Saturday, February 29, 2020



This is it, the time is here now. This is the beginning of the new age in an exotic universe under formation. Nothing will ever be the same again, things are changing very rapidly in this new era of terraformation, veganism, alien activity, animal rights, environmental protection, green movements and clean-up of Planet Earth. We're definitely building a totally new world where we can save all of humanity, animals, boost the planet into its most abundant stage in evolution and prosperity. There are many alien races competing with each other to gain control of the human race and acquire the limited resources for their own benefit. The alien activity has been going on for decades around the world and it's been kept completely secret from the public but now with the arising awareness, all is unraveling. There will be competition with many alien races now and in the future, this is the reality of the universe. It's a very harsh, competitive, cruel and oppressive cosmic scheme for all races, groups, and societies. The universe or alien races are absolutely not what people assume, it's more similar to the depiction in independence day but in extreme secretive, clandestine ways and operations. The alien agenda has been imposed on humanity for quite a while, a lot of people have been abducted to be used and harvested also a new alien hybrid race has been genetically engineered after many experiments. These beings aren't from Earth but somehow blended into the society in many locations around the world to fulfill the hostile alien agenda. Although the human society has been reckless to their environment and to each other in many ways, there is fantastic potential to build a united vegan world that can save humanity, all animals, boost the planet into a very abundant, luscious splendor then outperform all alien races, groups, and societies in every field imaginable. This is the inception of the age of marvelous growth, innovation and terraformation. Terraformation starts with Earth because it's become unstable after the increased industrialization. Planet Earth is always the first when it comes to new developments, advancements, and breakthroughs.

 Following the path to more industrialization, technologies and manufacturing will eventually deplete the planet's non-renewable resources and make you defenseless for alien enterprises that will only offer all to benefit themselves and exploit the crippled population. There are already many hidden bases and operations all around the world underground, underwater, in space and places you can't even think of. There is plenty of data to ascertain that aliens have been harmful to so many human beings from many countries, the procedures have been conducted worldwide. Possibly most of the technology that humans employ today as in smartphones, computers, etc. have been obtained from aliens through the exchange program over the years. Most of the technology that's purchased and used in people's daily lives are designed to monopolize the human race in every way possible. You wouldn't want to live under alien order because it's extremely cruel and oppressive compared to the lives and freedom most people have. The planet came to a point of either save it collectively as one human race or the alien will somehow take control of the failing population around the world. In order to restore the planet and entire humanity globally, people no matter their language, beliefs, customs, ethnicity must cooperate to establish a super profuse vegan forested civilization unlike anything else in the universe. Unfortunately, the aliens mostly come from deserted or depleted planets similar to Mars perhaps a little better. For that reason, they've been evolved from a very harsh environment over thousands of years and acquired resources through very strict trade agreements from other places. They don't know how to be a human, they see humanity as a resource to be exploited for their own gain. Being human is so much more, there is a magnificent capability to terraform Planet Earth then reaching other planets in the future which most even advanced societies or federations cannot attain. Planet Earth is one of the most glorious places in the entire universe, it's the biological resource hub in this region of the galaxy so a lot of alien races want to obtain all of this for their own interests and gain. The cosmos and this galaxy are overloaded with countless intelligent humanoid civilizations in all sorts and shapes and they want planets like Earth as one of their assets. Earth humans are very lucky to live on this beautiful planet filled with beauty and biodiversity all over. They're also very fortunate that the more advanced, powerful and vast universal alien forces don't know about this planet yet otherwise they'd do all they can to override humanity and procure as their command.

 It appears that humanity can recover and shield their homeworld as a united vegan force by terraforming it comprehensively so it can expand and amplify its productivity, biodiversity, and abundance to a greater extent. The English language is spreading apart the world to be designated as the universal, most effective language to resolve the escalating predicaments, complications. It seems like the future can be very bright if most of the world's population goes vegan and invests in projects, creative endeavors, and strategies that can green the planet and raise its productivity with forests, orchards, farming, productions, renewables, green developments, forested city plans and beyond. The human race intrinsically has the capabilities to outshine all alien races and that's been unknown by the majority of the world's population. Aliens are not better or more advanced than anyone living on Earth although the human capacity hasn't been unleashed yet. In this era of information, green technologies and unified animations, the true power and skill of the brilliant human being arising to ripen into archangels of Planet Earth terraforming it, shielding it from secretive alien operations and thrive with infinite output, reforestation, renewable growth. There are tall, mighty, powerful archangels overseeing the Planet Earth and they've been concerned about the disasters and imbalance of human society. This planet has been seeded to ripen as one of the most magnificent, diverse and profuse civilizations reinforced by the greenskeeper human beings in order to revive many planetary systems even alien worlds that are dying or depleted. Of course, aliens want this opportunity for their own benefit and secret agendas without human awareness otherwise they wouldn't be able to utilize human beings as their subspecies and servants to be farmed and utilized grimly. Luckily, human awareness and knowledge are arising rapidly at this beginning of the new age of universal green blueprint because omnipotent archangels assigned to Earth to protect and guide the human race are sending the new information and divine intelligence to boost human consciousness into angelic eternity. Humans will metamorphose into united vegan archangels of Planet Earth protecting, cultivating, greening, augmenting the earthly realm as the most advanced, futuristic and lushly extravagant in the entire cosmic creation. The human race has been created with supernatural proficiency in their DNA and divine mind in order to regenerate and reclaim massive deserts, barren lands, cities, and forests as the most luscious, most renewable, dynamically futuristic, sustainable centers. The growing population has the capacity to evolve with renewables, trees, forests, and plant-based resource productions to restore the planet and surpass alien races that are here trying to feed off the innocent populace around the world.

 Entire humanity must leave all aside and simultaneously cooperate to overcome the alien presence that's here and nearing cataclysmic events threatening the global state. The creator has selected one absolute prime species called Earth humans and has specifically bestowed them with supernatural ingenuity to terraform the Earth as the most advanced, lushly sustainable and incredibly innovative celestial domain in the infinite multiverses. Only a few extremely sustainable and prolific civilizations were able to terraform some arid or exhausted spheres into reproductive and sufficient paradigms after many travails. There are some sustainable vegan societies in the vicinity of the solar system, the aliens that are here on Earth now aren't any of them. These alien groups are like scavengers, pirate-like organizations that approach newly developing societies in space to employ for their own interests. This is highly precarious for the credulous population of the world that assumes aliens will come to save them or the world, in fact, it's totally opposite. The friendly, sophisticated and mostly vegan affiliations will make contact with humanity for propitious for factions then join forces to begin terraformation of the parched alien macrocosm with seeds, biodiversity, and resources combined from all of the united vegan worlds. Going vegan is an extraordinary introduction for the human society emerging into an exotic but treacherous nebula of countless races, systems, magical machinery and innovation developed by ancient civilizations over thousands and thousands of years. The fascinating technological or scientific advancements are not the most significant part of existence even from alien point of view. They're just some gadgets and trinkets in a rapidly depleting cosmic reality. The most substantial aspect of universal essence is renewable, sustainable resources and biospheres like Planet Earth containing plentifully. Cultivating a green, natural mindset to implement in every field of business and fabrication to upgrade the renewability with imperishable sources will progress the civilization and reverse the depletion, pollutions, desertification, deforestation and environmental, climate instability.

 Planting 500 trillions of diverse tree species suitable for each zone and favorable for the expanding populace will boost the abundance and growth of extending cities with new self-generating forests, farms, and plant-based industries. You can compile the most futuristic and self-enriching super force, terraform the planet to shift it into its more profuse, carbon-negative stage if you design the most renewable, sustainable and green systems for the awakening, robust ecological mindset around the planet. Entire humanity has been chosen to complete a divine assignment predetermined by universal archangels because creation of new worlds plus the enhancement of existing ones requires angelic impetus. There are countless, trillions and trillions of somehow depleted, dying or arid spheres in the universe but Planet Earth is always first, humanity has to unite to save their delightful homeworld and shield their civilization from incoming space cartels and the expected upheavals. The united vegan world may solve all the existing problems also initiate the super force to boost fertility, plethora and prosperity into eternity.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020



