Wednesday, February 5, 2020


 Can you crush it in life by going vegan and starting vegan farms and businesses? There are expanding deserted areas and climate change that threaten our future. This may be the only solution to all the problems occurring in our world and society for a while. Going Vegan or starting a vegan business isn't just about money, dieting or anything like that. This is the best movement and mindset that can change the planet extraordinarily in such a short time towards a peaceful, sustainable and cooperative union. Vegan businesses are the most successful ever in the global market right now and probably in the future. Now is the best time to crush it vegan and save all animals and the astonishing Elysium we live on. Veganism literally will never stop as the force that takes over and actually recover the Earth and all life. There are tons of entrepreneurs crushing it vegan with their new startups and businesses. There is a lot of new manufacturing fields that are fully vegan and plant-based as well. It's clear that photosynthesis is the foundation of all life on Planet Earth, most of the vegan products relate to plants producing foods and nutrients with photosynthesis. Vegans will always win because plants provide the most essential nutrients for brain and body development and strength. Most of the inventors, scientists and the smartest people ever lived in the past were absolute vegans throughout their whole lives. All of the bird species flying all around the world are in fact the descendants of the ancient dinosaurs evolved over millions of years. Dinosaurs were not able to fly millions of years ago but they became birds. Humans' evolution is accelerating rapidly now and they may not grow wings out of our backs but they will definitely evolve to incredible beings way more sophisticated and skillful than even most of the alien races neighboring the solar system and afar.

 The Planet Earth may be one of the most marvelous, abundant and vivacious heavenly realm in the universe unlike most of the other dead, depleted or dying planetary systems. That's because there are aliens looking different than us or having a level of high technology classify them as more advanced or intelligent than human beings from Earth. It's obvious that we live on an amazing planet with enormous diversity. Vegan is about connecting with nature at all levels. Once you feel the pure connection to Gaia, you realize animals aren't food, they're part of a complex living organism. After this understanding, you start evolving more rapidly because you perceive that you're a part of a living, breathing entity. All the things you do affect the whole exceedingly although most people aren't aware of that yet. Even planting one tree can grow large forests over time with little human interaction since plants are perfectly devised to reproduce and expand over large areas. This demonstrates the fact that just one person can change the world profoundly with their mindset and the things they've done. Some people greened large deserts into productive and fertile fields, some people planted large forests to protect dying and desolate landscapes. If one person can make such a big difference in the world, think about what the effect would be once all of humanity starts planting, investing in green, plant-based projects that can save the world in the shortest time possible. The human population altered the environment after the industrialization to a condition that's constantly degrading. Anything can be reversed when most of the population starts living, producing and consuming the right way that restores the planet and supports the living environment.

 One reason there are aliens here on Earth was the human impact on the environment and the planet devastating the ecosystems and resources that are very rare and valuable in the universe. All of these biological and organic resources are wanted by several races for their own benefit since people have been very reckless with their activity. This gives the opportunity to several alien groups to exploit the unaware population and extract the precious elements for themselves through many secret programs. In order to overcome the alien threat over humanity, most of the human population must begin saving and protecting the environment, the planet's diminishing resources and stop all the unnecessary conflicts between nations. The Planet Earth and all its living organisms, habitats are all we have and will ever be. Terraforming other planets won't generate the sources essential to all life as Earth does almost in every acre. Aliens will probably approach human colonies on Mars, moon and elsewhere to take advantage of them with deception as well. This is the best and only time for the human race to merge as one powerful vegan, plant-based force to safeguard all nations, every inch of the planet and start building a more advanced, sustainable, green civilization that will progress into eternity. There is a great possibility for human colonies to terraform certain biocompatible planets, moons and smaller planetoids into Earth-like with effort and investment. Some people have been contacted by alien races neighboring our solar system watching our planet and human society for a long time. Most of them are friendly vegan societies and that's how they became very advanced and coalesced with each other over time. Humanity is destined to do the same, become fully plant-based, vegan, safeguard their beautiful system then merge with these benevolent associates once they overcome and evolve over unnecessary conflicts and secure their self-sustaining resources as much as they can. Earth is going through mass extinction at this time cause of climate change, overuse, and degradation of the environment, pollution, etc. Producing and consuming more products that will eventually deplete all of the planet's non-renewable resources isn't the way to progression and development. The elements you utilize to make the products and the economy are mostly coming from a non-renewable source that will only force the human race into extinction or fall under alien order. Aliens want the population to end up as weak as possible so they can come and offer all the gifts then obtain immediate reign over masses to suppress and exploit them as much as they can. Everything must change as soon as possible to overcome coming cataclysms and protect the world from the alien presence that's only here to reap the benefits. A United Vegan World can be built with such magnificence and sustainability that it can prevail Earth and even other planets also resolve all of the problems now and in the future with power and expertise.

