Tuesday, April 21, 2020



                             THIS IS THE INCEPTION OF ALIEN SPACE-AGE  =D

 Nothing will ever be secret again, there have been many aliens races upon Earth for quite a long time. Besides there were aliens in ancient times, the aliens that are here are totally different kinds of intelligence and forces. Most of the developed nations have been persuaded and influenced by these alien groups for decades. Almost all of the technologies and breakthroughs have been acquired through exchange programs with several alien races. Aliens kept their plans hidden from the public and even from the people they've associated with. Many people in power and commerce have been deluded by these beings from space with hopes of advanced technology, global dominion and wealth. These are all part of the deception plan to carry out the alien agenda to obtain the control of the world for their own benefit. These beings have been done these procedures to multifold of planetary systems and succeeded many times. The native societies living there have fallen under alien dominance, all of the resources have been extracted and shipped to space. Now they're here to do the same to our human society, this clandestine invasion is well underway. So many people have been deceived to carry out the alien program to gain control of the planet with the help of developed nations with commercial, administrative and influential power. Mankind is called to awaken and take action worldwide to stop this madness because this is the biggest threat to humanity's future and freedom now and in the future. There are many alien races in competition with each other to attain territory, desired resources, planetary dominance and complete control of the human race. These alien races are collectives that wander in space searching for coveted resources and new worlds to farm in order to expand and grow their progressive infrastructure. There are millions of aliens all around the planet at this time, they constructed a lot of hidden bases underground, underwater, in mountainous regions, on the backside of the moon and in many remote locations. These beings are precocious in this type of operations conducted over newly developing and desired planetary systems like the Earth. Earth is a rich and beautiful planet thriving with biological diversity and rare deposits therefore they want all of these for themselves. All of the biological resources that the Earth contains including human beings, animals and other organisms are very valuable in space trade also for organic developments. Many aliens races are here to build a dominion upon this world and the human race to start harvesting all kinds of resources and deposits. The same scenario as in movies and Independence Day has been occurring behind the scenes with covert operations in coordination with the global elite. Aliens promise extraordinary power, technology and wealth to various individuals in high positions to establish their presence efficiently. No human being will benefit from this alien agenda that's been designed to acquire this planet as their newest resource hub. Even the elites will fall after the alien dominance is fully operational without any resistance. Millions of people have been abducted for decades to create a new alien-human hybrid race to control the human race in the future. They're integrated into human society secretly and they complete the required tasks traveling in out of the hidden bases constructed by the alien races. Several alien races are competing with each other, it seems like they've already overtaken industrial nations like China also initiated a global resource acquisition and preeminence plan. Most of the catastrophic events are all part of the alien agenda to weaken the human race, induce them to conflict with each other, obtain the essential resources, influence more individuals in power, et cetera. Millions of people that are abducted by the aliens have never returned, they became a valuable resource in space trade and scientific use also for experimentation to conceive the hybrid race. The alien-human hybrids that look exactly like humans but aliens in disguise are the beings assigned to complete the alien domination of Earth once and for all. Hybrid beings have been created in many other worlds to surreptitiously conquer the native inhabitants of these desired planets with wanted resources, natural environment, strategic locations, and biological diversity. Aliens will never suspend their plans and so far they haven't encountered any resistance at all. They've been gaining power every day with the help of the global elite that controls the planet, the economy, and its administration. Most of the events were inducted as part of the alien lineup all over the planet. All of the technologies and electronics that people use daily are acquired through exchange programs to be developed in order to track, manipulate and exploit the masses. Most people started working and living to have more of these cutting-edge products that society has been becoming more robotic and subservient in nature and this is exactly what they want. Body and brain implants will be introduced soon to completely turn human beings into mindless servants for the elite and their newest overlords to farm and exploit the masses exponentially worldwide. They've been mass manufacturing these technologies and products without knowing that excessive manufacturing and use of these products, tech devices will eventually deplete the world's limited and fragile resources for the entire human race to end up absolutely dependent on their alien overlords. Then they will launch extremely cruel alien orders to totally subjugate humanity and outstrip them off their freedom and rights. This is a very dangerous and oppressive future for humankind and it must be stopped as soon as possible.

 The entire world is requested to join forces to compete with the alien races that are here otherwise these alien beings and their associates will continually gain power, control and turn humans into subspecies to be exploited harshly. All of the world's natural resources and the environment must be protected and preserved to be able to stop the aliens as well. Aliens want all of the environment, the biological, natural resources, and deposits for their own benefit. Most of the alien worlds are depleted or decaying very fast so they need new abundant planets like the Earth. They see humans as a resource because all kinds of biological compounds that humans and animals possess are very valuable in space trades. Millions of people that have been abducted to be harvested of organs, plasma and biological components for scientific advancement, space trades and genetic engineering of the hybrid race. There is more than enough evidence to prove that aliens are very malevolent and are doing all they to surmount this planet as their new depository. Most of the alien beings that have been encountered by millions of people through abductions, secret programs and sightings were some types of cloned worker class to complete the necessary tasks given. Nobody really knows who is really in charge, they're probably managing all of the schemes off space or from another planet. They keep their identity private but everyone knows how the aliens look like in general. There are reptilians, greys of many types and shapes, probably many other kinds that are part of divergent groups and commands. Different races of aliens are working with various nations around the world and all of them are in competition with each other for the conquest of Planet Earth. They carry out their occupation plan in coordination with global elites and the hybrids that look human but alien in disguise. All of these extraordinary phenomena are provoked to deceive and manipulate mankind in every way possible and this is by far the biggest threat now and in the future. After this pandemic which seemingly is part of the alien agenda, nothing will ever be the same again. Entire humanity has entered a new age of alien space-age that's imposed upon Earth without the approval of the world population except for a few individuals in high positions. Everyone is supposed to discard all of the unnecessary, wasteful products and inclinations that are detrimental to the planet they live on. Thus, the world population will become competent to resist the alien invasion underhand otherwise the consequences will devastate the human race each day and every day without any chance to backtrack to the old days. Now is the best time for the entire world to unify as one race to exert vigilance against these otherworldly beings that are the real enemy behind the curtain. Most of the people are good in spirit and want to make good things happen but the manipulation and brainwashing mechanisms imposed upon the masses to divide and conquer them easily. The real enemy was always the aliens and people are waking up now. They persuade many individuals in power and commerce for them to conflict and compete against each other. On the other hand, aliens have been contacting their adversaries as well to gain more influence and control in every place of the world. Most of the conflicts were incited by these beings because all of the reckless behavior and contentions always cripple both sides in one way or another. They want the natural environment undamaged since they see all of the organic and natural wealth as collectibles for various uses. Though they take advantage of all of the conflicts, miscommunication, rivalry and other kinds of unsophisticated practices. Therefore everyone in the world is required to gain knowledge and intelligence about this extraordinary event as much as they can and take collective action before it's too late. The world is being destroyed by many industries for the sake of economic growth and wealth. This is a very dangerous path taken for civilization no matter what world you live on. All of the industries and the world economy are supposed to be reevaluated and adjusted to the change that's here. Environmental degradation, deforestation, pollution, resource exhaustion, climate change and so forth are very critical disasters that are caused by the extreme industrialization and expansion of human society. Humans will live on this planet for thousands of years so protection and conservation of the ecosystems, natural resources, biodiversity, and the planet, in general, are destined to be the number one principle for each human being. There are many alien races and there will be even more of them coming to Earth with great technology and concealed plans to intrude into the society to gain access to certain assets and control mechanisms. Aliens will never leave, they'll only change their approach since there are countless extraterrestrial organizations and races near the solar system as opposed to what most people presume. The alien universe is already here upon Earth attempting to overtake the human population and all they have for their own interests. You must start building an alliance encompassing the entire planet and the solar system to watch any alien presence and intrusion hereafter. All of the destructive industries that pollute and deplete the world at a large scale must be abandoned to give way to new projects and investments that are beneficial for the planet as a whole. Destroying the only planet you live on to make more money that stays in digital accounts forever isn't what intelligent species are determined to achieve by any means. Money equals product value but nobody thought that no person needs or wants that many products. There are multitudinous priorities for any civilization in the universe for them to evolve and maintain their existence into eternity. Life is eternal but freedom and adequacy may not be if you end up overly dependent on various space forces.

