Tuesday, April 7, 2020



Life isn't about work, it's about information. Everything is information =)
Everyone wants to get rich during the period of time they live before they pass away. You can have all you want, get rich even save the world, animals, your health plus become the most advanced, sustainable, renewable paradise all en masse. These are exciting times to live on Planet Earth. Humanity has the best potential and biodiversity to evolve into eternity but we must start doing the right things that can save the world and humanity first. We live in a totally different world at the moment and there are still great perils to be overcome but it can only be done with complete cooperation, great planning, and preparation. The Planet Earth bestowed to the magnificent human race by the Prime Creator for them to fulfill the greatest secret agenda of all time prearranged before the creation and evolution of humankind. Now we came to a point of emerging into the universe and we must prove that we can heal and recover our beautiful planet that's been damaged and destabilized. It's everyone's assignment to do whatever it takes to save humanity and the world as soon as possible. There is no other calling more meaningful than this. Doing all the amazing things to protect and serve the entire world population plus one of the most alluring and abundant planets in the cosmic creations embodying the genetic code of higher heavenly realms. The human race resembles the mighty powerful archangels ascribed to our planet containing various intelligent life all around it. Apparently, we are the archangels to reclaim one of the most amazing spheres called Earth that were uniquely designed and seeded as the genetic, biological library in this region of the galaxy and universe. There are jillions of intelligent extraterrestrial races originating not far from the solar system where Earth orbits. Unfortunately, some of them have been here in the solar system also inside the world operating secretly to carry out their secret agendas to take over the world and humanity for their own benefit. Time is working against us right now so everyone all around the world must join forces to safeguard all of the world's population, climate, environment and the rich biodiversity in every acre of the planet before it's too late. The alien races that have been here quite a while don't care nor here to save humanity or the world by any means. They're doing all they can to utilize the naive and weakening human race with technology, implants, gadgets, manipulation and much more. Nobody would like to live in an oppressed society that fell under alien order controlled harshly. This is our planet and our civilization, we must do whatever it takes to save it and build the most sustainable, renewable, cooperative civilization otherwise it may be too late to reverse the coming cataclysmic events.

 A glorious vegan to-do list can make each individual the richest, direct them in the right direction to save the planet, clean and restore it, save all animals, everyone's health, stabilize the ecosystems, reverse climate change then eventually surpass all alien races that are here with malevolent plans also become one of the most advanced, progressive civilizations in the universe that can terraform trillions of barren worlds like Mars into eternity. The universe is filled with depleted or desolate, dead planetary systems but they can be revived by the life-generating elements and organisms from special planets like the Earth. To redeem the entire Planet Earth and all of humanity that is utterly interconnected to each other in every way is everybody's mission either part-time or full-time. Humanity has the utmost power, knowledge, intelligence, and expertise to accomplish anything in a short time once they focus on a higher purpose like recovering the declining planet and diminishing resources. The human being has been perfectly designed genetically to be the protector of this physical, biological organism as the most intelligent species then evolved over thousands of years until this day. Work and money were not the main issues in the past. Food, diseases, control mechanisms, freedom, housing, weather, plagues, wars, conflicts, and other difficulties were the major issues throughout the history of civilizations. The industrialization around the world has dragged the planet's natural resources and the environment to an ever-declining state and produced tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases arousing the global warming era. Therefore, human society has hit the edge of either find ways to save the planet and humanity effectively or plummet to aggravating circumstances worse than before. Thankfully, there may be some considerably fundamental approaches, ways, methods, practices that can shift the human civilization to a sustainable, self-generative, green and productive union. In this way, people can raise their awareness and knowledge to overcome the alien presence that's here to take advantage and use the human society as a suppressed workforce to be farmed and exploited harshly.

  Luckily, angels and The creator have transmitted veganism into Earth for great transformation towards a peaceful, unified, eco-friendly social welfare worldwide. Even though there are many alien races and groups who want the world and humanity as their drudges, the human race has the aptitude to build a new world to overthrow malevolent, deceitful alien presence also to recover in such a short time to institute one of the most advanced, futuristic, sustainable, renewable, green and forested planetary syndicates that will somehow terraform their homeworld as most prolific ever. Since human society has emerged into the universal community and aliens are already here for quite some time to take over secretly, we must unite to do whatever it takes to save the world and all of mankind as soon as possible. All of the calamities can be reversed and corrected if the right process has been initiated worldwide. Let's talk about the to-do list that can make the change if more and more people encouraged to start businesses, projects, crowdfunding, reforestation, planning, etc. that can save the animals, environment and many people's lives as well. Time is always working against us so we gotta do all but naturally with renewable resources and mimicking nature in every field from now on.

