Saturday, June 6, 2020




 It seems like things have changed and it’s changing so fast every day. Nothing will ever be the same again. There have been positive movements and projects but the negative events have hindered them from proliferating faster and stronger than the catastrophic events. We have a 50/50 scenario now and the society is definitely in grave danger. Despite the pandemic lockdown healed the Earth and dropped the pollution levels significantly, the economy and job market have crashed and people started protesting. The problem may be that there aren’t enough resources for an ever-growing world population and constant economic growth. The increase in world population, economic greed, and expenditures have driven the planet into its chaotic state of climate change, disasters, unemployment, and many other adversities. People believe some administrative or higher powers can solve all of the world’s problems in a few minutes if they wanted to but that’s not how things work in the world nor the universe. Matter of fact, there are many alien races operating secretly for decades and they never helped human society with anything other than fulfilling their own deceitful agendas. This has been kept a secret for too long but the truth has been unraveling recently. There are many researchers who discovered why the aliens were here, the human race has been destroying their planet that’s wanted by many alien races each and every day. This attracted several collectives into Earth’s atmosphere for them to take advantage of a weakening and divided humanity. There were vegan, plant-based, reforestation, ecological movements, and projects able to alter the shape of the world if they could be applied by the entire human population. Even remarkable territories like the Amazon rainforest has been burning down, some people are stating that this may be the end times because the devastation and calamities have been intensifying. There is a rumor that the hurricane season will bring numerous cyclones and tropical storms throughout a vast region in the Atlantic and other oceans. The entire world must ponder and converge upon how to save the planet and human society before it’s too late. It’s obvious that the planetary equilibrium is disrupted after the industrial era until now. The economy, more industries, and consumption won’t probably solve any of the dilemmas of our time. 2020 is the beginning of a new age of either do whatever it takes to save and restore the planet or fall under extraterrestrial order that’s been designed to farm and exploit the human race brutally. 

 There is always hunger for more in every place in the world. There is evidence that even aliens need all kinds of resources. Developing advanced technology, mental power, and lightspeed spacecraft won’t make you Godlike without any need for food, supplies, and resources. In fact, it’s proven that the more technological advancement a society possesses, there is a greater need for resources to keep up with. For this reason, technology on its own won’t solve the problems of our time nor make humans superior without the need for money, possessions, and other essentials. Things are changing so fast and this is definitely the age of emergence as a new society in the universe since there are many alien races already here on Earth operating secretly for decades. The economic and environmental decline will weaken human society increasingly and there will be more hunger, poverty, and unemployment from now on. The evil alien agenda is still playing out smoothly. Aliens want to take control of a weakened human population so they can use them to complete the necessary tasks to extract the ultimate resources from Planet Earth. This planet is a very rich and biological sphere unlike countless barren worlds in the universe. Thus aliens want to save this for themselves by enslaving the human population with the help of rich and powerful people around the world. No matter what happens, even if the economy crashes, the elites still win big time and they cooperate with the aliens to subjugate the human race as a subservient working class. So the environmental degradation, mass extinction events also climate change plus the societal instability are all working against the world population but the people in power will take advantage of all the negative events. The scenario of Independence Day has been occurring for a while but it has been classified and kept hidden from the public. There are a lot of people who found out what’s been playing out as a plot against humanity. The alien agenda doesn’t include anything beneficial for the human race. Great technology has been developed through exchange programs with aliens and all of the technology that people purchase and use every day is designed for aliens to control and utilize mankind to extract all of the resources of Planet Earth including humans, animals, and other species as a resource. What humans have done to animals will be done the same way even more to them by their alien overlords from now on. Aliens, their associates, and hybrids are coordinately quelling the world population since there aren’t enough resources for an ever-growing overpopulated world. So they will enslave mankind to extract all of the resources for the elites that work with them and ship valuable assets for space trade. All of the natural, biological resources and mineral deposits of this planet are rare and unique for well-established space trades. This is why the aliens have been here for decades to carry out the alien order to enslave humankind with oppression, body and brain implants, and many other negative events that you see and experience every day. This is all part of the new world order which is the one and the same with the alien agenda. Humans have been overusing and destroying nature and all of its riches to grow and overpopulate a planet wanted by so many alien races. The aliens that are here are commercial and collective forces that other alien societies stay away from. The planet should be restored and safeguarded from any type of pollution, depletion, devastation also any alien interference. They studied and observed the human race for decades so they know more about people that people know about themselves. They developed great mind control mechanisms to easily dominate a weakening and divided human population. Millions of people have been abducted by the aliens over the course of 50-60 years and most have never returned. Once people are abducted by the aliens, they turn into a biological resource or a labor force for the aliens to fulfill their world acquisition plan. So many people in power and influence around the world have been persuaded to correlate with the alien agenda, depopulation and ever-increasing oppression are all part of this. 