 The planet is still in grave danger although the pandemic lockdown has started to decrease the pollution levels and heal the planet in the last month. Most developed nations are still overly cataclysmic compared to places like Nepal and Bhutan, etc. The highly destructive world economy can't go on any further and it's only benefiting a few individuals in power, commerce, and influence. Most of the population never really gain anything out of this broken system designed to subdue the masses and make them work for a few corporations owned by the elites. Working more and harder will never save you or the planet by any means. This is a false belief that most people ascertain desperately. The best way to survive and thrive is by increasing your knowledge and self-sufficiency depending on the green, sustainable products, and lifestyles. The world is already emerged into the alien universe by the alien infiltration executed by many alien races and groups over the course of a long period of time. They had to come here and start intruding into human affairs because this beautiful and abundant planet has been getting destroyed by human civilization increasingly after the industrial era until now. This cannot go any further than it is. New green deals or else wouldn't be able to halt the damage and polluting caused by the ever-increasing population in need of more industrial products and consumption. You must understand nothing and no industries will ever be completely sustainable now and in the future no matter how advanced your civilization augments its technology and other fields. Technology will never solve the problems of your society in any way, it actually generates more problems over the course of time. Technological and industrial manufacturing to grow and expand the world's economy is the most detrimental undertaking for any civilization in the universe. Even though Planet Earth is still rich and abundant with resources of all kinds, the expanding industrial manufacturing and exhaustion will turn it into absolute chaos and havoc. The entire humanity is required to become a united green super-force to form the proficiency and expertise to compete with the alien races that want this planet as their own also to eliminate any harmful businesses and depletion with immediate action. For that, very effective ghost operations are needed to be devised by all nations of the planet to stop the alien invasions organized by several extraterrestrial forces. Their bases are located in remote locations not far from the most populated areas of the world where the biggest cities abide. Unfortunately, the big cities are the most fun, more opportunistic areas but those are the most polluting industrial zones as well. Hence people must leave the big cities that emit the highest amount of greenhouse gases and generate the most garbage. Small cities settled inland can build sustainable farms, forests and renewable energy sources to sustain the most of the population. In a sense, big city living and industrial zones must be abandoned to restore the environment and halt the pollution. The only way to track and compete with alien races that are more advanced technologically and scientifically but not ethically or spiritually is through upgrading the entire human population into a super green intelligence instead of work and consume types of citizens devouring the planet alive. They never confronted any resistance to their presence on Earth as of yet. Many people have been taken by the aliens and all is going according to their plan. No alien races are here to help people or save the world though they'll make it look like that to carry out their operations smoothly. Don't think that some otherworldly beings will ever come, save the world and grant great technology. All of the technologies given were perfectly designed to utilize and exploit the human race, there was no productivity or growth provided through the use of technology, many devices and else. Accumulating most of these products will never make you or life better than anyone else, everyone only needs the least amount of these devices for work or critical tasks. In the near future, various implants will be introduced as the newest technology to track, brainwash and subjugate the masses for tasks given by their overlords. This is a very dangerous path followed by most of the population unconsciously. Millions of people believe that the newest gadgets, devices, computers and all of these cutting-edge products make them and their lives better and more enjoyable but in fact, they're being exploited at an increasing rate. All of this manipulation of technology, brainwash mechanisms, oppression are part of the alien agenda. Matter of fact things are getting out of hand so the entire human race must unite as the green super force in command of Planet Earth, all life and all resources as soon as possible before it's too late. Once the alien dominance is fully in effect, it will be extremely difficult to revert it back to a better condition. They will promote more conflicts and catastrophic events to take advantage and weaken humankind all around the world. Everyone is required to join forces as the alien intelligence to watch the alien activity and do whatever it takes to stop this madness from now on. Very powerful ghost operations can be executed into alien bases that are located in the Pacific Ocean, underground in deserted areas, in mountains like the Himalayas and other regions, remote islands and many other hidden sites to gather intel, technology and remove the aliens out of Earth dynamically. Ghost operations can be performed over destructive industries that threaten the future and life balance of the planet, ecosystems and natural resources as well.

 Since aliens want our planet's natural resources, biodiversity, and humans as a resource, we can act first to secure all of these in advance before they complete their dominion. No advanced civilization never really needed too much technology or mass-manufactured products shipped worldwide for them to progress into the future and thrive as a global society. Your freedom, protection, and preservation of the natural environment, biodiversity, clean food sources, forests, coral reefs, clean air, and habitats are the way to progress into the future. Minimalist technology to communicate and cooperate as a united world is essential to track and stop the aliens from overruling the human civilization secretly. You must be very discreet in space and only initiate ghost and covert operations because aliens always watch and will try to siphon any human endeavor and achievement for their own benefit and interests. This is the reality of the universe. If you get to terraform planets like Mars or any alien worlds, the colonies and deposits must be shielded from alien paramountcy now and in the future with great coordination. The research indicates that there are countless alien worlds that are either dying or depleted by their native inhabitants or controlling empires. Most of the alien races or empires don't have the resources or capability to terraform any planets nor their homeworlds but Planet Earth contains all of these abundantly at this time. In the future, human civilization may advance in certain fields to start the terraformation of these depleted or dying alien worlds with ghost operations because all is doomed to be absolutely undertaken covertly like the extraterrestrials do. Some of the civilizations advanced or not may comply with the terraformation projects since it would be beneficial for their race and improvements to sustain their existence. New species between humans and aliens would emerge during this process. These new systems would include 3 types of collaborating species to enrich the diversity, sustainable resources and habitats. Although this is a very dangerous mission, it may work out with skillful applications. Terraformation era is commencing with the colonization of Mars to either mine or completely terraform it into a new Earth-like sphere. Planets like the Earth are very rare and unique also wanted by many alien races but humans have the potential to secure their planet in order to begin terraformation of suitable alien spheres nearby the solar system. The advanced civilizations always construct their establishments and cities underground to keep their presence hidden from the aliens that watch over many planets. That way, all of the achievements and communities are safeguarded from weather, temperature changes, catastrophes plus alien invasions. Moving inland is crucial now because sea levels will rise gradually submerging most of the largest coastal cities. Inland and underground settlements are safer than how the world population abides at this time. Everything is constrained to be more private and secretive from the aliens that are here as well as from other characters in space nearby the solar system. Human civilization is still at a primitive phase but it has the utmost potential to surpass extraterrestrial races of any kind and degree of development. Humans aren't like random beings from space and planetary systems. Planet Earth has been seeded by the creator to be the biological living depository in this region of the universe with the help of mighty Archangels entitled to guide this planet and its intelligent life forms. As a result, this planet is immensely special unlike the alien universe consisting of mostly barren, depleted or arid spheres. Furthermore, there are tons of alien races and alliances that want this world, all of its living organisms and the human race for their own benefit. You wouldn't want to end up under cruel, oppressive alien order enforced upon masses to a greater extent. This would be the beginning of an age of darkness but there is great potential if humanity wakes up and takes collective action to overthrow this dark specter upon Earth. This magnificent planet including all kinds of resources and beauty was bestowed to mankind to achieve glorious victory and creation. It has the power and capacity to even terraform so many alien worlds and deserted spheres with powerful procedures and cooperation. You are destined to achieve splendor that only a very few alien empires could accomplish if you can completely secure your planet's divine presence and endangered freedom. This is why human beings were created by all-powerful Archangels sent by the Prime Creator of the multiverse to somehow terraform the alien universe with new futuristic Earth-like worlds that will produce new species and biodiversity. And this is the most glorious, most magnificent, most sublime future that was kept a secret until the human civilization has emerged into the alien cosmos that's already here for decades.

