Saturday, September 28, 2019


 Hello Earth Humans, we have great news for you to inform you about what's coming. It may seem like everything is going out of hand but that's not true. There is a prodigious prospect for mankind laying ahead. Going vegan isn't just a movement about saving the animals and the environment. It's way more incredible than anything else ever occurred on Planet Earth. Planet Earth is one of the most astonishing terrenes in the universe by far because it has immense potential to be so much more. It's approaching now, humanity is evolving as the most extraordinary species in the universe with super intelligence and superpowers that can terraform many planets in and near the solar system in a short time then move further out. Humanity's creative force is ascending as the newest impetus towards expanded consciousness and principal. We live in such unbelievable times on Earth moving into the new age of God's creativity and excellence. Future will be unlike the past of sorrow and misery. As long as the human race is arising as the supreme mentality and intelligence with the power of plants and nature, it will be unstoppable because plants, trees, and nature will provide all the resources and tools to create new green, colorful utopias and new Earth-like planets hereafter. Instead of searching for Earth-like planets to reach onto, enterprises must invest in terraforming technologies that can manifest new Earth-like spheres near our solar system and afar.

 This is the mission assigned to entire humanity by God so the human race can evolve as the United Vegan Gods of the universe eventually. Most alien races aren't able to terraform or create new biospheres in outer space because they depleted their life-giving sources over time for technology and other means. Technology isn't the way of life, it only wastes the rare and significant resources by time, people must understand that protecting and preserving the life-giving sources and building more vital biospheres and environment is way more important and intelligent than wasting it all for robotic stuff. Being more robotic isn't useful or more advanced for the human race. Alien races want to establish a robotic worker class in this world so it would be easier to use people to farm Planet Earth. People must be aware of the consequences of dealing with alien life that come here from outer space. Most of their offerings aren't going to benefit the human race in the long run and it will be extremely difficult to back away from the agreements. Humanity has been created by God to be the savior of the living genetic library called Earth then terraform the deserts and barren lands of Earth than other planets in the future. Scientists are supposed to do research about the plant and tree species that are capable of achieving the terraform projects here and in our solar system. There are many species on Earth that can generate the provisions of new biospheres with the biodiversity of plant life. Earth is able to expand to new regions and places that are free and protected from alien life that only tend to take over and utilize the resources for their own benefit. The first task is to reclaim and restore all the regions and species of this world, refuse malevolent alien agendas so humanity can unite as one to work on the reforestation and support of our environment. More and more people are awakening with the raising consciousness all around the world and everyone will evolve as more intelligent and skillful individuals eventually because it's actually not about technology. Technology will never make anyone better or more advanced. This is a totally false belief adopted by emerging societies in the universe. Many alien races and societies never care about the technology they developed. It's only useful to some extent but overdoing it will waste the rare resources and precious time. The vegan movement is the new beginning of our world and it will never stop expanding and developing itself. More products are being made for the demand that is completely plant-based.

 Reforestation must begin immediately to reverse climate change and provide the foods and resources for the growing population. People aren't meant to be cyborgs that are controlled with devices and implants. This is such a false alien agenda that being forced on humanity incrementally. People are meant to be forest people connected to nature in every possible. Most of the technologies are given by certain races that come to Earth to utilize naive people who are open to new devices and mechanisms that will only turn them into mindless workers. The protection of all living species and the environment is the most important task for each nation no matter their culture or traditions. There is so much potential and life sources here and there are many alien races want this for themselves because people have been damaging and destroying it all. Luckily, things are changing, people started to realize what's going. Life and business aren't all about making more profits that will stay in numerical accounts forever. Survival instincts are diminishing and the awareness is ever-increasing at this time. Gods probably imagined more creators in our universe existing in infinite multiverses of ideas and invention. When more and more people realize they're the creators and unite for this magnificent calling of creating more green, vital biodiversity of lands on and outside of Earth, we'll become the United Vegan Gods of the multiverses of infinite creativity and immortality. No alien race has ever accomplished this yet but the Planet Earth and the human race has been conceived with this assignment that will blossom with the upcoming knowledge of our universal nature. We're gifted with all the resources, tools and wisdom to produce more livable and prosperous habitats for all living species to thrive harmoniously. Terraforming our deserts and deforested areas isn't a difficult task but colonization of other planets is a challenging undertaking. It appears that the vegan movement will spread out all over the world to form the greenest, most sustainable and united civilization ever existed in history. More people suggest that plants made them healthier, more intelligent and creative and helped them form a bond with animals. This is the best way to get back to nature instead of destroying and polluting the environment and oceans excessively. Old survival instincts must be removed from our society's psyche and new mindset must be cultivated with the proper information and knowledge for everyone to share worldwide.

 The English language invented the vegan movement and more people are willing to learn this powerful language and that will make more nations get closer to each other. There will be brand-new green technologies and renewable energies to terraform and vitalize our planet even more also assist the colonization of Mars-like worlds prospectively. Mankind is capable of demonstrating a vast empire by terraforming and colonizing many barren planets in our region of the galaxy. United Vegan Gods will never stop cultivating more resourceful, life-giving forests, green habitats, and sustainable biospheres to expand their civilization and create new life and species reaching out to the universe. The universe isn't about technology or science like most assume, it's about nature and how life develops itself. The outlook of humanity is more bright than other races because planet Earth is a biologically rich world, unlike most other worlds. Planets like this are extremely well hidden and secured by the societies inhabit there. We must do the same and reject the alien groups that come here with their secret plans. The human race will be a remarkable, God-like civilization building the most sustainable, free and unified sovereignty here if they can overcome all the problems and intruding beings from now on. God gave the creative abilities to our society so we can put it into work successfully. The mission of protecting our world and converting desolate lands into sustainable, green colonies is here now. We will progress with this unique assignment into eternity and kick the deceitful alien groups out of our territory so we can evolve as one free society successfully.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


 Hello Earth Humans. It's clear that humanity is on the verge of awakening. Being brainwashed for so long is finally coming to an end. We can collectively build the best world possible if everyone united for the new vegan awakening. There are many alien forces in and around Earth that are trying to take advantage of our society. Aliens want an enslaved and pacified human race for them to use and extract all of our resources to benefit them. There is an excessive alien deception that's been forced on humanity for decades. Luckily, a lot of people found out the reality of the situation that's being carried out secretly. No aliens are here for the good of our society. Aliens will never save the world or help us in any situation. Technology isn't everything in the universe, nobody really cares about technology or other advancements. There are more significant topics for your community to worry about at this time. These are the times of change. There are many types of implants that are on the market to be implemented on humans and it's part of the alien dark agenda. Don't be enslaved by some implants or devices. Humanity wasn't created to become some type of robotic workers that are owned and operated by the few. Your freedom is very important for you to overcome what's coming. The dark agendas will be enforced on your society in every way possible but you must reject them and reclaim your civilization and your planet now. More and more people are going Vegan and starting to take action about global animal exploitation and other problems like climate change. Going Vegan reduces climate change more than gasoline car emissions. This is the best time for the entire humanity to awaken and unite for the unique cause of saving the planet and all living species. A lot of species are going extinct each day. Climate change is a global problem that must be taken seriously by the strong nations of Earth. You can create a united vegan world to kick the deceptive alien presence on Earth also take over Planet Earth in a short time to reverse the climate change and move in a positive direction. Aliens want all of your resources and your society as their mindless servants and there are many secretive plans to put this in operation. Mankind can become a remarkable and advanced race if they can overcome the obstacles and overthrow the fraudulent alien races off Earth. Nobody will help you to save the world or give you the technologies that will fix the problems of your civilization. The universe or alien races aren't what people think they are. It's all part of nature and what happens in your nature happens everywhere. Aliens want your world and you must stop this. They see humanity as a resource for them to use as much as they can because people believe some beings from outer space will come and rescue them. This is totally false. Entire humankind must get together as one and this will give you the power and skills that you need to do the right things to survive and evolve as one. Large forests are on fire for meat production and you must start reforesting many places of your world to provide you the foods and resources you require to live. Vegans are becoming more intelligent, healthier, intuitive, skillful and more compassionate towards all life on Earth. Next evolutionary human species is definitely the vegans and they can lead the world into the future and restore the planet. All types of plants and trees will provide humanity all the products and foods for them to evolve and live comfortably. The rising awareness is encompassing the Earth and more people will go Vegan also spread the new awareness incrementally. Don't fall for alien deception. The real friends of humanity will approach your society once the United Vegan World is fully established and operational. This isn't just about a diet. The new movement is about becoming a better human being that will support and nourish all life. You must start developing green technologies, renewable energy sources and another vegan, plant-based advancements from now on. The plant-based, vegan companies and products are thriving in the market, creating a global vegan market that won't stop succeeding. People want to live in green cities, work at vegan companies, receive their nutritious foods from clean food forests and gardens instead of animal exploitation, health-hazardous products, and foods. Humanity will only evolve as a united and free society if more and more people go vegan and invest in this amazing future of creating a better world for everyone to contribute and live harmoniously. All of the world's problems can be regulated when more people ponder about finding real solutions. The real solution is building a sustainable and self-sufficient society for everyone to live and thrive. Technology isn't the real solution to all of the problems. Technology is just an aspect of your civilization, don't give all your attention and resources to technology either. Building a magnificent, green, forest world will improve your way of life exponentially. Meat, dairy and other productions that exploit the animals, emit the most greenhouse gases, pollute the environment will eventually disappear. People want a greener, sustainable, prosperous world and the only way to accomplish this is through switching to plant-based productions worldwide. More nations must follow this unique movement that can save the planet. The internet, social media, smartphones and gadgets are the tools to share the knowledge and awareness so more people can eventually join the movement of saving all animals, the environment and have a healthy lifestyle. Planting new large forests that provide the foods and resources also emit the oxygen and clean the water sources is extremely vital for your society. Your planet contains extraordinary biodiversity of life that can terraform other planets as new Earth-life worlds in the future. You must protect your planet and society at all costs from destruction and deceitful alien races. Anyone can invest in this wonderful future that will propel your civilization into eternity. Barren, uninhabited planets and planetoids can be terraformed in and near your solar system by time because Earth is the living genetic library of this region of the universe. Aliens want it all for themselves so you must protect and preserve all life here. A marvelous mission has been given to humanity by the Prime Creator to transform planet Earth into a green and life-giving paradise that can create new Earth-like worlds in the universe. Isn't that fascinating? Don't fall under alien order. You can become an advanced civilization living in plant-based prosperity. Now is the best time to Go Vegan and take over the world before it's too late. Aliens must be stopped immediately. There are many enslavement mechanisms and implants that are being injected into people to track and utilize them. The united vegan world will reforest the planet, save all living species and reverse the climate change. Unite now to take action. Reclaim your world and your freedom. United Vegan Take Over is here. United vegan world will oppose the dark alien agenda. Don't fall for alien deception.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