 Hello there, this is a very special time on Planet Earth unlike anything of the past. We all live in a totally different era and things are changing so fast. There is a lot of activity around the world either alien or human-related. Most of the alien agenda and schemes have been kept secret for too long but they're unraveling because the world and humanity must be saved and emancipated from coming hazards that are initiated by many alien races and organizations also climate and environmental-related. It's kind of like the scenario in independence day happening furtively worldwide and intensifying each day. This is the only time to do whatever it takes to restore the planet and entire humanity, nothing else matters anymore. The serious perils that are approaching are way more critical than entertainment, careers, daily tasks and concerns. Everyone can adopt a lifestyle and the mission to initiate saving the planet part-time or full-time before alien overrides and other calamities. The Earth orbits a solar system that exists in a very active alien universe consisting of countless alien races, organizations, and collectives and unfortunately, they found our planet to be their next undertaking. We live in an alien universe, it's not about humans, what they want or does anymore. We must do all we can with full power and determination as a united vegan force to solve the problems, reclaim our planet and shield our civilization from any secret alien operations. Alien agendas are extremely dangerous for the future of our society and freedom, it's one of the biggest threats at this time. They want this world, humanity as their privately enslaved workforce with technologies, implants, overrule that only work for them and their own gainful assets. This is one of the most dangerous affairs that can ever happen to any society in the universe because alien orders are awfully cruel and oppressive. All your individual freedom would be stripped immediately, even the richest or the most powerful would lose in this extraordinary unpredictable event. What's been imposed over the human race isn't like in the movies depicting wars and conflicts between two or more alien races. It's totally clandestine and hideous in manners compared to human beliefs and convention. Now you live in a completely peculiar reality at this time and it's been occurring in the background for decades. There are millions of alien hybrids integrated into the world's cities everywhere, so many hidden alien bases and operations worldwide, some are underground, underwater or in space like the dark side of the moon. There are many alien organizations and groups striving to somehow take over the human race as their newest servants to be farmed and utilized harshly in every way possible similar to what you've done to farmed animals throughout the world. No alien order or any agreements would be beneficial for any human being in any means. Alien hybrids that look exactly like humans but connected with aliens in mind and coordination so they're no friends, leaders or not better than any human being at all. This is the reality of the universe, aliens are not here to help and save the world nor the human population. All of them are here to take control, gain access to rare resources of the Planet Earth because these resources are in danger at this time and are extremely valuable in space.

 The human industrialization and consumption have forced the entire planet into mass extinction events, deforestation, desertification, food, water shortages, and instability. It's on the verge to either to do whatever it takes collectively to restore it to a better condition for the benefit of the whole human society or end up quelled by many extraterrestrial syndicates in competition with each other to dominate certain regions of the globe. Therefore the action to reclaim the planet and entire humanity must be launched globally before it's too late. The Planet Earth is extremely abundant and rich in biodiversity unlike most other planetary systems so it must be protected and safeguarded by each person and nation around the world. The money, riches and other endeavors will be useless in a world overtaken by alien races or depleted and deserted by expanding industrialization methods and corporations. The future is at risk by so many different perils but it seems like a united vegan super force can overcome all of the issues and disasters occurring worldwide also overthrow the malevolent and deceitful alien organizations. Aliens are no better than any human being. The human race has been perfectly designed to be the supreme saviors of Planet Earth with marvelous knowledge, cooperation, and expertise. Technology isn't everything or the main concern of any alien civilizations in the cosmos or in this galaxy. Overuse of technology, industrial manufacturing, environmental extraction and devastation of resources and ecosystems will deplete your planet into a state of continuous instability and insecurity plus merciless alien directives. There will always be millions of alien groups and associations in or near the solar system observing the planet and all nations to conquer and utilize covertly. You live in an alien universe that's extremely dangerous and dreadful compared to your entertaining lifestyles and pleasures. The Planet Earth is filled with extreme biodiversity and rare resources that must be rehabilitated by each person, even mother nature won't be cordial after it becomes unstable as a result of the warming climate, ecological degradation. The research presents that there may be some correlative advanced vegan societies not far from our solar system and they may approach our civilization if we take the initiative to safeguard the planet from coming catastrophes, changes, and secretive alien enterprises.

 There is more than enough evidence that aliens are wicked and deceitful, they abducted so many people to use for experiments, exploitation and creating an alien hybrid race for the benefit of alien programs. Therefore there is a growing awakening about veganism, green movements, reforestation, planting, greening the deserts, saving animals, ecosystems and renewable energies that can halt climate change, degradation also establish a more productive society peacefully. All organisms and ecosystems are interconnected to each other and all affect the whole efficaciously so entire humanity has so much potential to regenerate the planet into its most productive, green and cooperative state as a super vegan force. Planting trees is immensely beneficial for the climate and environment that's undermining each day. Once more and more people adopt vegan, green, plant-based diets and lifestyles, the effects will extend around the world quickly and hopefully terraform our homeworld into lush, forested landscapes.
Nobody thought about veganism and green movements could green the world and make it very productive for the growing population to live peacefully. Humanity has immense potential to surpass all alien races because aliens come from barren or depleted worlds so they don't have the resources and capital for them to create abundant habitats filled with biodiversity and great output. The only way for them to gather the rare and unique resources is to travel in space to either make an exchange with other organizations or extract from certain spheres. Since our civilization has been destructive to the planet, ecosystems and to each other over meaningless prejudice, misunderstanding, and differences, they had to intrude into our system to somehow gain control. It's clear that our living globe has the properties to terraform and revive dying or dead planetary systems near our solar system but it all starts with our world. Our world is in grave danger and everything is critical so we need collective action globally to resolve all of the issues also establish a civilization that can outmatch all alien races in such a short time. Each person can invest and join this magnificent future in every region of the world, plant trees, cultivate gardens, invent new renewable technologies and energies, utilize renewable resources for the benefit of the whole and green the planet into its most advanced, profuse and diverse status.

 Humanity has an assignment to end all conflicts, build a very futuristic, lush and resourceful civilization in cooperation as the brilliant protectors of a very special and magnificent planet seeded by the Prime Creator with a divine purpose. This planet and all its species are part of an interconnected organism designated as the genetic biological storehouse of this region of the universe so it must be conserved permanently from devastation, depletion, and alien interference. Human beings are embedded in this biosphere to protect and enrich the biodiversity, plant life and enhance the productions to feed themselves, make products also augment the abundant botanical diversity of each region. Unfortunately, industrialization has been very destructive to ecosystems, resources, animals as well as the climate. Thus, applying photosynthetic renewable plant-based resources into industries and manufacturing can be less harmful to the environment and animals. Animals and all organisms are part of the whole living breathing entity. Planting trees, forests and going vegan help to reduce climate change and save so many animals from slaughter. Animal agriculture emits a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as well. The next evolutionary stage of human beings is definitely vegan and fully green that can restore the environment, save animals, plant many forests also halt pollutions and global warming once and for all. There is research that vegan, complete plant-based diets make you healthier, smarter and more in tune with nature, animals and your surroundings. All animals and biodiversity are essential to the planet's bustling habitats in every continent. All products can be made plant-based and vegan easily and renewable resources are perfectly adequate to feed and power the growing population worldwide. Instead of plundering the environment to manufacture products to sell, the human race can design new systems in coordination with nature by planting and cultivating the perpetual plants. Even vast deserts can become green and fertile and there are some nations already managed how to convert desert into productive lands.

 There is an estimate that planting trillions of diverse tree species beneficial and suitable to every zone around the planet can reverse climate change because this will create amazing ecological, sustainable, forested communities for people to live off renewables. Destructive industries must be regulated worldwide especially in rapidly developing nations since they pollute more and discharge the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The renewal of rare and unique resources is immensely important for the world's population, without them there will be extreme instability and turmoil. Each person is responsible for their own environment and territory to display as an example for others to emulate. All nations and ethnicities are supposed to work in cooperation and communication with each other to save the world that's going through mass extinctions, ecological deterioration in addition to deceptive alien activity, technologies, and implants. There is plenty of data to prove that the alien species that come here don't care about the human race or their deeds, won't attempt to save the planet in any means. Indeed, they do all to take advantage of the weakening and naive population in parts of the world. People believe there are aliens who'll come and save them or the world, give them technologies, guide them in the right direction, this is totally false in a very competitive and harsh universe. People from Planet Earth are destined to revive the sustainability and renewability of the planetary life-generating sources in order to become more advanced and outmatch all alien races that are here secretly then terraform many other desolate planetoids in the future. These pirate-like alien races have been engaging clandestinely around the world. Favorably, there is certain correlative advanced vegan, plant-based civilizations not far from the solar system, they've been examining human society and alien activity for quite a long time. They will approach the united super vegan force in the future once alien operations have been overturned and the planet is being revitalized with cooperative action. You can terraform your homeworld and all its deforested, deserted areas into lush, luscious, futuristic, forested communities and cities for people to thrive harmoniously.

