Friday, February 1, 2019

We Must Create A United Vegan World To Save The World =)

 Well you read the title. This is real. Things may only get worse by time. People have been destroying and polluting their own world and environment for some time. Studies show that going Vegan helps the planet by all means, it's basically saving you, the animals and the environment from destruction and pollution of all kinds. We must go Vegan to save the our beautiful world. We have an amazing world that thrives with life all over. We have so many species of animals, insects, mammals, plants, trees, sea life and more. We have an eco system that depends on the actions of living beings. Most life on Earth are adaptable except us. Humans are the ones that destroy everything on their paths. This must change now. We must create a United Vegan World in order to stop this madness and do the right things that can save our world. 
  Anything can be made plant based. God has given us a Garden of Eden for sure. Garden of Eden isn't in Heavens, it's actually here, it's our world. What are we doing with it? We're supposed to be the ones who protect and preserve the garden. We should go back to our roots and not rely on technology so much. Technology isn't going to fix all the world's problems. There is more to life than technology, I tell you it's not everything. You never need that new phone that does the same thing, you don't need that newer, faster car with better radio or ac. People must be reprogrammed to do the right things for all life on Earth. Economy, finances, media aren't that important either. Why would you need those products, those things even that money to buy useless stuff if they're all destroying the world? Does that make any sense?  =)  Humans have so much potential to thrive as a united race but the stuff won't make it happen. Nobody needs that much stuff or even tech products. We can invest into more important things instead to create our own beautiful United Vegan World that's capable of ceasing all the problems on Earth. 

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