There is a system that's imposed on our society that's destined to be free, united and sustainable into eternity. The Matrix is real and it only works for the few. They engineered a system with the aliens and hybrids to control and use the human race in every field. People are waking up to what's going on. Working and keep paying the same things over and over again isn't the way of life. Why are there so many aliens and hybrids (engineered aliens that look human) everywhere living and operating secretly? There is a dark alien agenda behind all of this. Even the matrix meant to collapse by the chosen ones. The chosen one isn't one person, the population of the chosen one is ever increasing worldwide. The knowledge is spreading around the world to free humanity from the system designed with the help of aliens. Aliens can't live here because of the biological hazard that threatens them biologically so they need people and hybrids that work for them to carry out their agenda. If people awaken worldwide, the system will collapse eventually. Don't fall under alien order because it would be extremely harsh and cruel for any human being living on Earth. They want implants, more technological devices, hybrid race to control humans, neurological devices and implants to completely enslave entire humanity with the help of the alien races. Aliens have done this to many societies in the past to gain access to resources of different planets and Earth has a lot of resources that many alien races desire. Don't think that aliens are here to help or save humanity nor the world. This is exactly what they want everyone to think. Most of the material online, new age books and upcoming technologies are being imposed on people to brainwash and pacify them in every way possible. You wouldn't want to live in a world under complete alien order, aliens want to become the overlords of Planet Earth by depriving each individual of their rights and freedom so they can be used as a resource. Aliens only see everything and the humans as a resource, they don't care about humanity, our values or aspirations. There are many alien races who are here on Earth at this time, some are getting closer to completing their dark agendas every day. Don't ever get implanted because that would be your end. You need to understand that everything is to deceive humans to utilize them as workers and resources. All of the human rights have been violated through alien interference. Aliens can't do all the work so they need humans' will and subjugation to extract all the resources and fulfill their plans.

 There is still hope out there. Luckily, people realized what's going on and started uniting and waking up. Nobody will help humanity to overcome what's coming and what's being inflicted on each individual. Time is up, nothing is getting better. We must unite to reclaim our planet and our sovereignty by uniting as one race and beginning the change with our power and knowledge. Nobody in power may help if we don't start doing the right things first. This is the most significant ever occurred in history. Aliens are here and they want everything, our society, our freedom, our planet, our resources and all for their own benefit. There are alien hybrids that live secretly in society all around the world waiting to do the tasks and gain access to mind-controlling leadership positions in the near future. Don't be a servant or let your mind to be manipulated by deceiving agendas, technologies, and mind-controlling devices. Time is up, now is the time to Go Vegan and take over the world to build a United, Vegan, Green and Fully Sustainable Planet that can reverse the climate change and overthrow the deceitful alien presence here. Vegans are breaking the Matrix with their new mindset and action to save the animals and the entire planet. The Matrix was real and we're the Chosen Ones that can shatter it to reclaim our freedom. Don't be fooled or enslaved by the technology, it's all part of the dark agenda to take your life and resources away from you. Humanity doesn't need much technology to survive and to build the best world possible for everyone to live sufficiently and harmoniously.

 Climate change will cause the sea and ocean levels to rise up to 100 feet all around the coasts but we can reverse the climate change and restore the environment into a better condition.
 Vegans are breaking the matrix through the power of awareness, compassion, and love for all living species. No animals are created by God to be food and products for mankind to kill and consume by billions daily. Beans, legumes, nuts, most vegetables, tofu, and seeds contain more protein and calcium than meat and dairy. No animals should be harmed for protein intake or for other productions. Vegans are evolving every day with their nutritious diet and expanded awareness to become the most advanced and intelligent species ever walked on Earth. Time is now. We can take over the world in a short time to reverse the coming cataclysms that will devastate our society and stop the dark and clandestine agendas that are dictated forcefully. A United Vegan World will do whatever it takes to rescue all animals, take action about the real problems of Earth-like the intervening deceptive alien races, global warming, pollution, deforestation, cruelty, etc.  Deforestation is extremely dangerous for our planet, large forests emit the most oxygen also embody a great amount of biodiversity in their habitats. Meat and dairy productions cause the most greenhouse gases' emissions and deforestation worldwide. We must plant new food forests to feed entire humanity by going Vegan and reforesting the barren lands.

 A United Vegan World can establish a green, sustainable, cruelty and pollution-free, forest world for all living species to thrive and coexist peacefully. This is the new beginning of humanity at this time. There is going to be more green technologies and renewable energies developed in the future because people will work on the things that actually matter. Working, doing the same things to pay the same bills and things so more profits can be made to be kept in numerical accounts will only suck your life away. A lot of people start their own gardens and farms to follow a sustainable lifestyle that fulfills their souls. When everyone is Vegan, all productions will convert to plant-based and CO2 emission will reduce and all cruelty will end. We may be living in such amazing times now, we're actually changing the world. Nobody wants to end up as a servant with no freedom or rights and this is what aliens are here for. More and more people are going Vegan also sharing more information with others to raise awareness higher each day. Plants give us all the foods and products we need for us to live comfortably. Animals are everybody's best friends. All animals are equal. To label some animals as pets and some as food products is a ridiculous idea. The Matrix that's intelligently designed to enslave all animals and humans is shattering at the moment. Vegans are winning and breaking the system that worked for many years, we're creating a magnificent new world where plants will provide us all we need and Earth is green and healthy.

 Aliens that are here will never help humanity instead they're trying to take advantage of a weak, divided and conflicted population. We need to alter our reality and transform it as how we want it to be. Vegans will become more advanced than most alien races in the future and the benevolent races will approach our unified and free society to associate with us in every field and form a bond that goes beyond many worlds and planetary systems. The aliens that are here in and around the world secretly want to be brainwashed and pacified servants to be utilized for their benefit. This is totally terrible news. Luckily, many people have interpreted what was being done behind the veil. This ignited the new movements and awareness for the entire humanity to start taking action against the real problems and dark agendas. Now is the time to take over the world to save the planet and restore the environment into a stabilized condition before it's too late and irreversible. Unfortunately, the aliens are trash that searches and find planets with resources and emerging societies to take advantage of. Our society is developing fast but we want to be free, compassionate and sociable without false programs and implants that are devised to take away our freedom and life source. Humanity has remarkable potential that can fast forward them and begin terraforming near planets in their vicinity to transform them into Earth-like worlds in a short period. Matrix is obsolete, we live in a new reality now because people actually realized how our perception was manipulated through the food system, chemical supply, pesticides, processed products, high amount of meat and dairy intake, brainwashing mechanisms, etc. Once our society is fully united, we can manifest any reality that we imagine for us to create and live in. We can build this new world now otherwise the coming catastrophes and cataclysms will make it worse. United Vegan Take Over is breaking the matrix exponentially and encompassing the planet Earth so a better society and system can be established in less than a decade. Time is ticking...

Friday, September 20, 2019


 Hello Earth Humans. We live in such amazing times on Earth. We all live in a totally different reality unlike the past now. There are tons of alien beings on and around Earth operating secretly quite a while. There is an enormous threat for humanity at this time on Planet Earth. Nothing is a game in the universe. Everything is very serious and harsh, not a dream paradise out there once you get out of the atmosphere somehow. Aliens are here now and they are here for no good. Unfortunately, the aliens are bad. They don't care about humanity, they only want to take over our world and steal all the resources by enslaving us. Humanity must wake up and unite as soon as possible. Time is up. Our world's society is in danger. There are many upcoming threats that approaching each individual that lives on Earth. We can only overcome all of these crises if everyone in the world joins together to reverse the coming changes also overthrow the malevolent alien presence around the world. Somehow we forced ourselves into these outrageous phenomena with our actions, ignorance, and effect on the environment. Study reveals that there are trillions of alien beings also myriad of alien races in the regions where our solar system abides. Most of the aliens don't care about the native inhabitants of planets and they try to take advantage of their innocence and naivety. Nothing will be the same ever again. The human race is more powerful when it's united and cooperative and it's possible that we can defeat the catastrophes and cataclysms with the right mindset and action.

 Time is now, everything has changed. A new world is in our hands and it's wanted by many groups of aliens. Aliens are extremely deceitful and manipulative so everyone must raise awareness worldwide about the real alien agenda which is utterly evil. A lot of worlds with developing societies have been conquered by aliens secretly without the native inhabitant's agreement. Now they're here on Earth to carry out the same plan to take over our planet. This is pure madness and it must be stopped immediately. People can save their planet with the right action and mindset also overthrow the aliens that are trying to turn mankind into slaves. There is a big misconception about the aliens in people's minds. People believe aliens are so amazing, they have the technology, spaceships, they will save humanity and the world, they want to help us evolve, here to enlighten us, etc. These are all lies to deceive and pacify the people so they can play out their agenda easily. Our Earth is a planet with magnificent biodiversity almost like the living genetic library in our galaxy so its resources are desired by some groups with a level technology and scientific advancements. We must protect our world and all its resources and species by all costs at this time. Otherwise, it may be too late for us to live in a free society. The technology and the global connection that we developed over the years will be utilized for their benefit. It's best not to give all your attention and money to technology and other gadgets because life isn't all about technology and how much or how advanced it is. The nature, biodiversity and the freedom of our world is the most important facet we should all guard from any harm and interference.

