Sunday, September 1, 2019


 Hello there. This might be the only way to save the world since largest forests are burning down and we're nearing to a colossal cataclysm. A lot of people are going Vegan all around the world with the help of the awareness that's being spread on the internet and social media. Going Vegan may not be enough to save the world because our society forced the planet into an unbalanced climate and condition that's difficult to reverse. Eating too much meat and dairy was a pretty bad habit that's been adopted and practiced incrementally. Now we live in a different world, unlike the past. Earth's spinning out of balance naturally provoking more catastrophes worldwide. The hurricanes are becoming bigger and stronger to devastate entire states and cities. The largest forests are burning down in certain regions of the world. Although there is still hope out there. People can reverse all damage and instability if they start doing the right things like shooting the world with seeds to turn it into a Vegan paradise =D  Yes, we can still save the planet and transform it into a green, colorful, vegan paradise filled with life, happiness and prosper !!

 Self-sufficiency is extremely important at this time. The only way to get to a level of adequate self-sufficiency is through shooting entire world, deserted areas, barren regions, and deforested areas also other places with all kinds of trees, plants, nut, fruit tree, vegetable seeds and other varieties of seeds that can revive the vitality of nature. Our planet and its life-giving properties are all we have and all we will have in the future. We cannot force it all into a cataclysm of never-ending devastation and catastrophes. It seems like there is one way to save all of the world's vivacity. Anyone can begin the seeding in their lands, backyard or find places to start shooting the beneficial seeds. Some countries are planning to drop millions or billions of seed bombs to reforest entire regions of deforested or deserted landscapes. Planting seedlings or saplings can be quicker for the trees to mature to bear produce. It's like I want to gather trillions of seed bombs of a selection of the fruit and nut trees that I like to drop them off an airplane near where I live.

 The world can be fixed in a short time. It's not about technology or money anymore. Everyone is liable for the revival and protection of the environment we live in. I can't believe the hurricanes are getting bigger and more powerful each year to approach the states back to back also destroy all of the small islands in their track. Is this the end times? We must do something about this. The money you make won't matter in the near future if the never-ending catastrophic events hit us worldwide to cause irreversible damage. This would break the economy and all of the infrastructure to skyrocket all the prices and make any country unlivable. Protecting the world means protecting the economy and future for all of us to live comfortably. Watching movies that depict the end times is exciting but actually living and experiencing it personally isn't. Nature is punishing and warning us by sending bigger storms, tsunamis, and devastation. Nature means our mother Earth that gave us the life, the resources, waters and the air we breathe from. Nobody is better than anyone because they made more of the printed papers for them to buy bigger and more. Investing in protecting and preserving nature, forests, all living species, coral reefs, oceans, marine life, and our people must be the priority everyone adopted especially the richest and most famous. A random person can still invest if the right plan has been constructed to collect funds and invest it in the restoration of the environment and fixing other problems.

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