 Plantlife, horticulture, complete green-forested cities and renewable productions will provide all of the essentials and futuristic lifestyles increasingly for the human race predestined to become one of the most advanced and dynamic civilizations in the entire universe. A lot of the information has been concealed from the mighty human race that will outmatch all alien races in such a short time to even terraform depleting alien worlds into extremely lush, productive, livable realms. The vegan alien societies will only make contact after the planet has been ripened and matured as a united super vegan civilization besides overcoming all of the disasters, changes and alien interference with great collaboration. These friendly and wise societies are some of the most advanced and sustainable unions in this part of the galaxy where the solar system abides. The wonderful plant base should only associate with these united powerhouses because other alien organizations are cruel and dangerous. There is going to be very beneficial trade agreements and exchange between you and them especially in regards to biodiversity, plant, tree and other species. It will be like a reverse terraform program to enhance and enrich this world and other planets since the Earth contains a great diversity of biological and organic species able to root and grow elsewhere. You already have projects to terraform Mars and there are probably countless barren worlds like Mars, some are possibly more suitable for terraformation as well. Luckily, you have some vegan comrades not far from Earth and will merge with you on your journey. Do all you can to revitalize the diminishing resources and reverse of climate, environmental disasters before it's too late. The human race has utmost potential to progress into eternity but you must protect your planet's sustainable diverse forests and sources otherwise the cataclysms may be irreversible and nobody will save you except you evolving as the super vegan force building the most futuristic, profuse, integrated forested plants depots and cities that are extremely sustainable, renewable and green unlike any other place in the universe. Now is the time to wake humanity up so collective action can initiate the mindset of becoming super marvelous vegan terraform gods from Planet Earth. More information will be given hereafter.

Monday, February 24, 2020




 Hello there, as you know, climate change, environmental degradation, excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, animal agriculture, industries, and many other disasters are occurring and they may intensify henceforth. It seems like human civilization has hit the verge of either save the world now or it will be too late after 20 years which is two decades. 2020 is the beginning of a totally extraordinary decade and the new age of magnificence or downturn. Environmental deterioration is extremely dangerous for the growing population worldwide, it may cause some of the worst disasters and calamities hereafter. It's still not too late to reverse climate change, environmental degradation, animal cruelty, inequality, deforestation, desertification even poverty and droughts. Nevertheless, we need collective action to resolve and stabilize the serious controversies even world-known scientists and principals don't know how to react to. All in all, the world and entire humanity must be saved and reformed profoundly, only a global change can proceed with many nations into sustainable, prosperous renewability. Everything is constantly changing in life but the essence of nature never changes, it's seasonal. Biological diversity is vital for any nation, any city, place, community, forest or else to thrive blissfully. Each person has the capability, skills, and creative ideas to assist the human civilization positively for the transformative shift that's altering the DNA, ecosystems and entire globe each day. The new world will be completely vegan, forested, renewable, photosynthetic, extremely green and productive with no single-use plastics nor anything destructive for organisms and the biosphere. Humanity is incredibly special, brilliantly resourceful with the superpower to surpass all alien civilizations and races in the near future in sustainability, renewability, and prosperity concerning every field, industry, and personal lives. Whereas, there is still a lot to be done in a short time to achieve the level of infinite, eternal creativity and profusion.

  Planting 500 trillions of trees suitable for each region of the world whether fruit, nut, other deciduous, coniferous trees, and shrubs can save the world, entire humanity also reverse climate change because everybody residing in each nation around the world will be obliged to continuously gather seeds, branches, and seedlings to plant the maximum number of trees for completion. If each person is regularly planting new trees to fulfill the most enormous project entire humankind appointed for, climate change, environmental degradation may finally be overturned. These newly planted trees will provide some types of food, many seeds, many benefits for the growing world population, absorb the excess CO2 from the atmosphere, execute photosynthesis to store it. People must go back to their roots related to living more natively, crude and pure manners in order to upend the damage they've caused to animals, ecosystems and to significant natural resources that are essential to all life and even for productions. All industries must alter their method of production and manufacturing as natural as possible only with renewable, non-depleting and harmless mechanisms to protect the integral life-generating sources. Human beings are perfectly designed with hands, original skills and creative minds to plant all kinds of trees, plants, gardens, forests to harvest and make products from these renewable and prolific organisms without destroying the planet they're embedded in. All cities, communities and manufacturing techniques can enhance the environment they rely on to provide the housing, necessities, energy, and products for the growing population. Indeed, the economy that's running every nation of the world should be as green, ecological, renewable and limitlessly sustainable as possible and they all need to be regulated in that order so increasing disasters, degradation, depletion of all types of resources and reserves can be effectively prevented. The world is degrading and depleting each day with a growing population, industries, and consumption, the climate is warming each day. There is little time probably less than two decades so cooperative action must be taken worldwide urgently. Depletion and destruction of the environment and all resources are one of the biggest problems of this era and it's getting worse each day. Optimistically, the entire world and all industries can convert to sustainable and renewable techniques to stop polluting and depleting the only planet that's in danger now.

 Vegan, plant-based diets, movements and mindsets are beneficial for the animals, environment and human health in every way conceivable so this will revolutionize all aspects of the civilization progressively. Humanity has less than two decades to reverse climate change, environmental destruction, depletion, sea level rises, global warming, desertification, deforestation and all other threats occurring around the world. Going vegan is a great start but it's not enough to save all animals nor the world. We must take collective action about every issue especially the ones blustering our existence. Everything, everybody must reform their behavior, diet, work, minds for the benefit of the entire world and the biosphere we're embodied in otherwise the decline will be irreversible devastating the whole grimly. All of the destructive corporations, manufacturers and industrial districts are supposed to be either adjusted or shut down to save the world also endangering security and stability. Economic growth is formulated for the benefit of a few people with so many unnecessary harmful, junk products in fabrication. This type of economy and expansion in the world is obviously extremely toxic and detrimental for all life and for the undermined society plus nature. The economy is absolutely required to adapt to environmental, climate change and other hazards in every region. A few nations cannot drain most of the world's natural resources into complete ruin for the sake of economic growth or greed. Sustainability and renewability are the most significant features of any civilization and society probably in the universe. That's because you were born or come from a different world in the galaxy or universe with a distinctive look and characteristics doesn't imply that things will be completely strange. This is how life is and all organisms no matter how intelligent and advanced they are. Life depends on resources and how you renew them to make more in succession. Depleting the entire world, killing all its organisms and habitats to make irrelevant, superfluous merchandise wrapped in plastics that will never decompose in favor of profits and revenue is the most dangerous path for any civilization.

 We can build extremely cooperative, integrated green, plant-based, forest cities, and industries only powered with renewables that will enrich the environment they're implanted. Nature on its own is highly imperishable producing its own energy, food with photosynthesis, supplying seeds for growth, storing carbon and maintaining habitats for all creatures plus much more. We can mimic nature in every field and aspect of human need and development to coexist pacifically. More and more people are waking up to what's been done wrong for decades especially after the industrialization era and finding ways to fix the real intricacy. It seems like only a united vegan take-over can restore the planet into its most sustainable and prosperous condition without destroying it. We live in a totally disparate stage of civilization emerging into a precarious alien universe filled with intelligent life operating secretly. Cooperative action must be taken now to overcome the serious calamities and dangers including alien deception. Planting 500 trillions of diverse tree species worldwide for the benefit of every growing community can lead the planet in a positive direction also reverse climate change globally now. The reversal of climate change and environmental degeneration can become the biggest business opportunity as well because if you don't save the world and humanity also enhance its natural self-sufficiency, it will all end up extremely cataclysmic.

Thursday, February 20, 2020



 Hello there, as most of you know, we have a planet that's going through mass catastrophic events, extinction, deforestation, environmental degradation, dying coral reefs and warming climate. All of these combined will intensify the disasters and instability of the planet and world population. People all around the world must cooperate to solve the problems and invert increased cataclysmic activity. The human race's DNA is blooming as the interlinked multidimensional green turbine upon the emergence of the new evolutionary age of the humankind's regenerative magnificence and plant-based innovations. We definitely ought to find new ways to save the planet and environment otherwise things may wind up irreversible. The natural wealth of Planet Earth is diminishing each day causing more poverty and insecurity around the world. Entire humanity's awareness, knowledge, and expertise must be enhanced with new information, education, teachings in every field possible so a fresh system can be designed and employed worldwide. Every region of the world is interconnected with each other so all that exists and happens to affect the whole. If there are great radical projects and concepts that can change the world and population positively, they can be executed in every part as well as fields of human lives. Everything in the world depends on people, what they do and want so people have the power to achieve wonders, hopefully, do whatever it takes to save the planet and marvelous humanity. There is nothing else more meaningful, vital and crucial than this because we live in a totally different time and environment at this time. Investing in projects and ideas that can save the world will be the new purpose and business of most of the population soon.