 Things have changed profoundly and this pandemic is the confirmation that we live in a totally different reality at this time. Most of these calamitous events are part of the alien agenda as well. They want to impair humanity to a point that it will be very easy for the aliens and the elites to subdue masses for their own benefits. These beings are the ultimate deceivers and manipulators in disguise, they don't care about humanity at all. They're only here to gain control to farm all of the resources they value highly. For that, they need human assistance as a workforce because the planet is large and there are tons of work to be done to obtain the materials needed. Moreover, depopulation is part of the alien agenda since the growing human population has been devouring the world's limited and fragile supplies into total collapse and extinction. Thus, they reckoned to reduce the population to only 1 or 2 billion utterly coerced labor force to perform the necessary tasks. No human being will gain anything out of this malevolent plan to turn the human race into mindless workers with no freedom and rights. The entire world population is supposed to be informed about what's going on and start taking action not only against the secretive alien races also to environmental degradation and climate change. This is a time unlike anything in the past. There have been many interactions with divergent alien races in ancient times but not at a large scale occurring clandestinely at the moment. The homo sapiens were genetically engineered with alien DNA to be smarter and superior to carry out the assignments given by these beings from space. They called them gods, indeed they were technologically advanced entities from space that wanted global dominion and the environment the Earth has. Their plans never fully succeeded but some other extraterrestrial conglomerates are coming full force to shrewdly conquer humankind once and for all. This is definitely the most dangerous threat for any living being including humans from Planet Earth. Most of these beings are cloned workers with no freedom, charm or empathy for life, they're bred to complete sophisticated tasks designed by their overlords located off space. Unfortunately, many space empires and organizations progress through the subjection of other races. Nature's instincts and tendencies are being conducted at a universal scale of existence hence space and alien beings are dangerous to newly developing societies like human civilization. They've been evolving in harsh environments with severe endurance for thousands of years, unlike your heavenly planetary system. Competitive behavior and proficiency are way more intricately sophisticated than all human beings. However human beings intrinsically embody higher purpose and competence than any alien races that come here if they globally join forces to save their planet and outperform extraterrestrial presence now and in the future. From now on, all endeavors, fields, and pursuits will be set in motion to cleverly surpass all alien races that are here operating secretly around the planet. The economic growth and expansion will never accomplish anything beneficial other than destroying the limited resources and ravaging the biodiversity into extinction. Ever-growing, largest cities, most industrial zones are the most destructive areas of civilization, they must be regulated to convert into extremely sustainable sectors hereafter. Moving the population into small, very green and sustainable cities and communities is the best way to stabilize the collapsing biosphere. Aliens already executed clandestine plans like hybridization program, persuasion of people in leadership positions, vice versa in many other planets to gain control of them in such a short time. They've been carrying out the same procedures upon Earth to gain access to the resources they need also utilize the people to begin dominating the masses. They'll only change their approach and scheme of invading planetary systems and alien societies if they encounter global resistance against them. Most of the unnecessary professions and ventures must be abandoned at this time to unite as a green super force globally that one may restore our degrading planet in danger plus level up the civilization to be superior to extraterrestrial invaders. Human civilization has great potential and capability in their uniquely designed DNA embedded into nature to be more sustainable, renewable and regenerative than the extraterrestrial since these beings come from mostly barren or depleted worlds unlike Planet Earth which is still rich, lively and thriving with biodiversity. This planet manifests the mechanism of self-regeneration to heal itself if there is no interruption also to introduce terraforming to suitable planetary systems. Humans should consider this as a fact and entitle themselves to be the ultimate saviors and protectors of this magnificent living sphere before the cataclysmic pollution and devastation become irreversible. There are many other ways for a civilization to evolve and progress into the future rather than more making more products, electronics, and junk that will only destroy the planet.

 Only after the shutdown of all of the detrimental industries that pollute, damage and exhaust the world's ecosystems and fragile, natural resources, the human civilization may be part of a very vast, sophisticated alien central intelligence overseeing thousands of planetary systems and a large region of space where the solar system is in. This enormous but subtle federation that's not related to the collective alien races that are here, is always promoting new planetary civilizations like the Earth with great promise and potential. They're always in coordination with angelic forces assigned to planets containing intelligent life forms. There are thousands of societies and alliances that joined this glorious assignment to upgrade their civilization, their level of knowledge and intelligence to be able to watch over this part of the universe. Of course, there are requirements but everyone on Earth must enroll in this higher entitlement to live a more deliberate and advanced period throughout their existence. Planet Earth can be the newest base after thousands of spiritual, living systems in this galaxy and afar. This divine federation is consistently searching for new societies, groups, individuals with a higher calling to affiliate their forces that are very diverse and dynamic as opposed to the collective and oppressive alien groups trying to take advantage of Earth humans. From now on, the human civilization upon Earth is required to adjust and upgrade all of their economies, productions, and systems managing the world population in order to stop the destructive effects, start living and working for a higher purpose and calling that will unite humanity with great cooperation and essential tasks. This planet is very special, it can't be plundered of resources for economic growth or overpopulation. It has to be protected and preserved at all costs so the productions can be converted to provide only the basic necessities and develop the crucial tech and devices to compete with the alien races around the world and near the solar system. The age of the alien universe is upon Earth and nobody will be able to live with the old customs, beliefs, and practices that worked before. Entire mankind is supposed to merge as one green super force encompassing the planet as a whole. Efficient communication is needed therefore the English language can be universal as of now. Most of the other languages are ancient, regional dialects that will be obsolete if the humankind decides to unify their existence as one. Alien races and groups make use of telepathic communication and one language to endure but this planet embraces too many languages and dialects that only produce conflict and miscommunication between nations and ethnic groups. All of the conditions that cause turmoil can be discarded to yield for a more advanced and harmonious civilization that will preserve its freedom and self-sufficiency to be independent of the alien intruders that come to take advantage of human weakness and instability. Deforestation and desertification are global hazards decaying nature at an increasing rate. Human beings are intelligent humanoid creatures embedded into nature, everything people do affect the whole biosphere exponentially. During the pandemic lockdown, people realized how their lifestyles, consumption, affairs pollute and threaten the future. Fortunately, the mandatory stay-at-home orders gave the nature a relief for over a month, it started healing gradually, air pollution is at an all-time low. The planet, all its inhabitants and life forms from the alien invasion going on as well. They want this planet as their newest base to be able to extract and ship all of the materials, minerals and wealth for space trading. Humans and all animals are part of this trade as well, therefore you must take collective action. Millions of people and animals have been abducted by these alien beings and their body parts, organs, blood, plasma and all were used or traded in space. Aliens have been treating humans how humans treated farm animals that you breed and use for several purposes. This is a horrific incident occurring behind the scenes for a while but people are waking up now. Now the society knows that the alien invasion also the devastation of the environment plus the upsurge of the greenhouse effect cannot continue. People all around the world must be informed of why the alien beings of several types are here to begin building defense systems against these beings globally. No alien beings are here for any good although they'll make think contrarily with their powerful telepathic abilities. These types of technological alien organizations have done this to so many planets and the native inhabitants of these planetary systems have ended up as either a resource or servants to their new overlords. People are supposed to stop what they're doing to animals of all kinds because it's cruel also very harmful to ecosystems that thrive of biodiversity. Aliens track all activity around the planet and they constructed many hidden bases as well as communication systems to send signals to their controllers in space. There is nothing as treacherous and will ever be for any person living on Earth. People are remarkably intelligent and creative compared to these pirate beings that search for new worlds and sources in space. This is the time where everyone on Earth is being called to pursue critical objectives to perform ghost operations to stop the aliens worldwide, abandon all of the destructive industries, save and restore the planet as the green and self-generating system then begin the terraformation process of alien worlds that are suitable with coordinated covert protocols. This is the ultimate future of humanity. Resist the alien invasion now and build the most advanced and sustainable civilization in the universe.

Thursday, April 16, 2020



 The entire world must be informed that the planet and the human race are in grave danger. Most of the human population isn't aware of what's been occurring behind the scenes for decades. Now the planet came to a point of either save and restore it or the catastrophic events will hit back to back. The industrial era and increasing consumption have been very destructive for the planet, its environment, forests, oceans plus the resources that humanity depends on to survive. There are multifarious alien races and forces all around the planet at this time, they've been operating covertly for decades with secret agendas. Planet Earth and the human race are emerging into the universe of intelligent life which is very abundant in this region of space. Nothing will ever be the same again. There are tons of aliens all over the planet to carry out their hidden agendas which make up countless strategies for planetary acquisition and subjection of humankind as a resource and workforce. This is by far the most dangerous threat to humanity now and in the future. The entire world must awaken and start taking collective action because aliens never stop or back off with their plans. They're way more uniform and strived to complete their agenda to take over Planet Earth as soon as possible without human recognition. A lot of people have seen so many different types of crafts in the sky for decades because all alien races have disparate ship designs and technologies dissimilar to each other. There are no good or bad alien races like most people believe, they're all here for the same intention to take over the planet and the human race so the planet can be saved and restored to be utilized for their own benefit. This planet has been bestowed to the human race for them to evolve and thrive into eternity but humans have been extremely destructive after the industrial era. It seems like the industrial era is coming to an end once and for all. Pandemics and many other catastrophic events like forest fires, mass extinctions plus pollutions have been endangering the population and all living beings recently. Humans are supposed to change their habits and customs hereafter to protect the planet they live on since so many alien races want all of this for themselves now. No human being is able to compete with these intelligent organizations nor block the mind control abilities that aliens possess. Millions of people have been abducted to be used in cruel and horrific experiments and some never returned. After all of the abductions, you can tell aliens are here for no good. They see humans like farm animals to be exploited and farmed to become resources for space trade and their own uses. There is no way to get rid of aliens anymore, they'll only reevaluate and adjust their operations if they detect any resistance. Things have been going very smoothly for them for decades, they deceived so many rich and powerful people plus others in administrative positions. These beings are great deceivers, they promise and offer all they can to use people for many tasks. Most of the technologies or advancements they've granted were trinkets in space, technology is easy to acquire with space trade.

