Sunday, April 5, 2020



 These are strange times on Planet Earth. The world and all living organisms have been going through mass extinction events, deforestation, and pandemics. The human race hasn't been good saviors of this beautiful planet and all of the life it contains. Vegans are the alien archangels who came to save Planet Earth then terraform trillions of aliens worlds in the universe. It's explicit that the creator and all of his angels had planned a grand manifestation over Planet Earth for all of the human race to be part of. Nothing will ever be the same again. There are so many divergent alien forces around the world secretly attempting to gain control of the human population and its resources. This is one of the biggest events and threats ever and most of the world population isn't aware of this. All of the alien agendas and operations have been kept top secret and completely classified out of the public. You can tell aliens didn't want people to know why they've been here for decades. If people knew what was occurring behind the scenes, they would leave all behind and watch the alien phenomenon around the world and try to stop it as soon as possible. These alien beings despite they have the technology, telepathic powers, spaceships, scientific progression, aren't better or superior to any human being. Humans are remarkable beings with divine blueprint conceived by the creator and archangels assigned to Planet Earth. Humans are supposed to become the saviors of this magnificent planet called Earth, save all life and themselves otherwise the consequences will be disastrous and irrevocable. The aliens want all of the resources that this planet contains including humans as their newest workforce. This isn't a time to worry about the little things that don't matter, now is the only time to do whatever it takes to rescue the planet and the human race. Humans are extremely lucky to be living on such a wonderful world like the Earth because most planets are immensely desolate or depleted by the technological societies originating there. The Earth embodying a superior living and self-renewing, sustaining system that only 1 in 6000 planets include in the universe, therefore it must be protected and preserved before it's too late. You're all part of nature, nature provides you and will provide all that you and other organisms need in the future if it's treated the right way. Therefore all of the natural resources including living habitats and its biodiversity must be conserved by the entire world, pollution and devastation of natural environment and resources affect the whole negatively. Life is mundane and corporeal no matter when you live even in other worlds. Alien races persist in a very restricted hierarchical framework with no freedom that people of this world enjoy almost every day. Don't think that some alien races will come here to help people and save the world by any means, it's the total opposite. They want the world to be devastated and depleted so it would be easier for them to initiate a very cruel alien order to gain control of the masses. You wouldn't want to live in a world controlled by aliens hence you must act to reclaim your world and awaken the world population. Aliens have abducted millions of innocent people, experimented on them and treated them inhumanly for genetic material and operations, it's obvious no alien races are here for any good and there are many different alien organizations at this time. The Independence Day scenario has been taking place clandestinely for a long time in many places in the world. A lot of rich and powerful people have been persuaded by various alien collectives to carry out their agendas.