 Renewable energies are fundamental to power the growing population's apparatus they use daily with no greenhouse gas emissions. A modern economic framework could be devised to protect the entire world, climate, biosphere and all of the decreasing resources for the sake of technology, economic growth, and unnecessary consumption. A devastated planet and society will not be able to reverse the calamities so the innovational change towards a very sustainable, cooperative, renewable and ecologically safe civilization must be induced now. Some people started planting millions of trees to urge a positive change that can eventually hinder one of the biggest fiascos of all the time as climate change able to ruin all life on Earth. For this reason, entire humanity is required to take action to find new ways and build a more natural, sustainable, green civilization to improve climate, the environment also to preserve inexhaustible declining reserves and forests. Trees, forests and plant life certainly are the foundation of all life on Planet Earth so we should revert to being in tune with nature and plant more to live and thrive. Most of the population resides in big cities near the coasts. People love cities, nature, and forests as a whole but live in cities for job and housing opportunities. A futuristic, productively plant-based, carbon-absorbing forest city and metropolitan area powered by renewable energies which are naturally replenished such as wind, solar, rain, waves, and geothermal heat can be designed efficiently. The ever-growing population would love to live, work even invest in very sustainable, green city plans. The big cities are obviously some of the most destructive and polluter mechanisms emitting a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases also produce garbage and pollution. Some of the first things that must be re-engineered are cities, metropolitan areas in addition to food productions, single-use plastics plus other destructive industries. In the future, anything will be able to manufactured with naturally replenishing resources only very much like the rising renewable energy industries. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and devastation of forests and ecosystems. Everyone loves the Amazon rainforest and large forests for hiking, camping, and other recreational activities, it's extremely green, diverse and fertile that you can even collect nuts, seeds, fruits from trees while you're there. You would love to visit or live in a very forested, fully plant-based city that's completely powered by solar panels, wind turbines, etc. Energy production is intrinsic to city structure for it to operate efficiently for people to live plus perform plentiful effective tasks.

 The question is 'how can we save the world and all of the mighty humanity as quickly as possible?' =D
Perhaps, building extremely futuristic, integrated plant-based forest cities worldwide where people speak a universal language like Vegan-English along with them flourishing, prospering harmoniously each day more than yesterday with the power of plants, vegan foods and growing forests around them. The shift towards cultivating more plants and natural diversity in cities as well as utilizing them in all industries for great sustainability and renewability is vital to attain the carbon-absorbent status. We can proficiently draft and engineer the greatest metropolitan urban areas for the growing population to relocate to start new lives built upon complete sustainability as well as green, foresty city development plus new plant-based opportunities, startups. Forests are basically the most resourceful, generative, carbon-storing, integrated living cores of our planet and possibly the creation. Hopefully, the terraformation of other planets will allow forests like the Amazon and many green colonies to subsist in dreary space. Of course, Planet Earth is always the priority and it needs help at this time. Our homeworld, the human race plus all other organisms and the biosphere are interconnected biologically coexisting as one large dynamic entity. Consequently, we as native species of this magnificent world are supposed to be the saviors so it can be completely protected to generate more organic elements for us to use and live peacefully. There are a lot of people who came back from death after accidents, surgeries, unexpected events, diseases, etc. and depicted seeing a lush, vivid heavenly realm that's very vibrant, abundant, filled with luminous souls, plant life, trees, mountains, flowers and much more. How these heavenly realms that exist in high frequency are powered and energized continually is unknown to mankind. However, it seems like the physical, biological plane that we live on has all the properties of higher realms plentifully so we must invent a new innovative mechanism to recharge, restore and reenergize all of the industries, cities, people, productions and probably all aspects of human lives and aspirations. Whatever powers higher realms continuously to enhance their abundance and brilliance from a renewable, constant force can be brought to the human world or somehow invented here. As you know, all life on Earth depends on trees, plant life, soil, water, oxygen, and other elements and organisms coexisting simultaneously. What energizes all of the life first is the sun that Earth orbits around in its habitable zone. Then there is a large variety of plants, trees, forests, crops that actually make use of sunlight to perform photosynthesis that processes chemical energy to grow and provide nutrients for other organisms. Of course, they need water, minerals from the soil, CO2, and oxygen from the air to operate continually. This is the evidence that all life forms energize each other in some way or another for them to grow, survive and expand. The nature in its purest form is able to perpetually regenerate itself with renewables and the biodiversity it consists of.

 Why can't human beings do the same and mimic nature in every sector of life and industry also implement photosynthesis into each field to achieve futuristic heavenly prosperity and welfare? Fortunately, this may be possible if entire humanity stops what they're doing to survive, devote themselves in and invest in the most wonderful, green and lush city, metropolitan plans, constructions, forestation, and productivity only powered by renewables, photosynthesis, forests, plant-based manufacturing, farming and so much more. Anything imaginable to build the most amazing future for all of humanity to live and prosper is a potential from now on. Fully integrated, vegan, forest cities and metropolitan areas that will plant trillions of trees and green diverse crops to reverse all of the damage and other calamities like global warming are vitally necessary. Sea levels may rise up to 100 feet in the near future in this century alone so the population must start moving and building inland because all coastal areas are vulnerable to floods and sea-level rise. There are more open even fertile lands in the country areas than the coasts around the continents so the countryside, fertile provinces are the best places to restart the civilization now before cataclysms are imminent. This may indeed renew the human civilization to a more sustainable and reliable state plus build some of the most futuristic, creative, regenerative and self-enriching booming forested, green metropolises and social hubs in the entire universe. Organic energy productions mimicking photosynthesis to produce the energy and output for people to use and get creative with can be invoked in these new settlements that are fully plant-based, forested and carbon-absorbent. Nature demonstrates the best technology that people can copy and apply to all fields of business and enterprise because that's the most efficient way for people to evolve and thrive harmlessly rather than the destructive industries and cities that exist now.

 Cold fusion, the method that produces energy to power devices, homes and other needs of the public can only be accomplished if it's simulating the natural process of nature and forests. This is probably one of the most terrific plans for the civilization to progress since other methods deplete and waste natural resources essential for the stability of the planet and ecosystems. Creating extremely plethoric ecosystems beneficial for humans to prosper and form dazzling cities, habitats, eco-villages at the same time without emitting CO2 or causing devastation is the most substantial proposal for people to aspire to. The most important thing to do is to save the planet at this time, in order to do that, humans must start doing the right things, invest in crucial projects, make the change in their daily lives to start building the most futuristic, green, ecofriendly civilization encircling the world in a short time. After all, the largest forests inhale a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide, store carbon, produce oxygen, clean water, habitats, seeds, seedlings, growth even edibles plus so much more. Thus, we can incorporate reforestation, plants into cities to fuel and feed the growing population with renewable energies plus photosynthetic growth and development. Permaculture is a set of design principles centered on whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilizing the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems. It uses these principles in a growing number of fields from regenerative agriculture, rewilding, and community resilience. Permaculture gardens, farms, communities, villages are highly booming in every aspect of people's lives for them to become self-sufficient, healthy also gain time to do what they like. If more people could implement permaculture, plant-based living and botanical efficiency in their lives, civilization would bloom therefore integrated vegan forest cities would be erected with mushroom, fungi building designs, and sprouts.

 Greenhouses are one of the most productive and alluring farms and gardens in the world functioning year-round with more fresh produce, crops, increased yield to a greater extent. Greenhouses are similar to rainforests in their activity because they can contain the same level of productivity and diversity akin to rainforests like the Amazon, etc. A greenhouse is a structure with walls and roof made chiefly of transparent material, such as glass, in which plants requiring regulated climatic conditions are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to industrial-sized buildings. A miniature greenhouse is known as a cold frame. The interior of a greenhouse exposed to sunlight becomes significantly warmer than the external temperature, protecting its contents in cold weather. High fecundity of greenhouses indicate that cities packed with trees, greenery, urban farms, plant-based businesses, flora and other specialties derived of photosynthesis made by plants for organic energy production are determined to be very sustainable, prolific, regenerative, clean, renewable, dynamic, rich, green, lush and much more into eternity. Application and employment of plant life and trees fulfilling nature's essential energy and food productions that provide the necessities for all life including humans are absolutely important for growing population and ever-expanding cities as well as metropolitan areas around the world. Humanity needs a new creative system for them to live and thrive prosperously in harmony and in tune with nature, forests and other organisms around them without eradicating purely native, wild resources and ecosphere bestowed them by the Creator. Now is the time to introduce and launch the most futuristic, green, biodegradable, plastic-free, plant-based, vegan, photosynthetic, ecological, renewable, solar, wave, wind-powered and many diverse innovative, revolutionary projects, designs, plans and cities for the world's population to invest, devote and endow in collectively. Saving the planet and humanity is the biggest business plus principle. It can only be accomplished if the human population is completely saved with the transformation to the practical configuration of extremely plethoric sustainability, renewability, regeneration in every acre and field of human lifestyles also mindsets by mimicking nature plus making more use of the sun's freely given energy.