 There may be a certain way to reverse the catastrophic events and kick all alien manipulation out of our solar system in a short time. Fortunately, more people are noticing what's been going on all around the world. There are some intelligent researchers who found out what the real alien agenda is and what they're doing to people with the abduction phenomenon. They've been creating a hybrid race that looks like human but alien mentally to complete the tasks for them to take over our society as a resource. All of the human rights have been violated during the abductions and other events proving the aliens are completely evil in nature. One reason they intervened during this time is humanity has been extremely reckless and destructive to their environment and rare resources of their world. This attracted attention from many groups from other star systems and the ones wander around in space.

 There is still hope out there. Humanity is arising with the new awareness that's spreading around the planet. People are waking up to the reality of the world and the universe. We don't want to be servants for some elite or the beings that come from outer space. Humans can become a remarkable race if they save their planet and all species now. Veganism in on the rise and more and more people are going Vegan creating a movement unlike anything of the past. This is just about the animals anymore. Animals are sentient beings and what people have done to them cruelly is being done to us by the alien races. Animals and all living species are our friends sharing this beautiful planet with us. This is the time to save all life on Earth also reclaim our planet as saviors and protectors of the magnificent planet called Earth. Humanity has so inherent potential that's coded in their DNA by God. Our DNA is changing every day, pushing us to evolve as the newest human species that are more compassionate, thoughtful, unified and intelligent. Plant-based diets contribute to intelligence and health of your brain and body with the right and needed nutrients. Animals are never meant to be foods or products for people. Killing billions of animals, destroying the environment for profits isn't the way of life. Survival can be easy and harmonious if we start living the right way. Vegans are evolving at every moment with the awareness and contribution they exert around them. Earth can be more clean and green if we stop polluting the environment and reforest the world.

 Going Vegan is the new beginning of humanity and we can overcome all of the problems as one global mind. Everyone and everything is connected to each other interwoven at a molecular level. Our society on Earth is going forward as a United Vegan World - Restore The Planet and Kick Alien Ass !!  Is this the Independence Day of the new Millenium? We can't let some space bugs acquire our planet and all of mankind as a resource for them to utilize for their own benefit. Go Vegan, Take Over The World. Reclaim Your Freedom, Spread The Awareness. A plant-based diet saves acres of forests, tons of water, so many animals' lives and probably your health. Vegans are possibly initiating a united vegan take over that can change the world in such a short period. The black sheep is unchained running with intensity to transform our civilization. Black sheep are the Vegans that are born at this extraordinary time to help with the transition. Nothing will ever be the same. Black sheep has the power to restore the planet then terraform other worlds. Aliens are afraid of the black sheep because they know there are forces that can stop them with arising awareness and knowledge.

 We can utilize the internet, communication devices, computers and other technologies for our benefit instead of letting them control and subjugate us. Everything can be altered to play out the new Vegan agenda that will encompass the entire world possibly in less than a decade. The projects about terraforming Mars and other planets already started and the colonies will probably be Vegan there concerning the sustainability. It seems like Vegans and plant-based projects and ideas are creating new worlds that will be completely green, sustainable and self-sufficient operating with renewable energies and technologies. We may be manifesting a new universe that no alien race has ever imagined. The new universe that will be invented and terraformed by us humans will be completely green, vegan, plant-based, renewable, sustainable, prosperous and harmonious, functioning efficiently. God possibly left countless desolate planets in the universe for us to reseed over time. It will begin with our solar system and we will protect and safeguard our planet's resources, species and our society from any intervening alien races trying to control and manipulate our civilization. We're creating a new universe and it will be Vegan =)

Thursday, September 19, 2019


 This is it. There are many secrets that aren't known by most people. The going Vegan rate is ever increasing and more people are taking action about the climate and environmental disasters. People are ascending as the new awakening that's occurring worldwide. More and more individuals are understanding what's going on and they want to do something about it. Everything is changing, we're probably creating a totally new world that will be more united, free and advanced than any other civilization ever existed in the past. Study and research assert that there are plenty of alien beings watching Earth and our society secretly and they've been here quite a while. We live in a completely different reality at this time. Nothing like it was before. People should do whatever it takes to restore and protect their planet as soon as possible to overcome the approaching events. Some contactee mention that aliens aren't here for any good, they want to gain control of all aspects of our society for their own benefits. Humanity must be informed about this strange phenomenon that's been kept totally hidden. There is the biggest movement ever arising during our time and it seems like it will never stop. So many people worldwide are going Vegan because they believe that's the right thing to do for the animals and the environment. This may be the game-changer everyone was waiting for. We must reclaim our world with a new mindset so we can overthrow any evil presence and crush the competition in order to start creating the new world we all dreamed of. Vegans are evolving every day because the human race was created to proceed as a plant-based population.

 Nobody ever hunts to survive during modern times, therefore, a plant-based or vegan diet can be adopted easily by anyone. There are some extraordinary issues that have been observing us and studying our culture and societies in order to take advantage of our weaknesses. The more you're aware, the stronger you can become through the information you gain at every moment. Now is the time to protect and preserve the world at all costs. Chasing daily satisfaction isn't a way of life anymore. There is a new contender in our house that will try to take control of our population through manipulation and deceit. There are some researchers who found out what the real alien agenda is and it's not what people assume. It might be unlike anything you've ever imagined and it may be difficult to overcome this unique event taking place worldwide. If one nation falls under alien order, that would affect the entire world and darken our society's future in every field. Luckily, there is a growing awareness and hope out there. People realized that life isn't all about working more and having more to survive and feel comfortable. Survival instincts force you to do all you can to gather more stuff and put more effort to maintain them. Living for a higher cause can be more beneficial for your spirit, body, and mind. It's obvious that different belief systems, languages, ethnicities and other facets have been dividing one human race created to be the caretakers and saviors of one planet called Earth.

 Nobody knows how all these languages and traditions that distinguish us from each other have appeared during the history of mankind. It might be aliens again. They seeded and genetically engineered various versions of humans and placed them at specific locations to form new tribes separated from other groups. The scientific study states that there is a big distinction between the modern man and earlier versions of humanoids. This proves that humanity has been redesigned by some beings who came from elsewhere. They created new versions of humans and each version established a new nation with a different language, tradition, and culture over time. Humanity never meant to fight over certain differences that distinguish us from each other. Our society in the new Millenium is forming a global mind that connects all of us diverting us from our discrepancies. The vegan movement is certainly embodying a higher purpose for many people to embrace progressively. The outlook can be that vegans have the potential to become more advanced than alien races that developed magical technologies and systems for them to automate machinery and travel in space. Although this sounds bizarre, it might be possible and true for the prospect of our civilization. Depleting all the resources and life sources of your homeworld for the sake of technological and scientific advancements isn't the most intelligent task to pursue. Nature is everywhere even in the universe. Being closer to nature and the living species may urge the feeling to care and protect all living species and habitats around a person.
It's possible that the natural plant-based food sources can enable a person's DNA structure to devise new strands of more evolved DNA codes with new brain and mental capabilities. This means that the human race has the potential to be more intelligent and talented than alien life that exists elsewhere in the universe. Earth is inherent with suitable tools and resources to generate a green and sustainable environment for all species to evolve harmoniously. Earth humans will be able to accomplish more if they unite and pursue a plan about protecting all life and significant resources instead of draining them for short term profits and contentment.

 Building a fully sustainable civilization may not be too difficult to establish with the right plan. There are secret forces that want what we have for themselves so we need to change our useless and destructive habits and behavior rapidly before we've been completely manipulated. Time is running out. Everyone is in the same game. The prime creator has a unique plan for humanity and we can achieve anything if we all put our minds into this. Becoming more advanced doesn't imply greater technology for us to play with or wander around in space. The main goal of being a greater society is to achieve a positive level of self-sufficiency and global mindset to chase the future as the protectors of Planet Earth since that's all we have. Even if mankind terraforms some other planets in the future, they will never become completely Earth-like. Most of the Earth-like worlds are probably inhabited and safeguarded by others. We may still find some planets in our vicinity that are suitable for terraforming and starting colonies. The protection of Planet Earth must be always number 1 in our rulebook, otherwise, there will be more space forces involving in our habitat covertly. Vegan may not be just a movement or a diet like some people suppose. What if it's the beginning of a new age? The color green and pastel fruit and veggie colors are spreading out extensively in our lives. We can reforest the world to restore it as the most sustainable setting for our society to thrive on. Anyone can build a forest during their lifetime, it's pretty easy to plant trees and sow a variety of seeds anywhere in the world. The global shift has begun and it will only rise ever increasingly, our DNA is calling for us to do the right things that will save our planet and trigger the human race to metamorphose as the leading species ahead of other alien races. This is a magnificent future for the universe.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


 Hello there. The future is Vegan, it's taking over the world. More and more people are going Vegan every day by raising awareness all around the world thanks to social media and the internet. The year A.D 2100 isn't far from our time and we can build a United Vegan World then move on to other places in this galaxy and the universe to constitute the United Vegan Worlds altogether =) 

 We may be living in such amazing times on Earth even though it looks like it's going downhill. Everyone is waking up to what's going on and more people want to take over the world also other spheres wandering around the space with their mindset and unified cooperation. Nothing is impossible in the universe and our beautiful Planet Earth provides us all that we need now and in the coming years. We must protect and preserve our ecosystems and all living species at all costs. There are even many secret alien forces who have come to Earth to play out their clandestine agendas. Everyone is in this all together, people aren't some type of sheep anymore. We're raising the awareness, saving the animals, the environment, cleaning our lands and oceans also uniting to manifest a better and healthier world for all of us to live harmoniously. Humanity can become a remarkable society in the near future although we've damaged and polluted the environment and the oceans at an increasing rate. Any pollution, damage, and problems can be reversed in a short time if more people start taking action and find the solutions that can make a change. A lot of scientists started thinking about how we can overcome the issues of our times instead of working on subtle projects and ideas. Once all of humanity understands what's been happening, we will all unite to build a new, vegan society thriving with freedom and prosperity for all living species. It already started and it's impossible to halt what people can do from now on.

