter fact, I met a couple of them and they've told me they worked for the devil. In fact, no alien beings are here for any good, they all work for the devil and they're here to punish the human race for what they did to the planet, animals and to each other obliviously. The hybrid being that looks human but slightly peculiar was telling the truth that these alien beings actually work for the devil himself. Nobody knows who it is and where it is but it's obvious that they are extremely malevolent and will do whatever it takes to mercilessly manipulate the world population also the rich and powerful. Don't think you're wealthy or work for a higher position and you're safe. You're actually more vulnerable to alien mind control because they'll target the people in power all around the world to gain control of the planet. Perhaps, the only way to save the planet from aliens is through the dispersion of many types of pathogens because aliens live in sterile environments and microbes and bacteria affect them severely. Humans beings were not good saviors of this magnificent planet called Earth, nature is calling for humans to go back to their roots. Alien technology isn't the way to the future by any means, it's intelligently designed to control and manipulate the human population. People all around the world have already been controlled by many devices they use every day, not realizing that they're actually alien technology granted through exchange programs to manipulate masses. Most of the technology that people use doesn't really improve the human body and spirit. Human beings have been designed to be very natural, the mind-body-soul trinity in tune with nature to protect and enrich it in every place. You can tell that human civilization isn't sustainable or uplifting by any means. All kinds of resources are being extracted to mass-produce countless junk products packaged in plastics or made of plastics for the sake of economy and survival. All of the products and industries that pollute and deplete the planet must be completely banned once and for all otherwise consequences will be devastating after only 10 years or so. This is one of the reasons aliens have started intruding into our planet to stop the cataclysmic events also control the human population to acquire resources as their own. Most of the planets are arid in the universe, our planet contains an extreme amount of biodiversity and it's imperiled because of the human industrial civilization. Thus, aliens want to save the biological resources to their own advantage and humans are included as the main resource. They're building a human farm over the Earth and the alien domination will be immensely harsh and confined to overwhelm the entire population severely. Now is the only time to save the planet and the future of human beings with the utmost potential to even outmatch all alien races eventually with collective actions.

 The aliens have constructed many hidden bases underwater in the Pacific Ocean as remote islands, in the Himalayas, in underground bases in deserts and many other places around the world. There are many different alien races that operate from many secret bases to clandestinely take over the world. They aren't trying to start wars or exterminate the human population instead they're trying to turn them into their newest servants in a very strict hierarchical system. All of the collective alien organizations consist of a few alien races because they already conquered some alien worlds and confined their native inhabitants as their workforce. This is the reality of the universe that the Earth population doesn't know anything about. Wars and conflicts aren't allowed like in space movies and they're identified as very primitive so alien races undertake secret agendas to obtain new worlds. Nobody would gain anything beneficial out of any alien order or operations since they've intelligently prepared for the benefit and interests of alien races. These aren't spiritual beings, whereas they will try to utilize spiritual institutions and religions as their own influence. Most books that are allegedly channeled or received from alien races are sent to open up the way for alien control mechanisms. There are tall and powerful archangels that oversee the world and they're very concerned about the planet's condition that's worsening each day. The planet is deteriorating by the inordinate industrial devastation and overconsumption of countless junk products. They're mass-manufactured in industrial nations, packaged in plastics to be sold in stores worldwide so they can be used once and the packaging and the excess materials pollute the landfills increasingly. Landfills and plastic pollution are becoming a global threat, killing millions of marine life and growing the ocean plastic patch by size each day. Overfishing of the oceans is another massive problem, there will be more plastics than fish in the oceans by 2050. Meat industries also torture and slaughter billions of animals each year, they're one of the biggest contributors to climate change and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Meat productions have been destroying large forests around the world that emit the most oxygen and provide habitation for the magnificent biodiversity of Earth. It's obvious that plant-based diets are better for the environment and the planet's balance of life. Humans include herbivore and fruitarian teeth structure and meat, dairy products are harmful to human health also to animals and the environment. It's probable that plant-based societies that rely on renewable, natural resources and products are more advanced than any technological and scavenger alien organizations like the ones that are here. Perhaps, a united vegan-green force can expel all of the pirate-like alien races and collectives out the solar system by delivering pathogens into their bases underwater, underground, inside mountains and in many other locations. Considering the fact that these alien beings can't live in our world because of a great deal of microbial and bacterial life forms, this may be effective. Recently, super vegan and green movements have been changing the shape of the world and history remarkably. Animal cruelty and consumption are becoming a thing of the past. This can initiate a more sustainable and green civilization for all of humanity to live peacefully. After the lockdown of many large cities of the world as a result of coronavirus pandemic, the pollution levels have dropped significantly. Now the human population can invent a new economic system to rescue the planet, animals and the resources that are in grave danger. Biodiversity of the planet has been going through mass extinctions in the past decade. Biodiversity, trees, forests, plant life and even natural resources are extremely vital for the balance and future of the complex living organism that we call Earth. There is research to prove that most of the planets in the universe are awfully barren and deserted, unlike the rich and wonderful planet we live on. Technological alien civilizations deplete their worlds' resources after a while and seek them in outer space. For this reason, they're here to dominate our rich world for their own interests. So many alien societies have fallen under very harsh and restrained commandments enforced by more powerful alien federations. It seems like the only way to eliminate and banish these fraudulent extraterrestrial forces is for the entire world to unite as one super green force to either shut down or heal and recover the planet cooperatively. Otherwise, time is running out, aliens are gaining power and influence each day. More hybrids are being created to be placed in critical locations to scrutinize then gain control of the population when the time is right.

 Nobody knew why the aliens were here. Strange phenomena have been observed by millions of people plus millions of people have been abducted over the years. Alien hybrids that look human have been genetically engineered after many experiments done with abductees' genetic materials. Most of these operations were very cruel and horrifying for the abductees. Through these procedures done on so many people, they created an alien-human hybrid race that looks exactly like humans yet aliens in mind. They're alien personnel that is indistinguishable from humans to execute the alien acquisition of our world with deception or secrecy. Hybrids live in cities to learn human behavior and customs for some time then they're taken to alien bases to receive orders about new programs and strategies. Unfortunately, the aliens have been highly inhumane compared to human rights and customs. It's obvious that they can care less about human beings or animals, they're only here for our planet's unique and rare resources that don't exist elsewhere. Alien technologies that have been acquired through secret exchange programs were used to developed the technologies and devices people buy and use today. The extreme mass manufacturing of these technologies and devices have been destructive to the environment and caused excessive depletion of limited resources and deposits that are crucial for our civilization's future and balance. Literally, aliens have granted some technologies for humans to destroy and pollute their world plus exhaust their non-renewable resources in order for aliens to gain control and conquer the human civilization easily. All of these technologies that people buy and use today are intelligently designed for aliens to utilize to turn humans into enslaved species in the future with no rights or freedom. This is one of the biggest threats that human society worldwide is unknowingly experiencing for decades. The main reason for large conflicts and wars between many nations in the past was the alien agendas and mind control because aliens have been here interfering with certain nations for at least 60-70 years or more. They somehow urged some powerful nations to attempt to take over the world with technology and domination. You must understand that no alien technology and deceptive alien beings will be beneficial for human civilization and the future of our world. In fact, it's the total opposite, therefore, the technologies that are manufactured and used by the public must be limited to basic needs. All alien beings must be removed from the world and the solar system as soon as possible before it's too late. Otherwise, the dark age will begin once the alien invasion is completed, all of the human population will fall under cruel alien order and will lose all their freedom, rights, things they enjoy having and doing henceforth. unfortunately, it's immensely difficult to get out of any alien control since it will strip everything away from each individual leaving them powerless and hopeless. Now is the only time for the entire humanity to unite for a higher purpose to leave all behind and fight against the extraterrestrial like it's independence day and it actually is. They make the movies first then the reality takes place. Luckily, vegan and green movements are expanding and gaining power each day all over the world. This unification of humankind under one authority as the greenest, most sustainable, renewable and cooperative force to protect this magnificent planet called Earth and shield our awakening society from secret alien invasions and scams forever. The more technology society has, the more depletion and devastation it will generate over time. Technologies are also able to be utilized by the intruding alien races and organizations for their own benefit and control so most of the unnecessary technologies, devices, and equipment even their productions should be banned worldwide. The nations that manufacture most of the technology and junk products became terribly polluted and detrimental for the entire world. All of the pollution, contamination, devastation, and depletion affects the whole world increasingly. Most countries are going green and prohibiting the destructive industries and merchandise in their region but the increased mass-production that exists in certain regions still contributes to climate change, environmental and resource deficiency.