 This planet has a diversity and wealth of resources that most alien races include little or none in their reservoir. There is a rumor that there are at least 35 different races around Planet Earth at this time, more will come in the future if they find out about this great planetary system with a high amount of biological and rare resources that don't exist in most other worlds. These are generally advanced commercial forces, their technologies are very advanced but technology isn't the main concern in space. Planets like this are very rare and prized in the universe, so many alien races want this world for themselves and the human race as their newest subservient labor force. People must understand that no alien races are here to help humanity nor save the world by any means, their programs are totally selfish and illicit in manner. This is the greatest peril to the future of humankind and the entire world must merge as one super force to someway overthrow the alien presence. The reason they're here is humans have been destroying and plundering the planet they live on that's prized by so many alien races and organizations, they've been studying and observing the Earth for a long time. There is a tremendous need for collective global action to stop this madness that most of the population isn't even aware of. The alien threat is way bigger, powerful and urgent than climate change, environmental deterioration, animal cruelty and all other crises combined. The region of space where the solar system and Earth orbit is very populated thriving with myriads of alien races, groups, organizations, forces and anything you can't even imagine. Yes, their technology, their space ships are light years ahead but that doesn't indicate they're progressed spiritually or ethically. Most technological and advanced civilizations are very cruel and oppressive to endure and acquire the essential materials they require to sustain their technologies and sophistication. In fact, most alien races remain in very restricted and suppressed hierarchical systems that would be overwhelming to any human being from Planet Earth. Therefore this malevolent extraterrestrial presence is doomed to be overthrown with great effort and collaboration by the world population for the future of their existence. No alien races that come to Earth are here for any good, they only carry out their selfish and oppressive operations to extract resources and use human beings. They see humans as a resource because body parts, organs, blood, plasma, bodily liquids and all of the organic elements that make us human are very valuable in space trade also for their own research and development. Lots of animals have been mutilated to extract the organic matter for special operations and experiments. Space trade is very cruel in the universe so humans must be protected from any alien interference now and in the future. The alien threat is a global phenomenon that's been occurring for decades. Even in the ancient past, there have been affairs undertaken by many alien races to extract resources and establish command in different places of the world. Ancient aliens display these events for the public but the extraterrestrial groups are here for totally different purposes at this time. They are absolutely going full force for planetary acquisition, unlike the past attempts. They want humans to be their newest subdued workforce with no freedom and rights that people enjoy each day. Most people assume that being taken by some aliens is the gateway to heavens or a more fulfilling and advanced life but it's totally the opposite. They've brutally exploited the people that have been abducted over the past 50 years. An alien-human hybrid race has been conceived through many experiments and trials, these hybrids look exactly like humans but alien in mind. They want to take control of the human population by placing these hybrids in high level administrative, religious and commercial positions in the near future. There are millions of alien-human hybrids integrated into society all around the world.

 Vegan and green movements have been expanding worldwide in this decade, millions of animals are set free, the environment is healing and people are getting healthier with green-vegan diets. One reason aliens have come to Earth to conquer secretly is human beings have been destructive to the planet and all sentient beings increasingly. Nevertheless, vegans and people who support green movements and projects have discovered a way to actually save the planet and all of the life it contains by not eating it alive, polluting and plundering the natural resources. Vegans will always evolve into eternity and they're destined to build a very advanced, sustainable, free and united civilization unlike anything in the past. No alien races are free or advanced except technologically, they endure in very oppressive, restricted hierarchical systems with no freedom and no belongings. Everything works out for the benefit of their overlords, most of them aren't even spiritual beings, they're cloned workers to complete certain tasks. Now they want the human race to become the same as them to fulfill their plan of planetary acquisition. Many departmental officials, rich people, devout individuals have already complied with their alien overlords to somehow quell many nations and most of the population for their own gain and interests. This is an extremely dangerous path taken by these powers because they're all being used for the alien overlords to gain control of the world and the human population. Once the alien domination is fully completed and in operation, most of the human population will be outstripped off their rights and freedom to end up subservient to the alien enterprise. The ufo sightings have been increasing during the past decades, now there is even more alien presence than before. More of them keep coming to Earth to enslave and exploit the human race and extract the essential resources they envy. There are countless hidden bases underwater in pacific and other oceans, in the Himalayas and other mountainous regions, in underground and so many other secret locations. They've been observing the human population and all of the activity from these locations, alien hybrids have been traveling in and out of cities and bases to perform tasks for the alien organizations they work for. This new race that looks human but in coordination with their alien rulers will attempt to mislead the world population into oblivion so it will be easy for people to fall under alien authority. The reality of aliens and the universe isn't pleasant and it's the dire warning for humanity to unite and resist this malevolent imposition. If the entire world unites and one super force to overcome the malicious extraterrestrial dominion and other cataclysmic events either environmental and societal related, the human race can flourish as a great, very sustainable and cooperative civilization in such a short time. Technology, the economy, careers, products, and other aspects that human civilization relies on upon don't make sense in the world in such grave danger. Only if the whole world merges as the vegan-alien intelligence super force to secure the planet and outperform all alien races that are here covertly, the human race can protect their freedom and their future henceforth. Otherwise, the many extraterrestrial collective forces that are in competition with each other for particular regions of the world and various biological resources plus rare deposits will prevail. The future of alien domination upon Earth and humanity would be the beginning of the age of darkness, all of the freedom, rights, things that you love and live for would be eliminated under the alien orders that will be introduced by the officials that work for them. More and more people also animals will be abducted to be shipped as a resource for space trade in this part of the galaxy. They will treat and use human beings how humans treated and abused farm animals once the extraterrestrial dominance is globally established. Living in confined spaces with insufficient food and supplies in alien ships and bases is detrimental to the human soul and evolution in every way. Technology granted to human civilization was intelligently designed by extraterrestrial races to track and utilize the masses also deplete the planet's limited resources and deposits so all nations and entire population would end up submissive to their new alien overlords after they lose their self-sufficiency. Contact with human-alien hybrids indicates that the alien beings work for the devil himself, this mindset induces their function under a very cruel and suppressed hierarchical structure. Most of them are only cloned workers, they have no ability to know what's right or wrong. Humans are superior to all alien races no matter how destructive civilization has been. Humans have been perfectly designed by the creator with the help of mighty archangels assigned to Planet Earth to be the saviors of this magnificent blue-green sphere to protect it from catastrophes also from alien invasions into eternity. Humans of all ethnicities are supposed to communicate with each other efficiently about the real enemy which is the aliens that are here all around the world. They will look different because many collective groups consist of at least a few alien races amassed from various planetary systems but the alien agenda is the same. They will do whatever it takes and deceive everybody to somehow build a dominion upon Earth secretly.

 Conflicts between nations and organizations will be promoted by the aliens to weaken them and deviate them from exposing the real enemies that are the aliens themselves. The planet's environment, essential habitats, and fragile resources are depleting extremely fast by the increased industrialization and consumption of many growing nations and corporations. This cannot go on any further, the world economy and the industrial era have been immensely destructive and polluting. The industries that pollute and deplete the world's biosphere must be shut down worldwide. Of course, aliens will promote more technology, increased and expanded manufacturing to make it look like these fields are where advanced societies focus on. In fact, they're integrating their technologies into human society so they can utilize these devices to track and mind control human beings as a workforce. Following the path to advanced technology and expanding industrial manufacturing of countless junk products and devices will definitely pollute and deplete the planet also intensify climate change into a state of irreversibility. Destroying the only planet you live on for the sake of economic growth isn't the intelligent choice, basic necessities and minimalism must be adopted by the masses to halt the catastrophic pollution levels, climate change, exhaustion of the limited and delicate natural resources plus mineral deposits. No wonder countless alien races do all they can to protect their supplies and sources by embracing extreme minimalism and sustainability unlike the human civilization from Earth. They're just beings from different worlds that are mostly barren or depleted landscapes over the course of thousands of years. No alien race is superior to human beings in any field, technology isn't the main purpose in the universe. Planet Earth is an extremely rare and unique world that's absolutely distinctive from myriads of arid and deserted spheres as well as the ones that contain intelligent life. All of the devices, electronics, and technology that people use daily derived from alien technology and exchange. Although these advancements and devices altered human history and development, they have precisely conspired in order to implement the alien control mechanism into human society. People are becoming mindless farm animals to be tracked and influenced to a greater extent by their overlords that are here for no good. If people of Earth start caring for the planet, ecosystems and all of the biodiversity that exists here, they should stop any industry that destroys and overuse the planet's life balance. There are countless alien races and federations that want this planet and all that it offers for themselves, they'll do whatever it takes to obtain what people mismanage and ruin heedlessly. The administration that oversees and regulates trade routes and commerce in this region of space granted permission for alien commercial forces to interfere in human society without military opposition. The basis of this approval is that human civilization has been exponentially reckless to the planet that's been seeded as the biological, genetic storehouse in this part of the galaxy which is very populated by a multitude of intelligent races and societies. This cannot go on any further than it has been, either human beings take collective action to stop the destruction of the planet bestowed to them by the creator or aliens will gain control and exploit them harshly. This action shouldn't be fixated upon one region or several nations, it has to be global. If any industry no matter how extensive damaging, polluting and devastating the nature and the biosphere of any place in the world, it has to shut down directly. Aliens see this world as a prize with envy, humans haven't been good stewards to this splendid system as of yet.

