Saturday, May 2, 2020



 The aliens have been gaining power and control over the planet and the human race during the last decades. Their secret manipulation has been intensifying in everyone's daily lives each day. These beings that come here from space are not here for good or to help mankind in any way. They're the source of most of the problems of this era and they want this planet as their newest resource hub including humans as a resource. People all around the world must wake up as soon as possible to what's been imposed on them for at least 50 years. The future will never be bright if these alien beings gain full control of the world with the help of selected elites. Many rich and powerful people in commerce and departmental positions have been influenced by the aliens that they're here to help, they come in peace, they'll give technology and bunch of other lies. Aliens are the greatest deceivers and they've been changing the course of human history to their own advantage for a while. They didn't want the public to know that they were here. All of their presence and operations have been kept secret. Most of the technology people use today has been granted by these alien beings so they could easily take control of the masses and utilize them to their own benefit. They want this planet and all that it offers. Rich planets like this are rare in a universe filled with barren or depleted systems. Entire must be informed about this danger because it's one of the biggest threats for mankind now and in the future. These groups of aliens are collective forces that deceptively and clandestinely do whatever it takes to farm and conquer planetary systems. They see this planet as a grand prize and they've been conducting their secret agendas and procedures they've mastered elsewhere. This is extremely dangerous for humanity's future and freedom. If they fully establish their command upon Earth, all of the world population will be enslaved for the sake of their new alien overlords. They believe they're superior to humans but humans have the utmost potential to become an advanced and sustainable civilization. The intensity and secrecy of this program are mind-boggling. They put so much effort into this world acquisition program to gain control of human society as soon as possible. They promise world dominion and great riches to the people they work with but they only use these individuals on the way to set up their preeminence over the world. The new age in the alien universe already started and nothing will ever be the same again. There are several alien races competing with each other to monopolize several regions of the planet. The scenario isn't much different than the Independence Day, it's only been occurring secretly behind the scenes. Millions of people have been abducted by these collective alien groups that capture and harvest all of the resources including animals and humans as a resource. What humans have done to many animal species have been done to humans by these alien beings that come from space. They aren't even coming from space anymore, they constructed hidden alien bases in remote locations not far from the most populated places of the planet. For example, in the Pacific Ocean, in mountains like the Himalayas and other mountainous regions, underground, underwater, they've forged so many alien bases to carry out their plan to take over the world and the human race as their newest servants.

 The world is being oppressed by these beings in coordination with the people in power and influence. All of the catastrophic events have been man-made to undermine society to a state of complete obedience. Aliens have been here for a while, they've been gradually performing all of the procedures that worked in other planets they've overtaken. This planet is the ultimate prize they've been wanting to obtain as their main resource hub to farm and exploit for ages. Technological societies eventually deplete their planet into an utter void for them to start searching for new planets, new deposits, new systems to farm, and drain. This is basically the perfect farm for them and all of the resources here are extremely valuable in well-established space trade routes. Humanity must be warned about what's going on, the real enemy is the aliens behind the scenes. They telepathically project confusion, depression, and conflicts between nations so they can easily manipulate them and deceive them to take advantage of the situation at hand. Aliens are mentally very powerful to project any thoughts, images, and deceit over masses or into individual minds they target to use. The alien universe is a very harsh and competitive environment that would be immensely overwhelming to any human being from Planet Earth. The competition