Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How Can We Fix Humanity and The World?

 I’ve been thinking about this same thing every day, almost all day. I hope I’m getting close to finding out. Truly I need more information and knowledge to find the answer to this big question, probably the biggest ever popped in my mind. I came to conclusion that our world must be saved and turned into a better world similar to Heaven-like reality assuming that our planet offers the resources, infrastructure to be great and amazing for all of us. 

Photo by Slava Bowman on Unsplash
Imagine that you’re holding the globe called Earth in your hands like a God and you realized that this globe must be saved and preserved as soon as possible. What would you do? How could you fix the issues of this world that causes so much turmoil over its eco-system and living beings? God probably knows our problems but what if we are responsible for all of them and we as humans must take action to fix them? God may only watch from afar and cannot help since we are the ones who caused all the destruction and pollution also so many other out of balance complications. I had to share my thoughts on this subject since this is one of the biggest blogging platforms on the internet. Perhaps I can impose you to think about finding ways to create a new world that’s moving towards repairing its own structure and system. Our capitalist system may be working for the benefit of the majority and the planet’s ecological system. Money may not be the answer to saving humanity or the world from being destroyed. What will you do with some printed paper if the entire world is damaged to a point that no living being can survive anymore? What we need is some education to unite as a race in order to do the right things as guardians of a beautiful planet unlike any other we know of. 
 When you think about change, you think about people because everything is made by people, unless AI formed any type of innovative products to shove on our face. Robots, computers and technology won’t solve all the problems because people manufacture and use all of them from day one. Companies and products are dependent on people to continue their work. They advertise everywhere as much as they can to make sales which is basically sharing what they’ve made so they can make more and better. Otherwise they’d go bankrupt just like how many companies ended up. People are the driving force of everything you see in the world although we don’t see the connection to our planet, its ecology, animals, living beings and all the pieces that form our globe. We must seeing everything as buy and sell, work to survive, pay bills, products. I get mind blown when I go to most stores with what I see now. I notice so many new products popping on shelves that I can’t stop asking myself ‘who is buying all of these?’ As you know, most go to trash after a couple or a few uses. We’ve been trashing and polluting our environment with plastics of all kinds, bags, food scraps, products that are used once only. Manufacturers are working so hard to supply our meaningless cravings that give us joy for so short time. We became robots that work, consume and sleep in our daily lives. Thinking ended up being the ancient past after we started playing with new gadgets and smartphones that we can slide their screens with our fingers. Nobody is seeing the reality of the world, there is a huge damage we cause on the environment and the planet we live on. We must act now to change this capitalist system. No money you make will be with you after you die. Why would you destroy the world if the money you make is never even yours? Most of the money actually stays in the banks and never gets touched by people at all. That’s a fact. Corporations have been trying to bubble up their bank accounts with profits and assuming they’ve been doing a good job. Where is all that money? Oh, it stays somewhere safe and never gets touched by anyone so we can be bigger and more successful. Don’t you understand that money made you a slave to work for in the first place? There are so many other things to work for right now. Our planet’s literally warning us with disasters hitting from all around the world. We caused so much havoc that it almost became impossible to reverse so more money could be made to stay in banks… Humans need a new way of thinking. Doing whatever it takes to destroy the people, the planet, the eco-systems to get more printed paper that can buy you more junk that will end up in landfills was never a good idea. Who invented it? Probably some rich people to get richer, I see =D Well if you’re already rich, why don’t you invest into better things instead of trying to get richer to fill an electronic account with numbers that you may not even reach in your life. Yes we all have bills, you have to work to pay them. It shouldn’t be your life’s main purpose to fill your account with prints of more monopoly so you can eat more, buy more clothes, move to a bigger box and have more time watching videos, tv, hulu etc. 
 Humanity may have been created by God to be the saviors of Earth. It’s astonishing jewel that exists in the universe we’ve been given to. We still don’t know a planet inhabited that’s better than ours. Yeah, let’s go destroy it to be able to throw plastic junk at each other. We need a new mindset, I’m sure there are aliens out there who have been watching us and can’t believe what kind of aspirations we live on. Nothing will ever be yours. This is my new motto. You have food, it goes to your stomach to get digested and disappeared. All the things you have will never be yours, they’ll get old and you’ll have to buy more and more of them eventually. Buy a house? Is it ever yours? You pay mortgage, more bills, maintenance, taxes, more furniture, bigger tv, more clothes then you get sick or old. You must have comprehended that with all the work and payments you’ve given towards something you actually never own may be a ridiculous idea. Perhaps having less and going smaller is more fulfilling so you can at least have time for yourself to think and to act towards bettering yourself and contributing into a better world. 
 Creating a better humanity and a better world may not be too difficult. It doesn’t actually depend on the products that you buy, this is about you and what you give your attention to. Environmental change will never stop since people caused all the damage at a growing pace. People seem like waking up little by little, seeing the world with new eyes. You understand everything happens with what you know, not what you buy or have. Knowing that we live on a world with so much turmoil might inspire you to think and research about bettering yourself in every way possible so you can teach how you made it to others. Sharing what you know is very important to inform other people thereby they can learn about changing our habits to fix the issues we all have. We’re all connected to each other in every level of the society, we all breathe from the same atmosphere, we walk and drive on the same road. We could invest more into sustainable resources of clean energy, green products, plant-based people for a better future. 
 We only have one planet. Go green and plastic free now. Micro plastics are in the water, in food, in rivers, ocean, animals, literally everywhere. Plastics were a great invention of the past, but now they became monsters that pollute and kill so many living beings even people. There are so many people who get sick without knowing the plastics they consumed through water, food sickened them in disguise. We must do more research and study instead of working and chasing paper or food. People are spiritual beings that are capable of becoming amazing advanced, creative forces. Become the best of you by finding ways to save the world and humanity instead of filling some bank accounts to buy more, have more of unnecessary stuff. Being brainwashed or overworked will never help. Work less, research more, think more. This is the time to brain storm ideas to initiate a more advanced humanity to lead the future. Following a plant-based lifestyle may be beneficial for anyone and for animals, environment etc. Everything can be made and manufactures through the substances extracted from plants. Don’t buy single use plastics anymore. They’re extremely dangerous for the environment, plastics found ways to circulate our food chain. Being healthy is the best thing you can ever have, there are so many people with health problems right now. If we all want to be healthy, we must leave our destructive habits and addictions. Our planet is the most beautiful jewel ever existed for our conscious minds. Be careful and check the labels of each product you purchase because most food items and other things contain a high amount of additives, chemicals etc. Eat natural vegetables, fruits instead. Exercise, reading, studying, learning, sharing are the ways to enlightenment proved by many masters that lived in the past even now. Be the master of yourself so you can help the world becoming better, it’s not about useless stuff anymore. Be the master to fix the humanity and the world. Don’t underestimate yourself. We’re all individuals living different lives. How can we save our world? I hope I will or you will find a way soon… =)