 Humans still have the utmost potential to emerge as the super green force to protect and preserve the planet plus surpass all alien races now and in the future remarkably. Human DNA is unfolding with green nutrients and natural growth. Human beings have been planned by the all-powerful archangels sent by Prime Creator to be the divine mind-body-soul supernaturals that can enrich the world's biodiversity and nature also overthrow any deceptive alien races attempt to overpower the human race. Green, vegan and plant-based movements are only the beginning, this empowerment of the spirit, human DNA and all life will never stall and will grant the superpowers and unification for the human population to arise as the physical archangels of the universe. According to universal laws and regulations, if alien races intervene in your world to occupy, you're automatically authorized to identify their worlds and systems to seize as well. This will be the era of rising into the alien universe hereafter. Moreover, the terraformation is under development to launch on planets like Mars. The real terraformation can be undertaken in alien worlds that are mostly dying or depleted. Since so many alien races have come to Earth with agendas to covertly conquer the Planet Earth and its inhabitants, permission will be given to go ahead and perform terraformation in their worlds. Even some alien races will conform with the rules of operation because they would love to have an Earth-like world for them by terraformation. New species would stem off the aliens and humans during the terraformation process involving three species over one alien world. Although this is a dangerous quest in the alien universe, it's critical to reviving and regenerating the decaying and depleted alien worlds. Of course, alien species that arise from barren and depleting planetary systems will wander in space as scavengers searching for new planets to farm and exploit. They wouldn't be able to rejuvenate their failing systems even though they're advanced technologically. Only the creator's powerful archangels are capable of terraforming new planets but humans with the help of Planet Earth's resources and biodiversity can execute this extraordinary procedure. Planet Earth is definitely a special world selected and implanted as the biological, genetic and resource depository in this region of the universe. Therefore it can invigorate many deserted alien terrenes as new Earth-like vistas by the secret super-green force of the universe from Planet Earth. These operations must be undertaken clandestinely similar to how extraterrestrials conduct their affairs. All of these pursuits may attract the attention of more races and larger empires that will track the Earth for them to attempt to confiscate for their selfish interests. Unfortunately, the universe is a very dangerous place consisting of countless alien groups and races competing against each other for essential resources and territory. Now the human civilization has entered an age in a completely alien cosmos that will afflict its freedom, existence, and evolution fiercely by so many extraterrestrial beings and cumulative syndicates. Nothing will ever be the same again, aliens will never leave this planet because it's terribly prized amongst hordes of races, space pirates and commercial forces. Planet Earth, all it includes have been donated to the human race for them to enrich, protect and enhance life in this world and others eventually. Nothing, no sentient beings and no habitats should ever be polluted, depleted, overused or slaughtered ever again from now on. All of the damage and deterioration must be reversed back to its lively and stable state all around the world. The world's economy has been lethal to all life to make only several individuals wealthy so the era of industrialization to make a fortune is doomed to be terminated to restore the planet shortly. There will always be alien interference from everywhere considering the fact that intelligent alien life is very abundant near the solar system as opposed to the common belief. The competition for resources, territory, and dominance is very great and it's taking place between countless alien races and organizations stealthily. Any place and society other than the Planet Earth would be immensely overwhelming for any human being now and in the future. Therefore you must do whatever it takes to overcome the secretive extraterrestrial forces globally otherwise the consequences will be irreversible and the entire human population will fall under very cruel and oppressive dominion. Planet Earth is one of the most beautiful planets in the universe thriving with diversity. Any industries that damage and pollute this marble must be abandoned in order to gain the power to eliminate the deceitful and mischievous alien cartels as well. Don't be persuaded by their mind control abilities, they'll try to incite more conflicts between many nations and will trick people to believe that aliens are the good ones and they're here to save the world, present peace, etc. All of these fraudulent mechanisms have been exerted upon many societies in the universe for them to acquiesce to their new alien overlords.

 Opportunely, this is the best era for humans to join forces and arise to save and recover the planet, entire human race plus all living species before it's too late. Legions of extraterrestrial species are going full force with all they got to occupy the planet and farm the human species as a resource for space trade and development. Most of these beings aren't even spiritual like humans or animals. They're just cloned androids to complete specific tasks, not everyone knows who's in charge of them. All alien races use different looking clones and android to carry out the missions over this planet and in space. They've built hidden bases in remote places of the world, not far from the human population. They've conceived alien-human hybrids to be promoted into leadership positions to manipulate the masses in the near future since human beings have been destructive to their environment and to each other. Many alien races are extremely determined to gain control of this planet or at least part of it with the help of some people in power, commerce also people with psychic abilities that can deceive their followers with messages, gatherings, channeling, insight, prophecies, foresight and so forth. There are a lot of people in the world who inordinately trust these influential individuals and alien seers but they're all brainwashed and mind-controlled by several alien beings to implement the extraterrestrial sovereignty with the compliance of human population. They don't want to encounter any resistance from the human population, most people believe aliens and the people who work with them are doing good for them. If most of the world population awakens to the reality of what's been occurring behind the scenes and resist the extraterrestrial dominance, humanity may reclaim their freedom, rights and their planet back. The world population must cease all industries that are proven destructive once and for all because human beings will live on this planet for thousands of years. Indeed the aliens had to infiltrate into human affairs to stop this madness someway. From all the evidence, it's undeniable that no alien races are here for any good, millions of people have been through horrific incidents that were out of their control. Countries like China have been working with several alien races for decades, they obtained their technological achievements through exchange programs. Very large underground bases have been constructed underneath China for aliens to carry out their operations. There are so many hybrids integrated into this region as well as traveling in and out of underground bases to eventually seize control of the society. This is the reason, this nation has been growing and expanding so fast but they didn't know about the alien agenda. The hidden alien agenda is that they help most developed nations mass manufacture technological products to dominate the world market so they can pollute and deplete the planet's environment and resources into cataclysmic levels. Then it will be easy for them to build dominion all over the planet because nobody will have the resources or supplies to survive and they will have to comply with alien rules and regulations that will only subjugate the entire human race. They're somewhat terraforming our planet and turning our society into their enslaved labor force like they've done to other species in other planets before. This is the real independence day scenario like in the movies that have been happening clandestinely for over 50 years. Not many people knew that the aliens were here, most of the population still believe alien life doesn't exist or we've never encountered them. In fact, several alien races have been here for quite a while, taking over our world with the cooperation of people in power and influence. In a sense, everyone in the world must be informed to awaken and join forces as the newest super green force Vegan-Alien-CIA to somehow compete with the alien races that are here also surpass and outperform them in every field possible. This cannot be kept as classified anymore, the future of mankind is in danger. Almost all of the industries humans have created have been very unsustainable and the devastation of the world's essential resources and habitats has attracted the attention of several alien races. All nations, everyone in the world, all of the rich and powerful individuals will fall if the world depletes cause of some industries or the excessive manufacturing of alien technologies, electronics, and junk products that are mostly made in China to be shipped worldwide. Economic growth isn't sustainable and it makes human society extremely vulnerable to alien interference. There are around 10 years left to protect and preserve the world's environment, oceans, ecosystems also the limited and fragile resource systems. Reforestation to recover large forests like the Amazon that are in grave danger because of the expansion of the meat industry must be initiated by the intelligence forces overseeing the planet. Everything affects the whole, climate change is already threatening the entire world population. The era of destructive industrialization and capitalism is ending. The new super green forces should be able to shut down any industry, business and manufacturing to stop the destruction of nature, slaughter of billions of animals and the growing pollution endangering the life balance and future of the human race and the magnificent planet called the Earth. All of the alien races and hybrids ought to be captured before they complete their world acquisition plan. The worldwide lockdown presented that Earth has the capability to self-heal when there is not much human activity. Pollution levels have dropped significantly in large cities, rivers started flowing clear again. This is proof that the world's economy isn't sustainable in any way and it has to be altered completely to decrease pollution and depletion. Aliens will do all they can to gain control of the planet as soon as possible so they can accumulate all of the essential resources originated on Earth plus the human beings as a resource. This is definitely the biggest threat to humankind since we live in an alien universe and there will be many alien races who'll come here to execute evil agendas. Even the ones that are here now will never want to leave, they'll only change their plans and approach when the human race wakes up to what's going on and launch the resistance against the real enemy which is the aliens behind the scenes.

