Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Aliens Are Trash !! Vegans Will Take Over The Universe !! We're The BEST !! 😆

  There are so many aliens and alien races visited Earth and visiting right now. One of the reason is that our world must be saved. It's going through a cataclysm right now. There is climate change, pollution, hunger, poverty and so many other problems. Aliens come from desert like planets with little resources, they don't care about humanity. They're only here for the resources that we've been wasting and destroying everyday. They have been intervening for a while. They're everywhere, creating hybrids to gain access to leadership positions in our world so they can have the rights to rip our resources and what they need for themselves. We must stop the environmental change soon.
  Vegans are doing great job stopping the environmental disasters. It's not just about animals anymore. We must save our world. Time is running out. We will either destroy the world or aliens will do whatever it takes to take over our world. Aliens are just some beings with some technology that come from other worlds. Most of these worlds are barren and desert like, there is not much left there. We have the best world in the universe in our hands. We must protect and preserve our world. Business, greed, making money, wasting resources etc. won't help anymore. We should start thinking everything globally with care. Vegans will have the means and skills to create a New United Vegan World to save the world also take over the universe in the future. We have a wide variety of biological life and plant diversity that are so powerful. We can implement these properties into other planets like Mars even the Moon to create new Vegan worlds in short time. Aliens will never help us. They're only after our beautiful world and its resources. They see people as useful beings that can do work for them.

   If everyone goes Vegan, we will plant more to keep up with the plant based demand and that will clean the environment, the air and can stop the climate change in short time. Nothing makes sense now. Nobody needs too much technology. Most of the technology is wasting resources. Our world is changing. Only Vegans can save the world. Don't think that Aliens are better because they have technology. That's not true. We the Vegans will become the most advanced race ever !!! It began. There is no way to stop this now !!!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

United Vegan World Is Coming !!! We Are Creating A New World !!!

  Vegans are getting stronger, faster, smarter, better everyday. We're creating a United Vegan World. There is no way to stop this. Vegans will win !!!  We're the best. Vegan is the best thing ever in this world. Vegan businesses are thriving. There are Vegan products in all grocery stores now and they all sell out. Meat and dairy are unnecessary in our world. We can feed billions of poor people by giving them the grains that feed the animals in farms instead. Humans never meant to eat animals or meat. We have herbivore teeth structure just like the apes. We're vegan in nature. Vegans are all around the world now. Social media is informing so many people about Veganism and animal exploitation everyday. Vegan are doing a great job posting new content and spreading the information. Smartest people in the world have always been vegans. There are many scientists, inventors, successful and smart people that lived in the past and accomplished so many great things in our world.
  We will create a new world, A United Vegan World. This world is ours. It's an extremely beautiful world with so much greatness and diversity. United Vegan World will be the best nation in the universe in short time. There are many aliens visiting Earth and see how
humanity is. Only Vegans can save the world. Climate change is real and it needs to be reversed. By going Vegan, we can reverse the climate change and clean our environment. By going Vegan, you will get the healthiest, you will get smarter by time, you will lose weight in short time, you will get rid of all the health issues, heart problems even obesity and cancer. This is best thing ever !!!
  Vegans will take over the world soon. We're everywhere, our numbers are growing, getting stronger everyday. We will build a United Vegan World here first which will become the most advanced race in the universe. We will save the world !!! Our world needs to be saved and protected now. Only Vegans can do this. We will even create a Vegan society on the moon. Moon will shine green at night in the future. It will look beautiful. Moon will be the first new Vegan planet after our world became the United Vegan World. Then we will never stop, we will create a Vegan Mars later. Mars society will be all vegan society with algae, plants, animals and thriving life in the future. It will have an atmosphere and so much life and all green. We will go and build vegan societies and terraform other worlds and planets eventually to put forth the most advanced race in the universe. It's not about technology or anything like that anymore. It's all about Vegan and plant power !!!
  Vegan will have telepathic communication in the future. We will save worlds, we will have the most advanced spaceships to build and develop vegan societies also preserve our world. By time, entire universe will become a United Vegan Universe even parallel universes. We have the power to do this eventually. Plants are amazing. They're so powerful. You can do anything with them. This is our mission. I want to inform you of the coming change. It's Vegan !!!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Believe in your inner Vegan bae =)

