Sunday, June 28, 2020

Who Are The Aliens? Why Are They Here? Terraforming A Vegan Alien World =D

         Who Are The Aliens? Why Are They Here? Terraforming A Vegan Alien World =D 

 Greetings from the vegan intelligence speaking to you now. There are a lot of facts that have been kept as occult from human society worldwide. There is a very apparent happening that the aliens have been in the world quite a while but they wanted and kept their presence hidden from humans. We’ll talk about who these beings are, what they are here, and what they want in this discourse. Since a lot of things are classified, there is a need for some people to disclose the ultimate facts and mysterious events like the extraterrestrial presence around the world. I’ll try to explain as simple and as clear as possible though I don’t know everything about this prodigy. Everyone knows something about the aliens but nobody knows if they’re really here yet or what they truly search for. Obviously, we live in an alien universe with countless intelligent species. Space telescopes already detected so many Earth-like planets and systems that some may contain intelligent life because they orbit the habitable zone around their suns. An intelligent society that’s ancient should be able to engineer advanced technology and faster than lightspeed spaceships to travel in the cosmos. From all the ufo sightings and encounters during the last few decades, it’s evident that some of these beings reached the solar system. They first observed and studied human society for a while before starting their agenda to gain control of the planet secretly. There are piles of evidence to confirm that aliens abducted millions of people worldwide and most never returned. They perceive the human race as resources like body parts, organs, plasma, and a working-class to carry out their planetary acquisition plan. Many experiments have been conducted over the abductees to create an alien-human hybrid race to replace the control mechanisms of the world in order to utilize the human population for the benefit of their new alien overlords. These groups of aliens look different than each other and each group consists of a few divergent races of aliens gathered from other systems. Nothing about the aliens in the past until now has been positive. Humans have been extremely destructive for the planet and its living organisms, therefore, some alien beings entered the atmosphere to stop the madness and seize human civilization clandestinely. They’ve been integrating the hybrid race that looks exactly like humans into the society to eventually overrule the human population. There are various alien groups that compete with each other over resources, territory, domination, and so on. From all the data collected about the aliens and abductions, you can tell these are space pirates seeking new worlds and new resources to exploit. They either come from depleted planets or wander in space searching rich worlds like the Earth. Planet Earth has a magnitude of natural supplies and great biodiversity that can be utilized for space trades, cloning, and other uses. Humans entered a new era in the universe where there are many alien races and groups coming to Earth to gain control and gain access to the resources wanted by others. This is a very dangerous phenomenon and humans around the world must be informed of what’s been going on for decades. They kept all of these events classified and completely hidden from the public because they don’t want people to know the real alien agenda and intentions. Most of the beings that perform the abductions are types of grays that work for their own hierarchical association. These groups are called collectives that seek to overtake newly developing societies with clandestine procedures. From all the information about the alien agenda, it’s conspicuous that aliens aren’t here to save the world or humanity by any means. They’re trying to take advantage of a primitive and destructive society overusing and despoiling its homeworld, its fragile and limited natural resources including the biodiversity of many unique and rare species.

 Humans have been at war with each other over meaningless differences and arguments for thousands of years. There was little effort to restore the planet’s environment and species that are in danger after the surge of the human population and industrial demand. This forced the planet into cataclysms like climate change, environmental degradation, and mass extinction events. Even humans are being jeopardized by viruses at this time. The most destructive force upon the world called the human race has been devastating a rich planet wanted by other space beings and they intervened into human affairs covertly to carry out their agendas. That’s why there have been so many ufo sightings, encounters in the recent past, and many movies, documentaries, and books about aliens and alien take over have been produced to subtly notify the world population about the alien presence. Aliens may not be too cruel or malicious from their own perspective but they violated all of the freedom and human rights mercilessly during the abductions and experiments done on millions of people. Our planet is degenerating each and every day to supply the needs of an ever-growing population becoming a larger and more consuming locust swarm upon Planet Earth. The meat and car industries also power plants emit the most greenhouse gases contributing to climate change intensely. From all the reports and information gathered about the extraterrestrials that come to Earth, no alien races or groups care about human society’s abilities, tendencies, accomplishments, vice versa. They’re only here to somehow take over the planet and turn the human population to a workforce to extract the essential resources to ship off space or utilize for their own gain and purposes. Some abductees have traveled to other worlds and noticed very barren, deserted, and infertile landscapes, unlike Earth’s green, rich and lively ecosphere. By reason, it seems like they want our abundant planet as their own but they can’t do all the work to extract the minerals and reserves. Therefore they want to replace high positions in commerce, administration, and religion with the next generation of alien hybrids that are indistinguishable from humans so they can control the human race as a labor force that will comply with the new alien order. The research shows that aliens have done this to other worlds and subjugate the native inhabitants as a workforce with no rights or freedom. Now they’re here to do the same to humanity and this is probably the most dangerous event that’s been kept secret for too long. Humans are remarkable species with the utmost potential to emerge as an advanced and eco-friendly society although they’ve been devastating the planet and its ecosystems ferociously in the last few decades. The nuclear power of several nations attracted the attention of some alien races because nuclear destruction can be the end of humans and a beautiful, rich world like the Earth. The aliens look different than each other but most of them look like humanoid creatures evolved in various natural environments so they’re still the act of nature in divergent planetary systems. Their motives aren’t much distinct from what humans want out of life. Colonization of space has been performed by many alien races in ways similar to some nations colonizing specific territories of the world. Now they’re here to colonize the Earth with alien-human hybrids that look human but alien in mind. These beings are in the same shape as humans and they travel in and out of spaceships and hidden alien bases around the world. Aliens want total domination and control of this world and humans as their subservient working-class. They will replace people in power with hybrids that will take charge of the human society. This has been done in other worlds and the native e.t civilizations have been covertly conquered. People of the world must be informed about this very dangerous and insidious event that’s initiated to transform human society into enslaved personnel. Humans can save their planet and restore its environment to its greenest and most sustainable phase with collective action before it’s too late. Aliens will never help but they will try to mind control and deceive the masses to make it look like they’re here for the betterment of the society and the world. Body and brain implants are some of the most dangerous devices and they’re in development to carry out the alien agenda. Nobody should comply with any type of implants to track them 24/7. Humans definitely require a revolution to overthrow the malevolent and deceitful occupancy upon the human world. Although humans have been destructive for the planet, there are great movements like veganism, plant-based, reforestation, green technologies, renewable energies breakthroughs to revert the damage and pollution industrialization has engendered. People are required to protect and defend their freedom and rights also do whatever it takes to regenerate the environment and natural resources that are in grave danger. The biodiversity has been increasingly endangered by deforestation, forest fires, and climate change. The ocean plastic patch is enlarging each day. The lockdown was a relief in nature for a short period of times but the pollution levels will increase after everything is back to work. Each person has the ability to alter their lifestyles for the clean-up of their surroundings and greening of the world. Work, make money, and consume the type of civilization is coming to an end, the industrial era is expiring. People never need that many products for them to survive or live comfortably, most of these junk products are produced in countries like China that produce the highest pollution and depletion over the ecosystems. Any type of destructive, cruel, and exhausting industry must be either shut down or modified with new green deals in every nation and place of the world. There are people who built self-reliant homesteads with permaculture gardening and productions and they need little or no products. Most of their needs are satisfied by the plants, trees, and gardens that they grow in their properties. Each tree you plant will absorb the excess CO2 out of the atmosphere and exhale oxygen to make the world a cleaner place. Trees also produce foods and other materials to make essential goods that can be sold or used in your daily life. Going green and fully plant-based in your entire life will be an example for others to do the same and it can generate a terraform effect upon the planet. All animals are friends and they’re part of the ecosystems housing the great biodiversity of species of Planet Earth. Our planet and all its resources are wanted by several alien races that operate in pirate-like manners and they’ve been here for decades. A lot of people in power, commerce, and religion have been persuaded by them to complete the global domination plan that will make these malicious beings new overlords of our world. People will lose everything they loved and cared for if this extraordinary happening. Their looks are disparate. Some look like grays with big heads and eyes, some look reptilian, some are Nordics, some are hybrids between human and alien. There are numerous species that are upon the Earth and they all want the same thing. Their looks don’t matter. They’re only here to somehow gain control of the human population and extract all of the rich resources of our world until nothing’s left then move on to the next. This will be the end of humanity, they will start depopulation right away since humans are overusing the essential resources wanted by these beings. 

