Monday, February 24, 2020




 Hello there, as you know, climate change, environmental degradation, excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, animal agriculture, industries, and many other disasters are occurring and they may intensify henceforth. It seems like human civilization has hit the verge of either save the world now or it will be too late after 20 years which is two decades. 2020 is the beginning of a totally extraordinary decade and the new age of magnificence or downturn. Environmental deterioration is extremely dangerous for the growing population worldwide, it may cause some of the worst disasters and calamities hereafter. It's still not too late to reverse climate change, environmental degradation, animal cruelty, inequality, deforestation, desertification even poverty and droughts. Nevertheless, we need collective action to resolve and stabilize the serious controversies even world-known scientists and principals don't know how to react to. All in all, the world and entire humanity must be saved and reformed profoundly, only a global change can proceed with many nations into sustainable, prosperous renewability. Everything is constantly changing in life but the essence of nature never changes, it's seasonal. Biological diversity is vital for any nation, any city, place, community, forest or else to thrive blissfully. Each person has the capability, skills, and creative ideas to assist the human civilization positively for the transformative shift that's altering the DNA, ecosystems and entire globe each day. The new world will be completely vegan, forested, renewable, photosynthetic, extremely green and productive with no single-use plastics nor anything destructive for organisms and the biosphere. Humanity is incredibly special, brilliantly resourceful with the superpower to surpass all alien civilizations and races in the near future in sustainability, renewability, and prosperity concerning every field, industry, and personal lives. Whereas, there is still a lot to be done in a short time to achieve the level of infinite, eternal creativity and profusion.

  Planting 500 trillions of trees suitable for each region of the world whether fruit, nut, other deciduous, coniferous trees, and shrubs can save the world, entire humanity also reverse climate change because everybody residing in each nation around the world will be obliged to continuously gather seeds, branches, and seedlings to plant the maximum number of trees for completion. If each person is regularly planting new trees to fulfill the most enormous project entire humankind appointed for, climate change, environmental degradation may finally be overturned. These newly planted trees will provide some types of food, many seeds, many benefits for the growing world population, absorb the excess CO2 from the atmosphere, execute photosynthesis to store it. People must go back to their roots related to living more natively, crude and pure manners in order to upend the damage they've caused to animals, ecosystems and to significant natural resources that are essential to all life and even for productions. All industries must alter their method of production and manufacturing as natural as possible only with renewable, non-depleting and harmless mechanisms to protect the integral life-generating sources. Human beings are perfectly designed with hands, original skills and creative minds to plant all kinds of trees, plants, gardens, forests to harvest and make products from these renewable and prolific organisms without destroying the planet they're embedded in. All cities, communities and manufacturing techniques can enhance the environment they rely on to provide the housing, necessities, energy, and products for the growing population. Indeed, the economy that's running every nation of the world should be as green, ecological, renewable and limitlessly sustainable as possible and they all need to be regulated in that order so increasing disasters, degradation, depletion of all types of resources and reserves can be effectively prevented. The world is degrading and depleting each day with a growing population, industries, and consumption, the climate is warming each day. There is little time probably less than two decades so cooperative action must be taken worldwide urgently. Depletion and destruction of the environment and all resources are one of the biggest problems of this era and it's getting worse each day. Optimistically, the entire world and all industries can convert to sustainable and renewable techniques to stop polluting and depleting the only planet that's in danger now.

 Vegan, plant-based diets, movements and mindsets are beneficial for the animals, environment and human health in every way conceivable so this will revolutionize all aspects of the civilization progressively. Humanity has less than two decades to reverse climate change, environmental destruction, depletion, sea level rises, global warming, desertification, deforestation and all other threats occurring around the world. Going vegan is a great start but it's not enough to save all animals nor the world. We must take collective action about every issue especially the ones blustering our existence. Everything, everybody must reform their behavior, diet, work, minds for the benefit of the entire world and the biosphere we're embodied in otherwise the decline will be irreversible devastating the whole grimly. All of the destructive corporations, manufacturers and industrial districts are supposed to be either adjusted or shut down to save the world also endangering security and stability. Economic growth is formulated for the benefit of a few people with so many unnecessary harmful, junk products in fabrication. This type of economy and expansion in the world is obviously extremely toxic and detrimental for all life and for the undermined society plus nature. The economy is absolutely required to adapt to environmental, climate change and other hazards in every region. A few nations cannot drain most of the world's natural resources into complete ruin for the sake of economic growth or greed. Sustainability and renewability are the most significant features of any civilization and society probably in the universe. That's because you were born or come from a different world in the galaxy or universe with a distinctive look and characteristics doesn't imply that things will be completely strange. This is how life is and all organisms no matter how intelligent and advanced they are. Life depends on resources and how you renew them to make more in succession. Depleting the entire world, killing all its organisms and habitats to make irrelevant, superfluous merchandise wrapped in plastics that will never decompose in favor of profits and revenue is the most dangerous path for any civilization.

 We can build extremely cooperative, integrated green, plant-based, forest cities, and industries only powered with renewables that will enrich the environment they're implanted. Nature on its own is highly imperishable producing its own energy, food with photosynthesis, supplying seeds for growth, storing carbon and maintaining habitats for all creatures plus much more. We can mimic nature in every field and aspect of human need and development to coexist pacifically. More and more people are waking up to what's been done wrong for decades especially after the industrialization era and finding ways to fix the real intricacy. It seems like only a united vegan take-over can restore the planet into its most sustainable and prosperous condition without destroying it. We live in a totally disparate stage of civilization emerging into a precarious alien universe filled with intelligent life operating secretly. Cooperative action must be taken now to overcome the serious calamities and dangers including alien deception. Planting 500 trillions of diverse tree species worldwide for the benefit of every growing community can lead the planet in a positive direction also reverse climate change globally now. The reversal of climate change and environmental degeneration can become the biggest business opportunity as well because if you don't save the world and humanity also enhance its natural self-sufficiency, it will all end up extremely cataclysmic.

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