Monday, February 17, 2020


                                                    -VEGAN ALIEN MESSAGE-

 A new universe is in metamorphosis inside the Human DNA, mind, and soul christened as the trinity of prime creations. The DNA will never pause as the creative force of this planetary system called Earth. There are loads of information that most people didn't realize yet but it's unfolding in the new age of universal emergence. Human DNA - mind - soul trinity was kept as the hidden storehouse for thousands of years, now the epic fate is commencing with the help of universal creator's decoding. The newest codes and supernatural spark concealed in DNA - mind, and soul beings called the human race to have the capacity to create the most advanced, prolific and renewable plant base in the entire universe. Only a few species have been selected and endowed with superpowers and abilities like humanity from Planet Earth. From now on, our civilization is compelled to become the most progressive by utilizing and cultivating nature's supernatural seeds and renewable sources. The gloriously all-powerful vegan matrix is flowing to enclose the entire DNA of all living organisms and habitats for them to metamorphose into divine supernatural force. Humans have been perfectly designed to maintain one of the most wonderful heavenly bodies implanted abundantly to grow and prosper into eternity. Thus, begin terraformation of the whole solar system then trillions of exoplanets converged as one dynamic plant base powered by the mighty vegan and plant-based civilization and renewables. This is the reason, Planet Earth has been chosen and prepared secretly by the cosmic and galactic Archangels then a magnificent humanoid prototype has been conceived with creative intelligence.

 Humanity has neighbors and acquaintances in the region where the solar system is located but they aren't here yet. Veganism has been inspired by these otherworldly vegans plus fully plant-based societies to lead you in the right direction. Aliens that are here for some time won't help humanity in any way nor save the world in no means. They will encourage conflicts and unnecessary disputes between nations and people so aliens can take advantage of the entire humanity easily. Alien secret agendas have been in progress for decades. They abducted many people to create a hybrid race to gain control of humanity all around the world. They already live among the human population looking indistinguishable from normal human beings. This is extremely dangerous for humanity's future and freedom. If aliens take over the world, they will turn everyone into subspecies with implants to work for them, all rights and liberties will be eliminated. Unfortunately, extraterrestrials don't care about human society and only see them as a resource to be farmed and exploited. Nevertheless, there are some advanced, united and friendly alien societies not far from the solar system where Earth orbits. They will approach the human population to even offer trade agreements beneficial for both sides also give more information. Plant-based societies are way more advanced in every sector than the scavenger, pirate-like alien societies coming here and already here operating secretly. The human race has been fighting against each other primitively and destroying the natural wealth of the world for a while. Now is the time to join forces as one world and expel the deceitful extraterrestrial and hybrid-human invasion of Planet Earth. You wouldn't want to be overruled by cruel alien races here to turn all of the human population into a repressed workforce to be used and manipulated each day. Luckily, Prime Creator and his archangels have sent the glorious vegan matrix to uplift the entire humanity with upgrades to build one of the most advanced, abundant and sustainable planets in the entire universe. Of course, aliens want all of this for themselves but the magnificent human race is predestined to become the saviors of this divine jewel thriving with life and biodiversity. Life always finds a way to overcome problems and flourish with freedom, cooperation, and independence.

 Since many alien races are here to carry out their own covert operations to take over the world with hybrids, technology, implants, and many other clandestine procedures, entire humanity must unite as one united vegan green and ecological force to reclaim their planet and society also do whatever it takes to save the world as soon as possible. Most of the technology has been given by these deceptive E.T groups to command the weakening and naive population for their own master plan. Investing too much into technology and other non-renewable advancements will only constrain you to become a worker and deplete all of your planet's natural resources in such a short time. The natural resources, deposits and other non-renewable sources that feed the economy and technological products are extremely crucial for the future of the human race and freedom. Aliens will never help the world to solve their problems, they will exploit the conflicted, weakening and impoverishing world population as much as they can. Nobody will gain anything out of the alien and hybrid domination, not even the richest elites or people in power. There is always a way out of a situation and everyone should start doing the right things to save the world and cease the unnecessary conflicts between people. Planting trillions of various tree species useful and suitable for each region of the world is necessary to restore the environment that's deteriorating. Each acre of the planet, each forest, each nation, community, and city are in danger at this time. Nobody will have strength or support in the near future if the planet gets completely disrupted to give way to devastating cataclysms hitting back to back. There are always going to be aliens all around the world and in solar system observing the circumstances and seeking methods to employ and use the failing human species. The only way to be as strong as possible to overcome the coming catastrophes and alien propaganda with implants, technology and deception are to start a plant-based, ecological lifestyle and invest in this new green future collectively. Nature already contains all the renewable and sustainable energy sources and resources for your civilization to progress radically. Overuse and increased manufacturing of technology and other products that aren't made only with renewables and imperishable, plant-based materials will drain the entire planet and its unique ambiance forcing you to end up dependent on alien organizations for basic supplies and materials. Certainly, they will not tell you all of these nor give you any information except treachery and fabrication. There are some developed nations and corporations in your world that deplete essential deposits, pollute the environment and the air rapidly. These types of industries and countries must be regulated promptly because economic and industrial growth is destructive for the planet in general. All sectors of the economy and productions are required to transform into eco-friendly, single-use plastics free, extremely renewable and cruelty-free as soon as possible before it's too late for a world that's going through mass extinctions, environmental degradation plus warming climate.

 Thankfully, a lot of people are waking up and raising awareness about the real issues each day. The future may extremely bright, prosperous, green and free for everyone. A lot of people are becoming creators of the new age of plant-based, sustainability, renewability and knowledge. Each individual can contribute to a high purpose of saving the world and all life also build the best ever planet in the universe. The vegan, green, reforestation, ecological, plant-based movements and revolutions also start-ups will never stop ever again. There is always room for improvement and growth in these lifestyles, businesses, and mindset. There is a prophecy that the Planet Earth is an extremely abundant, magnificent place filled with biodiversity and life-generating species unlike most other planetary systems and it's been chosen and seeded to become one of the most advanced, prolific and knowledgeable hubs in a spooky alien universe. It's been designed perfectly to regenerate itself into eternity also terraform many other spheres into Earth-like because there are countless Mars-like planets and planetoids even in the region where the solar system is located. Creator of all universes sent a blueprint to initiate the extremely glorious united vegan matrix into Planet Earth for the human race to gain superior knowledge and build the most advanced and sustainable plant-based civilization in the entire universe in a short time. The possibilities are endless from now on but you must be cautious about your environment, growing instability and diminishing resources as well as the alien presence that's here. No alien races are superior to amazing native species of magnificent Planet Earth that will evolve and regenerate their world natural forces perpetually. Everyone is the chosen one in this brilliant universal future. Trees of life are essential to building a better and abundant civilization to overturn tricky alien operations along with disastrous events. Sea levels have been rising more than the past therefore most of the coastal cities where most of the population resides may submerge and many parts of the world may end up uninhabitable. This is the best time to do whatever it takes to save entire humanity and their special homeworld. Going vegan and green in all industries, constructions, as well as cities, will assist the reversal of climate change, degradation more than most other methods. A developing civilization with high awareness and knowledge to augment the maximum renewability plus productive organic sustainability is able to achieve greatness in every field and in every person's lives.

 There is enough evidence that there is a myriad of intelligent races in this part of the galaxy alone. Some of them obtained other planets including certain native species as a labor force with genetic engineering, implants, subjugation, deception, and many more approaches. The same thing has been happening to human civilization covertly for decades because they didn't want people to know so it would be easier. Some scientists and researchers exposed the UFO phenomenon in addition to secret alien agendas. Nobody knew how to prevent this extraordinary happening that has been inflicted by these clandestine alien operations to gain access to unique resources also to form dominance converting the native population as servants. Plant-based, vegan and green civilizations that are cooperative, independent and self-supporting are way more advanced than these technological, oppressive scavenger organizations and collectives. Humanity lives on a remarkable planet packed with a great amount of biodiversity and rich natural wealth all over. United vegan, forest cities can be creatively engineered all around the world for them to remain carbon negative and carbon-absorbing to produce foods, new forests, and gardens with photosynthesis and renewable energies. Even all constructions, buildings also many other sectors conceived for people to survive and live comfortably will become fully plant-based and self-generating. Fungi can grow into very durable buildings in a short time without the need for any other material draining perishable matter. Fungi is such an extraordinary organism that can survive and grow pretty much anywhere to provide food, energy, and building materials, etc. The most advanced and prolific societies in the universe even not too far from the solar system are completely plant-based, vegan, extremely sustainable, renewably powered that all of their technology, constructions, manufacturing, and businesses in every sector imaginable only derived of regenerative, self-growing, enriching organic plant life, algae, greenhouses plus forests. This is an incredibly innovative strategy for humanity to overthrow malevolent alien-hybrid cartels and overcome the calamities, environmental, global issues, disasters altogether. Each city represents an enlarging forest where humans reside because humans originally are active fungi humanoid beings for them to utilize natural resources, Plantae and forests also cultivate them exponentially. Humanity is awakening and going back to their roots that they've forgotten after the industrialization era.