 In reality, nobody or no nation needs too many products except the naturally made ones for humans to live and thrive sustainably. Humans are forest people that seed the soil, grow and make all of the products they need with renewable, sustainable resources. Most of the industries are extremely destructive to the planet and the living habitats we're part of. All of the productions that sustain the human race and their lifestyles can be transformed into completely green, renewable and imperishable in order to rescue the planet's living forests, habitats and natural wealth that is bestowed upon the entire human population. The archangels entitled as the invisible protectors and guides of all living organisms and the planet have splendidly contrived humanity to surpass and outmatch all alien races in the course of time and evolution. Don't ever think or believe the aliens that are here or will approach in the future are superior to any human being by any means. They've developed some technology and uniformity plus mind abilities but that's about it. The Planet Earth and the human civilization have the capability to turn the world into a very lush and magnificent heavenly realm also terraform many dead or depleted planets into new Earth-like splendors. No alien race is able to achieve this level of advancement and magnificence except the ever-evolving and growing Human DNA. It's destined to mutate the human world into its most imperishable and safeguarded state then reach other planetary systems once Planet Earth is utterly shielded from devastation, depletion, and alien invasions. Planet Earth and human beings have been created to become the genetic, resource, knowledge hub in this region of the universe. Certainly, everything the Planet contains and offers must be protected from any catastrophes as well as alien intrusions. The archangels of our planetary system contemplated a better, more self-sustaining, united and lush world for the spiritual beings as humans, animals, and other beings. Don't mistake the angels with aliens that are here, they're not the same beings. Although aliens would project angelic images and try to trick people into believing that they're the angels and advanced otherwordly beings came here to save the world and humanity, this is totally false. Aliens aren't much different than people when it comes to deception and fraud because they still need resources and human acceptance to accomplish the override of human society. This is one of the biggest threats that can ever happen to any planet in the universe and it's been taking place behind the scenes. Consequently, all nations and everyone must put their skills and minds together to solve the real problems and thwart the malevolent alien occupancy in disguise. Human beings have been created to outmatch all alien races no matter how superior their technology is, considering the fact that technology and robotics aren't everything. They actually exhaust any planet's limited deposits and natural wealth leaving a desolate, chaotic sphere. Technology, aliens and other extraordinary breakthroughs aren't sustainable for any civilization so all of these obsessions that are destructive in disguise must be banned or regulated to their limits. Aliens see human society as a resource to be used and exploited for a long time, this would be the end of all nations, administrations and the future of humankind. The critical action is required to be taken to rescue the planet and stop the alien invasion as soon as possible otherwise the age of darkness will begin to turn the human race with great potential, abilities, and ingenuity into farmed animals mindlessly employed by the new alien and hybrid overlords. This is unfortunate fate would be horrible for any human being living around the world, things would only get worse and worse each day. Human DNA is unraveling the mind-body-spirit trinity of becoming the mighty archangels of Planet Earth to protect and enrich this magnificent living system. No alien races are superior to any human being by any means. Aliens are just some intelligent creatures that originate from mostly deserted and arid planetary systems. The alien organizations that are here now operating secretly are pirate collectives that wander in space in search of new planets and resources that they don't have. They aren't enlightened beings or more advanced than humans or other societies. Our civilization has the capacity to become extremely sustainable, cooperative and green, unlike most other alien worlds. Planet Earth is the most glorious biological storehouse that can terraform many new Earth-like spheres in the future. We're more advanced than all alien races already, they're just scavengers and space pirates. Let's join forces, go vegan, go green and save the planet now. Plant billions of trees, grow heavenly gardens, transform the world into a divine and sublime sphere that's shielded from any cataclysms and clandestine alien forces now  =D

Sunday, March 22, 2020



 A lot of things going on all around the world. Most of them have been kept secret or were unknown. It seems like the alien races want the world to be depleted by some developed nations in order to initiate a very cruel alien order worldwide. Technology eventually depletes any planet's resources for the civilization to end up dependent or taken control by alien races. This is the biggest threat to entire humanity at this time because the planet's been polluted and depleting rapidly. Aliens offer technology and other gifts then wait for that world's inhabitants to overly manufacture these technologies, diminish natural resources and deposits in such a short time. The climate and the environment have neared the edge of either reverse all the damage or the consequences will be cataclysmic and irreversible. Aliens won't save the world or humanity, they have their own agendas. Without the essential resources and supplies, all nations will fall under a very harsh alien order to be exploited in every way possible. Alien hybrids are all around the world to become the world's new authority after the depletion and catastrophic instability around the world. Humanity must unite as soon as possible to save the planet, stop the pollution, the destruction of the environment and the resources. Manufacturing tons of junk products packaged in plastics will only pollute and deplete the entire world for it to fall under alien orders easily. These alien beings are everywhere, they have bases underwater, underground, in mountains and many other hidden places. Alien hybrids look exactly like humans but they're aliens in disguise work for the secret alien organizations. They've done this to other worlds before, these pirate alien organizations collected many different races and worlds under their hierarchy. Several alien groups are in competition with each other for decades, all of them operate in different regions of the world. These are the extremely deceptive, collective associations that acquire worlds with manipulation, deceit, and offerings. No civilization needs much technology to progress into the future, the planet's fundamental, renewable resources and ecosystems are the most significant for any race and civilization.

 There is data to disclose that many collective alien races are competing with each other to acquire our planet's regions and resources that are mostly biological and plasma from animals, humans and other organisms.  Each of these collective alien groups isn't one race, they consist of a few alien races that they captured from the worlds they've occupied. Therefore they all look different and make it more confusing to discern their plans. Many alien groups worked with particular nations to gather the resources they required. All kinds of technology have been granted through exchange programs for decades and most of the technology people buy and use today are alien in origin. The unknown reason the aliens give technologies and advancements is actually for the human civilization to excessively mass manufacture these technologies for-profit and developments so they would force their world's climate, environment, and limited resources into instability and depletion. A depleting world in need of help, going through disasters, scarcity and conflicts over masses would be very easy for these deceptive alien organizations to take over and exploit as they aspire. No alien races are here to help humanity or save the world. Their secret agendas have been totally classified for decades. The alien races here are scavenger, pirate organizations that wander in space searching for worlds to farm and exploit crookedly. So many people have been abducted and harvested, most never returned. This is the biggest threat to mankind and will ever be. Only a united world can expel the malevolent alien forces out of the solar system and shield the human civilization forever. Aliens have established so many bases around the world, they have a few in the Himalayas, underwater, underground in many places of the world. They've constructed remote islands in the pacific ocean to carry out their operations. They've been gaining more power and influence each day, alien hybrids look indistinguishable from normal human beings are placed everywhere. They know that when some developed nations will shortly deplete the world and lead to back to back cataclysmic events that will devastate the entire planet. Consequently, aliens all around the world will initiate a very oppressive order upon all of humanity and all nations will fall under alien order because they won't have the resources or the stability to maintain their state nor the collapsing world. Mass manufacturing too much technology and junk products packaged in plastics for the sake of economic growth are detrimental to the environment and the future. This will only weaken any nation against the alien races that have been here quite a while. Pollution and depletion must be banned completely worldwide before it's too late.

 A few nations competing with each other over technology, trade, manufacturing and other futile endeavors that will only make the human population more vulnerable to alien syndicates. They literally want the human race as their new servants to be used sternly. People must realize that they live in an alien universe where there are countless extraterrestrial races, groups, and organizations that cope with all others for trade, resources, territory, workforce, hierarchy, and many other issues. What's happening on Planet Earth has been transpiring on an infinite scale more aggressively. Fortunately, Planet Earth has the ultimate super-vegan and green pathogen that can rescue the entire humanity and the planet that's in danger now. The creator with the help of archangels has seeded the fundamental mechanism to surpass all alien races also uplift the human race as the physical archangels and powerful saviors of this magnificent, heavenly planet called Earth. This planet, all its diverse inhabitants and its uttermost biodiversity must be protected, restored and safeguarded from depletion, pollution, disasters also from alien races now. They're waiting the right time to strike for the final conquest after the world becomes very unstable as a result of conflicts, environmental degradation, diminishing resources, and catastrophic events. Nobody would benefit from any alien order that will be imposed in the near future so the world must be recovered and regenerated with a new green deal and the united vegan & green pathogen. All necessary actions must be taken worldwide with the cooperation of all nations otherwise any negative outcome in any place will affect the whole adversely. The industrial era is over, it's been extremely destructive recently. Technological advancements and mass manufacturing of loads of superfluous products packaged in plastics are the most ridiculous path to complete planetary deficiency, contamination, disorder, covert alien interferences, conflicts vice versa. The entire world must unite as one pathogen against the aliens to thwart their presence out of the solar system. Of course, these collective bugs, reptilians, greys wearing a variety of costumes are all the same, they all want the same thing, work for the same purpose. There are many races all over the world for decades with different looks, ships, abilities but they're all affiliated under one scheme; secretly, deceptively subjugate and acquire all of the resources for their own benefits and use. Several groups have been competing against each other for territory as well. We definitely need a pathogen that can overcome these alien forces and all of the problems of our planet now and in the future. Luckily, God had a grand plan and that's the united green-vegan super virus that will reclaim Planet Earth, rejuvenate the environment, accumulate the animals and all people under one super green force. This is the age of viruses and plagues to regreen the planet, eject the aliens and build the most sustainable, renewable and green civilization in the universe.

