Sunday, September 1, 2019


 We live in amazing times on Earth as a collective society. There are so many aliens that are here on Earth trying to acquire our world and society as their own. Things have changed in recent times. There are aliens everywhere in the universe, it's just been kept a secret from humanity. It's impossible that there wouldn't be any life in a vast universe. Although aliens aren't people think they are. They aren't here for the benefit or spiritual upliftment of our civilization. They're here for their own purposes. People have been damaging and polluting Earth recklessly at an increasing rate so aliens that have been watching and studying us and our world intervened. They abducted people and created many hybrids with genetic engineering in their ships and in some bases around the world. Aliens never care about humanity, our values, culture or anything else related to us. Alien life isn't here to give us gifts or teachings and they've been here for some time. The hybrids they created look like humans but are essentially alien and connected to aliens through their minds. Don't think the hybrids are here as the next evolutionary species of humans. That's not true. Hybrids that live and operate in many places and countries around the world are here to work with the aliens so aliens can take and do what they want here. Earth's biological structure didn't allow aliens to come live and operate here as they wish. They had to create hybrids for them to initiate their agenda on Earth. They only want the resources of our world to also control and dominion here. This is totally unacceptable. Our society is at an evolving stage. We need to fix our problems by ourselves and aliens will never help about anything. Humanity has been destructive especially after the industrial age but we can change towards a positive direction. Our world and all the life it contains are getting hurt badly. Going Vegan really saves the environment and causes a lot less pollution and cruelty. Now, we must grow up and start doing the right things only. There is no time to lose. Destructive ways and consumption of our society must change as soon as possible so the aliens take over can be reversed. It only gives them the right to manage our own world because we're the ones who destroy all. The human race can be a remarkable and advanced race if they go back to their roots and begin the protection of all resources, animals, species, and nature. We're the saviors of this magnificent planet filled with billions of living species.

 The Earth is literally the genetic and biological library of our region of the universe. Aliens have come here in ancient times to take and experiment genetic material many times. This time, it's not an experiment. The only way to stop the aliens take over of the worlds is to change our habits and behavior of destroying and damaging all on our path. We live in a balanced ecosystem filled with many animals, plants and trees. Forests are basically the life giving facet of our planet. We must protect all of the large forest like the Amazon also plant new forests that can feed us with a variety of fruits, nuts and other produce. Forests contain the most life on Earth. People's life depend on trees and forests as well as all other living species. Without forests and coral reefs, the world turns into an unhabitable desert. Most people think we live in an empty universe for us to land and live on any planet that we like. People must learn what's going on. We're losing our own freedom and our own planet's resources to some aliens that came from elsewhere to gather it all. Aliens' behavior is similar to ants. Ants work as a colony to find more resources and do whatever it takes to get them. They never care about anything else. They even fight for territory and try to kill other ant colonies. Aliens won't fight but they'll use clandestine ways to take what they want which is all of our biological resources and the control of our civilization. Humanity must wake up. The universe is a vast and vigorous competition of countless ant colonies that fly around in spaceships =D   They all look different from each other but most want the same things like resources, resources, control, dominion, biological life, humans, organs, etc. They're basically some type of mafia organization that pursues their plans through secrecy. A lot of people have observed and seen flying objects in the sky. Most don't know why everything has been kept secret from the public. Research shows that there are many groups of alien races that work separately from each other. They want to gain dominion in certain regions of the world. They never stop unless people unite and protect their planet by all means. This relates to everyone in the world because all of us are affected by this phenomena. Don't ever believe the aliens or their lies, they'll never tell anyone what they're really after.
 It seems like the situation at hand is extremely dangerous. The universe is a bad place and the devil is the aliens =D  Entire humanity must unite quickly to begin the protection of the world and our freedom. 
 Holy books mentioned a devil that will come to the world with a planetary acquisition plan. Is the devil actually the aliens or the people? People can change but aliens may not change their plans. The mindset and behavior of humanity have been primitive for too long. This is the time to unite and evolve with the right action. You can't give your freedom and your beautiful sphere away to some insects. All of nature, species, resources, and people must be protected from exploitation and manipulation. Is this the Independence Day movie we've been waiting for? It actually came out as a reality. We can save our planet as the vegans. Vegans save so many animals, the environment, gallons of water, acres of forests and more with their natural mindset. Anyone can convert to live more in tune with nature. There is deforestation all around the world, most of it is done for animal agriculture. Meat and dairy industries are literally killing everything. Changing your diet and other destructive ways can be life saving. Humans need some logging to manufacture wood products and furniture but animal agriculture causes more pollution and deforestation than any other industry. Reforestation and afforestation are the best ways to save the world. There are so many tree species that bear fruits and nuts to feed the growing human population. Aliens will never save us. We must save ourselves and the planet at this time. Earth is a genetic and biological library that can revive other planets if people can protect this world first in order to terraform other systems in the future.

 Social media, internet, and technology are creating a unified human mind that coexists worldwide. The only thing we need to do is to transform the human mind that will only do the right things instead of destroying, consuming and polluting all. Primitive life forms eventually end up extinct like the dinosaurs. Humanity wouldn't like to fall under alien order and the aliens never stop until they fully succeed. We need to stop competing with each other and start competing with the actual enemy that's the aliens. We're better than them, that's why they want to acquire our resources, our world and us as the resource. Nature exists all around the universe in all levels and forms. That's because some bugs or creepy beings from other planets and parts of the universe developed good technology or scientific tools and improvements don't mean they're better than us. Our sphere can provide us the tools and material to terraform other planets to transform them into green and colorful gardens and forests over time. This can prove that we might be the superior race in the universe. I don't think no aliens can accomplish this because they depleted their planet's resources and searching for more elsewhere. Earth is an amazing microcosm filled with so much biodiversity. There are way too many groups of aliens that want this for themselves and they will try to dominate us to gain advantage here. Now is the only time to reclaim our freedom and save our world before it's too late. Alien acquisition of worlds is well underway but it can be prevented if everyone joins the movement. We already have so many insects, bug and ant species on Earth so we already know how to deal with them. Clean up process must begin immediately. Yes, we can terraform the solar system then move forward to so many other worlds. Alien federations that watch over this region of the universe may help us succeed because nobody likes to live in some depleted cosmos =)  Our planet Earth, the solar system then the entire universe can be metamorphosed into a green, colorful, biodiverse and prosperous macrocosm with God's guidance. Plants, trees and other supreme beings will always help for this destiny...

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