Wednesday, March 4, 2020



 This is the genesis of a very futuristic millennium in the universe unlike anything imaginable or occurred in the past. There are aliens everywhere in and around the world trying to gain control of the weakening and declining world secretly. Humanity must reclaim their beautiful homeworld called Earth as soon as possible before alien override and impending convulsive debacles. Now is the time to make the change and do whatever it takes to save Planet Earth and the entire humanity with an infinite vegan plant force. The world is in danger by climate change, deforestation, industrial desolation, desertification, obscure alien presence, diminishing non-renewable resources and natural reserves, conflicts, plastic pollution, mass extinctions, inequality, poverty and much more. We must take collective action worldwide to resolve these catastrophes increasing each day. Humans are supposed to be the saviors of Planet Earth since we're endowed with this elegant sphere brimming with diversity and nature all over. Unfortunately, the many alien races that are here operating secretly won't help humanity nor save the world. They're only here to gain control and take advantage of a world in decline because the resources and reserves are very valuable here for the alien races and space trade. This is the reality of the universe, agile and canny races override the naive and oblivious surreptitiously turn them into subspecies and servants to be exploited sternly. The entire human race must unite to reclaim their wold and restore it into a state of abundance and continuity without pollution, depletion, and conflicts before it's too late. The alien races will always be around examining the world population in order to deceive and take advantage of the failing population around the world. If one nation falls under alien order, this would affect the entire planet negatively because none of these extraterrestrial groups and organizations are here to help the conflicted and confused human race in any means. The scenario is getting more serious each day and it seems like only a cooperative vegan world can overturn the dilemmas blustering the existence and freedom of entire mankind.

 There are already millions of alien hybrids that look exactly like humans but in service of alien races waiting to introduce the cruel alien command over the human population to farm everyone with mind control, hard work, implants, rules, technology, and many other mechanisms. This is extremely dangerous for the freedom and future of the remarkable human race with the utmost capacity to become a magnificent progressive civilization of sustainability, renewability, green unity and productions. There are very tall, powerful archangels overseeing the Earth and the evolving humanity since the birth of the human being, they're concerned about the approaching events and alien presence around the world. The alien operations over newly developing societies in the universe never went well for the native inhabitants so everyone and all nations ought to join forces to overthrow the malevolent alien activity designed and conducted to overtake the world for their own benefit. Certain powerful and influential green movements around the world are destined to unite the human race and take action about the real problems with real solutions instead of fabricating more unnecessary conflicts that divide and weaken people. The human being has been impeccably engineered by the creators and archangels to be the saviors of this magnificent planet filled with a tremendous amount of biodiversity and natural resources that can eventually terraform dying and drained celestial systems in the universe. The human race is predestined to become one of the most advanced, sustainable and creative civilizations in the entire cosmic creation because Planet Earth is the resource house and genetic hub in this region of the galaxy so it must be protected and shielded from any alien activity also destructive events. Saving the world, all animals, the environment, climate, and the oceans must be initiated collectively by each nation and individual of the world otherwise cataclysmic events may end up irreversible and would cause the whole population to be very vulnerable to deceptive alien groups.

 The planet is depleting rapidly rate cause of some overdeveloped industrial nations extracting most of the non-renewable resources to make junk products and contaminating the biosphere at an accelerating rate. These polluters and destructive nations must be regulated as soon as possible because natural resources are extremely critical for the growing population's future. If the planet loses its self-sufficiency, the world population will end up extremely vulnerable to foreign powers from outer space. They'll never stop watching the world to find new ways to infiltrate stealthily or deceptively. The universe is an immensely competitive and harsh environment with very strict rules and regulations contrary to what most people assume. All of the operations must be rendered undercover since aliens constantly track all activity around the world to acquire more information about the vulnerabilities of the growing population in confusion. It looks like only the joint vegan force can somehow free humankind from the never-ending cycle of struggle and pay to establish an efficient design of complete freedom with renewability, sustainability, and abundance. The industrialization era is coming to its end with the beginning of the new age of universal emergence and green - renewable resource productions to benefit the whole. The industrial era in the last few decades has been extremely destructive for the environment, animals, perishable resources, forests and the stability of the ecosystems. Although industrialization advanced the civilization into its global and technical phase, all ages eventually conclude to give way for new evolutionary mindsets and achievements. Now we live in a totally different world in competition with the alien universe, all of the accomplishments are vague in this peculiar era. This time is more dangerous and tricky than all of the history combined. Nothing is like what people assume or desire onward. There is a tremendous risk of either depleting the planet's destructible, fragile natural assets, destabilizing the biospheres or succumb to various e.t syndicates that will exploit the human race harshly. The time is running out faster, the planet's already depleting and going through mass extinctions each day for the sake of economic growth, corporate greed, and redundant consumption. This the best time to reset human civilization worldwide to upgrade to a level of maximum imperishability plus green rejuvenation by enhancing each human being and production.