 There were very positive and powerful movements around the world like the vegan, plant-based, reforestation, living and producing more sustainably and the productions were moving towards more renewable and green than before. Even these effective movements and productions have been restrained so people won’t gain the power to overcome the alien presence and the methods to suppress the masses. The planet’s biosphere feeds and houses the human population and all living beings are endangered. Although the industrial era has been beneficial for the growth and expansion of the human race, it’s been very destructive for the environment and natural resources recently. People think an economy is a machine that generates endlessly and technology is the only aspect of life to focus on but both of these assertions aren’t true. The economy and growing population have been consuming a shrinking well that’s made to overuse and pollute the atmosphere and the environment with acceleration. Unfortunately, economic growth, expansion, industrialization, and technological advancements aren’t the way to progress for any society in the universe. Each human being is supposed to protect and preserve nature, all living beings, and find new ways to stop the pollution and depletion of the world’s diminishing supplies. You can’t expect some higher powers like the aliens, angels, or corporations to do it all for you. Each person can make the shift to living and producing a very sustainable and ecological lifestyle free from cruelty, disasters, and inequality. Of course, each person needs many products to survive and live comfortably but the manufacturing of these products for billions of people has plunged the world into an overly cataclysmic state. Countries like China that manufacture most of the products to supply the demand for many nations is the worst approach to progress as a society. The pollution and exhaustion levels are way over the limits in these nations. In the future, the countries that adopted very green and sustainable mindsets to feed their population and live without any harm to nature will prevail and the developed nations that didn’t take necessary action to stop the harm may fall because they won’t have the resources in a world being hit by devastating catastrophes, mass food, and water shortages and other negative events. Unfortunately, not even the aliens won’t help in a chaotic world and they will siphon the human population, animals, and other desired assets for their own benefit and purposes. No aliens are superior to any human being in any way possible. The aliens that come here are pirate collective forces that travel to other worlds in search of new resources and domination. People all around the world must wake up to what’s been occurring behind the scenes for decades. Human beings have the terrific potential and capacity to surpass all alien races that come here to gain control of a weakening and conflicted population. Adopting a plant-based diet will unlock the human DNA destined to become one of the most advanced species in the universe. Planet Earth is a very rich and delightful heavenly body unlike countless barren, arid, and depleted spheres in the universe. There are many abductees who’ve been transported to alien worlds that looked extremely deserted and desolate environments, they were nowhere similar to magnificent Planet Earth which may be one of the most amazing worlds in this galaxy and afar. Thus it must be protected and preserved at all costs in every nation and region. The research reveals that this planet has been seeded many times in its ancient past to emerge as the biological storehouse in this region of the universe which can revive and replenish other planetary systems in the course of time. A lot of aliens races have utilized many lifeforms evolved here in their labs, spaceships, and homeworlds. This is one of the features of our planetary system that they hanker for. They see our world as a prize that’s being ruined by its native inhabitants even though humans have been genetically altered by the aliens in the past. Going vegan and fully plant-based is one of the best things you can do for your health, for the animals and the environment you live in. Most of the people in the world don’t care about their environmental impact and they buy and support the businesses, products, and corporations that slaughter billions of animals, impair the ecosystems and pollute the atmosphere, oceans, and water sources each and every day. Each person can make a difference if they follow the ecological, cruelty-free, and green path to live and thrive. The vegan, plant-based businesses and productions have been hitting the mainstream also thriving more than other businesses that damage the ecosphere. There is definitely an awakening in our realm, people want to set free by producing their own food, investing in renewable and sustainable ventures, and choosing healthier habits. There are people who invented very profitable and successful permaculture farms and food forests. Anyone can do anything if they put their minds into it. Times are changing but there is still a great opportunity to invest in a better future. 

