Tuesday, September 3, 2019

United Vegan World Can Cultivate Limitless Food Forests and Green Communities To Rebuild Earth

 We may be living in such magnificent times right now that many people aren't aware of. We may evolving into becoming a new species of human race that's more intelligent, communicative and compassionate. We're lucky to be living in such a fascinating world packed with biodiversity and a wide variety of plant and tree species. All animals are friends, not food. Eating animals is a thing of the past. The Amazon is being burned down to open land for meat and dairy industries. It's obvious that we live in a time that we must do whatever it takes to save the planet, all the forests and all living species including humans. We're just a little more intelligent species but we're still primitive. We must evolve into the next evolutionary humans that are the plant-based and united Vegans =)   One person can do a lot throughout their lifetime, image what a united and vegan humanity could create. It seems like this can be the only way to save the planet and mankind from the coming times of change. Climate is changing, environment is changing, weather is changing, resources are being wasted. Earth is changing so fast but we can change our future and stop the coming catastrophic events. We're all connected to each other despite our differences and beliefs. We can form a united world in a short time. Going Vegan clearly unites so many people quickly. Social media is spreading the awareness about the environmental change and animal cruelty. What you sow, will always come back to you. If people treat animals bad and use them brutally, the world will never be a good place to live.

 People are waking up during this time. This is the age of change. We all need to change to become better. Our awareness is rising every day with the information that we receive into our minds. Vegans can be the next evolutionary species of homo sapiens in the near future. We can create the Heaven on Earth in less than a decade if we unite to take action now. Economy will always get better if all products and businesses rely on plant-based resources and products. Plants will give us everything that we ever need and more. That's how the ecosystem has been designed by God a long time ago. God basically gave us all we need for us to thrive and evolve as an amazing race. Everyone will join this amazing movement of being supreme and recovering terra. Our society is waking up to what's going on and a lot of people are uniting for a unique cause because our planet and society must be saved now. We can only think about the projects that will restore the forests and the environment. Saving the world will make the economy the best ever and will create billions of new jobs for Vegans to apply. Although I believe working the least is the best thing in life so you can focus on the things and projects that actually matter. We can create a more advanced and amazing world and society by not working at all. A lot of people assume that working and finding jobs are the most important things in life but that's not true at all. Jobs and money will never solve your problems therefore they will produce more. Nobody needs that much coffee or clothes anyway =D

 I dream of a world that nobody ever works and we can still prosper increasingly with the help of plant-based products and produce we collecte from united vegan forest systems worlwide =)   The thing we need to do is we are supposed to build a heaven like systen on Earth instead of being greedy about finances. Finances are basically numbers on a computer, they never make sense. Who cares about some numbers on a computer? Is this how you get rich or successful these days? Life isn't about that. Life is about creating the newest, greenest, more resourceful forests for people to live in. Cities are draining your life. You keep doing the same things in cities that drain your source of life and lifetime away. We can build a future where nobody ever works and society still operates efficiently. People can do the best tasks to take the planet and civilization to higher levels with their communication, thinking and actions. You think alien societies work all the time, 24/7 Earth time. Probably not. They calculate the best outcome and tasks to complete in advance and only get those done. The free time is mostly learning, studying and research based. I'm sure everyone would love to learn new things and research about how to take the society to a higher awareness and level of freedom. If there are free races in the universe, how did they become so free and advanced? They united as one and started thinking and communicating about the best possible outcome that can be accomplished. Doing this and that at work or in your daily life will never get you anywhere. You must imagine bigger about the future.

 What's the best thing to do at this time? It might be the reforestation and afforestation of entire world so everyone can have enough resources to survive. What's the second best thing? It may be creating a united vegan world that's capable of building the biggest projects and ideas all around the world also on other planets. Barren worlds like Mars may become Vegan paradises eventually with the right mindset. Plants always help since you can't make everything out of metal, plastic or glass. Hemp is able to produce plastics and other useful products if it's cultivated and used for manufacturing.
A united vegan world can cultivate limitless food forests and green communities to rebuild Earth in a short period. Our freedom and self sufficiency as a developing civilization with baby steps are extremely significant. Everyone wants to be rich but only a few found out how to do that. Being rich may not be the best thing in life because rich people live more stressful lives. Best lifestyle might be to be completely free and self sufficient. In order to produce all the products you ever need, you must shoot the planet with trillions of seeds to turn it into a vegan paradise where everyone is working, working and working very vigorously to improve their environment, produce more foods, clean the pollution and live their lives however they like. Our world is changing quickly so we must change faster than that to get ahead of the coming environmental changes and have a chance to reverse them before it's too late.

 Aliens probably will never help because it's reported that aliens don't care about humanity at all. So the responsibility is on us to rebuild the nature and start the greening process of all fields of mankind. Anything can be made and manufacture as plant-based and vegan. It's not difficult at all. It will grant the products the ability to be composted in short time as well. Everyone wants to live in a better world. Why don't we create it now? How can we unite as one intelligent species and evolve into the next phase of homo sapiens? Homo sapiens invented surprising elements and concepts in the last few hundred years but they were also destructive and reckless. This must change. Producing the necessities shouldn't be so devastating to make this beautiful planet unlivable. Let's initiate a superior society now that's more connected to all living beings and nature by living fully green and vegan. Our planet is warning us with the recent natural phenomenon. Begin the creation of this magnificent united vegan civilization that will fly us into the future of complete freedom, self sufficiency and planetary forestation =)

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