Friday, May 29, 2020

Can Planting Trillions of Trees, Living Fully Plant-Based Save The World, Turn It Into Spheric Amazon Rainforest? =D

Can Planting All Kinds of Trees and Living Fully Plant-Based Save The World, Turn It Into Spheric Amazon Rainforest Plus Make Humans Tree Gods More Advanced Than Aliens?  =D

 Hello there. We’re going to talk about finding ways to save the world that’s going through mass extinctions, pandemics, lockdowns, and other catastrophic events at this time. We live in a more modern era than the past but being more modern and technological didn’t really help the eco-balance that we’re part of as human beings. Humans are natural beings who rely upon nature and its raw materials to survive and grow. On paper, humans are intelligent forest creatures feeding off the plant life, fruits, seeds, and the things that they can grow by planting them in their surroundings. Over the course of time, humans have learned to make more complex structures and machines to start the industrial civilization as we live in. Despite the industrialization has provided more comfortable and prosperous lifestyles for the nations manufacturing the essential and composite products, it extended the population, expenditures, overuse of the natural environment recklessly. The industrialized civilization has started to issue mass havoc over the environment and planet we all share. Now we’re on the verge of either do everything to save the world or suffer consequences that will devastate the human population severely. We live in a world where trees, plants, a plethora of species are abundant in many regions. The nations and places that are green, forested including plenty of natural resources and deposits are richer and more progressive than the deserted areas. Desertification and shortages will be unstoppable if we continue to exhaust the planet’s resources supplied mostly by the forests and plant life. For this reason, each person must begin collecting the essential and rare seeds and plant all kinds of trees, gardens also live fully plant-based to reduce the impact over the ecosystem that humans are just part of as one type of organism. Many scientists announce that environmental decline and climate change are exceeding the limits of no return. All of this has caused by the ever-increasing population, their industrial needs, and the extreme consumption of countless products. The planet has never been this hot before and it seems like disasters are turning out to be the norm hitting the society back to back from every angle. Each human being wants to survive during the impending apocalypse that was portended in the bible and other holy books conveyed by the creator himself. There are many clairvoyants and psychics who foretell a multitude of catastrophic events and changes that will ravage the human population. The reason behind the coming apocalypse is obviously the industrial and destructive human civilization that metamorphosed into a locust swarm devouring Planet Earth alive each and every day to a greater extent. The places with a small population happen to be less polluted, greener, and intact compared to highly populated and polluted areas of the world. Therefore the real problem is the ever-growing populace packed in various cities. 

 Most of the people never plant any trees in their lifetimes and trees are the most beneficial and productive organisms of the planet. Once you switch to a vegan and fully plant-based diet and lifestyle, you tend to get more in tune with nature, you start consuming more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds produced by a variety of trees and plants. As a result, you start experimenting with planting, growing foods, and cultivating gardens in your surroundings. Consequently, the shift to a vegan diet and a completely plant-based lifestyle impels people to start planting trees, saving animal lives, working on environmental projects, cultivating splendid gardens, farms, orchards that would alter the environment positively. People should comprehend the fact that they’re components in a larger living organism encircling all that exists here. All that each person does daily affects the whole system of life deeply. All life is interlacing connected to each other in every way possible and one species cannot consume the whole inflicting it to go extinct in such a short time that they’ll either go extinct or experience dire shortfall until nothing left. Some scientists predict that mankind has only 10 years left before climate change and corporeal despair. There are so many prophecies warning humanity about coming changes, alien invasions, environmental degradation, and so forth. Nothing is ever going to be fully sustainable and renewable in a physical world with limited resources and a fragile environment that can get spoiled just a few degrees of temperature hike. Everyone is supposed to do the right things to protect their world without expecting a higher power or administrations to make any revisions. There are people who planted vast forests in drying and deserted fields transforming these lands into productive and lively ecosystems. There is no doubt that planting any form of Plantae especially trees that can grow full size from seeds, saplings, seedlings in a few years. Forests expand by time if there is no human interference because seeds fall and get transported by the wind, animals, and even rivers for them to sprout with the right conditions. Nature already has the perfect mechanism to regenerate itself and animals usually help through this process of regrowth and dispersion. Humans unconsciously have been damaging nature that they’re embedded into. Most developed nations are the most detrimental and their pollution levels are overly cataclysmic. Hence economic and industrial growth and expansion are never the best way for any civilization to proceed into the future. Human civilization is already draining a shrinking well at this time so each human being ought to embark on a journey of saving the planet, reversing climate change and other environmental calamities. Planting trees, saving the animals, and adopting a vegan, plant-based to start living as green as possible is probably the best thing you can at this time to reverse the harm humans have been dispersing increasingly after the industrial revolution. Hopefully, we can mutate the world into an Amazon rainforest by planting rare and unique seeds collected also the ones that are beneficial and suitable to temperate zones and regions. Collecting all kinds of seeds to implant into your garden is a great idea. Of course, you need a large space or hopefully some lands to accomplish your dreams of creating your lush, green oasis where you live. The environment is declining faster each day and each human being must do something about it. Trees and plants have countless benefits and they make up the majority of the ecosystems. Planting the wrong kinds of trees and plants in improper terrain can hurt the ecosystem pretty bad so you should do research and find the native species that are appropriate beforehand. Study and research can be the best thing you can do in your life and you better do it on your own to increase your knowledge in the field you want to dedicate yourself. Planting trees and growing food is a very fulfilling niche, planting trees will sequester carbon, clean the water sources, provide shade to your property. 