 Going vegan has hit the mainstream recently and stimulated so many people around the world to make the shift. A lot of people realized that something wasn't right, their health was getting worse, animals were being killed to manufacture products and food items, everything was going downhill each day. Then veganism started spreading with the help of the internet, social media and other tech devices. The people who adopted a vegan, plant-based diet and mindset experienced a huge boost in their health, vegans save millions of animals by not eating them and buying products made by animals. Meat, dairy and other productions derived from animals and their bodies are extremely destructive to the environment and planet as well. Animal agriculture discharges tremendous amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and one of the leading causes of climate change also pollution.

You can invest in or start a vegan, cruelty-free, eco-friendly business no matter who you are. There are crowdfunding options to get it up and running. Of course, you must study hard and do research to accumulate ideas and information. Starting a business may not be easy, on the other hand, you can at least in new startups that are thriving in global markets. The fastest-growing companies are mostly plant-based and vegan now and this will last a long time because they're incited by fastest-growing movements and mindsets like veganism, animal right, environmental causes and much more. This is the best time to start something new, everyone has unique ideas that can create big business in a short time. It has to be unique and useful for most of the population in general but doesn't rush anything otherwise you may fail intensely. It's best not to acquire loans because they're mostly detrimental in the long run. There are a lot of people who'd like to help and supply some funds to get something up and running. Whether you make the next vegan snack bar, plant an orchard or start a plant-based cafe, you gotta come up with a great business plan because starting a business very challenging than working a job. Some businesses and startups become very influential and make positive changes for the animals, environment, and people around the world which is very needed in our time.

Planting trees, growing food and new orchards can be the best thing you do in your life since food prices are always rising and it's healthier to grow your own food without any pesticides and chemicals. You can also turn it into a business, start a tree nursery, sell the trees, saplings, fruits, vegetables in farmers' markets, juice, can them and much more. We must rely on nature to feed ourselves and make essential products for our survival and health. The world is changing fast and we're obviously responsible for the whole that we're embodied in. There are many projects about planting millions of trees all around the world, it's a good start but trees must integrate with people and cities for them to absorb excess CO2 and improve human lives. Trees and plant life are the foundation of all life on Earth so we're supposed to plant more and protect the existing large forests or at least replant them after logging. Restoring the environment and planetary stability may begin with reforestation, afforestation plus cultivating more farms and orchards to supply our needs and the population. Most cities around the world aren't green enough, they emit the most greenhouse gases, more constructions are turning them into concrete jungles. All of the world's cities and towns should be as green as possible, green forests, parks, farms, greenhouses must be designed and cultivated first before construction and roads. Of course, it's easier to find land in rural areas far from the cities but suburban areas can become more green as well. One person can plant entire forests in their lifetime, grow the most productive polyculture farms and gardens and make a lot of money this way as well. Making money is more fulfilling when you actually do something that makes the world a better and greener place. By the time, even the largest cities can be reforested and go fully green in their infrastructure.

Renewable energies are the best way to generate energy to power homes, businesses, and other buildings. They're more in demand all around the world and more people are installing solar panels on their homes and business now. Renewable energy is the energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air, and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services. Anything renewable and sustainable will be a big business in the near future because people are demanding these technologies to protect the environment and reverse global warming. Investing in these technologies and energy productions will be profitable and successful. Most of the energy productions of the world are not sustainable, either depleting reserves or emitting high amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Starting and investing in renewables in energy or other fields is one of the booming markets in every nation of the planet no matter where. You can source solar panels and equipment from many companies and start your own solar energy business, warm places are more convenient for renewable energies because the sun is out most of the year. There will be communities only powered by renewable energies and fed by plant-based foods in the near future since more people are making the shift to sustainable and green right now.