 The study states that there are trillions empty and left alone planets and planetoids in this galaxy and the universe waiting to be terraformed. It's clear that advanced alien races cannot achieve this because they depleted their homeworlds' resources for the sake of technological, collective advancements. It's a ridiculous idea to use and deplete the life and viability of your home planet to develop more technologies, automated machinery, and science-related systems. Aliens may not be very intelligent nor advanced like most people assume. They're just bunch of bugs and beings from other planets containing some type of natural setting. Technology or other advancements won't generate spiritually or socially progressive societies in the cosmos. Technology isn't everything like most people believe. Your homeworld's social order, sustainability, and natural sources are more important than technology and being able to roam around space. No alien beings or civilizations are better or more advanced than humanity even if they developed magical machinery and abilities over a long period of time. You can compare otherworldly beings to the insect kingdom of our world where spiders and some insects can manifest extraordinary abilities and output similar to humanoid, big-headed beings from outer space. Humanity may progress as a more advanced species because we have the tools and resources to terraform some other desolate, deserted planets circling around stars. The Planet Earth luckily consists of a great amount of biodiversity and numerous plant, trees and animal species that part of nature. These biodiverse phenomena can be utilized in colonies that are established over a period of time. What can be done in Mars-like spheres can be mimicked in other arid looking systems in outer space near our solar system. Humanity may become a multi-planetary species but they must do whatever it takes to clean and protect their homeworld first so the green technologies and life-giving sources can be applied elsewhere. Nothing is impossible in life nor in the universe, it seems like God left out countless empty worlds for the humanity to go and take over with developing terraform capabilities. What if some part of the universe can be transformed into a series of Earth-like planets resembling the Garden of Eden or the Heavens? Isn't the most incredible future for the mankind?

 Let's talk about the future of the Earth first. The year A.D. 2100 may be a great civilization existing in many terrenes in and near our solar system. Our society has advanced as a sustainable and fully vegan civilization called United Vegan Worlds. There are spaceships going back and forth between Mars, the Moon, and the Earth in only a few minutes Earth time. Mars colonies have become big subterranean communities with great technologies and biospheres inside glass domes that protect them from the harsh climate. There are communication systems and internet that connect Mars, Earth and the Moon to each other in lightspeed. Humanity has evolved into the greenest, most self-sufficient and unified civilization operating as one without the need of much technology. People realized life isn't about technology or scientific achievements, there is a lot more than that. Being connected to nature and cultivating the greenest, most colorful communities all around the world powered with free energy was a better idea. Flying cars are the main transportation vehicles to wander around Earth for travel and other means. Nobody is working much anymore, the money and careers never made much sense so the public diverted themselves from unnecessary ways of survival. Everyone receives free credits automatically and the gardens and food forests that have been cultivated worldwide turned the world into a free to live and be happy kind of structure. Nobody works except seeding and protecting the nature of Earth since that's the most significant aspect of our lives. Without our forests and gardens, we vanish in a short time. Almost everyone is speaking the universal language which is a mixture of English and a few other languages. All production that supply people's needs are automated and everyone is free to collect what they need to survive easily. This may be a dream but it can be accomplished if we start building the best future possible instead of being too greedy and destructive against of life around us. Plants and trees that are propagated to cultivate the biggest, most magnificent gardens and food forests can feed entire humanity and stop all the inequality. Green technologies have reversed the climate change also stopped all the pollutions that we've caused during the industrial age.

 This is the age of United Vegan Worlds and our goal isn't to make more money or work more to have printed papers that buy us bunch of stuff that nobody ever needed. The economy is the best ever when all the productions are not planned to make more money, it's designed to give the necessities to all of people for them to live freely and sufficiently. People still work some time because life is boring without doing nothing so there are a lot of designers, thinkers, developers that invest some of their time into finding new ways and projects to move us forward. Life is about building the sustainable systems and structure for everyone and all species to benefit from. Making more to keep it in numerical accounts so you feel like you've achieved some level of mastery is caused by survival instincts and ego. It's useless when more and more of product value is saved in a safe somewhere hidden. It can be utilized to build designs and productions that can help us become a sustainable and self-sufficient society. The new age has already started and it will never stop ever again. Vegan movement is everywhere encompassing all of the globe and it will trigger new ways of mindset, ideas and social order soon. Some nations are practicing terraforming deserted lands to produce green developments even in infertile places. Most of the buildings will be forest buildings filled with trees and greenery that emit tons of oxygen into the surrounding cities. The climate change will end once the entire world has adopted a plant-based diet also greenest ways to live. Spaceships can drop trillions of numerous, beneficial plant and tree seeds to cultivate new forests that bear foods so green cities can be constructed near these food systems for new developments. United Vegan Take Over Is Here !! This is the coming of the Golden Age for all of us to experience and contribute into. A few trillions dollars could be able to engineer the most amazing terraform technologies to convert deserts into forests and empty planets into green paradises and biospheres. Is this why God has created the human race? So we could become the Vegan Gods of the universe or at least in our region of the cosmos. There are desolate lands on Earth that have been mutated into fertile fields with increasing production. Construction biospheres inside glass domes with subterranean tunnels and buildings may be the most efficient design to live in other planets. We must overcome all of the problems here first. Our future will be fascinating because humanity has the potential to be better than selfish and greedy alien races. The United Vegan World is the best society ever established in our world that will move forward progressively. Technology isn't everything but it will help us communicate and raise the awareness for us to manifest this ultimate goal. The world is changing at every moment, time is now. The new age is united, free and vegan =)
 Each person will be an archangel to take over and save the world =D

Monday, September 16, 2019


 Hi folks, there are a lot of events that occurred and still occurring in your world that many people don't know of. There are forces who watch over worlds that are still in the development stage. Your civilization has so much potential but there are alien forces that do not want a strong, free and sustainable society in your world. This is bad news. They've been in your world quite sometime now and you haven't realized their presence here. This is the most important event in the history of mankind. No alien beings except the envoys (who were born here to help humanity) are here to give or support humanity about anything. A lot of researchers and individuals who've been observing and studying the Ufo and alien abduction phenomena found out what the aliens really want. They don't care about humanity or their culture, their values by any means. Aliens have hive mind to only go after what they want and need similar to ants and insects of the world. Therefore aliens are very powerful mentally to influence and control any beings as they wish. Humanity must get ready for what's going on at a personal standpoint because aliens will do everything to pacify society to be converted into servants with no rights or freedom. This is extremely dangerous for all of mankind and the viability of your planet. The beings that come here are a bunch of space pirates but they're very coordinated to exert their secretive plans. This is a massive violation of human rights at every level.

 Humans can be a remarkable race that can progress as a free and dynamic union. More people are discovering what's happening to take action and share the information they retain. It's possible now that humanity can find ways to save their planet also form a more united, progressive and possibly a vegan social order. Aliens created many hybrid beings and placed them in many different locations around the world so they can utilize them to control people and gain access to certain resources they need. This phenomenon has been going on for some time but it's been kept a secret from the public. Nothing will benefit anyone out of this happening except the different groups of alien beings. They're severely deceitful in every occasion so nobody should trust any of these beings during this time or in the future including the hybrids worldwide. Humans are an evolving and developing race on Earth. Going Vegan can help you go forward at least a century in your development as a human being. Nobody is perfect on Earth or elsewhere in the universe. There is no supreme race of beings out there. Stop believing that you'll become an all-knowing and superb being if you work with aliens or find a way to get very rich or else invent the newest technology. That's not how it goes in the universe. The universe and the creation is a series of natural events that took place in many locations simultaneously. No alien races have the best technology nor they're enlightened in any aspects of life or spirituality although they would try to deceive you in every field possible. Humanity has the potential to go to other planets and terraform them in a short time so some part of the universe enclosing countless desolate worlds waiting to be terraformed by the inhabitants of Earth-like planets. This is an amazing opportunity for mankind although staying in your vicinity, protecting and preserving your world from alien life and degradation are more important at this point. Aliens are a bunch of bugs with technology and mental abilities, nobody cares about them nor wants them around their homeworlds. This is the time to save your planet and kick some alien ass so you can declare your independence and freedom on Planet Earth.
 More and more people are realizing that going vegan is the best thing they've ever done. It's the best mindset to save the animals, the environment and your health so a lot of people all around the world are adopting this lifestyle. This may the beginning to save the world and aliens don't like people with elevated mindset and awareness. You basically become useless for them once you start learning and researching more about what's going and what can be done. More people will wake up with a higher consciousness in the future with the help of the internet, social media, new information and shared knowledge worldwide. This is the time of change for everyone who lives on Earth, even though aliens never change =)  