 Humanity is being called by the angelic dimension overlooking the planet and they warn about coming catastrophes also the deceptive alien forces here now. Humans have been created by the creator to be the saviors and caretakers of this beautiful planet seeded as the biological storehouse in this part of the universe. Of course, aliens want all of the biological and mineral resources for their own benefit. Humans have been altering the environment, atmosphere, and consuming the planet at an increasing rate. Each person is liable for their own actions but there is a greater exigency to take collective action to restore and shield the planet and human civilization losing their freedom as well as the natural wealth granted to them. The hybrid alien beings are already among society integrated into many large cities around the globe. They will surreptitiously attempt to gain control of human civilization to extract the biological and natural wealth for their own benefit and expansion. Nothing positive ever came forth from these several alien races in competition with each other to seize the assets they chase after. From the data collected over the years, these beings are some types of space pirates that depleted their planets or never had much life in their homeworlds so they were forced to seek required essences elsewhere. Each faction consists of a few alien races obtained from other worlds that were conquered subtly. Planet Earth is designated as one of the greatest biological prize containing a tremendous amount of living organisms and a rich natural environment unlike most other barren worlds in the universe. They will never back off from their plans and they didn’t encounter any resistance yet. Most people certainly believe that aliens are here to help, teach, guide humans, they’re highly spiritual, will grant technology, and show how things are in the universe. On the other hand, no alien beings that come here ever demonstrated any of these traits or virtues as of yet and possibly never will. You can’t expect spirituality, good manners, communication, teachings, and guidance from space syndicates that are only after required resources and dominance. Unfortunately, the reality of the universe isn’t what people speculate and hope for. Things have changed, now each person lives in the alien universe that’s extremely competitive, harsh, and tricky. No human beings are accustomed to this new environment that’s probably very challenging to keep up with. Humans were never the saviors of the planet otherwise everything would be a lot better now but the Earth, forests, resources are degrading and depleting extremely fast, climate change and pollution levels are intensifying. The best thing to do at this time is for the entire world population to ponder on finding new strategies to launch a global clean-up with new methods of sustainable productions and renewables. The old ways of living are coming to an end, all nations are destined to abandon warlike behavior, arguments, disputes, and conflicts hereafter in order to focus on the real problems of the world also the alien invasion that’s extending each day. Many movies and tv shows have been filmed to simply prepare and warn the public about what’s occurring in the background. The military has a new branch called space force that’s designed to stop the alien occupancy and abductions that were prevailing globally. Aliens will never stop with their objectives and they all want this world as their newest resource hub to eventually save for themselves by enslaving mankind. Planet Earth is a very rare and unique gem created by God to be the biological and organic storehouse to be able to revive and regenerate certain dying and depleted systems in its vicinity of space. Of course, this would take great effort and endeavor but terraforming and colonization of other worlds are beginning with Mars and hopefully some other suitable spheres nearby the solar system. 

 There are probably countless barren, depleting, and drained alien worlds out there in space and some of them shouldn’t be too far. Since the Earth contains almost all of the organisms, plant life, and the diversity that can rejuvenate new systems with terraforming ventures. The first attempt will be Mars which is the closest arid planet that may be apt for the terraformation process. There are rocket companies and space agencies that will take astronauts, people, and companies there but the terraformation will be the most difficult enterprise humans will undertake. There are several alien races and groups that have established bases in remote locations of the world to monitor and track the human population. They have their hybrids living in society to complete critical tasks and get accustomed to living on Earth. In a sense, they’re colonizing our homeworlds secretly for their own benefit and manipulation because humans have been destroying a beautiful and rich world wanted by others. People all around the world must resist the alien invasion that’s been carried out for decades. Once people realize what’s been enforced upon them, they’ll find out who the real enemy is. People of the world have incredible potential to emerge as a very united, free, and progressive civilization in the universe but they will have to protect their homeworld, all of its environment, climate, resources, and shield all of these from alien intrusion. There will be larger and more powerful empires and collectives to approach the solar system once they discover that there’s a magnificent planet called the Earth comprising extreme life-generating organisms and assets. Space and the cosmos are very competitive and harsh domains that humans would get overwhelmed by the normal aspects of the trade, uniformity, and hierarchical systems. It’s best to keep the human civilization as sustainable and as self-sustaining as possible without interfering with intelligent organizations coming from space that will only take advantage of human weakness, confusion, and disunity. All nations are destined to unite as one cooperative and competent federation that will do whatever it takes to protect and preserve the endangered environment, changing climate and reverse all of the negative effects caused by over industrialization and overpopulation. The planet and human society are both in grave danger and time are running out each day. Scientists warn that pollution levels may get worse after the lockdowns because factories, cars, and industries that emit the most greenhouse gases will be in full operation again. All industries and productions are doomed to switch to fully plant-based and ecological as soon as possible to mitigate the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. The aliens will never save the world or humanity but they will take advantage of every negative event and weakness humans provoke. It’s up to human beings all around the world to change all their habits, behaviors, customs, and lifestyles to be beneficial for the planet, animals, and the environment rather than being destructive. The corporations that provide the products and the services will always supply the demand and become green and eco-friendly when consumers themselves make the change. Each product, each type of food people consume, each single-use plastics alter the ecosystems profoundly so people are doomed to awaken to their impact upon the world they live on before it’s overtaken by deceptive space beings and their human-looking hybrids. Now is the only time to save the world and everything each person does will make a difference for the whole. Planet Earth is one of the few planets that’s gifted with the natural assets capable of regenerate dying, depleted, deserted planetary systems, and possible alien worlds. New species may emerge during this progress. Human civilization may become one of the most advanced societies that can terraform many new Earth-like systems in the proximity. Most alien worlds are extremely infertile or completely depleted to oblige native societies of these systems to seek the resources and essentials elsewhere in space. Some of these beings are already here trying to take over the world clandestinely, they don’t want people to know what they’re up to otherwise all nations revolt against any alien presence around the world and in the solar system. There are advanced technologies and spaceships that were engineered through exchange programs with aliens and humans are presumed to upgrade their military, advanced technologies, productions, and the economic system for them to convert to very sustainable also to compete with the tricky alien forces that come here now and in the future. They constantly monitor, study, and track the human population and use human weakness, stupidity, dissensions, and conflicts to their own advantage. People need to understand that this is a totally new era of emergence in the alien universe, nothing will ever be the same again. 





Monday, June 22, 2020

Would Going Vegan Salvage The World & Mars Since The Amazon Is Burning and There Is An Alien Invasion? =D


 We may be living in tough times on Earth. Well, life was always tough, it hits you hard but you gotta get going. Besides the largest rainforest of our world is still being burnt down by the meat industry itself. We have to do something about this, it’s obvious that our beautiful world and the human population are both in jeopardy. Salvaging the Amazon, all forests also the planet altogether is humanity’s newest mission at this time. Other things don’t matter anymore. The good old days where you found a job, worked, went shopping, went out, make dinner, listen to music, and enjoyed yourself may be over. We all live in a totally different world that’s degrading each and every day either by deforestation, pollution, industrial destruction, conflicts, inequality, viruses, and so on. They’re anticipating that the viruses like the Coronavirus will mutate and spread in a 2nd wave to threaten the lives and financials of hordes of people. Small businesses are shutting down, tons of people are rioting, the unemployment rate is skyrocketing and the Amazon is still on fire. These are the signs of end times or something else is happening behind the scenes. A lot of significant events related to humans’ future, freedom, and prosperity have been kept hidden from the public as part of a new change of system. Luckily, some researchers and attentive individuals discovered what was happening behind the scenes and they tried to unravel the mystery. The human society has been manipulated and mismanaged for thousands of years. Differences, cultures, religions, customs, ethnicities, and all discrepancies have incited battles, oppositions, warlike attitude between nations and all people. This is a whole big world thriving with biodiversity so there are many distinct features that all organisms retain. Humans are very similar in their intentions, behavior, and tendencies all over the globe. Now there is a higher calling for the entire world population to gather under a unique purpose to redeem the world and human race that are both in crises. Pandemic and the lockdown have demonstrated the reality of the civilization that’s weakening and divided. The planet is still undergoing mass extinctions, forest fires like in the Amazon, instability, higher unemployment, broken economy, and so forth. People are realizing that the system was never made to fulfill the human body-mind-soul trinity. All are planned to keep the power, riches, control under the hands of a few selected individuals. There is so much more that people don’t know about. TV, tech gadgets, internet, most jobs, economic, and education system are all perfectly designed to beguile the masses and keep them weakest, poorest, and less informed. There are such tragedies like the Amazon fires that are ignited by the meat industry itself to clear more land for cattle ranching and soy farming. Forests are the most resourceful habitats of our planet and the biodiversity they include is crucial for the life-balance of Planet Earth. Each person should start thinking of everything globally because each crisis and event deeply affects the entire globe.

