Friday, February 1, 2019

Lecture Of God

  There are so many people in the world that have so many issues. Some think God could fix it all but he isn't doing his job. What if I tell you that you or anyone could fix all of their issues even more? Only thing you need to do is to reconnect with God. People of Earth lost their connections to God. God is actually in everyone. Every thought, every word, every desire, every action reflect God on Earth. We can choose our actions wisely. What if everything and everyone are God? We just forgot it. Humans are living soul beings who are the parts of God. God gave everyone the power to create and do anything.
  God gave us this magnificent world for us to live and manifest on. This is our platform to thrive upon. God isn't that mean man somewhere in the universe judging you by your actions or how you are. God is actually within you. How could you forget this? You need to do your research. God is the code of life that forms your DNA, all your cells and your beautiful soul. People never meant to disconnect from God. Everything is God's creation by being the spark of God connected to each other in so many aspects. When you were born, you gained a new physical body to be in this world. During that process, you forgot it all because you gained a physical body and brain as a baby formed from one cell to a whole human being. That process required your soul to not be able to remember until you realize that you came from God. Not one living soul are apart from the Prime Creator. God is everywhere. There have been many people in the past who wrote books given by God. Not everyone's mission is to write book or try to be holy. Everyone has different purposes and missions in life. You must find your purpose. It may not be a job, money, stuff or anything physical at all. You must find your real purpose of being in this world. You can create anything, you can be anything. Nobody has to tell you what to do. Everyone is doing their own thing. You aren't in this world just to work and pay bills, everyone has their life's purpose that's distinctive from each other. 

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