 Let’s talk about the multifarious benefits of trees which can be entitled as the most life-giving organisms of our planet. Trees can combat climate change. Trees absorb the excess CO2 in the atmosphere, store the carbon while releasing oxygen. In one year, an acre of trees absorbs the same amount of Carbon Dioxide produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles. Trees also clean the air by absorbing pollutant gases like nitrogen oxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and filter particulates out. An acre of trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people in one year. Average temperatures in large cities have risen at least 6 F in the last 50 years as tree coverage has declined and greenhouse gas emission increased. Trees can cool the cities by 10 degrees by shading and releasing water vapor into the air. Trees placed strategically around homes can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to 50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for cooling houses, carbon dioxide, and other pollution emissions can be reduced. Shade from trees slows water evaporation from lawns, they increase atmospheric moisture the more they grow. Trees help prevent water pollution; trees collect rainfall and allow it to flow down the trunk into the soil. This prevents pollutants to reach the ocean. Trees filter water naturally and use it to refresh groundwater supplies. Trees help prevent erosion; on hillsides and slopes, trees slow runoff and hold soil in place. Trees supply food; an apple tree can yield up to 15-20 bushels of fruit per year, trees also feed birds and wildlife. Trees heal and reduce violence; studies have shown that patients with views of trees out their windows heal faster and with fewer complications. Exposure to trees and nature aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue. Neighborhoods and homes that are barren have shown to have a greater incidence of violence in and out of the home than their greener counterparts. Trees create economic opportunities; fruit harvested from orchards can be sold, small business opportunities in green waste management and landscaping arise when cities value mulching and its water-saving qualities. Training for youth interested in green jobs is a great way to develop as well. Trees provide a canopy and habitat for wildlife; all kinds of trees provide excellent urban homes for birds, bees, possums, and squirrels. Trees also provide wood; in suburban and rural areas, trees can be selectively harvested for fuel and craft wood. In this summary, the true benefits of trees have been laid out for you to understand how important and amazing trees are for the planet, wildlife, and human beings. Trees are definitely the most vital entities of our physical realm and probably all other realms. There is data from people who had near-death experiences indicating that the spiritual realm or heavens displayed a lush, vivid scenery where there are many trees and flora. Thus trees are exceptionally beneficial for our civilization, we are supposed to plant more of the correct species near and in every human habitation. Human life relatively depends upon trees and Plantae more than anything else. Most houses and furniture that you sit on are constructed with wood as well. Trees and plant life make up most of the biomass of Earth granting the foods and materials to countless species including humans. The ultimate question that appears in mind is ‘Can Be Planting Billions or Trillions of Trees of Diverse Species Save The World?’  Our planet is obviously in danger at this time, the industrial growth and consumption have been generating more imbalance than its goods and outcome. Humankind was a species related to trees, forests, and the biome that it existed in the past. It certainly lost its pure connection to nature that it relies on more than anything else. People are accustomed to living meaningless lives revolving around heaps of junk products, plastics, industrial goods. The food system has been converted into an absolute chemically processed madness making people more sick than healthy and robust. If you grow your own organic foods by cultivating your own vegetable, herb garden, and planting fruit, nut trees, you can somehow constitute a self-reliant and healthful lifestyle energized by organics and renewables. Humans may essentially be characterized as genetically engineered walking, humanoid trees either by the aliens or the creator but they lost their main quality incorporated into their DNA and cosmos for some reason. Human awareness is deepening each day with the help of information around us, human DNA has a great capacity to ripen and blossom in this era for humans to become more in tune with nature and the planet’s vitality. People are realizing life isn’t meant to be this way, just work somewhere to make some others richer each day whereas you get little. If you want to have a pleasant life, you should make use of nature’s life-generating assets by cultivation and enrichment of raw elements. Seeds are one of the most potent cores with the potential to grow into large bustling forests that provide food and brisk habitats for many species. Seed collecting is one of the best things you can do if you yearn for growing living, abundant landscapes. Although you need to find the species that are native or relevant to your zone, you can still design a sensational jungle that will sequester carbon to reduce your greenhouse effect also form a shade, provide wood, fruits, nuts, oxygen, beauty, refreshment to yourself and your surroundings. Now that the job market has crashed cause of pandemic lockdown, more people are in need to grow their own foods and basic necessities and trees are some of the best resources on Planet Earth. Anything can be made plant-based so you can grow and make all you can in little space, plant love diversity as long as they’re catered well. There is a researcher that conducted a study on fungi for years and he concluded that humans are fungi beings which is the first type of plant species evolved on Earth. Fungi networks transmit nutrients between tree roots underneath the soil to form vast structures covering entire forests. Once you start planting, you’ll notice that fungus will materialize beneath soil connecting many plants into each other through their roots. Fungi is beneficial for the health of plant life and help them grow and mature by transferring all kinds of nutrients below the ground imperceptibly. Planting all kinds of trees and propagating the benign types of plants in barren landscapes can create large forests and jungles that will expand to benefit people and the biodiversity that’s in danger. 

 There are projects to repel extending deserts in many regions of the world. Reforestation near the edges of these deserted areas can push back the desertification that will ruin human habitation, water sources, and fertile lands over the course of time. Desertification and diminishing supply of clean water around the world are a big threat to many nations probably all. Reforestation projects in places that are drying and getting hotter each year may change the prospect of environmental degradation. Most of the greenest places are up north because cold weather preserves greenery and even these regions are becoming more desolate each year cause of climate change. Permaculture gardening and farming designs can alter your land and the ecosystem to regenerate and support life more than ever before. There are people who implemented permaculture designs to their homesteads and had so much success in self-sufficiency and even made so much profit off their crops. Any types of plants and trees will always sequester carbon, release oxygen, stabilize the soil, attract and clean rainwater, compose a habitat and provide food for many species and bees and so much more. Plants and trees certainly have countless advantages to all life on Earth and it’s up to humans to make use of them to contribute to environmental efforts that can halt climate change, deforestation, and desertification. The Amazon rainforest has been burning down to open land for cattle ranching and soy plantations to feed livestock. If there were more plant-based people on Earth, the Amazon that contains myriads of fruit, nut, and edible plant species would be utilized to build new farms and food forests in many places in the world. There are botanical gardens comprised of multifold classes of organisms belonging to Plantae. Therefore we could collect the seeds and a great variety of species from the Amazon and transplant them to assemble to greatest lush and diversiform gardens and forests that can even produce exotic foods and different kinds of useful materials. Permaculture is the best method to grow diverse crops for the highest production. On the other hand, monoculture which is the conventional method to grow crops to feed the masses is definitely a destructive system that poorly affects the environment and ecosystems. The more diverse a garden and a forest is, the more the plants and trees support each other and yield a higher volume of harvest. Therefore, don’t hesitate to implant different species close to each other to build your own food forest and botanical oasis similar to the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon is estimated to have 16,000 tree species and 390 individual trees. It’s home to 10% of the world’s known species comprising of over 12,000 animal species, 13,000 bird species, 40,000 plant species, and 2.5 million insect species. For this reason, it must be protected and preserved just like any forested areas at all costs, it would be radical to transplant some of its exotic food generating, rare and unique species to specially designed biomes. It’s estimated that if current rates of warming continue, much of the Amazon could transition from rainforest to savanna. If entire humanity starts planting trillions of trees and plants as of now, we can transform the planet into a spheric Amazon and reverse climate change also feed and shelter the growing population easily. Almost all of the products that people use and consume every day can be made of plants and trees. The biodiversity of our planet is tremendously rich but there has been heavy devastation recently to supply the needs of an ever-growing world population. All of the plant-based and products derived from the forests and plants are completely renewable. Once a person switches to a fully plant-based and vegan diet and lifestyle, their environmental impact will be more subtle than before. Of course, products and fuels made of petroleum are not environmentally friendly. Plastic pollution is one of the biggest perils of our time similar to climate change, air pollution, and planetary deterioration. Plant-based containers and cutlery can easily replace single-use plastics of any kind but it’s the best to replant the trees that are cut for manufacturing. A single tree can produce about 6,000 pounds of oxygen a year. Trees engender a cooling effect equal to 10 room-sized air conditioners running 20 hours a day. There is an official tree for every state. The tallest tree in the world is located in California and is 369 ft tall. The U.S plants about six trees per citizen each year. The impact of 1 million trees is providing air pollution control worth $62 billion, absorbing 38,000 metric tons of CO2 in the first ten years, offsetting the climate impact of 8000 passenger vehicles, supplying oxygen to 4 million people daily. Trees improve water quality by slowing and filtering rainwater and protecting aquifers and watersheds. Scientists estimate that there are over 3 trillion trees on Earth. Global forests removed about one-third of fossil fuel emissions annually from 1990 to 2007. There are over 60 thousand species of trees on Earth. Trees are the longest living organisms on the planet and one of the Earth’s greatest natural resources. A mature tree removes almost 70 times more pollution than a newly planted tree. Water originating in our national forests provide drinking water for over 3400 communities and approximately 60 million individuals. An average American uses about 750 pounds of paper every year, and 95% of homes are built using wood. That means each person uses the equivalent of one 100 foot tall, 16-inch diameter tree every year for their paper and wood product needs. Trees cover almost 30% of the earth’s total land area but this isn’t enough to put an end to global warming. The sap of red maple trees is used to make maple syrup. 