 Yes, technological devices, achievements are exciting, machines and electronics make life more fun and convenient, cars take you to places rapidly. Sadly, this is the quickest route to planetary depletion, insecurity, never-ending poverty for the entire human race to fall under alien order to be used and exploited as farmed, supervised subspecies by the oppressive, mind-controlling extraterrestrial overlords. Don't believe brain implants, robotics, smart devices, latest technological domination is engineered and advertised to benefit or improve the public in any means. The future is conclusively vegan, plant-based, natural, renewable, forested, green, sustainable, cruelty-free, regenerative, creative, knowledgeable, united, compassionate, friendly, cooperative, undivided, fertile, fruitful, free, sufficient, prolific, futuristic, glorious and divine in every field, region, acre, person's lives forever =D

Saturday, February 15, 2020



 Hello there, I will explain to you how to become the best ever version of yourself. You can become a limitless creator if you plant divergent forests beneficial for the entire humanity. God sent veganism to take over and save the world in a minimum amount of time before it's almost impossible. Now, everyone should start doing the right things to change the world rapidly otherwise things may only get worse. There are many perils to compromise the global community henceforth. You must be aware of what's going on beforehand so you can react swiftly. Time is always working against you and everyone knows that. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop or pause the time. Each person is required to do as best as they can in order to overcome the unknown and unpredictable challenges ahead. Humanity will constantly evolve from now on, this is the age of magnificence fully powered by plants, trees, forests, seeds, photosynthesis, and other self-generating organisms. Animals are the best friends and here to help to green and to fertilize the declining ecosphere. Vegans and people who invest in this extremely futuristic biosphere intended to ripen as one of the uttermost abundant and sublime realm for all living organisms will become most advanced in the universe. The Prime Creator secretly seeded a few selected planets to be the genetic and biological vaults in their region of the cosmic existence so other planets and dying systems could be revived with terraformation and bioengineering. This is the age of limitless minds, powers, and creativity of vegan supernaturals club that will reseed their homeworld as the newest heavenly realms presenting the maximum biodiversity, union and renewable affluence.

 You can save millions and billions of animals by not eating them and raising awareness. A vegan, plant-based diet is best for health and the environment as well however there is so much more. The whole community's frequency is surging each day and this opens the way for new information to be acknowledged by each brain and mind. People are designed to be in tune with nature at every moment. Trees combat climate change, clean the air, provide oxygen, save water, prevent water pollution, provide food, habitat for all life also wood. Trees are literally the foundation of all of humanity and the life that evolved here over millions, billions of years. Plants are basically small-sized trees. Humans are fungi beings that can nourish themselves off the Plantae around them also propagate them. The complete vegan, plant-based diet and mindset are able to activate and empower the human body and mind at an increasing rate for the intelligence and many other superior skills to arise progressively. The human race that caused so much destruction and havoc over the environment and ecosystems can now restore them back to a condition better than ever. It all depends on the human mindset and knowledge and it takes a good study and research to find new ways to prosper.

 Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) is building up in our atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles. Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark. Trees reduce runoff by breaking rainfall thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the earth below the tree. This prevents stormwater from carrying pollutants to the ocean. When mulched, trees act like a sponge that filters this water naturally and uses it to recharge groundwater supplies. An apple tree can yield up to 15-20 bushels of fruit per year and can be planted on the tiniest urban lot. Aside from fruit for humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife. So planting trees, green farming and saving the environment will award you with limitless opportunities and supernatural abilities in your lifetime. Nature already provide all human beings with the necessary supplies to survive and thrive each day. The only thing we need to do is to invest in them and cultivate the essential designs to benefit the whole. The natural resources are completely renewable, unlike all other non-renewable production methods. The produce ripens magically in such a short time to fuel the communities and productions with green and fresh sources.

 The entire human race is on the verge of universal evolution that will affect the whole existence. Everyone is capable of greening vast deserts, reversing climate change, saving all animals, becoming healthiest and smartest and a lot more with the power of unity and cooperation. Yes, veganism, planting trees and the mission to save the world will optimistically connect the limitless minds achieving the grand plan. Tree-based and plant-based civilizations are determined to be the more advanced and prosperous cause of the renewability and sustainability of cherishing natural and organic systems. Vegans are sprouting as the richest, most powerful, healthiest, smartest super force of the universe originated uniquely from Planet Earth. Each soul in a human body can plant large forests for their own gain and service for the whole community of life. Gardens, farms, forests and other productive life forms can be designed with vegan and plant-based blueprints to assist the entire world generously. Destructive and polluter industries will be abandoned once a specific limit has been reached to make the leap towards ultimately sustainable growth. Each soul being has been to alternative realms and lived on other planets before but it was never like Planet Earth. This is definitely a very special place in the creation consisting of so much physical beauty and biological diversity distinct from other places. All of nature's qualities that feed and regenerate all life are perfectly planned to remain totally renewable and self-sustaining. Humans somehow have been separated from this activity and started overexploiting and eradicating this perfect design evolved over billions of years. The human race is still a new society compared to nature and universal creations so it's not fully matured yet. Luckily, nature had a calling and people responding and started taking action to save the planet and entire humanity. The economy and all other infrastructure will only get better after this because it all depends on people and their awareness. Raising awareness worldwide is very crucial to develop a supernatural and limitless civilization functioning in every acre of holy lands.

 Planting all kinds of fruits, nut, and other types of trees will give you supernatural abilities although not everyone is supposed to be a farmer. The grand plan is to save the planet as soon as possible and initiate a civilization that can develop extreme environmental sustainability and energy renewability. If a civilization depletes all of their absolutely non-renewable, diminishing resources and reserves for the sake of economic and technological growth, the consequences would be irreversible after. There are already several alien organizations trying to take advantage of a reckless population destroying a beautiful and resourceful world. Vegan and many other green movements are capable of making a huge difference gradually stemming from new regions. In the future, all industries and cities could lead the green and plant-based movements revolutionizing the magnificent creation we live in. Most people believe robotics, new tech devices or AI will be the leading achievements but that's impossible because they require more resources and rare metal deposits marking them not futuristic nor sustainable for the prospect. Future will never be about technology, robotics or AI. This is the dangerous path to follow for a developing civilization like us, we're predestined to become so much more by going back to nature. Some level of technology is needed for all civilizations but overdoing the technology, believing it's the most futuristic and advanced way to be is awfully hazardous and mistaken. Nobody would like to turn into cyborgs that are easy to control and manipulate. The creator of all has granted our newly rising society extraordinary wealth that we can observe all around us every day. Mimicking nature that evolved to its supreme state over billions of years and protecting it is the most futuristic and advanced way to progress into eternity. There are trillions of barren Mars-like planets and countless exoplanets that can be terraformed carefully since space and other intelligent life may be dangerous for human beings. The space procedures must be undertaken cautiously and Planet Earth is always the priority when it comes to security and protection.

 Planting one fruit tree will bear fruits for many years after it's grown to mature size. Humanity is supposed to ripen with the ascension of the new age of knowledge, information and plant-based revolutions. This is an extraordinary time for the Planet Earth orbiting the solar system neighboring a myriad of intelligent civilizations and organizations that aren't that far away. Every person is a limitless supernatural creator placed into this sphere with great purpose and assignment of finding new ways to uplift the entire physical realm with such uniqueness and multiformity.



 It's coming. This will be the best ever from now on. Veganism is unstoppable, constantly evolving and self-enriching humanity. The human DNA is unfolding and progressing faster than light speed as the multidimensional, limitless vortex of strands for humans to become the most advanced creator species in the universe. The human DNA was asleep for thousands of years but it's in the process of blooming because people are transforming themselves and their minds with the new knowledge and information transmitting from the source. In this arising new world, everyone will be the one, the chosen ones are humanity as the mightiest creators of new universes and matrixes. Supernatural skills and abilities are springing out of human minds and DNA that powers their body. Although the planet has been declining cause of the industrial era of manufacturing and consumption, humans found their original blueprint to invent the new age of creativity and sustainable development. Veganism isn't only about saving the animals, there is much more after all animals are liberated. The brilliant united vegans are creating a matrix of multiverses unlike any ever imagined or existed. Everyone is becoming a superhero from now on to rejuvenate the biosphere and boost the collective vegan matrix with great yield each day. Higher realms are descending to merge with the new universal matrix as one so there won't be any separation or agony anymore. Everything in life is envisioned then designed to be conceived by creative minds. The minds of the whole are already one operating separately to generate unique ideas and output. The software that runs the world's matrix is shifting to a more effective order freeing human minds from entrapment. The system will constantly change and improve from now on because people realized they're the designers of the Divine Matrix encompassing all life. Programs needed an update for a while but finally, people discovered the fix to becoming vegan gods and goddesses of the matrix and the universe. We're all the chosen ones dropped down from the heavens to build the newest macrocosm of prosperity, renewability and ever-lasting biodiversity.