 Going vegan and fully green in your life isn't just a movement, it's the beginning of a new age in the alien universe. Planet Earth must be saved as soon as possible and only the super green force can accomplish this if they awaken the masses with real knowledge, communication, and understanding. Planet Earth is one of the most marvelous celestial bodies in the universe thriving with life and natural wealth that are required to be protected and preserved by the people, not exploited and devastated. Veganism has been expanding to encompass the planet and end animal cruelty and environmental degradation once and for all. Vegans save billions of animals by not eating them, it's the best movement for the ecosystem and to unite as one world to be able to compete and defeat the malevolent alien presence simultaneously. Most of the developed nations received their technology and advancements from the aliens so these beings can implement their hidden agendas by using and controlling masses. In order to overcome this madness and restore the planet that's been damaged during the industrial era, we must act now. Everyone is required to leave all of the unnecessary tasks, careers, products, ambitions, desires, beliefs, and customs behind because all of human weaknesses and assumptions will be taken advantage of by the extraterrestrial presence with extreme mind control capabilities. The age of primitive behavior and recklessness is ending to give way to the new age in the alien universe. Only a united super-green world will be able to outperform and overthrow these beings and their comrades. The alien universe will always examine human civilization to find weak spots so they can extort human beings, animals and the resources they want for their benefit. The entire planet and all nations also the solar system are obliged to be shielded and scanned constantly to stop the alien infiltration into human affairs. The path to technological advancements and mass manufacturing is definitely the worst course for a civilization to evolve and maintain its existence. No industries will ever be sustainable, the planet is already depleting very fast as a result of industrial expenditure. All of the human necessities can be supplied by renewable and natural growth. Plant-based societies are more advanced than technological societies that deplete their planet over the course of time. Human civilization has the potential to become one of the most advanced in the universe because Planet Earth has the resources, biodiversity and a rich environment for its inhabitants to evolve and thrive into eternity. Many alien worlds and deserted spheres like Mars can be terraformed with the great coalition, communication, and cooperation as one super-sustainable and green world. Nothing should ever be polluted, exhausted or deteriorated ever again. Constructions, developments, the minimalist needed technology, and electronics can be converted to plant-based and there are already projects and experiments about this endeavor. Everything that humans do to survive and be happy must be readjusted and regulated considering the fact that humans will live on this planet for thousands of years, it can't be exhausted or destroyed in a few decades no matter there are aliens or not. Veganism will somehow take over the world before these alien beings do and it will be shielded from any undesired intrusion. The real friendly aliens will approach humanity in the future once the Planet is cleared of all alien presence and is matured as a sustainable and peaceful society. Anyone can plant large forests during their lifetimes, there are many people who turned deserted and barren landscapes into lively, self-sustaining and wonderful forests and gardens that provide food year-round and house many diverse species in its surroundings. All-powerful vegan and green movements will change the world, unite humanity and lead the civilization into a very progressive and self-sustaining future where everyone is equal and well-supplied. No alien races would give anything to the human race if their plan for dominion succeeds. Humans are remarkable spiritual and physical beings perfectly designed to sustain and enrich their habitats, nature is the real creator that's bolstered by the archangels and angelic beings appointed to Planet Earth and guide the human race. Although the future will always bring secret alien invasions, calamities, and difficulties, a fully unified, green, renewable, cooperative and self-sustaining civilization will always surmount anything they come across. Don't ever be deceived by beings coming from space or their hybrids, the human race as evolving as the super-green alien intelligence to secure the planet, outperform all alien races and pursue a free future forever.

Monday, April 13, 2020



 There is grave danger upon Earth. Unfortunately, there are so many alien collective organizations and groups all over the world operating covertly to seize the planet and the human race. Some of them have been here for decades and came close to completing their acquisition of some nations, eventually the entire world. No human being will gain anything out of alien invasions that have been occurring for a long time. Most of the technologies that people buy and use today are attained through exchange programs with deceptive, pirate extraterrestrial groups. Don't think the technology will save you or your world, they're all intelligently designed by these alien beings to control and manipulate the human race worldwide. Over the course of years, there have been countless sightings, abductions and other incidents in every place of the world. These beings have been observing and studying the human race for a long time. There were ancient aliens in the distant past but the ones here are totally different races and collectives. They're basically space pirates that go to worlds to secretly and deceptively gain control of the newly developing societies and this is the biggest threat to the mankind now and in the future. The Earth is easily healing after the pandemic lockdown so to restore the planet isn't too difficult. More measures can be introduced to halt climate change, catastrophic depletion, and environmental degradation. On the other hand, nobody knows how to stop the aliens from taking over the planet yet. The entire world must awaken to this extraordinary event that's been occurring behind the scenes without the perception of the public. A few alien collective groups already established many hidden bases in remote places to track and manipulate the human society for a world acquisition plan. This is the most dangerous event to ever happen to any society in the universe and aliens have been here for decades, their clandestine presence is everywhere. Most of the technologies have been designed and granted by them to easily control and exploit the human race. There is much more in development, the next is brain and body implants to turn humans into mindless servants. Implants are the most hazardous devices that ever developed, they're trying to complete the alien agenda once and for all. Only if the entire humanity wakes up and unites to stop this extremely treacherous and evil program made to modify humans into enslaved species, it can be obstructed. Aliens will never leave unless they're being opposed by the masses. There aren't any barriers for them to overrule the society for their own benefits. You can't trust or believe any pirate extraterrestrial organizations coming from space because the universe is a very competitive and dangerous place unlike most believe and assume. They tricked many people in power and commerce and turned them against the human population. The enemy isn't the people here, most people are innocent and unable to do anything against this phenomenon. The human population has been increasing each day so they'll try to depopulate most of the world to conserve the limited resources that are diminishing at a rapid rate.

  There is a divine presence overseeing the Earth throughout the evolution of intelligent life in this physical plane. The human race is the biological, spiritual and creative branch of this divine congregation assigned to Planet Earth to protect and enrich its diversity and growth. Human beings have the utmost potential to become a divine also plant-based super force that's very advanced and unified with each other. In every place of the world, diversity is one of the best features of life but differences, beliefs, customs, languages have induced endless conflicts and misunderstanding between nations and communities throughout history. Now there is a higher calling for the entire world to unite and take action to save the magnificent planet called Earth and overthrow the malevolent clandestine alien occupancy over the world. Nothing else matters and will ever matter in the future. There will be always many alien races and fraudulent forces will come to Earth secretly with deceptive and contrived plots to gain access to rare and unique resources of Earth and dominate the human species. Everyone must be informed of what's going on, many of the catastrophic events have been initiated for the sake of alien agendas. They want to weaken the human species as much as possible so they would fall under the alien order easily without resistance. Only a fully united and vegan-plant-based world can defeat these space pirates that are gaining power also persuading many people in administrative, religious and commercial positions. They want to utilize many institutions, corporations, and technologies to their advantage so they can enslave humans and capitalize on their behavior, needs, beliefs, customs, vice versa. There is nothing more significant than this extraordinary occurrence at this time, trying to make more money, following career and many other unnecessary dreams and aspirations will make you more vulnerable to alien rule over. Vegans are getting smarter, healthier each day, green movements are expanding all over the world, we save billions of animals by not eating them also the environment and large forests. Going fully vegan and plant-based in every field of human life and productions is the beginning of a new age that will uplift the human race as the saviors of Planet Earth and all of the life it contains. The planet we live on was created to be extremely sustainable and self-sustaining but humans have been immensely destructive especially after the industrial era and population upsurge. Now pandemics proved that closing cities, businesses, and industries are very beneficial for the environment that humans are part of. Earth is healing during the worldwide lockdown and it seems like keeping the human population in a more stagnant state is the best thing to do for the planet and all life that exists around us. Nobody knew a pandemic could actually show the means to restore the planet in such a short time. If a relative lockdown continues, the benefits will increase. The economy has winded up as the most destructive force over the whole living ecosystem and it's still required for it to be regulated strictly. No other species care about economic growth except humans, having more is sometimes worse than living a minimalist lifestyle. A lot of people have chosen the minimalist path and their lives have been graced with simplicity and fulfillment more than the stuff they had. Everyone can work for a higher cause rather than more meats, food items, junk products and other unnecessary stuff that only deplete the planet's limited resources for short time happiness.  Most of the products that are mass manufactured only used a few times then end up in landfills and oceans, most of these products are packaged in plastics that will never decompose. Shutting the economy and entire civilization was the best thing to do and surprisingly pandemics could materialize this critical marvel. It's obvious that everything humans do and make are polluting and detrimental so human species must evolve as soon as possible to rehabilitate the only planet they're part of also shield their civilization from alien invasions.