 Trees get their energy through photosynthesis like most plants. This process begins when chlorophyll pigments in the leaves of the tree absorb light energy. They use this energy to create a reaction between carbon dioxide and water to make the sugar glucose. This glucose is then either used for respiration or is converted to starch and stored. Oxygen is the by-product of this process, and tree releases this into the atmosphere. Trees are closely connected to our understanding of environmental issues. During photosynthesis, trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and replace it with oxygen. A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and much of this is stored. This helps to moderate the earth’s temperature. Furthermore, tree roots help to reduce erosion. This is why deforestation is having such devastating effects, contributing significantly to global warming. Ecologically, trees also sustain life in a variety of ways. They provide a natural habitat for many animals and plants, and rainforests in particular are incredibly bio-diverse. Since the beginning of humanity, trees have provided us with many necessary resources for survival, such as shade, shelter, fuel, food, and timber. We get literally thousands of products from trees. One of the best known is fleshy fruits, including pears, apples, cherries, plums, oranges, lemons, and so on. The fruits of the cocoa tree provide the base ingredients of chocolate, and coffee beans are extracted from the berry of the coffee tree. Edible nuts are also an important product from trees, such as coconuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pine nuts, hazels, pistachios, and many more. A tree is defined botanically as a perennial plant with an elongated trunk, branches, and leaves. There are over 100,000 types of trees both deciduous and coniferous. Trees in a forest can talk and share nutrients through an underground internet built by soil fungi. Like most plants, trees have symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizal fungi that live on their roots. The fungi help trees absorb more water and nutrients from the soil, and trees repay the favor by sharing sugars from photosynthesis. This mycorrhizal network also works on a much larger scale - sort of like an underground internet that connects entire forests. The fungi link each tree to others nearby, forming a huge, forest-scale platform for communication and resource sharing. These networks include older, larger hub trees (mother trees) that may be connected to hundreds of younger trees around them. Mother trees will send their excess carbon through the mycorrhizal network to the understory seedlings, this increased seedling survival by four times. As a bonus, trees have a knack for soaking up soil pollutants, too. One sugar maple can remove 60 milligrams of cadmium, 140 mg of chromium, and 5,200 mg of lead from the soil per year, and studies have shown farm runoff contains up to 88 percent less nitrate and 76 percent less phosphorus after flowing through a forest. About half of all oxygen in the air comes from phytoplankton, but trees are a major source, too. Adding one tree to an open pasture can increase its bird biodiversity from almost zero species to as high as 80. Native trees create vital habitat for a variety of wildlife, from ubiquitous urban squirrels and songbirds to less obvious animals like bats, bees, owls, woodpeckers, flying squirrels, and fireflies. Some of these guests offer direct perks for people — such as by pollinating our plants, or eating pests like mosquitoes and mice — while others bring subtler benefits just by adding to local biodiversity. Forests are more than just trees. Nearly half of Earth's known species live in forests, including 80% of biodiversity on land. That variety is especially rich in tropical rainforests, but forests teem with life around the planet: Insects and worms work nutrients into the soil, bees and birds spread pollen and seeds, and keystone species like wolves and big cats keep hungry herbivores in check. Biodiversity is a big deal, both for ecosystems and human economies, yet it's increasingly threatened around the world by deforestation. Some 300 million people live in forests worldwide, including an estimated 60 million indigenous people whose survival depends almost entirely on native woodlands. Many millions more live along or near forest fringes, but even just a scattering of urban trees can raise property values and reduce crime, among other benefits. They refill aquifers. Forests are like giant sponges, catching runoff rather than letting it roll across the surface, but they can't absorb all of it. Water that gets past their roots trickles down into aquifers, replenishing groundwater supplies that are important for drinking, sanitation, and irrigation around the world. Forests may also use phytoremediation to clean out certain pollutants. Trees can either sequester the toxins away or degrade them to be less dangerous. This is a helpful skill, letting trees absorb sewage overflows, roadside spills, or contaminated runoff. We herald houseplants for purifying the air but don't forget forests. They can clean up air pollution on a much larger scale, and not just CO2. Trees absorb a wide range of airborne pollutants, including carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. In the U.S. alone, urban trees are estimated to save 850 lives per year and $6.8 billion in total health care costs just by removing pollutants from the air. Forests heal, they give us many natural medications, and increasingly inspire synthetic spin-offs. The asthma drug theophylline comes from cacao trees, for one, while a compound in eastern red cedar needles fights drug-resistant bacteria. About 70% of known plants with cancer-fighting properties occur only in rainforests, yet fewer than 1% of tropical rainforest plants have been tested for medicinal effects. Even just walking in the woods can offer health benefits, too, including stress relief, reduced blood pressure, and a stronger immune system. The latter may be partly due to trees releasing airborne compounds called phytoncides, which prompt our bodies to boost the natural killer (NK) cells that attack infections and guard against tumors. 

 We delineated the important facts and remarkable benefits of trees and forests. You can tell they must be preserved also expanded over the course of time. There are so many people who work for forests but they don’t know that cattle ranching is one of the main causes of deforestation. Climate change isn’t only ignited by deforestation, it’s mostly fueled by the emission of greenhouse gases produced by cars and many industries including meat, dairy, and so forth. The truth is the planet and the human race are in grave danger and people are supposed to ponder upon new ways to save and restore the planet and the civilization as soon as possible. It seems like it’s only getting worse each day, the natural disasters and pandemics are only intensifying. Global warming alone has the capacity to destroy mankind only in a few decades leaving a very impoverished society and an exhausted world. Perhaps, planting trees won’t save the world but it’s still one of the best things you can do in your life. Some tree species can bear tons of fresh produce seasonally. Investing in tree projects is one of the most profitable also ecological prospects. Many people are starting a vegetable and herbs garden to at least cut their grocery bills to a certain degree but planting tons of trees in your backyard and everywhere you can is the most progressive move. If people around the world planted more trees, adopted a vegan and plant-based lifestyle, most conflicts would cease and we could build a united world cooperatively. The future is definitely vegan and plant-based. There are a lot of people who switch to this new mindset and lifestyle to rescue the animals from slaughter also the environment in peril. Catastrophic events like the virus pandemic are warning mankind to start doing the right things to save the planet and human society each and every day. Scientists are announcing that this is just the beginning of a new era, nothing will ever be the same again. There will be more fiascos in the future since the growing population has distorted the planet’s eco-balance for the sake of economic growth, industrial expansion, and outrageous consumption of countless junk products. People are realizing that they must go back to our roots where nature resides which is impeccable enhancement and protection. Let’s do whatever it takes to rejuvenate the biosphere that we’re all deeply rooted in now.