 The overdeveloped nations are depleting the world's natural resources and polluting the environment faster than other countries cause of the excessive industrialization turning the world into a decaying mold. Luckily, the awareness is arising each day shattering the detrimental matrix. Life always finds the way. The revival is commencing after the shattering matrix sprouting the best ever vegan/plant-based conception completely powered by renewables, plants, photosynthesis, and futuristic innovations. Everyone, all animals and living organisms will be free to thrive hereafter. This will enhance the biospheres to their best condition with the continuous growth of prolific systems and communities. Single-use plastics will be a thing of the past as well. All of the manufacturing and productions that pollute the air, lands, and oceans will be prohibited to shape the cleanest, greenest, most regenerative matrix ever designed by human minds. This glorious matrix will become the most advanced in the universe since there are countless alien matrixes operating atrociously for their societies and individual freedom. The matrix will expand to other planets and moons in the future progressing as an interplanetary source of terraformation, organic and resourceful renewability. Each person will be part of this magnificent design, anything will be attainable since all resources will be shared equally by the constant renewable productions. The atmosphere will strengthen and thicken over a period of time to protect the living habitats and biodiversity also enhancing the color band of this realm dispelling vividness into the ambiance. The chosen ones are constructing a new world that will perpetually improve, prosper and flourish to grant new abilities and benefits to each individual. If anything isn't related to plants and photosynthesis or technology and production emulating nature and renewable processes like photosynthesis, it will perish. All life and the matrix rely on natural chemical processes like the photosynthesis performed by plants, forests, and some other organisms.

 Technology isn't everything. Focusing and wasting resources only on technological development will deplete the world's diminishing resources and deposits in such a short time leaving a decayed matrix. People are going back to their roots because nature is calling for them to repair the broken system. The new matrix will be the greenest, most ecological, productive for the whole living organism each person is planted in. Human beings are indeed a different kind of plant species able to walk and do things around their environment to continuously enrich and nurture. The broken system that was imposed on the human population was replicated by alien technology and programs to control and manipulate the human race for their own benefit. A lot of people figured out what's going on and started to search for resolutions. Building a remarkably futuristic, united vegan matrix will repel the alien presence that's here to take over humanity and turn them into a utilized robotic workforce only serving the aliens and few elites. United Vegan Force and plant-based genesis are here to save the world and stop the malevolent alien agendas also reverse climate change and other catastrophic events as soon as possible with great unity, purpose, and knowledge. Universal matrixes designed and developed by alien races over thousands of years cannot control or help humanity by any means. Most of the robotics and technology have been presented by certain pirate-like alien organizations to gain control of the human race and the world's resources in the shortest time for them to not ascertain. Anything, all products, constructions, and even technology can be made plant-based and organically to benefit the entire world without restraining their freedom and capabilities. The aliens don't know about this because their planetary systems never contained the natural resources and properties the Earth has. For this reason, they formulated mechanisms and technology to control their own species then subjugate other native species of many planetary systems. Thereby, this is extremely dangerous for the future and freedom of newly developing humankind gifted with one of the most beautiful and resourceful planets in the universe. Don't fall for alien order or magical looking technological trinkets made to domesticate entire humanity. The future is absolutely plant-based, free and undivided, the new green matrix will take over the world in such a short time to rejuvenate and boost Planet Earth and human civilization transforming it into its most glorious and divine form.

 Veganism, reforestation, permaculture farming, green technologies, renewable energies, and other sustainable developments are transmuting the future of the matrix for the benefit of the whole natural interconnected ecosystem humans are part of. The glorious vegan matrix will definitely become the most advanced and sustainable in the universe because most of the planetary systems even the ones contain intelligent life are barren or depleted by the inhabiting civilizations. Over investing and manufacturing of technology and other artificial products will drain non-renewable deposits, raw materials and reserves leaving a completely impoverished society. Plant-based societies and civilizations sourced by the ultimate renewables and regenerative processes like photosynthesis are way more advanced and sustainable than all others end up being scavengers. Now a new economy and societal order must be systemized as a union of global minds. The human society and Planet Earth are on a threshold that's very critical, unlike anything ever occurred in the past. Only a glorious futuristic vegan matrix can protect the human civilization from the secret alien presence and coming cataclysms. Renewable chemical and energy productions like the photosynthesis can restore the planet and uplift the human population with regeneration and revival. Furthermore, vast productive forests can be planted all around the world turning all big cities and each acre of land into a new dimension of abundance and resurgence similar to divine higher realms. Trees, all plant life and forests are always in tune and communication with each other forming a worldwide intelligent network mimicking the heavenly realms of divine existence and welfare. All of the habitation, cities, and sectors people utilize for their survival can be redesigned with beneficial sustainable biodiversity and renewable resources to raise the frequency of the world. A lot of people believe climate change cannot be reversed at this time however once the latest vegan, the plant-based template is operational, things will change surprisingly.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


 We need a new ritual, a new belief system that can unite the entire world as one immediately. There are so many things going on all at once. We even have visitors who've been here on the sly for a while. Environmental degradation is a serious threat for all mankind and the destiny of magnificent Planet Earth that's been burning down and despoiling abruptly. We have to find a way to take over the world and turn it into the best place possible for each organism and human being to live before it's too late. Life shouldn't be so difficult or miserable for animals or even for human beings because the planet we live on is remarkable and adequate if it's treated right. Everything can be made with renewable resources without destroying the biosphere we're all embedded in and killing the animals we're meant to be friends with. The world is calling for higher education, a higher purpose that can actually save the world and all life forever this time. Nobody needs to work too hard for this either. If you look at it, everything happens automatically in life. Working hard or difficult labor is a thing of the past. There is always a way to make things easier since we're all part of a whole.

 Where were you before you were born? You were roaming around a higher realm to learn and grow more, that's what life is. You weren't working there or trying to survive there. That's part of the physical realm but it's changing now. We can create a new world for all souls to live peacefully and easily for them to have the opportunity to learn and grow more each day. We can transmute our physical planet rambling in space through an orbit around the sun into a lavish heavenly globe unlike anything in the entire universe. This brand new creation of cosmic presence will be able to blossom and expand its existence to other planetary systems and solar systems over time. Humanity is creating a brand new universe at the moment and it will never stop. The creation is constant because that's what life is, it's actually the creativity. God seeded the soul of each human being with such creative force that can transform their world into the most colorful, lush paradise without work or any effort.

 If more and more people practice animal and environmental - green protections as a daily ritual to a greater extent, the entire world will be affected very positively since the main cause of all is humans. All productions must relate to photosynthesis somehow because that's the only natural process of energy production in nature. All other techniques will be destructive for animals, humans and the ecosystems. Photosynthesis is the foundation of all life even in oceans and on the land. Coral reefs and algae generate their energy with photosynthesis as well. Green and optimism are relevant to each other because green describes nature, fertility, and productivity. The energy production called photosynthesis is processed by green plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Only the color green is reflected and all other colors of light have been absorbed to turn into energy by these plants. A vegan, green civilization based on photosynthesis will be able to achieve ultimate abundance and development ahead of all other industries and organizations because it's the most evolved natural food and energy production that can be implemented in every aspect of life. In order to protect the environment and animals, people, businesses, and industries should invest in productivity and creativity obtained from organic, renewable sources that won't destroy nature and animal lives also give out the excess amounts of greenhouse gases. This type of civilization will be unstoppable and will evolve and progress into eternity by nourishing natural resources and promoting the most sustainable and productive lifestyles for the whole community. All constructions can be plant-based in the future as well so a greater amount of carbon dioxide gets assimilated into a useful output like in green, forest buildings, etc.

 We must start living like we're on Mars already because we're turning our planet into a deserted place each day, killing the forests, billions of animals and destabilizing the living organism we're part of. The only way to actually terraform Mars and other spheres into Earth-like is to begin the projects here on Earth now. Forsaken and desolate regions of the world need more attention so they can boot as newly fertile and prolific states for the growing population. For a civilization to upgrade to its most advanced state is through the application of photosynthesis in every field and place possible. Green movements are becoming the new ritual of entire humanity since they're the most logical and innate things to do for the survival of human species. Human species have the greatest potential to establish an immensely abundant and free civilization that can colonize and terraform other planets in such a short time. This may the best way to unite humanity as one and cease all unnecessary conflicts and controversies once and for all. A totally fresh planetary system is hatching out of its shell in this era of information and knowledge. Human species are evolving to the next evolutionary stage after the homo sapiens. The new species have the potential ability of archangels, divine creativity and intelligence. Although the planet is going through mass events, it'll clean up to initiate a fresh start-up metamorphosing the entire physical realm into an extremely lush, fruitful heavenly spiritual kingdom. All animals and humans contain spiritual essence in their bodies, spiritual and physical realms coexist intertwiningly. Veganism and green movements are shifting human society into a very bright future as one.