 Humans are very fortunate to be embodied in a planet with utmost biodiversity and natural even renewable properties unlike most other systems in the cosmos. For this reason, there are many foreign factions who view this chance with envy and somehow amass all of this valuable fortune for their own gain. Humans have been intelligently designed by the creators that are the archangels from the prime source conceiving the universe. They still oversee the planet from a concerned point of view because the human population, especially after the industrialization, has been very reckless, destructive and polluter to the world's life-generating, significant ecosystems for the sake of economic growth and greedy monopolization. The most developed nations are the ones that cause the most devastation, depletion, and contamination undermining the climate, forests, oceans and the stability of the whole living globe. The planet including its all living creatures and habitats must be considered as one organically dynamic, a biological sphere that's completely distinctive than all other planetary systems. As a consequence, this planet, all its biodiversity, significant resource generating bionomics and even the human population, all animals and the environment have to be utterly safeguarded from any type of alien activity, devastation, pollution, exhaustion, possible destructive conflicts plus other events. This planet called Earth including humans and other organisms are part of the genetic, biological library as the prime life source in this region of the universe entitling it extremely precious and significant. The human race has been assigned to this biological living sphere with the help of the mighty archangels watching from the higher realm. They aren't able to interfere in the world to correct the catastrophic events mostly evoked by the growing population around the world and their reckless affairs. Therefore earthlings are nominated as the angelic and intelligent force to protect, enrich and support this physical realm that's rich in biological diversity and life-giving origin. All organisms, ecospheres, humans plus natural macrocosm are intermixingly correlated subsisting as one large entity encompassing the planet that has the latency of terraforming other planetary systems, even possible alien worlds that are dying or depleted after thousands of years. This is such a magnificent outlook for the human race for them to shift as one of the most advanced and creative civilizations. Most technologically progressive and innovative alien civilizations are not able to terraform other systems even their homeworlds because they either never had the essential resources or were depleted over a long period of time. Now humanity can take the required action collectively to protect this magnificent core from being ruined for the sake of endless economic growth, overconsumption and extreme manufacturing to accumulate more of the unnecessary, superfluous commodities and detrimental products.

 The vital change is supposed to be embraced by the whole world population. Things have changed. Everyone is living in a totally disparate world that's declining rapidly. The preservation of natural resources, the sustainability of the environment, going green, renewable, plastics-free and clean in every industry are the primary goals in this millennium. Humanity can build the most imperishable and endlessly self-sustaining, green civilization with collective effort in every field around the world. Life isn't all about growing economically, making more products nor developing more advanced technology because this is the quickest path to a collapsing civilization and severe scarcity. A new system can be devised with the help of engineering, science, and sustainable manufacturing implemented into cities. Most of the cities around the world will have to be remodeled to make them carbon-neutral or negative, extremely green and plant-based. There are many companies, charities, enterprises planting millions, billions of trees appropriate for each climate zones and regions also for communities that live there. The green and ecological plus animal rights movements are changing the shape of the world faster than the biggest corporations. This is definitely the era of infinite awakening and going absolutely renewable plus green in entire productions, fields, daily lives, environments, constructions, cities, energies exponentially. The future can be very bright for the entire human race if they can proceed and expand into this new age of renewable, sustainable, green splendor. Anything can be reversed, altered and modified if the entire human population leads the way towards the positive change. It's great to see that a lot of people are inciting the phenomenal revolutions in their lives reclaiming their own power rather than waiting for someone else to issue it. The critical changes begin with individuals then spread apart the world to create a more green, equal, cruelty-free and prosperous civilization that will only improve and upgrade its creative growth into eternity. The most world-changing mindsets like the veganism, plant-based diets as well as renewable energies will never stall, they will evolve and flourish over the course of time and learning.

 Humanity, whereas it's newly developing, has the utmost power, knowledge, and potential to become most advanced in the universe. The entire human race can surmount the coming catastrophic events with collective ecological action then revolutionize the planet as the greenest, most sustainable and sufficient powered with growing renewable energies. People are sensing the connection to nature and to all living organisms including each other and everything matters globally. Infinite vegan plants force will terraform the Planet Earth with trillions of diverse tree species, farms, gardens and green technologies plus innovative production methods then reach other spheres in space to terraform futuristic and productive civilizations interconnected with each other. The planet Earth came to a point of either save and restore it to its most clean and enriched state with green growth also integrated vegan forest cities, constructions, and cultivation. All productions and industries can be converted to complete plant-based and renewable with little effort by mimicking nature and its superior productivity. The dormant human DNA is ripening in this age of awakening and natural evolution with the help of plants, green mindset and nature's calling to inner knowledge and revitalization. The vegan forest civilization embedded in Earth as the saviors of this magnificent hub of biodiversity and resources will progress into the future, protect also cultivate the essential forests for them to thrive and expand. All cities around the world can become extremely green, forests and fully powered with renewable industries bolstered by plants and their outgrowth. This is the best way to proceed in the future also surpass the deceitful alien races that are here to gain control and harvest the human race. Going back to the roots is needed to clean up this living system before it's too late. There are research and developments about even constructing buildings with fungi and plant-based methods so the future is definitely plant-based and natural in every field of business, industry, and manufacturing. We will build the most advanced, futuristic, green, sustainable, renewable, vegan, progressive, fertile and lush planet and cooperative civilization in the entire universe then terraform countless new Earths and green planets possibly a new universe as the saviors and creators of profuse perennial forested enlightenment.

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