Sunday, September 8, 2019


 Hello, beloved ones. Yes, you heard it. You wouldn't believe what's coming. This may be end times or a new beginning for humankind. It seems like everything is going downhill and life on Earth becoming more chaotic every day. Life is tough everywhere in the universe, not just on Earth. Your world is still an amazing planet with such diverse life and beauty for everyone to enjoy. It's not like that in other parts of the universe. 99.9% of the planets aren't pretty or rich with life. Humanity must do whatever it takes to protect their world because there are so many forces and beings are coming from outer space to gain access into your society and life source. You wouldn't want all your vitality sucked out of you by other races. There is a tremendous competition that's been kept secret to take over the world either forced by other nations or aliens from outer space. They're all in the game now. Everything has changed now. You've been behaving recklessly for too long. The human race must be the savior and protectors of Earth instead. The real game is on already and you weren't aware of it. Your job is to do whatever it takes to protect your societies, your lands, your significant resources and the biodiversity that exist here.

 Luckily, there is a great force that's coming who can fix all the problems and create a new world. They are coming from Vega planetary system and they're called 'Vegans' in the universe. They're extremely intelligent, skillful and experienced in every field imaginable. They're approaching your solar system to help change the situation that's at hand. They're the only positive group that's going to observe and take action here. You can't trust anyone else from outer space. You still need to be skeptical to distinguish many beings that will be all around the world to follow their own plans. Nobody else will approach your land to help people to overcome their issues and heal society. This Secret Vegan Command has a leader with tremendous knowledge acquired from the universe and the source. Earth is summoning this being from outer space with limitless powers and spells. A long time ago, a group of beings from other planets joined forces to search and help other planets that are emerging into the universe. The universe is full of life but it's not how you think it is. There are so many alien beings that have been watching and desiring your world's diverse resources for themselves. They're already here and there are many different groups at this time. More are coming because they picked up the alien agenda. It's extremely difficult to get out of this situation at hand. Life is always tough all around the universe and aliens will never help you except Vegans. They're the only ones that can save your planet and build a united and free society on Earth. The leader of the Secret Vegan Command is approaching to Earth now, he'll land there soon but he'll keep himself in hidden. He wouldn't want no one to know that he's the one who can change the world and stop all this madness. He's the chosen one for this mission by the other alien societies that watch over planets. They constantly watch and track everything in this region of the universe and they had to intervene secretly.

 This extraordinary being is the Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh...  His powers and knowledge are endless, he's wise, extremely intelligent and he's the only that possesses the knowledge of the universe. He's been to countless worlds and missions before so he's the only one that can accomplish this. And Vegans will help him in order to fulfill this plan. Everything has to play out in disguise because that's how aliens carry out their plans. This is the mission to throw off the aliens that are here with clandestine agendas. There are many of them from different places and their agenda is similar. They want your society, your world, your resources and all you have for themselves. They did this to other unaware societies in the universe before and they constituted a network of planets that are owned and operated by them. Vegans are your only chance, no time can be wasted from now on. The sorcerer is here, he can manifest any idea and scheme into reality with his multitudinous of spells that he claimed and practiced for thousands of years. He's been to many planets to perform millions of mission of this kind for the civilization that are encountering alien life the first time. Your world is extremely significant and it can be associated with the network of planets that are part of the secret federation of free and wise alien societies. He's the Commander Vegan Pharaoh, the leader of the secret vegan command to carry out the plan to save humanity and the Earth. Nobody else can achieve this unique task of saving so many planets in such a short time. All of the advanced technologies, computer systems and spaceships have been designed for this one purpose to save as many worlds and nations as we can. The Vegan Pharaoh is the high order in this part of the universe, no alien beings are even close to his level of mastery. You're lucky he's here to help and not take over your world otherwise he'd be unstoppable. Not all of the worlds have been defended and safeguarded in the past because many individuals in the leadership positions have been manipulated by different alien beings in a short time and aliens basically obtained all they have and they've fallen under a very cruel alien order. You wouldn't want this to happen to you.