for resources and control is highly perplexing to any human being to comprehend even its surface. Mankind is enforced to evolve and level up as soon as possible collectively and they may have to adopt minimalism, a very sustainable and green mindset to outperform these fraudulent beings. One reason they're here is that humans have been extremely destructive to the planet and to each other. The progress and expansion of technology also industrialization have been exhausting limited resources and deteriorating the environment. Aliens have created an alien-human hybrid race to rule over and replace the people in power. These people look like humans but alien in mind and they travel in and out of alien bases and ships to complete essential tasks. Transmission with some hybrids discloses that aliens and hybrids both work for the devil himself. No alien beings are here for any good. They'll never help humanity in any way nor save the world now or in the future. It's all up to the human civilization to save and restore their planet also unite to progress into eternity. Without human consolidation globally, not much can be done against the aliens or the environmental degeneracy. The environment is one of the greatest resources for the human race to progress into the future no matter how technologically advanced it gets. Therefore, its protection must be a priority especially now since the world is going through mass extinction events also pandemic lockdown. Lockdown has dropped the pollution levels but it's not enough because everything will get back to the previous state without collective action. Now there is a higher calling for mankind to answer before things get out of their hands. They still have some level of control over the planet and its issues. There are several alien races who want this planet as their main resource center and more of them will travel here from space in the future. There is a very populated and diverse alien universe out there in the region where the solar system orbits. They all desire planets like the Earth to be their own depository since the Earth has been specifically seeded as the biological storehouse in this region of the galaxy and afar so dying and depleted planets and societies can utilize these life-giving, organic compounds to revive and regenerate themselves and use for space trades. The human race has been bestowed by one of the most magnificent planets with extreme biodiversity, rich environment, and mineral deposits. They're being proclaimed to entitle themselves as a whole to be the intelligent saviors of this beautiful sphere that has the capability to revive or terraform many systems. This must be kept secret from the universe and all of the signals and transmissions into space are directed to cease. The advanced societies and the lively, thriving worlds like the Earth always hide their presence and shield their planetary systems from any interference from space except very discreet agreements with a few selected networks. Space is a very competitive and administered expanse which is way more intense and complex than this planet. Thus, all alien races are a threat to human civilization and they've been here quite a while. People of all nations are supposed to conspire to begin the resistance against the alien races that are here to take over and rule over the planet for their own benefit. Most of the negative and repressive events enforced on the human race are all part of the alien agenda and they've been brought about with the coordination of the elites brainwashed and deceived by their alien overlords. No alien beings aren't superior to any human beings in any way, humans inherently possess the capacity to emerge as a very advanced, evolving society. Aliens that come here aren't advanced except technologically whereas technology isn't an issue and it's relatively easy to get in the universe. In a sense, nobody really cares about technology or many other achievements, the planet's sustainable environment, natural resources, and biodiversity are actually more significant and they're in danger now. Mankind can thwart the alien invasion if they start cooperating with each other instead of fighting over differences and other unnecessary dogma. Of course, the variety of languages, beliefs, customs, ethnicities produces a level of conflict and miscommunication but this isn't the time to waste over foolish behavior. There is a grave danger, the Independence Day is upon humanity and they've been gaining power and suppressing the human population each day during the last 50 years or so. You must care about your environment now, you can't focus on economic growth and expansion anymore. All of the destructive industries must cease to open the way for more ecological ones.