 The researchers also found out that there was a very subtle alien invasion enforced upon humanity increasingly. It wasn’t conducted like in the movies, it kept as a secret, as clandestine as possible so it would be easier for these beings from space to take over the planet and control the human population. There is an alien-human hybrid breed genetically engineered by these deceptive alien groups to overrule the humankind to farm and exploit the society and all of the planet’s resources. There are two adversities taking place at the same time, one is the secret alien invasion, the second is the environmental destruction. These are both related to each other. Aliens have intervened in human affairs to gain control of a warlike, divided, and destructive species so they could save the planet and all of its natural riches for their own benefit. All of the resources that our planet contains are very rare and unique in space, therefore there are many alien races that have come here to carry out their own agendas. They persuaded many people in power, commerce, and administration also in religious institutions. They will replace the world’s control mechanisms with the new generations of hybrids that look exactly like humans but in correlation with the alien beings that created and integrated them into human society. This is how alien take over worlds like our planet. They’ve already conquered some worlds and subdued their native inhabitants as a workforce. The next target is the human race. Most people believe aliens will come here to save the world, grant technology, offer peace and harmony but the reality of the situation is contradictory to what most people assume and hope for. Especially after the industrial revolution, humans have plundered the resources and devastated the environment at a greater extent. All of this attracted the attention of even extraterrestrials that seek new worlds to harvest and take advantage of. If people of the world stop destroying and overusing the planet’s natural environment that’s critical for the survival of all species including humans, they may have a chance to thwart an alien invasion now and in the future. Otherwise, the consequences will be brutal, humanity will lose all of its freedom, rights, and natural wealth allotted to them. Each person will end up as part of a workforce to be utilized with the brain, body implants, or other alien technologies. This will be the demise of humanity, the human population may be depopulated to less than a billion since there aren’t enough resources for an ever-growing population and their excessive needs. The aliens and their associates want all of the world’s natural, mineral supplies and deposits for themselves and to trade them in space. All of the natural wealth Planet Earth has is extremely rare and valuable in space. For this reason, there are several alien races competing with each other to gain control of particular nations and regions around the world. You can recognize the aftereffect of this circumstance at present. Even the people with power, influence, and commercial leverage didn’t know the true intentions of the aliens in the first place. They’ve all been either mind-controlled or convinced to believe that aliens are here for the good of human beings contrary to what the true alien world acquisition plan mastered through hybridization and subjection of many native species of alien worlds. Aliens consider themselves and the hybrids superior to human beings since humans have been a very destructive, divided, and primitive race worldwide. They’re trying to take over the world and turn humans into a labor force for them to protect the resources wanted by many alien races and make use of this planet for their own interests. People will lose all that they’ve loved and cared for until now if the alien order is fully established around the world. This is one of the most dangerous events that can come upon to any society in the universe. 


 Times have changed, this is a totally new era of development for human society. All of the projects and programs to recover the planet, the environment, save billions of animals from slaughter, and somehow reverse climate change should be introduced in every place of the world. Each person is liable for their own consumption and lifestyle and everything that you do matters. There have been brilliant people who changed the world with their inventive minds and most of them were vegans. It’s apparent that propagating and consuming plants and their edibles is the best thing a person can do for their body and mind. Going vegan, saving animals, environment, and working with plants also plant-based products is the new beginning for humanity since all other industries are either cruel, destructive, pollutant or toxic for ecosystems, human body, and for the fauna that humans are counted in. Everything a person does, all they consume, and make either pollute and impair the ecosphere they’re in or regenerate the natural flora around them. Therefore humans beings are called to return back to their nature of regenerative survival unlike industrial and economic destruction and inequality. Once human beings prove themselves to be the saviors of Planet Earth and repair the damage they’ve done also unite as a cooperative and ecological society, the aliens will have to leave. Alien override of our newly developing civilization would be the end of humanity and it would be extremely difficult to break off. This has happened to many native and weak races in the universe and they’ve been here to execute the same procedures that worked elsewhere. What is the best way for humans to leave all differences behind and focus on the issues that matter also join forces to finally recover and protect all forests and living habitats? The answer may be to switch to a fully green, plant-based mindset for people to live cruelty-free without eradicating the natural resources that are critical for the future since humans will live on this planet for thousands of years. No industry should be authorized to pollute or ravage forests or any part of nature for the sake of economic growth or benefit of a few people in charge. Going fully green and plant-based will make all destructive and polluter businesses and industries completely obsolete. It all depends on the human population to change the world with their choices, habits, and consuming desires. There are some companies and non-profit organizations that plant trees and teach communities how to grow food and propagate plants for them to become self-sufficient and self-reliant. Anyone can collect the essential seeds or even grow any type of tree and plant from cuttings. Cut a branch of a tree that you want to propagate and scrape the bottom part then plant it in soil or a pot for it to start growing with roots to full size in months or a year or so. Growing vegetables is easier than trees because they grow faster and you can obtain the seeds from the vegetables you eat. All of them contain seeds in them, just plant them in soil and they’ll sprout in a short time then add fertilizer or compost every few weeks. Nature has the methods to regrow and reproduce itself with the diversity of Plantae and other microorganisms that help them. Humans are supposed to be part of this rather than constructing big cities, factories, buildings that downgrade the climate, and all creation. Going vegan is the best way to start a cruelty-free, green, natural, and healthy journey that will free so many animals and help the natural environment substantially. When more and more people switch to a green, vegan and fully plant-based lifestyle, cities, and products that people rely on to survive will transform into naturally booming landscapes and healthy harvest. We must do something to salvage the world and everyone is in it this time. Humans are a collective consciousness embodied on Earth and every bit of knowledge and awareness will spread apart rapidly. Healthy lifestyles, the love for nature, animals, and green growth will definitely mingle the human population to do the right things that will salvage the planet and its elegant biodiversity. The planet is filled with self-generating resources for people to cherish and proliferate for their own survival and prosperity. Life is never about developing or obtaining more technology and gadgets that will eventually deplete the world’s limited and fragile deposits. Renewable resources are completely organic, vegan, plant-based, and compostable. The plastics that pollute the oceans, rivers, and landfills exponentially can be made plant-based and there are some plastic alternatives arriving in the markets soon. 

 Rainforests like Amazon are vital for the planet’s climate and the cycle of life. It’s still being burned down by the cattle ranchers. Forests contain the most biodiversity and multiplicity of animal, insect, and plant species in their habitats. There are very rare and unique fruit trees, plants, vertebrate as well as other edible plant varieties that can be readapted to other regions for people to reap on. Large forests and the largest rainforests are the biological treasures of our world and most of the organic crops that people consume each day are mostly garnered from them. If you go back to the origins of most plants, trees, and edibles, you recognize their connection to large forests in the past. All forests and rainforests have been expanding until now. Humans are the most destructive locust swarm upon the Earth and the aggrandizing forests of the past are being ravaged for the increasing demand for meat, dairy, and animal products. Unfortunately, meat, dairy, and other animal products have entered the human diet in the past and humans have become the dominant species of the world. The population has been growing faster than before after the industrial revolution since essential products have been mass-manufactured for easy access to the public. With this convenience, the cruel, detrimental, and toxic products soared in popularity. No intelligent beings would destroy their only homeworld, kill billions of sentient creatures, burn forests, wreak havoc and pollute the lands, air, and oceans aggressively. Yet, this is still the norm of our civilization but the downfall is already coming to be irreversible in a decade or so. People must think everything from a personal level since all that a person does daily either harms or improves the natural system that has been evolving for millions of years. Now, most of the world population should change their diet, habits, addictions for the betterment of the planet that’s burning down and being ruined by the industrial needs of the populace. The pandemic revealed how one particular industry that kills billions of animals can devastate the masses, the global economy, and the health of the entire world population. For this reason, going vegan, fully plant-based, and starting a green lifestyle is crucial for the future of the planet we live on. There is also a great amount of evidence that there are many alien races that were very concerned about the environment we ruin recklessly. They entered the atmosphere to carry out their planetary acquisition procedure since humans were never a benign species to each other and to the health of their ecosystem they were born in. Ignorance around the world is what drives the destruction, pollution, and other harmful factors of human society. Sadly, the nations around the world bolstered the destructive and cruel industries for economic growth and the job market. Nobody thought about the negative effects of economic growth and expansion that’s the number 1 cause of environmental degradation. After a few decades, there won’t be any resources to keep the economy going and the world will get hit by intensifying disasters, resource depletion, the impact of global warming. There will be mass food, water shortages, and extreme instability that will provoke more conflicts and scarcity that will probably dismantle the most developed nations first since they were the ones that overused the environment and produced the maximum pollution in the first place. Climate change is related to industrial manufacturing and their greenhouse gas emissions. There are billions of cars on the roads that drive the economy but cars and power plants are the highest emitters of greenhouses gases that are congested in the atmosphere. Planting millions, billions of trees won’t be able to reverse the climate change since the greenhouse gas levels are way higher than what forests or trees can absorb and sequester. Hence, it’s best to put an end to the industrial era once and for all so we can tackle the climate change, environmental deterioration, plastic, and air pollution, inequality, and other issues that are threatening the prospects of human society relentlessly. Yes, the industrial era has provided all the goods, technology, and the comfort of housing and many products but it also turned the human race into a locust swarm devouring the planet alive. People are supposed to be plant species that live harmoniously in tune with nature and all its riches. Instead of protesting and rioting for something that the governments cannot solve, each person can do what they can to do the things that will be an example for the rest so all others can repeat after in order to clean up the planet facing extinction. 