  The secret alien agenda is to make the human population, many companies, industries overuse the resources and deplete the world into catastrophic instability so the alien collective races can gain control easily. This is what they want and they kept this secret during the agreements they've negotiated over many years with certain individuals in power and commerce. Most of the big companies that mass manufacture and sell high tech products have been using alien technology obtained through exchange programs with many different alien races and organizations. All of these races are here for the same plan which is to compel the rich and powerful also the whole population into conflicts, competition plus exhaustion of resources that are utilized to make all of the tech and essential products. Once the world is depleted by some countries that are highly industrial and consuming, the alien races will initiate very cruel alien orders to overtake the human race as their new servants to be abused and exploited each day. Depletion and overuse of the world's resources are extremely dangerous and will make the human population very vulnerable against these deceptive alien forces and alien hybrids that are placed all over the world. Nothing else matters at this time, this is what people must know and do whatever it takes to overcome cooperatively. Most conflicts, competition, and technological achievements have been enforced by these manipulative alien forces and alien hybrids that look humans but in coordination with their alien overlords. No human being needs that many junk products or technology that's the same as last year and overpriced manufactured in some countries of the world to be shipped worldwide. This type of industrial and reckless civilization will only destroy its limited resources and deposits, the environment and will end up enslaved by alien forces losing all its power and freedom. No alien races that are here for a while want the human race to evolve and advance. They will promote all kinds of conflicts, wars, environmental destruction, cataclysms, inequality, deforestation, resource depletion and so much more. Pirate alien organizations conquer newly developing societies living on rich and biological worlds like the Earth with clandestine, fraudulent programs like they've been enforcing for many years. They want human society completely weaken to a point that they will end up mind-controlled subspecies to alien overlords that are in agreement with people in power, influence, and commerce. This is the worst threat to any human being that you can ever imagine, there is nothing eviler than this. Everyone deserves to live freely and graciously no matter where they are in the world. They will do all they can to stop the cooperation, consolidation, and empowerment of the population so the whole world can be farmed and capitalized harshly by these otherworldly beings and people who work with them. Nothing else will ever matter if you lose your identity, freedom and all that you care and enjoy under brutal alien control, what you make will decrease each day and each individual will be depressed into an oblivious workforce. There is no way out once this social structure designed by aliens in place worldwide, everyone will experience the consequences of how ferocious life will be each passing day. No civilizations or societies were able to break out of brutal alien control systems after they're in full operation. Each person will be treated like farm animals with no rights or free movement and it will only get worse by time. Alien human hybrids will be in charge of the administration and mass control of the society and they're the atrocious aliens in disguise that have no compassion or emotion towards any living being including humans. They'll impose the new system to farm and exploit the entire population wickedly. There are brain implants to turn the selected individuals into mindless workers for alien affairs to mine and accumulate all of the planet's resources and deposits until it's fully drained. Then the new human workforce will be shipped to other planets, moons, and systems to execute the same brutal procedures. For this reason, no one should accept the new body and brain implants that are in development, these devices are inflicted for evil purposes. Body implants and vaccines are made for the same intention to convert the human population into thoughtless servants for the alien rulers also the rich and powerful. After some time even the people in power and authority will be replaced by the human hybrids to gain complete control of the masses all around the world. This is the beginning of the dark age for humanity, you must unite and do all you can to stop this otherwise the near future will be immensely destructive to all living beings plus the evolution and sovereignty of human civilization. There are only around 10 years to unite as one super green force to rescue the planet, all life and overthrow the malevolent alien presence that's gaining power each day.

 Although most of the population believed there would be some advanced alien races would come to Earth, give technology, teach, guide and save humanity and the world, unfortunately, it's nowhere near that presumption and expectation, probably will never be. The cosmos is not much different than the world, it's still governed by natural instincts and tendencies no matter how you look and where you've come from. Yes, aliens have a very high level of technology but technological societies are more authoritarian and rigorous than other societies that kept a level of sustainability and natural affinity. Developing more advanced technologies, space ships and other achievement requires more of the limited metals, resources, and other elements, after some time it becomes overwhelmingly unethical to keep up with all. It's probable that plant-based and organic civilization are actually more advanced and sustainable than the technological and devious associations and groups. Therefore, the human race has the choice to either restrict the technology and industrial production to preserve the planet's natural resources for the future or collapse to become dependent on cruel alien orders and domination. There is still time to somehow rescue the planet, shield the world civilization and topple the alien dominion that's being imposed clandestinely. Going fully green and plant-based in all fields and individual lifestyles aren't only to save the animals and the environment, indeed it can grant the advantage to get rid of the alien races and hybrids as well. One of the reasons these beings came from space is that human civilization has been destroying the planet's natural wealth and life balance after the industrial era. The planet presents a self-generating mechanism to provide life to all organisms and habitats, not all worlds are like the Earth. It's a very rare, unique and rich living system, only 1 in 6000 planets contains the biodiversity, resources the Earth has and these planetary systems are very well protected and preserved by their native or new inhabitants unlike here. Thus, the human population must act now before things get out of hand, there is still very high potential to evolve into an advanced, cooperative and sustainable diverse civilization to surpass all alien races and collective forces that are here or will approach in the future. There will be always aliens competing, interfering and attempting to take advantage of any events occurring in this world, that's how tough and challenging life is in space. Once you outpower this extraordinary situation, you must shield your entire solar system from the future intrusion because aliens will never leave and will secretly track and haunt you at every chance. This isn't a full-out war like it's depicted in the movies, the alien scenario is totally peculiar to heedless public. Everything is played out with cogency, deceit, and secrecy out in space unlike most people presume. The wars and conflicts aren't allowed in space filled with so many races, societies and associations enduring to maintain their continuance. Now is the only time to leave all behind and focus on what's been occurring behind the scenes for decades. The entire world must undertake this very dangerous and serious event that happens to all worlds in the universe but time is running out, the alien invasion is coming to completion. You wouldn't want to live in a world fallen under evil alien command, that would be the dawn of the age of darkness for everyone forever. It's almost impossible to break out of this brutal domination that will outstrip all you have increasingly. You live on a planet which is a paradise compared to thousands, millions, billions of arid, dying or depleted spheres wandering in space hopelessly.

