Thursday, March 15, 2018

Vegan Foods That Contain More Protein than beef

Here are some of the plant based foods that contain more protein than beef. People think meat contains more protein than anything but it's wrong. You don't have to eat dead animals for protein. All vegetables, plants contain some protein and some even more. Broccoli and spinach are amazing. They also contain a lot of iron and other vitamins and minerals in them. Everyone loves peanut butter and almond butter as well. They go with anything. Hemp seeds are great to add into your smoothies. These are all soy free. All kinds of beans contain more protein than meat. We never meant to eat animals for food or to get the protein we need in our body. A plant based diet reduces all health problems, makes you healthy, happy and you get more protein than you ever need in your life. Do your research and save the animals also the environment from disaster.

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