Friday, February 1, 2019

Word of God

  This is a direct message from me to you. God is here and everywhere now and always has been. Anybody can have a connection with God. You need to open yourself up and do the right things that will save you and your world. Everything is actually easy in life. Nothing ever meant to be difficult for any living being. Humans with their thoughts and actions created unnecessary turmoil on Earth. It can all be fixed in a short time. I will tell you how you can overcome the problems in the world today and the future. God never creates then leaves his creation alone for them to mess it all up. You need to reconnect to God just like you connect to your internet, plug your electronics, your charger etc.  It's easy as that because God is always everywhere every time. People just lost their connection to God by forgetting that he lives in them and all living beings. You're here for a purpose. This beautiful world has been giving to you to protect and preserve. It's never intended to be about money, stuff, jobs or meaningless things. Nobody ever likes their job. Why? Because you are all meant to be more. You must create a new world now. It is the time. I gave you this amazing world full of thriving life. You need to stop killing all animals, polluting your world, fighting with each other. None of this makes sense. There is no world for you other than this. If you build colonies on Mars or Moon, it won't be like Earth. Earth is a rare jewel.

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