Saturday, August 31, 2019


 You heard that right? There are aliens everywhere and they're slowly taking over the world. This isn't secret anymore. A lot of people found out what's going on. This is our world but we've been killing and polluting it badly. Aliens had to come in and create a bunch of hybrids everywhere to take over the world. Hybrids aren't better than any human being. They aren't that smart or talented. They're just connected to aliens through their minds to take orders from them. Aliens want hybrids to become our leaders in the future so we can be manipulated and used in every way possible. People can't be just workers for the aliens that come here from elsewhere. We must stop this right now before it's too late. Humanity must reclaim their planet as soon as possible otherwise aliens may succeed because the hybrids that look human but actually aliens multiplying quickly. I heard some aliens operate in remote islands on the Pacific Ocean. They're probably making more hybrids there so they can place them in high positions in the near future. The human race can become a remarkable race in the future if they start doing the right things and evolve over time. Aliens aren't better than us. Technology and scientific progression can be replicated or reached by time in our world. There are more important things we must do like saving our planet, reversing climate change, clean up the pollution, creating a better society for everyone to live comfortably. Developing better, fancier technology shouldn't be the main purpose of life. Life is a lot more for any individual also for businesses. Wasting your life over making more money you'll do nothing with is meaningless. The money can be used to develop projects that will fix the world's problems. Trying to make more that you'll never need or use is greedy. People and companies must stop being so greedy because it's destructive to the environment. Invest in green energies, technologies, and products instead. Going Vegan is one of the best things you can do for yourself, the animals, your health and the environment. It can be a new beginning for any person anywhere in the world. Veganism is growing so fast. Vegan products are very popular. Plant-based lifestyles are being adopted by so many people and companies. We must save the world before aliens take over the world. It's simple as that. Destroying the world for money and power, polluting the lands and oceans with plastics, burning the world's largest forests for meat production are all the weird things people do every day. People must change and evolve into more intelligent beings progressively. You wouldn't want to fall under alien order that will use and exploit humanity harshly. We can become plant-based people that cause the least pollution and damage to all life and our environment. We're all connected to each other. If one person finds the best things to do and pursue, anyone can follow and change their lifestyles and mindset to be better. Most of the products that we consume daily pollute the world excessively. Any product can be made plastic-free, waste-free and completely plant-based. We must start doing the right things only to save our society and our world. We have one of the most beautiful planets that's gifted to humanity to live on. We must become the protectors and saviors of our amazing world filled with biodiversity and beauty. Aliens are just some beings that search for resources to take away for them to use. They're resource collectors similar to how ants behave. They never care about humanity or their values. Our society hit the mark now. We either save and protect the planet and all the life in it or we may fall. Life is tough but it can be great if the right mindset and approach are taken. Going Vegan and producing plant-based products that are plastic-free, waste-free with no pollutants that will improve our health and won't cause any damage to the environment is the beginning of a new world. Of course, there are so many other things to do to actually save the world. Look to the future. Do you want to live in a green, colorful garden with full freedom or end up as a worker with no rights and no pay? Anyone can be a superhero by changing themselves and their minds to accomplish the best tasks that will cultivate a green, plant-based, vegan, healthy society. Everything is transforming so fast in our world, people are literally waking up. Don't be farmed by jobs, companies, corporations or even aliens. From now on, everyone's job is to do the research and study to find ways to protect the planet as best as possible. This is our planet. We can't give it away. Wasting all the resources and killing all life are bad ideas that should be overcome.

 Humanity will be an amazing society if the necessary action is taken now by every individual. Each thought, thing, word, process, product count. All have to be transformed in our society. Reckless consumption must end. Having more and more isn't best. Living with less as a minimalist lifestyle proven to be the best lifestyle by a lot of people. You never need more of anything, you need less and more time for yourself and for the moments you want to live and do what you like. Humanity must unite as one as soon as possible. We're all different than each other but we're part of the same consciousness that's part of Earth. Too many languages and nations cause conflict and miscommunication between us. English is spreading around the world as the universal language with the help of the internet and its advancing knowledge. Humanity will speak one or a few languages in the future and we're all be united as one race called Vegans =) Isn't that amazing? That's how powerful plants and trees are. They connect us to nature as a plant-based society. Trees are all connected with each other and to all of the molecules of Earth through the air, soil, and foods. Trees are the essential life-giving organisms of our planet, all plants as well. We must go back to our roots. Processing so many products that are altered chemically isn't the most efficient way of production. Imagine a united, green, colorful planet full of food forests and vegans that live happily and harmoniously in peace with animals and other species. Isn't that the heavens? You aren't just overworking to make someone else richer. Living your life and creating your dreams are more important than anything else. Being spiritual can't be practiced without being plant-based first. We can create a new society and protect our world so no alien being can enter and manipulate any of us. Our world provides us all we need but being greedy isn't smart at all. You made millions, billions to work more and buy bigger, grander believing that you're the best ever. That's not true. If you want to be the best, go ahead and actually find the ways to save the world and succeed. The smartest people all contributed to making the world a better place for all of us and other beings. They didn't just do business to keep more cash in a safe. If the business you do or the product you manufacture isn't helping unto building a more clean, green, healthy and prosperous society with no damage to the environment, that's useless. Production should advance over time. Keep making the same thing over and over again will be destructive. Change is the best thing you can do for any business and production. You must change to evolve as a business, as a company, as a leader. Change means finding more information towards making it better for all living beings of Earth. The health and well being of all human beings, the animals and other species should be number 1 importance. Animal agriculture emits more greenhouse gases than any other industry. Humans aren't meant to consume animals as food or use them in other products. Animals are part of our society living with us as friends and helpers. If we keep behaving the same way, it seems like the real aliens will turn us into farm animals that are used and manipulated by them only. They'll probably won't let us eat and consume however we like for our appetite or addictions either.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Message - Go Vegan To Save and Reforest The Planet !!

 Hello there. This is a message from a group of alien races that have been watching Earth for a long time. Your world is going through a lot. Recently, your largest forests started to burn down. This may be the sign for the end times. You're forcing your society and your planet into a cataclysm that may be impossible to reverse. Your forests give life to your world and all its living beings. Forests emit most of the oxygen you and other life forms to breathe. Forests absorb the carbon dioxide and turn it into energy and food sources for animals, plants and the diversity of living species all around the world. Large forests are extremely important to preserve your planet's balance. Meat and dairy consumption also logging have been ever increasing and most of the large forests around the world have been diminishing. This is excessively dangerous for the balance of life that exists on your planet. Your planet is a living library that contains an incredible abundance of numerous species that can eventually give life to other planets. Nothing on Earth should be killed or destroyed by any means. You're simply riding the path to extinction. You must change your old habits, appetite, and ways rapidly otherwise there won't be any possibility to reverse the damage you've caused towards the cycle of existence. Stop all you do now. All the stuff, the technology and money you have now won't matter in the near future. Humanity must unite to do whatever it takes to save the world. You cannot burn the largest forests that keep the planet stable.