 There are increasing pollution, environmental and social issues, diminishing forests and resources that your society is going through. All the problems in the world can be halted and reversed with collective effort. Humanity is rising to become the next level of human species after the Homo Sapiens with the rising awareness, knowledge and unified mindset. There are many ambassadors from some other societies and planets (who were born here on Earth unlike the alien beings that come here from space) to help humanity go through the transition and overcome the problems of the world and coming changes. They're wise beings that come and incarnate here to raise the consciousness of humanity also find ways to move the human society in the right direction and save the planet Earth. They aren't here to benefit themselves nor control, take over this world. They already come from wise, developed and united a group of planetary systems including many advanced civilizations that may welcome the people of Earth in the future if you can build a unified, free and sustainable also a green and possibly a vegan system of civilization here. The time is now, you can become the ambassadors of an exceptionally fascinating sphere called Earth filled with great biodiversity and plant species. You may have the opportunity to restore your world and the system you live in in order to move on to other uninhabited planets to terraform them in the future because Planet Earth is a viable genetic library of a myriad of evolving and life-giving species. Your mission is to reclaim Planet Earth, fix all the issues and overthrow the fraudulent alien life forms out of your environment in order to gain the chance to associate with a group of more advanced and wise civilizations in the coming times. Start the clean-up now, go green in every field, spread the awareness and vegan mindset, recover your resources, progress into eternity. Earth can terraform many desolate spheres and planetoids with the help of a united vegan humanity.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


 Hello fellow humans. This is our transmission through space to the entire humanity. We want to inform you of what's coming and your great destiny. As you know, there have been too many crises occurring increasingly. There are a lot of things that have been hidden from humanity in the past and now. Luckily, there are forces that watch over planets like you going through the transition as a developing society. There are too many alien beings in and around your world at this time. You must be informed of this, they aren't here to help you nor give you anything that will benefit you in the long run. Cosmos isn't what most people believe it is. It's very harsh to live and survive in outer space also in other planets. Fortunately, you're living in one of the most beautiful planets in the universe that's essentially the living genetic library of this part of the galaxy and the creation. Your world is thriving with extremely diverse animal, plant and tree species and you're one of them. Don't think that you're better than other living species, you're only interweaved to them and to nature. You must be very cautious about the alien beings and the damage you cause on planet Earth. You're gifted with a very fascinating and resourceful world but you've been polluting and destroying it for some time. This is one of the reasons some space pirates to come and play out their clandestine plans in your own world. You have no idea how dangerous this is for any society. Of course, there is a group of united and vegan beings from other advanced worlds that want to help you with the coming catastrophes and alien beings that are here to take over your planet. There is a way to save your planet and overthrow the alien forces that come here now and in the future and we will explain to you that.

 Going Vegan is one of the best things any person can do for the animals, their health and the environment. You cannot kill and consume so many animals and turn them into products believing that's the best diet or way of life. All animals are friends that share this world with you. They aren't food nor products for you to use, kill and consume all around the world. Meat, dairy, and other animal productions emit the most greenhouse gases, pollute the environment, water sources, kill and torture billions of innocent, sentient animals every day. This isn't the way of life for any society in the universe. Humanity must evolve by raising their awareness, changing their diets and quitting their reckless behavior. Otherwise, aliens will succeed with their secret procedure of taking over your planet and will turn you into servants with no rights. The human race has so much potential for the future outlook. You can save and reforest your world with green, diverse food forests, build green communities and cities to evolve as the next evolutionary species that are destined to be the saviors of planet Earth. The future can be magnificent if you can overcome all your problems and stabilize your civilization now. Nothing else matters anymore. God gave humanity a unique and marvelous mission for you to fulfill during your lifetime on Earth. Many of you will return back as newborn babies to grow and contribute more for this futuristic blueprint transmitted by the united vegan command. We do have a lot of individuals incarnated on Earth to follow out with this mission of saving the world and creating a magnificent society that can eventually terraform the universe. We don't support the expedient, manipulative and deceitful alien races or groups that try to take over or enslave other planets with young and developing civilizations. It may seem like this is a mission impossible but it can be done because God has given you all the tools and resources for this divine blueprint.

 There are countless desolate planets and spheres in the universe that can be terraformed with the help of vegans, humans and some other associative civilizations. If you can build a  united, vegan and forested world that's free, discreet and prosperous, more tools and technologies will be given to humanity by the vegan command soon after. This may sound a big responsibility but more and more bright individuals will be born on Earth to help humanity with the transition and carry out this unique plan. God basically wants to transform the universe into a vegan paradise filled with Earth-like planets. You won't be able to go to inhabited worlds because those are overtaken and protected by other beings. What makes you think the Earth has tremendous biodiversity and large numbers of plants and tree species? The creator has gifted your planet with the resources and tools for you to transform barren worlds into green and vegan utopias teeming with evolving new species in these new environments. You already have projects to build colonies on Mars and eventually terraform it as an Earth-like planet in the solar system. Didn't you ever imagine that are actually millions of more Mars-like spheres out there waiting to be terraformed by humans? The tools and resources you have in your world haven't been provided in alien worlds or societies except a few. This is why you must grow up now, you can't pursue reckless and destructive practices here and now. You're supposed to become the gardeners, foresters and saviors of planet Earth then move on to other terrenes in the cosmos. Going Vegan is a great beginning but there is a lot to be done. Your work will never be over, you'll continue your journey elsewhere. Beware of the alien presence on Earth at this time. They've been here quite some time. No aliens are here to help you nor give you anything that will benefit humanity. They've engineered hybrids that look human but alien in mind connected to these beings to acquire your resources and the leadership of your societies.

 The individuals from the united vegan command that was or will be born here on planet Earth are the only ones that can help you save the world and build a better society for all of you to live peacefully. You must begin to unite as one civilization by dropping all your differences, belief systems, conflicts and misunderstandings between your nations and tribes. The united vegan forest world can be the best way to save the planet and reforest it as a green paradise. Heavens are always watching you and they're concerned about your future. Unfortunately, the archangel of the higher realm cannot stop you from going through the coming changes. You must overcome all to learn from it so you can evolve and find the ways that can build a better, more advanced social order here. All of you are in this together from now on. You can construct a progressive and productive hive mind, simply a global brain to fulfill execute this extraordinary plan. Shoot the entire world with trillions of most beneficial plants and tree species to transform Planet Earth into the glorious Forest Garden of Heavens. United Vegan Command will approach the Earth to exchange information, knowledge and make trade agreements that will benefit both sides. We're the only ones that you can trust and associate with unlike the groups of alien pirates that are here and coming from space. The united forest planet Earth and the future united vegan forest worlds will join the federation of many vegan worlds that operate discreetly because of the many malevolent alien races. Numerous planets in the universe have adopted the vegan mindset and saved their animals, the environment then reforested their worlds in a short time to build free and self-sufficient societies that only connect with other secret vegan united worlds. This can be your future if you begin the movement now. A lot of people are waking up all around the world to build a united vegan world to eventually progress into a peaceful, green and sustainable union. There is a great destiny ahead of humanity. You can terraform the universe to constitute the most wonderful designs and creations and you've been spiritually and genetically inherited with this idea.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


 This may be the best time to live on Earth now. We have a greater prospect in the new millennia for the entire human race to contribute into. We can save the world now if more and more people join forces for this magnificent mission that God inspired humanity with. We've given all the tools, resources and skills to put it into effect in the future if we begin now. As you know, there is a lot going on all around the world. Everything has become faster and even negative to a degree but there is a great opportunity lying in front of us right now. We can actually build a completely new world then move on to other worlds. I will tell you about this exclusive assignment that's delivered to entire humanity and future generations to activate consistently. Planet Earth came to a point where it needs to be saved from coming catastrophes, degradation, and deceitful alien races. Many large forests are on fire recently and Planet Earth needs its forests to emit the oxygen and feed its diverse species including humans. We aren't top of the chain by any means. God created us humans to be the saviors of this planet and grow and protect its biodiversity even more. In order to repair all of the complications, desertification, climate change and other issues, we must build a united vegan forest world for all of humanity to live and progress peacefully. Vegans save a tremendous amount of water, lives of animals, forested lands and reduce the pollutions with their diet, lifestyle, and mindsets. This may be the only way to restore the planet to its cleanest and greenest state.

 Destroying the world, all its resources, causing cruelty over animals and depleting the forested lands will only attract more of the alien forces from outer space to come and enslave us for their own benefits. The study states that no alien races are here on Earth to help humanity and more may be coming soon. This is extremely dangerous to our society and for our freedom. A united, vegan and forested world can overcome so many of the problems we will face in the near future by building a more peaceful, harmonious and compassionate society. We can fix it all with this new beginning worldwide then move on to other barren and deserted planets like Mars to transform them into Earth-like spheres filled with greenery, forests and an abundance of plants, trees, and life-giving sources. God probably created the Planet Earth which is a living genetic library that exists in this region to become a thriving and evolving macrocosm so other barren and depleted worlds could be terraformed with its service and support. This may be the most fascinating and exciting future that all of us have been assigned before we were born here. More people are being born and the population is increasing every year. More people will go Vegan and start planting the seeds to create a better world for all living species. We may be the gardeners and seedsmen of the universe if we can fulfill God's plan of terraforming at least some part of the universe. Time is endless but it may not be too difficult to convert a few planets into green and colorful paradises. Everyone would invest in this wonderful blueprint inspired by the Prime Creator. Nobody knows why there are countless desolate planets out there in the majority of the universe. God probably wanted them to be terraformed with the help of extremely vibrant spheres like Earth so more species and even humanoid races could appear over time through evolution. Humans may evolve as a new evolutionary species on places like Mars, the moon or elsewhere. Being Vegan and working with plants, trees and soil will always help us building new colonies in outer space. Of course, we must be extremely discreet and cautious about the alien races that are here and will approach our societies eventually. Instead of investing in wars and conflicts, we can fulfill God's plan of building the greenest and most self-sufficient, abundant civilization here than elsewhere from here in eternity.