 Vegan and green movements and projects will never stop expanding. It's clear that staying at home most of the day will reduce all kinds of pollution and resource depletion by at least 90%. Of course, everyone needs basic necessities to live even if they're at home most of the day or 24/7. The lockdowns reveal the relief in nature and atmosphere, carbon emissions have dropped significantly. The economic system must be converted to carbon-neutral or negative by collaboration and that can be achieved by staying in or work from home. All supplies can be distributed equally to each home and even single-use plastics can be banned to halt plastics pollution. There is no need to destroy the world's limited resources to grow the economy, degrowth of economies may be very advantageous for the entire world now and in the future. The manufacturing and product lines should be scaled down to essentials only, therefore, the world's finite natural wealth is conserved for thousands of years. Going backward and going back to roots are required because pollution is ever-increasing. Over 90% of the products made are utterly needless, designed for profit and financial gain only. Now is the time to think about the limited deposits, environmental and climate change also the planet's ultimate future otherwise some aliens will take us over and it will be game over. They've done this to many naive and newly developing planetary systems, they were in need of help, technology was fascinating, ended up as peasants in a cruel alien system drifting in space searching for more. Perhaps, if the entire world is in lockdown for a while until the real problems are solved and the human civilization becomes extremely sustainable, renewable and green preserving what they have then we can be the super green force to even terraform other planets. Now is the best time to do whatever it takes to save the world and recover all the damage the industrialization has done for decades. There is no higher purpose than this because all of the other things that people do no matter how technologically advanced or sophisticated they are, will undermine the planet and all its fragile organisms, habitats and resources. The overdeveloped nations produce and consume the most of the natural wealth of the world not realizing that one day there will be nothing left or climate and environmental changes will devastate the entire world, even the developed nations. Without resources, no nation will be able to maintain their well-being and freedom against the alien races that have been here scrutinizing the human race for decades. The technologies and advancements they offered through exchange programs were exclusively plotted to drive the planet into catastrophic pollution, depletion and insecurity. That way, all nations would need help and aliens would take over the entire world easily. Even the strongest nations would have to comply with their proposals and arrangements planned to farm and exploit the entire human race. Alien orders are extremely harsh and ruthless for ordinary human beings, the alien beings that fell under other alien organizations control have lost their freedom and enjoyment completely. They became minions and servants in a very bitter hierarchical classification. Now they want human beings to be their next subspecies to be utilized and farmed forever. No human being would appreciate living under such cruel conditions imposed by alien beings. Aliens lost all their senses over thousands of years of living and operating under these circumstances. For these reasons, any alien activity around the world is extremely dangerous for the future of humankind, the alien presence must be completely banished out of the solar system. The alien hybrids that look human but work for the aliens should be seized and kept at a safe place. So many alien hybrids have been genetically engineered to carry out the secret alien agendas to take over the world and all of the world's resources for their own benefit. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the universe, no alien beings help or save each other especially newly developing and reckless societies.

 Entire humanity must unite under one higher purpose to rescue the planet, protect and safeguard all of the resources and biospheres for the next thousands of years. Of course, alien races hidden around the world do not want this, they instead wait for the human civilization to eradicate their self-support by polluting, destroying and consuming the natural resources that the Earth contains abundantly. No civilization in the universe needs too much technology, mass productions, and junk products packaged in plastics to live and thrive. Most of the civilizations even the advanced ones regulate productions and consumption to halt pollutions and resource exhaustion for the prospects because excessive industrialization isn't advanced by any means, it's very destructive anywhere in the universe. Humanity is supposed to go back to their roots and forget about the technologies mostly provided by certain alien races with deceptive agendas. All of the technologies that people buy and use every day will be controlled by the alien overlords in the near future, this is their master plan that's perfectly designed for alien interests only. No human beings will benefit from this in the future, having less technology that's essential for daily life and certain tasks is adequate even for advanced societies in the universe. Mass manufacturing countless electronics, technological gadgets and junk merchandise causing extreme pollution and depleting the limited natural wealth of the planet is the quickest path to falling under cruel alien domination that will last forever. Myriads of alien societies native to their worlds have succumbed to larger empires or deceptive alien groups like the ones here on Earth now. This is definitely the biggest threat for humanity and it's also related to technologies, environment and diminishing resources plus climate change. Many alien races are waiting to strike one last time to completely overtake the human race that will be very weak and confused after the coming cataclysms. It looks like nothing but the united super-vegan pathogen force can save the planet and overthrow the malevolent, deceptive alien occupancy. All of the environment, forests, habitats, and natural resources ought to be restored and shielded from devastation and overuse by all nations around the world. Countries like Nepal can be the example displaying the carbon-neutral, negative and sustainable civilization with sufficient technology and productions with little or no pollution or depletion of any kind. These types of countries will become very futuristic superpowers in the future because of their sustainability and green, lush ecosystems. The overdeveloped ones will exhaust all of their supplies so the imperative action must be taken collectively as soon as possible since some nations have conspired climate change, environmental decline, and contamination into its extremity. No alien technologies will contribute to the development and advancement of the human race considering the fact that they've been intelligently designed for evil plans.

 The human race has been created by the angelic forces with a grand plan overseeing Earth for millions of years. Mankind can become a very powerful, wise and cooperative, angelic and green force over Earth to even outmatch all alien races. Technology and advancements are not required to grow as an advanced and sustainable civilization in the universe. Most advanced civilizations tend to be plant-based and self-sustaining in nature, technologies and over manufacturing will only exhaust limited resources. Vegan - green movements and mindsets are augmenting increasingly all over the planet and their positive benefits over health, environment, ecosystems and animals' lives are wonderful. A lot of countries are going green and even shutting down most of the destructive industries gradually. It seems like super-vegan and green pathogens can save the planet, entire humanity plus defend the civilization from any deceptive and secretive alien races. Terraformation era is starting with projects to colonize Mars and other spheres in our solar system. If it succeeds efficiently, the human race will secretly emerge as the angelic terraform super force in this part of the universe. There are only a few advanced alien races that can terraform barren planets with great success. Don't think that other planets will contain an abundance of resources but they can still be terraformed in certain ways and colonies can survive in domed structures and underground facilities. Humans are spiritual beings and most alien races and organizations don't feel the need of being and practicing spirituality by any manners. There are many angelic powers like archangels and many smaller angels watching and guiding intelligent societies for future ideals. They know better than anyone and aliens what the ultimate direction is and it's not alien or technological. Some technology is needed for any society but excessively manufacturing and use of these technologies and industries will make you vulnerable to alien exploitation and environmental also climate change. In the future, right after the world is secured and stabilized from depletion, pollution, climate change, and alien interferences, the marvelous human race with the help of myriads of archangels can spread pathogens onto other deserted or depleted planets and terraform them for the sake of creating new Earth-like planets that are very rare and valuable. Everything is changing now, we all live in a totally different age in an alien universe where the aliens already here trying to take advantage of our society, our technologies and our resources granted to us by the creator. No intelligent alien races will help us now or in the future so humanity must unite as one super green force rapidly to save Planet Earth, secure the perishing resources and establish a very sustainable, green civilization immune to catastrophic events, diminishing of resources plus alien intrusions forever. Going green will help us evolve in every field of human civilization but it's not enough. Planting trees won't save the planet but it's still necessary and it can be done by everyone. Our human society requires a reset because the industrial era has been very destructive especially to forests, animals, the environment and the fragile, limited natural wealth. Going vegan improves your health, your perceptive abilities, creativity, and intelligence as well as wastes a lot less water, saves millions of animals and the ecosystem you're part of. We must move forward as a mostly vegan, fully green and renewable civilization and productivity towards prospects of every field of human survival. Most of the technological alien societies and organizations lost their connection to nature and spiritual forces that exist within them also around them. Therefore, we must reconnect with nature and the spiritual forces that oversee and protect the Earth, humans and all life to become a more advanced and progressive order. No matter how sustainable, advanced or green the industries are, they will somehow deplete natural resources of the planet to make the entire population very vulnerable and powerless against skillful extraterrestrial forces that have been all around the world on the sly for decades. No alien beings are superior to human beings, Human DNA has been fundamentally conceived by the archangel super forces with the blueprints granted by the creator. As a result, the human race has more potential and capability to become more self-enriching, creative and productive than all alien races. They're just beings from some either deserted or drained systems roaming in space seeking organic supplies that are very precious for their own use and in space trades.

