Thursday, February 6, 2020


 This is it. A lot of people still think we're alone in the universe, why didn't aliens come yet? These are all lies, there are trillions of aliens everywhere in the universe and tons of planets with intelligent life. There are also united vegan alien societies that observe the Earth and its inhabitants for quite a while. They will come here in the future but humanity isn't ready to encounter alien life yet. There is loads of evidence that some groups have arrived and been here to carry out their program for decades. All of this has been kept secret from the public but there has been much exchange during a period of time. It's apparent that aliens have studied the human population then entered our system to take advantage of a conflicted and primitive native culture. We live in a beautiful planet embodying extreme amounts of biological variety, unlike most other planetary systems in the cosmos. There are probably myriads of vegan and plant-based civilizations in this part of the universe that are united intimately since all life depends on plants and other biological life forms in a stable ecosystem. They have been monitoring this solar system and the native population of Earth for some time just like other alien groups did. They're somehow totally distinct from these beings that interceded with their own agendas. Humans had some secret agreements and exchange with the coming factions. The other associations don't interrupt other native civilizations newly transpiring with technology and other advancements. They come after these native cultures prove to be progressive and sustainable enough to make contact and agreements. This is an amazing time for all of humanity to test and justify themselves by saving and safeguarding their homeworld aside from halting most of the unnecessary conflicts and catastrophes. There is a probability that trillions of vegan aliens from various planets coming to planet Earth to invite all of humanity into a very advanced and green confederation of worlds in the future. This is perhaps the most incredible news for everyone living here but there is a lot to be done first. The planet and its native species are in danger. There are already a few alien groups in and around the planet interfering with the human society covertly because they don't want people to know why they're here. They had exchange programs with some nations and gave them some level of technology but the technology they've given were presumably just trinkets in a universe that's so vast and unimaginable.

 Luckily, there are many friendly races and societies that are more advanced at every level than these alien organizations infiltrating into our world with secret agendas. They have been watching and monitoring everything happening around planet Earth for so many years. They will come and make contact with human nations in the future because it's still very early to make contact with a young and emerging race behaving recklessly. By the time, hopefully, humans will grow up and start doing the right things to protect their homeworld and compose a more viable scheme here. It's obvious that planet Earth and human society are in grave danger right now but all of these problems can be clarified in a short time. The climate is warming up and it affects every facet of life here. Going fully plant-based and green certainly reduces the damage we make to our environment and climate progressively. Humanity must safeguard all of the resources, planetary stability and social order from alien groups and the catastrophes before it's too late. Anything can be reversed and overcome with the right action and mindset shortly. Building a complete vegan world will stabilize the climate and reforest the entire planet as a lush and productive garden to feed and benefit people and other living creatures. Earth has the ability to terraform millions of planets into existence, some of these bodies aren't too far from our sun. The interstellar travel will be discovered and improved by time to reach these empty places awaiting terraformation. Spheres like Mars are the first destinations to attempt terraforming and it will only get better with time. People are excited about this prospect and they will invest and support all they can to become multi-planetary and visit these new structures constructed on moons and other celestial bodies. Alien life will always compete and try to take advantage of the human race and the things we possess so all of the colonies and structures must be secured from visitors from outer space. Although there are possibly a great number of benevolent vegan aliens that will approach some nations leading the projects recovering the environment and expanding sustainability worldwide. They may conduct certain agreements to exchange rare resources and some refreshing organisms that can enhance both parties. Terraformation may be the only way to the universe because most alien races are dangerous to make contact or any arrangements.

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