I made a cool design with Adobe spark app. It's a great app to create writings and designs with different fonts.  BELIEVE IN YOUR INNER VEGAN BAE =)   Doesn't it sound so cool? Going Vegan is one of the best things you can do. Vegan businesses are growing so fast. A lot of people invest into Vegan products and businesses in 2018. You should believe in yourself. You're creator. Everything is made by people. You can do and make anything if you put your mind into it and believe in yourself =D 

How To Draw ‘Vegan’ With Drawing App on A Tablet

I started drawing on my Ipad. Ipad is one of the best tablets to draw. It's very fast and powerful, App store has a lot of drawing and sketching apps. I drew this with Adobe Draw app with iPad Pro 10.5. It's a great tablet. You definitely need a stylus to draw, not necessarily Apple Pencil but that's probably better. I bought a smooth drawing stylus for $10 from the Tech store. I love it. It works perfect and lets you design smoothly. It's all your imagination when you start drawing. I love drawing the word 'Vegan' the most. It's got its own tune and effect to it. You can decorate it with smileys, leaves, flowers, branches and green effects all over. I made this in like 10-15 mins. I have some other designs that I will share later.

Vegan Man Cuts The Vegan Cake And Drops Sprinkles

It was my birthday so I had to make a 'cutting the birthday cake' video. They call me Vegan Knight so I wore a mask to make it look like I'm a Dark Knight =D   I love vegan cakes, they're awesome. I bought this cake from Whole Foods. It's called Vegan Chocolate Mousse cake. It was delicious. I cut the cake then drop some coconut sprinkles on top to give more taste to it. Vegans love coconut LOL !!  Inspired by Youtube videos.  Hopefully I'll make my own Vegan cakes soon. There are a lot of recipes online that show you how to make Vegan cakes, bars, chocolate, pastries and  more.

Monday, April 2, 2018

2 Ingredient Vegan Cream Cheese Recipe


Recipe type: Spread
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 1 cup
  • 2 cups of unsweetened soy yogurt
  • salt
  • chopped, fresh herbs
  • minced garlic or garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • pepper
  • minced jalapeno
  • lemon zest
  • nutritional yeast
  • mushroom powder
  • chopped sun-dried tomatoes
  1. Place a fine mesh strainer over a large bowl or pot, and lay down two layers of cheesecloth. Scoop soy yogurt over the cheesecloth, then wrap it in a tight bundle and tie with a rubber band.
  2. Let the yogurt drain in the fridge for 16-24 hours, or until it reaches desired consistency. The longer you let it stand, the thicker it gets.
  3. Remove the cheese from the cheesecloth into a bowl, add salt and anything else you like, and mix well. Enjoy!

Vegan Hot Chocolate Recipe

Ultimate Vegan Hot Chocolate
Prep Time
1 min
Cook Time
3 mins
Total Time
4 mins
Servings2 people
  • 500 ml almond or coconut milk
  • 100 g dark chocolate, chopped into small-ish chunks (check it is vegan)
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • pinch cinnamon
  • pinch salt
  • mini-marshmallows (optional - check they are vegan)
  1. Heat half the almond milk
    in a small saucepan over a medium heat.  Add the chocolate and whisk with a fork until melted and smooth.
  2. Add the remaining milk, sugar, cinnamon and salt, and continue to heat and whisk until piping hot, (but not bubbling).
  3. Pour into mugs and top with marshmallows

I love hot chocolate. I make them at home most of the time because the stuff they sell outside aren't Vegan. Vegan hot chocolate is the best and good for Vegans. Hot chocolate warms you up in cold winters. It's getting warmer now but you can still make this to taste. 