 New green deals can alter the planet remarkably but it’s not enough to save the world. We need the entire human population to make the move towards sustainable, renewable, and green developments and lifestyles. A lot of people are leaving big cities, they realize city life won’t make you successful in any way. In the future, small cities will boom because it’s more affordable to buy land or start a green business and you can still ship all your products and services to metropolitan areas easily. Electric trucks will hit the highways soon, there may be more electric cars than gasoline in the near future to deeply cut the greenhouse gas emissions. Cars emit the most carbon dioxide adding to the excess greenhouse gases congested in the atmosphere. Each nation is already experiencing the devastating effects of climate change, natural disasters are intensifying. There will be mass food and water shortages in the near future affecting every nation and region of the world so the human race has to unite and cooperate to save and restore the planet before it’s too late. Climate change is real, pandemics are only the beginning of a new era of fatal destiny. There are many prophecies that warn the world about the coming changes in all aspects of life. The universe isn’t what people think it is. It’s a vast space filled with barren worlds and many races, empires, organizations traveling in space in search of more resources and dominion. The search for resources will never end no matter how advanced a nation is. Technological advancements and other types of progression will overuse the world’s limited and fragile natural wealth wanted by many alien races as well. It’s up to humans to cooperate about the real problems of the world instead of starting more conflicts and disputes over meaningless things. Yes, the planet must be saved and restored as soon as possible otherwise the consequences will devastate all nations. No developed nation will be out of the debacle that’s happening now. Aliens want the human population to weaken so it will be easier for them to gain control and exploit all nations. They’ve already persuaded many people in power, commerce, and influence to carry out the alien agenda. Most of the technologies have been acquired from them to track and utilize the human race efficiently. Alien-human hybrids are getting ready to replace the control mechanism of the world so aliens can become the new overlords over masses. This is by far the most dangerous event that can happen to any society in the universe. Each person should go green and plant-based as much as possible to fortify their self-reliance, development, and health. Going fully green, vegan, and plant-based can unite the human race to proceed into the future. Civilization isn’t sustainable in any field yet but it has the skill and capacity to transform itself as a very united, free, and sustainable civilization with the right mindset and approach. Life is always tough even in other worlds. Luckily, the Earth is a magnificent world that contains great biodiversity and resources for the human population to progress smoothly. All of the destructive industries must be either shut down or modified to stop greenhouse emissions and environmental dissipation. Aliens will act like they want world peace and an advanced, prosperous society but they’ll promote conflicts, controversy, and failure so they easily take advantage of the human population. The universe is a very harsh and competitive environment that most humans would find intolerable. 
 There is hunger, hunger for more products, foods, information, devices, and survival. There are almost 8 billion people in the world and the human race has become an unstoppable locust swarm devouring the planet alive. What can we do to stop this madness? We must invest and promote renewable resources and sustainable developments in every field that support the population. You are supposed to think globally now because everything people do affects the whole. The fires in the Amazon are contributing to climate change and destroying the largest rainforest ever existed. From all of the tragedies, you can tell humans are up to no good. Even your diet and things you buy and consume altering the entire world. The meat industry is responsible for ravaging large forested lands around the world. The demand for meat, dairy is increasing in relevance to the population boom. Switching your diet to herbivore will bring about tremendous relief in the ecological structure we live on. Humans are required to take account of the ecosystem they’re part of in everything they do, produce, consume as of now. Things aren’t the same as the past, the climate change, deforestation, overpopulation, and overconsumption of nature has altered the planet’s biosphere poorly. Now that humans have new competitors as the aliens that are more advanced technologically and uniformly but not spiritually. The human population of the world must be warned about what’s coming and each person should do whatever it takes to recover and protect their surroundings. Hunger for more plants, fruits, vegetables, plant-based products, sustainable productions will generate a terraform effect over the world and a new green path to a very united, green, and regenerative civilization will be formulated. If human society stops destroying the world’s natural resources and environment to achieve great sustainability and cooperation, the alien races that are here and will come here in the future won’t be able to gain total control. However the resistance must begin worldwide now, people are gaining knowledge and awareness about what’s been happening behind the scenes for decades. This planet has been bestowed upon the human race for them to be its saviors and greenskeepers in great unity and collaboration. Now is the beginning of the new age in the universe, it will be either total darkness if aliens take over or a great emergence as a free, unified, self-sustaining civilization in an alien universe consisting of countless races, societies, organizations, empires, vice versa. We can build the greenest, most sustainable, renewable, biophilic paradise ever existed. Each plant, each green growth will shift the planet into the glorious heavenly realm abiding over the clouds. Hunger for more will never end but we can establish a very self-generating system that’s imperishable with the help of plants, nature, and its renewable resources. In the universe, it’s apparent that technologically advanced societies and empires require more supplies and rare mineral deposits to maintain their presence and improvements. Humans