 Life never ends, it only changes form. You would want to give all you got now because the death isn't the end of your existence either. There are a lot of people who remembered going to the other side and back so most of us do come back to continue our lessons and lives here on Earth. Selfishness won't help you gain more to survive comfortably. The more you give, the more you'll receive in this new world because seeds and saplings can create the most vivacious orchards and forests all around the world. Nobody knew that the universe contained possibly trillions of uninhabited planets waiting to be terraformed over time by races that protected their self-sufficiency, cooperation, and freedom. This is the secret plan that anyone only could dream of except dreamers like some entrepreneurs. Everything starts with a dream and eventually it can be accomplished by bright individuals. What if the universe although it's quite filled with diverse alien life that can't be trusted, waiting for us to terraform and transform it into an Earth-like cosmos thriving with human and some collaborative alien societies? Isn't this the most incredible outlook that was never imagined? This is definitely very exciting to even think or talk about. Humanity is still a young and developing race but we have the potential to be a lot more like the masters of the multiverse. We must start this mission by saving our world and protecting it from destruction and deceptive alien forces first. The united, vegan and a forested world full of food forests, green cities and communities can reverse the climate change and advance our society forward for the next generations to live and work peacefully.

 Going Vegan and starting new environmentally businesses are creating a new human species called Homo Galactica. There is going to be obstacles but that will only unite us even more to solve the upcoming problems and catastrophic events. There is hope that there are some friendly alien races that actually care about humanity and watch our progress from afar. Unfortunately, the aliens that are here now, operating secretly are the type of space pirates that manipulate and deceive societies that never encountered beings from outer space. This is greatly treacherous for our civilization that encompasses our world. No nation or group nor individuals should fall under alien control anywhere in the world. We have the means to build a magnificent civilization at this time because humanity is becoming one every day. The communication devices and the internet will help us to raise awareness worldwide and build this new society that can save the planet once and for all then move on to a bigger plan. There are already companies and entrepreneurs who are trying to reach other planets in our solar system to form human colonies there. Going to other planets to build colonies is very appealing but we are supposed to safeguard our societies from alien beings and preserve our environment and living species here first.

 Being an alien may not be too exciting because they possibly are formal servants to higher command that grant them no freedom or resources. We presumably live in one of the most beautiful spheres in the cosmos and we are destined to protect and preserve all of it at all costs. This is the number one task given to entire humanity for eternity. Life will always go on but you would like to be free and prosperous during the entire time. Just working, doing the same things is unproductive for any person. We can ponder new ideas and a business plan to make the world the best place for everyone instead of the profit of a few. The profits and riches that have been accumulated will only stay in numerical accounts and they will never be useful for the benefit of our society. We can unite as one to build something greater for everyone to accompany with like the united forest world and terraform the universe. We're on the edge of entering a new reality that will change all of our values and aspirations sharply. The human race can become a vegan hive communicating with the latest technology worldwide for them to produce the Garden of Eden or Heaven on Earth. The Commander Vegan Pharaoh may be coming soon to start raising the awareness and assemble all of the human race to build the most glorifying forested vegan world ever in the entire universe then begin the creation of new biospheres in the vast cosmos...

Friday, September 13, 2019


 Aliens are here on Earth for quite some time. They're doing whatever it takes to take over the world. They genetically engineered many hybrids that look like humans but are essentially aliens with alien minds. This is a grave danger for our society. The aliens that are here on Earth now aren't here to help us nor save us by any means. Hybrids are living all around the world and finding ways to assimilate into our population. Aliens nor hybrids don't care about humanity, they will never help us with our problems that are occurring and will occur in the future. They're only here for their own benefit. Hybrids have powerful cognitive abilities to influence people's minds to use and control them as much as they can. Humanity must be aware of what's coming. Aliens want to control humanity and turn them into workers to gain access to abundant resources the Earth contain. Nobody will win if aliens take over our world. We will become subspecies for some aliens and hybrids to utilize entire humanity and all of our resources. Do you see the danger here? This is totally unacceptable for any society in the universe. A lot of people have seen and encountered alien beings but they didn't realize what their real agenda was. We must protect our society and our world from any alien beings that come here from now on. There are many different groups of aliens that will do all to take over the world or at least some part of it. They abducted so many people all around the world to genetically engineer hybrids that look human but actually alien so they can place them in leadership positions everywhere. Don't fall under this persuasion. This is extremely dangerous for our freedom and future. We can fix all of our issues by ourselves. There is still hope to overcome any alien presence also reverse the coming changes and catastrophes. Humanity must unite as one society and start analyzing what can be done to clean the environment, reverse the damage we've caused on Earth also overthrow the aliens that try to manipulate the human population.

 The study states that it might be either Vegans or the Aliens with Hybrids will take over the world. We can overcome all of the instability around the globe and overthrow the aliens and hybrids that are only here to enslave us. Plenty of people are going vegan to save the animals, their health and the environment in growing numbers. We can build a United Vegan World in less than a decade if more and more people join this movement to basically save the planet. This may be the new beginning for humanity to unite for a unique cause in order to get rid of the pirate alien beings and to create a united, self-sufficient and discreet civilization. No alien beings will help us to correct the problems nor other difficulties instead they will utilize all of that to benefit themselves. They're kind of like a hive that wants to acquire as much control, influence, and resources as they can. They don't have our mentality, our values, aspirations or desires. We're dealing with a sophisticated group of pirate alien beings with advanced technology that try to persuade and use emerging races in the universe. Only the United Vegan World that's completely self-sufficient, united and discreet can save the planet and all life here. We don't need that much technology nor other shiny gadgets to become a more advanced and progressive civilization. Technology isn't everything, you never need a spaceship to go to places in the universe because the universe is vast and dangerous also most of the worlds are barren and bland. We must focus on protecting and preserving our planet now instead of worrying about unnecessary aspirations. Our world will always be the most beautiful and suitable planet for us in the future so we must do whatever it takes to save and protect it.

 Humanity has been reckless and childish towards the environment and all life on Earth. This must change, we must grow up now. We can establish an amazing vegan world now, everyone is waking up to what's going on. Going Vegan isn't all about animals, we're becoming the next evolutionary species that are more intelligent, compassionate and bond to each other and to all life. Plants and trees are the most essential life-giving properties on Earth. We need more of them to give us the foods we need and to build a green and clean environment for all species to live. Meat and dairy productions are awfully destructive to the ecosystem emitting the most greenhouse gases and taking billions of animals lives. Vegans are getting healthier, smarter, more in tune with nature and starting to take action, starting vegan businesses worldwide. This is the biggest movement ever arisen on planet Earth and it's taking humanity in a positive direction. This is the time to unite to save the world, all other things are secondary. This is everyone's mission at this time, times have changed. You wouldn't like to give your world and all you have to some alien beings that came here as scavengers.

 Vegans can take over the world incrementally and build the most amazing society and civilization ever existed on Earth. The United Vegan World can accomplish many things that humanity has never thought of before. I don't even know what to do with hybrids, their numbers are increasing all over the world and they aren't here to teach us or to help us. They are all connected to aliens mentally so they don't have much choice even if they aren't malevolent.  We as the people of Earth and Vegans must do all the work now before we lose our freedom and sovereignty. Don't fall for any persuasion at this time or in the future. The benevolent races will approach humanity at a later time when we stabilize Earth and defeat the alien invaders that operate secretly. This is the biggest event ever occurred on Planet Earth and we must be very cautious about what's been taken place. Humanity is capable of producing a global mind to initiate the most important mission for the entire world to join as individuals. The mission is creating the greenest, most self-sufficient, peaceful and united social order for all of us to manifest in our daily lives. The technology we already have, the internet, the smartphones, computers, and other gadgets can be utilized to fulfill this extraordinary task. We can save the world and declare our freedom and sovereignty as a united vegan world. There is no tomorrow, we must begin now before aliens dominate our emerging community. Don't fall under alien order. Act Now =)

Thursday, September 12, 2019


 You probably heard about humanity has allies other than the aliens that come here. They watch it all from afar, they don't come to Earth. They may have numerous invisible cameras and other devices to record and track all that has been going on around Earth. The allies of humanity are a big group of alien races that formed a bond and association discreetly. The reason they only associate with each other is their free, united and probably vegan societies that dwell on certain secret planets in the universe. They will approach humanity once we overthrow the alien presence here that is trying to use and pacify us for their own benefit. The aliens that come here will lie and persuade humans about everything to get what they want. A lot of people have realized what's been done to many people around Earth. The technologies they've offered and traded were just junk to persuade some elites for agreements. The universe is a very competitive and harsh environment so we must be very cautious about all the alien presence here. The technologies that were given and traded during certain agreements may not be too useful for any of us. Aliens always try to find ways to benefit themselves and they do lie and deceive individuals with their mind power. Their number isn't great now but there may be more groups of alien races can approach our world because Earth is a beautiful planet thriving with resources and life. We can only collaborate with the united vegan allies by establishing a united vegan world here first. Our world has so many resources and biodiversity so they will approach us to give more knowledge and hopefully some trade and technology arrangements that will aid both sides greatly.

 United Vegan Allies aren't a group of beings that try to take advantage of other races or planets in the universe, that's why they operate discreetly in every field. They probably have sent many individuals to incarnate on Earth at this time and for the future to help with the transition of emerging to the greater community of alien life in the universe. Planets like this are extremely valuable and significant so they have to be protected and preserved from intervening alien races and groups. Earth is supposed to only form a discreet bond with the United Allies Community in the future. Of course, a lot has to be done in advance for our society to be ready for contact in that aspect. Humanity is very lucky that they still have friends and allies in the universe that will always watch and try to help in the future. There are possibly thousands, even more, living individuals following the way of knowledge and trying to find ways to save the planet and help humanity through this critical time. Most of them are vegan, knowledgeable, bright and intelligent individuals because they've been through changes and encounters with alien life also studied and experienced many aspects of life in their planets and the universe. Some of them realized they weren't actually from Earth and incarnated here at this particular time to help the world and all living beings to become a free, united and discreet race. These people are very spiritual and sensible, not all of them know they're related to allies unless they've read and studied the new messages. They can become leaders and inventors of humanity's future by guiding us to find the way of knowledge and other ways that can save our planet from any catastrophes. Aliens are extremely dangerous to all of our society because we're still pretty much children that behave recklessly and destructively towards our planets and all living beings.