Most of the vegan businesses are thriving all around the world especially in big cities where there is a high number of vegans and people who love plant-based foods, products, groceries, etc. Vegan business isn't just about food. You can make mostly coffee to start a vegan coffee shop, manufacture grocery items like snack bars. Vegan restaurants and cafes are popping up all over the world and everyone loves them. Anyone can become a good chef or hire an experienced pastry chef and a vegan cook to start a business with some investment, not necessarily loans. Loans require high-interest rates and they're difficult to keep up with. Crowdfunding is one of the best ways to start a business now. Even vegan food trucks are booming in certain areas where food trucks are permitted. I've seen many food trucks that serve acai bowls, vegan foods, coffee, wraps, etc. and they were doing pretty well. Making vegan foods and products request affordable produce and ingredients that are environmentally friendly and cruelty-free. The profits are higher in vegan and plant-based businesses because most of the produce and plant ingredients can be sourced locally from farms. You can even grow fresh produce in rooftops or backyards to serve to your customers. A lot of people sell their produce and products they make in farmers' markets as well. The vegan community is growing online faster than others so more websites and apps are wanted by the growing community spreading around the world. People love learning and connecting through the internet with websites and apps so the need for innovation in the internet and tech fields will never end. There are easy to use development tools to code yourself or you can create a website with templates from major website creators. Of course, creating new products is great but there is always competition in every field so doing something you really want to do is the best thing no matter what subject it is about.

The world definitely needs more reforestation and afforestation in every region and nation because global warming is making the climate more unstable each day. Desertification is a serious problem in most of the world, there are countries who attempt to green their deserts vigorously. Deserted areas can be beautiful but not productive for the growing population and deserts expand by time. Reforestation can be accomplished anywhere even in barren areas. Agroforestry is a type of reforestation that mixes agriculture with trees, orchards for diversity and higher yield. Planting trees and starting green farms can save the world because they turn the lands into fertile landscapes with higher biodiversity and output. One of the reasons for climate change and environmental deterioration is that humans aren't living sustainable and green lifestyles. All industries depend on human consumption and need but people consume and buy the products and services that emit greenhouse gases also destroy the environment. Only green movements can save the world and make it more abundant for each person, animal and living organism. We always need more trees that provide foods, fruits, nuts, and other products for us to make new ones or consume raw. Most of the ingredients are derived from trees and plants no matter what kind they are. There is an estimate that planting 500 trillions of diverse tree species can reverse climate change worldwide. Permaculture design is a very efficient method to start your own farm with some land. Trees will always be the foundation of all life on Earth so we must plant more and reforest the areas that are dying. Vast expanding deserts can be halted with green walls and eventually turn green and fertile. Trees and forests attract rain, store carbon and enrich the soil for it to keep water flow. You love animals and you want to save them, planting forests can provide new habitats for all kinds of animals for them to live peacefully. It's not too difficult to reforest certain areas, planting trees is pretty easy and requires little effort and capital to start. There are charities that plant one tree for each dollar, some are planting 20 million trees right now. We can build a very fertile, abundant, forest world that will benefit the growing population increasingly. All kinds of trees and plants will provide the essential foods and materials, clean the air and waters, form new habitats for biodiversity and much more. Deserts can be lush with the right design, tree and plant species as well.

Gardening isn't too difficult. You need good soil, some land or your backyard to start with. There are people who became very self-sufficient and made good money with their own farms by implementing permaculture, polyculture designs. You can find all kinds of seeds everywhere now to even grow food in a raised bed garden if you don't have much space. It takes at least a couple of months or more for most vegetables, herbs, and spices can grow faster. If you can find land or a house with a large space around it, you can grow more to sell in markets also cut your grocery bill in half or become completely self-reliant in your property. Of course, it'll cost some money to start but most seeds are usually priced reasonably. We live in apocalyptic times, self-reliance and sufficiency will be crucial to survive and make money. Food shortages may begin soon since the demand is always increasing but climate and environmental changes degrade the food productions. Permaculture and polyculture methods are more efficient than traditional farming because diversity improves farms and gardens in every way. Planting and growing the same crop isn't efficient for the soil or the plants. Plants thrive in a diverse forest environments and fungi networks underground enrich the flora. Now is the best time to start gardening and planting your own food forest no matter where you live.

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