Friday, February 1, 2019

Vegan Take Over Has Begun !! =)

 Vegan movement is going mainstream all around the world. This is really huge this time. Nothing like this big ever happened in the world before. It's not about money, not about meaningless stuff anymore. Vegans are taking over the world to save the animals and protect the environment also fix their health. A lot of people who went Vegan got rid of most of their health problems in a short time. People with hearth diseases cleaned up their arteries. One vegan saves one animal a day by not eating it. Animals never meant to be food for people. People have herbivore teeth structure. Vegan diet is the natural way for all humans. It's very popular now because it's the best thing you can do in your life. We can create a Garden of Eden on Earth. We must stop destroying our health, our lives and the lives of so many animals that can live with us as our friends. This is probably what God created humans for. We're the gardeners, the protectors, the planters, the vegans, the farmers, forest lovers of Earth.
  Hopefully Vegans will take over the world soon and save the world. This is what we need to do. We can create a green world. We as humans are supposed to do whatever it takes to save our world. No one else will. It all starts with individuals. Normal people can make a change by doing the right things. So many vegan products are popping out everywhere and they're all delicious =)   I love trying new vegan foods. Be careful about the processed sugars, they contain bonechar and additives that are health hazardous. Only eat raw fruits or sugar free. Stevia is a great sugar replacement for chocolate and sweets. Consuming sugar can cause diabetes and other diseases. If you want something sweet, your body is telling you to eat fruits instead. The many sweets even they're vegan may contain processed sugar or flour that is not healthy. Try to consume raw more. You can always make your own vegan food. I believe everything and everyone will be vegan one day. Most big companies are investing in vegan products and changing their menu, recipes. People are waking up about what's going on around the world. It's all starts with you. If you change, everything around you will change. Study and do your research all the time so we can create a Vegan World !!

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