 Humanity must grow up as soon as possible before it's too late. The bright individuals that were born and will be born in the near future can only help but can't completely alter the damage we've caused on our planet and stop the aliens from taking over our world. The entire world must unite and wake up to what's going on. This is very urgent. It seems like the only way to save the planet and all life here is building a united vegan world that operates and communicates discreetly to complete the most important tasks and missions. You cannot give your beautiful world away to some pirate alien beings that tend to feed off developing societies in the universe. This is the most crucial event ever happened on Earth so it must be overcome wisely. The languages, beliefs, traditions, the norms that divide us are useless at this time, we must build a united vegan world and look forward in our future to become a free and self-sufficient society. English is the most powerful language in the world and so many people want to learn it all around the world. The English language and the united vegan world will constitute a more advanced and futuristic civilization that can overcome the alien races that intervene in our world. We can fix all our problems, clean the oceans and reverse the damage we've caused around the globe in less than a decade. Humanity will have so much potential if they can get through these times of change. United Vegan Allies will help us with green technologies that will develop the capacity of turning deserts into green forests and clean up the air also terraform the solar system. Although Earth is the only planet that's perfectly suitable for us to live and evolve. The movement has started already, some nations are forming vegan alliances and pondering on projects to clean the environment and oceans. This is definitely one of the most amazing spheres in the universe that's gifted to entire humanity but we must ambitiously protect and preserve all of it. Not one nation is permitted to fall under alien order. The technology and other offerings are basic junk to get people in power to agree on their terms.

 Everyone around the world knows and feels that there is something on Earth that's not actually from here. So many people have seen lights in the sky and encountered beings that aren't human. Even the hybrids that are created by the aliens that look like humans aren't humans, they're aliens to gain access to leadership positions. There are some secret bases in remote islands in the pacific that aren't on the map. Aliens probably engineer more hybrids there drop off to certain locations around the world. This is unacceptable in our world. No alien beings belong here or have the right to gain the power to use us as a second class species. Gladly, there are so many people in the world that are becoming vegans, developing green companies and technologies to change the world. We're evolving and uniting as a society to overcome all the problems occurring during this time of revolution and transformation. Yes, we can overthrow any alien presence that doesn't belong here also restore our ecosystem and social order. A United Vegan World may be a great beginning for us to create a better world and give us the opportunity to join the real allies that exist in outer space. I have many memories related to this. They can come here anytime, they just choose not to because humanity isn't united and knowledgeable yet. Everyone must study and research all they can especially the knowledge that exists within and everywhere. The English language is becoming the universal language of the world. More nations will adopt the English language to stop the miscommunication and misunderstanding with other nations. The language is extremely important to establish a united, free and possibly vegan humanity. With efficient communication, our civilization can overcome all of the problems that are occurring now and will occur hereafter. Fortunately, the united vegan ally that was born and live here at this time and the other ones that will contact humanity in the coming years will become the real friends, teachers, and colleagues of our society discreetly. This will form an impenetrable bond between many of the associated races. This will be the new future of us in the universe. Other alien races will never help us nor care so they must be removed as soon as possible. There is still hope out there but be aware of the threat. The movement towards creating a better world has started however we must be intensely cautious to solve our problems ourselves. This is the beginning of a new and universal age for mankind. We have the potential to build a society that's self-sufficient, united and discreet in a short period.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


 Hello, people of Earth. There is a new mission for humanity at this time. As you know, the catastrophes have been spreading apart substantially. You must have a global mind to overcome all the problems that are coming. This just the beginning. God and many alien races have been watching Earth for a long time. The problem is God nor the aliens cannot save your planet nor fix all the issues you've incited yourselves. This is the times of change, not the actual end times because the life on Earth will never end, it will only change. The evolution never stops in anywhere in the universe. Life's purpose is to evolve constantly and people can evolve as the newest evolutionary species on Earth from now on. It seems like there are turmoil and difficulty but the greatest inventions and movements have been discovered during struggling moments. Nothing comes easy in life as you all know already. It takes a lot of dedication and brainstorming to accomplish the best of things. You're lucky that God has given you the easiest way to overcome all the problems in your world in a short time, there are a big hope and opportunity for humanity. Anyone can invest in this amazing future for all mankind to live peacefully and harmoniously. People of Earth can become a remarkable species that only do the right things to save their planet and their society with a unified mindset.

 The universe is here in your world already, there are tons of aliens beings that came to your world and started playing out their own agendas. One reason is humanity has been destructive and reckless towards all life here. You're all extremely fortunate to be born on a planet with such beauty and biodiversity. Most of the planets in the universe are the opposite of Earth and that created a tremendous amount of competition between countless alien races for resources and biological compounds. Your planet is one of the most beautiful in the universe that has been gifted to the entire humanity. Not only to some rich people to take it all for themselves, but greed and selfishness also won't work in the future. Your mindset and values must be converted as a united society. Being united gave the power to many nations to advance them as the most knowledgeable and inventive. Being united is the best thing you can do at this time and going Vegan will help all of humanity to become a global brain that operates worldwide. The internet, social media, computers, smartphones and other technologies will help build the United Vegan World that God inspired you to establish on Earth. This may be the only way to save your planet. You must go back to your roots. The human race has been created by God to be the saviors and protectors of Earth and eventually other planets. Vegans are intended to transform the universe into lush green and colorful gardens and forested worlds. The universe needs planets like Earth to achieve this extraordinary goal inspired by the Prime Creator. That's the reason your planet has been given its biodiversity of living species.

You can't make deals and agreements with deceptive alien races because that's very dangerous for the planet's future. All of the aliens that are here for their own benefits and the tech or things they've offered were basic junk to receive the material they've been searching for. Every individual can contribute to building the United Vegan World to push the civilization forward by a few centuries. This will boost your society's development and the English language will be implemented as the universal language to cease all conflicts and miscommunication. Anyone can learn English fluently in a few years, it's nothing difficult. A United Vegan World can be governed by central tech agencies in order to develop and spread it worldwide. This is probably the best beginning and age for humanity to reduce the issues at a greater scale. Plants and trees are the most significant and life-giving elements of your planet so you must cultivate and use them at every state possible. Most of the languages, beliefs, and traditions are primitive and useless for this modern age that humanity is emerging. Encountering alien life worldwide can light up the nations and unite them to start building something bigger and better than before. Most of the nations are tribal in nature compared to other alien races that come here to take advantage of mankind's instincts and beliefs. You can't ever trust any beings coming from outer space and they all withhold similar agendas. The only way to overthrow otherworldly intelligence that wants to pacify humanity in order to use them as much as they can is building something like the United Vegan World that will progress the development and evolution of every individual that lives on Earth. You must think about how to protect your world and societies all around the world now. If one group or nation falls under any alien order, that would affect the entire world negatively.

 Plants, vegetables, nuts, legumes contain more protein so you'll be stronger, smarter and acute managing the tasks to build a plan that's vast and beneficial for all. Stop poisoning your population for profits. People need their power back and that will generate more power for the main intelligence and leadership. The movies already have taken over the world so it won't be too difficult to build this new world for everyone to accompany an immense ideal. Each individual needs freedom, good health and more efficient communication with each other to complete the assignments that will fulfill this mission. This isn't about work or products, building the most advanced and intelligent network that will operate and administer the planet is the key. The more study and research you do every day, the better to accomplish the best you can. Working is basically doing the same things over and over again to pay the same things and it's not efficient in this new age. The United Vegan World will be vast and encompassing and the groups and individuals that are opposed to it may go extinct in a short time. Old traditions and beliefs won't work in the near future and they will force the people who adopt them persistently to be obsolete. Life is about studying and researching to find the best information and material to produce the most efficient networks and organizations programming us to look forward into eternity. You must think globally and eternally from now on, not just the profits or money that will stay in some numerical accounts forever. Let's begin the development of this ideal future now and it may be the only way to save our planet from alien interventions and many other catastrophes. Humanity is evolving and arising now with the most profound information and abilities that are being discovered and it's worldwide. Languages are merging as one universal language and we're constituting the global vegan mind for our planet's future and eternity.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


 Hello, beloved ones. Yes, you heard it. You wouldn't believe what's coming. This may be end times or a new beginning for humankind. It seems like everything is going downhill and life on Earth becoming more chaotic every day. Life is tough everywhere in the universe, not just on Earth. Your world is still an amazing planet with such diverse life and beauty for everyone to enjoy. It's not like that in other parts of the universe. 99.9% of the planets aren't pretty or rich with life. Humanity must do whatever it takes to protect their world because there are so many forces and beings are coming from outer space to gain access into your society and life source. You wouldn't want all your vitality sucked out of you by other races. There is a tremendous competition that's been kept secret to take over the world either forced by other nations or aliens from outer space. They're all in the game now. Everything has changed now. You've been behaving recklessly for too long. The human race must be the savior and protectors of Earth instead. The real game is on already and you weren't aware of it. Your job is to do whatever it takes to protect your societies, your lands, your significant resources and the biodiversity that exist here.

 Luckily, there is a great force that's coming who can fix all the problems and create a new world. They are coming from Vega planetary system and they're called 'Vegans' in the universe. They're extremely intelligent, skillful and experienced in every field imaginable. They're approaching your solar system to help change the situation that's at hand. They're the only positive group that's going to observe and take action here. You can't trust anyone else from outer space. You still need to be skeptical to distinguish many beings that will be all around the world to follow their own plans. Nobody else will approach your land to help people to overcome their issues and heal society. This Secret Vegan Command has a leader with tremendous knowledge acquired from the universe and the source. Earth is summoning this being from outer space with limitless powers and spells. A long time ago, a group of beings from other planets joined forces to search and help other planets that are emerging into the universe. The universe is full of life but it's not how you think it is. There are so many alien beings that have been watching and desiring your world's diverse resources for themselves. They're already here and there are many different groups at this time. More are coming because they picked up the alien agenda. It's extremely difficult to get out of this situation at hand. Life is always tough all around the universe and aliens will never help you except Vegans. They're the only ones that can save your planet and build a united and free society on Earth. The leader of the Secret Vegan Command is approaching to Earth now, he'll land there soon but he'll keep himself in hidden. He wouldn't want no one to know that he's the one who can change the world and stop all this madness. He's the chosen one for this mission by the other alien societies that watch over planets. They constantly watch and track everything in this region of the universe and they had to intervene secretly.

