Thursday, May 7, 2020



 There are a lot of crises happening all around the world also behind the scenes. So many things have been kept hidden from the public so it would be easier to carry out these strategies.
Nobody knows much about the aliens but they're the origin of many negative events upon the Earth during the last 50-60 years. Most people didn't understand what was going on because
they kept it all secret and classified. Now there is an arising awareness in all of humanity, people are realizing most things aren't right, they're made to suppress and beguile the masses.
Nothing is ever made to benefit the human race and it's all part of the alien agenda as well. Some people control the world, all of the economy, and human affairs in coordination with the
alien races that come here decades ago. That's why the world has been declining faster than before as well as the overpopulation has become very destructive for the planet. The path to
consistent economic growth and extension also extravagant consumption is the worst thing to do for any civilization in the universe no matter how rich or abundant their planet is. The
Earth is probably an abundant and eco-rich place in most regions but there is a limit to overusing and plundering its natural resources that stabilize the environment. After a while, it will
generate severe instability and shortages for the ever-increasing world population that's possibly over the limit for any planetary civilization. A new method of the economy and civilized
order necessitate rejuvenating the human population and the living planet. There were discoveries of Earth-like planets in this galaxy but nobody knows if they're already inhabited or
suitable for human habitation yet. This is the only planet that we can live at this time and it's the homeworld for all humans, therefore it's obliged to be preserved for the human race that
will live here for thousands and thousands of years. Destroying all that exists here isn't logical for a newly developing society and various calamities appearing to jeopardize all life that
was evolved on Earth over the course of millions of years. The modern human is still a new being compared to most animal species, there is evidence that aliens genetically engineered
the homo sapiens to utilize for mining, construction, and other affairs assisting these otherworldly beings.

Ancient Aliens reveal most of the practices that aliens performed over the ancient human civilizations all over the world. In a sense, the modern human has been conceived for certain tasks to
benefit these beings coming from space as Gods. They were literally not Gods or Angelic beings rather humanoid beings from space with breakthrough technology. There is evidence that
pyramids in many places of the world were built with the help of these
space beings. They attempted to somehow take over the world and employ the homo sapiens to extract the minerals and resources they wanted. Moreover, there is more than enough
evidence that aliens are here and have been here for over 50 years executing their secret agendas over the masses. Although all of the alien presence has been kept totally hidden and
classified from the world population, many people have the memories of being abducted and seeing Ufos in so many places of the world alleging it a global phenomenon. Nobody really
knew what was going and why they were here until some researchers through hypnosis therapy identified the real intentions of these space beings of coming here. They regressed
hundreds of people to recall what occurred during the abduction missing time period. The alien beings mostly executed the same procedures on these abductees that were taken
many times over a period of time. After each operation, their memories have been erased telepathically. These people have been forced violently to be used for many surgical procedures
to create an alien-human hybrid race to eventually take advantage of the human population for the benefit of these beings and the people who work with them. Even the rich and
powerful people complied to alien agenda behind the curtain without knowing what their real purpose and intentions are. They’ve been promised world dominion, extraordinary technology,
advancements, and riches in order to pursue the alien world domination plan that will only assist the extraterrestrial and not human beings. The world is in grave danger at this point and
things are getting worse each day. Most of the negative events and oppression have been produced by these deceptive beings and their minions that serve them.