 Planet Earth must be rescued as soon as possible before the secret alien possession of the human race with the utmost potential to become an excellent civilization protecting the environment, biodiversity, forests, living habitats, oceans, rare species, the diverse population composing this magnificent living sphere. You must reclaim what you have and rise as the saviors demonstrating the mind-body-soul trinity. The Earth and all of the life it contains presents the blueprint derived from the heavenly realms, there are mighty, tall and powerful archangels watch over the planet and they're very concerned. They aren't able to save the planet, they can only guide and help from the outside. Humans as the spiritual force coming from the divine presence are entitled to safeguard and enrich this system chosen to be the biological and genetic storehouse in this part of the universe. Hence it has the capability to outmatch all alien worlds and civilization also terraform many new Earth-like depositories nearby the solar system and afar. Terraformation is a very difficult mission for all societies no matter how advanced or rich they are. Planet Earth is first, it must be secured and shielded from destructive events and alien infiltration. Time is always working against you, there is still time in space but it flows disparately. Aliens are gaining more power each day. Millions of people have been abducted all around the world, most never returned because they were utilized as a resource in space trade. Many alien races still need workers, biological material, plasma, organs, etc. It's been done in your world and it's been occurring in space as well. Don't think life is greater out there in the vastness of space but there are some friendly races that are concerned about human society from Planet Earth. They may approach your world after the alien presence has been overthrown and the civilization rebuilt itself as a very sustainable and regenerative union that's able to self-support ad regenerate life-giving sources contrary to the destructive past. There are advanced alien civilizations correlating with each other in the neighbor of the solar system, they are not too close but not far either. You may have to somehow reset the civilization before you totally destroy nature or fall under the darkness of alien dominion. The Earth is healing at this time because it's in lockdown but you still have to individually give all you got to restore the natural system your productions and survival depend on. Unfortunately, the alien groups that approach worlds are mostly pirate-like, they aren't advanced spiritually or ethically. They are only here to turn this world into their human farm also extract all of the rare and unique resources from Earth. Most of the people will be utilized for biological trade and experiments as in blood, plasma, organs, body parts, cloning, vice versa. What people have done to farm animals will be done to them until the whole world is completely drained into a deserted landscape. If you knew behind the scenes of factory farming and even the dairy industry, you'd know what the aliens would treat you for a long time. There is no way out of this unless you unite and begin the recovery of the entire planet and revert it back to its original, sustainable condition. All of the unnecessary junk products and industries are doomed to shut down to protect the environment, halt the pollution and depletion of limited reserves. Single-use plastics and extreme consumption of plastics and products packaged in plastics pollute the oceans, landfills, and ecosystems at an increasing rate. Perhaps, the pandemic that forced the world to shut down almost completely is a sign for people to change their behavior and consider the world they live in more than the past. Aliens come from dying or depleted worlds, they wander in space to find new planets to be farmed and mined for the benefit of their collective organizations. The space trade values the biological material like plasma, organs, blood, body parts of animals and even humans terrifically. This is one of the resources that they want to gain control and possession of globally. Humans, their customs, values, feelings, indulgences, enjoyment are no concern for these beings, they see the entire humanity as farm animals waiting to be exploited and used by many alien races that are here and more will travel to this planetary system in the near future. Although the reality of this extraordinary event sounds very scary, horrific and pessimistic, this is exactly what's going on around the world and in space. The nature and conduct of these alien beings are no different than the pirates or mafia groups of your world, they only have advanced technology and a very uniform manner. They will do all they can to present a highly evolved introspection of themselves at every chance but it's absolute deceit, lies and telepathic projection. There are a lot of people, most in high-rank positions who have been brainwashed by these beings for the sake of power, technology, global domination, spiritual ascension, riches, and many other things, they believe that aliens will give them the opportunity to achieve their dreams and aspirations. However, all of these people are being used to complete the alien agenda once and for all. After that, they will either be abandoned or replaced by others and hybrids that are already integrated into society in every place of the world.

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