 The information we received from the sources we have around your solar system informs us that humans consume too much meat, animal products and pollute the lands and oceans tremendously. No intelligent species would destroy their only planet to live with meaningless habits and behavior. You must change now otherwise it will be too late. Entire humanity must go Vegan, plant trillions of trees, save their only home planet before it's too late. What you're doing to your environment is severely harmful. Meat and dairy consumption are useless. Our study shows that a plant-based diet is healthier for human beings with no harm to animals, beans, legumes, vegetables, nuts contain more protein than meat products. What you're doing to farm animals is unnecessary. All the pollution caused by your society must stop as soon as possible. There will be more plastics than fish in the oceans in less than two decades. Humanity is killing all around them savagely just to survive. Survival can be easy and harmonious in your planet if a Vegan lifestyle with no pollutants and single-use plastics is adopted. This is the best time to change. A lot of people are waking up to what's going on after the fires in the largest forest on Earth, the Amazon. The Amazon rainforest is the largest and most unique biome on Earth with a wide variety of plant, animal, tree, insect species that don't exist anywhere else in the world. Most of the fruits and plant that you buy and eat every day originated from the Amazon. Humanity must protect and preserve all large forests also reforest the entire world with new forests that can feed all living beings and stop the climate change that's occurring. You must take action and spread awareness with all your power now. You have an amazing world that's filled with an abundance of life gifted by God. Worlds like this are extremely rare in the universe so humanity must unite now in order to restore their society and the balance. Going Vegan is one of the best things you can do at this moment. The vegan movement is becoming worldwide. Going Vegan saves so many animals, so much water, acres of forest and more. Your time is up.

 This is the time to begin the operation rescue Earth. You can build a vegan forest world thriving with life for all human beings to live happily and harmoniously. This is the unique mission that's been given to humanity to fulfill. If it's completed and the Earth is saved, the human race can evolve into the next evolutionary species called 'Universal Supreme Vegans'. There is life everywhere in the universe but it's not how you think it is. Life is harsh everywhere but your world and society can become an amazing civilization that can terraform other planets in the universe and in your solar system. So many planets are barren in the universe, the resources are depleted. People of Earth can give life back to other worlds and even save the universe. The biodiversity of Earth is extremely unique and important, it can be the biological library of the universe. First, you must save and protect the most important resources that are the forests all around the world. Reforestation must begin immediately before it's too late. Everything depends on forested lands and the people that can cultivate the largest forests. Coral reefs are dying as well. You must revive all the regions filled with coral reefs. Coral reefs are basically the forests of the ocean and they emit so much oxygen into the atmosphere also feed the marine life. Don't be like what we will do now. Go Vegan and do all you can because this is the most important time that you live in. You wouldn't want to live in a future where the Earth is a polluted wasteland, all forests are dead, all oceans are filled with trash, everyone is poor and sick. Your planet and all its resources are the most significant gifts gifted to the entire humanity. Your second or third job is to save the world and show others how you did it. This will create more awareness worldwide since the internet can be accessed by billions of people around the world. People just don't know how they can make a change and stop the cataclysm before the end times.

 Vegans must take over, save and start the reforestation of the planet now. Yes, there are alien forces everywhere that want your world and all for themselves. You wouldn't want to fall under alien order because that would be extremely harsh and cruel for all of humanity. English is the most powerful language in the world that invented the Vegan movement. The English language is shifting as the universal language of your civilization. You can establish a united vegan society that will only do the rights things to preserve all living species, the environment and protect the biodiversity that exists here. Alien beings aren't here for the benefit of the human race. They have their own agendas. You're destined to terraform many barren worlds and transform the universe into a green, colorful forested land filled with life. You must understand how important your planet is. If you destroy all your forests, ravage your biosphere and break the vitality here, you may be enslaved by alien races that will enslave and use you brutally. The only way to save your population and the biosphere you live in is probably building a United and Vegan Forest World. Cultivating new vegan food forests and protecting the existing large forests like the Amazon are the most crucial duties at hand. Don't forget to save the coral reefs as well since they're the forests of the oceans. You can grow new corals and plant them around the dying reefs for their revival. Let's begin God's mission of planting the world and living green. Earth can become the most colorful jewel of the universe for all species to thrive harmoniously. One person has the power to make the world a better place, think about how much power you're all inherent with. A United Vegan Plant-Based Society has enormous power to build new forest worlds like the Heavens of higher realms.  Smartest people ever lived on Earth were all vegans or plant-based. You can't underestimate the power of plants. They're the ones that provide the resources for life to continue. You're extinct without plants, trees, and forests. Reclaim your planet now. Don't let dark forces win.

Sunday, August 25, 2019




 - The Amazon is the world's biggest rainforest, larger than the next two largest rainforests — in the Congo Basin and Indonesia — combined.
 - At 6.9 million square kilometers (2.72 million square miles), the Amazon Basin is roughly the size of the forty-eight contiguous United States and covers some 40 percent of the South American continent. The "Amazon rainforest" — which defined biogeographically includes the rainforest in the Guianas, which technically are outside the Amazon Basin — covers 7.8-8.2 million square km (3-3.2 million square mi), of which just over 80 percent is forested.
  - The Amazon River is by far the world's largest river by volume. It has over 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are longer than 1000 miles.
  - The Amazon River once flowed west-ward instead of east-ward as it does today. The rise of the Andes caused it to flow into the Atlantic Ocean.
  - The Amazon is estimated to have 16,000 tree species and 390 billion individual trees
  - Nearly two-thirds of the Amazon rainforest is found in Brazil.
  - The Amazon is thought to have 2.5 million species of insects. More than half the species in the Amazon rainforest are thought to live in the canopy.
  - 70 percent of South America's GDP is produced in areas that receive rainfall or water from the Amazon. The Amazon influences rainfall patterns as far away as the United States.
  - Cattle ranching accounts for roughly 70 percent of deforestation in the Amazon.
  -  It covers most of the Amazon Basin in South America. The basin is 2.7 million square miles while the Amazon covers 2.1 million square miles of it. If the Amazon rainforest was a country, it would rank 9th in size.
  -  The Amazon rainforest is also referred to as the ‘Lungs of the Planet' because it produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen.
  -  The toucan is the loudest creature in the Amazon. You can hear it as far as a half-mile away.
  -  There are approximately 3000 fruits that grow in the rainforest that are edible.
  -  There are over 40,000 different plant species and approximately 2.5 million insect species in the Amazon rainforest.
  -  The Amazon rainforest is home to 10% of the known species in the world.
  -  The nine nations that have the Amazon rainforest in their borders are Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Brazil has 60%, Peru has 13%, and Colombia has 10% while other countries have very small parts of the rainforest within their borders.
  -  The Amazon rainforest has existed for at least 55 million years. The Amazon rainforest is home to a very diverse range of species, many of which are not found elsewhere in the world.
  -  The Amazon is arguably the longest river in the world at 6,992 km and contains more water than the Mississippi, Nile, and the Yangtze combined.
  -  The name 'Amazon' was given by Spanish explorer Francisco Orellana after he was attacked by female warriors named theIcamiabas, or 'women without husbands'. He compared them to the Amazons of Greek mythology.