Saturday, May 23, 2020



 Here you heard, the time is here now. You all currently live in a totally different world and reality in the universe. Nothing will ever be the same again. Veganism is going full force especially after the pandemic that’s threatening human society. A lot of people realize that the meat industry is very harmful to human health and the environment by killing billions of animals each year. Many viruses spread apart the world from places where factory farming and meat production are based. This is a sign that meat production and consumption aren’t healthy for the ecosystem we live on. Farming and slaughtering billions of land and marine animals to supply the ever-increasing demand for the growing world population is destroying the planet each and every day. The meat industry is responsible for incinerating of largest forests of the world plus emission of a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It’s obvious that pollution levels, deforestation, plastic debris in oceans, depletion of natural resources, and climate global warming have turned into inordinately disastrous during the industrial expansion until now. There are proposals like the new green deal, etc. but these new propositions aren’t going to save nor clean up the planet as a whole. Humans beings are still in the newly developing stage as a civilization but they became very destructive recently. In order to save the planet, all living beings including humans, a new plan is needed otherwise all of the calamities, disasters also depletion of limited resources will make human society very vulnerable to an alien invasion that’s occurring behind the scenes for decades. Aliens have been here on Earth quite a while plotting against the human race that’s destroying a beautiful world wanted by so many alien races nearby and traversing into the solar system. People of the world are destined to awaken and prevent the real perils approaching very fast like the global alien threat, environmental and resource deterioration, changing climate and ambiance, escalating pollution levels, decreasing clean water sources, and so forth. There are many alien races all around the world with plans to snatch this planet and the human population for their own benefits. They’ve been observing and studying the human population for quite a while and this may be by far the biggest threat ever in human history now and in the future. None of the evidence presenting the alien abductions and other extraterrestrial prodigies indicates any positive outcome as opposed to what most people assume. After so many interviews and regression therapies have done on abductees, the analysis corroborates the fact that aliens have been here for a secret invasion of Planet Earth. There are various extraterrestrial collective organizations all around the world doing whatever it takes to surreptitiously abduct millions of people to create an alien-human hybrid race to overrule mankind so they can somehow control the human population and the planetary resources for their own gain. They see this world as a prize. People aren’t aware of the fact that this planet is a very rich environment comprising countless biological lifeforms, animals including humans also a great amount of water, natural and mineral deposits that are actively sought by myriads of alien races, societies, organizations in space. Many people assume that the universe is such a wonderful expanse where there are infinite opportunities, magical worlds, sympathetic alien societies, extraordinary technology, and unimaginably fast spaceships wandering around. Unfortunately, the reality is totally disparate to human imagination and naivete. Aliens are already here upon the Earth for quite some time to carry out their world acquisition agenda because human beings have been extremely destructive to the planet, all life and to each other at an accelerating rate. Although people love products and need them to live and survive, mass manufacturing heaps of junk products packaged in plastics to be shipped worldwide has been immensely polluting and lethal to the environment, forests, oceans, and all species sharing this magnificent planet with humans. Humans are supposed to be the saviors of a planet seeded as the biological and genetic library in this region of space and a lot of alien races want to seize upon this splendid resource and living sphere. You must understand how lucky you are by being here on Earth which is one of the most amazing worlds you can find as rare as 1 in 5000-6000 planets. Planets like the Earth are extremely rare and unique containing tremendous amount of life also multitudinous creatures, organisms, animals, plants, trees, insects and so much more. Besides, it contains very rich mineral deposits in a universe of gazillions of barren, depleted, and arid planetary systems. Yes, they may detect Earth-like planets with space telescopes observing the space and many star systems. However, all of these spheres will be inhabited and very well protect by their native or prevailing intelligent species that won’t allow any human or alien intrusion. The only to reach the stars is through the process of terraformation which may be feasible in some suitable alien worlds. Most of the planetary systems embodying technological civilizations have mostly consumed their natural environment or never really had many deposits or organic richness labeling them as a very arid or depleted terrene.  Luckily, the Earth and human society still have the chance to reverse the damage and devastation caused by the industrial growth and expansion over the course of years. The devastation over the ecosystems, forests, magnitude of air pollution, and ocean plastic debris have been highly disastrous in the last few years. The planet has been undergoing mass extinction events in this last decade and this is very dangerous for the planet’s life balance and even for the future of the human race. So many alien races have been using the Earth as a biological storage for experimentation also to rejuvenate their habitats for thousands of years. There were plenty of attempts to gain control of this planet and they never succeeded in the past but they’re going full force to completely conquer this planet and subjugate the human race clandestinely for over 50-60 years. The human race is in grave danger at this time because they actually conceived an alien-human hybrid race that can manipulate the masses in the near future since extraterrestrials cannot live here nor breathe the atmosphere. They can only remain in very sterile spaces like their spaceships or the hidden bases constructed in many remote locations around the world. 

 Terraformation of arid landscapes is what very advanced civilizations pursue because they outstrip their planet’s resources for the sake of technological development and expansion. Yet, this is a very dangerous path to go after for any civilization since destroying your homeworld’s environment and natural wealth will only open the way to more alien invasions and horrific food, water shortages plus turn most of the world into uninhabitable provoking chaos and disorder. The best thing to do is to protect and preserve the world’s natural environment, essential resources, forested areas, and the rich biodiversity so the human civilization can prevent any malevolent and deceptive alien interference also endure into the future by self-supporting themselves and the natural abundance. The industrialization has winded up very catastrophic over the past decades and collective action must be taken to strictly regulate the depletion, pollution, and other types of devastation. To become an advanced society in the universe that’s shielded from alien invasions, food, water shortages, environmental degradation, climate change, conflicts, and many other afflictions, sustainability and renewability must be the number one goal regarding any development and productions undertaken by the whole population and all nations. There are innumerable products in the global market packaged in single-use plastics and shipped worldwide. All of the single-use plastics either arrive at landfills or in oceans broadening the plastics patch and landfill mass each and every day. Car industry and transportation are adding the highest amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere because billions of people rely on their cars to get around and there aren’t that many electric cars on the roads yet. You can tell the aliens use very advanced technology that’s not gassed up with fossil fuels. Aliens have already developed the cleanest energy source to supply their needs and their technologies. The car industry is supposed to be upgraded sooner or later before the climate change turns the world into an inhabitable fiery landscape. There are prophecies discern by various psychics and people who received information from angelic assembly overseeing the Earth that there are very tragic changes coming to hit the human population in the near future. Therefore, human society must leave the economy, unnecessary plans, inclinations, and other inessential things aside in order to begin focusing on the issues that jeopardize the planet and humanity from now on. There is a lot of money that can be made through regenerating the planet and its ecosystems without plundering and overusing natural resources, deposits. This new mindset will generate a new type of economy more sustainable, green, and refreshing than before. There are no good alien races in the world at this time. They’re all collective groups that will do whatever it takes to take advantage of the human race because they can’t live here nor breathe the atmosphere of Earth. They’re striving to enslave mankind to gain access to the planet’s rare and unique resources, mineral deposits very valuable in space commerce. Luckily, humanity found a way to save the planet, all animals and reduce the impact and pollution on the environment by going fully vegan, plant-based in all productions also start reforesting many regions to halt climate change and create new habitats for living species. Buying an electric car for daily commute or biking and walking to places whenever you can is a good way to stay healthy and cut your carbon output substantially. We live in a beautiful and rich world wanted by the aliens themselves at this time, this is only time to make the shift to start doing the things that will rehabilitate your surroundings and secure your future naturally. By going vegan, planting, growing all you can wherever you are located in the world, you can produce a terraform effect around you to make the world a greener, more livable, healthier place for you, your family, and all species enhancing the Earth’s elegant biological diversity. The alien beings come from deserted, infertile, depleted worlds or some of them lost their homeworlds completely because it became inhabitable forcing them to leave and seek other systems. After a while, these beings turned into space pirates in search of new worlds, new resources to survive, and utilize for experimentation, technological advancement, space trade. This will be what happens to humankind if they don’t act now. Climate change and other changes will turn the planet into mostly inhabitable forcing masses to look for new places to survive and fabricating terrible conflicts over basic necessities like food, water, medicine, shelter, etc.  If you don’t want to be constrained to live in a very disturbing atmosphere where the aliens are taking people without question, farming, and abusing the populace mercilessly, here it is the best time to find new ways to recover humanity’s freedom, self-support, and destiny. Obviously the old habits, practices didn’t work quite well rapidly diminishing the essential resources that are essential to humanity’s survival. Technology isn’t the way to become an advanced society by any means, technological advancements and industries require the most materials over any other fields. Becoming an advanced society in the universe mandates all intelligent beings to abandon their destructive behavior, habits, tendencies, eliminate the industries that pollute and deplete their only homeworld no matter how profitable or desired they are. There is a planetary awakening incited by the pandemic and lockdown procedures, people realize that they will lose their freedom, rights and all that they love because their consumption somehow created a virus jeopardizing the entire human population. Here is the opportunity to change all that you’ve done wrong in the past. Yes, people are used to living certain ways with certain customs, obsessions, tendencies, addictions but the natural disasters will compel them to wake up to do things differently in tune with nature and all living beings. Even aliens come from the natural environment, the force of nature is all over the universe. They want what people have, they want this planet as their own, they want the things people enjoy each day and they will do everything to forcefully take it away from them. They’ve been operating secretly over the years. Aliens have been intensely studying and observing this world and the human population. The ones that found out about this magnificent, exceptional, and a luscious sphere called the Earth kept it all to themselves since there are countless races, organizations, and collectives in space that seek planets like this for their own benefit. In a sense, the aliens came here for the meats, and meat consumption is utterly extreme and horrific here in this civilization. Planet Earth contains an innumerable amount of species, animals including humans that are seen as a resource to be used and exploited harshly. Humans have used many animal species as farm animals and this is how aliens recognize people as well. Although it’s eccentric, weird, and creepy to think that extraterrestrials traveled from light-years away for the biological resources as the meats, blood, plasma, bodily liquids, organs, and other compounds, it’s simply factual. Planet Earth’s life forms have been applied to other systems and regeneration of life through many experiments by many alien races throughout ancient history. They’ve ventured to gain control of this living sphere many times in the past but never succeeded. Unfortunately, the alien collectives here didn’t encounter any resistance to prevent them from gaining control of the planet and the human society for them to brutally farm and capitalize on all that exists here. A lot of people in power, influence, administrative and commercial positions that keep themselves hidden from public view have been convinced with great promise, power, and wealth by the deceptive aliens. People of the world must be warned about what’s going on. The new world order and the alien agenda to subjugate the masses are one and the same. All of the aliens that arrived and built many bases underground, underwater, in mountains to carry out their world acquisition plan are absolutely malevolent with their intentions and affairs. The human race has been divided, weak, and confused destroying their beautiful homeworld and overusing all that exists here for the sake of economic growth, more wealth, and possession of astronomical junk products. Of course, in a universe filled with intelligent life some beings will notice this, land here, and clandestinely stop this madness to rob you off all that you have once and for all. The world is getting more overpopulated each day and humanity has become a locust swarm devouring the planet, nature, all organic and mineral substances to a greater extent. Economic growth and expansion, overpopulation, conflicts over differences, misunderstanding, many other meaningless endeavors are what will make the human society powerless, weak, divided, and bewildered against any alien invasions occurring behind the scenes for decades. This is the reality of the universe, the strong dominate the weak. Natural force is what animates the universe and all intelligent living beings as well. Alien races and groups look different but their purposes are the same, dominate and harvest. What humans have done to animals will be done to them by their new alien overlords hereafter. 