 The mighty human beings are predestined to become most advanced in the universe if they can overcome the problems and alien forces with collective action then terraform many new Earth-like planets in the future. Planet Earth is always first so the time is now to do whatever it takes to rescue and shield the whole. The human race will evolve as the archangel super force that can turn any landscape into extremely lush and prolific like in heavenly realms that your spirit travels after death. Planet Earth can be the physical heavenly realm if it's treated right by the human mind-body-soul trinity from now on. This is the new age of universal intelligence that will always examine and attempt to exploit the newly ripening human awareness for their own benefit and use. Space isn't a place of heavens and riches, it's extremely dangerous and commanded by countless alien races. It seems like pathogens and plagues appearing all around the world is nature's action to stop the environmental and climate destabilization caused by human beings' expansion of excess industrialization. Nobody needs that many products either made by plastics or packaged in single-use plastics, plastics are highly pollutant to oceans and landfills. Saving and clean-up of the planet must begin now since nature has alerted the population about the consequences of pollution and degradation. Perhaps, a lot of unnecessary industries must come to an end, the overdeveloped nations that pollute and use most of the resources must be strictly regulated. All of the mind control that aliens cast upon many individuals in power and influence must be counteracted and alien groups must be removed out of their hidden bases. If people knew what's going on around the world either alien or environmental related, they'd absolutely unite to save the world as their full-time jobs. This may be the Independence Day everyone was waiting for and it's been executed behind scenes by many alien races to overtake the human race that's weakening and overusing their limited resources and supplies. To restore the beautiful green Planet Earth in danger and eject the fraudulent alien races and technologies can be embraced as everyone's higher purpose for the next thousands of years. Humans will always be on Earth but things are changing fast at this time so we have to proceed into great sustainability, green renewability plus environmental resource protection for the whole world. The human race will eventually surpass all alien races that are here or elsewhere because Planet Earth is a very special resource hub seeded by angelic forces sent by the Creator to be the genetic and biological storehouse in this region of the universe. Therefore, world's human population is assigned to be the super green saviors of this living diverse system and kick alien donkey jackasses out of the solar system forever and ever  =D

Tuesday, March 17, 2020



 It seems like these are end times, catastrophic events hitting the entire world back to back. We must find a way to save the world and the human race as soon as possible or things will get a lot worse. Our planet and the human race that's part of it are extremely valuable, unique and diverse to be classified as one of the best planets in the universe. We are supposed to do whatever it takes to restore the planet and maintain entire humanity before it's too late. There have been enormous forest fires, pandemics, floods and several alien races trying to gain control of the world population secretively. The human race hasn't been good saviors of this magnificent planet replete with extreme biodiversity and natural resources that most alien races nor alien worlds contain. Therefore these beings have come here to somehow take over the planet secretly for their own benefit, this is extremely dangerous for the future and evolution of mankind. This has happened countless times in the universe clandestinely and the alien orders have been immensely harsh and prohibitory to the freedom and well-being of the native inhabitants like humans. Independence Day and the Armageddon have started, nothing will be the same ever again. There will be many alien races and organizations operating in and around the Earth to gain control of humanity to turn them into subspecies farmed and exploited with extreme deception. This is a dangerous time unlike anything else ever occurred in history, now is the only time to leave all of the things that destroy and deplete the world's perishable resources and go fully green to regenerate the entire planet rapidly. No alien races that are here will save the planet nor the human race. They're only here to carry out their own secret agendas which are flawlessly determined to acquire the planet and the human race as their new servants. The entire world must cease all of the destructive productions and consumption to focus on the projects and tasks that can rejuvenate the whole and stop the depletion immediately. Destroying a glorious planet seeded and created to be the biological and genetic resource hub in this region of the universe is utterly dangerous for all living organisms including humans.

 Scientists warn that we have less than a decade to refresh the civilization in order to halt climate change and other cataclysmic events that will only aggravate each year. The planet is depleting cause of the industrial and economic growth, the industrial era must be terminated to yield green movements, productions, single-use plastics bans, veganism, reforestation, green constructions, city designs, and many more regenerative projects, businesses, and enterprises. The human civilization is obliged to transform itself profoundly to outmatch all fraudulent alien races. No alien beings are superior to any human being. They abducted many people all over the world to genetically engineer an alien-hybrid breed that's indistinguishable from normal humans. They've placed them in most world cities to integrate with society so they can somehow dominate the world population for alien interests. Since the human population has been reckless and conflicted with this unique world called Earth and to each other, aliens have arrived to take control and acquire all of the world's resources that are endangered. There are millions of alien-hybrids in many of the world's cities conforming into the human population to carry out the secret alien agendas. The alien threat isn't just one particular extraterrestrial organization, there are several races in competition with each other to overrule various regions. This covert undertaking is one of the biggest perils for humankind now and in the future. Newly developing civilization can solve all of the problems and surmount the coming cataclysmic events. Even the richest or most powerful would fall under any alien order eventually. At first, they'd deceive the people in power with offerings then all of them would be replaced by these human-looking alien-hybrids. The entire world must act collectively as a hive mind to resolve the biggest issues, some are extremely classified. The beautiful Planet Earth is depleting each day for the sake of economic growth and unnecessary, for-profit products. Ever-increasing consumption has been polluting the landfills, oceans, the air, killing billions of animals and causing mass extinctions around the world. Entire humanity definitely needs a reset at this time. The people who adopt minimalist lifestyles are happier, freer and more concentrated on the things that actually matter. Making more, having more products packaged in plastics to make more money to pay the same things over and over again will certainly diminish the non-renewable resources and natural wealth. Climate change will ignite more forest fires, more environmental degradation, floods, larger hurricanes and sea levels will rise up to 100 feet to submerge all of the world's biggest coastal cities. Day after tomorrow has been transpiring progressively. Catastrophic events and conflicts between nations will make the world population more vulnerable to alien manipulations that are already here hiding in underground, underwater bases, the dark side of the moon and many other obscure places.

 There was a scout asteroid dashed through the solar system observing the activity around Earth. This may be the sign that more alien races have discovered this planet with the utmost biodiversity and rare resources. More of them will enter the solar system to compete with the existing ones undercover. The reason all of their operations and agendas have been kept unrevealed is they literally want to take over Planet Earth and the human race as their newest minions. This is extremely dangerous for any developing race like humans with great potential to find solutions to urgent happenings also evolve as the magnificent green saviors of this luscious living system. It's been unknown that Planet Earth has been specially seeded with great amounts of biological diversity and natural deposits as the storehouse in this part of the galaxy. Therefore it has the ability to even terraform many depleted or dead systems with the help of its native populace. This is the reason aliens want all of this elegance for their own benefit. They either never had these assets or depleted their homeworld forcing them to wander in space to search or trade. Most of the technology people buy and use today has been granted by aliens through years of exchange programs. These technologies aren't designed to benefit the human population, it's becoming more of a control mechanism each day. Following the path to more technological achievements and productions will rapidly deplete your planet to make you dependent on foreign alien powers. This is exactly what they want and people were completely unaware of what's been contrived in the background. Too much technology will limit your freedom and suck the hard-earned money out of you. You give all your time and energy to make the money to pay for the same things increasingly, you're all becoming servants to technology, needless products, and a broken system. More technology will never save anyone or the planet. Some of it is needed but too much of anything will consume you and all of the declining resources. The planet is already unstable at this time in consequence of environmental degradation, deforestation, global warming, and mass extinctions. It's obvious that some nations are draining the planet faster than others to force it into instability. The Earth has a superlative blueprint composed of the archangels accredited to this living depository. It has to be protected and preserved by the intelligent saviors assigned here. Humans are spiritual beings and most of the intelligent life is spiritual in essence as well. The physical realm is connected to spiritual realms considering the many people who go to the other side then come back here again as a newborn baby. Some people who go through near-death experiences describe a very lush and vivid reality there. Indeed, the divine archetype is out there constantly regenerating itself glamorously. Planet Earth has conceived of a divine blueprint that we can emulate successfully. The fundamental structure is manifested in nature all around us. We can mimic nature and its continual regeneration in all businesses and industries without diminishing the equilibrium.

 Going fully green, plant-based with no destructive chemicals and plastics can progress our civilization into the next stage of evolution and renewability. This is the era of terraformation, the industrial era is over. Restoring the Earth into its greenest and most sustainable state is humanity's new mission. The world is depleting each day and this is exactly what the aliens want. After the world is depleted, entire humanity will end up exposed to cruel alien rule over. There are many alien races that work with the developed nations around the world. People believe developing more technology will improve civilization, in fact, it's the total opposite. Technologically developed nations will be the first ones to fall under alien order to farm and exploit them sternly. There are very green, sustainable, less developed and carbon-neutral or negative nations around the world where there is none or little alien activity. It's obvious that aliens want the human race to drain all of their essential resources to become more dependent on them. There are millions of hybrids worldwide hiding in cities and in secret alien bases to eventually govern the weakening human society. The nations that are growing and expanding aggressively must be regulated before it's too late. They're the cause of climate change, environmental degradation, and pollutions. They will shortly drive the planet into extreme scarcity, assuming that they will take over the world. Indeed it will be the aliens and hybrids who will take over after the loss of self-sufficiency. Aliens have the ability to mind control anyone, even the rich or powerful no matter who they are. The new generation of alien hybrids is ready and well-integrated into human society secretly. You must understand this is the only time to save the planet, time is running out faster each day. The entire world must unite to stop the depletion, pollutions and other problems in order to put an end to the deceptive alien organizations that have been on Earth for quite a while. This planet has the perfect design to self-sustain itself into eternity if it's managed the right way by the humans. In the course of time, human civilization can become more advanced and sustainable than all alien races also terraform plenty of distinct planetary systems. Humanity has been exquisitely conceived by the mighty archangels overseeing the Earth for a few billions of years. The formation of planets comprising intelligent living organisms like humans or others is completed by these powerful archangels abiding in the higher expanse over Earth. Therefore humans have the capacity to become the unified saviors of Planet Earth and all living organisms. Aliens want you to deplete your world for the sake of technology, economic growth, and vice versa so they can take advantage of the impoverished human population worldwide easily. Now is the best time to reform and rehabilitate your growing civilization. All of the industries that exhaust the planet's nature must be converted to extremely sustainable speedily. To achieve maximum sustainability, renewability, and reclamation for the next thousands of years of existence upon Earth, a global shutdown may be required for the conversion into the new green world.