 One reason aliens have come to Earth was that humans have been very destructive to the planet and conflicted with each other, the very rare and unique resources that are wanted by so many alien races are endangered. People are supposed to learn that there are aliens everywhere. The solar system exists in a location where intelligent life is abounding and in competition with each other. There is an alien universe out there in space and they want this world and the human race as their newest servants. This harsh reality is alarming since they've been here quite a while to carry out their secret plans. Millions of alien hybrids that look exactly like humans have been genetically engineered through the abduction phenomenon. These alien-human hybrids have been integrated into society in every place of the world waiting for orders. Aliens constructed hidden bases in remote places of the world to examine the human population, they're simply waiting for human civilization to deplete their world's limited resources so they can initiate cruel alien authority to overrule the masses. Most will never see them, they keep their presence secret. They utilize military, administrative and religious officials to fulfill their plans, hybrids will be in charge in the near future. People must understand that no alien beings or hybrids are superior to any human being in any way. They just have some telepathic abilities and developed some technology over the course of thousands of years but this doesn't indicate they're advanced spiritually or ethically. They've gone to newly emerging worlds like the Earth containing valuable resources to be extracted for space trade. They need millions of people to work for them because they cannot obtain the world's resources without human labor. Earth's biological environment is dangerous for them because it consists of countless microbes and bacteria. They're accustomed to very sterile environments and they can't survive in spaces rich in biological density. Therefore they need human labor and acquiescence to acquire the resources that are actually mostly biological like plasma, blood, organs, body parts, vice versa. So many people have been abducted and never returned, they either sold as slaves in black markets in space or their bodies have been exploited as a resource. In one way or another, aliens are human traffickers and they must be stopped by all of humanity before they complete the world acquisition that's going forward without any opposition. Aliens aren't much different in their desires and aspirations compared to humans. They want this world for themselves, conquer and colonization have taken place throughout human history. The only thing that's disparate during the alien invasion is it's been executed completely undercover. They've already taken over many worlds, that's why these alien pirate corporations consist of at least a few alien races collected from other planets. They've been absolutely subjugated as a workforce for their alien overlords which is either a bug like or other types of commands. Whoever has the power always tries to influence and manipulate the other in the universe similar to what's been eventuating in your world. Luckily, there are some friendly alien races that observe all of the activity around your planet but they don't come near Earth because it's dangerous for them at this time. If humanity can eliminate the malevolent alien groups around the world, the friendly alien races will approach once the human race becomes more united, cooperative and sustainable in their environment. Most of the destructive industries must be abandoned hereafter to stop the devastation of limited and fragile resources of your planet. Exhausting all of the non-renewable resources and deposits for the sake of economic growth and expansion is the worst path to follow for any civilization in the universe. This is the other reason, the aliens have come to Earth so they could obtain the resources that are in grave danger. The biodiversity of Planet Earth is extremely abundant and rich so there are and will be many alien races and groups attempting to possess these assets for their own benefit. The space trade near your solar system is well established and very strict so don't think you'd want to relate to any trade routes or pirate-like organizations now or in the future. The alien activity around the world is one of the most alarming also compelling persuasion that's only induced to deceive masses as a workforce or resource. You wouldn't want to end up under alien command, they'd treat each human being no different than how you treat farm animals. Animal agriculture must be completely relinquished as soon as possible, the aliens identify humans as animals to be exploited and farmed relentlessly. Millions of people have been abducted for decades, most never returned to be sold as body parts, organs, used for experiments, operations, plasma, biological sources.

 What humans have done to animals were already been performed to abductees for decades. Animal agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. They burn down large forests to clear land for extensive cattle ranching all around the world because it's been one of the biggest and most profitable businesses. If people stop buying and consuming meat and dairy products, greenhouse gas emissions will drop significantly. During the lockdown generated by the pandemic downgraded the pollution levels by at least 70% in places where air pollution was catastrophic. Mountains, sky and city views are visible once again and hopefully, the world population will function according to pollution levels also resource depletion that are immense hazards for the future of the planet. Everything affects the whole no matter how small or enormous it actually is. Some countries that lead the industrialization and gain economic momentum faster than most of the world are the most destructive nations for the environment, ecosystems, biodiversity, atmosphere, oceans, forests plus the delicate natural assets of our planet. No nation has the right to pollute and destroy all on their path to make more junk products that will threaten the future of humankind and all other species. No wonder so many alien races are hiding in hidden bases and integrating alien-human hybrids into the society to gain control and take advantage of human civilization. Humans must wake and evolve as soon as possible collectively otherwise several alien races will take charge of the already weakening human society plus the diminishing natural wealth of a beautiful planet called Earth. A consolidated action ought to be initiated worldwide to overcome the evil extraterrestrial presence and the catastrophic events that are intensifying each day. Pandemics will be more common from now on because meat consumption has been increasing with the population hike. More people signify more meat, dairy consumption, more junk products, more plastics pollution, more greenhouse gases, aggravating climate change, more depletion, and cataclysms. Matter of fact, civilization must begin economic degrowth to halt these unstoppable disasters. No civilization in the universe will benefit from constant economic growth and consumption, this is the most dangerous path to proceed into the future. This type of mindset will only impair a newly developing society and will allow many alien groups and space pirates to come and carry out their own precarious agendas over the world. Myriads of native alien inhabitants in countless worlds have already fallen under deceptive alien command. They first send small crews or larger collectives to somehow infiltrate into these naive societies for them to succumb to larger empires and commercial forces. All human rights and freedom will be outstripped immediately once the alien command is fully in operation worldwide. Catastrophic events and conflicts will devastate and debilitate the human race for them to obey their new alien overlords. No nation or individual will gain anything out of this although alien and hybrids will trick them to believe that they will gain power, extreme wealth or control the world. Aliens are the greatest deceivers and mind controllers. No human beings have the capability to block the mind control of these beings who have been practicing and developing these skills for thousands of years. Don't ever believe that aliens are here to help or save the world nor grant technologies that will advance the human race into eternity. It's totally the opposite, all of the technologies have been granted to track, dominate and farm human beings in every way possible. Everyone knows humans have been becoming mindless workers during recent times, technological products are overpriced and designed to turn masses into thumb swipers and brainwashed individuals. For any society to evolve and thrive naturally, the technology of any kind must be limited and regulated so depletion, pollution, and devastation of resources can be prevented. Life is about nature no matter where you are and who you are. Alien races are still guided by natural instincts and nature's principles no matter how advanced technology or how fast their ships travel in space.