  -  More than 80% of the world's food has its origins in the Amazon rainforest.
  -  One hectare (2.47 acres) of the rainforest can contain more than 750 types of tree and 1,500 types of plant.
  -  The Amazon delivers 55 million gallons of water into the Atlantic ocean every second.
  -  The Amazon has an incredibly rich ecosystem – there are around 40,000 plant species1,300 bird species3,000 types of fish430 mammals and a whopping 2.5 million different insects.
  -  This amazing forest is over 2.2 million square miles large and it is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. If you would lay the Amazon out over the United States, it would cover over half of it!
  -  An estimated 16,000 different tree species and 390 billion trees grow in the Amazon Rainforest.
  -  The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest. Tropical rainforests are found in a region known as the tropics, which are located near the equator.

  -  An incredible number of plants grow in the Amazon Rainforest. These range from carnivorous pitcher plants that trap and eat their insect prey; towering kapok trees that grow up to 70 m (230 ft.) high; and Amazonian water lilies whose leaves can be over 2 meters in diameter.
  -  The most common tree in the Amazon Rainforest is the Euterpe precatoria, a pine tree which grows up to 20 meters tall. Its fruit is edible, and are eaten by native people. Other common trees include the rubber tree, which produces latex used to make rubber, and walking palms, which have unusual, stilt-like roots.
  - Plants in the Amazon rainforest don’t always grow on the ground! Many species actually grow on other plants. Epiphytes, which include orchids and bromeliads, grow on trees, usually in the canopy layer. The epiphytes growing in a single tree can weigh several tonnes.
  -  Around 80% of the food we eat originally came from rainforests. Some of the more popular examples include coffee, chocolate, rice, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, black pepper, pineapples, and corn. We basically live on coffee in America and some other countries. That’s reason enough to save the rainforest =)
  - Tropical rainforests only cover about 6% of the Earth’s surface, but they are home to more than half the world’s total plant and animal species.
  -  The rainforests have begun to be destroyed in the last 100 years to make way for farm land. Today, the rainforests are being destroyed by 1.5 acres every second.
  -  With deforestation continuing at such a fast rate, we’ve created the most rapid extinction rate in the history of the world. 137 rainforest species are exterminated completely every single day.
  -  A quarter of the western medicine pharmaceuticals used today has rainforest based ingredients that originate from the Amazon rainforest. Currently, over 120 drugs come from plant-derived sources and 70% of the plants identified as active against cancer cells come from the rainforest. It is even believed that the cure for cancer may be found in the Amazon rainforest.
  - The toucan is the loudest creature in the Amazon. It is a brilliantly colored arboreal fruit-eating bird, which aids to give it camouflage in the tropical rainforest.
  -  The Kapok tree is the tallest in the Amazon. The tree can grow to lengths of 200 ft towering over the other rainforest vegetation.
  -  The Amazon rainforest acts as a carbon sink. Because of its vastness, the Amazon rainforest absorbs and stores carbon dioxide. The rainforest, therefore, plays a crucial role in maintaining global carbon levels.
  -  According to the U.S Geological Survey (link sends e-mail), the total length of the Amazon River is 4,000 miles (or 6,437 kilometers), which would make it the second-longest river in the world after the Nile River in Egypt (at 4,132 miles/6,650 kilometers). Other surveys put its length at 4,345 miles, which would make it the world’s longest river.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Next Evolutionary Species of Homo Sapiens Is Intelligent and Aware Vegans =)

 Humans have a negative impact on the environment they live in although this is slowly changing. Amazon fires reflect the negative impact the humans cause on Planet Earth. This will raise the awareness of more people worldwide to change and take action. If all forests die off, climate change will be irreversible humans and all living species go extinct. There is only one way to reverse all the damage we've caused and we're still causing on our environment. Firstly, the best thing can be done is to go Vegan. Deforestation is increasing all around the world and the recent Amazon and other forest fires prove the facts. Humans are essentially forest people because forests and plants provide us all the resources and products we need to survive. We must go Vegan now because the largest forests on Earth are being destroyed to open land for meat and dairy production. We shouldn't destroy the world for our appetite.

 Meat isn't a source of protein either. All vegetables, nuts, legumes, beans contain some protein even more. If you want to be the healthiest, fittest, smartest you'd like to be, you must Go Vegan. All problems in the world can be solved by plant-based lifestyles and businesses. Humanity can cultivate food forests all around the world to feed themselves peacefully. A lot of people are waking to what's going on. Amazon fires started an awareness that will expand to the entire world. This is the time to take action. The human race can evolve if they change their old habits and beliefs. Be open to new information and change your diet and start planting trees to build new food forests for all living beings to thrive off. Trees are the most essential life forms that can give life to all species and entire humanity if they're planted and cultivated to become colorful and robust food forests. Food is very important for the human race to survive and continue their daily tasks.

 We can go forward as a new advanced human race called 'Vegans' in our future. It's not too difficult to save the world since people found out how it can be done by anyone. Start planting trees and grow gardens for you to live off. Wood harvested from the forests can be returned to the forests if we plant the seeds back. People need wood to build housing and furniture but meat and dairy are unnecessary. We cannot let the largest forests ever existed with such biodiversity containing numerous animal, tree and plant species, to be burned down by meat and dairy producers. They aren't only the lungs of our world. Forests are the number one habitats that give life to all species of Earth including humans. Instead of destroying the large forests, we have to expand existing forests also plant new forests that will provide the fruits, nuts, leaves, plants, water sources, wood, and housing. Human race meant to be forest people, not a destructive force that consumes all around them to live in congested cities. The people who leave the cities to start a new life and start their own gardens, farms, permaculture forests are the happiest and healthiest people.

 Food consumption is ever-increasing because the population is always growing worldwide. If everyone changes their diet, the damage we cause on the planet and to other beings will reduce tremendously. We only have one world. No intelligent species would destroy the only world they live on. Some entrepreneurs want to fly to Mars to form communities there but Mars or no other planet will be like our beautiful Earth that's full of diverse life. Earth is the best planet that we can ever find and live on. You can't expect someone else to save your world. We can unite and do the right things that will change the world. We will eventually evolve into the next evolutionary human race as Vegans. Vegans are intelligent, healthy, compassionate, caring towards all life and their amazing planet called Earth. Reforestation of the world must begin as soon as possible. Every tree you planted can become a forest in the future because trees drop seeds to spread out and expand their habitats. Trees already contain all the sources that can save the world and entire humanity. We also have other plants that grow all kinds of vegetables, herbs, leaves that can be consumed and used to make new products.

