Sunday, February 3, 2019

How Can You Go Vegan?

  It wasn't too difficult for me to go vegan. I was vegetarian for few years in advance of going vegan. I became vegetarian for health reasons. I talked to some people who were vegetarian and they told me it's a lot better, healthier, you should try it and all that. One day, I stopped eating meat completely and never went back. All those meat, dairy, fast food products were making me horrible every day. I never had any energy, always felt sick, tired. I mostly felt like a dead body playing video games all day, killing things on the screen. My life didn't have a meaning at all. Nothing made sense. Although I've been a spiritual person reading self transformation books all the time throughout my life. Something was never right and that was the food I was consuming every day. I had to change. I started feeling a lot better becoming a vegetarian in few months. I had more energy, I was consuming more greens and fruits, making smoothies with protein and they made me feel great. I was like becoming vegetarian was like the best thing I've ever done in my life. I used to be like any other person in the past. I believed meat was the only source of protein and I was trying to eat more of it to workout, become stronger.
  Meat or dairy isn't the only source of protein or calcium at all. Those are all false advertisements made by those big companies that sell those meat and dairy products all around the U.S. There are so many other protein, calcium, vitamin sources of all kinds and they're plant-based. You actually get more protein, calcium or any other minerals or vitamins that your body needs when you go Vegan. So stop believing all those false statements that those products are something. They're extremely cruely made also contain so much hormones, chemicals, additives of all kinds that you shouldn't even touch or think about consuming meat, dairy products.
  When you become aware of how many animals are being tortured and killed to make meat and dairy, you realize what's going on in the world. You want to stop this cruelty and madness by going Vegan. Going vegetarian isn't enough to stop all the cruelty. Those are animals, they're here on Earth to live just like humans. No animals are meant to be food for people. Humans have herbivore teeth structure as well. That proves that we the people never meant to eat any animals or the products made by their bodies. It's extremely wrong to believe they give some nutrition for your body to survive. Absolutely not true.
  You want to be healthy, stay away from diseases and health problems or get rid of diseases of all kinds right... The only way to do that is going vegan. A lot of people cured many so called chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, joint problems, heart disease and more by going vegan because the food that you consume every day cause those health problems. Of course you aren't supposed to smoke, you must exercise, try to live in cities with cleaner air, drink water etc. to prevent diseases as well.
  Fast food is probably worst thing to eat in the world. This is the reality. Those fast food companies you see everywhere don't care about people's health. I don't know what they're trying to do. The food they serve is absolutely not healthy. It contains so much sodium, additives, cancer causing ingredients, chemicals so please think about your health and don't even eat their fries. Most fries they sell at fast food restaurants aren't vegan nor healthy.
  You can watch some vegan documentaries about meat production, factory farms, health and awakening. Once you watch a few or even watch a few minutes of them, you learn what's going in those places that produce food and milk off animal bodies.
  It's not hard to go vegan. You just need to have a mindset and educate yourself every day about the reality of food production. Everyone wants to be healthy. Health is one of the most important things in life. It's more important than money. Nothing matters if you aren't healthy. Animals are friends and equal. They aren't food for humans. Humans must evolve. First thing is go Vegan and focus on educating yourself, the rest will come by time =)

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