 The meat industry alone has been very destructive and polluting for the ecosystems you're all part of. It's one of the biggest contributors to climate change as well. Billions of animals are being slaughtered worldwide for meat consumption. The biggest cause of deforestation worldwide is the meat industry because the demand for meat and land for cattle is ever-increasing. Coral bleaching and overfishing of oceans are another consequence of climate change and the meat industry. Oceans will end up fishless and there will be more plastics than fish as a result of plastics pollution in a couple decades. Aliens see the human population as farm animals, as a matter of fact, they refer to humans as 'specimens'. Therefore, humans must completely abandon the meat and seafood industries to stop the destruction, pollution of the environment and oceans also the slaughter of billions of sentient beings. Animals are part of nature and they're the best friends of human beings. We will always evolve and thrive together. Biodiversity is the most fundamental element of nature, ecosystems, forests, and oceans. Aliens come from depleted or barren planets and they want all of these magical creatures including humans as a resource. This would be the end of human freedom and rights, they've already violated human rights relentlessly during abductions, experimentations, and many other operations. The elites who have worked with the aliens to gain power over the planet have been used by them to carry out the alien agenda. They will all be either discarded or replaced in the near future once these alien beings fully establish themselves here. The alien threat and the environmental destruction are related to each other so people are required to restore the planet in order to have the competency to compete and surpass the alien races that aren't even that advanced compared to humans with utmost potential. Now people are slowly realizing that they live in an alien universe but they are supposed to awaken with the reality of the situation and take critical action. Aliens never care about anyone or anything except their secret programs to covertly hijack worlds and their inhabitants as their newest servants. Things aren't heavenly in space. Although all of this happening sounds very negative and depressing, there is great potential for humankind to unite and save the planet at this time. The fact that aliens are here and have been here quite a while to secretly take over the world is a very exciting phenomenon but it must be considered seriously. Nobody that worked with or assisted the alien agenda that initiated by many alien races and groups will benefit off it except the aliens themselves. Everything is perfectly designed and performed for them to gain control in such a short time that humans won't even recognize the real menace. The world population is forced to come out of their primitive tendencies and behavior as soon as possible otherwise the consequences will be brutal. You don't want to become farm animals for your new alien overlords who will regardlessly exploit and use you in unimaginable ways for ages until nothing left. Humans are spiritual beings, most of the aliens that come here are not. Friendly alien races watch the human society from afar and they're very concerned about what's going on Earth. The planet is being destroyed by human civilization and the aliens are trying to take advantage of this situation. In a sense, they want to stop the destruction of the environment but they know that if humans deplete the world, it will be easy for several alien races and others that may come in the future to use and exploit the human race. Whatever happens in nature between animals and insects happens in space on a very large scale that you can't comprehend right now. Humans are part of nature but no other species ever altered the environment into imbalance like the humans did. For this reason, the institutions that oversee alien worlds granted permission for these collective commercial alien forces to intervene in this planet secretly. These beings are some of the most dangerous organizations in the universe, all alien societies try to keep them out of their space because collective occupy worlds to extract all of the resources and deposits for their own gain. This would be the end of mankind as they've done this to countless races in the universe. Only in this region of space, there are thousands of collective forces and some are already here. They're being controlled off space by their overlords. They've been cloned so many times that they ended up as a soulless working class. All of the collectives consist of a few races that they've captured from different planetary systems. Now is the best time for humanity to unite to resist against these malevolent alien races and their associates. Most of the people that control society work for their alien overlords and they don't even know that these alien beings are evil in disguise. Nobody really knows who's in charge of them either. They never come to Earth and keep their identities hidden from humans. Humanity has the potential and capacity to surpass all alien races and this was kept hidden from the public so the human population can become obeying workers. The aliens have been manipulating the human population for decades. People have heard enough and have been overburdened for so many years throughout the expansion of alien invasion over the population. This isn't a war, this is a very clandestine and subtle procedure that has been implemented over many alien societies. If it becomes fully established, the human population will lose all of their freedom and rights for them to become a subservient race going through the age of darkness. Millions of people were taken by several alien races over the course of 50-60 years. Most of them never returned and abused in many ways to complete horrific experiments to create an alien-human hybrid race. These beings that look human but alien in mind are scattered in every place of the world so they can be utilized to completely control and exploit the human race in the near future. Most people abducted by aliens became a resource as in body parts, plasma, blood, organic compound, and so forth for space trades. Planet Earth is the greatest farm in this region of the galaxy and humans are only a part of the wealth that it contains. Most people will end up as farm animals or workers under the cruel alien command and the entire world must awaken to resist this madness as soon as possible. All of the developed nations work with different alien races, that's why they compete with each other in every field. Otherwise, humans would live in harmony and cooperate to solve the world's problems. Aliens with their telepathic powers influence people in power to produce conflicts, instability also let them exhaust the world's limited resources so all nations wind up dependent on these extraterrestrial powers. Aliens helped humans to evolve and created the intelligent homo sapien race but they're here for a totally different program at this time and it's very dangerous for the future of humankind. All operations must cease to focus on the real problem in the background.