 Pollution is ever-growing worldwide especially plastics pollution. Going Vegan and zero-waste can reduce pollution by every means possible. It's like the idea of going Vegan has been given to humanity by God or by some advanced alien beings. We can become like the alien race of the movie Avatar. The human race can unite with their environment and forests to develop a new society like the alien race in Avatar. We will be the green Vegan people of Earth, not blue =)  I admire that movie because it has so much information and ideas embedded in it that can inspire us to build new societies. Every nation can become a new form of Vegan society. All foods can be produced and made Vegan and it's happening now. Vegan is taking over the world and humans are becoming a more advanced race. All the destruction and damage can be prevented with our action. It's all about supply the demand and that's how business goes. Going Vegan will clear all the meat, dairy and other destructive and cruel productions in a short time. It has to be worldwide. Inform people and others on social media about the coming change. Educate the people around you about what's going on and how to be the change. It all starts with you. If you can't do it, others won't. Be the change first. Yes, we can save the world in less than a decade. Scientists stated that we may have less than 12 years so we must fix all the problems now. New Human Race Is Coming and They're Vegans. The plant-based people who can reforest the world and restore all life =)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Saving the world must be the best job ever, right? Look at how many superheroes we have now and they'remultiplying each year =)    There are so many people that would like to save the world to become a superhero of some kind. Of course, superheroes are imaginary but we had people who changed the world and history in the past. People like Nikola Tesla, Cristopher Columbus, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison all changed the world with their inventions and discoveries. Some of the smartest people of our past even saved the world in some ways and also altered it in unique ways that affected the entire society. Can we actually save the world now and become a millionaire or a billionaire by doing it? The answer might be yes. Since all businesses affect the environment they're in and the society significantly, we can build businesses and sources of media and network that can fix the problems of our society. Saving the world depends on people and what they do to contribute towards the stabilization of our civilization. This is probably one of the most important subjects to study and research during our modern times. We have computers, satellites, internet, wifi, tech gadgets, tablets, smartphones, electric cars, and so many advancements that no other civilization on Earth ever established. Meanwhile, it looks like our planet needs relief from all the damage to people are causing. We may have more tech and gadgets coming out every day but nobody really cares about what's going on in the background of all things. 

 Everyone needs money and things to survive. The more you have, the more you can do and live comfortably even though being rich doesn't mean happiness. That doesn't mean becoming a millionaire, billionaire or at least good income by building a business, perhaps something that can lead people to do the right things that can save the freaking world and so many people's lives. Hopefully, everyone will be rich one day, only by doing the things and creating new startups and businesses or just doing what they love to do that will deliver the perfect results for our society and all life. People can't just suck all the resources, cut all the trees, rip all life apart to survive. There must be so many other ways of making money and to survive for us human beings. Businesses provide the services and products for our ever lasting survival for something in return. It can't be all about people and money anymore. Things started changing so fast. If we completely wipe out the Amazon and other rainforests, the devastation will affect the entire globe. I believe people are forest people in essence like chimps and other apes. We resemble so much to them and they actually expand forests with the fruits' seeds they throw around. The seeds hit the soil and start growing as a new tree and the whole forests grow and get richer and wider eventually. We should learn from other animals and how they survive.
 Developing better technology shouldn't be the only purpose of humanity. There are happy and advanced communities and societies that completely depend on nature and renewable resources. We can take an example of them and how they live and do things instead of working vigorously for more advanced tech, more stuff and bigger things. Look how most of the vegan companies are thriving and making the most profits at this time. They're saving so many animals' lives with their products and changing the food industry. Anyone can invest in saving the world and become a millionaire or billionaire eventually. You harvest what you sow. I will try to explain to you how to make good money, millions or billions if it matters for you. Millions or less can be better for you if you want to have more time for yourself and be freer. Most billionaires are constantly working otherwise they may lose it all. Making less money can be good for you because you won't have much to lose if it fails one day.

How can you save the world and make millions of dollars simultaneously? Let's make a list of creative ideas.

1) You can start growing new forests anywhere in the world and make the world a better place for humans, animals, and other species. Forests can be very profitable. They can generate constant cash flow if they're designed the right way for the people. Forests can produce tons of fruits, nuts and other products like liquids that form rubber. You need to find the right tree species that will produce the best products in order to make the best profits. There are farmers who make millions per year. Of course, vegan products are better for the environment and our health so creating food forests and orchards that will emit tons of oxygen, create new habitats for some animals and bird species is the best.

2) It seems like vegans are saving so many animals' lives and restoring the environment, causing less pollution worldwide. Perhaps going Vegan and building great Vegan businesses can be life-saving anywhere in the world. There are tons of new vegan businesses and even startups that are thriving right now. Vegan meat sales are rising every day. This is the best time to get into vegan markets and the profits will only grow. Vegan products and businesses save millions of animals, tons of cubic feet of water, probably cause fewer health problems. Although processed vegan foods aren't as healthy as the whole foods. Building a business that relies on whole food products can be a better choice for vegans and everyone's health. The fact is even omnivores started consuming piles of veggie burgers and vegan meats recently cause of the growing popularity. The study predicts that more and more people will go vegan so the demand for vegan products will be ever increasing in the future. Anyone can become a millionaire also protect animals by going Vegan and starting vegan companies.

3) Cleaning the pollution can also be profitable since there is pollution in most countries. Plastic pollution is almost out of control and a big threat to all living species on Earth. We must find a solution to this ever-growing problem that is occurring worldwide. Plastics can be made by plants, the recent research and studies prove it. No planet should be completely trashed with some products that will never decompose. Plastics pollution is forming colossal patches in the ocean and affecting marine life tremendously. If you or someone can come up with compostable plastics and find new solutions to this problem, it can surely make lots of money and become a big company. Most of the greenhouse gases are emitted by meat factories and it's the number 1 cause of climate change. We can reverse climate change by almost 50% if we go Vegan. Meat producers will eventually invest in plant-based foods and products so it will never affect the economy anyway. Products always change and the economy will convert to a plant-based, green structure in the near future.

4) Compostable containers are great for the environment because they cause no pollution at all. Some new companies started manufacturing fully compostable containers to replace plastic containers that our society purchases at the stores. The demand for plant-based and compostable containers will increase in the future and they can reduce plastic pollution and affect the environment positively. There are always other ways to produce and manufacture so many products that we need for our daily lives. Nothing is permanent because everything is made by people in some ways, the process can be altered with new information and research. Everyone would support green containers and product lines made for us to use and trash then they will decompose in a short time with no damage to our habitats or oceans. All life is connected to each other so we need to live more kindly towards other beings and our surroundings.

5) We all want to live in green communities that are close to forests, gardens, water areas similar to places where oasis forms and blossoms. Building green communities for people to live and vacation spots for vacationers can be very profitable. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money to build the inns that are in the forests embedded with gardening areas and springs. I personally noticed that a lot of people on social media mention they want to live in a sustainable, self-sufficient, forest community. This can be built with the right investments and design by the smart people and people can add their charm, their ideas including work and cash flow for sustainable plans to flourish. Living in cities, doing the same thing over and over again is getting old. People want to get back to nature and live self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyles full of health, prosperity, and greenery.

