Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Saving the world must be the best job ever, right? Look at how many superheroes we have now and they'remultiplying each year =)    There are so many people that would like to save the world to become a superhero of some kind. Of course, superheroes are imaginary but we had people who changed the world and history in the past. People like Nikola Tesla, Cristopher Columbus, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison all changed the world with their inventions and discoveries. Some of the smartest people of our past even saved the world in some ways and also altered it in unique ways that affected the entire society. Can we actually save the world now and become a millionaire or a billionaire by doing it? The answer might be yes. Since all businesses affect the environment they're in and the society significantly, we can build businesses and sources of media and network that can fix the problems of our society. Saving the world depends on people and what they do to contribute towards the stabilization of our civilization. This is probably one of the most important subjects to study and research during our modern times. We have computers, satellites, internet, wifi, tech gadgets, tablets, smartphones, electric cars, and so many advancements that no other civilization on Earth ever established. Meanwhile, it looks like our planet needs relief from all the damage to people are causing. We may have more tech and gadgets coming out every day but nobody really cares about what's going on in the background of all things. 

 Everyone needs money and things to survive. The more you have, the more you can do and live comfortably even though being rich doesn't mean happiness. That doesn't mean becoming a millionaire, billionaire or at least good income by building a business, perhaps something that can lead people to do the right things that can save the freaking world and so many people's lives. Hopefully, everyone will be rich one day, only by doing the things and creating new startups and businesses or just doing what they love to do that will deliver the perfect results for our society and all life. People can't just suck all the resources, cut all the trees, rip all life apart to survive. There must be so many other ways of making money and to survive for us human beings. Businesses provide the services and products for our ever lasting survival for something in return. It can't be all about people and money anymore. Things started changing so fast. If we completely wipe out the Amazon and other rainforests, the devastation will affect the entire globe. I believe people are forest people in essence like chimps and other apes. We resemble so much to them and they actually expand forests with the fruits' seeds they throw around. The seeds hit the soil and start growing as a new tree and the whole forests grow and get richer and wider eventually. We should learn from other animals and how they survive.
 Developing better technology shouldn't be the only purpose of humanity. There are happy and advanced communities and societies that completely depend on nature and renewable resources. We can take an example of them and how they live and do things instead of working vigorously for more advanced tech, more stuff and bigger things. Look how most of the vegan companies are thriving and making the most profits at this time. They're saving so many animals' lives with their products and changing the food industry. Anyone can invest in saving the world and become a millionaire or billionaire eventually. You harvest what you sow. I will try to explain to you how to make good money, millions or billions if it matters for you. Millions or less can be better for you if you want to have more time for yourself and be freer. Most billionaires are constantly working otherwise they may lose it all. Making less money can be good for you because you won't have much to lose if it fails one day.

How can you save the world and make millions of dollars simultaneously? Let's make a list of creative ideas.

1) You can start growing new forests anywhere in the world and make the world a better place for humans, animals, and other species. Forests can be very profitable. They can generate constant cash flow if they're designed the right way for the people. Forests can produce tons of fruits, nuts and other products like liquids that form rubber. You need to find the right tree species that will produce the best products in order to make the best profits. There are farmers who make millions per year. Of course, vegan products are better for the environment and our health so creating food forests and orchards that will emit tons of oxygen, create new habitats for some animals and bird species is the best.

2) It seems like vegans are saving so many animals' lives and restoring the environment, causing less pollution worldwide. Perhaps going Vegan and building great Vegan businesses can be life-saving anywhere in the world. There are tons of new vegan businesses and even startups that are thriving right now. Vegan meat sales are rising every day. This is the best time to get into vegan markets and the profits will only grow. Vegan products and businesses save millions of animals, tons of cubic feet of water, probably cause fewer health problems. Although processed vegan foods aren't as healthy as the whole foods. Building a business that relies on whole food products can be a better choice for vegans and everyone's health. The fact is even omnivores started consuming piles of veggie burgers and vegan meats recently cause of the growing popularity. The study predicts that more and more people will go vegan so the demand for vegan products will be ever increasing in the future. Anyone can become a millionaire also protect animals by going Vegan and starting vegan companies.

3) Cleaning the pollution can also be profitable since there is pollution in most countries. Plastic pollution is almost out of control and a big threat to all living species on Earth. We must find a solution to this ever-growing problem that is occurring worldwide. Plastics can be made by plants, the recent research and studies prove it. No planet should be completely trashed with some products that will never decompose. Plastics pollution is forming colossal patches in the ocean and affecting marine life tremendously. If you or someone can come up with compostable plastics and find new solutions to this problem, it can surely make lots of money and become a big company. Most of the greenhouse gases are emitted by meat factories and it's the number 1 cause of climate change. We can reverse climate change by almost 50% if we go Vegan. Meat producers will eventually invest in plant-based foods and products so it will never affect the economy anyway. Products always change and the economy will convert to a plant-based, green structure in the near future.

4) Compostable containers are great for the environment because they cause no pollution at all. Some new companies started manufacturing fully compostable containers to replace plastic containers that our society purchases at the stores. The demand for plant-based and compostable containers will increase in the future and they can reduce plastic pollution and affect the environment positively. There are always other ways to produce and manufacture so many products that we need for our daily lives. Nothing is permanent because everything is made by people in some ways, the process can be altered with new information and research. Everyone would support green containers and product lines made for us to use and trash then they will decompose in a short time with no damage to our habitats or oceans. All life is connected to each other so we need to live more kindly towards other beings and our surroundings.

5) We all want to live in green communities that are close to forests, gardens, water areas similar to places where oasis forms and blossoms. Building green communities for people to live and vacation spots for vacationers can be very profitable. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money to build the inns that are in the forests embedded with gardening areas and springs. I personally noticed that a lot of people on social media mention they want to live in a sustainable, self-sufficient, forest community. This can be built with the right investments and design by the smart people and people can add their charm, their ideas including work and cash flow for sustainable plans to flourish. Living in cities, doing the same thing over and over again is getting old. People want to get back to nature and live self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyles full of health, prosperity, and greenery.

These are some of the quick ideas that I wanted to share in this blog. I'm sure there are countless ways to save the world and become a millionaire that can create more in the meantime. Money isn't for you to harvest constantly off people and business. It can be an amazing creative force to establish your get rich quick plans. Nothing is easy but we can actually get rich while saving the world now. This may be the best time to live and do business. We have the opportunity to restore Earth into a perfect condition that will sustain the human race for never-ending centuries. Let's devote ourselves to this spectacular future instead of wasting our lives away. A simple product changing society can make you a millionaire in a short time. People will always need products and will support the best companies that produce the plant-based, green prospective. Nothing is impossible, everyone has a creative force in them to lead them into imagining the best of advancement for our world to go forward.

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