 Vegan, green, and plant-based movements also the reforestation projects increased the intelligence and knowledge of the human population exponentially during the last decade. These movements and their sustainable products have been expanding over the world faster than anything mankind has ever experienced in the past. The reason behind this, they're the most sustainable and renewable sources of our natural planet that's threatened by deforestation, depletion, pollution, and diminishing resources. The human population must rely only on renewable resources only to supply their needs and survival so aliens that come here wouldn't be able to take advantage of the weakening population and catastrophes hitting the human race back to back. The well has been shrinking at an increasing rate during the last decades and aliens have established themselves all over the world waiting to take charge and gain complete control to siphon all that exists on this planet. If the human civilization can build a very sustainable system for them to endure, aliens may not be able to succeed with their plans and will try other ways to gain access to sources they desire. They want the living giving, organic and biological resources of this planet for their own benefit since this planet has the capability to revive and rejuvenate dying or depleted systems similar to Mars. Terraformation of Mars may not work out but some aliens worlds can be terraformed by humans in the future. Well, the universe is a very dangerous and regulated space but some critical deeds can be achieved with great effort and collaboration. Vegan Alien Intelligence is one of the highest levels of awareness that's developing in certain individuals that promote green knowledge and unity. The planet has been degrading extremely fast during the last years and something had to be done. Mother Earth is punishing the human population with a plague as how she did in the past. Largest empires have fallen under severe plagues devastation their inhabitants. Plagues, viruses, and pandemics emerge because of the human population damaging the life balance of the ecosystems. This may be the first phase, scientists mention that viruses will mutate and come back stronger and more resilient than before. There will be other types of catastrophes and natural disasters that will threaten the world population in the near future because the planet has been damaged to a point of no return. Constant economic growth and expansion is a very destructive course for any civilization. Earth has taken it well for a long time but it can't go any further than this anymore. The equilibrium has shaken intensely and the human population must change their habits, behavior and even their diets to restore the planet as soon as possible. You wouldn't want to live on a planet ruled under very cruel and ruthless alien orders. The planet and the rest of the human race will be shared by several alien races and this will be the end of humankind. They've done this to countless planets in the universe and they're here now. Aliens have planned the depopulation agenda as well since this world cannot sustain billions and billions of people no more than a few more decades. After the population reaches 8-9-10 billion people, things will only get worse and people will start suffering severely as a result of food and water shortages. Since human civilization has existed in an alien universe consisting of countless alien races, societies, groups, and space organizations, every facet of human development and productions is required to be transformed into exceedingly sustainable and ecological. Otherwise, the extraterrestrial groups and organizations scrutinizing the human world will always find ways to gain access and take advantage of human weakness and turmoil hereupon. The planet is depleting extremely fast by the overpopulated nations with the highest level of industrialization and consumption. That's why aliens want to control these nations and the people who run them first to stop the environmental and resource degradation also proceed forward to overrule the entire human race. There are many obscure and undercover plots planned by the elites that are brainwashed by their alien overlords to take over the planet, all of the resources, and coerce other developing nations. Aliens want their presence completely hidden from the public and they were successful for a long time but there are many researchers and individuals who found out what their real agenda is. Although there are several alien collective organizations competing with each other for territory, influence, power, and natural resources, their agendas are pretty much the same. Therefore, don't think that there are any good alien races that want to help humanity or save the world at this time or in the near future. They'll attempt to make people believe the other way and telepathically control people's minds and hide their intentions. They always promise world dominion, great technology, peace, advancements to many people that are part of the ruling class to utilize them to fully establish the alien control mechanism upon the Earth which will launch the age of darkness for the human race. There is nothing else that matters more than this perilous phenomenon. Unfortunately, the alien universe and most of the alien races are immensely dangerous in their intentions, planning, and operations. The entire world must abandon all of the destructive and unnecessary products, industries, manufacturing, and waste in order to gain power and intelligence to compete with these clandestine alien forces that are here also put an end to things that destroy the planet. Aliens include in their plans to depopulate the world into around 1 billion after they completely take control of all of the society. Billions of people will end up as a resource for space trades and they'll get abused and exploited in every way possible. If you don't want to experience the age of darkness that will victimize the human race harshly, you must take action worldwide. Environmental issues are related to alien threats as well. All of the dangerous events are interconnected to each other because aliens try to take advantage of everything.

