Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Baby Tomato Plants Sprouted

This was my first try to grow my own plants in a pot. They sprout so fast from seeds that I put inside the soil. I love watching them grow everyday. I finally transplanted them to my backyard for them to receive sunlight and grow bigger. Growing plants and your own food is one of the best things you can do in your life. There are so many plants like tomatoes to grow easily. Tomatoes love sunlight so always plant them in places that receive tons of sunlight throughout the day. They'll never say 'Oh no. this is too much sunlight for me' It will help them grow bigger in short time also produce tasty tomatoes in warm months of the year. I believe tomatoes are one of the best kind of plants to grow. They sprout fast, do photosynthesis easily with the sunlight they absorb and they'll give you one of the tastiest vegetables like red tomatoes. People eat tomatoes all the time without knowing. Most of the soups, sandwiches, burgers, salads always have tomatoes in them. Vegans love them even more. I can't live without tomatoes. I add them into everything. I make pizzas, sandwiches, salads even smoothies with them. Tomatoes are awesome =)

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