How Humans Are Turning The World Into Plastic - Watch Now !!

Monday, February 25, 2019

How Can You Save The Entire Humanity?

  We live in a world that needs saving. There is so much damage that we caused to our planet at this time. People have been polluting and ripping the world's resources for a while. Nobody really knows what to do to save themselves nor the planet and its living beings. Does entire humanity need to be saved so this beautiful planet can be clean once and for all? People must change. We have not been behaving wisely. No intelligent species would destroy their own planet. It's not about money and jobs anymore. All those things are becoming useless. When you destroy your world, you won't have any money or jobs. We need to see the reality of the situation here.
  People are being brainwashed with phones, social media, news, movies, products, internet and other unnecessary stuff every day, all day. You are what you perceive, what you focus on becomes your reality. Stop being brainwashed, think for a moment. Be aware of the matrix that's been imposed on us. People became robots that do certain things that make few people rich and powerful. The system isn't working anymore. Too many people are unhappy because they either keep doing the same thing over and over again to survive or they live in turmoil. Ask yourself 'How can you save the entire humanity?' at this point. It seems like things are only getting weird. Why can't we create Heaven on Earth and get rid of all this negativity? People need to change. Stop feeding the corporations and the system. Systems needs you to survive, you don't. Focus on the things that matter, focus on your health, read and learn the right material, do the things that you want to do instead of being a slave to pay bills. Money isn't everything. It's printed paper to give value to products and services. Money won't save you from this madness, no matter how much you have. Printed paper won't save you or make you better. Money equals stuff. You need to realize that you're happier when you have less stuff. Enjoy the moment, only do things that you want to do. Most jobs are useless, they don't even make sense anymore. Pay rent, pay bills, eat, sleep, work... Is this the meaningless life you choose to live? You choose what you do in every moment with your brain. Don't feed this system. Find cheap land and build your own world around a small house with greenery.
  Going Vegan is one of the best thing people admit after they tried. Don't stop trying. Always read, learn and try new things. That's how you process and experience. I never like doing same thing twice unless I'm learning from it. Life isn't jobs, Steve Jobs built the biggest tech company but he didn't really live his life. You don't need that much tech or all those tech products, you don't even need that much money. Minimalists are the happiest and healthiest people in the world, that's what they confess after becoming minimalist. Sharing is the best feeling in life. Everything is actually made to share, profits convinced people not to. You can't make a profit without sharing what you made or thought of anyway =D  Sharing is essential to be successful in life. You can't be taking all the time, it doesn't work that way, you gotta give to take. Give all you have through your passions you were meant to follow. Don't underestimate yourself. Everyone has the power to change the world and make it better for everyone.
  Live a healthy life, stop investing on elements that make you sick. Those products are only taking your money and your health from you. Invest your money and your life wisely. Be green to live a healthy life to plant your seeds in everywhere you can so anyone else can do the same. We must change and become dryads of ourselves and our beautiful planet. Other planets like Mars won't be life Earth even if we colonize it. Fix yourself and your world, we need to start the clean up now. Power of now is extremely accurate. Everything is now, future is now, past is now. Your mind is constantly projecting the now and the future with your perception and thoughts. Share your knowledge with others, don't be selfish in life. You'll never have that much money anyway. Eat less, spend less, learn more, share more. Life will never end but it's always changing. Be Green, Read Green, Write Green, Do Green, Spread Green. Now is infinite.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Why Poor Is Better Than Rich =)