 Aliens aren't much different from humans when it comes to their needs and desires. They aren't even overly evolved or advanced than human beings except technologically and systematically. They see humans are destroying a very rich and delightful planet that they'd like to have it for themselves. That's why they will do all they can to stop humans from destroying and overusing the planet and its resources also obtain it and the human race as their new working class. People are supposed to stop the degradation and devastation of a rare and unique planet wanted by so many alien races otherwise aliens will succeed in their plans and humans will become subjugated personnel. Living freely requires the protection of your world and society at all levels and fields. You can't worry about the economy or certain mechanized advancement anymore. The technology and all industries must be regulated altogether in order to protect and preserve the planet's sacred ambiance providing life to billions of people and animal species. Going vegan, green, or plant-based won't be enough but it's a good beginning towards a cruelty-free and sustainable lifestyle. You must all change and take action to save your homeworld and all that life it contains whether Plantae, mammal, vertebrate, marine, or else. If you begin the process to restore and rejuvenate your planet into a very sustainable system that will feed and support you for thousands of years, you'll be able to grow the intelligence to overcome the alien presence as well. Each human being can make a difference, there are people who planted vast forests to turn deserted areas into diverse, lively zones. Planting trees and going fully green won't save the world at this time because the increasing population and their expenditure are draining the limited and fragile supplies that will be obsolete over time. Aliens have been trying to find ways to take over the planet and the human race for over 50 years and they're still gaining power subtly each day. Nobody knew how to counteract this extraordinary happening and why they were here. They aren't superior to humans in any way, humans are a mixture of over 20 alien races genetically but they became a destructive force over their homeworld. There is a higher calling to cease this harmful practice and influence the masses to do the right thing which is to recover and revitalize the already despoiled biome. Human beings turned into a locust swarm devouring the planet alive and aliens had to intervene to hinder this madness because Planet Earth is a very fabulous sphere with great biodiversity and mineral reserves. If it was another world, the alien invasion would still be conducted to impede the destruction. People all over the world ought to understand this is an alien universe, nobody really cares about humanity or what they do. They will always undertake necessary procedures if native inhabitants of various worlds aren't functioning the right way. Even then, they will try to take advantage of any world and any situation for their own benefit. If humans progress technologically and scientifically to attempt to terraform suitable alien worlds, they would observe these systems in advance to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities to seize in. Instead of competing and contending with each other over meaningless inclinations and aspirations, you are deemed to perform imperative measures to safeguard your civilization from any cataclysmic instability that may be instigated by unknown events. The largest rainforest in the world the Amazon has been burning down to clear land for cattle ranching to supply the increasing demand for the world population. Many other large forests have been through severe fires that threaten their biodiversity and existence. The largest forests like the Amazon are the lungs of this planet and they are obligated to be conserved by the entire world otherwise the climate change and instability will intensify forever to turn the planet inhabitable. Large tropical rainforests contain the uttermost biodiversity in their habitats as well. If the meat industry is destroying these magnificent regions that keep the world stable, people all around the world are supposed to take action to put an end to these destructive industries and activities. Going vegan, plant-based, and fully green literally save billions of animals also the environment that we're all part of. More people should be informed about how devastating their habits, diets, and tendencies are towards sentient beings, ecosystems, and the planet's stability. Going vegan and fully green to save, reclaim the planet and all living beings can somehow unite the human population into a viable and harmonious state of existence. There is not else that matters more at this time other than defending the planet and the human race from alien invasion plus environmental devastation. There will be nothing left in the near future, the planet is depleting extremely fast. Aliens are hiding and waiting for the right time to seize the human race once the depletion and destruction of the world and all its resources become irreversible. The new green deal, reforestation, cleaning up the oceans, rescuing animals, going fully plant-based in all productions will help significantly but it's not enough. It seems like there is a substantial urgency for military intervention to stop the growing population from eradicating the world's most crucial natural resources that provide life to countless species and humanity for them to endure into the future.

