Friday, March 23, 2018

What Happens When You Go Vegan?

Going Vegan is definitely one of the best things you can do in your life. I found a draw and talk app in AppStore. I started writing and talking about what happens after going Vegan. You absolutely find a sense of purpose in yourself when you go Vegan. You save so many animals just by not eating them. Think about that for a minute. People kill millions even billions of animals just to eat them. Animals in reality are never meant to be food for people. Plants, fruits, veggies, nuts of all kinds are the real food. Not animals. Please. How can people not understand this? You start a new stage in your life by going Vegan. You get a lot healthier in short time since most of the health problems are actually food related. A lot of people got rid of so many health problems like diabetes, hypertension, hearth disease, obesity and so many more diseases after they went Vegan. Going Vegan is amazing !!

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