 Deep research suggests that newly developing vegan and green human civilization can become most advanced in the universe because we couldn't find any Earth-like planets yet. Therefore we can terraform trillions of empty and dead planets like Mars into productive, livable Earth-like provinces to build a vast, self-sustaining, self-enriching empire powered by photosynthesis and renewable energies. Renewable technologies are still brand-new but they're destined to encompass the world in a short time. More green and renewable technologies will be developed by mimicking nature and its most advanced energy production called the mighty photosynthesis. The growing human population and future space colonies will require more food, oxygen, and energy that are produced only by renewables so all of the essential resources are preserved and no deposits are depleted over time. Living minimalist is a great lifestyle as well, that way you can focus on the things that actually matter. Most products are not sustainable for the environment and ecosystems. We can create a totally new and sophisticated economic system and societal order to resolve the problems of our time and recover the planet as soon as possible. Humanity needed a modern ritual and mindset to progress into the future and finally found it. A very futuristic united vegan freedom and prosperity are coming to Planet Earth to redeem entire humanity. In the near future, everything will be plant-based and sourced by the photochemical synthesis in order to reverse climate change, environmental deterioration. Of course, people must raise their awareness and knowledge by studying these subjects so they can invent the future of the most self-enriching planet ever existed.

 There are outstanding projects around the world like forest cities, green buildings, large biospheres, fungi structures, etc. The creativity of green, vegan movements and projects are astonishingly ever-rising. There are some nations who green their deserts turning them into productive landscapes to halt global warming and desertification. These projects provide food and livable habitats for many animals and human beings as well. The humanity's awareness is increasing about the real issues and they're constantly devising new ideas, projects, and regulations creating a new botanical innovative age of veganism. The economy and prosperity of entire humanity will constantly boost and expand into new planets and exoplanets because the nature of Earth is to continuously grow even out in space and other planetary systems with the contribution of the ever-evolving human race predestined to emerge as the archangels and creative gods originated from the supreme genetic library and the source of the universe. The higher realms of heavens consisting of harmonious frequencies and growth will eventually mingle with planets like Earth and other terraformed realms as one undivided force of ultimate creativity and welfare. Everyone will hatch as a unique and powerful archangel free from any work, survival burden with a human body generating its own unlimited energy terraforming its environment. In the future, the human body will be able to perform photosynthesis so it won't be obliged to do the things to survive like animals and other organisms do  =D



 We're creating a future and a new universe totally better and sufficient for each living organism including humans and all animals. Life will be a lot easier for everyone, working and paying for things to survive will be obsolete. The human being was perfectly designed to build the most sustainable and abundant planet ever existed for all souls to share equally with no greed and selfishness. We can bring heaven on Earth easily with this precocious design to free all beings and organisms for the everlasting agony of survival. Why is heaven so perfect and amazing and the Earth is difficult or poor? We can merge both realms into one to progress our existence into the next stage of prosperity and livelihood. People don't work in heavens after they die so why do we have to strangely work and pay for every little thing here on Earth or elsewhere? Civilization would become much more productive and creative if people never worked and just did the things to save the world each day. Planet Earth has extraordinary potential to become the divine paradise right here in the physical realm.

 There are people who came back from death recalling a lush, vivid paradise that's more lively and radiant than our planet. So the perfect blueprint of survival continuance already reachable after you die. The implication is that we as the divine souls switching between both dimensions can transfigure our planet called Earth into an immortal and fantastic domain that's more beautiful, more diverse, more abundant, superior in every way than other worlds also higher realms with a fresh grand plan. We already know about the foundations of life that provide us the properties for our survival and development. Nature produces and contains all the renewable, self-sustaining and regenerating components to supply the life force of the whole. We can make money and save the world without doing anything or working. It's the best when it's automatically generating and self-producing like in higher realms or heavens functioning with divine code and order. All animals are friends in the heavens. Why are they being exploited here cruelly like they're nothing? Plantlife, seeds, trees, algae and renewable energy sources powered with photosynthesis are the seraphic life forms of God's creation. Photosynthesis is the foundation of all life. You can tell ethereal plants and trees still process energy with a method similar to photosynthesis because of the vivid colors and sublime light reflecting from the gates of glory. It's obvious the higher realms are extremely lush and self-sustaining so we as the souls coming from these realms must transform our planet into an angelic, exuberant paradise where nobody will ever work or live in the misery of never-ending responsibilities of subsistence. Anything even the economy can be regulated and automated to build the most advanced, free, sustainable civilization ever existed in the universe so people can focus on important things like saving the world, creativity, reversing climate change and other significant topics.

 The ultimate glorious redemption and recovery are coming to take over the world. This new world will progress as the most advanced civilization into eternity terraforming trillions of exoplanets into most heavenly, blissful and abundant creations powered and self-enriched by the biodiversity of plants, trees, other organisms with the supreme force of photosynthesis. Anything can be done in the universe because the matter is moldable by intelligence. Humanity is freshly evolving as a very intelligent race with the greatest potential and innovative mind. All products and the necessary things produced and made by people to survive can be grown with the help of photosynthesizing and self-generating organisms. In the future, all needed energy will be sourced by renewable technologies, all of the commodities people use and consume today and more will be fabricated by the organic material that is self-producing and self-generative. You can already find these life forms in nature. Plundering the environment of resources for constant greed is not beneficial in the long run for any world. Everyone must think ahead of their time and come together to build the best future ever in cosmic diversity. Luckily, Planet Earth has been chosen by the Prime Creator and seeded with one of the most extreme biodiversity in its regions. What is the mighty force that runs the nature for it to be so prolific? Humans are only a small part of this great design that perfectly evolved over millions of years.

 The only way to a more abundant lifestyle is through intensification of the photosynthesis process that provides the energy and foods to most of the organisms, animals, and humans on Earth. There are always new ways to mimic nature so productions and industries can simulate natural processes like photosynthesis dynamically in every field. Saving the world can only be accomplished with renewable energy sources that absorb Co2 out of the atmosphere to turn it into chemical and electrical energy for human use. Humans must augment plant-based lifestyles, products even constructions much more than before. All buildings can be constructed with mixtures of plant matter and cultivate greenery on their roofs, balconies and other spaces around them. There are already some green building designs approved and constructed in some countries around the world, they absorb CO2 in cities and look elegant as well. The next stage of human evolution is the path of green cultivation and development in human consumption, productions, cities and probably every department alleviating the human population with the help of photosynthesis and similar growth mechanisms. Without photosynthesis, plant life even trees, there would be no humans or any life on Earth. We couldn't find a planet with such biodiversity nor any sign of life yet. Some planets or moons look blue-green but they probably don't contain any flora at all. This may be the reason that the Planet Earth and the human population may be one of the only communities in this region of the universe capable of terraforming other planets and planetoids into Earth-like systems eventually. Although there are probably tons of intelligent life in the galaxy we live in and some may be pretty close to our solar system we're orbiting. This doesn't imply that their planets are rich with life and abundant in biodiversity no matter how technologically advanced they are. Our planet is apparently very special, at least for the human race so we must leave all the unnecessary animosities and concentrate on salvaging our one and only home threatened with issues like deforestation, global warming, poverty, environmental degradation, etc. Going vegan and green in every aspect of life is a great beginning for the entire world, a lot of people are waking up to what's going on and raising awareness on the internet, social media and many other forms of approach. Raising awareness is generally one of the best things to do in life because there are a lot of issues that most of the population aren't aware of. These problems can only be resolved with a collective mindset and action.

 The Gaia and its biodiversity constitute a biological genetic library unlike most of the planets and celestial bodies in the galaxy and the whole cosmos. The human race must initiate a new order to protect and preserve this magnificent marble orbiting the sun. Evolution never ends in the physical realm also in higher realms where you fly after you pass away. All creation is under constant evolution and motion called life and existence. The physical realm like the Earth has the promise to merge the heavenly realm with the physical into one interlacing bond. For some reason, the afterlife is so amazing, abundant and free compared to the lives in human bodies. This can change since all realms are powered by the same source coming from the creator of all. Humans are the prevalent species of this planet so we are the ones capable of converting this planet into a magnificent self-enriching utopia of great prosperity and extreme renewable sustainability. All is confided on the growing human population creating collectively each second.