can become an advanced society only if they protect their natural wealth, biodiversity, and all of the life that exists here. The Earth is going through mass extinction events that can eventually wipe out human civilization as well since humans are only a component in the diversity of life. Humans were never meant to be top of the chain, devouring, ravaging all on their path. This type of civilization has become very destructive to all life and the infrastructure of eco-balance. Plants and trees are definitely the foundation of all life on Earth so we must propagate them extensively to feed the growing population and fulfill all of its needs. Creating a biophilic paradise globally can be the course to a prolific civilization as well. Instead of pumping cubics of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, we can cover every building, sidewalk, road, city, community with greenery. Biophilic cities will be the norm in the near future. Going fully green will absolutely renovate the world’s cities for them to absorb more CO2, provide green growth, clean foods, and products that are hopefully plastic-free and completely plant-based. A lot of cities around the world already started very significant tree planting projects. Some cities are going car-free to revert the high amount of CO2 emissions caused by the transportation systems. The infrastructure of the world’s biggest cities must change so they can display the clean, green, and livable model for people to be part of. The most biophilic city model is a great example that can be emulated in all of the cities fighting against pollution, smog, and other contaminations. Nature granted people all of the material and organic compounds that can be replicated and propagated near the cities and communities where people are in hunger for more instead of spoiling what nature offers. Nature relies upon the diversity of abounding biological and plantlife otherwise it dries out and decays in a short time. Humans are supposed to enrich their surroundings with prolific green sprouts rather than being detrimental to their ambiance. All kinds of plants and trees if they’re planted the right way will always enhance even arid landscapes. They’ve been evolving on Earth for millions of years so they inherently deliver all kinds of survival durability into all types of soils and terrains. 

 The biggest movement ever initiated by mankind will proceed the civilization into its next stage. United vegan hunger more will transform the Earth into a prolific and biophilic paradise plus terraform trillions of planets including the ones that contain intelligent life. New species will emerge in these systems. The future can be very bright if humanity can make the leap as an extremely sustainable, resilient, green, and cooperative society that will become one of the most advanced in the universe once they overcome the malevolent alien presence upon Earth and thwart evil agendas projected upon the masses. The Earth is required to be terraformed first before reaching other planets like Mars. Time is running out. The future is here, there is still a lot to be done. The world is depleting extremely fast, mass extinctions, forest fires, pandemics, pollution, contamination, climate change are all accelerating and intensifying each day. There is a great need for a collective action worldwide to make the critical change and nobody in power and influence will help. People when they’re united for one cause to recover and exhilarate the planet’s social, ecological, and productive system with the help of completely renewable and green developments. Going vegan can be the most amazing beginning for any person living on Earth, plants will provide the nutrients, power, and knowledge to build the most futuristic planetary system able to refresh itself with augmenting green advancements and productions. Anything that people need to survive and thrive as of now can be made and manufactured fully plant-based, compostable, plastic-free, fossil-fuel-free. There will be no higher power or space beings helping the human population going through a declining world from now on. It’s up to each person to reclaim their own inner power and intelligence to create the most regeneratively prolific world possible that will surpass and outperform all of the pirate alien organizations now and in the future. Humans have the capacity and spiritual awareness to become more advanced than other planetary systems in sustainability, renewability, unification, terraforming, and all other aspects of life without depleting and destroying the world’s natural resources and deposits. You are supposed to consume less each day, live waste-free, contribute to ecological programs in your neighborhood, and afar. Everything is global, each individual, each nation affect the whole living system remarkably. If one person starts recovering a part of the world with green growth and expansion, it will spread apart to other regions in a short time because people always replicate the best endeavors. Be aware of the alien presence that’s attempting to seize the world’s resources for their own interests by subduing the entire human population. The Earth without human interference has the capability to self-heal and self-generate its dynamic biosphere. Humans are required to consume less, preserve more, plant, and grow more, invest in plant-based products more, reforest more, protect the ecosystems more also resist the subjection system designed by aliens themselves. Hunger for more will never end but we can use it to our benefit by going fully green also turn it to an advantage for the planet’s endangered biome. Humans aren’t top of the chain or superior to other living beings but they’re destined to exceed pirate e.t’s that are already here manipulating mankind in every way possible. The universe consists of the nature of myriads of planetary systems so they come from different biospheres that are generally stark in essence. Humans have been conceived by the archangels that oversee Planet Earth and they were assigned to this system by the Prime Creator supervising all worlds and a boundless macrocosm. Don’t think that’s because some beings come from space with great technology and very fast spaceships, they’re advanced spiritually and ethically as well. It’s quite the opposite. There is a possibility that only vegans and people who will invent the most sustainable future will be able to save the world and avert any global domination alien in disguise. They want their intentions and occupancy totally hidden from the public so they can establish their dominance without defiance. 