 You should know that no alien races that are here anticipate a good future for the humanity that's newly developing but started to undermine their beautiful homeworld in such a short time. Greening of the planet is launched by numerous nations because a lot of people have been asserting the consequences of environmental deterioration, animal agriculture, deforestation, global warming and plastics, and other pollutions. All of these and more are contributing to climate change and planetary instability. Now there is a mass pandemic probably caused by wildlife consumption. There may be many more devastating catastrophic events hitting the human population back to back because almost no aspect or industry of the human race is sustainable. The planet's nature and resources are rapidly diminishing for the reason of greed and gluttony of mankind. The economic system isn't working for the benefit of the world population and the planet's well-being. Working more to pay more, having more to destroy the entire world and all living organisms isn't a great idea but people are acquainted with the life and work this way. If a very sustainable and effective new system can be devised to manage the whole world, climate change and other coming catastrophes can be revoked and a united, plant-based, green and abundant biosphere can be established in short order. This planet has the potential to flourish as the most magnificent eco-rich civilization in the universe with the cooperation of human beings. However, everything has to be regulated and rectified to smoothly proceed to the new age of maximum sustainability, renewability, reclamation and green abundance. After only 10 years of functioning the same old ways, the pollutions, environmental and resource insecurity plus the climate change will befall relentlessly ferocious and make the human population extremely defenseless to alien trickery even for the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, there is enough evidence that the universe and the alien races are immensely dangerous to the newly developing human population around the world. Although humans have been reckless and conflicted, they're inherently gifted with the uttermost promise to constitute the greenest, most self-sustaining, inexhaustible, forested, united, self-renewing and enriching civilization in the universe. It's been unknown that humanity has the potential to surpass all alien races since most of them come from dead or depleted planets with little or no resources. Technological growth drains any civilizations resources in such a short time for them to end up comply with very strict space trades and rules. The best way to progress into the future for human civilization is through highly green, imperishable, natural resource management. Thus, all aspects of human lives and productions must be readjusted to reverse the extreme pollution and destruction towards the natural world that all living organisms including humans are part of. It's apparent that the industrial era and expansion that served humanity for decades is coming to an end to abolish catastrophic events and tricky alien intercessions once and for all.

 We can build a new world now while the world is shut down for a period of time. The crisis hit the planet at the right time to awaken people how serious and perilous the industrial course is driving the whole through mass extinctions and constant depletion. This is absolutely what the aliens want. It happened to them before. Once the world is depleted, going through drastic shortages, insecurity then the several alien races that work with several nations will initiate a very cruel order to exploit the entire humanity for their own benefit. The industrialization and technologies that diminish the world's natural, limited resources, and deposits must be shut down or readjusted to become extremely sustainable. Aliens that granted the technology to some nations planned their agenda way ahead. They didn't want anyone to know what they were up to. Maximum industrialization, technological advancements, and consumption will force the entire world down the drain to quickly collapse and make it easy for the aliens to conquer and coerce the whole population. There are only 10 years left until climate change and the environment are completely disastrous, this will spawn endless disasters striking back to back. Luckily, there are green, plant-based, plant trees and many save the world movements around the world. A lot of people are awakening to what's going on and launching projects, startups and new strategies to save the planet and expel the treacherous alien collectives. The extreme manufacturing of many technological and unnecessary products packaged in plastics will only pollute and deplete the entire planet dragging into scarcity, turmoil, and cruel alien orders. There is enough evidence that there are several alien collectives working with several nations for decades. They want many nations to compete and contend against each other so the world becomes more unstable and insecure each day. Aliens are the ultimate deceivers in disguise, no human being has the mental powers and mind control of these alien beings. They were the ones in the background who forced the world into pollution, conflicts, unstable climate and ecosystem with the technology they've granted. All of human rights have been violated by various alien races. Most of them are collective organizations so they consist of a few races because they've already taken over many alien worlds and turned their inhabitants into servants in a ruthless and uniform hierarchical order. Human beings would find this alien system extremely intolerable and inhumane. Therefore no human being should be part of any alien organizations now or in the future. In the future, once the world is in need of help cause of environmental, climate changes also shortages and devastations, these alien races that are all over the world for decades will launch their final plan to use and exploit all of humanity in every way possible. Even the rich and powerful will fall, all administrations of the world will fall under alien order or will be terminated. The arts, music, entertainment and all of the things that give joy and comfort to human beings will be completely abolished forever under the alien command. This is definitely the biggest threat to all of humanity no matter their ethnicity, language, and customs, this is basically the end of all of the things that you love and live for.

 Opportunely, the green, vegan, plant-based and many other movements to save animals and the world are spreading apart faster than anything. Although there are environmental disasters, forest fires, global warming, and pollution worldwide, there are so many reforestation, coral reef restoration, green city and buildings, permaculture farming and green the desert projects taking off globally. We can build the greenest, most sustainable and abundant planet to feed and care for the growing world population now. The Earth is still fertile everywhere but the economic system must be changed for the better. It seems like the city and nationwide lockdowns cause of the recent pandemic have relieved the atmosphere and the environment profoundly in only a few weeks. This may be the groundwork for a new social and economic system to benefit the environment, climate, ecosystems, and the entire planet's resources. We cannot drain all of the perishable resources and destroy the world for the aliens to take over and abuse the human race forever. The similar version of the movie Independence Day has been occurring in the background without acknowledgment of the public. Aliens have been taking over for decades and the technology plus the advances they've offered were to trick many nations to deplete the world to end up needy to alien overlords. No alien beings are better or more advanced than human beings. Human DNA is the superlative blueprint that's constantly evolving for the human race to rise as the most brilliant saviors of one of the most magnificent planets in the universe called the Earth. Humans as the spiritual and physical creators will eventually reach the archangel status. Aliens are just some scavengers, must be removed as soon as possible. Overuse and production of technologies will drain the planet so most of the industries must be shut down or actively regulated before it's too late. There are only 10 years to save the planet from now on then the climate and ecosphere will be highly cataclysmic to devastate all nations. Humanity is uniting as one super green force to restore and shield this glorious system. Plant, trees and other self-generating organisms will always help now and in the future to build the self-enriching, green and fully renewable domain that humans protect and regenerate. A united super-green force is in creation that will terraform the entire world as the most self-generative and sustainably advanced, expel plus outmatch all the covert alien races. This is inevitable. The alien races that are here aren't that advanced in any way, they're just scavenger forces seeking biological resources that they find valuable in space trade and other uses. In order to save the world and build the best future for everyone, we must invent a modern social and economic structure that will be beneficial and productive for the people also the biosphere with only complete renewable resources. Earth is literally one of the most beautiful and abundant planets in the universe, the research indicates that most worlds even Earth-like ones are mostly arid. Our planet can be the best ever without any alien interference, humans must unite to recover this magnificent legacy given to us by God and archangels hereafter.

Thursday, March 12, 2020



 This is it !! It's coming, the future is here. From now on, everything will be totally different than before. Human DNA is the secret quantum computer that was kept dormant for thousands of years. The human race has been created by the Prime Creator to become the Terraform Gods of the alien universe. There are myriads of archangels and angels work for terraformation of the universe where intelligent alien life is abounding. Matter fact, Planet Earth has been terraformed by archangels assigned to seed and create a planet that's the biological and genetic resource hub in this region of the universe. This planet and the human race are both intensely valuable therefore they're both must be saved and preserved from secretive alien races, environmental disasters, instability, and scarcity. Each human being has been selected and appointed to be the saviors of humanity and the world as part-time or full-time. There are extremely critical threats that are already here and approaching that can devastate the human race harshly. There are many alien races and groups around the world doing whatever it takes to gain control of the naive and weakening human population. This is immensely dangerous for the future and freedom of the human race that's perfectly designed and created to protect and enrich their magnificent, unique homeworld called Earth. Don't think that any alien races will come and save humanity and the world, it's totally the opposite and they've been operating clandestinely to take over and turn many human beings into exploited subspecies for decades. People have the ultimate force and abilities to switch the Earth civilization into the greenest, most efficient and occult covert force that can even reverse terraform many alien planets that are desolate or depleted. The evolution of Earth into its lively stage wasn't spontaneous, people must understand that there are always angelic forces around planets containing intelligent living organisms like humans. These angelic authorities constitute and help the formation of life over planets from a higher realm that other beings aren't able to enter. For that reason, terraforming other planets even Earth into its most renewable and self-sustaining phase would nominate the human race as the mighty physical archangels of this realm.