 Advanced technology isn't the main purpose in the universe, it's easy to acquire technology in space through trade routes. The more technology you have, the more you end up vulnerable to alien races that will attempt to utilize it to gain control of the naive population. Technological advancements and achievements are obliged to be kept hidden from alien scrutiny especially around Planet Earth. Most of the advanced civilizations are maintained totally underground and hidden from alien surveillance that expands over vast regions. That's why when you travel to other planets, you wouldn't see much activity on the surface. There are many undergrounds, underwater and inside mountains bases in remote places of the world that are constructed by divergent alien races and organizations in competition with each other to gain access to the world's exquisite resources. Human beings are a resource for the alien races as well so the entire world must be aware of the alien activity and plans presently. These beings are only here for their own programs that will turn the human race into a subdued labor force and biological properties. Many kinds of animals have been mutilated to extract blood, plasma, body parts, liquids, enzymes, organs and so forth. There is more than enough evidence that alien races are extremely dangerous to human civilization that's newly developing and growing. Following the path to technological advancements will not entitle any civilization as advanced in any field. Extreme progress and expansion in any field will always turn out to be fatal for any civilization in the alien universe. This is an alien universe, not a human environment that people must ascertain as soon as possible. The same difficulties of life exist everywhere even if you have advanced technology or not. Having a very fast space ship won't make anyone very rich or godlike even if you're a highly intelligent extraterrestrial being. Therefore the industrial era that's flourished with so many discoveries also ended up very destructive recently is coming to an end. Living minimalist is more beneficial for all nations also for the protection and safety of human civilization. Unfortunately, the industries and productions that are highly polluting and depleting must be either shut down or rectified worldwide otherwise the consequences will be cataclysmic for the planet you live in and aliens will somehow take advantage of every situation. In order to stop the aliens from enslaving mankind secretly and deceptively, we must stop the pollution, devastation, and depletion of our world's habitats, ecosystems, forests also the fragile natural resources that the economy depends on. A lot of industries are destined to be sacrificed to restore the planet into its most sustainable and green state. Humans will live on this planet for thousands of years but everyone would want to live a free and satisfactory existence without being enslaved and suppressed by some covert alien beings. Most will never see or perceive the alien occupancy around the world because it's been conducted very surreptitiously unlike any person can ever imagine. They only abduct selected individuals and families and contact the most powerful and rich to promote them for the world acquisition program, these individuals are brainwashed to fully comply with this program. They will either get discarded or replaced by the alien-human hybrids in the future once the next generation of hybrids is absolutely operational around the world. Now is the only time for the human population to abandon all conflicts, destructive industries, consumption and overuse of resources that will deplete in such a short time. The English language is very efficient to be upgraded as the world's universal language for all nations so miscommunication and misunderstanding between nations and communities can cease thereupon. Most other languages that people rely on to work and live cooperatively are regional and ancient dialects that are outdated. The planet requires a universal language since most people do and say the same things with a divergence of letters, words, and combinations. The entire human population ought to be united henceforth to overcome the alien possession of worlds and the human race plus the cataclysmic events that will hit and devastate the civilization back to back. Sea levels will rise up to 100 feet to submerge all of the world's biggest coastal cities. People will have to move inland to begin the construction of more sustainable, green also productive cities and communities to maintain their livelihood. Climate change is still a big issue for all nations, luckily lockdown forced the pollution levels to drop remarkably but more necessary action must be taken to stop polluting, detrimental productions and corporations in every place of the world. Everything affects the whole no matter how large or small it is. One seed can become a large forest if it's not hindered by humans.

 We're entering the new age of an alien universe, there will be aliens in every place that there are humans and they will try to take advantage of everything people do and have. Colonization and terraformation of other planets are beginning shortly in spheres like Mars and Moon but it may not succeed. Aliens will observe colonization, mining, and terraformation that humans undertake in this solar system or elsewhere. Once you leave the solar system, there will be more alien races, more strict rules and more attempts to exploit human endeavor and affinity. Most of the planets near the solar system are bleak spheres unlike Planet Earth, Earth-like planets are very well protected and shielded by their civilizations. It's best to stay on Earth and do whatever it takes to restore, safeguard and preserve all that it offers as opposed to what developed nations aspired to. Shutting down destructive industries worldwide and lockdowns will restore the planet in a short time since Earth has the capability to self-generate and heal exponentially. Human civilization has been very detrimental recently. Big corporations and greed are supposed to be inhibited otherwise depletion and devastation of the environment and the frail resources will force the human population chaos and turmoil. Once the planetary balance is tremendously unstable, food, water shortages, and insufficient supplies will even crush the most powerful and developed nations of the world in a short time. Everything depends on renewable resources but nothing is really fully renewable or sustainable on any planet. Therefore all of them are required to be preserved for the future and freedom of the human race. There are so many alien races and there will always be intruding alien forces into Planet Earth to extract the resources also use humans as their servants and workers. The alien forces that are here are mostly smaller pirate-like organizations and collectives. If any of these groups succeed and prevail on this planet, there will be larger alien empires to enter the solar system that is way more powerful, technological and ruthless with their plans. For this reason, people must realize worldwide that all alien races however they look or they behave are completely dangerous and fraudulent for the future and freedom of the human race. There are no good alien races or groups around the world, will never be. This is the reality of the universe that humankind is destined to comprehend before it's too late. They won't come here to overtake the world with wars and conflicts, this would destroy the planet and all of its resources. Aliens always operate secretly in everything they conceive. All of the alien presence is extremely clandestine in manners whatever race or federation they belong to. Environmental degradation, pollution, and exhaustion of resources can be reversed and repaired but alien invasions are very difficult to deal with at this time. This is by far the biggest threat that mankind will ever encounter now and in the future. The most powerful and developed nations all worked with a few alien races to acquire the technology and advancements they have. They didn't realize overuse and excess manufacturing of these technologies and advancements for the sake of economy and greed will only destroy the world's limited and fragile deposits, natural environment and assets in such a short time that all nations, rich and powerful people will end up dependent to extraterrestrial forces hopelessly. The economy of the entire world has to be shut down immediately to save the planet and stop the alien invasion. Aliens will never leave, they will only change their plans to somehow gain control of the society and all of the sources that feed and supply the world population. The meat industry destroys the planet's lungs like the Amazon rainforests and many other large forests also killing billions of animals each year. The meat industry is one of the biggest contributors to climate change as well. There are many other industries that destroy forests, pollute the planet excessively and overuse the limited deposits that the planet contains. The economy must switch to minimalist to somehow put an end to all of the madness that the human race has generated during the recent decades.

 The human race has the utmost potential to evolve and emerge as the almighty super force in the universe because Planet Earth contains the properties and the life source to terraform many barren planets into Earth-like. The creator with the help of mighty archangels assigned to this planet has seeded this planet to be the biological, organic and genetic storehouse in this region of the universe. This has been kept secret for thousands of years and aliens found out about this so they want this planet for themselves and mankind as their newest enslaved workforce. All alien groups consist of a few races because they've collected the native inhabitants of other worlds they've overtaken as their subjugated labor. They want to be the overlords of Planet Earth once and for all but humanity is a special kind perfectly designed by the Prime Creator to become the terraform Gods of the universe. Earth wasn't always Earth-like in the distant past. All-powerful archangels have been sent to the solar system and started terraforming this planet to eventually evolve as a superior repository to revive other alien worlds that are dying and depleted. Then the human race has been designed and created to be the saviors of this magnificent world also mature by time to start the terraformation of many other planets. The terraformation of Mars can be successful but the real terraformation must be done on alien worlds. Most of the technological and developed alien races have outstripped their planet into deserted and arid landscapes. There is still hope that if humans become very powerful by protecting and preserving their world and all of the life it contains, they can revive and regenerate these planets for them to emerge as new Earth-like worlds. No alien races even the most developed empires cannot achieve this level of greatness. They're all scavengers traveling in space to gain control and utilize the resources for their own benefit. There are trillions of depleted and dying alien worlds in this galaxy alone so the human civilization can be the most advanced ever if they can restore and shield this rare jewel called Earth then begin the terraformation secretly. You wouldn't want to attract the attention of countless alien races that will do all they can to take advantage of this effort. Great secrecy is required to achieve the grandest strategies in the world and the universe. The alien races that inhabit these dying and depleted alien worlds would conform to the rules of terraformation because it would be an extraordinary accomplishment for them as well. All alien races admire Earth-like worlds, technological achievements won't solve the need for resources, diversity and a self-generating environment. If deserted spheres like Mars can be terraformed by humans, many alien worlds can be regenerated and thrive with life and renewable sources again. Although this is a very ambitious and extraordinary task, a united and cooperative human civilization can reach a level of development to emerge as the physical archangels of the universe reviving and invigorating alien worlds. It's obvious that humans are lucky enough to have this chance of evolution in their prospect but now is the only time to mature and overcome the malevolent alien presence first. Aliens want this world for themselves and their own benefits, humans will end up as servants with no freedom and rights in this scheme. You wouldn't want to give one of the most magnificent and beautiful planets in the universe to some alien pirates that will do all they can to seize this opportunity. This planet is supposed to be protected and preserved also shielded from any alien intrusion now and in the future. There will be more powerful, larger alien organizations and empires encroaching to pursue furtive operations plus impose mind control over masses. You don't need much technology to terraform other planets either. Planet Earth is always first, it must be saved and restored as soon as possible, entire human race must unite as one super force and cooperate with each other secretly to overthrow the extraterrestrial commercial forces. Terraformation will begin later once the planet attains a great level of sustainability, greenery, and secrecy. Every human being on Earth is required to become the alien central intelligence in disguise with terrific knowledge, collaboration from now on. Working for meat, junk products, greed, and unnecessary aspirations is a thing of the past, humanity is evolving each day to arise as the most advanced super force of the universe that will outmatch all alien races no matter how technological or exceptional they are.