  The entire world is being promoted as the vegan alien intelligence and green super force to outperform all alien races that come here to take over the world secretly and upgrade the human civilization as a very sustainable, ecological, and advanced society also shield the planet from any unexpected interference plus cataclysms. Humanity has the utmost potential to surpass all alien races nearby the solar system and they're bestowed with a magnificent planet called Earth with prolific diversity and nature. Human civilization is destined to advance as soon as possible as a united super force and desist all of the detrimental operations, sectors, and the downfall driven by plundering and overusing of the natural environment. Technological alien societies and organizations have mostly outstripped their world's natural wealth and deposits, therefore they're continually in search of new worlds and places that contain the essential or rare provisions for them to utilize. Most of them evolved to a point of high-level recyclability and little or no waste but they still need the supplies to maintain their subsistence. Human civilization has become overly destructive for the planet, all of the wealth and the life it consists of. Of course, there will be some alien organizations that will attempt to overtake this prize for their own benefit. This is an alien universe, not a human one and there will be many extraterrestrial groups and civilization who will come to Earth clandestinely to somehow gain access to these rare and unique reservoirs. Humans have no idea what kind of a wonderful and abundant world this is or else they would terminate all affairs that overuse and devastate nature immediately. The pandemic lockdown has put most industries and businesses on hold and you saw how Earth cleaned up and started healing in such a short time. The Earth has the capability to self-heal if humans stop plundering its natural environment. There are always other methods that are completely renewable and imperishable to produce vital commodities and services other than exhausting and polluting the biosphere in general. Getting rich or potent by destroying your beautiful homeworld isn't what advanced societies do, they preserve most of nature and mineral reserves for future use. Humans will live on this planet for thousands of years even if aliens have left the solar system. There are certain industries that pollute the air and the environment more than others, most of the planet is overpopulated as well. Reforestation helps in some ways but you need to create new means to clean up the ecosystems, air and water sources. Now you can observe the alien presence and learn from their actions how to overcome the catastrophic events and regenerate the declining human society. There is still a lot to be done. There will be more pandemic, epidemics, and other types of disasters from now on since you forced your environment over the limit and it will hit you with adversities back to back until you make the change to actually recover your ecosphere with everything that you do. Animals and other organisms are embedded into their natural environment and they all play their part to keep the balance. If you pull out one species, it breaks the pattern earnestly. The Earth has been driven through mass extinction events in the past but nothing at this magnitude, all species belong in natural structure that evolved over millions of years. Humans have been perfectly conceived by the creator although they were genetically altered by the alien beings in the past so they could utilize the new species called Homo Sapiens to mine and farm many regions. Homo Sapiens multiplied fast and prevailed the globe but their existence turned out to be mischievous for the natural world that many space beings desire for themselves. This is a very dangerous occurring playing out behind the scenes without the recognition of the public. Nobody knew why they were here but a few found out and they didn't even let them speak out. With the growing awareness and expanding movements that affect the planet and human society positively, humankind can make the shift towards an undivided and eco-friendly civilization that will do all it takes to secure and defend their magnificent homeworld from depletion, contamination also intrusion from space. Planet Earth can become a glorious place where humans cooperate and thrive in harmony with each other and other living creatures without ruining it all. The Earth will self generate and become green again, forests will broaden and heavens will shine upon the human community once entire populace transform their habits, productions, understanding as to the arising vegan alien intelligence in unison with human body-mind-soul trinity into eternity =D

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