Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How To Find Your Life's Purpose

  Everyone must have a purpose in life. Life isn't just working or paying for things. You better have some futuristic desires that you can modify yourself. Life is about creating new things. Otherwise it would become meaningless for anyone. Having the most or biggest material objects isn't going to make much difference in anyone's life. That's a survival instinct that's imposing you to believe in things that may let you live longer but they necessarily won't. Stop listening to your brain for few seconds and just focus on your soul to find your soul's real purpose to be here on Earth at this particular time and place. You planned to be here so you could manifest your intentions of being here as a human being. You can alter the physical realm with your thoughts and actions. Anyone can do that. It's not just big companies. Everyone has power to initiate certain building blocks that are capable of creating something new and useful. That's what makes you survive: creativity of self. Not some printed paper that you earn off doing the same thing for someone or a company to make more profits. That's not creativity. All of those businesses are still created by someone. Even the biggest and baddest companies, corporations are built by some people. How did they construct all that out of nothing? It always takes time and study also research. Only having money won't make it all happen. You must have imagination to follow your dreams. It all starts with a dream. If you don't dream and imagine what you want to make with your own hands, you cannot generate it out of the minerals in soil. You gotta go for what you believe in every action you produce so your plan can be established by time.

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