 Switching to a vegan diet alone can save an animal’s life, 1,100 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 20 lbs CO², 30 ft² forested lands a day. Livestock accounts for 14.5% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. Cattle rearing generates more greenhouse emissions than the transportation sector. 20% of the Amazon has been cut down and burnt since 1970 for livestock grazing and feed. Agriculture, primarily meat and dairy account for 70% of freshwater consumption. Animal agriculture is the largest human-caused contributor to the destruction of the environment. Raising animals for food uses 45% of Earth’s total land. 1-2 acres of rainforest are cleared every second causing habitat loss and extinction. 55% of the water consumed in the US is for animal agriculture. Factory farms produce more than 50% of all food animals in the US. 60% of corn and 47% of soybeans grown go to feed livestock. More than 150 billion animals are slaughtered every year for food. Livestock produces 116,000 lbs of waste per second. Animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of greenhouse gas emissions. Veganism, new green deals, and other green, plant-based endeavors can save the planet. Methane produced by animal agriculture is 20 times more powerful at trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere than carbon dioxide. The meat, dairy, egg industries produce 65% of worldwide nitrous oxide which is 300 times more powerful at trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere than carbon dioxide. The meat diets create 7 times the greenhouse emissions of the diets of vegans. 1 calorie from animal protein requires 11 times as much fossil fuel as one calorie of plant protein. It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat. 1 pound of wheat takes 25 gallons. You’d save more water by not eating one pound of meat than you would by not taking a shower for 6 months. Animals raised for food create 89,000 pounds of excrement per second, none of which benefits from waste-treatment facilities like human excrement does. This situation creates massive amounts of groundwater pollution. Chicken, hog, and cattle excrement has polluted 35,000 miles of rivers in 22 states. If one person exchanges eating meat for a vegan diet, they’ll reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 tons per year. These are the real numbers and they’ve been growing each and every day. You can tell the vegan diet is the best for the environment, clean water sources, and sentient animals that meant to be friends with humans. 

 Since the pollution levels hit the roof worldwide, human beings ought to change their dietary habits also invest in an electric car as well. Deforestation is another disaster caused by the increasing demand for meat products. Essentially, human teeth structure is of an herbivore but plants and trees produce seasonally so humans somehow became addicted to meat and animal products in the past. There is no need for destruction since permaculture, food forests, large vegetable farms and orchards can supply the needs of the whole population abundantly. People shouldn’t wait for legislative action to save the environment and animals since they can make the change themselves with their own habits, efforts, and endeavor. If the whole population realizes that they can change the world easily with cooperation and unity, there won’t be any downfall ever again. Nature and its generative resources will provide all the things for people to live and thrive when they can employ these self-generating seeds, compounds for their own survival and well-being of ecosystems. Going vegan can unite the world and salvage it efficiently without the obligation for someone else to do it. Although the system is broken and not designed for human beings to live competently, we can improve this system by reforming our lifestyles and start living naturally. From all the negative effects humans precipitate all over the creation of the world, you can discern why many alien races have started an invasion upon the human race secretly. This is one thing most of the population never knew about even though ufos and anomalies have been common in every place of the globe. The clandestine alien invasion is a global phenomenon and you can tell Planet Earth and its natural resources are wanted by many alien races in the universe and some of them have initiated their agendas subtly with the help of some people in power, influence, and commerce. There are alien-hybrid beings living in society and advising certain officials in a lot of organizations, especially in government, military, and commerce. These beings have been genetically created to overrule mankind to farm and utilize the human race for the benefit of their alien overlords since humans have been destroying the resources that are very rare, unique, and valuable in space. Most of the planets even the ones that formed intelligent life are very barren, deserted, desolate landscapes, unlike Planet Earth which is a very rich, fertile, and biodiverse sphere that was favored upon humanity for it to protect and enrich its living systems rather than causing mass havoc and devastation. It’s apparent that the planet is overpopulated and this cannot go on any further. Going vegan, living, and inventing green products and businesses will better the ecosystems that provide the materials needed for humans to make the essential merchandise. However these movements and planting trees may not save the world but our planet is being invaded by several alien races competing with each other for territory, influence, power over the coveted biological assets that are scarce in the universe. Our planet comprises of the life-generating biological organisms and natural environment abundantly and they want all of these as their own and human race as their newest workforce. Human beings will lose all of their freedom and rights also the things they worked for and loved for too long under any extraterrestrial rule over. You can already feel and experience the oppressive fallout projected by the alien mind control programs. They have lists of things to do to deprive and suppress the masses so it will be easier for them to exploit each human being now and in the future. They basically want robot-like personnel with no individual thought or liberty. The brain and body implants are in development to complete the alien agenda to convert most of the population into mindless workers then depopulate the rest since the needs of the society are devastating the natural resources. This will be the end of humankind once and for all. It’s almost impossible to break out of extraterrestrial enslavement and there are many movies made about this subject because it’s a totally real phenomenon. The people who were persuaded by these deceptive alien beings didn’t know their true intentions and plans. All have been kept secret for too long but some researchers uncovered the real alien plan to subjugate humanity as a workforce to extract all of the resources of Planet Earth which is a very rich and lively planet unlike most others in the universe. Planets like this are very rare so they’re desiderated by countless extraterrestrial races, organizations, and space pirates in the universe and several of them have covertly been here for a while. They infiltrated many institutions and convinced elites and officials to work for them to begin the new order to take over the planet and coerce mankind. The time is running out each and every day. The planet’s environment and climate are both unstable, the resources are depleting extremely fast to supply the increasing demand of the ever-growing population. Industrial needs and productions have been overly cataclysmic, the world’s biggest cities are too crowded and emit the most greenhouse gases discharging from billions of cars on the roads. Scientists disclose that the human population has a decade or two the most before climate change and other catastrophes wind up totally irremediable. The alien invasion will take advantage of the weaknesses, disagreements, and conflicts of all nations. There is evidence that millions of people have been abducted and most never returned. Human and animal body parts, plasma, organs, other biological compounds are very valuable in space so they will take away more animals and people once the alien oppression is fully established. You must understand you aren’t just resisting against oppression, there is a more intelligent, uniform, and deceptive force upon the world that will do whatever it takes to obtain this planetary system as their own. There is less than a decade for humanity to unite and restore their planet into its pristine state and expel the malevolent alien forces also build a social and economic system that is greenest, most sustainable, renewable and equal for the whole before it’s too late =)