  Is poor or being poor better than rich and being rich? It might be. People assume that being rich is the best thing in the world. That's actually not true. Rich and richest people in the world are the most stressed out and unhappiest people ever. There is no happiness behind the way to riches. It's just too much stuff to manage every day that it becomes overwhelming. In fact, you don't need all the stuff to be happy or have a great life. You just need to get used to being poor and live a minimalist life. You'll realize living minimally gives the best joy and fulfillment out of life. Nobody needs that much stuff to live their best life =) 
  Stop being brainwashed by the media that imposes the idea of all the people that look like they accomplished something by getting rich. You can still accomplish a lot without getting rich. Let's say you'll never be rich because it's nearly impossible. There is no need for you to feel down about this weird desire. You must have a real purpose in life and go after it. Being rich isn't a purpose. Even rich people actually followed their passion to get there. Nobody ever worked hardest to get richest. That's not how it works. Matter fact being poor is superior to being wealthy. People who are frugal or prefer a life with less, are the realest people. Just breathe this in.
  Let me give you an example. You already had a car that rides, you only paid insurance and gas for it. You wanted a better car that's newer, with more features, looks better, with good engine etc. You went to the dealership and picked the car you liked, got it. It was $500 a month added payment for 5 years out of your income plus your insurance went up. You had to do 2K down payment in advance. Are you happier now or richer? The car drives the same, it doesn't have that much features like it was promised. You ended up paying for it for 5 years, even your insurance went up. You could still go everywhere if you kept your older car, it was fine. You assumed something or a car was going to make you or your life better then you realized it wasn't true. Life isn't about all the things you have, you never need most of them...
  Humans are spiritual beings, your spirit wants to learn, grow, experience life, not the useless products that someone or a company made. The less things you have, you'll understand that having all the things or being well-off was the worst thing ever. Be poor, be minimalist, be happy, only invest in experiences, eat less, live more, rest more, breathe in the freedom you have. People who quit their high paying jobs to pursue minimalist lives acknowledged having the best moments after.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Loved the Dulce Bakery and Cafe in Atlanta GA

I really liked the sandwiches this vegan place served. This is a fully Vegan cafe in Atlanta, GA with a good menu of vegan food items. I love going to different Vegan restaurants and cafes and try their food. I try to stay away from sugar and it's in everything. Sugar isn't good for you. Vegan is mostly healthy and not harmful to animals which is great. You must try the breakfast sandwiches here in this location. It's called Dulce Vegan Bakery and Cafe. Vegan restaurants, cafes, bakeries are popping out everywhere in big cities. People are waking up to animal cruelty and following plant-based, vegan lifestyles to be healthy, happy and save the animals. I find vegan places everywhere I go now and love their food. Don't forget to Watch the videos and Subscribe to VeganWorld TechBook channel on Youtube !!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Alien Message - You Must Go Vegan To Save The World

Monday, February 11, 2019

Going To Seaside FL To Try The Vegan Pizza

There is a pizza shop that makes vegan pizzas in Seaside Florida. I wanted to try it that day. Seaside is a nice little beach town on Emerald Coast of Florida near Panama City Beach FL. I'm glad there was a Vegan option here. I like the little beach towns on Panhandle of Florida. They aren't too crowded like other big cities. You can find few things to do and go to the beach to see the waves, blue water, birds and people playing. It's great to see many different shops and restaurants started offering Vegan options all around the U.S and other countries. Vegan pizza is delicous for sure. The cheese was tasty, crust was fine. I like to try new vegan dishes sometimes although I mostly make my food at home with veggies, sauces and spices. I hope to see more variety of vegan pizzas and dishes in the future since it became very popular with people waking to what's going on behind the scenes.