 Terraformation era is just starting and it may be very exciting for the entire world population even if not everyone participates in it. Planet Earth is always first to be recovered since all of the organic compounds and materials are here to begin terraforming other planets. When you go fully vegan and plant-based, you actually generate a terraform effect in your surroundings so plant-based people who invest in businesses, new products, and startups are great terraformers surprisingly altering the world. Vegan businesses, startups, and many enterprises have been very successful and most are fueled by complete renewable resources derived from nature without damaging it and its balance of life. This may be the remedy that Planet Earth needed at this time. This planet that’s gifted to the human race has been disseminated with many lifeforms evolving and enriching their surroundings so it can somehow reach other planets with the help of its intelligent inhabitants called humans. Aliens have collected and utilized many lifeforms and species from Earth but they were never able to enhance their main systems to be as rich and abundant. Most planets containing intelligent technological living beings deplete their planet’s natural resources and they start searching for essentials elsewhere or through space trade. People are required to protect and preserve what they have been bestowed upon them by the creator. This will grant the opportunity for humans to evolve and endure into eternity even terraform some suitable new systems eventually. Now there is great danger upon Earth and human civilization. Many alien races want this planet as their own and humanity as their newest workforce without freedom and rights. Planting trees, gardening, reforestation, cleaning oceans from debris, and plastics are very important but you’re definitely called for a collective action to stop the destruction of the planet, reverse climate change and other events also defeat any alien encroachment and oppression schemed by the people in power. Each person has magnificent power and the ability to change the world and redirect it into a positive course. Don’t ever underestimate the power of plants. Plants, trees, flora, other types of organisms make up most of the setting you’re embodied in. Your planet is degrading extremely fast and each human being is liable to revert the damage, decay, and pollution as of now. Otherwise, the planet will partially become an uninhabitable scene and natural disasters, food, water shortages, conflicts, insecurity will devastate the humankind in return. No matter what year it is, there will always be alien interference and invasions in a clandestine manner. The universe is filled with life and more space collectives, empires, organizations will discover and intervene in human civilization to gain access to control mechanisms and resources sought by them. You must be more vigilant to secure your freedom, rights also the environment you live in and its natural riches. People need each other to survive and build a better future instead of hating, segregating, dividing, and despising one another. The planet needs everyone to cooperate and work together in order to refresh its natural balance plus safeguard its magnificent biodiversity, large forests, rich habitats, and all life that it includes. There is analysis demonstrating that monoculture farming as well as all types of the meat industry and factory farming are extremely detrimental for the environment, animals, the health of humans. Permaculture homesteading, farming, and gardening methods are one of the best ways to restore your vicinity and build a sustainable forest you can live in. People must reconnect with nature and start applying its renewable mechanisms with biomimicry into all fields that serve the human population. The future is already here, the alien universe is already on Earth, their offspring called hybrids are already among human society. This is such an impressive also perilous stage of civilization that humans are looming into heedlessly. The economic and industrial growth and expansion have been immensely disastrous so it’s up to humans to find ways to discard the destructive industries, products, foods besides reclaiming their prospective security that depends on the biome they’re embedded corporeally. 

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