These are some of the quick ideas that I wanted to share in this blog. I'm sure there are countless ways to save the world and become a millionaire that can create more in the meantime. Money isn't for you to harvest constantly off people and business. It can be an amazing creative force to establish your get rich quick plans. Nothing is easy but we can actually get rich while saving the world now. This may be the best time to live and do business. We have the opportunity to restore Earth into a perfect condition that will sustain the human race for never-ending centuries. Let's devote ourselves to this spectacular future instead of wasting our lives away. A simple product changing society can make you a millionaire in a short time. People will always need products and will support the best companies that produce the plant-based, green prospective. Nothing is impossible, everyone has a creative force in them to lead them into imagining the best of advancement for our world to go forward.

Friday, August 16, 2019


 Veganism became very popular and hit the mainstream recently. A lot of people are going Vegan and there are millions of Vegans worldwide and the numbers are ever-growing. This is amazing. Vegan is the most searched word in most search engines. Vegan companies are making the most profits than ever before. Tons of companies stating that they're converting all their products to fully vegan. It's incredible to see people and companies are going vegan to stop animal cruelty and torture. Vegan is also great for health and the environment. It's not just a diet, it's a new mindset and the biggest movement humanity ever followed.
 You've been vegan for some time, the question pops in your mind 'How can I make money as a Vegan? How can I start a business or a company that will contribute to animal welfare and the health of human beings?' There are so many people who still work the same jobs after they went Vegan a few years back.
Most of the vegans would like to start their own business or start a company with other vegans to make a change. Vegan businesses help to save so many animals per year. Each vegan saves millions of cubic feet of water and hundreds of animals, nonetheless, vegan businesses increase that amount even more by any margin. I'll try to explain some ways to make money as a vegan. I'm sure there are more possibilities that can be created by anyone else. There was no extreme research done to determine this list. They're just ideas and observations.

1) Start a vegan business that you want to
 Best things to do is going after your dreams. Doing what you like to do as your job and business may be the best fulfillment. You may not make as much as you wish but you'll be more happy to do what you want to do in your life. Businesses take a while to grow anyway so you never know what you can create with your ideas and knowledge. Start as small as possible, that way you won't lose much money right off the bat. Investing too much money in a startup isn't a good idea. Startups may take longer than expected to become successful. Go little by little to grow your business.

2) Make your own products to sell online in sites like Etsy or else
 After you've been vegan, there's an urge to make your own vegan products that are useful. You can make vegan soaps bars, vegan pastries, desserts, cookies, baked good and sell them online. You need proper packaging for them to stay fresh. There are a lot of successful online businesses that are built by one or two people. The good thing about selling online, you don't need much investment to start. I personally saw a lot of vegan and handmade products online in sites like Etsy and probably some others. You can start by making what you like the most and perfect the recipe.

3) Find partners or the investment to open your own Vegan cafe
 Everyone would like to have their own Vegan cafe somewhere in the city or in a suburban area. Vegan cafes are very popular all around the world. You don't need to have a big menu but you definitely need good coffee and some treats to attract more people and vegans. I've been seeing and trying so many vegan cafes and restaurants and they started popping out everywhere. And that's amazing. It seems like the vegan foods market will be more competitive so this is the best time to find partners or the right investment to open your vegan cafe. Making coffee isn't difficult but you need a good selection. There are companies that offer vegan pastries and treats to small business so you don't have to do the baking. You just need to make some tasty vegan dishes.

4) Start your own vegan blog
 Starting a blog can be exciting, especially a vegan blog. There are tons of websites on the internet and some vegan blogs became very successful after some time. You need to have a lot of content and write proper blogs for your website. There are sites that you can create your blog for free so you don't need any money for this in the beginning. After your blog grows, you can buy a domain and spend on the tools to grow your blog and website. There are tons of good vegan recipes online and you can try and change some of them to post on your blog with HD images taken by you. You can also find many free pictures online to add to your blog even free videos. A lot of people are going Vegan and searching for new vegan recipes online so vegan recipes and blogs are becoming more popular than ever before.

5) Create a Youtube channel
There are so many Vegan Youtubers on Youtube with successful channels created by them. Vegans are smart and creative. You need at least 1000 subscribers and some good watch time for your channel to be monetized. You need to start your youtube channel as soon as possible and make a lot of videos about anything vegan, your ideas, gardening, animals, news, recipes, foods, workout and more. Vegan is a great lifestyle so there are vloggers that talk about their ideas and aspirations also the food they eat, how to help animals and the environment, etc. Vegan is a vast subject spreading everywhere so there is always more to talk about when it comes to being Vegan or going Vegan. You can become a Vegan chef on Youtube if you're making good foods or there are Vegan travelers that try all the vegan places all around the world. You can basically do anything and talk about anything on camera. You need a little editing but there are so many apps and free software to do the editing before you post on Youtube.

6) Start a Vegan food truck near the city
Food truck business is a growing business all around the world and in the U.S. There are certain spots where food truck can park and serve their foods. Vegan taco trucks are very popular near big cities. I've seen people and vegans line up in front of food trucks a few times. There are always festivals and events that you can register with your food truck to make sales and treat people with great vegan food. You can find a food truck that's used for cheap and transform it into a Vegan food truck. You choose what vegan food you'd like to serve. You never need a too big of a menu since you won't have that much space to keep all the ingredients. A small menu with the best items is the best like vegan tacos, bowls, salads, burgers, vegan meat dishes, etc. What you really enjoy eating as a vegan can be made and sold in food trucks without being a professional chef.

7) Build a vegetable garden in your backyard
 Selling vegetables, herbs can be profitable. They make up most of the portions of meals consumed. Anyone can start a vegetable garden in their backyard or small space they find. You can even garden indoors with hydroponics designs and led lighting. Raised beds are more efficient for gardening and seeding. There are farmers markets everywhere for anyone to register and sell the products they made at home. Vegetables and herbs grow a lot faster than fruits and nuts around 3-4 months timeframe. You can make money also reduce your grocery bills after you start gardening. I recommend raised bed gardening for better and faster harvesting. You can find the soil mix and seeds in most big stores like Walmart, Lowe's, etc. Gardening is a good way to make money and it can be more profitable over time once you start harvesting more produce out of your garden.