Trying The Tofurky Chicken The First Time =)

I tried the tofurky chicken the first time and loved it. It's tofu based product that tastes similar to chicken. Some vegans miss the taste of chicken and other meats they were eating in the past. You can find all kinds of tofu based or other kinds of plant-based meat products in the market now. My favorite is italian sausages but this fake chicken was pretty good as well. You can sear both sides on a pan with a little oil and add spices and other things you like to form a tasty dish. There is no reason not to go Vegan anymore. There are so many vegan meat options and cheeses of different kinds. I recorded the cooking of this product by Tofurky. Their product line is pretty delicious for sure. I tried few of them and liked them all. I'd recommend anyone to Go Vegan and try these plant-based products that are made by these companies. Watch the videos and Subscribe to my Youtube channel called VeganWorld Techbook for new videos. Thanks for clicking on this post !!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Is Heaven A Green Vegan Realm So We Can Create Heaven On Earth?

  Hello there. I heard many stories about heaven and people passing to the other side then coming back after a coma or an injury. Some people shared their experiences and what they've seen on the other side. Many people mentioned being in a lush green spiritual realm that's extremely beautiful with vibrant colors. Most of the stories resemble each other. It seems like Heaven or the other side after people pass away, is in fact a very green lush land with familiar spirits like relatives, close friends, parents and some angelic beings. It shows that the spiritual realm as we call it is a real place that could be some place similar to a very green world. I wonder if we could create a world that is heaven like here by turning our world green and sustainable.
  Heaven on Earth may become real if everyone in the world puts the effort to make it a reality. We have cool technologies that are being developed about farming, solar energy, plant life, renewable energies. I believe anything can be done if a lot of people puts their mind into it. Humanity has accomplished many things in the past that are good. We have the power and intelligence to turn our world into a green paradise by going vegan, planting, cleaning the pollution, investing into renewable energy and fixing the problems of our beautiful world. We may not find a world like our own. It's thriving with so much life that it has the potential to become an advanced society with so much beauty and life. I believe everyone wants this to happen soon.
  We are supposed to change ourselves and only do the right things that can turn our world into a blue-green with no pollution, plastics, animal agriculture, dairy production, air polluter transportation systems. Our world is all we have, money can always be made someway. Most big companies don't need all the money in the world with extreme profit margins. Companies must slow their production down. Life isn't all about profit, sales or anything like that. Go Vegan, invest into green products and productions. Time is running out. We're losing many species every day. Bee populations are in danger, people are getting sicker, poorer, hopeless. The answer to all the problems might be creating a Green Vegan Society capable of becoming very advanced in a short time. We don't need alien technology, other worlds won't be like our world. We must create Heaven on Earth like Prophets of the past directed us.
  It's actually not too difficult to accomplish this new movement. There are so many people awakening to the reality. People know they're being used for profit and other agendas for decades. We don't deserve this. Money, profits and all other things will be accessible by anyone no matter how we change ourselves and our planet. Change is the answer to all issues. We're changing, our planet is changing, environment is changing, information is always changing. Sheep mentality doesn't work anymore. People tend to be smart, strong and able to unite for a real cause that's A Green Planet of new developments. Economy will be fine however the productions move forward. Life isn't meant to be about eating dead animal flesh to try to survive so some companies can make profits more than before. This isn't the right way to be human.
  The change starts with inviduals. The information you receive will change you and wake you up. This is the real time of coming changes. There is opportunity of green companies and technologies now. It's tough to start up a company to move it in the right direction in order to make it available in the market. I believe people are becoming smarter by following a plant-based diet. Humanity can go through the enviromental and societal changes so we can prove ourselves by building this new world. 2019 is only the beginning. Number of Vegans and people who are awakened are growing. So many companies are investing into new plant-based productions. This is the right time to save our world so we can create the incredible Paradise of the Green World that is Heaven-like consisting of many living species of all kinds, smart, healthy people, animal friends, vibrant colors, clean waters, renewable energy and green advanced technologies.

2 Ingredients Vegan Cream Cheese Recipe =)


5 mins
5 mins
Recipe type: Spread
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 1 cup
2 cups of unsweetened soy yogurt
chopped, fresh herbs
minced garlic or garlic powder
onion powder
minced jalapeno
lemon zest
nutritional yeast
mushroom powder
chopped sun-dried tomatoes
Place a fine mesh strainer over a large bowl or pot, and lay down two layers of cheesecloth. Scoop soy yogurt over the cheesecloth, then wrap it in a tight bundle and tie with a rubber band.
Let the yogurt drain in the fridge for 16-24 hours, or until it reaches desired consistency. The longer you let it stand, the thicker it gets.
Remove the cheese from the cheesecloth into a bowl, add salt and anything else you like, and mix well. Enjoy!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Vegan Is The Best !!