 This is the absolute future for everyone living and will live here. There is research indicating the reality of planetary systems farther from the solar system that most of them are arid or drained by the probable technological civilizations that inhabit them. Fortunately, planets like the Earth have been specially conceived to revive dying systems into Earth-like active microcosms with the cooperation of the world population and all nations. There is a grave danger that must be averted before it ends up more dangerous and irreversible. Some alien races have been already here in and around the world to dominate the reckless population by secret operations. They already genetically engineered an alien hybrid race that looks exactly human but in correlation with these alien beings to overtake the weakening world population. This is one of the most treacherous incidents that can happen to any populace in the universe, so many planets have been monopolized this way by many alien civilizations. In the future, as revenge for this happening, some alien worlds can be terraformed and taken over by the mighty human principals because most alien races that are highly technological aren't able to terraform nor regenerate their own homeworlds they originate in. They either depleted or never had the resources and compounds to restore life and viability in these planetary systems so they wander in space in search of these essentials or obtain them through space trade. Many alien races have been examining the Earth and human society for a long time but they weren't able to establish control mechanisms here in order to acquire essential resources for their own benefit. Some of them after many attempts and experiments somehow created an alien hybrid race to overrule the human population worldwide. No alien races are here to help or save the planet and the world population by any means, they will do whatever it takes to exploit the reckless and divided nations. Luckily, there are growing green movements that can change the world for the better and eventually unify mankind as one to overturn deceiving beings and save the planet with collective action. The cosmic collective intelligence is immensely rigorous and competitive for any human being to even simply encounter without being overwhelmed. They're already here and they want most of the population to become their minions to be farmed and utilized grimly. Human beings have been genetically devised by the archangels assigned to this planet. They're all-powerful beings overseeing the Earth constantly for millions of years. Now is the time for people to remember their fundamental purpose to be here. Archangels aren't allowed to interfere in the physical realm because that would eliminate the lessons and experiences of learning and growth. They see there are alien activities and planetary instability caused after the expanding industrial era worldwide.

 Industrial automation and technological advancements aren't going to save the planet or make humans more advanced over time. This is the ultimate path to resource depletion that will inflict alien orders over the masses. No one will gain anything out of this, the rich and powerful will eventually lose or get replaced as well. Thus, restoration of the planet must begin immediately to raise the sustainable prosperity and strength of the whole world to become capable to overcome anticipated catastrophes also overthrow expedient extraterrestrial factions. The Earth has the utmost capacity to revive dying or depleting systems into sustainable structures so many of the alien worlds can be terraformed for them to become continually vigorous. It's like human beings collectively have the power to evolve into Almighty Terraform Gods to launch the creation of an Earth-like universe, probably many new human species may appear in each system that's interconnected to each other as a dynamic living organism. Of course, each new sphere would call for the appointments of many fresh potent archangels to help with terraformation procedures invisibly. There are legions of archangels, angels and spiritual beings like humans that function around countless planetary systems comprising intelligent life. The decline of the world has been caused by people so they must restore it back with their own effort and cooperation before it's too late. The environment and perishable resources are extremely significant for the stability of world civilization. It seems like Planet Earth is required to be terraformed to refresh its natural balance before the launch of terraformation and colonization of other planets like Mars. In the future, even many alien worlds that are deteriorating can be revived through the process of terraforming that's already mastered in dead worlds like Mars or numerous moons. This will shift the human society into the status of universal archangels because only civilizations from a few selected planets like Earth that embody the life-generating sources can revive deserted spheres. Only very few advanced alien civilizations were able to achieve this level of brilliance turning depleted or arid planets into habitable, viable landscapes for their own race to expand. Since the Earth is undergoing an alien override that's kept secret for decades, the homeworlds of these beings can be covertly terraformed and seized in order to invigorate these draining planetoids. The resource depletion has probably forced countless alien races and organizations to search and gather the essentials elsewhere in space. The archangels of the universe assigned to planets with intelligent life cannot stop this from happening but they can help with terraformation of a freshly new universe that will be predominantly Earth-like.

 Planet Earth that orbits inside the habitable zone has been chosen by the angelic forces a few billions of years ago to be seeded as the biological genetic storehouse in this domain of the universe. Therefore it could recover depleted or dead systems contained intelligent life forms. Human beings are spiritual beings, indeed, they aren't much different than angelic beings. They still have the power and authority to be creative and healing in their surroundings on real planets. Spiritual beings like humans incarnate continuously into the physical realm comprising myriads of spheric living planetary systems and life is mostly rough everywhere but this can change. Even though the Earth is going through changes caused by the human interference and industrial era, it still has the capability to refresh itself to a sustainably upgraded stage for humans to live and prosper harmoniously. Planet Earth is always first, it's all you have into eternity. If terraformation becomes successful on Mars or elsewhere, these places will never be like the Earth or it would take a long time for them to flourish as the new Earths. The Earth has been supplied with the life-generating elements and genetic material for eons for the living organisms and habitats to evolve. There have been alien seedings and support from archangels with many new compounds and biological organisms to enrich the whole planet's biodiversity. Perhaps, the human race may rise as the united vegan alien archangels to save and restore the magnificent Planet Earth into its heavenly limitlessly self-enriching and vividly luscious stage. This will definitely reach other planets and solar systems nearby with the emergence of the angelic terraform force called humans. Industrial eras and high consumption for-profits cycle are concluding amid the creation of the gloriously lush and biophilic millennium where homo sapiens are ripening as the super green force to achieve superlative sustainability and renewability with green, plant-based productions. This planet can be the greenest and most imperishable if it's treated the right way. Mother Earth is calling humanity to go back to their roots and characterize themselves as the native protectors of this spheric living organism.

 Biophilic lifestyles and designs can look futuristic and adorn the growing cities around the world. We definitely must act now to reverse climate change to turn our civilization into climate-neutral or negative. A complete plant-based, biophilic and green civilization worldwide can achieve extraordinary output and unity to overcome the calamities, secret alien agendas and become more advanced and fertile than other space civilizations that are here around the world or wandering in space. Green movements and building designs are rising in popularity each day and may even save the entire planet plus humanity with increased abundance and prosperity fueled only by plants and renewable sources. We live in a totally disparate reality emerging as a newly developing civilization in the universe. Humanity has the potential to surpass all alien races because aliens come from mostly depleted or deserted planets with very scarce resources. The human race can even terraform many alien worlds if they can accomplish terraformation of dead planetoids like Mars, the process will be similar in other worlds. Green will always win in the future, most alien civilizations aren't green or vegan. We can be the united super green force in the universe to restore and safeguard a very exquisite sphere called Earth. The entire world must shift to carbon-neutral as soon as possible to halt the coming cataclysms and deceiving alien manipulation that will hit the human population back to back atrociously. Nobody is safe from the threats, you can see the pandemics already jeopardizing the populace that's been very reckless with industrial growth. Although people need products to survive and live comfortably, all industries can convert to completely green also all products can be made compostable, plastic-free with green, plant-based materials. Some cities and nations incorporate green buildings, plant-based productions, composting and single-use plastics ban into their infrastructure plus doing all they can to convert to carbon-neutral. Biophilic designs and cities will be more common in the future because they're very futuristic and alluring. Biophilia can improve everyone's lives, mood, and health if it's applied efficiently. This planet embodies the heavenly blueprint of vivid and lush higher realms with its biodiversity, beauty, and opulence so all of its diversity, forests, resources and the human race must be saved to maintain sustainability and renewability of the living systems. Green, vegan and plant-based revolutions and products will conjoin entire humankind as one super force outmatching all alien races to begin greening the planet then terraforming countless planets into eternity. The future is now, it's started and nothing will ever be the same again. Getting rich is determined by how much plants, trees you have and how much limitlessly renewable resources you produced with them.