Thursday, June 18, 2020



 Hi there. In the act of a pandemic and a global lockdown that sabotaged so many people’s lives, freedom, and the economic system propelling the world affairs, humans are subjected to consider their impact on the planet personally. Some people annunciated with jitters that this may be the inception of end times that oracles and clairvoyants of the past have warned us about in their relics. Now it’s obvious that we entered a strangely disparate era of either cataclysmic or opportunistic for mankind that’s responsible for breaking the life-balance of their homeworld. This adversity has been only caused by the intelligent beings of Earth which is a very beautiful diversiform planet consisting of countless species and an abundant setting. Unfortunately, human beings after the industrial revolution until now has driven the planet and its natural riches to a devastating state where climate change and other disasters have intensified. There are many beings that watch over the planet and the human civilization concerned about the future of humanity and the magnificent planet they live on. Even the largest in the world called the Amazon has been burning down to clear up land for cattle ranching. Some forested areas are being burned down to clear land for agriculture as well. There are methods called forest farming without cutting or burning trees that are efficient ways of growing all kinds of crops and trees since forests help its organisms thrive in every way possible. It’s obvious that the human race has become very destructive to its environment that it relies upon to survive and make the essential products needed by the global population. A lot of people are upset about seeing large forests burning and many animal species are dying and losing their homes. In reality, there are many natural approaches to grow any type of food without killing animals and destroying forests. The ignorance and disinformation have hit the roof all around the world. People work very hard to make and sell products and products to make the ends meet despite there are many ways to live self-sufficiently without destroying or polluting the world for the sake of economic growth and expansion. The economic system that people are shackled into is one of the most destructively unfeasible systems that will eventually deplete the natural resources and turn the planet into an uninhabitable place for the whole population. You must now ponder upon how we can fix this problem and reverse the damage and pollution you’ve produced during the last few decades increasingly. This isn’t the way an advanced society would function to feed its population and manufacture vital products. Now all industries, nations, and pollution levels are required to be regulated to modify them as feasible for the prospect. Otherwise, what’s nearing will devastate of all humanity each and every day and you would have the chance to get out of the madness you’ve created collectively. The economic system is definitely outdated and you must reckon the damage it’s generating over the ecosystems and the natural resources that are alarmingly depleting. You’ll need the planet’s natural resources, minerals, habitats, ecosystems, forests if you want to emerge as an advanced society in the future. If you destroy it all only in a few decades, nobody, no God, no alien beings will be able to help you in any way possible. It’s all up to the human race encircling Planet Earth to take action against the destructive industries, overpopulation, deforestation, climate change, pollution, plastics, mass extinctions, and so forth before it’s too late to act. All of the destructive industries, polluted cities and products that overuse and pollute the environment must be shut down or altered for the better as soon as possible. You cannot watch the world going extinct in front of eyes, this will provoke mass food and water shortages, more conflicts in the near future. Each person is responsible for the environment and its ecosystem they’re embedded. You cannot wait for higher powers or some rich people to do all the work for you, you ought to clean up the planet that’s given to you as your homeworld which is a very rare and unique planet in the universe.

 There are many alien groups and organizations monitoring Planet Earth and its affairs for a long time. The friendly aliens never come here because it’s not safe for them since there are many intervening groups and organizations that attempt to gain control of the human population as a workforce. This is a very dangerous phenomenon for the future of mankind, the alien agenda isn’t for the good of humans in no way. Planet Earth is such a rich and abundant system wanted by many alien races and some of them have been here to carry out their malevolent plans for decades without the regard of the public. You must be aware of and resist the alien presence around the world. They’ve already persuaded many people in power and influence to execute their world acquisition strategy that will only turn humans into a working-class with no right or freedom in the future.  Some people believe some beings from space will come here, offer technology, teachings, guide, and help humankind to evolve and fix the problems of the world. In fact, what has been occurring is totally the opposite of what people assume and hope for. Therefore humankind is destined to unite as a global force to save and restore the planet also stop the alien interference that’s designed to manipulate and gain control of the masses. The planet is definitely is in grave danger and the cataclysms will only intensify each passing day. Planting trees can change the environment and ecosystems for the better, it may be one of the best things people can do at this time. There are so many beneficial trees that produce foods, regulate the climate, turn CO2 into oxygen, provide housing for the rich biodiversity. Rather than destroying the world and plundering the resources to make more artificial products that will be used once or twice then end up in landfills, we can constitute a new type of civilization that’s very regenerative and self-sustaining on its own without damaging or overusing the planet’s natural riches and minerals. All of these are required to be conserved for future use if humans anticipate them to subsist for thousands of years. No corporation or no nation should be allowed to drain the limited and fragile elements, materials derived from the environment, and forests for the sake of economic growth and expansion. Industrial and economic progress has been extremely detrimental and it has only made people literally overpopulate the planet to a point where it’s not sustainable anymore. Nothing, no industry will ever be fully sustainable so all of the productions and commercial systems are supposed to be rectified for them to not be exhausting. Humans are a newly developing society in the universe that lives on a planet wanted by others. If people continue the destructive behavior, the aliens that come here will always take advantage and eventually gain full control of the society clandestinely to turn humans into subspecies to be farmed and utilized brutally. You can already feel and see the effects of this in your society where natural disasters, viruses are easily ravaging throughout the globe because civilization isn’t viable by any means. Humans have been a very warlike, conflicted, and destructive species to each other, to their world, and to all living species around them. A great abundance of fruits, vegetables, and other types of organic crops have been lavished to the human species but they still choose to eat sentient beings, slaughter them in billions also burn forests and despoil the lands to make products and consume ruthlessly. This is a very primitive and barbaric kind of society that ruins a magnificent, rich, and lively planet thriving with biodiversity and vital habitats. Scientists discovered many Earth-like planets but most of them are barren or lifeless compared to Planet Earth comprising a tremendous amount of living species and a high level of abundance. 

 Would planting 500 trillion trees save the world and eventually terraform Mars? Planting trees is absolutely one of the best things a person can do. Can only planting trees save the world or terraform Mars? Saving the world depends on many aspects of life. Human civilization and industrialization have been eroding the planet and its natural environment day by day. Planting so many trees may restore forests, deserted lands, and form a greener space for people and other creatures to live but we have to put an end to human-caused adversities like climate change, degradation, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and so forth. Human beings should stop being the locust swarm devouring the planet alive. They should focus on real issues of the world and take collective action about them. Some scientists enounced that there are only 10 years to reverse climate change and other catastrophic events before they’re impossible to invert their impact. The future can be bright if the entire human race unites for a unique game plan that’s intelligently devised to somehow secure the planet’s imperiled ecological and corporeal future. Now is the only time to act upon this happening and each person around the world can make the change for the positive by either planting trees, going plant-based, investing in renewable energies, inventing a greener, and more viable prospect for the generations to come. Everything is made for people and people can conceive the best possible outcome if they actually know how to. For this reason, any effort to find new ways, forge new ventures and projects that are critically effective and life-saving for the whole world will be paramount. A lot of people are moving out of the cities to start a more natural and self-reliant homestead and lifestyle in tune with nature. Although living naturally is still difficult, it’s better for nature and human health. People who live in big cities pay huge amounts just for housing. Anyone can easily build a large garden, permaculture farm, or food forest in an affordable property not too far from cities to market their products and organically grown foods. Trees are the most life-giving and resourceful organisms of the physical realm. There are many people who had similar to life after death experience where they flew to heaven-like dimension and witnessed a very lush and buoyant scenery. Moreover, there were so many trees and plants of ample diversity akin to Earth and more. This may be the sign that trees and plants are ultra dimensional, very generative entities that can rejuvenate their surroundings if they have the chance. Unfortunately, humans have been logging trees and forests to a greater extent also incinerating large jungles to clear land for cattle ranching and soy plantation. Trees can turn barren landscapes into fertile if they’re bolstered by people instead of cut and raze to acquire wood and open land for meat and dairy enterprises. Humans are beings that are designed to be symbiotic with nature, living habitats, and forests. If you look at it, most of the products and industries that people hustle about are certainly superfluous, toxic, and pollutant. Now that the planet is going through mass extinctions and many cataclysmic events, people around the world are being called to readjust their values, habits, and the productions that they rely upon. All of the destructive and depleting industries, factories, and corporations are doomed to shut down or customized for them to become very green, sustainable, and eco-friendly plus plastics and fossil fuel-free. Trees can eventually form young and robust forests that provide a dwelling for endangered biological diversity, stabilize climate, sequester carbon, and even produce the foods and products people need to survive and make things with. Most of the products manufactured are harvested from forests or farms with trees and plants producing the essential materials. Thus the economic growth and expansion depend on trees, plants, and elemental goods that are used in almost everything. Indeed individuals can build a very self-sufficient lifestyle if they can cultivate the resources needed for them to survive and live off. The planet is in danger and we can rejuvenate its environment, prevent climate change and other debacles from magnifying by utilizing the seeds collected from nature. Seeds are the source of life upon the Earth and people are predestined to employ them more often to transform their surroundings into a livable biosphere where green communities powered by renewables are prevalent. Fossil-fuels are discharging the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and they’re basically the number one polluters combined with the transportation sector worldwide. Some cities are going car-free after the lockdown that compelled people to realize their impact on climate and the environment. Going car-free is one of the best things anyone can do to reduce their carbon outtake and live a healthier and more dynamic lifestyle. Most of the cities around the world are perfectly bikeable and they promote people to go car-free. The electric car industry is booming and expectedly there will be more electric cars and trucks on the roads with zero emissions. Most of the products that people use and consume each day can be made plant-based and that’s the future that we must pursue. Innovation never ends and nature provides all the things all creatures need so plastic and oil-based products will be obsolete sooner or later. Humans have to shift from a consumer species to a restorer species. Forests can stop runaway global heating, encourage rainfall, guarantee clean water, reduce air pollution, and provide livelihoods for local people and reserves for rare wildlife. Politicians are waking up to the potential of natural climate solutions, reforestation, and other ecological restoration to capture carbon and tackle the climate crisis. Such solutions could provide 37% of the greenhouse gas mitigation required to provide a good chance of stabilizing global heating below the critical 2C threshold. Some nations have plans to reforest hectares of lands for restoration and to lessen the effects of global warming. But it isn’t as simple as just grabbing seeds and saplings and sticking them in the ground. Non-native plantations can cause problems for biodiversity, local livelihoods, or both. Grand pledges aren’t always met. Technology such as tree-planting by drones is often hailed as a game-changer, but it can be hit-and-miss. Everybody thinks that smarter technology is going to save us. A significant amount of the materials required to be mined for that smarter technology are under the last remaining old-growth forests. Rather humans need to be connected to trees and forests. It’s the disconnection between people and trees that drives deforestation. Mangroves are a wonder-tree for local and global ecosystem services; they protect human communities from coastal floods but also filter river flows out to sea and prevent soil washing into the ocean and destroying coral reefs. They are also crucial nurseries for juvenile fish. Most importantly, perhaps, studies suggest they can sequester four times more carbon than rainforest. Reforestation and tree planting projects can alleviate poverty and uplift many communities. Non-native monocultures are killers for biodiversity so it’s best to always incorporate native species in new ventures. Covid-19 has delivered unusual environmental benefits: cleaner air, lower carbon emissions, a respite for wildlife. Here is the opportunity for whether people can capitalize on this moment. The more trees in a symbiotic relationship with each other and other organisms, the more they’ll bloom and reproduce to spread apart and this is how forests are born. People can plant food forests and plant gardens that are beneficial for them because they are the most productive experiments to engage in. Symbiosis with nature and its perennials is the key to building a very livable, fertile, and generative civilization that people can live harmoniously instead of competing and confronting each other. Going vegan alone helped many people persist difficulties, financial disorder, addiction, and other problems. It’s clear that living and inventing plant-based can be life-saving for people. 

