Friday, August 23, 2019

Next Evolutionary Species of Homo Sapiens Is Intelligent and Aware Vegans =)

 Humans have a negative impact on the environment they live in although this is slowly changing. Amazon fires reflect the negative impact the humans cause on Planet Earth. This will raise the awareness of more people worldwide to change and take action. If all forests die off, climate change will be irreversible humans and all living species go extinct. There is only one way to reverse all the damage we've caused and we're still causing on our environment. Firstly, the best thing can be done is to go Vegan. Deforestation is increasing all around the world and the recent Amazon and other forest fires prove the facts. Humans are essentially forest people because forests and plants provide us all the resources and products we need to survive. We must go Vegan now because the largest forests on Earth are being destroyed to open land for meat and dairy production. We shouldn't destroy the world for our appetite.

 Meat isn't a source of protein either. All vegetables, nuts, legumes, beans contain some protein even more. If you want to be the healthiest, fittest, smartest you'd like to be, you must Go Vegan. All problems in the world can be solved by plant-based lifestyles and businesses. Humanity can cultivate food forests all around the world to feed themselves peacefully. A lot of people are waking to what's going on. Amazon fires started an awareness that will expand to the entire world. This is the time to take action. The human race can evolve if they change their old habits and beliefs. Be open to new information and change your diet and start planting trees to build new food forests for all living beings to thrive off. Trees are the most essential life forms that can give life to all species and entire humanity if they're planted and cultivated to become colorful and robust food forests. Food is very important for the human race to survive and continue their daily tasks.

 We can go forward as a new advanced human race called 'Vegans' in our future. It's not too difficult to save the world since people found out how it can be done by anyone. Start planting trees and grow gardens for you to live off. Wood harvested from the forests can be returned to the forests if we plant the seeds back. People need wood to build housing and furniture but meat and dairy are unnecessary. We cannot let the largest forests ever existed with such biodiversity containing numerous animal, tree and plant species, to be burned down by meat and dairy producers. They aren't only the lungs of our world. Forests are the number one habitats that give life to all species of Earth including humans. Instead of destroying the large forests, we have to expand existing forests also plant new forests that will provide the fruits, nuts, leaves, plants, water sources, wood, and housing. Human race meant to be forest people, not a destructive force that consumes all around them to live in congested cities. The people who leave the cities to start a new life and start their own gardens, farms, permaculture forests are the happiest and healthiest people.

 Food consumption is ever-increasing because the population is always growing worldwide. If everyone changes their diet, the damage we cause on the planet and to other beings will reduce tremendously. We only have one world. No intelligent species would destroy the only world they live on. Some entrepreneurs want to fly to Mars to form communities there but Mars or no other planet will be like our beautiful Earth that's full of diverse life. Earth is the best planet that we can ever find and live on. You can't expect someone else to save your world. We can unite and do the right things that will change the world. We will eventually evolve into the next evolutionary human race as Vegans. Vegans are intelligent, healthy, compassionate, caring towards all life and their amazing planet called Earth. Reforestation of the world must begin as soon as possible. Every tree you planted can become a forest in the future because trees drop seeds to spread out and expand their habitats. Trees already contain all the sources that can save the world and entire humanity. We also have other plants that grow all kinds of vegetables, herbs, leaves that can be consumed and used to make new products.

 Pollution is ever-growing worldwide especially plastics pollution. Going Vegan and zero-waste can reduce pollution by every means possible. It's like the idea of going Vegan has been given to humanity by God or by some advanced alien beings. We can become like the alien race of the movie Avatar. The human race can unite with their environment and forests to develop a new society like the alien race in Avatar. We will be the green Vegan people of Earth, not blue =)  I admire that movie because it has so much information and ideas embedded in it that can inspire us to build new societies. Every nation can become a new form of Vegan society. All foods can be produced and made Vegan and it's happening now. Vegan is taking over the world and humans are becoming a more advanced race. All the destruction and damage can be prevented with our action. It's all about supply the demand and that's how business goes. Going Vegan will clear all the meat, dairy and other destructive and cruel productions in a short time. It has to be worldwide. Inform people and others on social media about the coming change. Educate the people around you about what's going on and how to be the change. It all starts with you. If you can't do it, others won't. Be the change first. Yes, we can save the world in less than a decade. Scientists stated that we may have less than 12 years so we must fix all the problems now. New Human Race Is Coming and They're Vegans. The plant-based people who can reforest the world and restore all life =)

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