Friday, September 6, 2019


 Hi there. As you know, there's a lot going on in the world now. Humanity has been through negative events lately and more of them might be on the way. Our environment and climate are changing so fast. There are many alien races that are intervening into our society and planet to gain control and establish a dominion here. This isn't a good happening nor beneficial for any of us. Although there is still hope. The aliens that come from the space are very cunning and skilled to follow their plans of acquiring worlds and societies. We must stop this with all we can. More people are waking up to what's going on around the world for quite some time. We've been manipulated for too long but now is the time to rise and unite to kick alien ass and reclaim our beautiful world. Anyone can become a superhero and do whatever it takes to take over the world in order to build the United Vegan World. This is the only hope of humanity. The vegan movement is spreading out so fast. More people are going vegan to save animals, the environment and their health. We can build a new world now also stop the aliens from gain control of our society and steal all our resources and our freedom. No alien races are here now to help humanity by any means. They see that we've been destroying and polluting our planet by an increasing rate so they intervened a long time ago and more of them are coming to gain access to resources here. There is a huge competition between many alien races at this time that are pushing their secret plans forward. Some of them operate in remote islands in the Pacific and many other secret bases all around the world. The universe isn't a friendly place at all but aliens will lie and act friendly and spiritual to people. Don't fall under any persuasion at this time. We as one humanity must save our world and protect it by all costs.

 War and conflicts must cease and we must focus on the real problems. Too many languages, ethnicities, religions, and traditions generate miscommunication and misunderstanding between groups of people and nations. We live in a world filled with diverse life and diversity of people. We must unite as one race to save and protect our society and our planet with full power, knowledge, and communication. It seems like building a United Vegan World can give us an advantage towards the alien intervention and other problems at this time. A United Vegan World can be beneficial for all of our society and can unite as one race in order to construct a more advanced, free and self-sufficient civilization. It would be similar to Heaven on Earth where everyone is happy, healthy and working towards a better future. The English language is the most powerful and useful language that's becoming the universal language for all nations and regions of the world. English and the United Vegan World can give us the abilities for more advanced communication and higher knowledge to launch this amazing agenda that can kick aliens out. One reason the aliens are intervening into the world is that humanity has been reckless and aggressive towards all life and to each other. War is never the answer. The new war is United Vegan Take Over of the planet and other planets like Mars and others in the future. Building a united vegan world can be the solution to many problems. It's the biggest movement humanity has ever introduced throughout the history of mankind. We have something useful and beneficial that will give us the advantage to stop the aliens from taking over our world. More people are learning about the reality of life in the universe and the alien agenda. There isn't only one alien race, there are always many of them coming for the same thing. When the United Vegan World is fully established with the help of United Vegan Take Over, we can create a more advanced, futuristic and knowledgeable society that will transform barren worlds like Mars into green and lively worlds. It's never over for us. This movement will always continue, plants and trees will always help us to create a magnificent and self-sufficient future.

 Nobody can stand against the powerful and wise United Vegan Take Over because this is how life proceeds in our world even in other planets with different kinds of nature. Environmental protection must be always number 1 for everyone. We can conduct new laws and regulations for our society to build something amazing here and the rest will follow. Everyone wants to be a superhero and now is the time that you can be a superhero by going Vegan, saving animals, the world and kicking alien ass. Is this the new Independence Day of the new age that's arising on the horizon?  Aliens will do all and lie about everything to get what they want. That doesn't mean it's impossible to stop them. We must plan this project wisely, everyone will join and invest in this fascinating future that can change everything and provide us the development and progress we've all been waiting for. Now is the time to be the superhero and do whatever it takes to save the world and reverse all the damage we've caused on Earth. We can shoot the entire world with trillions of seeds of tree and plant species to rejuvenate all lands and regions. United Vegan World can be the beginning of the new age and bring Heaven on Earth for us to live prosperously with freedom.

 All jobs can be converted to initiate the Vegan Take Over of the world, nothing else matters at this point. Aliens must be stopped by all cost and environmental damage must be reversed as soon as possible. All animals are our friends and they're never meant to be food or used for any production. Meat and dairy industries emit more greenhouse than any other industry also kill millions of animals per year. Humanity is supposed to be the protectors and saviors of this magnificent planet filled with a tremendous amount of living species and biodiversity. Trees and plants are our number 1 resource that will give us the food and other products we need to survive. Anything can be produced as plant-based because we have all kinds of plants and trees to provide us increasing production for the growing population. Only war is Vegan from now on. Spread the awareness on the internet, social media and to others as much as you can. Go Vegan, Be A Superhero and Reclaim Your World. We will terraform many other planets in the near future. Vegans are getting smarter, faster, skillful, knowledgeable and supreme. Knowledge is within you. Never stop learning all you can daily at every moment. We need all the information and communication to fulfill God's mission that is becoming a united, self-sufficient and free race on Earth. Let's begin now =)

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