8) Create a permaculture food forest in your land
 Permaculture designs are probably to the best way to create a food forest on your own. There are a lot of people who cultivated amazing vegan food forests in the land they own or rent out. It takes time to build a food forest but it can be profitable and lead to a sustainable lifestyle anywhere you like. It's better to start in a place where there is a good climate, sunlight and rain otherwise it may be difficult for your gardens to survive. Fruit and nut trees take a few years to grow to full size for them to bear fruits and nuts. You can sell them, juice them, sell them to wholesalers or make other products. The seeds can be used to sow in empty spots around your yard. Living in a food forest built by permaculture design is one of the best ways to make money also follow a sustainable, vegan lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Commander Vegan Pharaoh Is Coming To Initiate United Vegan Take-Over Of The World and The Universe =)

 We live in amazing times on Earth that a lot of people aren't aware of. There is so much going on all around the world. The human population is increasing every year and forcing all the resources, the forests, and animals to destruction and extinction. Humanity must understand that they have to unite to save the world and all living beings including themselves. Life isn't all about work, consume and multiply anymore. That was okay in the past but things have changed on our planet. There are many great forces and alien beings that watch over Earth for so many years. They've been observing what's going throughout the evolution of mankind. Human race hit the end of behaving recklessly in their homeworld. There is going to be quite many races of beings that will intervene to stop this madness. No forces that come to your solar system or establishing themselves in your world are here for the benefit of humanity. You have no idea what's going on. This is as serious as it gets. All of them will do whatever it takes to gain access to all the resources and utilize as much of humanity for their own benefits. You have to unite as one race, stop all your conflicts and unnecessary consumption and destruction of your forests, resources, lands also the pollution worldwide.

 There is an amazing commander that's coming from outer space with his armada to take over the world so it can be saved as soon as possible. He will initiate United Vegan Take-Over of planet Earth and then countless other worlds. Aliens and groups of races that approach your planet are trash. You can't trust any of them, they will never do anything to help your societies or fix any issues. Most of them will go forward on their plans secretly. Only the supreme force can save your world and fix all your problems in a short time. He's known as Commander Vegan Pharaoh. He's the one that will come here with millions of spaceships and unlimited power to begin the mission of United Vegan Take Over !!  All of humanity will unite under his order and he will create a new society on Planet Earth. You must work with the Supreme Vegan Pharaoh full of wisdom, power, and intelligence. No alien race was ever able to stop him to save countless planets. This is his mission to reunite the human race as one powerful and wise society. Firstly, all of the world's resources will be secured, all living beings will be protected, all lands and forests will be preserved. And then Commander Vegan will finish all of the beings that are here to claim your planet and society as their own. This process will go smoothly and will be done with little conflicts as possible.

 The planet that you live on is a very rare and extraordinary place full of life, rare resources and biological biodiversity that doesn't exist elsewhere in the universe. It's been observed by so many alien races that only some people have encountered but their memories were erased. You live in a very competitive universe that's very harsh and vigorous for any race of beings to survive also remain free on their world. Although you're lucky enough that the Amazing Supreme Commander - Vegan Pharaoh - is on its way to Earth at this moment. Nothing can stop him and his extremely advanced armada under his command. It consists of millions of super-advanced spaceships that are full of highly trained and wise personnel that are ready to go on missions to save many worlds that need help. Go Vegan and Unite and do the right things that will save the world. Protect your forests and lands. Be kind to all living beings, clean up the pollutions and all the problems before the Commander Vegan Pharaoh of limitless power gets here. Otherwise, there's going to be consequences, he's the Chosen One like Neo. He will break the code of the Matrix and become the supremest ever lived. Your societies will be under his command in a short time to do only the right things that will recover and restore all life, atmosphere, and greenery. United Vegan Take Over Is Here !!  =)   Humans will become the most amazing species ever existed, you will climb the rank in evolution as the new humanoid species of Earth. You'll become smarter, wiser, better, faster, more aware, healthier and more powerful than ever before. You can save your planet and fix all your problems now. Commander Vegan of unlimited powers will be throned as your Pharaoh and everyone will comply under his order. He has infinite powers, skills, and spells in his mind and hands that can seed the lands with new plant species and creatures that will bring new life all around the globe. Commander Vegan Pharaoh is the newest superhero that will be watched by all your societies and he's absolutely real. Anyone can become a superhero at this time if they go Vegan and do whatever it takes to save the world. This isn't the age to waste time over unnecessary stuff. You all have immense potential to evolve and become amazing vegan heroes and saviors of your beautiful planet.

Once Vegan Pharaoh claims his throne over Earth, he will start the process of terraforming Mars, Moon and another planet after completing the reprogramming and restoration of your civilization. No species should go extinct from now on. Unite and do all you can to preserve all life. This is a remarkable mission that's been given to all of the communities that dwell here. There is only one human race that consists of many ethnicities, languages, beliefs, traditions, and nations. You're all different to add richness to your diversity. No one is better than others. Everyone is here to fulfill unique tasks that will enrich your cultures. You're lucky that there is a positive force in the universe that will do whatever it takes to save your world with the wisdom and experience Commander Vegan is inherent with. Veganism is thriving in your planet already. Hopefully, the process will be smooth and the leadership that's coming will achieve boundless success and liveliness. You can become an extraordinary race that can save your world and other worlds in the future. Earth is superb. Pharaoh is nearing... 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Vegan Is The Secret Code To Take Over The World and The Universe =)

Yes, you heard it. We live in amazing times in our world. There is so much going on. We're at the edge of an extraordinary metamorphosis that will alter the entire world. Someone invented a secret code that was able to reform the structure of every human being. It was probably inspired by some otherworldly beings that observe our planet for quite a long time. It was implemented by the few in the past but now it hit the mainstream. It came out as an idea and a new term first. The idea popped out in someone who lived in Great Britain where there were many crop circles show up in fields. This secret code can change humanity now. We live in remarkable times. Vegan is the secret code to take over the world and the universe =) Do you all understand? It wasn't just a term to call a new diet that won't harm animals, it was a lot more than that. It was inspired by some spiritual beings who were practicing this lifestyle for a long time in outer space. Vegan is becoming galactic to start a new age beginning from Earth. It will never stop. Eventually, vegans will take over the world and the universe. There are countless planets out there in the universe that are deserted. We can give life back to them with our diverse plant species and trees. A lot of the barren worlds can be terraformed with the help of the resources and biological species our planet contains. Humanity has been created by God to fulfill this amazing mission. Adam and Eve were vegans. There are hints in holy scriptures about seeding the world and other planets to turn them into colorful gardens of biodiversity. Heavens are lush, colorful realms that thrive off the plant and tree life they consist of. Earth can be the same. There are spiritual realms that some people go into after death that are full of colors, countless plants, trees, and lush environments. God is literally keeping all kinds of biological and plant species in certain realms also on Earth. Our mission is to recover Earth to transform it into an amazing garden with the help of veganism. No species should go extinct from now on. 

 People are waking up all around the world. Now, we have the secret code that can take-over worlds and the universe eventually. Humanity is adjusting to this new phenomenon all around the world. We can build new heavens in physical realms as well if we all cultivate gardens and forests everywhere we live. Research shows most beings that visit our planet come from barren worlds because they don't have the life we have here on Earth. If our planet becomes the greenest, the most colorful in the universe, it will spread to other globes to transform them into gardens. It may take time but this can be done. You must go Vegan, take over the world now so we can start building a vivid, vibrant forest that will seed life back to deserted regions. Everyone can join this incredible assignment given to humanity to put forward. A lot of countries started banning deforestation and pollution causing products. People must understand that they live in one of the most beautiful planets with such biodiversity. The secret code is reprogramming our minds and bodies, shifting us into a new consciousness and dimension. Human beings will evolve into a more advanced level of species that can save their homeworld and go on to achieve this task elsewhere. Our planet is supposed to be protected with all of our power. Humanity is uniting. 