 Human being has been created to enrich its environment and surroundings with new sprouts and perennials then evolve as the almighty terraform archangel operating in the physical realm. This is the most evolved and advanced stage a spiritual, mind-body-soul being can reach. Higher realms and the Earth were never separated from one another, the physical realm can become heavenly with the support of human beings. There are myriads of powerful, tall archangels overseeing each system containing intelligent life and the human race is predestined to merge with them to create a new universe of magnificence. All worlds that bear intelligent living organisms like humans have been conceived by these omnipotent forces interconnected with God that's everywhere. Considering the fact that human beings are spiritual in essence and travel in between other realms and physical realms like Earth, human mind-body-soul trinity will eventually ascend as the archangels of natural planetary systems. The formation of planets like Earth has been executed by many celestial archangels that watch over countless planets and all of intelligent life in the universe. If humanity can protect and preserve their magnificent homeworld also maintain its perishable, fragile sources, they will have the capability of achieving greatness through cooperation. Being an angel or a powerful archangel with exclusive and creative abilities isn't much different being a spiritual being in a human body. They apparently still complete many tasks to keep the whole in order each day similar to what people do to continue their lives. The era of survival instincts is coming to an end, just toiling yourself to pay the same things over and over again to survive isn't productive nor fun. This is one of the reasons the planet is declining rapidly and there are many space beings are trying to take advantage of this madness. Consistent economic growth with products that kill and pollute the environment, oceans and the air isn't the way to live nor survive in a world that's getting more fragile each day. The industrial era has grown and expanded the human population around the world but it's started to annihilate the frail planetary balance and vitality. The conflicts over differences, beliefs, and customs are unnecessary. Aliens will promote more conflicts and fluctuation in order to offer deceptive proposals with the help of alien-human hybrids that are integrated into the population worldwide. Humans are substantially more advanced and superior to any alien beings that come here trying to carry out secret operations to exploit the human race. These beings are like space pirates, nobody allows them in their worlds but they somehow infiltrated to Earth with deception and technological offerings. People all around the world have the utmost potential and diversity to create the ultimate self-renewing resource world and imperishable, green mass productions. The key to achieving the archangel status and expertise for all human beings is through the protection of the planetary resources and ecosystems as well as complete, plant-based independence worldwide. Single-use plastics are harmful to the environment and oceans so they must be replaced with compostable and recyclable options. All products can be made plant-based, compostable and plastic-free with sustainable resources without depleting or damaging the environment.

 There is a great possibility to become way more advanced than all other civilizations in this part of the universe because Planet Earth is an exceptional resource and genetic storehouse that contains a tremendous amount of biodiversity and natural wealth. Planets like this are able to give birth or revive new ones around them once their intelligent species mature to a level of terrific unity, sustainability, renewability, and biophilic growth. There may be some advanced, vegan, plant-based societies affiliated with each other in the proximity of the solar system where Earth orbits. Distances are still deep to reach other systems but human civilization newly developing can consolidate with this progressive and efficient federation in the future. Their purpose is biophilic productions and enhancement in all collaborating planetary systems. The alien beings here aren't any of them, these organizations entering the Earth are fraudulent. The advanced plant-based supporters will approach human civilization in the future after Earth populace thwart the extraterrestrial and hybrid deception also build a cooperatively united and eco-rich civilization. The future is now, the universe is here. There are major hazards ahead that can devastate the whole living system but you can flourish as the greenest, vegan, eco-friendly archangels of the universe. You have the power of plants and trees. They're the foundation of all life even divine presence =D

Sunday, March 8, 2020



 This is it, we're creating the best world ever in the entire universe. The time is here now and everyone is in this game. Although the planet has been going through forest fires, epidemic, mass extinctions, deforestation, and global warming, there is still extraordinary potential to reverse all of these and build the most eco-rich productive paradise around the world where everyone is rich. There is a fascinating inevitable awakening going on worldwide that people realize that we must save the world as soon as possible collectively before it's too late. A new city and habitation design can be implemented into existing and new locations where people abide called biophilic. Biophilic designs empower the natural growth and greenery in every construction, city, and industry to transform the bland concrete and greenhouse gas-emitting places into green, eco-rich jungle centers. As you know, nature improves everyone's mood and happiness besides it can produce many products needed if it's plowed efficiently. Human beings are part of nature in every way possible. Sadly, the industrialization era hasn't been good for human health, ecosystems, animals and the natural stability of the planet. It seems like the industrialization era is coming to its end once and for all, people never needed so many artificially manufactured products to live or work with anyway. Nature is calling for humanity to go back to their roots and embrace nature's renewable, sustainable resources, and growth in all fields' of human development and existence to reverse the catastrophic events and reverse the damage the civilization has induced during the industrial era globally. Terraformation of other planets that everyone is talking about now has to be introduced on Planet Earth first in order for it to function and restore our declining civilization first. Luckily, there are so many powerful expanding green and vegan movements around the world changing the society for the better also planting trees, greening deserted regions into fertile landscapes. We can execute natural productions powered by plants and mimicking nature around the growing cities where most of the world population dwells. Cities are fun to visit and work at and most of the human population lives in big cities that we know of. Unfortunately, cities, cars, products on sale to feed and nurture the society are destructive to the environment, animals, forests, habitats and to the planet in general. You wouldn't want to live in an intensely depleted, polluted and chaotic world for the sake of economic growth and greed. Now is the best time to consider the planet's natural resources, forests plus all of the components that bind the whole instinctively. Making money, getting rich, needless consumption and artificial, plastic fabrications won't be beneficial in a planet depleting rapidly, warming climates will tremendously affect all of the world's economies, nations and rare, perishable organic supplies. Beyond this, the essential need as the clean water shall decrease into sheer scarcity as a consequence of warming climate and diminishing sources. The action to stop the coming cataclysms must be undertaken by all nations and people without exception because it will alter the global human civilization.

 There is more than enough evidence that there are otherworldly forces around the world to carry out their own agendas. Nobody knew why they were here until so many researchers acknowledged the existence and intention of these e.t groups conducting secret operations all over the world. They're apparently aspired to take over the human race with deception and technology turning them in servants for their own benefit. This is immensely treacherous for the future and evolution of the human race living on a beautiful planet. There is a legion of alien hybrids all over the world integrated into the society looking exactly like humans but in correlation with these deceitful alien races. Aliens aren't better than humans in any way. The human race has the utmost potential to become a very advanced and progressive civilization if they start doing the right things to save the world now. Aliens, hybrids or the technologies won't save the world nor humanity by any means. People that are very diverse, intelligent and skillful will be the saviors of this magnificent, vivid and eco-rich planet filled with glamorous biodiversity in a broad-spectrum. Rich worlds like the Earth are extremely rare and unique in the alien universe consisting of countless barren or depleted spheres. Consequently, many alien races and groups are here to gain control with deceptive technologies and strategies in order to procure the biological resources they don't have. These assets are inordinately valuable in space trades since most of the planets are either depleted or contains little of the essential sources. Unfortunately, the universe and intelligent humanoid species aren't what most people speculate. The reality is totally different than what's in movies, books, and general assumptions. The Earth and human society verged a condition that all nations must do whatever it takes to save the world and the entire population rather than wasting time and money on things that won't matter in a chaotic world either overtaken by aliens or devastated severely. Greening the planet and all its productions must begin as soon as possible to stop dangerous events like global warming, pollutions, deforestation, plastics, and desertification.

 Biophilic redesigning of all the world's cities can be successful to absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Overall, the whole world must switch to plant-based, vegan and green diets, cultivation as well as in all industries and businesses to restore the planet into its cleanest, most productive and carbon-negative state. Some scientists announced that there are less than two decades to accomplish becoming completely sustainable and renewable before it all ends up irreversible. Biophilic design is a concept used within the building industry to increase occupant connectivity to the natural environment through the use of direct nature, indirect nature, and space and place conditions. Used at both the building and city-scale, it is argued that this idea has health, environmental, and economic benefits for building occupants and urban environments, with little drawbacks. Although its name was coined in recent history, indicators of biophilic design have been seen in architecture from as far back as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Defined as 'the innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes', the biophilia hypothesis is the idea that humans have an inherited need to connect to nature and other biotic forms due to our evolutionary dependence on it for survival and personal fulfillment. This idea is relevant in daily life – humans travel and spend money to sightsee in national parks and nature preserves, relax on beaches, hike mountains, and explore jungles. Biophilic designs can improve the capability of cities' carbon-sequestering with flora. Green, forest buildings demonstrate some of the most efficient patterns that can be illustrated in world cities and the green architecture will only get better. There are so many cities around the world lacking greenery, plant life, park spaces, and trees. Nature, human and city modeling can be integrated as one dynamic format for them to become carbon-neutral, possibly even absorb excess carbon dioxide if it's amplified. In order to reverse global warming, all of human habitations and industries must go completely green and probably make use of biophilic construction and cultivation. Just planting trees isn't enough to overcome the coming changes or to halt climate change and time is running out rapidly. All cities can remodel and embody the biophilic, overflowing green architecture and plant-based productions to turn them into extremely enjoyable, fertile places. Green building brings together a vast array of practices, techniques, and skills to reduce and ultimately eliminate the impacts of buildings on the environment and human health. It often emphasizes taking advantage of renewable resources, e.g., using sunlight through passive solar, active solar, and photovoltaic equipment, and using plants and trees through green roofs, rain gardens, and reduction of rainwater run-off. Many other techniques are used, such as using low-impact building materials or using packed gravel or permeable concrete instead of conventional concrete or asphalt to enhance the replenishment of groundwater.

