Saturday, February 8, 2020




 Humanity has been selected and designed for something much bigger, greater and incredible than what most think. There is an immense universe out there creating new forms of life, new planets, solar systems, new ideas, dreams, aspirations, new of everything each second. God is the ultimate creativity in every shape possible of the greatest mind ever existed. The human race wasn't created or evolved from primates to make and do things to survive and live, etc. There is an extraordinary plan for each person from Planet Earth. This planet is definitely one of the most beautiful and special in the universe. It's seeded with magnificent biodiversity secretly from other races in the universe although some of them have discovered it recently. The future is always now, what you think, dream and do now. Anything is possible in the universe if you have the resources and the knowledge to make it happen. The world has entered the industrial era, technological era and now it's entering a new era unlike anything imaginable by the majority but they'll all be part of it here on. People must cease doing all of the unnecessary and destructive things they do as soon as possible and focus on the grandest prospective mission. Anyone can contribute to this fascinating blueprint even with little effort and funds. A lot of people choose to go vegan each day, this year and next years will be the time of vegans because it's the movement that started the domino effect that will never end.

 Plants, animals and all organisms will thrive peacefully and harmoniously in the new universe we're creating that began only a few years ago. Humanity is developing a new universe correlating with the existing one, each idea and vision will change the shape of this new universe and it'll be fully plant-based plus vegan initiating from its genetic code. Humans will be able to do photosynthesis with their bodies in the future for them to go anywhere in space, to other planets and galaxies without any difficulties like angels have been doing for a long time. Photosynthesis is the foundation of all life here on Earth, terraformation is launching towards the universe where humans are able to transform into an extremely glorious and abundant vegan paradise consisting of trillions and quadrillions of planetary systems. If plants can do photosynthesis and process energy with light, carbon dioxide, some water, and minerals, why can't humans do the same eventually? This would improve human evolution into eternity for them to easily terraform other planets and accomplish unimaginable tasks. Global warming and all other problems are caused by the human population growing each day. Once the entire world goes vegan and switches all they make and do with the use of photosynthesis, the planet will be recovered in a short time and reach a very high level of sustainability and relief.

 Every time a person consumes a vegan product with no single-use plastic packaging, it provides the funds and opportunity for the farmer and business owners to terraform somewhere out there. They'll eventually gather the capital to invest in projects to terraform the world into its most perfect condition then reach, terraform Mars also many other planets. This is how life actually is, photosynthesis can make anything happen in the universe, it's the ultimate key to creating a universal heavenly realm interlacing with the multiverses of countless Earth-like worlds. Humans have been destined to become the Vegan Terraform Gods of the Universe. The Prime Creator has laid out a barren universe waiting to be terraformed by the united vegan societies, there will be merging of other advanced vegan societies with the humans from Planet Earth. Some are not too far from the solar system where our planet orbits. The future is wonderfully bright for each person living and will be born into this realm.

 Becoming the most advanced civilization in the entire universe and multiverses possible from now on since going vegan is the beginning of a new age for all intelligent life. Unfortunately, the universe consists of countless barren worlds but the latest evolutionary human species have the power and skills to create a very abundant and superbly lavish creation. This new universe will be extremely vivid with colors no one has ever seen before, brand new plant, tree, and numerous life forms, creatures, animals will appear by evolution on the next exoplanets each time. The foundation of immensely diverse universal existence will be based upon photosynthesis, even humanoids will formulate to the ability to perform photosynthesis with their bodies. This is the journey to becoming immortals like God's multitudinous archangels with the help of nature and its expansion into distant platforms. The true show of the human race is now, everything is now, you must do all now. There is no time, forget about time. Although time is ticking to save the planet each second, you can reverse the climate change and all other catastrophic events in such a short time because humanity has got the power in their genetic code specifically programmed by the Designer of all. Everything will be like a magic show only in its most glorious exhibit from now on. Tons of vegan, botanical startups and entrepreneurs swiftly forging the future of Planet Earth. This will be the epoch of veganism and photosynthesis-based creativity and production. Plantlife will always provide all that you need and even more so you must nourish them in every thought sparking in your macrocosmic brains as well as in industrial enterprises.

 The human race is the latest version of alien genetic engineering executed many times over known history. There is intelligent life in all of the universe even near your solar system. Of course, the alien races that come here reckoned secret agendas for their own benefit so your encounters with intelligent life are competitive in nature. They want all that you have and more. Although the human being has a lot more potential than most other beings in the cosmos, they will attempt to take over you and your world in clandestine manners. You can't trust that aliens will come and save you or your world at this time, this is far from reality. Your society is divided, in conflict and vulnerable to the extraterrestrial presence. You're obligated to overcome your problems and the beings that are here to take advantage of the situation because many people are still not aware of their potential and aren't able to do the things to save themselves and the world efficiently. Joining forces as one civilization will boost your potency, power, and intelligence tremendously. Everyone must discard the old, meaningless traditions, beliefs and practices sooner rather than later because this isn't the time to waste time on matters that won't improve every individual and the whole. All living beings are connected to each other interwoven so each organism affects the entire creation. Conscious nature of mother Earth has sent out a calling for humans to hear and understand, this may be another reason disasters are growing in number. Some people have been stimulated by the changing frequency of the planet so they're either going vegan, saving animals, working on ecological projects to restore the living habitat they're intact with. There is evidence that cultivating and consuming plants raise your awareness, sensitivity, livelihood, and intelligence remarkably unlike anything, anyone ever lived.