 Providentially, humans possess the greatest potential in their DNA consisting of the abilities and brilliance of over 22 alien races. The aliens believe they’re superior to human beings but it’s not true. Humans are superior genetically and inherently than any alien beings that come here or already here on Earth secretly. They’ve infiltrated many administrations around the world to implement their plans intelligently designed to overrule worlds. Most of the procedures have been tested and excelled in other planetary systems that are collected under one alien command named as collectives. There are several collective organizations comprising of several alien races amassed from other systems over the course of planetary acquisition schemes. These beings are the real space pirates that seek new worlds and resources for them to utilize for their own benefit and expansion. The only way out of this insanity may be a united vegan takeover and reclamation of Planet Earth for it to survive and evolve naturally without getting destroyed by its native inhabitants. This type of movement will engender many new projects, jobs, companies, and a more sustainable, cooperative, free society around the world that can overthrow the malevolent alien presence and their minions out of the solar system. Alas, no alien beings, hybrids that look human but in coordination with their masters, their human associates in powerful positions won’t help save the world nor the human race by any means. They’ll do all they can to take advantage of weak and divided humanity at every chance and will create more catastrophic events, deception, enforcement to subjugate the masses in arrangement with the alien orders. There are so many individuals in commercial, administrative, and religious positions that are brainwashed, deceived, and mind-controlled by the alien collectives to carry out their plans. Since aliens can’t live here physically, can’t breathe this atmosphere, they need certain people and the hybrid race who can live and breathe here on Earth to complete the tasks. 

 We the Vegans, we’re destined to save our beautiful homeworld and all life here, build a more advanced, peaceful, green, and self-sustaining civilization free from any alien intrusion and invasion now and in the future. As long as people do the right things that will proceed the society positively, it will be impossible for outsiders from space to come and gain control of our society, our resources, minerals, living species of any kind. Now is the time to pursue the higher calling projected over the Earth from the higher realm where mighty, all-powerful Archangels oversee this living sphere called the Earth. They don’t want human society to fall under alien manipulation or lose their self-sufficiency imperiled by climate, environmental changes, and mass shortages, depletions. Planet Earth has been bestowed upon the human race for them to evolve and enrich nature and its biodiversity also eventually travel to other planetary systems for terraformation and regeneration. There are trillions of barren, depleted, or dying alien worlds out there in the universe plus humanity can become most advanced if they can revitalize and turn them into new Earth-like jewels thriving with life and renewable resources. Earth is a very rare jewel in the universe that has been specifically implanted with life-generating organisms, habitats, organics, plants, trees, biological diversity evolving over millions of years to this date. It’s definitely the genetic, living storehouse in this part of the galaxy, therefore, it can revive many dying and drained alien systems with the help of concerted human beings to initiate and complete this magnificent mission inspired by the Prime Creator. Each world that contains intelligent life has its own angelic assembly and many tall, powerful archangels overlooking invisibly. They imperceptibly guide and assist intelligent organisms and they’d subtly back terraformation processes launched by visitor societies to regenerate these declining globes. During this difficult but rewarding measure, new species would be conceived between the two interacting societies to continue the existence of withering dwellers native to these worlds. For this reason, vegans and a fully plant-based society originated on Earth can eventually mature as one of the most advanced in the universe since most advanced civilizations are mostly technological and have depleted their homeworlds in search of new worlds and resources to reap. The Earth displays a very sustainable, self-generating, and enriching mechanism that’s very unique to its own. There is evidence that most of the planets even the ones that contain intelligent lifeforms like the extraterrestrials are very barren, deserted, arid, consumed, dull spheres similar to Mars which was Earth-like in its ancient past. Sadly, the Earth and human society are in grave danger right now and the time is running out rapidly. Going vegan and fully plant-based can clear the detrimental impact away each person has over their surroundings with their consumption, carbon-dioxide emissions, and reduce the amount of waste they produce. Don’t ever underestimate the power of plants, all life relies on plants, trees, forests, greenery, and their outgrowth to survive and prosper. Going fully vegan, plant-based in every field will unravel and decipher the Human DNA that’s intelligently conceived with a formula derived from over 20 alien races. Humanity can become a very advanced race if they start doing the right things to protect their world, all living beings and reclaim their freedom also resist the alien invasions projected over masses psychologically and secretly. Humans beings with the power of nature biding on Earth can evolve as a very progressive, plant-based, free, and united society to begin terraforming other planetary systems that are in need of help or convenient for metamorphosis emerging as new Earth-like spheres. Humans are spiritual beings coming from the source of creations, unlike many alien beings that aren’t even spiritual or ethical in nature. Most of them are cloned working class to carry out the accustomed mandatory chores over and over again with no freedom or enjoyment for long periods of time. Now they want the human race to recruited clandestinely and deceptively for this inhumane function similar to what humans have done to farm animals. Consequences of any alien order or takeover will be ferocious for people that love being free and joyful. Resist the secret extraterrestrial takeover of worlds by informing all others about what’s going on behind the scenes. Humans aren’t servants or farm animals for the benefit of some technologically advanced beings traveling from space. Humans have the utmost potential to surpass and outperform all alien races in this region of space because Planet Earth is a very special living world that will provide all that human society needs if it’s safeguarded and not eradicated for the sake of technological and economic growth and expansion. Each tree planted, each cultivated garden, greenhouse, food forests, and renewable energies will change the shape of the world in the right direction. There are remarkable individuals who planted vast forests transforming arid landscapes into lush forests providing food, shelter, wood, and housing for many species. Trees and plants are definitely the life-generating organisms granted to Planet Earth to be the best. Not many alien worlds exhibit a very rich and assorted plant life plus a very active fauna of living organisms in tune with nature. Human civilization has been very destructive after the growth and expansion of the industrial era, now they must revert back to their essence of living naturally and pacifically. 