Vegan sandwich I made with waffle maker 

Recipe of Raw Vegan Nutella. Looks yummy 😋 

Vegans drink a lot of tea, at least in my case. I tried this matcha green tea and it was good 😁

Japanese Matcha is a different version of green tea plant. It’s very nutrition rich. 

I drew these

Even Aliens think that we must go Vegan !!! 😊👍

All animals are friends, not food. Please Go Vegan to save the animals !!

                           Plant life is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. We need more plants.

                                         Yes, Vegan saves the world and makes the planet green.

                                                     This is words of wisdom !
                                       All farms must become Vegan, you can grow anything easily.

                                            I believe so...

Vegan for everything. Please Go Vegan if you aren't yet. It's very popular now. Vegan makes our planet greener and saves the environment also billions of animals that are abused and killed for food. Animals never meant to be food. Most vegetables, nuts, peas, beans of all kinds contain more protein than dead animal carcasses. Meat causes all kinds of diseases. They advertise meat and chemically processed foods for profit. They don't care about people's health nor the animals that are killed. We must Go Vegan to save the world !!!

Top Reasons To Go Vegan In 2019

Here I found the top reasons to go Vegan in 2019. This is the month of February after popular Veganuary that we’re in now. Everyone must try going vegan. It’s the best thing and it’s becoming very popular now. Please click the link to watch the video. You’ll have some ideas on why you should try going vegan. Most reasons are easy to understand and eye opening. It’s been few years since I went vegan and it was really the best decision I made. There are always bunch of cheese and meat alternatives in stores now. You also make more of your food instead of eating fast food which is a lot of fun. You learn a lot by reading, finding new recipes to make at home. Food is very important in our society. If people knew what they’re actually consuming and how that’s killing them and the animals. Everyone would go Vegan as soon as possible. Nobody is forcing anyone though. It’s your choice 😊


Thursday, February 7, 2019

how to be successful in life without buying nothing

 People are brainwashed by products every day of their lives from the moment they were born until they die. Products won't make you or your life better than before. They're just products. Most things become old and useless in short time after you purchase them. Why would you waste your life pouring all your money and energy into things that die off shortly? If you really desire to have a purpose in life or be successful in anything, you must know that buying things isn't the way. Let's say, you are buying a new car. How long does it take for that car to go old and start having issues? Maybe 2-3 years. You have to pay 5-6 years to own that car that will break down after 2-3 years. You must spend more money to get it fixed while you're still paying for the car payments, insurance and all that. Why don't you get a bike instead? Nobody cares what you ride anyway. Get a bike and ride it everywhere, to work, to get groceries, to the beach, mall etc. This is the way to freedom. You can downsize all you have or not buy anything at all. Even if the bike breaks down, you can get it fixed or get a new one easily. Just start walking instead. You wouldn't die walking.
  The thing I'm getting into that the stuff aren't actually making our lives better. We're brainwashed by advertisements, all the products we see all around us. We feel like they make our lives better, give us things, make us smarter, happier. That's actually not true. Buying is the worst habit you have. Life isn't about shopping or buying at all. Life is all, it's meant to be more. Only get the stuff you really need like groceries or order some fries. The more you buy, the more you'll be addicted to the short term satisfaction it gives you. Nothing else. There is research that's not been shown to the society about how sad and unhappy shoppers are. Stop for a second and find something else to do. Products will only take away from you, they never uplift you. Live in the moment. Don't think about what you need to get next in every thought you have. Things to do are better than a shopping list. What if you never buy anything ever again? Would you die? No you wouldn't. Well you need some food and water for sure. You could still survive and have a fulfilling life even be very successful without buying nothing. There are so many people in the world live like monks in the mountains that never had a chance to buy things like new clothes, a car, a bag, more shoes, newer sandals. They washed their clothes over and over again until it was torn apart in their hands but they were still happy. They made their own shoes. They found a broken bike, fixed it and rode it everywhere. These are the happiest people in the world that had the most satisfaction by having the little things and experiences. If you save your money without buying nothing, you will have enough to build something extraordinary one day. Save for your dreams. Those companies that manufacture those products will always make money but you will be the one that loses. Imagine what you want to have in 10 years and keep that image in your head until you have it. Nothing else matters.