 We’re entering an era of terraforming other planets including the Earth itself whereas people believe that’s geoengineering. Yes, geoengineering is the term for altering the climate of our planet. Climate engineering or climate intervention commonly referred to as geoengineering, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system, usually with the aim of mitigating the adverse effects of global warming. The most prominent subcategory of climate engineering is solar radiation management. Solar radiation management attempts to offset the effects of greenhouse gases by causing the Earth to absorb less solar radiation. Some methods of greenhouse gas removal, such as ocean iron fertilization, are forms of climate engineering. Ocean iron fertilization has been investigated in small-scale research trials. These experiments have proven controversial. Some environmental organizations have been reluctant to endorse solar radiation management, but are often more supportive of some carbon dioxide removal projects, such as afforestation and peatland restoration. There are a few companies including NASA with great endeavors and programs to send people to Mars and eventually terraform a new Earth-like, livable planet. Planet Earth is first because it’s threatened by the growing industrial needs of the human population that is excessively exhausting the limited and dainty supplies. Geoengineering may mitigate the climate change and effects of global warming but it’s not totally capable for them to desist. Mars was probably a fertile sphere with a thicker atmosphere and large bodies of water in the ancient past but it lost its vivacity for a certain reason. The Earth evolved as a very fecund marble where humans emerged with increasing intelligence and skills. After research, it suggests that Earth is one of the few planets in this galaxy that can terraform new planets that orbit the solar system and afar. Space telescopes have detected many Earth-like worlds that may or may not contain intelligent life but most of them are probably barren worlds. There have been many ufo sightings and alien encounters that kept hidden from the public and there are probably several alien races that come to Earth because their planets are either depleted or never had the diversity of life that the Earth includes abundantly. Therefore some alien races and groups have entered the Earth’s atmosphere to intervene in human affairs for decades since humans have been destructive and warlike in their disposition and behavior. This is a very big threat for the planet that’s bestowed upon the human race and it’s probably wanted by many extraterrestrial races that are here for quite some time to carry out their secret agendas. The environmental degradation, climate change, and the alien threat altogether can wipe out the human race in such a short time and we know of the evidence of mass extinctions of the past. After many years of research and encounters, it’s apparent that no alien races have come here to help humanity nor save the world by any means. They created an alien-human hybrid race to gain control of mankind and turn them into subspecies to be used, controlled, and exploited into eternity. For this reason, people all around the world must raise awareness and do whatever it takes to restore their world and protect it from alien interference that’s in coordinance with the rich, powerful, and administrative elites. These beings have the utmost mind control capabilities that humans cannot hinder yet. We live on one of the most beautiful and rich worlds that’s coveted by others and they’re here also some look indistinguishably like humans. Our planet has the properties and organisms that can revive and terraform the dying, depleted, or infertile spheres nearby. The terraformation of Mars is on the horizon and many companies are endeavoring to establish colonies and livable domes that are self-sustaining. The conversation with alien beings and hybrids indicates that aliens come from arid, depleted, and deserted terrenes and most live on ships seeking more resources for them to expand. Their planetary acquisition plan hasn’t faced any resistance yet, most people and their associates believe that they’re here for the advancement and upgrade of the human population. Humans innately have great potential to emerge as a very sustainable, regenerative, and cooperative civilization that can save Planet Earth, build a very green world powered by renewables. Although aliens are advanced technologically, they don’t have the resources or the ability to regenerate their homeworlds nor terraform other worlds. Instead, they search for rich and thriving worlds like the Earth to build dominion upon for them to farm and exploit brutally. These space forces are called the collectives and they’re very dangerous for the future of humankind. They’ve already taken over several planetary systems and subjugated their native inhabitants as a workforce with no freedom or rights whatsoever. People of the world are doomed to stop this madness that’s encompassing the human population and gaining power each and every day. The richest, most influential people also the biggest tech and commercial companies have acquired their technological advancements to engineer their tech products and services through exchange programs with these alien beings. Most of these technologies are designed to manipulate and control the masses and there are body and brain implants in development to turn human beings into mindless personnel. This is one of the reasons that there are such turmoil and instability around the world. Humans if they unite as one super force can overcome all of the problems, disasters, and the malevolent alien order initiated to coerce the human race. Going vegan, planting trees, investing in green, sustainable projects and businesses can be the great beginning to become a very united and self-sustaining society that will progress with the help of renewable resources and plant-based products. Nature provides humans and other organisms all the things for them to survive and evolve. Unfortunately, the aliens and their mind-controlled comrades will do everything to enslave humanity to extract all of the resources, minerals including humans since biological components of human beings and animals are very valuable in space trade and for many uses. This is the only time to restore the planet in danger and move forward as a very sustainable civilization that will protect and enrich its living environment rather than ravaging it all on their path on behalf of economic and monetary gain that won’t last long once the planet is depleted. Forests are the most resourceful properties of our diverse system and they must be safeguarded instead of being burned down to clear land for the meat industry. There are many people who cultivated very self-enriching permaculture farms and homesteads and this is proof that planting, gardening, and working with plants can rejuvenate the environment also supply most of the essentials for humans to survive. There is an eco-research implying that planting 500 trillion trees of diverse species relevant to each regions natively can reverse climate change, make the world greenest, provide a tremendous amount of foods and supplies for communities and the new seedlings derived from these trees and other plants can be transported to Mars to build a very green, self-sustaining, enriched arcade for many colonies to live. Certain trees and plant species are able to be bioengineered by scientists for them to survive in alien worlds or deserted planets like Mars. This means that even many alien worlds can be terraformed by the human species claiming them one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe since no alien races displayed any assets or mechanisms for terraforming. Thus, no alien societies that come here possess the life-generating organisms, compounds, and the resources that the Earth contains profusely. And this is exactly what they want to be in control of with envy. Humans are still at a developing stage as an intelligent civilization but they embrace more potential than the beings that come here or hybridized to look like humans. Each person can alter their surroundings to transform their lives into very self-sufficient, prolific, and ecological free from plastics, carbon emissions, waste, chemicals, and so forth. Living as natural as possible starts with cultivating the life-giving plants, trees, and the great diversity of species the Earth contains. Let’s plant trillions of trees, employ the green, renewable natural resources all over the planet plus on Mars to begin the terraformation process of the universe in order to surpass all alien races and thwart their malevolent world acquisition prospectus =D