 The English language can become a global language with the help of the vegan movement. It's the most useful and powerful language ever existed. Our society will shift into a level of paradigm unimaginable by the people of the past. It's going to be so advanced, so green, so colorful, so vibrant and full of life. Vegans can take over the universe because most aliens are ugly looking and insect-like. The human race may become the saviors of all living beings and diversity. Now is the time to fulfill this mission with all we've got. The secret codes are implemented in our brains and we are able to accomplish anything by uniting, studying and researching in order to perform many spectacular jobs and operations. Operation Vegan Take Over Worlds can succeed with the leadership of Vegan mindset that protects and plants all life =) Going Vegan isn't enough, there is a lot more to do. We have a world to save and preserve at this moment. Optimus VeganPrime is coming soon to save the world and many other planets. He isn't an intelligent robot, he's the Commander of a jillion of Vegans that were united to save planets in need. 

 There is a variety of apps, software, websites and more coming out for Vegans to communicate and perform the tasks needed with their devices and phones. The secret codes are transforming people's minds to make them ready to achieve amazing projects. There is rumor on the internet that Mars will have a vegan society with greenhouses that grow all kinds of plant life to emit oxygen and feed people there. Mars can generate a robust atmosphere if people cultivate a wide variety of plants and trees on the surface or underground. Earth's atmosphere would perish if we lost all forests indicating that atmosphere can be regenerated with forests and trees that emit the most oxygen and bear fruits that feed. All production is moving towards plant-based that's compostable and healthy for human biology. Now is the time to go vegan and fix the problems of the world and all people. It's just about animals or what you eat anymore. We have a mission that anyone can contribute to. Let's bring a heaven-like sphere onto Earth and create a new world full of life, peace, and prosperity with no pollution, poverty and problems =)

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


 You little humans, you are coming close to failing of protecting your own world. There are a lot of forces in the universe that watch planets and their inhabitants. The observation shows that the human race has been destructive and reckless towards all life on their homeworld. This can't be allowed much longer. There will be forces that will intervene to stop the madness soon. These forces are highly trained and technologically advanced. They will approach Earth with all they've got. Trillions of aliens and spaceships are near-Earth, some have built bases in remote places. They aren't here for the good of humanity either. A lot of beings had to act to stop the destructive and primitive behaviors of the human race. There is going to be consequences. There is a highly intelligent and skillful alien commander that's coming to Earth now and he will be here soon. He's unstoppable. He has all the technology and wisdom at his hand to stop imprudent races that inhabit certain planets of significance. He's called Commander Vegan Take Over Worlds !!  This alien commander is extremely powerful, he has millions of top-notch spaceships in his order full of wisely selected personnel and soldiers. Time is nearing. He took care of many missions all around the universe of this type. If the native inhabitants of some planet behave badly and destroy and deplete the life, he's the chosen one to go after them to stop the problem. This isn't the time to continue the old, useless habits most of the humans are accustomed to. Commander Vegan is unstoppable. No beings were ever able to counter his incredible power and intelligence especially during important missions like this. His job is to search and find planets with problems and veganize them. That's the only solution. Your burger and pizza times are over. He'll first observe the situation of your world then go full force with all his might. He's the leader of Galactic Command and Universal Armadas. He was born on a planet that was made to be Vegan but almost wiped out cause of meat and dairy productions also plastic pollution. He was the one who saved his own world by starting a movement of veganization and clean-up. He became the mighty savior of his homeworld then united with other beings in the universe to search and find other planets that are being ravaged. You can't trust any alien beings other than Commander Vegan and his armada. Once he reaches Earth, United Vegan Beatdown will be initiated to beat the entire humanity for their bad behavior and treatment of animals and pollution. He isn't coming here for nothing. He has the ability to beatdown millions of people in a few hours so you can comprehend the importance of the situation. Nobody will be left behind. This is going to be the biggest beatdown in the history of the universe since Earth became a highly populated planet. It may take days or months until this unique mission of veganizing of this sphere and the society to reverse the climate change plus the plastic pollution.

 United Vegan Take Over Is Here !!  Things have changed for each individual that lives on Earth. This is the mission to beat the worlds that try to kill their land to turn into a desert. Trillions of tree species must be planted to reverse all damage that you have caused in a few decades. Once the global beatdown is completed, many people can join Commander Vegan's armada to for a trip to the universal beatdown. Sadly, only a few societies are vegan in the universe so trillions of alien worlds must be beaten down harshly. Commander Vegan will be your leader of the future to save beautiful Planet Earth and continue the mission in outer space. Earth is first because it has an abundance of life and biodiversity. Going Vegan and becoming friends with the animals is the only choice. It's going to be easy to beatdown all alien life that try to take over the world because most aliens are physically weak. Basically, aliens might be parasitic organisms that try to leech off other biological beings and resources they find elsewhere. All of the alien propaganda can be overcome with United Vegan Take Over of the world and the universe with the leadership and wisdom of Commander Vegan. He wasn't always a vegan, he became a full-fledged vegan after going through all the madness in his homeworld. He won't stop until he's fully in charge of as many planets as possible because his divine assignment is God-given. Commander Vegan is all mighty, he was informed of the problems that have been occurring in this region. The goal is to terraform Mars, Moon and entire solar system after the whole world is vegan and green like a lush paradise full of exotic fruit trees, gardens and all kinds of greenery. Heaven on Earth can become a reality with the help of Commander Vegan of limitless muscle power. His blood flows as a green juice made of the most vibrant, nutrient plants that grant him extraordinary intelligence and incredible skills of fighting, communication, leadership, intelligence, robustness, muscle and bone structure. He's arriving with millions of most technologically advanced spaceships that present the most talented personnel obtained from many other worlds that have been veganized. United Vegan Take Over won't stop until it's fully completed. Of course, humans have been a part of the animal kingdom but we must evolve into universal beings now otherwise we'll all get beaten down into our pants. You can join this amazing movement of saving many planets in the universe. Other alien beings won't help since they want all the resources for themselves. Commander Vegan will blast all other forces in the vicinity. Yes, there are vegans in the universe with power that are coming here so there is always hope. Some remarkable people like Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Leonardo Da Vinci, Newton were vegans that came from other worlds to invent the future of humanity and build a more enlightened society here. It's not a coincidence that there's going to be a chosen one like Commander Vegan to search and intervene into extremely significant planets like Earth cause of their biodiversity, rare resources, rare living species and potential to green many other terrenes. Vegans are uniting all around the world to build a United Vegan World to solve all the problems of our time to eventually spread our diverse plant and tree species all around the universe. Green worlds are always the best for all life to thrive and evolve over millions of years. The human race can become a supreme race to restore their homeworld that's blooming with greenest lush lands of abundance. You can't live without plants and not all plant life can be flourished without you. This is the biggest event ever  =)