Going To Whole Foods To Get Vegan Food

I love Whole Foods grocery store. The prices are kinda high but they have the tastiest foods and they carry a lot of Vegan items and food. I go there a lot lately. I really like their Vegan cookies at the bakery, vegan cakes, cupcakes. I found some cocoa goji berry bars that are amazingly delicious and also healthy. I read that goji berries have many health benefits and they improve memory and brain activities. They have a section full of nuts, bars, seeds etc. They have goji berries there. I loved the cocoa bars mixed with nuts and goji berries the most. You can find many vegan grocery items at Whole Foods and the numbers are growing because a lot of people are going Vegan and buy those Vegan products. It's always better to read all the ingredients at the back of the items. Some looks Vegan but contain milk, eggs, dairy etc. Gotta be careful. I also check if there are additives in the things that I buy. If I read a lot of things that I don't even know of, I don't buy those things because they're very unhealthy. I usually eat canned veggies, nuts and soups most of the time with bread or chips. They're affordable and taste good. I still go to Whole Foods sometimes to get the tastiest of snacks that you can't find anywhere else =)

Weird Fire Alien Sky?

I saw this sunset in the background while I was driving in Florida. It was strange also pretty cool. I couldn't believe how different it was unlike the sunsets I've seen in the past. I watch sunsets all the time in Florida. This one had really bright colors in the sky backed by clouds. Perhaps there was some type of activities behind the clouds. I'm glad I had my camera with me to record it all in Full HD. I merged them to create a video driving on the highway. I had to share this. It seems like there are many cloud formations are happening word wide. Are they trying to hide something from us? I like filming and taking pictures of sunsets. Some of them are gorgeous. Watching sunsets is always something to do if you live in Florida or coastal areas.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Goji Berries Are Great For Health, Memory and Brain =)

Goji berries are amazing. They grow near the Himalayas around Tibet. They're delicious, red colored little berries that are extremely healthy. Goji berries are proven to have a lot of health benefits like reducing blood sugar, cholesterol, improving memory and brain functions. Most of Vegan food have many health benefits as well because plants are the real food with lots of nutrients in them.
You can find Goji berries in some stores or you can order them online. They go with anything, you can add them in your smoothies or just eat them as dried fruits. If you want to have improved memory and brain in short time. Try Goji berries. Eat a handful everyday, you won't need too much to get the nutrients from them.

Wonderful Raw Vegan Cocoa Goji Berry Bars

I found these Cocoa Goji Berry bars at Whole Foods and they're amazing. I buy them all the time now. They have some other energy, raw bars that are vegan. This one is the best. Goji berries are very healthy, I love chocolate so I'm glad I found these cocoa bars for snacking sometimes. I took some pictures of them at home for you to see. You should definitely try them if you ever go to Whole Foods.


Spring Break Pier Park, Panama City Beach FL

Going To Whole Foods To Get Vegan Food

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Spiders Approach You When You Go Vegan !!

Many of these little cool looking creatures approached me after I became Vegan recently. I realized spiders might love Vegans for some reasons. Perhaps Vegans are more in tune with nature and animals around them. These creatures seem very sensitive to energy and what's going on around them. They have several eyes and legs that they move around easily. I felt like this creature was watching me for a while like trying to understand me or feeling me. Spiders are very smart and extraordinary creatures for sure. I've never been this close to them before. Am I becoming the Spider Man. =)  I don't think so. Going Vegan is awesome. Humans meant to be Vegans in reality. All animals are our friends. This little guy jumped on me like dogs jump on people to hug them. It was weird ! I never felt bad about this spider being near me. I don't know what kind of spider this is but this type of spider is pretty cool looking and friendly. I don't like spiders like that. They are scary, creepy looking and some are poisonous so gotta be careful about them. I just want to make a point about how Vegans become closer to all creatures and animals after some time.

How To Make A Simple Vegan Sandwich =)

I love making Vegan sandwiches all the time. I make this sandwich because it's very easy to make and very delicious =)  This Vegan sausage is so tasty combined with the tomatoes or vegan cheeses and sauces. Check what kind of bread you get before you buy. Some bread contain milk or eggs. I read the ingredients of all the groceries I buy before I purchase them. So many things that look Vegan may contain milk, eggs etc. Best way is to read all the ingredients of all the items all the time. Most of the vegan sausages are great. I don't really like Vegan veggies dogs or veggie chickens. They remind me of real meat with their taste and look. I can only eat the vegan sausages in this moment. Vegan must prepare most of their food unless it's raw fruits and veggies. It's like only very few items are Vegan at grocery stores but luckily the vegan products are growing in grocery stores. So many people are going vegan. I'm glad it's so popular now. A lot of people becoming aware of what's going. We're what we eat and no animals are meant to be food for people. There are so many delicious fruits, veggies, nuts of all kinds for us to eat and consume instead of animals, meat and dairy products.