Thursday, June 11, 2020




 Hello there, there is a great opportunity laying ahead of humanity that’s going through mass extinction events, turmoil, pandemics, and a planet that’s imperiled. There are a lot of affairs that have been retained absolutely classified but many researchers and whistleblowers have discovered the real situation and revealed the secrecy. We live on a totally disparate epoch unlike any other period in history. So many people are still not aware of what’s been going on but they’ll learn soon. Once more and more people discern what’s been kept hidden from them and find out what can be done, things will start to roll out with consolidated action. Nothing will ever be the same again, the planet is changing faster than what people are used to envisioning. If humans change their behavior, diet, customs, habits, and unnecessary tendencies into regenerative, plant-based systems to live and produce abundantly employing nature's self-generating concepts with no exhaustion, they can become a very advanced, self-sustaining, live-giving society unlike many others in the cosmos. Life exists everywhere in all forms but Planet Earth has the biological plethora that can revive dying systems also power human civilization into eternity. Don't think to reach other worlds will present Earth-like biome that's very rich with resources and biodiversity. People have to recognize what kind of a prize they live on and it's wanted by many other species coming from space. There is great danger ahead though great opportunity if the entire world acts now before it's overdue. Supernatural phenomena including disasters have been aggravating to warn people that it's time to do something about saving yourself, your family, and the whole human population as well as the natural balance of the world. Nature contains countless seeds in its forests and habitats and it regenerates itself and expands by dispersing its seeds exponentially. Hence more people around the world can utilize the seeds collected from nature, forests, jungles, and garden centers to implant them in their surroundings to build the greenest living ecosystem around them. Even indoor farming has been very popular since there is an increasing need for foods grown locally and it's difficult to acquire large land to start cultivating crops. Monoculture method of farming, gardening, and plantations have been immensely harmful to the soil and environment since nature is definitely a vital permaculture organism encircling the entire planet. There is a tremendous amount of evidence that some alien groups have intervene in human affairs to gain access to essential resources and control mechanisms of our civilization. The aim of this extraordinary phenomenon is that humans have been extremely destructive to their planet, environment, to each other, and to all living beings that exist on Earth. There are many space groups and organizations that want this rich, rare, unique planetary system for their own purposes and benefits. There is environmental degradation, depletion, climate change, conflicts, and instability plus there is an alien invasion occurring behind the scenes kept completely secret from the public. They don't want their intentions to be known by the human population then it would be difficult for them to gain control of a weakening and conflicted humanity. People and even other beings coming from space are still part of nature that exists in their homeworlds. They may look different, peculiar, scary but their intentions and motives are similar to human beings that want more of the stuff granting them survival, comfort, richness, growth, and prosperity. This is what most of the societies desire in the universe but most of them depleted their homeworlds' resources and natural environment for the sake of technological advancement and development. Therefore the path to industrial, technological growth and expansion is extremely destructive and dangerous for any race in the universe including humans. Technology will never provide the life-giving sources that nature innately generates and extreme industrialization, overuse, and mass manufacturing of countless junk products and tech gadgets will exhaust the planet's natural resources into extinction. Human society is already going through mass extinction events that are wiping out large forests, many species forming biodiversity and threatening the fragile ecosystems that are immensely significant for the survival of all species and human beings.


 Yes, we do have the seeds. Our planet accommodates us the essential seeds to reinstate our survival instance again and again anywhere possible. There is scientific research to pursue bioengineering seeds and other lifeforms for them to adapt to other planets’ conditions. This will clear the way to terraforming other systems in the near future. Seeds are the source of life that compose nature for it to provide for its creatures. Seeds expand forests and living habitats, they enable humans to start farms, gardens, orchards, and all kinds of landscape projects. A seed is an embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering. The formation of the seed is part of the process of reproduction in seed plants. Seeds are the product of the ripened ovule, after fertilization by pollen and some growth within the mother plant. The embryo is developed from the zygote and the seed coat from the integuments of the ovule. Seed production in natural plant populations varies widely from year to year in response to weather variables, insects and diseases, and internal cycles within the plants themselves. Over a 20-year period, for example, forests composed of loblolly pine and shortleaf pine produced from 0 to nearly 5 million sound pine seeds per hectare. Over this period, there were six bumper, five poor, and nine good seed crops, when evaluated for the production of adequate seedlings for natural forest reproduction. Then comes the germination, germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or similar structure. The most common example of germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm. Germination also includes the growth of a spore, such as the spores of Fungus, ferns, bacteria, and the growth of the pollen tube from the pollen grain of seed plants. This process creates the life-giving organisms to give nourishment to the entire natural infrastructure that humans are integrated into anatomically. If we can utilize this natural system for the benefit of all humans beings and the whole living organism called Earth, we’ll be able to stop the destruction, depletion, instability that are caused by human activity. There are always many methods to make use of nature and its regenerative resources to supply the needs of the human population. The human civilization is definitely constrained to veer its economic, social, and legislative structure to a non-destructive course since the industrial era has been squandering the planet’s non-renewable components. It’s clear that no divine power, leader, or no alien beings will come to save the world prospectively. Humans have to consider the consequences of their use and application for industrialized productions in all sectors. In order to mitigate climate change and other types of environmental degeneracy, the entire human population must act simultaneously to revert the damage and emissions altogether. Most of the creatures rely upon forests to survive and they’re part of the organic framework. They contribute to the growth instead of pillaging it all. Now is the only time to make the change otherwise the effects will be irreversible no matter what. Each person can utilize a variety of seeds to rejuvenate their cities, neighborhoods, and their homes, each plant can make a difference. Natural productions are way more sustainable than industrial plunder and devastation. A lot of people are forced to move out of big cities now as a result of pandemics that threaten the overpopulated areas of the world. There will be more pandemics and disasters in the near future so it’s best to move inland where you can rebuild your life by constructing a self-sustaining homestead and community. There are some green community projects that are near the big cities of the world for people to start a new life where the food is grown organically, all buildings are powered by renewable energies, waste, and garbage management are about recycling and composting. These types of small and medium-sized green, ecological towns and communities will be more common all around the world since many people are realizing the effects of their footprint, diet, habits, and purchases. After all, human beings are supposed to be in tune with nature and their surroundings for their own survival and anticipated security. Manufacturing and economic augmentation will never secure any person’s or nation’s future since the economy is a destructive force in its essence. People are fungi beings that live off the organic elements produced by ripened organic lifeforms. Fungi have been evolving on Earth for millions of years and it connects large forests with underground networks. Humans are designed to be the regenerative force that enhances the biosphere they live on. Unfortunately, the intelligent beings native to this world have become the locust swarm devouring the planet and all its diverse lifeforms alive aggressively. The path to ever-growing economic, industrial, and technological productions and consumption is what a primitive society with no understanding of how life and progress work would do. It’s probable that ancient and advanced societies in the universe would avoid destroying their only homeworld for the sake of economic, technological, mass-manufactured amplification and gain. This may be the worst course taken by human society and it must deviate as soon as possible since there are pandemics, natural disasters and even nearing cataclysms that may severely compromise the civilization. 

                                                            GOING GREEN

 Going green or plant-based isn’t just about investing in renewables, purchasing more fresh produce, or starting your vegetable garden in your backyard. It’s a lot more than that. We need to evaluate the motives of our society since it’s ended up being a corrosive horde altering its plane of existence grievously. Going green begins at an individual level, you can’t expect for corporations or administrations to change all of the market lines to curb the climate change, vice versa. If individuals find new ways to more ecological and green, the corporations that supply the demand will follow the trends. Trends are actually fabricated by people then the masses repeat vogue. Going green, vegan and plant-based have hit the mainstream and more people realize that their choices and lifestyles deeply disturb the climate, the oceans, and other habitats. Think about how much trash a household piles up each year. All of this multiplied by millions even billions will be dumped to landfills or oceans which will be annexed to enlarging plastics patch in oceans and contamination on land, water, and air. Products or technology will never solve the problems imperiling the whole civilization, there are other practices we can all engage in like going fully green in every sector and waste-free. Waste is you can tell from its meaning unnecessary for any society. Nobody needs endless products packaged in plastics that are used once or twice and never decompose. This is a ridiculous type of economic and social system that people have invented to move forward as a working, creative society. Going comprehensively green, renewable, sustainable in all fields and sectors that service to the human population can leap the civilization into its next stage in development. Since human beings are part of nature, they have to consider nature’s balance and durability as a permanent goal. At this scale of overuse and devastation, human civilization won’t last long even if they developed an advanced level of technology and infrastructure. The elements that bolster the living world that we abide on must be perpetuated rather than capitalizing on them through an ever sucking drain. If the largest forests die off, there won’t be anything to support the human population nor the natural system they live off. It’s time to revise the economic system that supports the survival of all nations since there aren’t many eco-friendly and carbon-neutral nations or regions yet. Going vegan affects the environment you live in and even the vast forests far away from you since the meat industry is responsible for the burning of large forested lands all over the world. The increase in demand for meat products will cause more forests to be burned down in order to open land for cattle ranching. If you want to save the Amazon or other forests, you should stop financing animal-cruelty and deforestation altogether by going vegan. Going green is a wonderful journey you can embark on individually or with your loved ones. There are always new things to improve and get rid of to establish yourself and your family as a green household. Try to recycle your residue or experiment going waste-free. Living a minimalist lifestyle would be easier to succeed in going green. The planet really needs more and more people to embrace a green, plant-based, and ecological lifestyle and creativity as in entrepreneurship. The ecological, vegan, and plant-based businesses are thriving more than ever before. Some of them topped the wall street at a record timeframe. 