Humanity's Survival On Earth

  Brain works for the survival of the self in the physical world. Brain and human body are both physical. Energy doesn't go away. It only changes form. Change of form enables the energy to flow. Human body needs energy to survive. Energy comes from food, water, sun etc. People do everything just to survive. That's about it. I just found out what it was all about. It was always there but I couldn't grasp it yet. Animal life, ocean life, plant life all behave the same way and they're connected to each other also to humanity.
  Question is why do we have to survive? Well, I don't know. What is survival? It generates fear of dying. We don't see that life only changes form. Fear is not being able to survive physically. It's called life. You can ask this question to yourself: What's going on? What is it all about? I found out that it's just a game of survival. Somewhat all creatures worry about their own survival and do things just to get it going. They don't feel any connection to being around them. The reason is all beings are in a state of low frequency. That blocks the understanding the truth. All is actually connected, energy flowing. Only the strongest survive right? That's not true. This is the reason of all suffering on Earth. The ones who fail to win experience sadness. Once you have success, you brain produces new hormones to make you feel better. Your body and brain work like that. The things you do to survive stimulate your brain if you succeed. There is never any losing in life. Even if you lose, you gain experience so it's always a win-win situation.
  Everyone has a spirit in them. The spirit never dies so what is this survival game? What's the reason souls incarnate to this physical world, get into bodies to become human? Good question right.
 It's about life and experience, growth. Nothing exists without purpose. Humanity should have a main purpose instead of surviving. That's old. Look at the history. Humanity's only intention was to survive over and over again. That way they assumed they'd win the game. It seems like it's changing right now. We live in the age of technology and information. It has to be a different intention in the future that humans process. It must be a higher understanding of life. The game isn't all about doing everything just to survive. You aren't a snail moving so slowly. There is more to life than that. Spirit's intention is to learn and grow, not survive. Of course you must survive in some means to learn and experience the many aspects of life. There is so many facets of life in the universe and even in other realms. It doesn't mean they don't exist because we can't see them. Humans are changing, they'll be different in the future. People need to let go all the old beliefs, religions, thought patterns, the old world they have in order to become a new. I'm sure it's becoming something higher and unique with all its glory soon. It'll be like flying as an eagle in the future. We must start flying instead of paying or working. Fly like an eagle with freely and experience the freedom you have. Everything is down your feet. What an amazing view !
  Life is about experience. So many souls come to Earth to experience this time here. There are people who are spiritual who never used the word spiritual or metaphysical. It's how they are. If you want physical things, you have to be physical and make it. Experience! Feeling is the key to fully experiencing the moment. You experience more when you meditate. You may have more to perceive inside of you when it's quiet. Stay in the moment, take deep breaths to open up all your chakras. The more you relax, feel yourself using your chakras, the more you connect to self on an energy level. Just leave it as it is, don't try to dominate what's flowing naturally. You miss a lot every day because people forgot to feel. People forgot to fully breathe, fully live life as it is. We're stuck in survival which is low frequency. I see it as one of the things we have to change. All life is connected in all levels. There is never any separation. We only conceive what we believe. Sigh is only one of human skills. There is a lot more. Our bodies have more potential only if we open our senses, we'll expose to the real flowing energy of the universe around us.

Notes From The Future

               YOU WIN, YOU LOSE...   =)

Don't get bored, be fun, make people have fun, in the meantime you have fun, smile. Life isn't too difficult.
Do all to be happy, live however you're happy. Relax, be calm, don't get too excited.
Focus on what you want to accomplish.
Don't be upset. You wanted all the things that happened to you, you learned a lot from them.
Don't ever forget but don't let them get stuck in your head.
Manage your thoughts as how you want to live happily. Only think that way.
You're capable of doing anything anytime.
What you want will become a reality in your life, even if you believe it doesn't work that way.
Think higher during few minutes every day.
Don't blame people. When you blame people, you actually blame yourself.
Don't ever be scared. Nothing can hurt you. Fear is a life.
The master is who sees the perfection in everything and everywhere.
Your life isn't you. What you lived is gone. Let it all go and be your real self. Now is the time to let go.
What you think, what you focus, believe will become real.
If you want to make money, trust yourself, know your worth, believe that you're worthy of making money. Go make your money.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How To Find Your Life's Purpose

  Everyone must have a purpose in life. Life isn't just working or paying for things. You better have some futuristic desires that you can modify yourself. Life is about creating new things. Otherwise it would become meaningless for anyone. Having the most or biggest material objects isn't going to make much difference in anyone's life. That's a survival instinct that's imposing you to believe in things that may let you live longer but they necessarily won't. Stop listening to your brain for few seconds and just focus on your soul to find your soul's real purpose to be here on Earth at this particular time and place. You planned to be here so you could manifest your intentions of being here as a human being. You can alter the physical realm with your thoughts and actions. Anyone can do that. It's not just big companies. Everyone has power to initiate certain building blocks that are capable of creating something new and useful. That's what makes you survive: creativity of self. Not some printed paper that you earn off doing the same thing for someone or a company to make more profits. That's not creativity. All of those businesses are still created by someone. Even the biggest and baddest companies, corporations are built by some people. How did they construct all that out of nothing? It always takes time and study also research. Only having money won't make it all happen. You must have imagination to follow your dreams. It all starts with a dream. If you don't dream and imagine what you want to make with your own hands, you cannot generate it out of the minerals in soil. You gotta go for what you believe in every action you produce so your plan can be established by time.