 There is still hope out there, there are many alien societies that are united in one organization willing to help although humanity has been very reckless and combative in the past. This is one reason aliens approached your new civilization, nobody wants your world's precious resources and biodiversity to be destroyed or wasted. It can be used carefully for the benefit of others. The thing you must do at this time is to reclaim your world and reverse all the damage you've caused naturally. This can be done by a united vegan movement that will free the animals and green your lands and lessen the pollutions and damage to the environment. Vegan Pharaoh will unite the entire world and initiate a new plan called United Vegan Take Over. Perhaps this is the only way to save your planet. A lot of research and observation have been done before devising this operation. Everything will be carried out smoothly and secretly in order to complete the Operation Rescue Earth without any disturbance. Of course, it won't be easy since many people aren't living a natural lifestyle that is plant-based. People must be informed of what's going on and the awareness will arise in a short time. It seems like we can succeed in less than two decades. Aliens may find other means to perform their agenda without any time limits. If you can protect your lands, your forests, animals and all the natural life here, the Earth can become a free and self-sufficient society thriving with prosperity and harmony all around the world. Your Earth is the biological library in this region of the universe so you must do whatever it takes to protect it by all costs. Nothing else matters as much as the freedom and the future of your population and that means a big change in every field. Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh can veganize Earth and the entire solar system with green technologies and magnificent spells from the book of universal wisdom. Knowledge is very important to continue your lives as a free race and converting all your production and consumption to plant-based may be the solution. Aliens will never stop but you will learn how to overcome them. Your society has the chance to become part of the organization that's been formed eons ago by the wise races with individual liberty. There are many books of knowledge and technologies that can be given to humanity by the vegan command if they overcome all the coming difficulties.

 Mankind is entering a new reality of life. This new reality will be more difficult for everyone to survive and go through so you must start doing the things that will save the world and humankind now. Aliens will never help humanity instead they will take advantage of the situation the people are going through. The only thing you can do is studying and researching the most important subjects and evidence at hand to find the best ways to restore Earth and build a more self-sufficient society for everyone to live comfortably and harmoniously. War and conflict never help to fix any problems at this time. Everyone all around the world is in this situation which will force them to awaken and following the right life-saving tasks. Think about the entire world in everything that you think and do from now on. Humanity must unite. Trying to get rich to have more of the same stuff you already have or more doesn't make sense because the changes are urgent and are happening faster than the past. There is a big group of Allies that have been watching Earth, they installed invisible cameras to record and track all the events and activity worldwide. They're the only ones that you can trust. They aren't here right now but they will approach Earth and humanity once a united, wise and free society has been establishing on Earth. Your Earth is one of the most beautiful and biologically rich planets in this region of the universe also it's the living biological library. No doubt, there are many groups and alien races that desire this resource for themselves. Commander Vegan is one of the leaders of the United Vegan Command associated with the Allies. They're still watching all that's happening through the invisible cameras that fly around the atmosphere and placed in many spots all over the world. The Supreme Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh gained very advanced universal knowledge is because he's gone Vegan thousands of years ago and started planting all kinds of tree and plant species in his homeworld then to other planets via galactic and universal missions. This is one way to gain the needed knowledge and intelligence at this time. Most of your most intelligent people ever lived were vegans or vegetarians and that gave them the fluidity to think and invent your future. This can be done again now. You can build an amazing also a wise, free and united social order that can live and thrive in secrecy to overcome the aliens that come here to use you for their benefit.

