Thursday, September 5, 2019


 Hi there, we may be living in living in incredible times. Everything is changing and it seems like it's all very negative but there may be an opportunity for humanity here. We can shift ourselves by going vegan towards a new type of society that's more in harmony and peace with each other. The highest state of existence is oneness and it's what we could manifest on Earth by being Vegan and United with each other all around the world. Working is mostly doing the same things over and over again to pay the same bills and the same things. Why don't we work on something so powerful and needed to shift the world into a higher realm of existence? A lot of people except a few are having insights about higher consciousness and level of being. Life shouldn't be about using and destroying all to survive. People can change their behavior and their lifestyle as united humanity to begin seeding a new world of compassion, harmony, and freedom. There is so much going on around the world. The latest forests fires prove that most of our society must change their diet, their beliefs, and their lifestyles. Burning down large forests will affect the climate to heat up faster than before to force more catastrophes and instability. Perhaps working wasn't the best thing to do. People can unite to work on the biggest projects that will save all of us even make good money along the way. The vegan movement is taking over the world and it will create more food forests worldwide when the demand plant-based foods escalate. I believe we're manifesting a new world, higher consciousness, and unity by going Vegan and starting vegan businesses and spreading the awareness.

 Don't be just a worker, be a creator with the information and data you uphold. Life isn't about working and having a career anymore. That's the old times. In this new age, everyone will create the world they want to. We will only take over planets as Vegans also move forward as the more evolved species. The great are of united vegan worlds is beginning now. It already started and it's unstoppable. Just going Vegan saves so many animals and plants new gardens and forests in different regions that the farmers reside. We're forest people that are supposed to build new forests instead of cities with pollution and stress. City life isn't the best way to live and work no more. A lot of people are moving to more rural areas to start the life they want to live in. Having more cars, bigger houses and more stuff will only add up to your bills and raise your level of stress even more. Devote yourself to a green and forested lifestyle. Some farmers are building new farms and plantations right in the forests where the soil is more fertile. This may be the new beginning of a more united, green human race that can take over the world and other planets eventually. Vegans are the healthiest and smartest people ever lived in the world. So they will find a way to change the world and make it a better place for all of us to live and thrive upon. Since the evolution never ends, we as one humanity are destined to evolve into the next evolutionary species of vegan forest people bonded as one with cooperation.

 This is operation rescue Earth of mankind, the beginning of a new age. Let's take over the world, transform it into the greenest and most colorful paradise for all of us to live in tranquility. You never need too much to survive. We will have technology in coordination with us during this new lifestyle instead of being stuck in a congested city doing and paying the same things constantly. You'll have the freedom and energy to travel more, live and enjoy your life more with others. All families will be connected to each other, playing and dancing. Festivals will be organized worldwide to celebrate this new unification and peaceful lifestyle. Nobody is ever going to argue or look bad at each other because the forests and green communities will be built by everyone and they will provide us all the necessities and accommodation. The greenest future is coming soon. We will inhabit the most amazing and the greenest world in the universe that will push us forward into more accomplishments like new green technologies, solar tech, vegan tech, etc.  Inventors spread the word about building united vegan societies and colonies on Mars in the very near future and that can terraform a green planet in time. Think about if this extraordinary project can be attained in other planets near our solar system then move even further.

 Life may not be about developing better and faster technologies. The purpose of life might be building more green communities and technologies that are more sustainable in order to stabilize and enrich society and biodiversity. Earth already has very rich resources and very diverse living species that dwell on a well-established ecosystem. We're only part of it so we shouldn't damage or destroy any of it with our existence. Now is the best time to save the world and form the new human civilization before any cataclysm that can cause extinctions. A green, vegan and unified civilization can solve all of the problems of this era. Working more isn't the best thing you can do in life. Study and research to achieve the best of design and strategies for the human race to live in cooperation and peace. The countries that invested in infrastructure and advanced projects instead of wars and conflicts improved their nation and output more than other folks. War is never the answer. Yes, there are bad guys everywhere but they can be eliminated easily. There is a new world that we can invest now for us to move forward into the future.

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