The Money Is Never Yours =)

  People believe that they will have money of their own. They need to save money to have a better life, wishing for more money every day. This is technically not true. Money is actually never yours in the first place. Money is printed paper that's owned by banks and a banking system. You can't ever have money, even you get to hold some in your hands. It will actually never be yours. People don't know how the system works. Banks and the system own it all. The stuff you need or buy are never yours either. You have to keep buying them and paying for them in order to use them in your life. Money isn't something you can have. It's printed by a bank to make things go around that you will never own. Nobody has money. That is not how it works. People need to stop believing in it so much.
  If you want to be happy or even successful of making the life that you want to, you must not believe in money. Nobody gives you money like that. The companies that you see everywhere that make things that people need and buy don't own any money at all. Money is a tool to make sales. What is a sale? It's a product to go around to be used by people for some time. Then it will get old, useless, be finised in short time. You pay for the things that don't make sense or will never be yours. What would you care about money or even all the things if they are never yours? You never need anything except yourself in life. Keep paying for the same things and doing the same things over and over again assuming that you will have money doesn't make sense. Stop believing in it. If you want to do something, go ahead and do it. You don't need money to do things or to be happy. You never need stuff. Stuff is stuff. They get old and become trash shortly after. Have a purpose in life and know that money will never make that happen. Look at all the most successful people in the world. They went after their passion. They didn't think about being rich or making money like that. Keep chasing something you will never have or own is a ridiculous idea...

Power Of Words

 If you think about it, everything happes with words. Nothing that ever happened or made without words and sentences in life. This is how creations works. I'm in the beginning of perceiving the power of words and sound in the level of life's creativity. Do you know anything that happened by itself? There are always thoughts or words in your head that are telling you to do this, to do that. Where are those sparks coming from? Words are thoughts that are capable of creating in physical form. You can reprogram your mind to become more creative with words that you read and study every day. Studying is essential to become successful and to develop your sense of creativity. Look around. There is written text everywhere in the world in many languages. You need to have an open mind to push yourself in order to manifest. Nothing ever happens by itself. It's all made by people that you see all around you or else where. What did those people do? They studied the right words in different combinations to be able to do certain things that can be useful for people. It all happened with words. People are just some organic robots to get things done. Mind has imagination but you can't just imagine and wait for it to happen. You must put it into words for you and others to get it done. That's the significant part of understand how life works.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Why Is Trying To Make Money The Stupidest Thing Ever?

  Money. Yeah what is it? It's printed paper. What can you do with it? Nothing. Cause it's never really yours. It's printed in a bank called Federal Reserve. Banks own all the money, central banks gets it printed it out. Money can't be everything. It will never be yours in the first place. Nothing is every yours. Everything lasts a short time. All the things you buy perish after some time when they're used or get old.
 Don't you think trying to make money is stupid? You can't ever have enough of something you never own a bit of it. Stuff you buy with it will eventually become useless. Best thing ever is to live without money. There are so many people who accomplished that. Living for money is the most stressful thing ever. You can downsize your life to live a minimalist life. So many people tried the minimalist lifestyle and found the way to happiness. You may not find a way to live completely without money but you can become a minimalist by not trying to make money in everything you do. You never need anything or that much stuff...
  What is money? It's nothing. Nobody needs it. When I have the least amount of money, I'm the happiest. That's how it's been in my entire life. I immediately bought something when I had the money and I ended moniless again. Everybody is talking about this money, what they can do with it. I tell you nothing will ever happen with it. Money is never yours. Human beings must evolve to be self-sufficient enough to live without money. Money caused so much destruction on Earth already. Who cares about stuff anymore? My mind grows when I don't have any useless things or cash in my pocket. I threw away my wallet. Why would I try so hard to make something I never own? You work all day, have money then what? What will you do with it?
  You better have a purpose in life and go for that. Find other things to do or just relax. Read books to become an author. Start walking, biking everywhere to feel the real world around you. Go to the park, feed the birds with money =D  Look at the birds. Do they ever care about the money? They fly everywhere with no hesitation. They never worked for money and evolved into birds over time. You can fly, just believe it.
  If you could find a way to live without money, wouldn't everyone try that? What if there was a place in the world where everyone is happy and nobody is trying to make any paper rolls to survive to buy more junk? Everyone would love to live there. You can spend all your savings to buy cheap land and start a farm to live a fulfilling life without money. The seeds you plant may give you more joy and happiness than anything else. The printed paper. Oh no thanks, I'm going to have a glass of water instead this time and hug the trees.
  Let's buy land with all the money we have and start a minimalist farming society. The plants provide food, shelter, housing, oxygen and more for everyone. You'll never own the money you make. It's all part of the system for us to work for things that will never be ours. We didn't make those stuff right... Live your life now. Trying to make money isn't the life we believed it to be.