Why You Must GO VEGAN To Save The World !!

  Just watch the video and read the text. No comment. Click above to watch the video. Going Vegan is becoming a must these days.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Top Reasons To Go Vegan In 2018

Baby Tomato Plants Sprouted

This was my first try to grow my own plants in a pot. They sprout so fast from seeds that I put inside the soil. I love watching them grow everyday. I finally transplanted them to my backyard for them to receive sunlight and grow bigger. Growing plants and your own food is one of the best things you can do in your life. There are so many plants like tomatoes to grow easily. Tomatoes love sunlight so always plant them in places that receive tons of sunlight throughout the day. They'll never say 'Oh no. this is too much sunlight for me' It will help them grow bigger in short time also produce tasty tomatoes in warm months of the year. I believe tomatoes are one of the best kind of plants to grow. They sprout fast, do photosynthesis easily with the sunlight they absorb and they'll give you one of the tastiest vegetables like red tomatoes. People eat tomatoes all the time without knowing. Most of the soups, sandwiches, burgers, salads always have tomatoes in them. Vegans love them even more. I can't live without tomatoes. I add them into everything. I make pizzas, sandwiches, salads even smoothies with them. Tomatoes are awesome =)

What Is Money?

Maybe you don't need too much money like everyone wants. Watch the video above and think. Money may not be the answer to everything. It just gives you more stuff that you probably won't need. Living a minimalist life might be the answer to happiness and fulfillment. Go Vegan, grow your own plants and garden, eat less, be minimalist. You'll see that you're lighter, happier and more fulfilled with a sense of purpose. Don't let survival instincts win you over for the hunger of money and stuff =)

Saturday, March 24, 2018

10 Countries Where To Start A New Life

How Your Body Transforms On A Vegan Diet

This is a very informative video made by a Vegan Youtuber. He's one of my favorite Youtubers. His videos teach about Veganism and its aspects. Going Vegan really transforms you and your body in all ways. I didn't know most of these things that happen to Vegans in short time.

Florida Is Gorgeous

Friday, March 23, 2018

What Happens When You Go Vegan?

Going Vegan is definitely one of the best things you can do in your life. I found a draw and talk app in AppStore. I started writing and talking about what happens after going Vegan. You absolutely find a sense of purpose in yourself when you go Vegan. You save so many animals just by not eating them. Think about that for a minute. People kill millions even billions of animals just to eat them. Animals in reality are never meant to be food for people. Plants, fruits, veggies, nuts of all kinds are the real food. Not animals. Please. How can people not understand this? You start a new stage in your life by going Vegan. You get a lot healthier in short time since most of the health problems are actually food related. A lot of people got rid of so many health problems like diabetes, hypertension, hearth disease, obesity and so many more diseases after they went Vegan. Going Vegan is amazing !!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Redwood Forest Is Magical

I'm amazed by these beautiful trees that exist in California forests. They create magical forests by standing so tall with so much beauty. Redwood trees are the tallest trees in the world. That makes Redwood forests one of the most beautiful forests in the world as well. Unfortunately these trees are dying and diminishing in short time. People cut so many of them in the past. These beautiful trees must survive. Only way to make them survive and grow in count is to plant them. So many forests even rainforests are dying. We must stop this. Once you the beauty of these amazing trees, you realize that we must also protect them.