 This extraordinary being is the Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh...  His powers and knowledge are endless, he's wise, extremely intelligent and he's the only that possesses the knowledge of the universe. He's been to countless worlds and missions before so he's the only one that can accomplish this. And Vegans will help him in order to fulfill this plan. Everything has to play out in disguise because that's how aliens carry out their plans. This is the mission to throw off the aliens that are here with clandestine agendas. There are many of them from different places and their agenda is similar. They want your society, your world, your resources and all you have for themselves. They did this to other unaware societies in the universe before and they constituted a network of planets that are owned and operated by them. Vegans are your only chance, no time can be wasted from now on. The sorcerer is here, he can manifest any idea and scheme into reality with his multitudinous of spells that he claimed and practiced for thousands of years. He's been to many planets to perform millions of mission of this kind for the civilization that are encountering alien life the first time. Your world is extremely significant and it can be associated with the network of planets that are part of the secret federation of free and wise alien societies. He's the Commander Vegan Pharaoh, the leader of the secret vegan command to carry out the plan to save humanity and the Earth. Nobody else can achieve this unique task of saving so many planets in such a short time. All of the advanced technologies, computer systems and spaceships have been designed for this one purpose to save as many worlds and nations as we can. The Vegan Pharaoh is the high order in this part of the universe, no alien beings are even close to his level of mastery. You're lucky he's here to help and not take over your world otherwise he'd be unstoppable. Not all of the worlds have been defended and safeguarded in the past because many individuals in the leadership positions have been manipulated by different alien beings in a short time and aliens basically obtained all they have and they've fallen under a very cruel alien order. You wouldn't want this to happen to you.

 There is still hope out there, there are many alien societies that are united in one organization willing to help although humanity has been very reckless and combative in the past. This is one reason aliens approached your new civilization, nobody wants your world's precious resources and biodiversity to be destroyed or wasted. It can be used carefully for the benefit of others. The thing you must do at this time is to reclaim your world and reverse all the damage you've caused naturally. This can be done by a united vegan movement that will free the animals and green your lands and lessen the pollutions and damage to the environment. Vegan Pharaoh will unite the entire world and initiate a new plan called United Vegan Take Over. Perhaps this is the only way to save your planet. A lot of research and observation have been done before devising this operation. Everything will be carried out smoothly and secretly in order to complete the Operation Rescue Earth without any disturbance. Of course, it won't be easy since many people aren't living a natural lifestyle that is plant-based. People must be informed of what's going on and the awareness will arise in a short time. It seems like we can succeed in less than two decades. Aliens may find other means to perform their agenda without any time limits. If you can protect your lands, your forests, animals and all the natural life here, the Earth can become a free and self-sufficient society thriving with prosperity and harmony all around the world. Your Earth is the biological library in this region of the universe so you must do whatever it takes to protect it by all costs. Nothing else matters as much as the freedom and the future of your population and that means a big change in every field. Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh can veganize Earth and the entire solar system with green technologies and magnificent spells from the book of universal wisdom. Knowledge is very important to continue your lives as a free race and converting all your production and consumption to plant-based may be the solution. Aliens will never stop but you will learn how to overcome them. Your society has the chance to become part of the organization that's been formed eons ago by the wise races with individual liberty. There are many books of knowledge and technologies that can be given to humanity by the vegan command if they overcome all the coming difficulties.

 Mankind is entering a new reality of life. This new reality will be more difficult for everyone to survive and go through so you must start doing the things that will save the world and humankind now. Aliens will never help humanity instead they will take advantage of the situation the people are going through. The only thing you can do is studying and researching the most important subjects and evidence at hand to find the best ways to restore Earth and build a more self-sufficient society for everyone to live comfortably and harmoniously. War and conflict never help to fix any problems at this time. Everyone all around the world is in this situation which will force them to awaken and following the right life-saving tasks. Think about the entire world in everything that you think and do from now on. Humanity must unite. Trying to get rich to have more of the same stuff you already have or more doesn't make sense because the changes are urgent and are happening faster than the past. There is a big group of Allies that have been watching Earth, they installed invisible cameras to record and track all the events and activity worldwide. They're the only ones that you can trust. They aren't here right now but they will approach Earth and humanity once a united, wise and free society has been establishing on Earth. Your Earth is one of the most beautiful and biologically rich planets in this region of the universe also it's the living biological library. No doubt, there are many groups and alien races that desire this resource for themselves. Commander Vegan is one of the leaders of the United Vegan Command associated with the Allies. They're still watching all that's happening through the invisible cameras that fly around the atmosphere and placed in many spots all over the world. The Supreme Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh gained very advanced universal knowledge is because he's gone Vegan thousands of years ago and started planting all kinds of tree and plant species in his homeworld then to other planets via galactic and universal missions. This is one way to gain the needed knowledge and intelligence at this time. Most of your most intelligent people ever lived were vegans or vegetarians and that gave them the fluidity to think and invent your future. This can be done again now. You can build an amazing also a wise, free and united social order that can live and thrive in secrecy to overcome the aliens that come here to use you for their benefit.

 Unfortunately, the mighty God cannot save you or your world but he's given you the soul and wisdom that lives within you inherently. You have no idea what kind of fortune you live on called Earth. You must do all that you can to protect it from aliens and destruction. Not even a bit of the life and diversity that exist here should be eradicated therefore seeing the catastrophes and the negative events will ignite your soul to take action. No jobs, careers, money, riches won't matter in the near future if you can't fulfill this mission that's about protecting and preserving all of the life that exists around you. You have to be careful who you're dealing with. Earth is a precious jewel and with its help, some other planets like Mars can be converted into green colonies. It will take time and it will be harsh and challenging at first but the more of the life-giving seeds and resources that are transported from here to the other planets in your solar system, it can be managed. The Vegan Command that is your allies would love to have trade agreements that will benefit both sides in the future after your society evolved as one free, united and wise association. Nothing is free in the galaxy nor the universe so don't destroy your forests and resources recklessly for greed or arrogance. Vegan Command has many offerings that can benefit humanity at all levels. Some of the members of the Vegan Command are human or human-like as well. Of course, there are many other races that associate with other members and groups through secret trade and other agreements that have been considered for a long time in advance. All of the members of the Vegan Command are Vegans and they respect all life in their worlds and in other places greatly. This is one way to be familiar with the universal knowledge, you must go Vegan and begin protecting the animals, the environment and the forests that stabilize your globe.

 Forests are extremely significant and the Vegan Command also the Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh always plant more food forests and the greenest gardens with all their power and ability. Vegan Pharaoh has the spells that can turn vast deserted lands green in a few minutes or more. His spells are incredible, extraordinary for anyone to grasp. The wise ones mention that anyone can become a Vegan Sorcerer if they study and practice the universal and biological essence of God. This is probably God's mission to transform entire star systems into the Greenest and Fascinating Vegan Paradises of Sorcery. The magical powers like telepathy, telekinesis, manifestation with thought and a lot more other spells and powers will appear to you while you're all evolving beginning with Vegan and Plant Knowledge then proceed to many more books of wisdom and subjects. Imagine yourself as the young Harry Potter that is destined to become the most powerful Vegan Sorcerer then a Pharaoh of his world. Everyone will follow this supreme leader and support him to veganize the Earth and build the most brilliant and creative force. You never need alien DNA to evolve or develop yourselves. Your DNA will be uplifted and will expand by forming new strands of DNA that will give you the magical powers and intelligence you've all been waiting for. Going Vegan is the first stage to begin. There's going to be more green technologies that are invented by the smartest Vegans that incarnate here to push your civilization forward like Nikola Tesla has done in the past. His inventions have advanced your society by at least a few hundred years so the new green and vegan technologies that are coming will advance you even further out. You will never need any alien technology because you'll develop the best of the technologies for you to go ahead and terraform other planets in a short time.

 The new generation of human species will be remarkable. They'll be like the sorcerers to the neanderthal that lived in the past mimicking what the aliens are doing right now, right here. Don't fall to this trap because they all have clandestine agendas. This is how the reality of the universe is, nothing is for help or for the benefit of the natives, you all know that. You can't be naive anymore, you're determined to be the Supreme Vegan Sorcerers in the next millennia but you must begin your study and practice now so you can be successful before it's too late. There is no time to waste anymore. The free time to do what you like and relax is over. The age of meat is coming to an end. This is the age of marvelous plant-based sorcery crafts. Anyone can invest and introduce themselves to the magnificent future of vegan sorcery. All of the colleges and universities will be converted into demonstrating the numerous spells and crafting skills that are appearing with the leading knowledge and affairs. Vegan Pharaoh already obtained countless of abilities and a superior intelligence ahead of any alien races. The aliens that have come here are a bunch of groups of pirates but more advanced and superior ones are approaching because they noticed that some groups have been operating here secretly. Like I said, you have to be very careful from now on, the reality of your world is totally different at this point. The future can be yours or you may fall under cruel order that's forced upon you harshly. Humanity has a remarkable potential to become an intelligent race by protecting and preserving all of their living species and lands. Deforestation and desertification must stop and reforestation and afforestation of Earth must begin as soon as possible. Study and research all you can every day. Don't waste your life at meaningless jobs that will take away your limited time here. Become the sorcerer of your soul that's guiding you through eternity.