Sunday, August 4, 2019


 Hi there. Thanks for the catchy title and you're here. I will try to tell you why you should go Vegan and love all life and everything around you, plus yourself. Although food isn't everything, it's a very important part of life. Think about how many restaurants and grocery stores are in the world. Humans emphasize food everywhere they live and it's entangled in their culture. Well, going Vegan may be one of the best things you can do in your life. That's what some of the vegans stated during interviews. The best thing you can do is loving all life and everything around you, in you and in the world forever and always =)   Yeah, positivity is extremely important to have a great, healthy life for all of us. Everything is actually connected to each other. It's not all about money or survival. You need time for yourself, you need to love and enjoy all you do, see and experience. Being a loving person can't be that bad since all life is created by God. We live in an extremely beautiful biodiverse world that may not exist everywhere in the universe. We must be more kind and loving towards other beings. Education and awareness can change you and make you smarter. What about being a loving person? You can't live and work right if you don't actually love what you do and what you have. Perhaps, being positive and vegan can change the world and improve society in every field.

We're spiritual beings that are in this world for a purpose. It may be to bring Heaven on Earth instead of working and trying to take too much stuff for yourself so you would have more things to survive off. Minimalism can be more fulfilling than working too much or having more than you ever need to live. Life is simple. It doesn't take much to have a nice, loving life as long as you love it all in every step. Anyone can make the world better by doing what they love the most. Or just work to pay bills then do what you love right? We all need the money and things to survive. Survival can be loving as well. Love all you can now so you don't need to look back with hatred. Anything deserves to be loved. People and all living beings are made of love. You can see that in children's eyes and your pets' movements. Let's build a loving world of interconnection and knowledge. Being Vegan can lead to a more fulfilling and happy life also can raise your ability to love towards other beings. Plants are the source of life and they contain the substances of purity in them. We're spiritual beings and our spirits are made of light. That may mean love and light are the same things. Feel the love when you walk on a beach, in a forest or at the park. Nature fills us with all the things we need also the light that our souls feed off. Be part of nature and build your own orchards, gardens, and forests so we can fix all the problems of our world with pure love. Love of money is needed in some ways but love towards all life can be more enhancing. What if money was actually love or love was the money? They could be equal in quantity if they're cultivated with your mind and actions. Your mind can project heavens to the world when you start loving without expecting anything in return.

 Stop doing too much and waste your energy and resources for things that don't matter. Focus on what's actually needs to be done or do what you love to improve society. What you love can become a thriving business as well. Never work. Work only turns you into a worker for greedy purposes most of the time. Life isn't just working. You aren't here for work. Nobody has to work anymore. Just do what you love and change the world now. Create the Garden of Eden right here even in your backyard. Don't hesitate to express your love and feelings for others and living beings. Eventually, you'll get better at what you do and there is always time to do more for what you really love. Plants and trees are made of pure love and they can give entire humanity all they need to live. You never need to work to accomplish your dreams and aspirations because you're here for your soul's purpose. Survival isn't a vigorous task, it's flowing energy for you to follow. Vegan means real love for yourself and all living beings. We're all connected to each other and here on Earth to live harmoniously. The world is changing now, the frequency is rising. That indicates we're creating a newer, better world. We can bring all heavens back to Earth then move to other planets through the cultivation of diverse plant and tree life that will spread love back to many planets in the universe. I'm sure there are worlds full of love, freedom, and prosperity with intelligent, compassionate inhabitants. This is the time for humans to reclaim their mission of building an amazing world full of forests, greenery, love, and knowledge. Only love of nature can save you.

Top 5 Most Profitable Nut Trees To Grow


Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Message - Go Vegan - Take Over The World !!

 A lot of going on in the world now. Times have changed recently. You all live in a different world at the moment. It's not like the past where you could go do whatever you want, waste and use all the resources around you. A lot of people are having hard times to survive and to have the necessities to live. Your climate is changing. It's been warming up in the last decade increasingly. This affects all life and balance of your world. Climate change, pollution, disasters, poverty, and many other things are destroying your world and the environment you live in. Your society must change now. You can't live with the old habits and beliefs forever. Life constantly changes. You must be open to new information and adapt to changes that will create positivity all around the world. Going Vegan is one of them, it's the best way to live and adapt to coming changes. Humanity can't continue diets and habits that destroy, kill and pollute all. You must go Vegan, take over the world now. That may be the only way to save the world and your future. Vegan products and foods are plant-based so eventually, more plants and trees will be cultivated all around the world that will reduce the effects of climate change and other pollutions. Meat, dairy productions emit the most greenhouse gases that are turning to the world into a warming globe of diminishing life sources. Nothing matters anymore. You have to do whatever it takes to save the world by going Vegan and doing the right things. All businesses and productions can adapt to plant-based movement and lifestyles. This is the biggest movement of humanity because your world came to a point that has to be saved in every way possible. A lot of species are going extinct cause of pollution, global warming, plastics, and human diet. Humans are basically destroying their own world, all the resources and all life on Earth. Isn't this insane? God didn't create the human race to be so destructive and ignorant about the life around them. Anything can be made plant-based for you to use and consume to survive. You must all do whatever it takes to take over the world and save the world and entire humanity now. Anybody can start doing the things that will redirect the society in a positive direction as their jobs. Vegan businesses and productions are thriving and you need more of them in every field. Your world has to be saved, climate change must be reversed, plastic pollution must be stopped, species extinction should be overcome in a few years. Time is running out. Only work on this unique mission to change the world so people can evolve and live in a better society and environment. You must invest in green technologies, vegan products and reforestation of Earth. Trillions of trees must be planted in every acre of Earth now. Trees can feed entire humanity also reverse climate change and the extinction of many species. Trees are the main protector of your world and you as the human race must seed them in every region. Cities can become green places for people to live and work. Your cities are extremely destructive and pollute the environment and air as much as meat, dairy productions. Green, vegan cities are the best places for people to live in harmony. You can also establish vegan forest cities for all of you to plant all kinds of fruit and nut trees and other plant species that will feed you and give you comfort. You can't expect someone else to do all the work. Humanity must unite to achieve this unique mission of saving the planet by going Vegan and planting trees. Other problems will eventually perish once this mission is followed by many people. This is what you need to do. All jobs, companies, corporations, and products can be transformed into green, vegan and plant-based if people do the research and study on them. It's not too difficult to accomplish this mission. Vegan food forests would be the best places for people to live and work. It's not hard to cultivate forests that will feed you and give you the things you need to survive. The people who move to rural areas to start gardens and farms are the happiest and most of them become very successful with their production. Cities can become green and vegan as well if more people invest in this mindset. All the products that cause harm will be obsolete in the future when people become aware of what's going. Let's go Vegan, do research and take over the world.  Planet Earth must be saved as soon as possible. You can do this. It all depends on normal people that can make the change happen. You have the power. Begin now !!