There are millions of alien-human hybrids that look exactly like humans but placed into society to carry out the world domination plan. All of humanity will end up subservient work class
under this sinister scheme to gain control of the planet and extract all of the resources to ship off space. All of human freedom and rights will be discarded under the alien order enacted
by the people who are in service to them clandestinely. They don’t want anyone in the world to know what’s been going on for decades, aliens are gaining power each day and their
plans are progressing. They know that if the human population realizes what’s been enforced on them, they’d resist the alien and totalitarian oppression. The real enemy behind the
scenes are extraterrestrials that come here from space, they outstripped their planets’ resources and environment for them to travel in space searching for new worlds to build domination.
The universe isn’t a friendly and heavenly space that most people presume, the reality is totally different. It’s a very harsh and competitive environment. Humans have been destroying
the beautiful and rich planet they live on especially after the industrial revolution at an increasing rate. This insanity has attracted the attention of aliens for them to come here and
somehow take control of the human population so they could stop the devastation of rare and unique resources that are wanted by so many alien races in space. The biodiversity of this
planet is extreme as a contrast to most planetary systems even the ones that contain intelligent life. Humans have been ravaging and dissipating all on their path like a locust swarm.
All of this foolishness has granted collective forces in this region of space to come to Planet Earth to begin their world acquisition process that they’ve completed in many other worlds.
This is one of the most dangerous events that can happen to any society in the universe, a lot of newly developing civilizations similar to humans have been subjugated by more
powerful ones. What happens in nature, happens in the universe as well. And they’ve been here to take advantage of the human race that’s been very warlike and corrosive for the
planet and all life that exist here. Most of the negative effects mandated over the society are all part of the alien agenda to take over the planet and the human race as their newest
working class with no right or freedom. This is a very treacherous outlook for the human race and the planet. The planet’s environment and resources will be completely secured to
be utilized by a few elites and their alien overlords. All of the world’s population will end up in poverty and extreme scarcity once the new world order is fully established. No alien races
that come here care about humanity, they see them as destructive beings spoiling a very rare, beautiful, and rich world each day. In reality, the human population has the greatest
potential to become a very advanced, harmonious, and sustainable civilization even more exceptional to alien races or the people who control the planet’s infrastructure. You must realize
that most of the people in high positions of commerce, administration, and religion are already domineered by their alien and hybrid masters. Hybrids that look human but aliens in
disguise are not superior to human beings in any way, they’re intelligently designed and engineered beings to carry out the alien world acquisition plan. They operate secretly and well
integrated into the system that rules over mankind all over the planet. So many people in power and influence have fallen under alien control over the course of 50-60 years. The only
hope is the human population to take action to reclaim their freedom and restore the planet’s environment to its most regenerative state. All of these extraordinary occurrences have been
kept totally secret, the abductees had their memories erased by the aliens so they wouldn’t be able to speak about what has happened to them.

The reality of this situation is utterly malignant, all of the human rights have been violated by the aliens that come here and built so many hidden bases around the world. People who
know or speak with hybrids perceived that they aren’t really humans and they are very cold-blooded and senseless compared to humans with a great level of sensation and perception.
Millions of hybrids have been created and placed all around the planet to watch and control the human population for them to be exploited for the benefit of the elites and their
extraterrestrial rulers. You can’t trust people in any high positions that guide and inspire the public anymore, things have changed. All of the events are part of the alien program
intelligently designed to subdue and persecute the masses hereafter. You must share all of the data and information you collect with others worldwide so people can learn and get
alerted to what’s being imposed upon them ruthlessly. Aliens have already enslaved many planets containing intelligent beings like humans, they’ve mastered the ultimate scheme to
obtain worlds through enslavement and mind control. If you want to live a free and fulfilling life, you must act now and inform others about the alien agenda, abductions also the planet,
and the human race that are in grave danger. Each person is supposed to do the right things to save the planet and all species abiding here as their full-time responsibility as you can’t
expect from someone else or a higher power to rescue you or your world at this time. This planet has been bestowed upon the human race for them to protect and enrich its diversity
and ambiance as their first amendment. You wouldn’t want to live under the alien order whereas it’s the worst thing that can happen to any society in the universe. The alien races that
people encounter are all cloned, soulless working class to complete tasks for their overlords’ gain and expansion. There are several collectives and commercial alien forces around the
planet functioning secretly with the help of elites and the hybrids. They’re doing whatever it takes to turn humanity into a subspecies to be farmed and exploited as a resource for space
trade and the tasks needed to extract all of the resources. Depopulation is part of the alien agenda and the new order as well because the planet cannot sustain billions and billions of
people, all of the resources have been diminishing increasingly. Yes, going vegan conserves tons of water, acres of forests, and land also causes less pollution and depletion but it’s
not enough. You can’t save the planet or all animals and the environment just by going vegan at this time. You must unite as a vegan super force to outperform all alien races and their
associates from now on because nothing else matters anymore. You’ll get to experience more catastrophic events and more oppression worldwide since most of the disasters are manmade
or caused by climate change and environmental degradation. They’ll do all it takes to weaken the human race so they won’t have any other choice to obey the alien order that will abuse
and misuse them brutally.