 Unfortunately, the mighty God cannot save you or your world but he's given you the soul and wisdom that lives within you inherently. You have no idea what kind of fortune you live on called Earth. You must do all that you can to protect it from aliens and destruction. Not even a bit of the life and diversity that exist here should be eradicated therefore seeing the catastrophes and the negative events will ignite your soul to take action. No jobs, careers, money, riches won't matter in the near future if you can't fulfill this mission that's about protecting and preserving all of the life that exists around you. You have to be careful who you're dealing with. Earth is a precious jewel and with its help, some other planets like Mars can be converted into green colonies. It will take time and it will be harsh and challenging at first but the more of the life-giving seeds and resources that are transported from here to the other planets in your solar system, it can be managed. The Vegan Command that is your allies would love to have trade agreements that will benefit both sides in the future after your society evolved as one free, united and wise association. Nothing is free in the galaxy nor the universe so don't destroy your forests and resources recklessly for greed or arrogance. Vegan Command has many offerings that can benefit humanity at all levels. Some of the members of the Vegan Command are human or human-like as well. Of course, there are many other races that associate with other members and groups through secret trade and other agreements that have been considered for a long time in advance. All of the members of the Vegan Command are Vegans and they respect all life in their worlds and in other places greatly. This is one way to be familiar with the universal knowledge, you must go Vegan and begin protecting the animals, the environment and the forests that stabilize your globe.

 Forests are extremely significant and the Vegan Command also the Sorcerer Vegan Pharaoh always plant more food forests and the greenest gardens with all their power and ability. Vegan Pharaoh has the spells that can turn vast deserted lands green in a few minutes or more. His spells are incredible, extraordinary for anyone to grasp. The wise ones mention that anyone can become a Vegan Sorcerer if they study and practice the universal and biological essence of God. This is probably God's mission to transform entire star systems into the Greenest and Fascinating Vegan Paradises of Sorcery. The magical powers like telepathy, telekinesis, manifestation with thought and a lot more other spells and powers will appear to you while you're all evolving beginning with Vegan and Plant Knowledge then proceed to many more books of wisdom and subjects. Imagine yourself as the young Harry Potter that is destined to become the most powerful Vegan Sorcerer then a Pharaoh of his world. Everyone will follow this supreme leader and support him to veganize the Earth and build the most brilliant and creative force. You never need alien DNA to evolve or develop yourselves. Your DNA will be uplifted and will expand by forming new strands of DNA that will give you the magical powers and intelligence you've all been waiting for. Going Vegan is the first stage to begin. There's going to be more green technologies that are invented by the smartest Vegans that incarnate here to push your civilization forward like Nikola Tesla has done in the past. His inventions have advanced your society by at least a few hundred years so the new green and vegan technologies that are coming will advance you even further out. You will never need any alien technology because you'll develop the best of the technologies for you to go ahead and terraform other planets in a short time.

 The new generation of human species will be remarkable. They'll be like the sorcerers to the neanderthal that lived in the past mimicking what the aliens are doing right now, right here. Don't fall to this trap because they all have clandestine agendas. This is how the reality of the universe is, nothing is for help or for the benefit of the natives, you all know that. You can't be naive anymore, you're determined to be the Supreme Vegan Sorcerers in the next millennia but you must begin your study and practice now so you can be successful before it's too late. There is no time to waste anymore. The free time to do what you like and relax is over. The age of meat is coming to an end. This is the age of marvelous plant-based sorcery crafts. Anyone can invest and introduce themselves to the magnificent future of vegan sorcery. All of the colleges and universities will be converted into demonstrating the numerous spells and crafting skills that are appearing with the leading knowledge and affairs. Vegan Pharaoh already obtained countless of abilities and a superior intelligence ahead of any alien races. The aliens that have come here are a bunch of groups of pirates but more advanced and superior ones are approaching because they noticed that some groups have been operating here secretly. Like I said, you have to be very careful from now on, the reality of your world is totally different at this point. The future can be yours or you may fall under cruel order that's forced upon you harshly. Humanity has a remarkable potential to become an intelligent race by protecting and preserving all of their living species and lands. Deforestation and desertification must stop and reforestation and afforestation of Earth must begin as soon as possible. Study and research all you can every day. Don't waste your life at meaningless jobs that will take away your limited time here. Become the sorcerer of your soul that's guiding you through eternity.

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