Travel Like A Monk

I saw 3 monks in Florida that were traveling. Even monks travel a lot. I'm not sure where they get their money from. You cannot be working with all those orange clothes. I saw few monks at the mall in Florida before. They were shopping with bags and shoe boxes in their hands =D  I didn't know monks wear colorful running shoes under their traditional clothing. I made a video about it. These monks love traveling. They don't just pray in the mountain. I guess they were tired of it. Everyone needs adventure in their lives. I've been to many places in U.S and I filmed the nice places with my camera to make videos. I'm sure monks go to these nice places as well. They're probably from Nepal or close. Of course traveling in U.S is easier with a car. Just fill up and drive to go anywhere you like. Highways are convenient to drive on. They take you to most states by just driving straight. Of course my favorite state is Florida but I love New Orleans, LA, the state of Georgia too. There are nice places and things to do in those states and they aren't too expensive. Nice weather is another reason to be in South.

Last Day of Mardi Gras In New Orleans Full HD

This is the last day of Mardi Gras 2018. It was probably the biggest fun in New Orleans. The parades were bigger, parties were more fun that day. New Orleans offers great nightlife, things to do, Jazz music. One of the best times to go to New Orleans is during Mardi Gras. They throw beads, gifts and coins from colorful cars and from the balconies on Bourbon, Royal streets. So many tourists came to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. Last day was crowded and fun. It was hard to walk on Bourbon street cause of the crowds. I didn't know New Orleans had one of the best nightlife scenes in U.S. Bourbon street, Frenchmen street, Royal and other streets offer great nightlife and club scenes. I filmed most of the things I've seen during Mardi Gras and made a video. You can click above to watch it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sources of Plant Based Proteins

Vegan Gyros with Tempeh and Vegan Tzatziki Recipe

Healthy Vegan Gyros with Tempeh
Your favorite Greek greasy indulgence gets a make over! Now super healthy, vegan, loaded with protein and full of pure authentic flavors and seasonings.
Prep Time
35 mins
Cook Time
1 hr 5 mins
Total Time
1 hr 40 mins
Course: Main Course 
Cuisine: greek, oil-free, vegan 
Calories262 kcal
  • 8 oz tempeh (package in block form)
  • 1 ½ teaspoons garlic , finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons Greek oregano (use regular oregano if you don't have Greek)
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons Tamari  , low sodium if needed (or soy sauce for non gluten free version)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (see notes)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 cup veggie broth , low sodium if needed
Simple Oven Potatoes:
  • 2 red or yukon gold potatoes
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons veggie broth or aquafaba, or drizzle of olive oil (see notes)
To serve:
  • 8 pita bread
  • 2 fresh tomatoes , sliced
  • ½ red onion , sliced
  • 2 cups lettuce , sliced (optional, not a traditional topping)
  • Vegan Tzatziki
US Customary - Metric
The day before or early that day:
  1. Cut the block of tempeh in half width wise so it makes two shorter blocks. 
  2. Boil in a pot of water for about 20 minutes. This cuts the bitterness from the tempeh.
  3. Meanwhile, make marinade by combining everything in a large container.
  4. Once the tempeh is done, allow to cool. Then cut into thin slices, about 1/8 inch thick. Using a very sharp knife will make this easier.
  5. Add thinly sliced tempeh into the marinade and allow it to soak for at least 4-6 hours, overnight is best.
Next day or later that day:
  1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C). 
  2. Take tempeh slices out of the marinade (save it!) and spread them out in a thin layer in a 9 x 13 baking dish. 
  3. Gently pour about 1/4 cup of the marinade over the tempeh slices. 
  4. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the edges are brown. 
  5. Meanwhile, slice the potatoes into thick french fry sized slices. I keep the skins on but you can peel them if you prefer.
  6. Place them in a bowl and cover with water to help remove some of the starch. Allow to soak for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Prep the tomatoes, red onion, lettuce and make tzatziki if you haven't yet. 
  8. Drain the potatoes and pat dry. Put them back in the bowl.
  9. Add broth, aquafaba or oil (whatever liquid you prefer) and salt. Mix well.
  10. Once tempeh gyro slices are done, remove from oven and cover with foil to keep warm. Set aside. 
  11. Turn the oven up to 450 F (230 C). 
  12. Spread the potatoes over a cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes.
  13. When the potatoes are done, warm the pita bread in a damp towel for 2-3 minutes to soften. 
  14. Build your gyros with the tempeh gyro slices, potatoes, tomatoes, red onion and lettuce if preferred. 
  15. Drizzle tzatziki over the top and devour