  Fortunately, humanity is one of the chosen species in the universe appointed for a surprising mission granted by the Creator. Planet Earth has been seeded with the biodiversity and essence able to become most advanced, more advanced and exceptional than most other alien races and beings. Not many knew about this, this has been kept secret so everyone would evolve with little interference. The alien groups have infiltrated stealthily to obtain what humans have for their own benefit and advantage. This is a period unlike anything ever experienced in the past. Each person will arise with unique skills and intellect incited by vegan plants, photosynthesis, and other renewable, life-generating sources. You can't expect someone else or some people in the office to do all the work or save the world for you. Each individual contributes to building the most sustainable and prosperous planet ever existed powered by photosynthesis, plants, and forests in order to even protect and safeguard the degrading environment and declining ecosystems that provide the nutrients for all life. That's because some alien races developed more advanced and magical technologies don't indicate they're ahead of the human race. Most of them come here to gain access to our resources and wealthy assets. They'll do all they can do to subjugate an incognizant population plundering their forests, biosphere they live in, the animals that enhance the natural system. The reckless behavior and production methods must be abandoned to give way to superior, refreshing industries and growth. Creativity, intelligence and all other prowess will unleash themselves once you implement the power of photosynthesis and vegan outputs derived from natural, renewable, botanical substances that are cultivated effectively. The essential nutrients digested and streamed into your blood will constantly enhance your skills, mind, health, perception, awareness, and dexterity. So each person is responsible to grow and produce the essences they require to live and enrich their surroundings. All of this will fundamentally dispel the terraform effect into your body, into the biosphere transforming the physical realm to its superior heavenly state merging all realms as one. The thing that separates them is the frequency of dimensions but all is always one no matter what it looks like.

 Trees and each organism that performs photosynthesis are extremely significant for a developing world with an ever-growing population because photosynthesis is the most natural process of energy and food production. Creator already seeded the properties essential for evolution and life to process spontaneously. The reason all life and the creator of the universe appear separated is for life forms, planets, and spirits to grow and evolve to become their own Gods otherwise there would be no creativity and diversity in cosmic existence. Being in tune with nature around you will constantly drive each entity to do the things that improve their ambiance. Cultivating more of nature's botanical diversity is always the best way to survive since all life relies on chemical processes to generate energy and vitality. You can't underestimate the power of plants in every field imaginable. All of the other planets we know of don't include anything like the Earth has, it seems like the key to the universe is terraformation of many planetary systems without the intrusion of extraterrestrial envy. The planet must be saved as soon as possible to overturn environmental disasters and calamities. This can only be done with a new mindset demonstrating green, ecological and cooperative undertaking. Each plant and vegan, biodegradable product sourced by photosynthesis for human use and consumption will transcend the world into the next age of sustainability and creative power. Humanity is destined to surpass all alien races in the future because the universe is filled with fruitless arid alien spheres even containing intelligent life and technological societies. The potential of the human race is absolutely incredible similar to what mighty powerful archangels can achieve. Each person is becoming the most creative, inventive, masterful divine presence that can turn the world into a glorious, vivid, resourceful heavenly garden then terraform trillions of planets metamorphosing the multiverse of ever-lasting creation. Unlike most people's beliefs, this is the inception of the best ever human being ever existed if you unfold the genetic code of your roots which are completely vegan, plant-origin. There are many regions of your homeworld in need of seeding and greening to halt the desertification and changing climate. Your job is what you do to save the world. Survival with old habits, fears and addictions are over, now humanity is rising as the saviors of their homeworld. Chasing riches and material stuff will never fulfill your soul that's here with a much greater plan. Your soul wants to bring heaven onto Earth by merging the two with the help and imagination of other souls who are here and coming here to attain the grand proposal of the divine blueprint.

 There are tons of alien groups and organizations that want to have the world and the human race as their own resource. Don't believe that some aliens will come and give you all or rescue you from the mistakes and adversities you've caused over your world and existence. Matter fact, they've been for some time to carry out their own agenda manipulating people to create an alien hybrid race look like humans but alien in mind. The original human embodies the latent capacity in their DNA, aliens are never more advanced or superior to any human being in no way. Humans are predestined to become the creators of new worlds and invent the future with their plant-based, vegan creativity =D


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