Everything is related to aliens and the elites that work for them because all of the technologies and electronic devices have been granted by them through exchange programs so they
could control and track the human population. They’ve been promised the world not realizing that all technologies and the outline were intelligently devised by the aliens that come here
for them to initiate the alien mind control mechanisms then they’ll all be discarded or replaced by the hybrids. No human beings will ever benefit from this madness now or in the future,
everyone will be used on the way like how they’ve done in other worlds. Aliens are the greatest deceivers because they can read your mind and make you think differently without your
recognition. They can project thoughts and images into your brain from miles away for you to become their minion. Currently, there are so many people and hybrids in their possession,
millions have been abducted and most never returned to be used similar to farm animals. This is how they the human beings as in farm animals devouring and devastating the planet’s
environment and its valuable natural resources wanted by many alien groups and organizations. The next generation of hybrids look exactly like humans but they’re all in service to the
alien command. You must understand that all of these oppression methods are all in coordination with the alien agenda to take over the planet and turn humankind into a subservient race.
All of these procedures are tested and proven to work in many other planets in the universe and some of them aren’t too far from this solar system. The elites received their technology
and power with the help of these alien beings that collect worlds as resource hubs. The Earth is a uniquely rich and lively planet unlike countless barren and depleted worlds in the universe.
For this reason, there are several extraterrestrial collective organizations competing with each other for territory, various resources, mineral deposits, and Earth’s abundant regions by
manipulating the people in power and influence. There are so many alien-human hybrids in military bases, in administrative positions also integrated into the society secretly to complete
the tasks necessary. They travel in and out of the alien bases built around remote locations underwater, underground, in mountains that aren’t far from the populous areas and large cities.
All of the human rights have been contravened by the alien beings that are already here clandestinely therefore all of the alien beings also their associates are completely malevolent
against the human race in every way possible. Time is running out, the repression is getting worse and abolishing human freedom and security each day. People must resist the alien
invasion upon Planet Earth and the people who serve this mischievous purpose. Only a united vegan super force can overcome this madness and build a more peaceful, sustainable,
and cruelty-free societal system that will progress into the future without destroying the planet and its natural resources and habitats. Of course, they will do all they can to stop the positive
movements that are destined to save animals and restore the planet in decline. The negative broadcasting is made to keep the public in fear and confusion so it will be easy for them to
take advantage of the world population and their wealth that provide them security, health, and survival.

 Going vegan and raising awareness about saving sentient beings, the environment, and the planet’s future will unlock the power and intelligence of each person inherent in them. Vegan,
plant-based, and green movements and knowledge will encompass the entire planet in such a short time to regenerate the whole into a very sustainable and self-enriching platform for all
living beings to live and thrive freely. However you are called to work for a higher purpose from now on, you must do all you can to expel the malevolent alien presence and the mass
manipulation taking place worldwide. The alien invasion is by far the worst threat even more dangerous than the environmental degradation and the climate change endangering all life
here. You can reverse the climate change and preserve the ecosystems if you do the right things like reforestation, adopting a fully plant-based diet, informing the world population about
the dangers, reducing your carbon emission, protesting the destructive industries that are either meat, dairy or ecologically hazardous. There are many body, brain implants and chips
in preparation to track and turn the population into mindless workers for their new alien rulers and the dictators working for them. These people have no idea what they're doing, they are
absolutely brainwashed by the alien beings and the hybrids that they themselves lost all of their freedom and self-awareness for the sake of world domination. They or nobody will gain
anything out of this, it's all absolute fraud designed by these alien beings that hide in secret bases watching over everything and each person through the use of electronic devices and
other subtle techniques. People are doomed to protest and resist the destructive industries, implants, climate change, injustice as well as the alien invasion projecting most of these
happenings to weaken the human race forcibly. Nothing can weaken or subjugate a consolidated human force determined to rescue the planet and all living beings with the help of nature. 

