Saturday, September 21, 2019


There is a system that's imposed on our society that's destined to be free, united and sustainable into eternity. The Matrix is real and it only works for the few. They engineered a system with the aliens and hybrids to control and use the human race in every field. People are waking up to what's going on. Working and keep paying the same things over and over again isn't the way of life. Why are there so many aliens and hybrids (engineered aliens that look human) everywhere living and operating secretly? There is a dark alien agenda behind all of this. Even the matrix meant to collapse by the chosen ones. The chosen one isn't one person, the population of the chosen one is ever increasing worldwide. The knowledge is spreading around the world to free humanity from the system designed with the help of aliens. Aliens can't live here because of the biological hazard that threatens them biologically so they need people and hybrids that work for them to carry out their agenda. If people awaken worldwide, the system will collapse eventually. Don't fall under alien order because it would be extremely harsh and cruel for any human being living on Earth. They want implants, more technological devices, hybrid race to control humans, neurological devices and implants to completely enslave entire humanity with the help of the alien races. Aliens have done this to many societies in the past to gain access to resources of different planets and Earth has a lot of resources that many alien races desire. Don't think that aliens are here to help or save humanity nor the world. This is exactly what they want everyone to think. Most of the material online, new age books and upcoming technologies are being imposed on people to brainwash and pacify them in every way possible. You wouldn't want to live in a world under complete alien order, aliens want to become the overlords of Planet Earth by depriving each individual of their rights and freedom so they can be used as a resource. Aliens only see everything and the humans as a resource, they don't care about humanity, our values or aspirations. There are many alien races who are here on Earth at this time, some are getting closer to completing their dark agendas every day. Don't ever get implanted because that would be your end. You need to understand that everything is to deceive humans to utilize them as workers and resources. All of the human rights have been violated through alien interference. Aliens can't do all the work so they need humans' will and subjugation to extract all the resources and fulfill their plans.

 There is still hope out there. Luckily, people realized what's going on and started uniting and waking up. Nobody will help humanity to overcome what's coming and what's being inflicted on each individual. Time is up, nothing is getting better. We must unite to reclaim our planet and our sovereignty by uniting as one race and beginning the change with our power and knowledge. Nobody in power may help if we don't start doing the right things first. This is the most significant ever occurred in history. Aliens are here and they want everything, our society, our freedom, our planet, our resources and all for their own benefit. There are alien hybrids that live secretly in society all around the world waiting to do the tasks and gain access to mind-controlling leadership positions in the near future. Don't be a servant or let your mind to be manipulated by deceiving agendas, technologies, and mind-controlling devices. Time is up, now is the time to Go Vegan and take over the world to build a United, Vegan, Green and Fully Sustainable Planet that can reverse the climate change and overthrow the deceitful alien presence here. Vegans are breaking the Matrix with their new mindset and action to save the animals and the entire planet. The Matrix was real and we're the Chosen Ones that can shatter it to reclaim our freedom. Don't be fooled or enslaved by the technology, it's all part of the dark agenda to take your life and resources away from you. Humanity doesn't need much technology to survive and to build the best world possible for everyone to live sufficiently and harmoniously.

 Climate change will cause the sea and ocean levels to rise up to 100 feet all around the coasts but we can reverse the climate change and restore the environment into a better condition.
 Vegans are breaking the matrix through the power of awareness, compassion, and love for all living species. No animals are created by God to be food and products for mankind to kill and consume by billions daily. Beans, legumes, nuts, most vegetables, tofu, and seeds contain more protein and calcium than meat and dairy. No animals should be harmed for protein intake or for other productions. Vegans are evolving every day with their nutritious diet and expanded awareness to become the most advanced and intelligent species ever walked on Earth. Time is now. We can take over the world in a short time to reverse the coming cataclysms that will devastate our society and stop the dark and clandestine agendas that are dictated forcefully. A United Vegan World will do whatever it takes to rescue all animals, take action about the real problems of Earth-like the intervening deceptive alien races, global warming, pollution, deforestation, cruelty, etc.  Deforestation is extremely dangerous for our planet, large forests emit the most oxygen also embody a great amount of biodiversity in their habitats. Meat and dairy productions cause the most greenhouse gases' emissions and deforestation worldwide. We must plant new food forests to feed entire humanity by going Vegan and reforesting the barren lands.

 A United Vegan World can establish a green, sustainable, cruelty and pollution-free, forest world for all living species to thrive and coexist peacefully. This is the new beginning of humanity at this time. There is going to be more green technologies and renewable energies developed in the future because people will work on the things that actually matter. Working, doing the same things to pay the same bills and things so more profits can be made to be kept in numerical accounts will only suck your life away. A lot of people start their own gardens and farms to follow a sustainable lifestyle that fulfills their souls. When everyone is Vegan, all productions will convert to plant-based and CO2 emission will reduce and all cruelty will end. We may be living in such amazing times now, we're actually changing the world. Nobody wants to end up as a servant with no freedom or rights and this is what aliens are here for. More and more people are going Vegan also sharing more information with others to raise awareness higher each day. Plants give us all the foods and products we need for us to live comfortably. Animals are everybody's best friends. All animals are equal. To label some animals as pets and some as food products is a ridiculous idea. The Matrix that's intelligently designed to enslave all animals and humans is shattering at the moment. Vegans are winning and breaking the system that worked for many years, we're creating a magnificent new world where plants will provide us all we need and Earth is green and healthy.

 Aliens that are here will never help humanity instead they're trying to take advantage of a weak, divided and conflicted population. We need to alter our reality and transform it as how we want it to be. Vegans will become more advanced than most alien races in the future and the benevolent races will approach our unified and free society to associate with us in every field and form a bond that goes beyond many worlds and planetary systems. The aliens that are here in and around the world secretly want to be brainwashed and pacified servants to be utilized for their benefit. This is totally terrible news. Luckily, many people have interpreted what was being done behind the veil. This ignited the new movements and awareness for the entire humanity to start taking action against the real problems and dark agendas. Now is the time to take over the world to save the planet and restore the environment into a stabilized condition before it's too late and irreversible. Unfortunately, the aliens are trash that searches and find planets with resources and emerging societies to take advantage of. Our society is developing fast but we want to be free, compassionate and sociable without false programs and implants that are devised to take away our freedom and life source. Humanity has remarkable potential that can fast forward them and begin terraforming near planets in their vicinity to transform them into Earth-like worlds in a short period. Matrix is obsolete, we live in a new reality now because people actually realized how our perception was manipulated through the food system, chemical supply, pesticides, processed products, high amount of meat and dairy intake, brainwashing mechanisms, etc. Once our society is fully united, we can manifest any reality that we imagine for us to create and live in. We can build this new world now otherwise the coming catastrophes and cataclysms will make it worse. United Vegan Take Over is breaking the matrix exponentially and encompassing the planet Earth so a better society and system can be established in less than a decade. Time is ticking...

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