 It seems like the industrial era that human civilization has gained a lot from has come to an end with the pandemic, disasters, and other phenomena threatening human lives more than ever. There were plagues that wiped out entire nations in the past to reset the civilization after. Perhaps, mother Earth has many mechanisms to decimate the organisms that compromise its balance of life. Some of the ancient civilizations were very large and dominant over the world but somehow they were obliterated except a few artifacts and edifices left behind. People didn’t realize the fact that economic, social, and industrial growth and expansion is the most destructive force eating the planet alive each and every day. Planet Earth’s population limit may be 2billion and there are almost 8 billion individuals fortifying the locust swarm comprising all nations, all industries, all cities, the entire human population along with their expenditures. Amazon rainforest is still burning down during the lockdown because there is still a very high demand for meat products causing most of the deforestation. It’s obvious that human society has verged a threshold of either do all to restore the planet’s environment and resources organically or the apocalypse is commencing moreover it will be promoted relentlessly by the alien groups that are covertly operating to take advantage of a weakening population. Now will ever be the same again, that’s what people must understand. If you don’t make the change now, don’t believe some higher power will be able to save you, you are doomed to save yourself, your family and the only planet you can live on. What if this is the end times or the absolute emergence into an alien universe consists of countless alien races, worlds, organizations, intelligent life in every imaginable shape and development? Nobody will care about humanity if they don’t care about their homeworld and themselves. Nobody is coming to rescue the planet nor anybody, they’re only here to gain control of a failing civilization that will be farmed, exploited fiercely. You must unite as one super green force to reclaim your civilization, heal the damage you’ve done over the years, and resist the alien invasion now before it’s too late. They’re hiding everywhere. This may be a great opportunity to discard all of the differences, animosities, contests that subdivide people and focus on the real problems imperiling the future with acceleration. Planting trees and living vegan, plant-based may be a good start but it won’t surely free you and recover the world, there are many circumstances kept secret and anonymous from the public. Each person is losing their independence each day because the planet’s natural resources are declining by means of overuse, deforestation, global warming, pollution, plastics, greenhouse gases, over industrialization, environmental degradation, decreasing clean water reservoirs, growing large cities and other downfalls. The pandemic lockdown has dropped the pollution levels to an all-time low but it’s not enough to get rid of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Aliens consider themselves superior to human beings because their technologies, energy sources are ultra-sustainable compared to human civilization that’s newly developing and has become too destructive over the planet and its limited, fragile resources that provide life to countless species including human population. Human beings worldwide should make the shift towards green developments, extreme sustainability, reforestation, plant-based productions to be able to compete with the beings that want this planet as their own. Humans will be brutally exploited if they fall under alien orders transmitted insidiously to subjugate a weakening and confused society. Each person can contribute to projects, businesses, lifestyles, ventures, startups that can change the shape of the planet exponentially so the catastrophic events like climate change, deforestation, desertification, diminishing water, and natural supplies can get retrograded.  Although most of the human population believes that there is no alien life or they never came here, so on, the reality of the situation is totally different. Various races and groups have been here quite a while intervening in human affairs. Other types of collective forces have entered the solar system and into the atmosphere to launch their world acquisition schemes that worked in numerous planetary systems. Luckily, a united vegan super force can overcome and outperform all of the calamities, cataclysms, and the alien invasion now and in the future also merge the entire world for a divine purpose of restoring and protecting our home sphere. Human awareness is arising each day, people started to wake up and they want to take action against the real problems of our time. There will be more pandemics, spreading viruses, manipulation, food-water shortages, disasters as of now so each person is supposed to do all they can to literally save the world without waiting for a higher power or any authorities. Some people built very self-sufficient backyards, gardens, food forests, permaculture farms in their lands that produce most of the foods they need plus earn money off. Living fully plant-based, growing all you can boost your health, happiness, self-reliance besides reducing water use, carbon discharge, and waste. Humans have been created to enrich the environment they live on by planting, cultivating greenery all around them. Any products can be made fully plant-based even plastic alternatives without harming the ecology. There is research about growing buildings with fungi or making most of the new buildings with wood and replanting back the cut forests. If forests die off, it will be the end of humankind, thus all nations are required to take necessary action to preserve the largest forests as well as planting new forests in regions threatened by desertification, erosion, deforestation. Cities of the world are required to alter their planning to turn them as green, sustainable as possible powered only by renewables. In a sense, all cities can be transformed as forested habitations instead of highways, malls, and shopping plazas. Shopping malls will eventually modify as the largest greenhouses that grow and sell organic vegan foods, marketing only plant-based merchandise, teach how to cultivate gardens and plant trees to visitors, exhibit the most diverse botanical gardens in them, including animal sanctuaries plus a lot more ecological and environmental-friendly presentations. Human society is evolving faster with the fresh green consciousness that’s reforming the planet faster than any other proceedings. This may be the Independence Day for all people of Earth. The same scenarios of many movies are occurring all around the world and the real threat is the extraterrestrials and their minions. 