 This is how we can achieve the terraformation of our homeworld to upgrade it into its most exuberant phase to benefit the whole and reverse all of the environmental damage and warming the human race has caused during the industrial era. Now is a totally different era unlike anything else emerging into a universe packed with intelligent lifeforms and some of them are already here wanting this source in danger. We can invent the best future possible by adopting a very green, plant-based, natural lifestyle and mindset to enhance our surroundings. This is what we all need in this time that's imperiled by many catastrophic events and possible for more intense disasters. Going vegan, propagating plants and natural resources are the beginning of a new age of proliferating sustainability, renewability, green, plant-based, life-generating sources plus augmenting forests and farms. The growing population consumes and litters more than before so we must be aware of the damage we cause to the environment, ecosystems also to perishing natural wealth. The new green, vegan and plant-based awareness is spreading apart the world faster than any other phenomenon and people are finding new ways to restore the planet, save animals and invent new methods of renewable manufacturing as well. Now is the time to build the most advanced, extremely sustainable, exponentially biophilic planetary civilization powered by renewables that can surpass all alien races and terraform many planets near the solar system. Technology is never the solution to all of the problems, plants, trees, and renewable resources can repair the survival chaos our society is in and upgrade Planet Earth into its most profuse state for the benefit of the entire human race collectively. There is going to be competition from intelligent alien groups and organizations, this is the reality of the universe but we can outmatch all of them and shield our magnificent civilization from secret alien agendas. Human DNA is evolving and flourishing faster and humans have been gloriously designed to be the saviors and protectors of Planet Earth which is an extremely significant resource hub suffused with great amounts of biodiversity, unique and rare biological substances, and other deposits, reserves all around it. It can revive dead, depleted and dying planets into existence with the right procedures in the future. All of the world's cities will look like they're absolutely covered in moss and some cities already started to appear that way with the popularity of green movements and designs. Green means photosynthesis and it's what we need more in our world to somehow halt climate debacle besides formulating a healthier, harmonious and prolific societal order for people to thrive in. Each human being will reach the archangel status in the near future once the planet's breakdown is remedied with to make way for an extremely futuristic, vegan, biophilic paradise where everyone's rich.

 There will be many alien races coming from different places near or far from our solar system observing our society and planet with envy. They either never had what we had or they've undermined the resources they had for the sake of technological and industrial development and growth. This is the quickest path to planetary instability and would only make human society vulnerable to foreign powers in space. The only way to prevent alien races from conquering the human race secretly in order to acquire rare resources is to merge as one united vegan green and terraform force and do whatever it takes to restore the planet also enrich the renewable resources like trees, forests, plants, so many other completely renewable, sustainable productions for the benefit of the human race. This will eventually reach other planets because Earth's biological diversity is so powerful that it can revitalize the alien universe that's depleting extremely fast and becoming more chaotic than ever. It's no heaven out there in space but we can create new extremely abundant, green and self-sustaining Earth-like planets. The planets like this are very rare and well protected in a cosmos packed with countless desolate or exhausted spheres. Although there are lush, vivid heavens after you pass away, the physical universe where the Earth abides isn't what people assume it is. It's a very dangerous and active space consisting of myriads of intelligent races and systems. Some of them have been here quite a while examining and operating with secret programs to take over and exploit the human population worldwide. Now that we found the way to revitalize and upgrade the entire planet and human race into its most sustainably eco-rich splendor, we can somehow overthrow deceptive alien races trying to dominate humanity clandestinely with hybrids, technology, and many other strategies. We can also enrich the renewability and green, plant-based productions all over the world to unite and boost the human population into eternity. There are so many projects to reach other planets and launch the terraformation at this time. This is definitely the future we're presently in and it will only get more futuristic by time. Human society from Planet Earth has the potential to become one of the most advanced and prosperous civilizations in the universe, humanity is gradually becoming a superhero population destined to save their homeworld then terraform many in the cosmic creation. It's all embedded in Human DNA that's blossoming each day. Vegan and green movements will never stop because this is how life evolves and prospers with the help and cherish of nature that we're all embodied in.

 Biophilic designing of cities, manufacturing, and businesses can be immensely beneficial to the human mind, body and soul health. Bringing vegetation to the exterior and interior spaces of the building provides a direct relationship to nature. This should be abundant, make use of green walls or many potted plants and some vegetation should flower. Plants have been proven to increase physical health, performance, and productivity and reduce stress. The more vegan and plant-based people who love nature, animals, plants, and trees there are in any place will deliver some type of terraforming effect no matter where on Earth because it's the people who can transform barren landscapes into fertile with their consumption and lifestyles. The planet has been declining rapidly cause of industrialization, destructive agriculture, technologies, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation, deforestation. Each plant and tree that's harvested must be replanted by the industries that make use of them to regenerate the natural resources that are needed by all industries. There are a lot of big and small cities around the world going green, investing in green spaces, forested areas, parks, greenhouses, green buildings, and plant-based businesses. This is the great change that's happening worldwide, more people are going vegan, funding vegan plus green startups and businesses as well. Terraformation of Mars will begin soon and the Mars colonies will live in environments similar to greenhouses that we have on Earth. Plantlife will always help grow and feed the colonies no matter where in space. There is a rumor that plant-based societies are way more advanced than technological ones in need of more resources to develop and keep up with the technology. Plantlife is completely renewable if it's grown the right way. Forests expand without human interaction so we must propagate forests to feed and green the cities and places humans live. Biophilic natural landscapes can be synthesized through creating self-sustaining ecosystems into the built environment. Given human evolution and history, people tend to enjoy savannah-like landscapes as they depict spaciousness and an abundance of natural life. Contact with these types of environments can be done through vistas and or direct interactions such as gardens. Such landscapes are known to increase occupant satisfaction. Biomimicry is a design strategy that imitates uses found in nature as solutions for human and technical problems. Using these natural functions in construction can entice human creativity and thought of nature. Carbon is reduced through carbon sequestration in the plant's roots during photosynthesis. Green and high albedo rooftops and facades, and shading of streets and structures using vegetation can reduce the amount of heat absorption normally found in asphalt or dark surfaces – this can reduce heating and cooling needs by 25% and reduce temperature fluctuations by 50%. Further, adding green facades can increase the biodiversity of an area if native species are planted.

  Green building brings together a vast array of practices, techniques, and skills to reduce and ultimately eliminate the impacts of buildings on the environment and human health. It often emphasizes taking advantage of renewable resources, e.g., using sunlight through passive solar, active solar, and photovoltaic equipment, and using plants and trees through green roofs, rain gardens, and reduction of rainwater run-off. Many other techniques are used, such as using low-impact building materials or using packed gravel or permeable concrete instead of conventional concrete or asphalt to enhance the replenishment of groundwater. Onsite generation of renewable energy through solar power, wind power, hydropower, or biomass can significantly reduce the environmental impact of the building. Power generation is generally the most expensive feature to add to a building. Building materials typically considered to be 'green' include lumber from forests that have been certified to a third-party forest standard, rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo and straw, dimension stone, recycled stone, recycled metals, and other products that are non-toxic, reusable, renewable, and/or recyclable. For concrete a high performance or Roman self-healing concrete is available. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) also suggests using recycled industrial goods, such as coal combustion products, foundry sand, and demolition debris in construction projects. Energy-efficient building materials and appliances are promoted in the United States through energy rebate programs. Sustainable cities, urban sustainability, or eco-city is a city designed with consideration for social, economic, environmental impact, and resilient habitat for existing populations, without compromising the ability of future generations to experience the same. These cities are inhabited by people who are dedicated to minimizing required inputs of energy, water, food, waste, the output of heat, air pollution - CO
, methane, and water pollution. By achieving extreme sustainability in and around world cities, the whole world population can have fulfilling lifestyles and do the things they love to do other than laboring to pay the same things over and over again. We can become a more creative, self-enriching and ecological society and spend more time on arts, sowing seeds and inventing.

 Attaining an equally independent and affluent civilization for everyone to live abundantly with the help of green, biophilic cities, profuse farming and productions, and plant-based developments is a popular idea of our time. There may be some vegan and plant-based societies not far from our solar system, matter fact they may be observing our planet for some time. The freshly developing human civilization over Planet Earth should only correlate with these advanced, free, plant-based societies secretly unlike most other civilizations in the universe. The nations and associations that choose the technological path mostly lose their support systems and end up dependent on space trades and extraction from other planets. You must understand now that technology isn't the best way to progress as a global civilization. It will only deplete your planet's limited reserves and drive your planet into instability and scarcity. All of the technologies, industries and other businesses must be regulated to turn into renewable, sustainable and green in order to halt global warming and environmental degradation. Now is the best time to act upon this urgency before it all winds up irrevocable and the regulations must be practiced globally by all nations. Human civilization has the utmost potential to become one of the most sustainable, enrich their homeworld into a green, efficient utopia that's shielded from alien associations. There are certain diverse substances and biological compounds that can be exchanged privately between the new vegan and plant-based comrades and the people for them to enhance their viable biosphere through inverse terraformation. After some time, these related cultures merge as a whole with all others secretly to pursue more progressive transactions. They aren't here yet but will approach in the future after humanity graces as the greenest, limitless, integrated covert force. Human DNA is activating constantly because people are awakening and doing the right things that rejuvenate their circumambient and their mind-body-soul trinity. This wonder will never be intercepted and will create a totally fresh, reinvigorating, regenerating lush universe for supernatural human beings and their partners to flourish and prosper in. New species will emerge in each living system in many spheres. The future may be acutely dazzling for each soul embodiment as ripening into archangels of Earth and many others into eternity.