Things To Do List To Save The World =)

  I've been thinking about finding things to do that can save the world. Saving the world isn't too difficult if everyone joins. We need a lot of people all around the world. To reach so many people all over the globe can only generated online with a to-do list. Anyone can read a to-do list right? I will give you my ideas. I hope people can read and add to this list so we can share it online on websites that have the most users. We must save the world. This is the time. It starts with individuals. What if someone gave you a list of things to do daily or sometimes that you could save the world by following them? Wouldn't you like it or at least try? It would give you much joy by doing the simple things that are saving the world for everyone. Let's start...

1) Go Vegan =)
I know not everyone wants to stop eating meat and dairy to save animals and the world. But going Vegan really helps the world in all ways. You basically save the animals by not eating them, your actions produce less greenhouse gases by not supporting the businesses that produce so much gases. 
Vegans save water sources and the environment as well. This is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the planet !!
2) Ride A Bike
All the cars in the world cause so much madness. Cars pollute the air, take away from your pockets every month, roads and highways could be parks instead. Everyone knows cars aren't good for the planet and environment we live in. Stop driving and get a bike. Biking is great for you, you exercise by riding it everywhere. You buy less junk when you don't drive so it's beneficial for your health and pockets as well. 
3) Stop Using Plastics
Plastics are causing tremendous amount of pollution in the oceans and all around the world. They're everywhere, multiplying so fast that they became the invading species to our planet. We must get rid of all plastics or plastics will kill all life on Earth soon. You can use reusable plastics as containers, coffee cups etc. Don't buy anything that contains any plastics if they aren't reusable. Plastics are annoying. 
4) Do Research About Saving The World
Nobody exactly knows how to save the world in short time. Everyone must do their homework about finding ways that can save the world. Also share that information with others. Don't just keep it to yourself to try to become a superhero. Doing research about anything always helps. Search engines make it easy.
5) Unite As One Human Race
Human race is one race. We must unite as a race instead of going through the same rat race every day about unnecessary conflicts, debates and over consumption. We have a planet that needs saving now. Stop fighting now and do the right thing. We must create a United World that will do whatever it takes to fix the issues of our beautiful world. Time is running out. 
6) Stop Buying Stuff
You ever wondered why you bought all the stuff you never really needed? Average American throws so much food and gives away crazy amount of clothes. We need to stop buying. It's not about economy or shopping anymore. Those companies that you buy the stuff from will make money no matter what. Over consumption kills the world. It takes away so much from the planet without giving it back. You can use all your money to plant trees, create a garden, clean the environment. Buying things will never make anything happen other than short time happiness. Think long-term. 
7) Think About How You Can Save The World Every Day, Share Your Ideas With Others
Everyone can find a way to save the world. We all have different ideas. Share all your ideas with others especially online and on social media so everyone starts thinking about finding way to save the planet and all life. Sharing is the best thing you can do in life. Share all you got =)
8) Everybody Can Be Friends To Each Other Including Animals 
Life isn't all about work, be friends with everyone including all animal life. Animals aren't food or products for humans. They're sentient living beings. Nobody is superior than anyone because they made more paper to buy bigger houses or more cars. Is that it? Everyone meant to be friends with all the people in the world no matter their race, language, religion. All religions suggest kindness, respect and friendship in their books. Stop believing the propoganda =) 
9) Money Is Never Yours. Stop Believing It 
Money is printed paper. When you think about it, it's never yours. You use it to pay the services to have a more comfortable life. Stop thinking that you will make money or have money etc. Banks own all the money in the world. Most of your money stays in the bank. It's not about money anymore. It's t about saving the world now. The idea of money is getting old. There is more to life. Stop working, eating and spending the money that's actually never yours in the first place. Life your life and do the right things that can save the world =)

I will add more to this list. This is it for today. Comment your suggestions to this list. I'm sure everyone has some opinions about saving the world. We need everyone to join this movement. 
A TO-DO list to save the world can make the change in a short time !!