 The human race has the maximum potential to gradually progress as a very advanced and self-renewing society. Planet Earth is extremely special, rare, and unique seeded by the creator and the archangels overseeing this world to augment as the biological storehouse in this region of space unlike countless barren, arid, and depleted planets. Thus this planet must be protected and preserved by any means necessary from any depletion, devastation, and alien interference now and in the future. It has the power and capacity to revive and regenerate dying and depleted planetary systems in the future. Many alien races have applied the resources and biological compounds from Earth into their systems to enrich and develop their endurance in the past but the alien races are here for different purposes now. They want full control of this planet and the human race as their servants to extract all resources including humans as a resource to capitalize on space trades and other affairs. There are tons of alien races that want this planet as their own assets and humanity will end up enslaved subspecies for their new alien overlords in such a short time that there won’t be any way out of this enthrallment. There is only a decade left to do whatever it takes to reverse climate change, environmental and resource degradation, deforestation, desertification, and other catastrophic events. Aliens will turn all disasters and calamities to their own assistance. They will promote more chaos, conflict, and confusion over masses so most people will seek otherworldly powers to come and save them. Yet, aliens will abduct and abuse more and more people each and every day because they identify humanity as farm animals that are very conflicted and destructive to the planet they live on and to each other. Humans are still a developing race and all alien societies go through affliction for them to evolve and start doing the right things as a cooperative society for their own and their nature’s survival. The planet is literally overpopulated, planets like this cannot bolster more than 2 or 3 billion intelligent species since they tend to overuse the limited and fragile natural wealth of their systems. This is the time of change, everything is changing very fast in your physical realm and there are several pirate-like extraterrestrial forces that will do all they can to farm and subdue the human race for their own benefit. Some developed nations already fell under the alien influence for a while and that’s how they developed their technology and technical infrastructure to track and administer the public. People feel something isn’t right but they don’t know what’s going on or where it came from. This is all part of the alien manipulation mechanism projected all over the world to debilitate to a point of no return. They know if people find out what’s going on behind the scenes, they will go after the real enemy which is the aliens, hybrids, and their human collaborators. This is a worldwide phenomenon and no human beings will gain anything out of this as opposed to common belief and expectation that aliens will come and save humanity and the world. Their intention is totally opposite and extremely dangerous for the future and freedom of humankind in every way possible. There is nothing else more important than saving the world at this time and you only have a decade or two the most then the decline and depletion will wind up irreversible. Aliens cannot take over a self-sufficient, united, and very green civilization because they have the power to resist any alien invasion into eternity. You must find new ways to regenerate the ecosystems that are deteriorating very fast because of industrial pollution and overuse. If the entire world goes vegan or plant-based, this will produce a greening effect that can reduce all pollution, climate, and environmental change and greenhouse emissions remarkably. 

There are a lot of countries that are going green and instigating reforestation projects, green and plant-based movements, and startups plus renewable energies to somehow protect their habitats and biosphere. Without tackling the real adversary behind the scenes, no movement or undertaking will make much difference because these beings will do all they can to prevent any positive outcome generated by the world population. Aliens and their associates believe they’re way more advanced and superior to human beings so they want to exploit them for their own gain and interests only. Hence, you got to change your lifestyle, habits, diet, beliefs, and behavior that are unnecessary and destructive to outperform and surpass all alien races, their hybrids, and the elites that aspire to take advantage of and overburden the world population with great potential to become an advanced civilization. The natural and mineral resources derived from nature and living ecosystems housing extreme biodiversity have been diminishing especially during the industrial era until now. 2020 can be a great beginning for the world to begin the movements that will surround the planet and transform the civilization and all productions to extremely sustainable, green, and renewable to end the destruction, killing of animals, and cataclysmic pollution once and for all. Once you take collective action about the real problems of the world, you’ll start evolving as a very cooperative and dynamic society, nature will heal itself in a short time. You can bring heaven on Earth if you adopt the right mindset and lifestyle to restore your surroundings to their heavenly green, lush, and imperishable state. There are people who experienced life after death and witness the heavenly realm that is immensely lush, vivid, and regenerative. In this regard, it’s the blueprint of Planet Earth, you can mutate this living sphere into a very self-renewing, productive, and sustainable realm to evolve and thrive into eternity. Of course, aliens want all of these for themselves by turning the human population into a working-class by depopulating and coercing them. They’ve done this to so many worlds in the universe and they’ve been working together with the elites that control the world for decades. Vegans have the potential to outmatch all alien races that come here and the friendly vegan and plant-based aliens will approach in the future. There are some friendly and plant-based societies not far from this solar system but they only watch from afar since the alien forces here don’t want anyone to guide or help humanity to regenerate their civilization to be able to thwart the malevolent alien presence over the world.

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