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Thursday, May 14, 2020


                                    KICKING ALIEN PIRATES OUT OF THE WORLD  =D 

 Ladies and gentlemen !!  A glorious, divine, outstanding millennium is arising on the horizon. Humanity is awakening and evolving extremely fast during the new vegan and alien-age in the universe. Nothing will ever be the same ever again. Veganism is disseminating all around the planet faster than anything in the past. Society and the environment is changing rapidly with the expansion of vegan and green movements and mindset that will alter the shape of history and human civilization spectacularly. Human society is going through pandemics, lockdowns, and difficulty at this time but after this, you will have the chance to progress into the future if you start doing the right things to save the world, animals, and the environment in every opportunity and manifestation. The environment and natural resources are declining very quickly with the increase in the world population over the years. The main reason for current pandemics, viruses, deforestation, and environmental change is the meat industry and factory farming in general. Going vegan saves billions of animals also the environment plus generates a lot less pollution and greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. Going vegan may not be enough to save the planet and all life that exists here but it’s the first and best thing to do for any person to halt the disastrous effect caused by the growing world population. Everything you do, make, buy, and consume affects the planet’s balance and ecosystems seriously. You cannot expect a higher power to come and rescue you and your planet that’s in grave danger at this time. Yes, there are so many alien races all around the world that are only here to take over the planet because the human race has been extremely destructive to their environment, to natural resources, life-giving sources, and Planet Earth that’s been wanted by myriads of extraterrestrial races. They’re here and some of them have been here for decades doing all they can to acquire the resources and minerals they in need of. No alien races are here to save the world nor humanity by any means. Their intention is totally the opposite and humanity is in sheer jeopardy because of the planet that’s being destroyed and the alien races that are invading the human civilization secretly. They aren’t declaring wars and conflicts to obtain your planet as their own, they’re using all kinds of clandestine and deceptive strategies to complete their methods of seizing planets and their native inhabitants that worked over other planetary systems. Yes, the aliens are here, there are many different groups and organizations consisting of several alien races collected from different worlds as the working class. Humanity is the next native race that has been very destructive and conflicting to each other and to the beautiful planet they live on, therefore aliens will do whatever it takes to stop this madness, gain total control and enslave mankind hereafter. The future will become the age of darkness under the integral alien command planned to manipulate and exploit the masses with great deception, implants, and control mechanisms. This siege procedure has been engaged in many other alien worlds and it mostly worked out, the collective alien organizations build complete dominance over entire worlds for them to end up subspecies to be farmed and enslaved brutally. The only way out of this to go fully vegan, plant-based, and ecological in every lifestyle and productions that humans rely upon to survive and thrive. Planet Earth is one of the most magnificent living spheres bestowed upon humanity for them to protect, preserve, and enrich its gifts, beauty, and nature. The Prime Creator of the multiverse didn’t create all worlds to be like the Earth which is a living, biological storehouse in this region of the universe and myriads of alien races covet this for their own benefit and progression. Most of the population doesn’t believe in aliens and has no idea that they’ve been here for decades stealthily. The reason they don’t want people to know that they’re here is their objectives aren’t for the welfare of the humankind by any factors. Their plans are intelligently conceived to somehow take full control of the human civilization that has been very destructive for the planet and the biological environment wanted by others. You have no idea what’s going on in the universe because you never experienced or observed what’s out there yet. You sent probes and robots to other planets in the solar system that don’t contain any life. On the other hand, the universe is filled with intelligent life in every form imaginable and there are a lot of not far from the solar system. They can get here in a short time with their advanced spacecraft so they’re way ahead of your civilization technologically. Technology isn’t the main concern in space, it’s actually easy to acquire with some trade agreements if you can’t develop it on your own. Most civilizations in this region of space are technologically advanced and they actively seek new worlds like the Earth to farm, mine, and exploit. Planet Earth contains countless life forms including humans that are very valuable in space trade so they see humans as a resource or workers. Millions of people have already been abducted by the aliens that come here. Most of them never came back and all of their lives, bodily liquids, body parts, organs have been harvested and used for experiments or space trade. Aliens are literally the human and organ traffickers that can travel very fast to abduct and mind control people to utilize as a resource. Unfortunately, all of the biological organisms including all kinds of animals and humans are very valuable in space and they wanted by countless alien races for experimentation and reproduction of new beings and organisms like the alien-human hybrids. There are millions of hybrids that look almost indistinguishable from normal human beings integrated into society or in service to aliens in hidden bases scattered around the world. Some people believe they’re different and they had contact with alien beings so many times, these are the hybrids and they want them to govern the human race in the near future. The alien agenda isn’t designed to benefit the world population in any way possible as opposed to what most people presume and hope for. This is the most dangerous threat to humanity now and in the future, because there will be extraterrestrials intruding into human civilization from now on since this is an alien universe the solar system and Planet Earth exists in. There is evidence that there are around 35 different alien races around the Earth at this time and you must understand how terrible this is for any civilization in the universe. They’re here to do whatever it takes to take advantage of the resources and the human beings of the world brutally. They have no respect, love, or admiration for human beings and humans have been very destructive, conflicted, and insane throughout history. This planet has been seeded for a particular purpose which is to improve as the biological and genetic library in this region of the universe where your solar system orbits. There aren’t many planets like the Earth out there and most of them are very well shielded and concealed by their native inhabitants or their keepers. The Earth civilization is still very vulnerable because they broadcast all their primitive foolishness into space also overuse and ruin their environment and natural wealth to a greater extent. This type of demeanor will always attract the attention of many extraterrestrial empires and pirate-like organizations for them begin invasion in a short time. You are supposed to protect and preserve your planet, its rich environment, and all life here as the saviors of Planet Earth otherwise the consequences will be ferocious. Aliens never care about human motives, achievements, talents, or indulgence, they have their own objectives and aspirations which is to farm, enslave, and dominate worlds presenting great biological wealth and strategic point. Albeit there are friendly alien societies not too far from the solar system that observe the activity here, they don’t come and attempt to invade this world. They may approach the human society once the malevolent aliens are extruded by a worldwide resistance campaign. People must know the details of the classified alien invasion occurring behind the curtain also comprehend the real intentions of this extraordinary happening kept undisclosed from the public for too long. Nobody knew why they were here and what was really happening until some researchers found out their true reason for being here which is planetary acquisition. No alien beings are superior to humans if human society can transcend their primitive tendencies and destructive practices that threaten the planet and their own existence. Humans are created by the creator with the help of mighty archangels overseeing the magnificent Planet Earth for them to emerge as the saviors and generators reviving and terraforming many other planets into eternity. There are so many dying, depleted and barren planets in the region where the Earth abides and they can all be recovered and revitalized as very sustainable, self-generating new systems with the cooperation of alien societies inhabit them. New species will emerge during the terraformation process between humans and the aliens residing in systems suitable for terraformation. Not many alien organizations, even large empires are capable of terraforming or invigorating their own homeworlds nor others but humans are destined to become one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe if they can protect and shield their abundant homeworld then perfect the terraformation process here on Earth and on other spheres. This is the reason this planet has been bestowed with a tremendous richness of biodiversity and rich resources unlike most other worlds in the galaxy and afar. Humans are considered as a resource that can be farmed and exploited by the alien collectives that are here and coming in. In reality, humans are spiritual beings embodying mind-body-soul trinity with the utmost potential to transcend all alien races through the enrichment of nature, the revival of Earth by collective action, human unification, and cooperation. This is the age of genesis into the alien universe where humans are going through turmoil, environmental decline, and an alien invasion that’s undertaken furtively. Nothing will ever be the same again, every person living on Earth must learn the ways to save and restore the planet’s biosphere also innovate to substantial green growth that’s crucial in these times. Don’t be deceived by the alien agenda projected upon the masses to manipulate and enfeeble them to be easier for aliens and their minions to carry out the subjugation and world domination gimmickry. The aliens are the greatest deceivers and mind controllers, unlike anything you’ve ever encountered before. They’re very powerful in the game of mind control and profiteering. They erase people’s minds who’ve been abducted and used for cruel experimentation. Most of the high-rank people that are in authority and commerce positions are either mind controlled or serve their alien overlords. All of the technologies that most of the world population buy and use every day are designed to easily track and exploit the masses for the integration of the alien thralldom. This is the most dangerous and deceitful event occurring in this world clandestinely for decades. People all around the world are doomed to wake up and take action as soon as possible to protect their freedom, right, and the planet’s environment plus the future of all living beings. 