 Evolving over the difficulties that are here now and will strike hereafter takes a collective and cooperative mindset. A balanced level of sustainability, union and environmental enhancement must be reached to halt the catastrophic events elevating even more. Everyone would love to live in an Undivided Vegan Paradise where you can travel, work and live anywhere in the world with most beautiful, green, plant-based cities existed absorbing most of the excess carbon turning it into productivity. Photosynthesis is the process plants and other organisms use to convert light and carbon dioxide into chemical energy stored for later use. This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water – hence the name photosynthesis. In most cases, oxygen is also released as a waste product. Most plants, most algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere and supplies all of the organic compounds and most of the energy necessary for life on Earth. You can tell photosynthesis is amazing and we need more of it to build a more advanced and efficient civilization. Today, the average rate of energy capture by photosynthesis globally is approximately 130 terawatts, which is about eight times the current power consumption of human civilization. Photosynthetic organisms also convert around 100–115 billion tons (91-104 petagrams) of carbon into biomass per year. Photosynthesis is performed differently by different species, the process always begins when energy from light is absorbed by proteins called reaction centers that contain green chlorophyll pigments. In plants, these proteins are held inside organelles called chloroplasts, which are most abundant in leaf cells, while in bacteria they are embedded in the plasma membrane. The first photosynthetic organisms probably evolved early in the evolutionary history of life and most likely used reducing agents such as hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide, rather than water, as sources of electrons. Cyanobacteria appeared later; the excess oxygen they produced contributed directly to the oxygenation of the Earth, which rendered the evolution of complex life possible.

 Earth became livable for human beings by the evolution of photosynthesis and plant life. We definitely need to increase the process of photosynthesis in our world to soak up the excess carbon in the atmosphere warming the planet each day. Although planting more trees and reforestation projects may not save the world completely, they are still necessary. Photosynthesis is absolutely the most amazing and life-generating wonder and all life depends on this unique process. If most of the population switches to a plant-based, vegan diet and starts planting more to green the world, more photosynthesis will occur to absorb more carbon but unfortunately, this isn't enough. We can create a united vegan paradise that's very fertile and productive for all living organisms including humans, this may reverse global warming and establish a very self-sustaining union. There are vast deserts constantly expanding to endanger the fertile lands and forests. Some nations started projects to build green walls to stop the desertification in the deserted regions. Plants absorb light primarily using the pigment chlorophyll. The green part of the light spectrum is not absorbed but is reflected which is the reason that most plants have a green color. Green indicates photosynthesis but some algae are different colors. Algae contain other pigments resulting in a wide variety of colors. Humanity is becoming multi-planetary with the colonization of Mars. Terraforming of Mars is a great endeavor but Mars doesn't have a magnetic field so the atmosphere and oxygen get lost in space. The soil is also toxic for farming and humans. All of the supplies must be transported to Mars to sustain the colonies but eventually, a livable and self-sustaining colony can be constructed. This may be the beginning of a Multi-planetary Vegan Paradise with the help of photosynthesis and plants. Titan is probably more compatible with colonization and terraforming but it's farther than sun and the Earth. Mars is the first place to reach out in space as a planet. Since photosynthesis is the foundation of all life on Earth, it will be the same elsewhere in space. Colonization of new planets would be exciting but the first thing we must focus on is to save the world at this time. Earth has been going through mass extinctions and forest fires devastating ecosystems recently. Other planets will never be like Earth where all of the divergent life and humanity exist.

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