                                             SAVING FORESTS and BIODIVERSITY

 People need to understand that their diet preference, the products they buy, their choices at the stores contribute to deforestation unwittingly. Since the largest forest in the world is still burning down, we need to take action also change our destructive habits to restore the forests. Tropical rainforests house the most extreme biodiversity of Earth higher than other zones. The human population is supposed to protect and preserve large forests by changing their habits and diets rather than wasting and consuming more of the foods, products, and other types of merchandise demolishing them all. People can collect rare seeds from large forests like the Amazon and propagate them in greenhouses or convenient spaces mimicking the characteristics of their native lands. Saving forests may be a big part of saving the planet that’s endangered as well. Restoring and protecting all forests will conserve the biodiversity also improve the climate conditions of these areas. Climate change is caused by the growing population’s impact so a worldwide change is critical to reverse the warming temperatures. Planting new forests will stabilize the climate significantly but we must put an end to destructive industries like the meat and dairy plus start augmenting nature’s living forests and habitats for the benefit of the whole. Humans are required to consider that they aren’t top of the food chain, they’re a component in a living environment and its biodiversity as a type of species. No intelligent beings would burn down the largest and most abundant forests to make more dead animal pieces for profits and appetite. All creatures make up the equilibrium of the animated world. If one or more species go extinct cause of deforestation or other reasons, this will undermine the structure springing a chain reaction of an extinction crisis. Some say it may be already too late to stop the damage done to forests, oceans, biological diversity. There are certain projects and charities that attempt to stop the tragic events but they’re not able to completely invert the downfall. People with the extension of the internet are becoming a global mind with greater awareness and unity but they must learn the fact that all they do, buy, and consume damage the forests, oceans, animals, and the resources needed for the future. Once forests downgrade in size to wind up incapable to absorb the excess CO2 and exhale oxygen, climate change, and natural disasters will intensify consequently. The mass extinction event is already underway and it seems like it’s accelerating each day. We have to somehow safeguard all forested lands and cultivate new ones in arid regions. Most of the population is supposed to go vegan and invent a plant-based perspective plan to generate an ecological and carbon-neutral world community that’s in tune with its surroundings and creatures. To recover existing forests and planting new ones that can feed and sustain the growing population is crucial for a developing civilization like humans. There are countless edible plants, herbs also fruit, nut trees that produce food of a high variety. Designing food forests and permaculture farms became very popular recently since more people are trying to grow their own foods and make the products they need and sell as a side job during lockdown and pandemic. This pandemic has awakened the human population to commence a more self-sufficient, green, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle by shifting their preferences and work ethics. Scientists warn the public that only after a decade the deforestation and warming climate will be irreversible then mass food, water shortages, and turbulence will arise. We could solve most of the problems of our civilization by switching to fully plant-based productions and consumer conduct. Planting new forests or even cultivating your own food forest and permaculture homestead is definitely one of the best things you can do in your life. The Amazon rainforest contains innumerable diversity of plant, tree, and animal species. We could accumulate the exotic, rare, and unique plants and trees to create new botanical gardens also implant the ones that are edible and food-producing to grow new exotic foods that can be sold in grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Since largest forests like the Amazon are in jeopardy, we could propagate and transplant its life-generating, productive elements to places that are barren for reforestation projects. Some plant species are able to adapt to a wide range of climate and soil patterns or they can be bioengineered to acclimate to new conditions for them to start flourishing. If you plant a large garden or a moderate forest, it will increase in size even when it’s left unattended. This is how nature works, it will expand and blossom without human interference so humans should collect and plant more of the essential seeds gathered from any world in the world especially from forests thriving with great diversity. Once the green habitat is established, the animals and other creatures will move in to shape a self-generative core. 


 This cycle we’re going through seems like a misfortune but it’s introducing unknown opportunities and the chance to formulate a more free, creative, and self-governing mindset to achieve more. Each person must rely on themselves to build a self-sustaining way of life without expecting higher powers to provide or arrange it all. Each human being has the power and capacity to be creative and innovative to invent their own future that’s progressive. Waiting for someone else to do it all for you is a very wrong outlook. You can get good sleep by staying away from junk food, alcohol, drugs, and caffeine then wake up early each day to get a hold of your creative mind. All of the things you see, buy, and consume to survive are all made by some people. You can make it better even on your own. The only thing you’ll need is yourself and renewable resources gathered from nature or from any place you can find them to mold them into shape for good use. All stuff is designed by people to supply the demand of the human population. The problem is the stuff people mass manufacture and ship worldwide aren’t mostly made of renewable and clean materials. This pollutes and degenerates the environment where the natural resources and biodiversity exist. Renewability and sustainability can be based on green elements derived from the ecosphere that all living beings share. There are minerals and fossil fuels that aren’t renewable resources. Most of you know that fossil fuels turn into greenhouse gases amassed in the atmosphere forcing the planet to warm up each year. Therefore, we are supposed to invent and invest in renewable energies more so we can get rid of the polluter industries. All products, energy sources, and commerce are tailored to cater to the growing human population worldwide. Unfortunately, this commercial system has driven the environment and climate to its current state. For this reason, we are compelled to invent a more advanced and regenerative economic and societal order that can revert the environmental decline and climate change. Humans can utilize plants and natural compounds as the most renewable resources in every field and sector that supply human society. Animals and mammals never plunder the resources of the world causing mass deterioration and depletion around them. Living like animals would be primitive for humans but we can apply biomimicry into our production lines and city designs to produce a carbon-neutral and green civilization around the world. Instead of developing more technologies, factories, junk products, and gadgets, each human being can harness the power of natural elements, plants, and other replenishable ingredients to create the most self-reliant household and survival possible. Nothing is sustainable in human society almost anywhere in the world. The carbon-neutral countries are mostly underdeveloped but we can still restore the planet from an individual level through the cultivation of nature’s fastest renewing power sources that will upgrade the human civilization. There is great competition for jobs, for stuff, for positions, for power, for supplies, and for almost everything in life. People must realize that competing for the same things over and over to gather and consume more is a primitive type of civilization. Each individual can be placed to regenerate their surroundings for the benefit of the whole. Don’t underestimate the power of nature and its self-enriching resources. They’re the life-giving fountains of Planet Earth. There are people who planted vast forests single-handedly to create a very rich ecosystem for their own gain as well as other creatures’. The economic system is changing after the pandemic and you can make the choice to live more efficiently by cultivating the products you need for daily use. Every product can be made plant-based no matter what it is. There are plastics that are molded of plant-based materials arriving at the markets soon. In order to demonstrate a global green phase of plethora and growth, people should adopt a fully plant-based, cruelty-free, and mindful mindset towards animals, the environment, and the planet in general. When people make the shift, corporations, and businesses that provide the products and services will amend their methods of production and manufacturing. Even one person can change the world no matter who they are or where they’re located. There were vegans who were great inventors, leaders, and innovators in the past like Nikola Tesla and many others. Going vegan literally unlocks your DNA and brain potential to its unexplored limits. There are myriads of seeds, plants that people around the world can utilize to alter their ambiance as the greenest and most abundant ever existed with absolute cooperation. Nature is a harmonious living organism and people should go back to their roots by enhancing nature around them. We can make the critical shift as the greenest phase by initiating a united vegan seed bombardment rather than conflicting and contending with each other. Humans can become a very advanced, sustainable, self-sustaining, and undivided civilization that can outperform the alien races that show up in the skies. Human beings have been perfectly designed by the creator and a magnificent planet called Planet Earth has been gifted to them to evolve and blossom with complete green boost and advancements into eternity.