There is a higher calling transmitted from the archangelic eminence to the human civilization for them to discover what’s going on. The Prime Creator and all of his angels are always here on Earth watching, guiding humankind, and managing nature imperceptibly. They don’t want human species with great potential to end up enslaved, lose their freedom, and the beautiful planet bestowed upon them to evolve and live for thousands of years. Humans weren’t created to destroy the planet and plunder the resources to hoard wealth that will only retain in electronic accounts. This is not the way to pursue a fulfilling lifestyle, each individual is supposed to work for a higher purpose which is to protect and preserve the planet and the human civilization from alien invasion also natural devastation, and depletion. You all need the natural resources for you to survive. Having more money won’t guarantee your future in a world that’s going through mass extinctions and depleting extremely fast by growing world population and consumption of countless junk products. Economic degrowth, minimalism, completely sustainable productions, ecological and forest conservation, preservation of resources, mineral deposits, and other supplies are imperative for your freedom and future that’s also endangered by the extraterrestrial groups here and will come here in the near future. More alien groups, organizations, and larger, more powerful empires will somehow detect Planet Earth that’s very robust and rich with diverse natural environments then they will shortly aim to occupy this planet for their own commercial purposes and developments. All nations of the world are required to cooperate to expel the malevolent presence already here upon the Earth then shield the entire planet and the solar system from any subsequent alien menace. Nobody knew why the aliens were here and how humans could save and restore the planet to a very viable state before it’s too late. Now there are tons of alien races that identified the human race as very destructive, warlike, divided, and disorganized devouring an incredible planet like the Earth that embodies the blueprint of heavenly realms. If humans start doing the rights things to safeguard the planet, the environment, all sentient beings, and the resources for future use, human civilization can bloom as an advanced, free and self-sustaining society with terrific unity. Aliens are extremely uniform and rigid with little or no individual freedom, they function as a hive mind to collect the essential assets and coveted planetary systems like this terrene. They didn’t encounter any resistance to their world acquisition plans as of yet and they’re gaining more power, brainwashing more people in power each day.  Most of the world population is waiting for a higher power to come, save them, and the world soon and aliens and their minions misrepresent themselves as spiritual beings or rescuers to deceive the masses. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is totally the opposite, and people of the world are losing their power, self-sufficiency, and freedom to the alien order each and every day. The only way out is a worldwide effort to overthrow the alien invasion and their minions out of the solar system and start restoring nature and discontinue all of the destructive industries. Largest forests that are the lungs of the world like the Amazon rainforest and many others have to be defended by entire humanity and the meat industry is responsible for the destruction of forested lands and killing of billions of animals each year to feed the growing human population. This industry and many others are some of the biggest threats to all living beings, therefore they must be completely abandoned before the cataclysmic events, pandemics, disasters become irreversible. 

 In the future, a united world civilization is necessary to overcome the catastrophic events also thwart the alien invasions that will be embarked upon the human race by many alien civilizations and syndicates. Green, vegan, plant-based, renewable energy, reforestation and other movements with positive intentions to lead the world in the right direction will envelop this planet as a shield to secure the environment and all living beings. The dominant revolutions backed by knowledge and intelligence can make the world a better place for humans and all species to live harmoniously. Unnecessary and redundant beliefs, customs, conflicts, industries, propaganda, diets, practices, and inequality are doomed to be abandoned to give way to a new understanding, awareness, and information from now on. Aliens never care about irrelevant human behavior, customs, even the concepts that give joy and happiness to people like music, food, movies, clothing, products, and vice versa. Most of the advanced societies completely relinquish all of the detrimental businesses, belief systems, diets, production methods, competition, and sectors that overuse and destroy the essential resources and the natural ecosphere for them to progress gracefully. The human civilization has wind up as the locust swarm devastating and devouring the planet and all of the limited and fragile resources including sentient beings alive. This type of destructive behavior is extremely dangerous and will make humans more vulnerable to alien intervention increasingly. Now is the best time to invest in renewable resources, sustainable green industries, protection of the essential habitats and reserves that will provide food and energy to humankind for thousands of years. Time is running out, some scientists proclaim that humanity has only a decade or two left before the climate change, environmental annihilation and the pollution turn out to be overly cataclysmic and irremediable. This is one reason aliens have come to Earth attempting to secretly gain control of the human population and the resources valuable for space trade. They don’t care about humanity, they see them as very primitive and corrosive to each other, to all life forms and to the planet they live on. Thus, they will do whatever it takes with no regard to take over this planet and subjugate the human race each and every day. Only a few nations in the world take the necessary action to save their environment, introduce reforestation, and green projects also invest in renewable energies and productions as opposed to how most developed nations to act. You can’t be advanced and destructive at the same time, these two will never go together as of now. If mankind is determined to become more advanced even more than the alien races that come here, it has to discard its harmful behavior and tendencies immediately. Most of the aliens that people encountered or seen during abductions or ufo sightings were cloned working class with no spirit or individual impression. They systematically work for their overlords in a hive mind pattern. The alien rulers never come to Earth to keep their identity hidden and safe. They send their cloned personnel to complete the critical tasks to eventually gain total control of the planet. This procedure has been rendered and perfect in many other worlds overtaken by these collective organizations for them to amass entire alien populations as a workforce. Now, this is done to the human race with covert operations and this is by far one of the most dangerous events that can happen upon any civilization in the universe. They look at the world with envy because it’s such a rich and lively sphere unlike their homeworld or anything they’ve witnessed before. The alien races keep this world a secret but other alien races and empires will soon find out about this magnificent planet containing a tremendous amount of biological and mineral resources. You shouldn’t follow the technological path to depletion and complete ruin of your planet like the technologically advanced alien races have done mistakenly. The human race is sitting on a prize and they can become advanced also a very sustainable and peaceful society to outmatch the scavenger groups seeking new systems and worlds in space. 

 The green new deal can initiate a new age of green, renewable, and imperishable developments and achievements since the industrial era has been utterly damaging recently. Going fully plant-based in all developments, industries and sectors can jumpstart the civilization for it to put an end to the toxic presence of modern civilization. It all starts at an individual level. If individuals continue polluting and consuming extravagantly, the growing world population will turn the planet into a turbulent domain with terrible scarcity and shortages. Consequently, the entire world population and all nations are supposed to adopt the most renewable, sustainable, plant-based, and imperishable mechanisms for all industries as well as food productions to halt the pollution and depletion levels to a minimum. Living minimalist is more fulfilling than wasting your life, money, and hard work for meaningless products that only end up in landfills or enlarge the plastics pollution in oceans. Deforestation and mass extinctions can be reversed if most of the world population embraces a fully plant-based, vegan diet, cut their single-use plastics residue and start gardening, planting, and contribute to reforestation projects that will recover dying habitats and forests. Some developed nations already have ufo technology back-engineered from crashed extraterrestrial aircraft and through exchange programs concurred with different alien races over the course of 50-60 years. A few developed nations have worked with different alien races and groups secretly for them to develop divergent aircraft that can travel at very high speed compared to conventional aircraft that people know of. Most of the technologies people purchase and use every day are products of alien technology engineered through the exchange programs with these alien races. These alien beings are trying to take over the world, control and exploit the human race with technology, propaganda, implants, new rules and regulations enacted by the people in administrative and commercial positions. Nobody will gain anything out of this world order that will modify the human population into a mindless workforce for aliens and the elites to capitalize on relentlessly. If you don’t want to lose your future to some beings that come from space to their minions and associates, you must unite as a green super force collectively and take the vital action to save and restore your planet now. They’re gaining power each day and humans are losing all they have. This is a totally different reality unlike anything in the past, the universe is a very harsh and cruel environment that humans aren’t acclimated yet. The negative events and plans of oppression will never pause and they will change the course of history resentfully. Going absolutely green and plant-based in everything you do, make and consume can definitely change the planet but you ought to surmount the alien invasion, prevent the disasters and make the world a more livable and peaceful place only as a united, coefficient society. The future is now, the planet already emerged into the alien universe consisting of countless races, groups, cultures, worlds, organizations that you can’t even imagine at this time. Aliens are here on Earth, hybrids are integrated into the society traveling in and out of hidden bases. Humans must reclaim their freedom, the beautiful planet that was granted to them by the creator also refresh the civilization with the right approach before the alien dominance is fully established around the world. The intelligence, knowledge, and capability of humans beings are exceptional and you can outmatch all of the deceptive forces that come here if you act now =D