Thursday, February 6, 2020



 We finally found a way to solve all the problems of the world, create an extremely sustainable planet, reverse climate change and other catastrophes, surpass all alien races and become the most advanced civilization in the universe. These are definitely the best times to live on planet Earth and it will only get better and better each day into eternity. Building a United Vegan World is the best thing you can ever imagine. Nobody knew how veganism would affect the human race and the future of the planet in such a way before. Finally, the information transmitted to some people who discovered veganism by some neighboring advanced civilizations watching Earth constantly. This isn't just a diet or a movement. This has the power for way more because some ancient civilizations located not far from the solar system found the best, most sustainable way of life during their existence. Of course, it relates to what people eat and produce to survive and maintain their lifestyles. A lot of people didn't know about this but more information is unraveling now. There are tons of extraterrestrial societies and organizations in the solar system now in addition to a myriad of them inhabiting many planetary systems in the region of the solar system where your planet orbits. Some of them are already here implementing themselves into the human population secretively. That's because they're aliens doesn't mean they're better, smarter or more advanced than the human race of planet Earth. The human race has tremendous potential to become the United Vegan Gods of the universe in such a short time. You entered an era of the global hive mind with the invention of the internet, tech gadgets, cell phones, smart devices, etc. This improvement in collective intelligence over the Earth will only gain momentum. You must understand technological societies deplete their planet's resources and destroy their sustainability in such a short time then end up dependent on some alien races that come and establish dominion over the population in need of help. This is one of the biggest threats that you can ever imagine probably even worse than climate change and other catastrophic events. Planet's stability is breaking apart by the ever-increasing productions, consumption, deforestation and other issues caused by many nations. Alien presence is already here becoming more influential each day and you're still doing the things that make you more vulnerable to alien races waiting to take advantage of every aspect of the human population for their own benefit and interests. Since the human race emerged into life in this region of the galactic activity, aliens will always try to gain access to biological and other rare resources, take control and be around for new plans for their own profit. There are many, very complicated and complex trade routes near the solar system and they want this world to be part of it so they can start farming and utilizing it all. Only very few individuals in power and influence can make deals that serve them but eventually, they'll lose power or get replaced. So this means that nobody will gain anything out of some deals or exchange with certain alien races even though it may seem very captivating at first. Most of the technology and other magical equipment they offer are actually useless trinkets in space. Once humanity finds ways to get over this phenomenon that will never stop perplexing the reality, they'll be able to focus on the problems that plague the evolution and survival of the planet.

 There is a great possibility that people can build a totally new world that will evolve as the greatest civilization in the entire universe. None of the advanced alien races or the societies that created very sustainable, peaceful and efficient systems had these breakthroughs in the past. It's taken time for them to design a better working, more efficient method that will manage and maintain their societal order from harm and depletion. The alien presence and increasing catastrophic events can alarm and stimulate the whole to begin doing the crucial tasks guiding each mind to a productive response. It's obvious that we live on a very beautiful planet that gives us all we need and more. We do have the capital to evolve into eternity if we can protect and preserve all life and stability here. Now is the best time to begin designing a way more sustainable, green and productive system that will benefit the entire world also put an end to all the problems like climate change, poverty, diminishing resources, rare deposits, etc. Aliens will take advantage if the human population lose power cause of cataclysms that may hit the world back to back. Even large cities can be transformed into carbon-neutral, very green and plant-based habitats for people and other organisms to live and thrive. The only thing to do is to make the switch to fully plant-based, vegan, biodegradable and renewable energies now to initiate the best and most sustainable and self-sufficient civilization possible. Making money won't matter in the near future because the money won't be able to acquire the essential materials that are absent. So a new economy and social structure must be devised to take the world community to the next level capable and prepared to compete with many alien races and environmental disasters. An absolute vegan and plant-based mindset and productions can take us light years ahead as a whole. All life depends on nature and what comes out of it as in plants, produce, fruits, wood, and many other natural elements. Instead of developing more useless and unnecessary technological products, we better go back to our roots in every aspect of human life and achievements.

 The soil is a living organism that provides the nutrients and platform for all other organisms like plants, trees, animals even humans to live. Degrading soil and deforestation are mostly caused by human impact over the environment. Forests that grow all kinds of foods are the most productive and fertile places in the world. Using chemicals on crops damage and downgrade the soil to a form with less and less vitality and nutrients. Living green and vegan will reduce the impact in the environment you live also deliver a vital effect on the soil and productions. To mimic nature in all facets of human life relating to consumption, needs, growth will produce a more advanced society in a short time. Otherwise, the catastrophes will be unstoppable for each region of the world after the natural balance is completely off. The nature, forests and all of the living biosphere are able to regenerate themselves when there is no human interaction. This means human beings must find new ways that will be beneficial for the environment and the world in everything they do without breaking it apart. The Earth is a complete living organism that we're all part of, it's not just a sphere you walk on and do things as you like or for profit. Going back to nature with veganism and other movements will unite more people and inform so many others to start building the best future progressively. Anything and any product can be made with plants and crops. Human beings are genetically designed to be nature's most intelligent seeders, planters, gardeners, farmers to plant the diversity of all kinds of species. Of course, not everyone will be a permaculture farmer so living green and investing in products and businesses that regenerate the biosphere we live in is very necessary at this time. We're already a piece of a paradise called Planet Earth. Unfortunately, a lot of people think money and bills ruin it all. That may be true. We can create more efficient and livable communities and cities if everyone empowers the green, vegan and sustainable productions, and agriculture. What we need is more gardens, food forests, ecological projects that will benefit the whole, not more money, products, and tech devices. There are some projects about greening the deserts managed by permaculture designers from English speaking nations and they work well. Permaculture designs and projects are very productive and successful, they can be applied to entire cities and probably anywhere in the world to aid the poor communities and states as well. Animals have the ability to green the desolate lands as well as deforested areas by fertilizing them naturally as they do in nature. Mycorrhizal fungi help all plants, crops, forests and other farming methods to thrive if synthetic fertilizers and schemes that degrade the soil aren't used. All of the living organisms including humans and all animal species feed the natural cycling system that forms the planet we live in. Underground fungi networks, microbes, worms and other creatures in the soil transmit the nutrients essential for the surface vegetation to grow and prosper. Pesticides, synthetic substances and non-organic chemicals applied on crops, gardens, and farms harm the natural system that feeds and sustains the plant life harvested for food. Simulating nature during food production and human habitation is definitely more sustainable and effective than the structure people practice for many years.

 The vegan movement is raising awareness of more people for them to join this ever-growing shift that saves millions of animals' lives and the environment. All animals and creatures are sentient beings that enrich the ecosystems and enhance the planet's biodiversity as well as its stability. Mass producing millions and billions of farm animals to be slaughtered for food destroy the ecosystems, emit a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases, pollute the air, waters more than most other industries. A lot of people realized the connection with animals, all life and removed animal products from their diets to stop animal cruelty. Plant-based diets are the healthiest for any person because they contain all of the nutrients including protein derived from plants. The vegan movement and plant-based diets are the beginning of creating a very sustainable, peaceful and united civilization that will evolve as one of the most advanced in the universe. The Planet Earth is definitely a very special place that house biodiversity unlike anywhere in the universe similar to heavenly Garden of Eden and a genetic library chosen by creators.

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