Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Message - Go Vegan - Take Over The World !!

 A lot of going on in the world now. Times have changed recently. You all live in a different world at the moment. It's not like the past where you could go do whatever you want, waste and use all the resources around you. A lot of people are having hard times to survive and to have the necessities to live. Your climate is changing. It's been warming up in the last decade increasingly. This affects all life and balance of your world. Climate change, pollution, disasters, poverty, and many other things are destroying your world and the environment you live in. Your society must change now. You can't live with the old habits and beliefs forever. Life constantly changes. You must be open to new information and adapt to changes that will create positivity all around the world. Going Vegan is one of them, it's the best way to live and adapt to coming changes. Humanity can't continue diets and habits that destroy, kill and pollute all. You must go Vegan, take over the world now. That may be the only way to save the world and your future. Vegan products and foods are plant-based so eventually, more plants and trees will be cultivated all around the world that will reduce the effects of climate change and other pollutions. Meat, dairy productions emit the most greenhouse gases that are turning to the world into a warming globe of diminishing life sources. Nothing matters anymore. You have to do whatever it takes to save the world by going Vegan and doing the right things. All businesses and productions can adapt to plant-based movement and lifestyles. This is the biggest movement of humanity because your world came to a point that has to be saved in every way possible. A lot of species are going extinct cause of pollution, global warming, plastics, and human diet. Humans are basically destroying their own world, all the resources and all life on Earth. Isn't this insane? God didn't create the human race to be so destructive and ignorant about the life around them. Anything can be made plant-based for you to use and consume to survive. You must all do whatever it takes to take over the world and save the world and entire humanity now. Anybody can start doing the things that will redirect the society in a positive direction as their jobs. Vegan businesses and productions are thriving and you need more of them in every field. Your world has to be saved, climate change must be reversed, plastic pollution must be stopped, species extinction should be overcome in a few years. Time is running out. Only work on this unique mission to change the world so people can evolve and live in a better society and environment. You must invest in green technologies, vegan products and reforestation of Earth. Trillions of trees must be planted in every acre of Earth now. Trees can feed entire humanity also reverse climate change and the extinction of many species. Trees are the main protector of your world and you as the human race must seed them in every region. Cities can become green places for people to live and work. Your cities are extremely destructive and pollute the environment and air as much as meat, dairy productions. Green, vegan cities are the best places for people to live in harmony. You can also establish vegan forest cities for all of you to plant all kinds of fruit and nut trees and other plant species that will feed you and give you comfort. You can't expect someone else to do all the work. Humanity must unite to achieve this unique mission of saving the planet by going Vegan and planting trees. Other problems will eventually perish once this mission is followed by many people. This is what you need to do. All jobs, companies, corporations, and products can be transformed into green, vegan and plant-based if people do the research and study on them. It's not too difficult to accomplish this mission. Vegan food forests would be the best places for people to live and work. It's not hard to cultivate forests that will feed you and give you the things you need to survive. The people who move to rural areas to start gardens and farms are the happiest and most of them become very successful with their production. Cities can become green and vegan as well if more people invest in this mindset. All the products that cause harm will be obsolete in the future when people become aware of what's going. Let's go Vegan, do research and take over the world.  Planet Earth must be saved as soon as possible. You can do this. It all depends on normal people that can make the change happen. You have the power. Begin now !!

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