Thursday, February 6, 2020


 This is a very significant time for the evolving humankind and the changing Planet Earth. Nothing will be like the past ever again. It can be either amazing or dreadful for each living entity in this physical realm. Time is already up for entire humanity, now is the best moment to gain superior knowledge and awareness about the real perils against the destiny of this beautiful lively dynamic colorful sphere. Most people are still not aware of what's been going on around the world. Alien presence encompassing the world and human population is nothing like the ancient aliens or anything like that. Aliens had many interactions with the human race in the ancient past but now they're here to secretly take over the world as soon as possible. Their covert operations have been transpiring for decades in clandestine manners completely hidden from the unaware human population. You need to understand that this is one of the biggest threats for the entire humanity more severe than climate change or present events. If you knew the alien activities around the world, underwater, on the dark side of the moon, in extraterrestrial spaceships, in underground bases, remote islands, and many other hidden places, you'd leave everything at hand and find ways to stop this by joining forces globally. Many alien races and organizations literally attempting to turn planet Earth into a human farm for them to harvest and utilize for their own benefit also for universal and galactic trade. You have no idea how dangerous and cruel the universe and most of the alien races are. Some of the things happening are incomprehensible for a random person so people must wake up and take collective action. There may be plenty of human farms generated with the harvested abductees on the dark side of the moon and many alien structures that constantly monitor the Earth. What humans have been done to farm animals is being done to humans by aliens for many years. This is how the reality of intelligent life is near your solar system. All life relies on resources and how they gather them, aliens don't think they're doing anything wrong. These procedures and operations have been imposed on many other young and naive civilizations around this galaxy and the universe countless times.

 Our newly developing human alliance is being hacked by several extraterrestrial and hybrid species with practices experimented so many times over different alien races and planetary systems. Hybridization program has been going on for decades here as in the same course they've subjugated certain alien societies in the past. These alien cartels are extremely deceitful and use their mind powers also persuasion skills to carry out their plans. To fall under alien domination and control would be the end of humanity by any means. Some other alien civilizations have already been enslaved by the technological and collective forces, most never broke off this exploitation over hundreds and thousands of years losing their identity and freedom altogether. This sort of subjection has been inflicted on many dwellers on various planetary systems in this galaxy alone. Living on a planet that's been transmuted into a human farm by some alien corporations to harvest and utilize all of the human organs, body parts, tissues, organic compounds and as a workforce would be the most terrible experience. Earth's biological properties are utterly uncommon and valuable for galactic trade between innumerable extraterrestrial enterprises. The human race has been granted an organic globe that's identified as an extremely invaluable prize not protected and maintained by the destructive native inhabitants themselves. This behavior permitted certain alien syndicates overseeing the human society on Earth for quite a while to execute their programs to only favor themselves and use humans harshly. There is more than enough evidence and information about the alien presence around the world. Even the hybrids look exactly like humans in the society at this time following orders from their alien overlords to gain control of the unaware population. No person deserves to live on a planet ended up as a human farm for some deceitful and selfish alien syndicates that will use and harvest all of the resources and people as much as they can turning entire humanity into farmed animals with no privilege. This is the only time for the human race to unite and shield their civilization from the clandestine extraterrestrial organizations also alien hybrid influence. No alien or hybrid beings will help people, save the world in any manner. They all work and serve for higher alien intelligence and command anyway so most alien beings don't even know anything about individual choice and decision. They all operate in a very strict hive mind with none or so little individuality and freedom and they want to urge the human population to align with their own cruel format. Several organizations already started to influence people in power to gain control of many people in certain regions. You can feel and see the consequences and events caused by this, as of now. There are great manipulation and confusion going on around the world, catastrophic events are ever-increasing and spreading apart. Aliens attempt to weaken the human race with growing catastrophes and instability so they can gain more power and supervision over the mass of people in need of help.

 The only thing you can do at this time to get out of the serious situation is to begin uniting to overthrow the malevolent alien occupancy in the world and solar system. Anyone can do research to find the most essential things to save the world as soon as possible as their side job or even main job. Some entrepreneurs who were trying to halt and reverse climate change started some of the most successful companies thriving in global markets. To stop and shield the human civilization from alien operations and to put an end to climate change also overturn it are the biggest business opportunities for many entrepreneurs and business people. The alien phenomena over Earth may be beneficial for our society by speeding our evolution, merging us as one to solve the real problems, curb prejudice and conflicts over unnecessary manners. Going vegan and investing in vegan, green and environmentally friendly businesses will boost humankind's evolution, skills, intelligence, cooperation and generate vast green landscapes for production each year.

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